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1391 National Budget Table of Contents

S.No Description
1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Budget Summary 1391 Medium Term Fiscal Framework 1391-93 Debt Report Budget Execution Guidelines Core Budget 1391 Budget Summary and Financing 1391
1391 Budget and funding Sources

1-14 15 16-18 19-21 22-25 26 27 28 29-32 33-34

Financing Table Operating Budget 1391 (Discretionary and Non-Discretionary)Development Budget 1391

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

Project List 1391

Security Ministry of Interior Affairs General Directorate of National Security President Protective Services and Security Council Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of National Defence Governance, Rule of Law and Human Rights Independent Administrative Affairs and Civil Service Commission Administrative Affairs The High office of Oversight and Anti Corruption President Office Independent Directorate of Local Governance Supreme Court Mesharano Jirga Wolosi Jirga Ministry of Hajj and Religious Affairs Ministry of Justice Indpendent Election Commission Independent Human Rights Commission Infrastructure and Natural Resources Ministry of Public Works Indpendent Kabul Board Da Afghanistan Brishna Shirkat Office of Geodesy and Cartography Directorate of Environment Kabul Municipality Water Supply and Canalization Ministry of Urban Development Ministry of Energy and Water Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation

35-36 35 35 36 36 36 36-40 36 36 36 36-37 37-38 38-39 39 39 39-40 40 40 40 40-53 40-43 43 44-45 45 45 46-47 47 47-48 48-51 51-52

S.No Description
40 41 42 43 44 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Ministry of Communication Ministry of Mines High Atomic Energy Commission Eduation Ministry of Higher Education Ministry of Education Science Academy Ministry of Information and Culture Olympic Committee Health Ministry of Public Health Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock Ministry of Counter Narctoics Social Protection Office of Disaster Preparedness Directorate of Kuchies Ministry of Women Affairs Ministry of Border and Tribal Affairs Ministry of Refugee Rehabilitation Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled Economic Governance and Private Sector Development Ministry of Finance Afghanistan Investment supporting agency(AISA) Afghanistan Standardization Authority Micro Finance Investment support facility for afghanistan Central Statistics Office Control and Audit Office Ministry of Economy Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Contingency Codes

52 52-53 53 53-60 53-56 56-58 58-59 59-60 60 60-64 60-64 64-70 64-66 66-69 69-70 70-72 70 70 70 70 71 71-72 72-75 72-73 74 74 74 74 74 75 75 75-76

Introduction: Governments Medium term Fiscal Framework will focus on achieving the overall goals of ANDS and NPPs. To achieve objectives of the National Strategy, the government is required to adopt policies and reforms in all areas, in particular the financial and macroeconomic sector. The reforms and fiscal policies practiced by the government over past years have, on one hand, been based on fiscal and macroeconomic sustainability and, on the other, have increased level of operating expenditures. But the overall fiscal framework will provide the opportunity for further investments in all ANDS sectors. Improving capacity of security organizations, implementing reform programs in security sector, increasing role of the security forces in keeping security and a gradual handover of security responsibilities from International to Afghan forces are of the top priority government programs. Investments made over the past years have facilitated achieving the fore-mentioned objectives, security management structures have been established and improved and security facilities are rebuilt or newly constructed. Government investments on road networks, railways, construction and equipping airports and strengthening aerial sector have proved helpful and have improved transit facilities. Accordingly, trade and transit sector is beefed up and made more economical and will pave the way for wider regional and international transactions. Investing in mining sector has provided the opportunity for encouraging and attracting big foreign investments over the last few years and has opened rays of hope for creating good employment market and public and private incomes which will then sustain economic growth. Significant investments are made in education sector, believed to be the major factor in human resources development process; the foundations for general and higher education are, to the possible extent, built, resulting in acceptable enrolment level of school and university students. Basic and secondary health centers have facilitated delivery of appropriate health services to the urban and rural areas, resulting in 76 percent decline of mothers and children mortality rate over the last ten years. In short, one of the governments main budget objectives is to allocate funds according to ANDS and NPPs. Thus, it can ensure appropriation of sufficient funds to areas with key role in sustainable growth.
Table 1: 1391 Core Budget S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sectors Security Infrastructure and Natural Education Agriculture and Rural Health Governance, Rule of Law and Economic Governance Social Protection Contingency Fund Total Operating 1,536,215.2 59,729.9 454,131.9 27,928.6 41,610.1 156,298.3 39,591.5 31,625.8 326,679.0 2,673,810.2 USD '000' Development 26,500.06 995,340.95 209,318.21 507,614.59 185,861.59 68,050.52 126,847.27 24,038.00 77,500.00 2,221,071.2 Total 1,562,715.3 1,055,070.8 663,450.1 535,543.2 227,471.7 224,348.8 166,438.7 55,663.8 404,179.0 4,894,881.4 % share 31.9% 21.6% 13.6% 10.9% 4.6% 4.6% 3.4% 1.1% 8.3% 100%

1391 Fiscal Outlook Summary Having modified PFEM law and other relevant regulations this year, the fiscal year has shifted from Hamal 1 to Jaddi as of 1391. So, the 1391 fiscal year will have only 9 months (by the end of Qows 1391). Therefore, 1391 budget is estimated and prepared by nine months. The domestic revenue in 1391 (9 months) is projected Afs 87.910 billion (equivalent to $1.758 billion). The grant income from donor and International institutions for 1391 will reach Afs133.331 billion (equivalent to $2.666 billion). The amount is projected to be 3% more than that at the beginning of 1390. The total 1391 national budget is projected and planned to be Afs 244.744 billion (equivalent to $4.894 billion). This shows an increase of 8% compared to the national budget in 1390 that reached Afs224.780 billion. 1391 operating budget is projected Afs 133.691 billion (equal to $2.673 billion) that indicates 11 percent decrease compared to that in 1390 that reached Afs150.726 billion. The decline in figures is due to the short fiscal year. However, assessment of the operating budget expenditures shows that the operating budget has increased. It is analyzed in operating budget details. 1391 development budget is projected Afs 111.053 billion (equal to $2.221 billion) that indicates 41 percent increase compared to that in 1390. The allocated budget for governments operating expenses, programs and infrastructure projects are estimated and planned for 9 months considering financial constraints and available resources. The variance between 1391 and 1390 national budgets comes from shortening the fiscal months in 1391. But more expenditure pressures are seen this year compared to the past year, particularly on operating expenditures level some of which are described later. Domestic revenue in FY 1391: Increasing domestic revenue level to afford funding government operating expenditures is one of the governments main objectives and commitments in its financial policies. At present, bulk of security expenditures which forms 57% of governments operating expenditures, is being funded by international communitys aids, while about 80% of development projects expenditures are also funded through international donors aids. The operating expenditures level will increase considerably as soon as security responsibility transition from international forces to Afghan forces is completed by 2014. It should be also considered that economic transactions may also get very low.
MillionAfs DomesticRevenueandOperatingbudget 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000

In this case, the governments main objective is to create appropriate financial policies to maintain strong and 87 88 89 90 sustainable economic growth, which DomesticRevenue shall be able to reduce poverty and unemployment by providing essential support for private sector development.

91 92 93 94 Proj. Proj. Proj. Proj.

One of the governments main objectives in long and medium terms is to create a sustainable financial system. In other words, the government should implement and formulate the financial measures in a way

that would mobilize more sustainable domestic resources and, in turn, reduce governments dependency on foreign aids, especially in operating budget. Graph 1 shows the increasing trend of domestic revenues compared to governments operating expenditures. For that reason, the government, as part of its strategy, would lay out plans to use new measures such as introduction of VAT system instead of BRT which appears more promising than the current process to collect revenues. In the mean time, revenues gained from mines extraction in Afghanistan, although being gradual, could provide necessary resources for funding government budget in long and medium terms, but quick achievements to the countrys mine revenues depends on some important factors like security, stable and sound economy and good infrastructures (roads, railways, power, etc.).

93,476 80,368 63,619


100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 87 Actual 88 Actual 89 Actual 41,377


90Proj. 91Proj.

Similarly, due to improvements made in revenue collection management system, capacity building of government employees, expansion of taxpayers office to important provinces, improvement in economic situation of country that increase economic transaction, the revenue collection process has improved. Level of domestic revenue in 1391 is estimated and forecasted to be 20% higher than that in 1390. Graph 2 shows the domestic revenue in past four years. According to forecasts, domestic revenue in1391 will be approximately 87.910 AFS in 9 months which shows significant increase compared to that in 1390. Table 1 shows the main revenue items in 1391. According to estimations, tax on income and benefits (including fixed taxes, e.g. tax on licensed businesses, tax on the salary and wages and tax on companies income), will make up approximately 24% of total revenues in FY 1391.
Table 1 : Domestic Revenue by Classification


Items Tax Revenues Taxes on income, profits and property and capital gains Taxes on international trades and transactions Domestic Taxes on goods and services other taxes Non-Tax Revenues

Million Afs 72,100 21,083 30,754 17,029 3,235 15,810

%share 82.0% 24.0% 35.0% 19.4% 3.7% 18.0%

87,910 100.0% Tax on international Total Domestic Revenue exchanges and transactions or custom duties in 1391 will make up around 35% of total revenues that makes it stand on top of all revenue sources.

