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Morning talks
From Tarsals to Tibia Harriet Tubbs Harriet is a deeply experienced therapist and a lecturer with an ability to bring her subject to life. This time Harriet brings the anatomy of the foot, ankle and lower leg alive an entertaining visual run-through of how it all fits together; how the foot bones connect to the ankle bones Looking at all the muscles, tendons, ligaments, bones, fascia, and how the interplay between them creates a strong, supple, stable base which forms the foundations of our posture and movement. On the one hand a simple run-through of what is there anatomically and on the other hand an inspiring, energetic look at the foot and lower leg and how connections to the whole of the body affect everything we do as both body workers and inhabitants of our own bodies. Function and Dysfunction Jan Trewartha Jan is the Principal of Body in Harmony Training and works as a Body Realigner at her practice in Windsor. She originally trained as a State Registered Nurse and has been working in complementary health for 20 years. Jans talk will focus on the Achilles tendon and the Plantar Fascia. She will take a general overview of the nature of fascia and specifically look at the fascia in the foot. The relationship between the two structures will be investigated and she will also discuss how the problems develop, the link of those problems to physical misalignment, and how the latter develops and can be corrected. Further, the talk will cover reading the foot and identifying issues in your clients daily life as the cause of their foot problems. Reflexology and the Chakras Caroline Staunton Caroline has a diploma in Complementary Medicine, so practises in several modalities but her passion is Reflexology. Her background also includes Bereavement Counselling, Bodywork and Psychotherapy, and Movement and Dance through the Chakra System. Caroline will talk about her background working as a nurse with patients with cancer and how she discovered Reflexology. Caroline has a passion for Reflexology and has been practising for over 20 years. This talk will focus on the connection between the Chakra system and Reflexology and promises to be a fascinating insight into one of the less publicised benefits of this modality. Continued/

Afternoon choice of Workshops: 1. Hands on feet - with Harriet Tubbs Getting to grips with foot massage its so much more than a foot rub!!! Harriet Tubbs, an experienced and creative bodyworker, leads an inspiring hands-on workshop showing us how we can work creatively, deeply, safely and effectively with the foot and the whole lower leg. Learn to assess the entire area with confidence, building on your existing massage skills to incorporate joint mobilisations, fascial release and deep tissue work for the whole lower leg and foot. Develop your palpation skills to carry out focused work for specific tendons (and other structures) in the foot, ankle and lower leg. Learn massage techniques which utilise detailed anatomical knowledge to help bring relief to your clients and clarity to your treatment plan. 2. Meet your Feet! through the Feldenkrais Method with Janet Thomas (Max 12 places) We take our feet very much for granted but they influence the way we move, and have a profound effect on the rest of our body. Getting to know your feet, what they are capable of, and what they are connected to can help you to stand and walk more comfortably. As therapists we often ignore our own physicality this session is wholly about those taking part, demonstrating how you can learn to be more comfortable in your own skin! This is a chance to experience the mind/body discipline known as The Feldenkrais Method rather than just knowing about it. You have to experience disciplines that affect your motor skills to fully appreciate them. Its a great opportunity to learn how something seemingly simple can generate profound changes in the way you move and sense your body. The session will include some background information, an Awareness Through Movement (ATM) class (done seated/lying on the floor) focusing on the foot, its connections and its movements, followed by a demonstration of a hands-on Functional Integration session (with a volunteer) which will mirror the ATM and demonstrate how the two aspects of the Feldenkrais Method can be reflected in each other. Q & A time at the end. Janet Thomas is a 3rd year student of the Feldenkrais Method (full course is 4 years) with approval from the course director to present this session as part of required ATM teaching practice. Additional Information - The Feldenkrais Method has two aspects: Awareness through movement (ATM) classes are precisely-structured movement explorations that involve sensing, thinking, moving and imagining. Each lesson (and there are hundreds) consists of comfortable, easy movements that gradually evolve into movements of greater range and complexity. The classes assist in making each individual aware of his/her habitual neuromuscular patterns and rigidities. New ways of moving become apparent as sensitivity increases and efficiency improves. The difference between this and other fitness classes is that the focus is not on the end result, but how you get there! Its like nothing else, totally unique in its approach.


In a Functional Integration session, given on a Feldenkrais table, the Teacher uses this hands-on aspect to help the student experience the connections among the various parts of the body (with or without movement). Through precision of touch and movement, a person can learn how to eliminate excess effort and thus move more freely and easily. Although the method does not specifically aim to eliminate pain or cure physical complaints, such issues may inform the lesson. 3. Use the feet and legs as a handle into the fascial system (Max 16 places) Emma Gilmore, director of School of Bodywork, is an experienced bodywork therapist. She has studied Myofascial Release (MFR) with John Barnes in the US, an inspirational tutor, therapist and author. This hands-on workshop provides an introduction and overview of MFR techniques which can be integrated with other professional bodywork knowledge. Learn how to treat the feet indirectly, using the leg as a handle into the fascial system. As fascia is a continuous 3D matrix within the human body running from head to toe, like a knitted internal framework, it is possible to access restrictions in the body indirectly.

Internal knitted framework Fascia functions to support, protect, separate, and cushion every other living cell in the body. It surrounds and protects our muscles, bones, nerves, lymphatic vessels, and circulatory system. Therefore restrictions within the fascial system can affect all other systems in the body. Learn how to free up these restrictions, with this revolutionary therapy.

One restriction may lead to another

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