It is expected that domestic tax on goods and services or tax on sales will approximately form 20% and nontax revenue will form 18% of total revenues. However, after 1394, when the Value Added Tax (VAT) will gradually replace (BRT), revenues gained from this category will witness further increase. 3 billion out of Afs 15.810 billion forecasted non-tax revenues will come from road permission of petroleum and railway, newly included in national income items list. It is re-allocated for railway and road maintenance costs. Grants for Funding 1391 National Budget: As mentioned above, the funding sources for national budget consists of domestic sources and grants by donors and international organizations. Due to high operating expenditure in security sector, contribution of grants in operating budget still makes up 42 percent and at the meantime the grants contribution in the development budget makes up 76 percent, and the remaining 14 percent is funded by domestic revenue and revenue from Aynak copper mine for funding discretionary projects. About 56,997 billion Afs funding for operating budget in FY 1391 comes from donor grants through ARTF, LOTFA for national police, CSTC-A for ANA and ANP. But unlike previous years, due to unavailability of new information by donors, some of the assistances by the CSTC-A included in Codes 22 and 25 of MOI and MOD were not included in the current budget calculation of the two ministries, and by receiving information on assistances during the year, its contribution level will probably go higher. The grants for funding development budget in FY 1391 amounted to 72.333 billion Afs equal to 1.446 billion dollar, which includes 706,230 million dollar for non-discretionary funds, 740,447 million dollar carry forward non-discretionary funds from FY 1390 and 80 million dollar new discretionary fund. In addition to that, another $73,442 million fund committed for previous years and is counted as loan, is included in non-discretionary development projects fund. FY 1391 Operating Budget Summary: The FY 1391 operating budget is forecasted and estimated 133.690 billion Afs equal to 2.674 billion dollar, making up 13 percent of GPD. As mentioned, since the FY 1391 operating budget is planned for 9 months, the figures are less than budget figures at the start of FY 1390 (150.726) which was estimated for 12 months, but, in reality, the FY 1391 budget contains a 14 percent increase compared to 9 months in 1390. Table 2 shows FY 1391 operating budget based on economic codes.
Table 2: 1391 Operating budget by Economic codes

Economic Codes Values in '000' AFS %

21 102,172,428 76.4%

22 14,220,942 10.6%

25 963,191 0.7%

Contingency 16,333,950 12.2%

Total 133,690,511.2 100.0%

As seen in the above table, share of government staff wages in FY 1391 operating budget amounted to 102,172 billion Afs which makes up 76 percent, while in FY 1390 staff wages for 12 months amounted to 113,738 billion Afs and in FY 1389 amounted to 90.2 billion Afs. So, it is clear that the trend of wages is going up and, by completion of pay and grading reform process, it will continue increasing in the midterm.

Moreover, increased food cost for dormitories of ministries of education and universities in FY 1391 for 20,000 new students has been considered which has had effects on the operating budget. Increase of 3,000 ANA personnel and increase of wages for more than 27,000 in police section (ANP, MP, civilian and prisons) and 20,000 local police are the reasons for increasing MOD and MOI operating budget.

Table 3: Top 10 ministries with largest share of operating budget

1391 S.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Budgetary Units Ministry of Defence Ministry of Interior Affairs Ministry of Education General Directorate of National Security Ministry of Higher Education Ministry of Public Health Ministry of Foreign Affairs Indpendent Directorate of Local Governance Ministry of Finance Ministry of Public Works Total Afs '000' 36,538,207.2 32,730,338.3 19,628,698.2 4,997,166.0 2,185,862.2 2,080,505.3 1,903,666.9 1,710,067.0 % share 27.3% 24.5% 14.7% 3.7% 1.6% 1.6% 1.4% 1.3%

9 1,339,125.3 1.0% Increase in wages of about 5,500 10 1,244,063.3 0.9% people in General Directorate of 104,357,699.7 78.1% National Security Tashkeel that happened during FY 1390 increased this units 1391budget level. Increase in wages of 11,000 people in the Tashkeel of ministry of education which consists of 10,000 teachers and extension of pay and grading reform has increased operating expenditure compared to previous years Graph 3 and has affected the total budget. TrendofOperatingbudgetandTashkeel

Addition of 1200 employees including university professors and civilian staff and integration of legal training center into the ministry of higher education has increased its Tashkeel and thus it has increased this ministrys operating budget.

150,726 119,849 97,027 73,830 516,843 574,176 641,032 740,042



Increase in number of ANA, ANP and Tashkeel OperatingBudget(mlnAfs) GNDS are the major factor for increased operating budget in the mid1387 1388 1389 1390 1391 term. Besides that, addition of 10,000 new teachers and increase in civilian Tashkeel has increased government operating expenditure proportionately and its effects are shown in graph 3. As seen, increase in operating budget in the last four year has mostly been caused due to increase in Tashkeels that has not only effected code 21 but also code 22. Increase in operating and maintenance costs of roads, facilities and equipments that are obtained over past years has also affected FY 1391 operating budget. Further explanation on increases in operating budget is provided in budget statement.

FY 1391 Development Budget Summary: The development budget for FY 1391 is estimated Afs 111.053 billion (2.221 billion dollar), which shows 40 percent increase compared to 1.575 billion dollar budget at the beginning of FY 1390. The development budget of FY 1391, as part of government investment, makes up about 15 percent of GDP. The FY 1391 development budget includes carry forward funds from FY 1390 and new funds that is summarized in table 4.
Table 4 : 1391 Development Budget (Discretionary and Non-Discretionary)

S.No 1 2

1391 Development Budget Discretionary Projects Non-Discretionary Projects Total

USD '000' CarryForward 301,567.68 804,649.61 1,106,217.29 New 399,383.85 715,470.05 1,114,853.90 Total 700,951.53 1,520,119.66 2,221,071.19

% 31.6% 68.4% 100.0%

As mentioned before, the FY 1391 budget is estimated for 9 months, but the FY 1391 development budget in total shows about 40 percent increase Table 5: Top 10 ministries with largest share of discretionary budget 1391 compared to that at the Budgetary Units beginning of FY 1390. The S.No USD '000' % Share carry forward budget is calculated with 1 Ministry of Public Works 125,733.02 18.0% consideration of definite 2 Ministry of Energy and Water 108,930.76 15.6% expenditures report till the 3 Ministry of Public Health 35,876.72 5.1% mid-December 2011. It 4 Ministry of Agriculture 34,950.43 5.0% will change after Ministry of Transport and Civil 5 31,265.97 4.5% finalization of Qatia Aviation accounts of 1390. 6 Ministry of Higher Education 28,663.51 4.1% 7 Ministry of Finance 26,847.67 3.8% But the new budget has 8 Ministry of Education 24,218.37 3.5% also increased about 21 9 Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation 23,233.02 3.3% percent compared to start 10 Ministry of Mines 20,798.84 3.0% of the year budget 1390,
Total which indicates channeling more assistance to national budget. Spending aids through national budget will prove more effective. 460,518.31 65.8%

As seen in table 4, 31 percent of development budget for FY 1391 is of discretionary and about 69 percent of it is non-discretionary. Considering government policy, major part of the discretionary sources are allocated for funding important infrastructure and development projects like construction of small and medium size water dams, energy production, construction of roads, health, agriculture, general and higher education and capacity building in agencies for expedition and implementation of development programs, so that they could produce effective results in future. Table 5 shows agencies with higher share in discretionary development budget.

Similarly, of the total 1391 development budget, budgetary units with the highest share are sectors like: infrastructure, agriculture, rural rehabilitation, health, education and higher education which are shown in table 6. The highest share of development budget is appropriated to public works, rural rehabilitation, energy and water and public health, followed by other important sections.
Table 6: Top 10 ministrie s with large st de ve lopme nt budge t USD '000' S.No Budge tary Units CarryForward Ne w 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Public Works Rural Rehabilitation and Energy and Water Public Health Agriculture Education Finance DABS Mines Higher Education Total 167,879.4 147,403.6 159,609.4 85,463.1 58,611.0 102,730.6 37,516.6 79,464.1 50,672.2 26,160.5 915,510.5 290,740.4 210,500.0 82,850.0 100,398.5 80,100.0 27,300.0 49,800.0 1,500.0 17,650.0 32,116.0 892,954.9

Total 458,619.8 357,903.6 242,459.4 185,861.6 138,711.0 130,030.6 87,316.6 80,964.1 68,322.2 58,276.5

%Share 20.7% 16.1% 10.9% 8.4% 6.2% 5.9% 3.9% 3.6% 3.1% 2.6%

1,808,465.4 81.5%

Although around 81 percent of total budget is allocated to 10 above essential sections and their projects are under implementation in different provinces which will result in growth and development of infrastructure at national and local levels, $77.5 million in the development budget is allocated as contingency fund which makes up around 3.5 percent of development budget, about 75% of which are allocated for the less developed provinces. FY 1391 Tashkeel Summary: The total Tashkeel of agencies calculated in FY 1391 budget is 809,786 individuals. Since 1390 approved Tashkeel was 740,042 individuals, the 1391 Tashkeel has increased 9 percent, compared to that in 1390. Bulk of increase comes from security forces including more than 25,000 in the Tashkeel of MOI including 17,000 ANP which were increased during year 1390, 20,000 local police, 5,719 new ANP, 1,327 civilian police and 1,213 police for prison. 3,000 personnel were added to ANA and about 5,500 to NDS Tashkeel. Considering its strategic vision in the mid-term, Tashkeel of the ministry of education is increasing. In 1391, it increased about 11,000 employees, 10,000 of which are teachers and 1,000 are admin personnel. Likewise, compared to increased number of school graduates and the need for capacity building in higher education institutions, number of teachers in the universities is also increasing. In 1391, about 1200 people were added to Tashkeel of ministry of higher education. Agencies with highest share in FY 1391 Tashkeel is also shown in table number 7.

Table 7: Top 10 Ministries with Largest Tashkeel in 1391

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Budgetary Units 1391

Ministry of Education Ministry of Defence Ministry of Interior Affairs General Directorate of National Security Ministry of Public Health Ministry of Higher Education Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Finance Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled Indpendent Directorate of Local Governance Total Other Ministries

Tashkeel 1391 % Share

247,996 204,154 202,696 27,831 18,395 9,527 9,281 8,550 7,233 7,214 494,881 314,905 30.6% 25.2% 25.0% 3.4% 2.3% 1.2% 1.1% 1.1% 0.9% 0.9% 61.1% 38.9%

Diff. 1391 - 1390

11,000 3,000 51,661 5,527 1,500 1,227 (17) 871 429 64,198 5,546

Grand Total




The biggest variance is seen in MOI Tashkeel. It is mostly caused by increase of about 17,000 ANP during 1390 and will be included in the ministrys Tashkeel in 1391. 20,000 local police were also included in MOI Tashkeel. In the meantime, due to transfer of prisons Tashkeel from ministry of justice to MoI, totally about 8000 personnel were added to this ministrys Tashkeel. About 1,500 individuals were increased in MoPH Tashkeel, but their salaries will be paid by donor institutions through external budget. Likewise, 837 individuals were increased in revenue and customs departments of the ministry of finance, but their salaries will not be included in 1391 budget calculation. Main achievements of FY 1390 national budget implementation: Security sector: On time payment of salaries and other benefits and expenditures of security forces that makes up the major part of the sectors operational budget, ensures maintaining security, enforcement of law and public order, protecting and covering borders. Accordingly, the most significant achievements gained in 1390 are as follow: Ministry of Foreign affairs: preparation and conduction of the 2nd Bonn conference under Afghanistan leadership, establishment of 6 new missions, including missions in Iraq and Brazil, establishment of embassies and consulates in Hungary, Munshin and Vencor. Security forces: successful completion of 1st and 2nd round of security transition to Afghan National Forces Recruiting 17,281 new police, educating and building capacity of the security forces and establishing public protection department Increasing number of ANA (Afghan Nation Army) from 150,000 to 192,000, training and equipping National Army

Increasing number of National Security Forces from 22,304 to 29,000 and equipping them Governance and Rule of Law Sector: Since Governance and Rule of Law Sectors activities are more of operating budget type which mostly focuses on improving governance system, the sectors operating budget is higher than its development budget. The sectors development budget is mainly spent on building sectoral administrative agencies. Following is summary of a series of achievements obtained during 1390: Processing 59,016 cases by the Supreme Court Completing implementation of new pay and grading process in 12 ministries and independent agencies Establishing 20 gender units in government ministries and independent agencies Simplifying and setting up regulation (42) of work procedures of central departments of Ministry of Justice and communicating them to line ministries for approval and implementation Simplifying bureaucratic processes ( Traffic, Passport, Hajj process and construction and trade licensing) Submitting 47 cases of embezzlement and falsification to the related attorney by the High Office of Oversight on Implementation of Anticorruption Strategy. Announcing tens of vacancies at provincial level through mass media by the field offices of 7 regional zones and provincial offices Covering 32 districts including 20 new districts by district level service delivery program by the Independent Directorate of Local Governance Equipping 36 Information Centers in provinces by Chief of Staff office of the presidential office Constructing 37 mosques in the capital and provinces and building for 3 Directorate of Hajj in the provinces, repairing some historical mosques, completing Herat, Balkh, and Kandahar Haji Camps, and 90% completion of Nangarhar Haji Camp, in addition to delivering Hajj services for 30,043 Hajis who travelled to Mecca to perform Hajj Infrastructure and Natural resources sector: Major part of the sectors budget was of the Development that was invested in power, roads, railways, mines and communication. FY 1390 main achievements are as follow: Power transmission project from Tajikistan to Kunduz and Baghlan provinces is completed and is ready for operation Practical work has begun on dams of Shah Wa Aross in Kabul, Pashdan in Herat, Kamal Khan in Nimroz, Almar in Faryab, and Machaghlo in Paktia which are used to manage water supply system for agriculture and power generation. The railway project from Hairatan to Mazari Sharif was completed; contract is signed for transiting goods between two countries (Uzbekistan and Afghanistan); operation has begun. Practical work on the 1st phase of Gardandewall-Cheghcheran road is kicked off. 3 airports ( Qala e naw, Cheghcheran, and Maimana airports) were completed and operationalized Contracts on extracting Hajigak Iron ore and the Oxus field oil are finalized, the biggest investment in recent years in the country.

The Optical fiber project which is more than 2,500 Km long and connects Afghanistan to the neighboring countries, was implemented. Private investment in communication sector has amounted more than $1.7 billion which has directly or indirectly created thousands of job opportunities for Afghan citizens. Construction of a flyover in Mirwais Miadan area and completion of Darulaman and Ahmad Shah Baba Mena roads inside Kabul city Education Sector: In this sector, a large portion of operating and development budget is allocated to expansion of Education, Higher Education and to enhancing quality of general and higher education Summary of achievements in Education, Higher Education and physical fitness and sports are as following: 696,905 students enrolled in general education 451 general education schools established Number of students in on-job Teacher Training is 14,500 and the number of pre-employed teacher training students reached 14,681. 199 Teacher recruited in Teacher Training Section and 1,630 others recruited as literacy teachers. Up to the end of the first quarter of 1390, the number of enrolled students in the technical and professional education reached to 12,535 students. 39 technical and professional schools were establishment by the end of first quarter of 1390 Intake of 326,511 students for literacy training. Creation of Afghanistan Financial Management Information System (AFMIS) in 34 provinces. Male and female athletes were sent to international tournaments. Obtaining 17 gold medals, 28 silver medals and 54 bronze medals in 1390 Sending 572 athletes to the regional and international tournaments, including male, female and disabled. Launching 65 tournaments in national level for selecting national teams in different age categories comprise of male, female and disabled. Review and revision of education curriculum, approval of new higher education law in accordance with international standards. Preparation of higher education law for private institutes and conduct issuance of licenses for private institutes, creation of partnership with reliable universities all over the world. Establishment of compilation and translation center and construction of buildings for higher education institutes, capacity building and improvement of higher education quality and creating the credit system. Health Sector: Improvement of Afghan citizens health condition by providing health services and establishing health care centers are the goals of the programs in health sectors. Thus, the ministry of Public Health always had higher operating and development budget. The in short the main achievements of this sector in 1390 are as follow: Preparation of strategic plan for coming five years, preparation of regulations for private hospitals, and work for success of Afghanistan as representative of east Mediterranean zone in the board of The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) for three years.


First national survey of mortality has been launched, and according to its results: mortality of mothers decreased approximately to %79 (from 1600 in 2002 to 327 in 2011 in each 100,000 live delivery) mortality of newborn under the age of one year has decreased from 111 to the 77 in each 1000, declining the mortality of children under the age of 5years from 161 to 97 in each 1000 alive delivery, and mortality children under the age of five decreased from 161 to 97 in each 1000 alive delivery. Launching polio vaccination campaign throughout country that in each phase 7.8 million children took vaccination and vitamin A and medicine for intestinal worm. Approximately 398,000 patients were treated, which includes 197 eye patients, 160,416 big surgical operations, 6,611 tuberculosis patients and 227,600 deliveries. 364 midwifes newly graduated and tens of other midwifes are under training. Completion of construction of 11 health care centers, including basic health services, comprehensive health care centers, midwives and provincial hospitals. Conduct and develop training programs in different professional sections completion of specialization, and Ultrasound training in the capital and provinces. Agriculture and Rural development Sector: Agriculture and Rural development programs are under focus of government for poverty reduction, nutritional protection, improvement of rural products, and revival of agriculture economy and rural developments. The achievements which were obtained after 1390 budget execution are divided into two summarized sections: Agriculture and Livestock Section Rehabilitation and protection of 5,580 jareeb of forests, including pistachio forests in 18 provinces, establishment of 540 Jareeb nursery trees, distribution of approximately 6 million plants throughout the country for the countrys greenery, and about 143 forest management councils were established and were trained. Distribution of 4,200 garden tractors with 65% subsidy for formers in 21 provinces and distribution of 411 big tractors for farmer cooperatives in 14 provinces. Establishment of diary processing and classification factory in Herat province which have the capacity of 5 -10 tons of diary production in one day by the cooperatives association and establishment and support of 28 thousand home based poultry forming in 11 province of the country. Establishment of 22 Nursery owners associations for propagation of different kind of reformed fruit plants, production and distribution of 5 million high quality fruit planst in 16 provinces of the country, creation of 50,000 Jereeb (10 thousand hector) of new gardens in different provinces. Starting implementation of 20 renovated irrigation system projects which will irrigate 60 thousand Jereeb of new agricultural lands. Training of 700 farmers, 24 specialists in cultivation and process of saffron, distribution of 75 tons of saffron seed in 15 provinces. Distribution of 1,780 packages for cultivation of saffron for women and creation of 125 saffron farms for the women. Establishing agriculture development trust fund and starting giving out loans worth 15 million dollar to the cooperatives, farming associations, agriculture and productive companies and seed development Company.


Beginning construction of four strategic tanks, each of them has capacity of 5,000 tons in four provinces and construction of 1,100 potato storages in Bamyan province that much of the work have been completed and the work has started in Baghlan Sugar factory. Rural Expansion and Development Section: Approximately 887 km of second and third grade roads and 49 km of complementary buildings were constructed, establish and construction of 800 meters of bridge, 371 small bridges, 51 flood outlets and also 122 meters of pedestrian bridge were constructed. Creation of more than 7,738 water resources, which includes 2,821 deep and half deep water wells, 3,396 water supply network and water storage which also plumbing . Construction and rehabilitation of 418 irrigation projects, which includes water turnover dams, Water turning points ( ,)Sarband ( )Kandha ( )supporting walls, cleaning of canals, drainage canals and springs that as a result approximately 100 thousand Jereeb of agricultural lands have been irrigated. Starting the program of rural industies in 7 provinces, which includes 1,298 saving groups, 10 loan association and 76 small enterprises that 40 percent of its beneficiaries are women. 208 projects which includes machines for hydropower production, solar energy and rural electricity with the capacity of producing 25 kw electricity that due to its result 20 thousand households benefited from it. 2938 public welfare project implemented and as a result 8,3 million daily work have been created for the rural population. 29 Schools, one mosque, five governmental buildings, 03 social centers, 133 cold houses and one veterinary Clinic for animals have been constructed. 30 agricultural packages were distributed and 9 literacy courses for ,300 male and female students were launched and 20 food and nonfood items were distributed for vulnerable people and to people who were internally displaced due to natural disasters in 16 provinces. Social protection sector: The activities that are being carry out for the purpose of social protection are included in the operating and development expenditure through programs for supporting repatriates, payment of pension for retired people and building skills, the summary of main achievements in 1390 are as follow: Distribution of 3,000 residential lands for legal support of repatriates in the towns designated for repatriates. Digging deep water wells in repatriation towns in Balkh and jawzjan provinces and digging up 56 semi deep water wells in other provinces. Providing hostel facilities for 448 students in Khoshhal Khan and Rahman Baba high schools Construction of women park in Daikundi province, construction of a library in Gazni province, construction of women affair directorate buildings in Kundus, Paktia and Neemroze and approximately 7 million benefited from gender awareness program: Providing Vocational training program for unemployed people and providing employment opportunities for 13,450 unemployed people and for vulnerable people through vocational education and training programs. Providing on time payments to 10,000 retired people through reforming pension system and by using private banks in the country.


Economic sector: Improve management and revenue collection system and supervision of aid for supporting financial resources of national budget and creating business opportunities which would result in financial stability and paving ground for private sector are major activities of this sector, summary of achievements in this sector in 1390 are as follow: Implementation of computerized revenue system in offices and development of offices for large and medium taxpayers Revision of mid-term budget framework and mid-term financial framework for next three years. Program budgeting mechanism has been completely implemented and now the 1391 national budget has been prepared based on program. Introduction of provincial budgeting mechanism in all provinces, introduction of budget reporting system based on performance in all the agencies and introduction of financial plans for improvement of development budget execution process. Considerable progress has been achieved toward obtaining strategic targets of public financial management (a prioritized financial program in the governance cluster). Afghanistan open budget index in the OBI (An international organization for budget transparency in designing and reporting of budget execution) increased from 8 to 21 percent in 1390, and it is expected that the figure will be higher in the next year report which will be published in the first quarter of 1391 Access of civil society, media and the public has increased to budget information (budget preparation, budget execution and other budget information) Project of salary scheme has covered 390,000 government employees (30,000 in the first two quarter of the year) and achieved 100% of its annual targets. Afghanistan Financial Management Information system (AFMIS) expanded to all ministries; budgetary units and covered all Mustufiats in 1390. More than 1000 employees of ministry of finance benefited from different training programs Design and draft private sector development policy, and policy for industry development and printing and dissemination of investment manual in two languages. Completion of surrounding walls of carpet industrial park. Establishment of transit and transport facilities committee (AFPRO) and accelerating the membership of Afghanistan in world trade organization (WTO) Documents of 64 procurement projects were processed which valued more than 400 million USD Approximately one hundred national standards were finalized by twelve technical committees comprised of representatives of the relevant of government agencies, private sector and the relevant academic and scientific agencies, from which 81 standards have been approved by the high council of standard which included 20 standards for food stuff, 27 standard for fuel, 6 national standards for medicine and cosmetic materials, 12 national standards for electric technology, 7 national standards for loom, 3 national standards for construction materials, 5 national standards for weights and scales and one standard for environment/air quality. The work on drafting telecommunication, chemical and demining standards began. The project for Afghanistan construction codes which includes four architectural codes, construction, urban development and ring roads and bridge are the very first coordinated and planned activity which has had considerable progress.


An equipped laboratory for petroleum testing has been opened at the beginning of the current year in Heyratan border crossing. For ratification of consumption norms about 144 norms for vehicles, generators, and gas stoves have been ratified by the norm ratification department of National Standard Organization and were send to the relevant applicants. It is worth mentioning that the accurate ratification of consumption norms can increase the level of benefits from the existing resources and can ensure thriftiness in budget expenditure and has a key role in preventing corruption.


Medium Term Fiscal Framework (1388-1394)

Description 1388 Actual 131,805 1389 Actual 172,413 1390 1391 Supplementary Budget All values in Million AFS 192,390 228,346 1392 Proj. 244,264 1393 Proj. 250,826 1394 Proj. 277,026

Domestic Revenue Share of Domestic Revenue in operating budget Share of Domestic Revenue in development budget other domestic resources for development budget Grants (operating budget) Grants (Development budget) Other revenues Total Grants Core Expenditures Operating budget expenditures Code 21 (Wages and Salaries) Code 22 (Goods and Services) Code 25 (Acquisition of Assets) Contingency Codes Development Expenditures (by sectors) Security Governance, Rule of Law and Human Rights Infrastructure and Natural Resources Education Health Agriculture and Rural Development Social Protection Economic Governance and Private sector development Contingency fund for development budget Surplus/deficit in operating budget (Excluding grants) Surplus/deficit in operating budget (Including grants) Surplus / Deficit Core Budget Debt Financing Surplus / Deficit Core Budget Real GDP in million Afs Real GDP growth in percentages Inflation Exchange rate (USD to Afs)




32,768 35,419
68,186 131,304 87,313 64,256 16,859 1,333 4,865 43,991 996 1,346 15,376 5,438 3,689 14,474 615 2,058 0 (23,695) 9,073 501 501 615,082

57,753 34,291
92,044 153,867 110,486 86,474 17,158 1,590 5,264 43,382 441 1,293 20,633 4,793 4,283 9,080 489 2,369 0 (30,117) 27,636 18,545 18,545 729,905

66,711 32,015
98,726 251,969 150,726 113,738 23,310 3,427 10,250 101,243 1,039 3,419 44,435 11,757 7,741 22,964 1,026 6,165 2,698 (57,062) 9,649 (59,579) (59,579) 861,947

87,910 76,505 8,405 3,000 56,997 76,334

7104 133,331 244,906 133,815 102,172 14,221 963 16,459 111,090 1,325 3,403 49,767 10,503 9,293 25,381 1,202 6,342 3,875 (56,997) (313) (16,211) (3,672) (12,539) 976,277




67,386 43,002
110,388 329,187 182,181 136,018 19,909 1,115 25,139 147,007 1,767 4,470 65,807 13,755 12,142 33,841 1,603 8,456 5,167 (48,305) 19,081 (84,924) (84,924) 1,083,562

63,334 30,080
93,414 332,437 185,430 136,018 20,905 1,154 27,354 147,007 1,767 4,470 65,807 13,755 12,142 33,841 1,603 8,456 5,167 (28,019) 35,315 (81,611) (81,611) 1,196,297

59,073 30,550
89,623 335,811 188,804 136,018 21,950 1,195 29,642 147,007 1,767 4,470 65,807 13,755 12,142 33,841 1,603 8,456 5,167 (1,401) 57,672 (58,784) (58,784) 1,364,030

21.0% -12.2%

18.7% 7.7%

18.1% 10.5%

13.3% 4.6%

11.0% 5.0%

10.4% 5.0%

14.0% 5.0%


DEBT REPORT AND FINANCIAL ASSET STRATEGY Details of the States Investment Strategy It is the policy of the Ministry of Finance that excess funds not deemed to be needed immediately to support budget expenditures shall be invested to earn additional funds for the government. Current investment of State funds is done by Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) and amounts earned are kept by it to compensate DAB for bank services used by the government. It is anticipated in coming years that the earned money will be paid to the government and DAB will be compensated for the banking services provided based on market rates. The primary goal of the investment of State funds is to maximize investment earnings for the government while undertaking a prudent degree of investment risk. Authority for the investment of government funds under the direction of the Minister of Finance is derived from the Article 15 of the Public Finance and Expenditure Management Law. The Ministry will take into account the following principles when selecting acceptable investments for its excess funds: Safety of the principal of the investment Length of the investment Liquidity of the investment Diversification Minimization of foreign exchange risk The amount of funds to be invested from time-to-time shall be determined by the Treasury Department of the Ministry of Finance using input from various departments/units within the Ministry such as Budget, Cash Management, Debt and Asset Management. The goal of the Ministry of Finance in this strategy is to work closely with Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) to take advantage of any economies of scale in the investing process that DAB may be currently utilizing in their own investment process. All investments should be made on market terms Old and New Debts of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan Based on international principles, external Debt is contracted between International Institution or Creditor and Debtor. The loan agreements present the usage of the given debt according to terms and conditions of the loan Agreement in specified projects. The debts shall be reimbursed based on installments mentioned in the agreement. Generally, Afghanistan debt related to developments projects and divided in to two types: 1. Debts without administrative fees In case of such debt, just principal repayments are made (debt related to Saudi Arabia Development Fund). 2. Debt which has administrative fees and commitment charges These debts are repaid bi-annually according to the terms and conditions mentioned in the Agreement. These debts are related to Asian Development Bank, Islamic Development Bank and World Bank. If the debtor could not used the amount of the loan in a specific time period then the 16

debtor will pay a certain fee, which is called commitment charges, and all World Bank loans include commitment charges for unused debt amount. These charges are same in all countries and fortunately these charges are nearly zero during the last few years. Islamic Republic of Afghanistan has received membership of International Monetary fund (IMF) in 1955 and pays the membership fees quarterly. Current Creditors/Loans: Total agreed loans of World Bank are 9 loans; the total committed amount is USD 437 million. The Government has not made any repayments and owes the whole amount. Total agreed loans of Asian development are 14 loans; the total committed amount is USD 824 million, of which the net amount owed is USD 639 million. Total agreed loans of Islamic development Bank are 4 loans, the total committed amount is USD 68 million, of which the net amount owed is USD 21 million. Total agreed loans of Saudi Arabia fund for Development are 2 loans, the total committed amount is USD 80 million, of which the net amount owed is USD 46 million. Total agreed loans of IMF amounts to USD 116 million, of which amount disbursed is USD 116 million. Debt Forgiveness during previous years: Amounts of Pound Sterling 9.6 million equal to US$ 18.80 million by Peoples Republic of China on March, 2004. Amounts of Denmark Kona 5 million equal to US$0.90 million by government of Denmark. Amounts of US$29.34 million by government of Slovak Republic on January, 2005. Amounts of euro Pound Sterling 34.389 million equal to US$67.51 million by government of Germany on September 22, 2002. Amounts of US$ 29.6 million by government of Germany on April, 2007. Amount of Pound Sterling 12.8 million equal to US$ 24 million by Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on January 2008. Amount of US $ 9.5 million from Government of Iraq on May 2008. Amounts of US$0.44 million from Croatia (Former Yugoslavia government) Total exemption of foreign debts to government of Afghanistan from 1381 till end of second quarter of 1389 is US $ 10.496 billion.


Ministry of Finance Treasury Department Annual Debt Report

For the Year Ended 22 Sept 2011 Committed Amount Afs. Million Total Debt 21.09.2010 Afs. Million

Currency : Afs Milllion

Loan Disbursements

Principal Repayments Forgiveness Afs. Million


Accrued or Capitalized Service Charges Afs. Million


Currency Movement Afs. Million


Total Debt 22.09.2011 Afs. Million

H =B+C-D-E+F-G

Service Charges/ Fee Payments Afs. Million Forgiveness Afs. Million

Afs. Million

Afs. Million

Current Loans / Creditors

International Development Association (World Bank) Asian Development Bank Islamic Development Bank Saudi Fund for Development Russian Federation United States * Germany OPEC Fund International Monetary Fund

21,485.3 40,506.8 3,376.8 3,966.8

19,927.3 27,325.6 505.3 2,137.4

308.1 1,902.5 0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 15.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 19.7

0.0 1,427.6 98.3

57.3 -792.6 30.4 -143.2

20,178.1 31,412.9 573.2 2,280.6

82.2 2.2 0.0 0.0 0.0

57.7 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0 4,922.7 0.0 0.0 0.0


0.0 0.0 95.7 5,728.9 80.8 5,233.8

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

-4,922.7 0.0 -14.9 -495.1

0.0 0.0 95.7 5,728.9

0.0 0.0 0.0 13.9

Totals: Current Loans Non-Current Loans

Bulgaria Kuwait Fund Iran











2,769.3 1,464.4 526.1

2,539.5 1,031.5 495.5

0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0 0.0

534.5 438.1 48.7

565.7 392.9 53.0

2,508.3 1,076.7 491.2

0.0 0.0 0.0

0.0 0.0 0.0

Totals: Non-Current Loans











TOTAL: All Loans











loans are denominated in foreign Currencies, including USD SDR Others 50.520% 45.900% 3.58% Foreign Currency 671,361,116 388,459,121 Afs (Million) 32,507 29,535 2,304




Budget Execution Guidelines

These guidelines cover the general execution procedures of the National budget. In order to enhance budgetary discipline and execute the budget properly according to the budget rules and regulations, the following articles need to be considered:

1. After approval by the Cabinet, Parliament and presidential decree, the budget is considered final and all budgetary units are obliged to adopt their plans and execute in accordance to the final figures. No over-expenditures of budgetary units will be acceptable without written approval of DG Budget of the Ministry of Finance. 2. All ministries should prepare their procurement and financial plans in accordance with the MoF circular prior to the beginning of the fiscal year in line with the budget approved by Cabinet. Plans should be prepared by month, by expenditure code and by province for both operating and development budget and submit it to the Budget Directorate of the Ministry of Finance. Expenditure should be prepared in accordance with financial and procurement plan. 3. Under Clause (1) Article (15) of the Procurement Law, no procurement proceeding shall be initiated unless public funds (budget) have been allocated in accordance with the PFEML (Public Financial and Expenditure Management Law). But after the approval of the annual budget by Cabinet, budgetary units can initially commence their procurement procedures in order to save time. However, the signing of contracts can be done only after the approval of the budget by Parliament. 4. Under clause (37) of the Public Expenditure and Financial Management Law, all

budgetary units are obliged to execute funds in accordance with the budget execution guidelines (derivative of PEFML). In case of any repugnance to other prevailing laws, Budget Execution guidelines are to be considered.
5. In order to accelerate construction projects; such as construction of office buildings for government organizations, ministries and other budgetary units, where they have construction engineers in their Tashkeel, will not be bound to consult Ministry of Urban Development for approval of map and other engineering issues. In this regard, the relevant ministries can take decisions of such kind by themselves. 6. Transfers from one code to another can only be approved by the Ministry of Finance. Contracts and all other purchases should be arranged within the limits of the approved budget and the budget codes. Not any budgetary unit can sign contract for goods and services that is above the limit of approved budget. 7. The 1391 National Budget has been calculated by detail of each code and budgetary units are obliged to observe the expenditures within the limits for each code. 8. In 1391 the following sub-codes are not transferable to other sub-codes: costs of electricity, water, cleaning, communications, vehicle maintenance and building maintenance costs. 9. Transfers from other codes to the following codes are not allowed: MoD operative code, MoI operative code and IDLG operative codes. 10. Only the concerned officials of the ministries and budget entities can contact concerned officials of the Ministry of Finance for the transfer, allotment and execution of their budget. Hence no contractor can directly contact the Ministry of Finance unless with a legitimate reason that this ministry consider it necessary.


11. Any law or regulation that indicates salary increment / or increase in any other allowances of civil servants and military staff which is opposed to the content of this document (national budget)is not acceptable. In case that a new law is approved, allowances or new spending are applicable from the beginning of the next year, after analysis of the respective ministry and approval of the DM office in Ministry of Finance. 12. Ministries and organizations are obliged to prepare their Tashkeel (organizational structure) by national and sub national levels based on the budget ceiling assigned by the Tashkeel commission to each ministry and strictly avoid any increase in Tashkeel in the course of the fiscal year. 13. All governmental staff (high or low ranking officials) can not simultaneously receive salaries from two organizations during official working hours. 14. Construction contracts should be based on fixed price and not on estimated price. 15. Prior to commencement of project work, written agreements of the donors is required for any kind of overtime payments. 16. For any kind of expenditure executions, the new Procurement Law, procurement procedure and the circular of Ministry of Finance should be strictly observed. 17. According to the law, the Ministry of Finance has the responsibility to formulate the procurement policies and procedures. For any complain and information, the concern officials should contact the Procurement Policy Unit within that ministry. The unit will provide information and required guidance within the framework of the Procurement Law 18. The Ministry of Finance and the procurement committee cannot keep any contract for more than 15 days without clear and logical reasons. 19. Ministry of Finance is obliged to reply to any received documents and letters in less than a week. 20. Line ministries have full responsibility for the quality of projects, timely implementation of project activities, including procurement and reporting on matters important for the responsible agency, to optimize the use of donor assistance. 21. The Budget Committee will be held at least once a month to decide whether a project has met the criteria to move funds included in contingency funds to development projects. 22. With exception to Salaries listed in the Administrative Reform and Civil Service Law, the authority for execution of all other wages and salaries from contingency codes rest with Ministry of Finance. 23. Those projects which do not show progress after 2 years on the listing will be removed unless adequate reasons for limited or no progress can be demonstrated. 24. The development budget is comprised of discretionary and non-discretionary funds, and is approved at the beginning and at the middle of each year by Parliament. Making a decision about financing discretionary projects is the authority of the Afghan government, and donors have the authority to make decisions in respect to financing the non-discretionary. In case any non-discretionary fund is secured during the year, it will be sent to Parliament as supplement. 25. In case of any increase in revenue collection during the fiscal year, as compared to the projected amount, or savings from discretionary funds, Ministry of Finance has the authority to use the additional revenue to finance development budget deficit. 26. If the donors let their donated funds come under the authority of the government, MoF can execute the development budget to finance discretionary projects and reduce the deficit in accordance with the new funds. 27. For the efficient and timely utilization of the budget, the development projects proposed by the budgetary units shall first complete its preliminary processes before any financing. The preliminary processes include preparation of documents, feasibility studies, land and space requirements, timeliness and cost estimation.


28. Regarding the development budget of budget units: all units should be very careful regarding their project plans and after the exact assessment and completion of their project plans they should submit it to MoF. It is worth mentioning that they should definitely regard the PEFML, Procurement Law and budget execution guidelines. 29. All professors in Ministry of higher Education, Science academy or any other

educational institutes serving in other budgetary units, State-owned enterprises etc, are not illegible to acquire Cadre-allowances. 30. Ministries and budgetary units need to have written agreements of donors before extending a contract to the third party. Verbal commitments are not enough. 31. All ministries and budgetary units are obliged to submit their budget performance reports to Ministry of Finance and Ministry of economy on quarterly basis until two weeks after the end of each quarter. Ministry of Finance has to formulate a consolidated performance report to Parliament (Wolosi Jirga) within two weeks, after submissions. 32. All contracts and payments within Afghanistan must be made in AFGHANIs. However, payments outside countrys premises are termed as exception. 33. The fiscal year for 1391 is for 9 months only starting from Hamal to Qaws (March to December). 34. Development budget for 1391 consists of both Carryforward and New budgets where carryforwards are estimated based on the expenditures of 9 months (Hamal to Qaws 1390). Due to adjustments and changes in expenditures during the year, the development budget is subject to change. The actual carryforwards will be determined once the accounts for the year 1390 are closed and Qatia is finalized. 35. Agencies that are not budgetary units and receive funds from approved core budget are answerable to the Parliament (Wolosi Jirga) for their execution.


Table 1 : 1391 Core Budget

Sector / Ministry 1.1 - Security General Directorate of National Security Ministry of Defence Government Funding Donors Funding Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Interior Government Funding Donors Funding Presidential Protective Service 2.1 - Governance & Rule of Law President Office Independent Directorate of Local Governance National Assembly Meshanro Jirga National Assembly Wolesi Jirga The High office of Oversight and Anti Corruption Supreme Court The High office of Oversight on National Constitution Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission Ministry of Justice Ministry of State and Parliamentart Affairs Ministry of Haj and Religious Affairs Administrative Affairs Attorney General Election Commission Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission Operating AFS 76,810,760 4,997,166 36,538,207 11,485,998 25,052,209 1,903,667 32,730,338 7,347,675 25,382,664 641,381 7,814,916 1,219,911 1,710,067 355,540 900,819 88,254 965,863 53,680 420,437 63,235 536,883 484,196 724,660 86,142 205,229 USD 1,536,215 99,943 730,764 229,720 501,044 38,073 654,607 146,953 507,653 12,828 156,298 24,398 34,201 7,111 18,016 1,765 19,317 1,074 8,409 1,265 10,738 9,684 14,493 1,723 4,105 AFS 1,325,003 69,061 27,220 747,101 372,141 109,481 3,402,526 561,579 872,786 94,475 44,588 200,870 50,000 394,386 199,116 152,200 204,565 21,911 606,053 Development USD 26,500 1,381 544 14,942 7,443 2,190 68,051 11,232 17,456 1,890 892 4,017 1,000 7,888 3,982 3,044 4,091 438 12,121

Values in 000

Total USD 1,562,715 101,325 731,309 229,720 501,044 53,015 662,050 146,953 507,653 15,017 224,349 35,630 51,657 9,000 18,016 2,657 23,335 1,074 1,000 16,296 1,265 14,720 12,728 18,584 2,161 16,226

% share 31.9% 2.1% 14.9% 4.7% 10.2% 1.1% 13.5% 3.0% 10.4% 0.3% 4.6% 0.7% 1.1% 0.2% 0.4% 0.1% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.3% 0.3% 0.4% 0.0% 0.3%

78,135,763 5,066,227 36,565,427 11,485,998 25,052,209 2,650,767 33,102,479 7,347,675 25,382,664 750,862 11,217,442 1,781,490 2,582,853 450,015 900,819 132,842 1,166,732 53,680 50,000 814,823 63,235 735,999 636,396 929,225 108,053 811,282


Sector / Ministry 3.1 - Infrastructure & Natural Resources Directorate of Environment Kabul Municipality Geodesy and Cartography Office Ministry of Communication Ministry of Transport and Aviation Ministry of Urban Development Affairs Ministry of Mines Ministry of Public Works Operation and maintenance - Roads Operation and maintenance - Salangs Ministry of Energy and Water Water Supply and canalization corporation Independent board of new kabul Da Brishna Shirkat Afghanistan High Atomic Energy Commission 3.2 - Education & Culture Ministry of Higher Education Science Academy National Olympic Committee Ministry of Information and Culture Ministry of Education 3.3 - Health Ministry of Public Health

Operating AFS 2,986,494 122,853 97,935 368,594 358,500 136,500 328,500 1,244,063 750,000 112,500 303,600 25,950 22,706,594 2,185,862 114,785 183,211 594,038 19,628,698 2,080,505 2,080,505 USD 59,730 2,457 1,959 7,372 7,170 2,730 6,570 24,881 15,000 2,250 6,072 519 454,132 43,717 2,296 3,664 11,881 392,574 41,610 41,610 AFS

Development USD 995,341 1,128 27,103 3,503 41,001 41,786 12,219 68,322 458,620 242,459 11,190 7,000 80,964 44 209,318 58,277 1,022 8,730 11,259 130,031 185,862 185,862 49,767,047 56,412 1,355,172 175,148 2,050,072 2,089,315 610,950 3,416,110 22,930,992 12,122,973 559,500 350,000 4,048,205 2,200 10,465,911 2,913,826 51,100 436,500 562,957 6,501,529 9,293,080 9,293,080

Values in 000

Total USD 1,055,071 3,585 27,103 5,462 48,373 48,956 14,949 74,892 483,501 15,000 2,250 248,531 11,190 7,000 80,964 563 663,450 101,994 3,318 12,394 23,140 522,605 227,472 227,472

% share 21.6% 0.1% 0.6% 0.1% 1.0% 1.0% 0.3% 1.5% 9.9% 0.3% 0.0% 5.1% 0.2% 0.1% 1.7% 0.0% 13.6% 2.1% 0.1% 0.3% 0.5% 10.7% 4.6% 4.6%

52,753,542 179,264 1,355,172 273,083 2,418,666 2,447,815 747,450 3,744,610 24,175,056 750,000 112,500 12,426,573 559,500 350,000 4,048,205 28,150 33,172,504 5,099,688 165,885 619,711 1,156,994 26,130,227 11,373,585 11,373,585


Sector / Ministry 3.4 - Agricluture & Rural Development Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development Ministry of Counter Narcotics Ministry of Agriculture 3.5 - Social Protection Ministry of Border and Tribal Affairs General Directorate of Kuchies Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority Ministry of Women's Affairs Ministry of Refugees and Repatriates Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled 3.6 - Economic Governance Ministry of Finance Ministry of Economy Ministry of Commerce Central Statistics Office Control and Audit Office Micro Finance Investment support facility for afghanistan Afghanistan Investment supporting agency(AISA) Afghanistan National Standard Authority Grand Total:

Operating AFS 1,396,431 393,429 96,209 906,793 1,581,288 294,446 32,742 66,943 135,512 126,752 924,893 1,979,574 1,339,125 179,321 244,855 99,131 70,283 46,859 117,356,561 USD 27,929 7,869 1,924 18,136 31,626 5,889 655 1,339 2,710 2,535 18,498 39,591 26,783 3,586 4,897 1,983 1,406 937 2,347,131 AFS

Development USD 507,615 357,904 11,000 138,711 24,038 2,033 115 660 2,124 2,069 17,037 126,847 87,317 11,815 6,073 3,924 7,551 4,515 1,000 4,653 2,143,571 25,380,730 17,895,180 550,000 6,935,550 1,201,900 101,654 5,763 33,000 106,191 103,452 851,841 6,342,364 4,365,831 590,753 303,648 196,187 377,543 225,745 50,000 232,658 107,178,559

Values in 000

Total USD 535,543 365,772 12,924 156,847 55,664 7,922 770 1,999 4,834 4,604 35,535 166,439 114,099 15,401 10,970 5,906 8,957 4,515 1,000 5,590 4,490,702

% share 10.9% 7.5% 0.3% 3.2% 1.1% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.7% 3.4% 2.3% 0.3% 0.2% 0.1% 0.2% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 91.7%

26,777,160 18,288,609 646,209 7,842,343 2,783,188 396,100 38,505 99,943 241,703 230,203 1,776,734 8,321,937 5,704,956 770,074 548,503 295,318 447,826 225,745 50,000 279,517 224,535,121


Sector / Ministry Miscellaneous Codes Funds for revenue repayments (91) Policy related funds (92) Payments of Foreign Loans (93) Ministries Membership in International Organizations (95) Funds for implementation of Pay & Grade programme (civil services + Teachers) Funds for PRR and Super scale (96) pensions for martyrs & disabled (97) pensions for civilian and military staff (99) Contingency funds for emergency conditions Funds for salaries (civil servants) Funds for Foreign Exchange Balance Contingency funds for land acquisition Capital Payments to Da Afghanistan Bank Funds for banks commision Funds for fuel subsidy Total Contingency Codes Grand Total:

Operating AFS USD AFS

Development USD

Values in 000

Total USD

% share 0.0%

150,000 650,000 552,200 200,000 1,094,250 187,500 3,000,000 3,000,000 700,000 80,000 375,000 550,000 3,250,000 400,000 2,145,000 16,333,950 133,690,511

3,000 13,000 11,044 4,000 21,885 3,750 60,000 60,000 14,000 1,600 7,500 11,000 65,000 8,000 42,900 326,679 2,673,810

3,875,000 111,053,559

77,500 2,221,071

150,000 650,000 552,200 200,000 1,094,250 187,500 3,000,000 3,000,000 700,000 80,000 375,000 550,000 3,250,000 400,000 2,145,000 20,208,950 244,744,071

3,000 13,000 11,044 4,000 21,885 3,750 60,000 60,000 14,000 1,600 7,500 11,000 65,000 8,000 42,900 404,179 4,894,881

0.1% 0.3% 0.2% 0.1% 0.4% 0.1% 1.2% 1.2% 0.3% 0.0% 0.2% 0.2% 1.3% 0.2% 0.9% 8.3% 100.0%

Note : The CSCT-A assistance in code 22 and 25 for MOI and MOD have not yet been finalized. It will be included on the top of the ceilings mentioned above once the final figures are agreed upon. The Carryforward amounts used are after deducting the expenditures for 9 months of 1390 and the exact amounts will be known once the Qatia is finalized for the yea


Table 2 - 1391 Budget and Financing

1391 No. IItem Total Resources Total Budget Deficit including Debt financing USD 000 4,640,347.1 4,894,881.4 (254,534.3) AFS 000 232,017,356.2 244,744,070.6 (12,726,714.4)


Total Resources for operating budget Total Operating Budget Operating Budget deficit

2,670,056.3 2,673,810.2 (3,753.9)

133,502,814.2 133,690,511.2 (187,697.0)


Total Resources for development budget Total Development budget Development budget deficit including debts

1,970,290.8 2,221,071.2 (250,780.3)

98,514,542.0 111,053,559.5 (12,539,017.4)


Table 3 - Summary of 1391 Core Budget with funding sources

Details I: Summary of 1391 Core Budget with its Funding Sources A: Core Budget Funding Sources Internal Funding Sources External Sources Total Funding Sources B: National Budget 1: Operating Budget 2: Development Budget Total of National Budget Dificit of Core Budget after Debt Financing II: 1391 Operating Budget Total Operating Budget Financing Sources of Operating Budget 1:Domestic Revenue 2:Donors Assistance in Operating Budget Total of Operating Budget Funding Sources (1+2) Surplus/Dificit Operating Budget III: 1391 Development Budget Detail A: Budget of Discretionary Projects A: New Discretionary Projects B: Carry Forward Discretionary Projects B: Budget of None Discretionary Projects C: New Non Discretionary Projects D: Carry Forward Non Discretionary Projects Total of Development Budget (Discretionary+None Discretionary) Funding Sources of Development Budget 1: Domestic Sources 2: Total of Donors Assistance (Discretionary) 3: Total of Donors Assistance (None Discretionary) Total of Funding Sources (1+2+3) Dificit of Development Budget Before Debt Financing Debt Deficit of Development Budget After Debt Financing 370,171.2 80,000.0 1,446,677.2 1,896,848.4 (324,222.8) 73,442.4 (250,780.3) 18,508,558.5 4,000,000.0 72,333,861.6 94,842,420.0 (16,211,139.4) 3,672,122.0 (12,539,017.4) USD '000 700,951.5 399,383.9 301,567.7 1,520,119.7 715,470.1 804,649.6 2,221,071.189 AFS '000 35,047,576.5 19,969,192.5 15,078,384.0 76,005,983.0 35,773,502.5 40,232,480.5 111,053,559.45 68% 32% 1,530,108.8 1,139,947.5 2,670,056.3 (3,753.9) 76,505,441.5 56,997,372.6 133,502,814.2 (187,697.0) 57% 43% 2,673,810.2 133,690,511.2 2,673,810.2 2,221,071.2 4,894,881.4 (254,534.3) 133,690,511.2 111,053,559.5 244,744,070.6 (12,726,714.4) 55% 45% 1,900,280.0 2,740,067.1 4,640,347.1 95,014,000.0 137,003,356.2 232,017,356.2 41% 59% USD '000 AFS '000 %

Note: The exchange rate for 1391 is fixed at Afs 50 for 1 USD. A total of USD 73.442 million debt was used as financing for previous years and has been approved as part of 1390 budget. The total deficit in 1391 budget amounts to USD 250.780 million that includes both the new and carryforward projects. However, the real deficit would be calculated once Qatia is finalized for the year. The fiscal year for 1391 is for 9 months only and the next year for 1392 will commence in December 2012.


Table - 4 : Budget Summary and its financing sources

1- Detail Funding Source of Operating Budget Item Total Funding Sources of Operating Budget 1- Domestic Revenue 2- External Funding Sources Afghanistan Recosntruction Fund (ARTF) Low and Order Trust Fund (LOTFA) United states defence ministry (CSTC-A) for ministry of defence United states defence ministry (CSTC-A) for ministry of interior USD '000' 1391 AFS '000' 133,502,814.2 76,505,441.5 56,997,372.6 6,562,500.0 22,817,663.7 25,052,209.0 2,565,000.0

2,670,056.3 1,530,108.8 1,139,947.5 131,250.0 456,353.3 501,044.2 51,300.0 USD '000' CF New 1,108,316.2 322,086.2 168,086.2 40,000.0 20,000.0 40,000.0 54,000.0 786,230.1 80,000.0 50,000.0 30,000.0 706,230.1 106,266.0 4,600.0 4,100.0 500.0 24,000.0 294,590.0 15,150.0 1,700.0 23,201.0 38,400.0 10,000.0 28,400.0 184,244.0 4,000.0 500.0 4,700.0 2,650.0 450.0 360.0 1,200.0 219.1 9,240.0 9,240.0 USD '000' 1,896,848.4 370,171.2 168,086.2 40,000.0 20,000.0 40,000.0 54,000.0 48,085.0 1,526,677.2 80,000.0 50,000.0 30,000.0 1,446,677.2 263,839.1 31,455.1 17,343.3 462.6 8,950.0 4,699.2 24,000.0 2,506.0 104.1 502,437.1 18,489.2 2,682.4 41,874.8 157,235.3 10,000.0 164.1 13,610.2 133,461.0 800.0 304,788.2 1,580.0 1,881.8 526.7 37,046.1 57.9 6,918.3 11,554.6 252.0 5,810.0 1,924.0 450.0 1,190.4 1,620.0 10,630.0 3,970.0 510.9 9,139.4 1,404.0 73,442.4 24,156.4 29,286.0 20,000.0 Total

2- Funding sources for development budget

Title AFS '000' 94,842,420.0 18,508,558.5 8,404,308.5 2,000,000.0 1,000,000.0 2,000,000.0 2,700,000.0 2,404,250.0 76,333,861.6 4,000,000.0 2,500,000.0 1,500,000.0 72,333,861.6 13,191,953.5 1,572,754.0 867,165.5 23,129.0 447,500.0 234,959.5 1,200,000.0 125,300.0 5,202.5 25,121,852.6 924,461.0 134,120.5 2,093,742.0 7,861,763.0 500,000.0 8,202.5 680,509.5 6,673,051.0 40,000.0 15,239,411.5 79,000.0 94,088.5 26,333.0 1,852,304.5 2,895.0 345,914.0 577,731.0 12,601.0 290,500.0 96,200.0 22,499.0 59,520.5 81,000.0 531,500.0 198,500.0 25,544.0 456,970.5 70,200.0 3,672,122.0 1,207,820.5 1,464,301.5 1,000,000.0

Total Development Budget Funding I- Internal Sources 1- Domestic Revenue 2- Revenue from Oil Transit 3- Revenue from Railway 4- Revenue from last year (domestic Revenue) 5- Revenue from Aynak copper mine 6- Carry forward from 1390 (domestic revenue) II- External Sources (Foreign Assistance) 1- Discretionary Afghanistan Reconstruction Top-up Trust Fund World Bank (DPG) 2- Non Discretionary World Bank Japan Assistance Japan Japan International Cooperation Agency Japan Social Development Fund Japan None Project Grants United Nation Development Program (UNDP) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) United Nations Assistance Mission Afghanistan Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) Peace Re-integration Trust Fund Germany Italy United State Assistance International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Section (USA) United States, State Department United States Agriculture Department United States Assistance Islamic Development Bank Asian Development Bank Brunei Darussalam United Kingdom Czech Republic Denmark New Zealand International Organziation for Agriculture Development France Lithuania Global Alliance for Vaccination and Vaccination Exemption Kazakhstan Government Counter Norcotics Trust Fund Law and Order Trust Fund (LOTFA) Diseases Prevention and Control Center Global Fund Narway Netherlands India China III- Debt 1- Asian Development Bank 2- Islamic Development Bank 3-Saudi Development Fund

788,532.2 48,085.0 -

48,085.0 740,447.2 -

740,447.2 157,573.1 26,855.1 17,343.3 462.6 4,850.0 4,199.2 2,506.0 104.1 207,847.1 3,339.2 982.4 18,673.8 118,835.3 164.1 13,610.2 105,061.0 800.0 120,544.2 1,580.0 1,881.8 526.7 33,046.1 57.9 6,418.3 6,854.6 252.0 3,160.0 1,924.0 450.0 1,190.4 1,170.0 10,270.0 2,770.0 510.9 8,920.4 1,404.0 64,202.4 14,916.4 29,286.0 20,000.0


Table 5 - 1391 Operating Budget

Sector/ Ministry 1.1 - Security General Directorate of National Security Ministry of Defence Government Funding Donors Funding Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Interior Government Funding Donors Funding Presidential Protective Service 2.1 - Governance & Rule of Law President Office Independent Directorate of Local Governance National Assembly Meshanro Jirga National Assembly Wolesi Jirga The High office of Oversight and Anti Corruption Supreme Court The High office of Oversight on the National Constitution Ministry of Justice Ministry of State and Parliamentart Affairs Ministry of Haj and Religious Affairs Administrative Affairs Attorney General Election Commission Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission 1391 Operating Budget (000) AFS 21 71,287,655 4,073,166 35,402,309 10,350,100 25,052,209 988,667 30,316,674 4,934,010 25,382,664 506,839 5,506,730 807,017 915,825 300,986 794,319 57,909 797,113 26,510 313,945 38,387 362,125 272,169 631,984 55,031 133,409 22 5,244,902 900,000 1,021,781 1,021,781 892,500 2,311,079 2,311,079 119,543 1,987,436 375,395 594,242 43,304 97,500 26,595 150,000 19,670 101,993 21,097 167,258 200,777 91,175 29,612 68,820 15,000 320,750 37,500 200,000 11,250 9,000 3,750 18,750 7,500 4,500 3,750 7,500 11,250 1,500 1,500 3,000 22,500 102,586 102,586 25 278,202 24,000 114,117 114,117 76,810,760 4,997,166 36,538,207 11,485,998 25,052,209 1,903,667 32,730,338 7,347,675 25,382,664 641,381 7,814,916 1,219,911 1,710,067 355,540 900,819 88,254 965,863 53,680 420,437 63,235 536,883 484,196 724,660 86,142 205,229 % Share in total Operating budget 57.5% 3.7% 27.3% 8.6% 18.7% 1.4% 24.5% 5.5% 19.0% 0.5% 5.8% 0.9% 1.3% 0.3% 0.7% 0.1% 0.7% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.4% 0.4% 0.5% 0.1% 0.2% 1,558 40,202 3,789 7,214 1,090 3,011 473 6,806 115 2,944 239 7,044 1,334 5,015 405 723 1,389 202,696 Tashkeel 437,628 27,831 204,154


Sector/ Ministry 3.1 - Infrastructure & Natural Resources Directorate of Environment Geodesy and Cartography Office Ministry of Communication Ministry of Transport and Aviation Ministry of Urban Development Affairs Ministry of Mines Ministry of Public Works Operation and maintenance - Roads Operation and maintenance - Salangs Ministry of Energy and Water Afghanistan High Atomic Energy Commission 3.2 - Education & Culture Ministry of Higher Education Science Academy National Olympic Committee Ministry of Information and Culture Ministry of Education 3.3 - Health Ministry of Public Health 3.4 - Agricluture & Rural Development Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development Ministry of Counter Narcotics Ministry of Agriculture

1391 Operating Budget (000) AFS 21 1,529,943 74,552 68,250 280,817 242,250 93,750 223,500 320,625 210,000 16,200 19,176,302 1,034,558 93,600 21,944 401,199 17,625,000 1,356,755 1,356,755 1,083,029 249,376 61,534 772,120 22 1,412,237 44,551 27,435 79,500 112,500 39,001 93,750 918,750 750,000 112,500 90,000 6,750 3,374,194 1,128,804 18,935 153,533 181,724 1,891,198 663,750 663,750 302,306 140,304 33,000 129,002 3,600 3,000 156,098 22,500 2,250 7,733 11,115 112,500 60,000 60,000 11,096 3,750 1,675 5,671 25 44,315 3,750 2,250 8,277 3,750 3,750 11,250 4,688 2,986,494 122,853 97,935 368,594 358,500 136,500 328,500 1,244,063 750,000 112,500 303,600 25,950 22,706,594 2,185,862 114,785 183,211 594,038 19,628,698 2,080,505 2,080,505 1,396,431 393,429 96,209 906,793

% Share in total Operating budget 2.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.3% 0.3% 0.1% 0.2% 0.9% 0.6% 0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 17.0% 1.6% 0.1% 0.1% 0.4% 14.7% 1.6% 1.6% 1.0% 0.3% 0.1% 0.7%

Tashkeel 16,247 850 700 2,792 2,100 799 2,834 3,076

2,996 100 262,355 9,527 480 460 3,892 247,996 18,395 18,395 11,855 2,125 449 9,281


Sector/ Ministry 3.5 - Social Protection Ministry of Border and Tribal Affairs General Directorate of Kuchies Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority Ministry of Women's Affairs Ministry of Refugees and Repatriates Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled 3.6 - Economic Governance Ministry of Finance Ministry of Economy Ministry of Commerce Central Statistics Office Control and Audit Office Afghanistan National Standard Authority Sector Totals Total of Miscellaneous Codes Funds for revenue repayments (91) Policy related funds (92) Payments of Foreign Loans (93) Ministries Membership in International Organizations (95) Funds for implementation of Pay & Grade programme (civil services + Teachers) Funds for PRR and Super scale (96) pensions for martyrs & disabled (97) pensions for civilian and military staff (99) Contingency funds for emergency conditions

1391 Operating Budget (000) AFS 21 994,348 148,416 16,525 30,943 90,864 84,957 622,643 1,237,666 844,125 115,001 137,619 75,002 41,153 24,766 102,172,428 22 572,315 143,780 13,967 33,750 40,898 39,920 300,000 663,803 457,500 49,319 91,111 22,637 25,380 17,856 14,220,942 25 14,625 2,250 2,250 2,250 3,750 1,875 2,250 78,105 37,500 15,000 16,125 1,493 3,750 4,238 963,191 1,581,288 294,446 32,742 66,943 135,512 126,752 924,893 1,979,574 1,339,125 179,321 244,855 99,131 70,283 46,859 117,356,561

% Share in total Operating budget 1.2% 0.2% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.1% 0.7% 1.5% 1.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 87.8%

Tashkeel 10,920 1,207 228 363 889 1,000 7,233 12,184 8,550 950 1,149 800 435 300 809,786

150,000 650,000 552,200 200,000 1,094,250 187,500 3,000,000 3,000,000 700,000


Sector/ Ministry Funds for salaries (civil servants) Funds for Foreign Exchange Balance Contingency funds for land acquisition Recapitalization of Da Afghanistan Bank Funds for banks commision Funds for fuel subsidy Total of Miscellaneous Codes Grand Total

1391 Operating Budget (000) AFS 21 22 25 80,000 375,000 550,000 3,250,000 400,000 2,145,000 16,333,950 133,690,511

% Share in total Operating budget



Note : The CSCT-A assistance in code 22 and 25 for MOI and MOD have not yet been finalized. It will be included on the top of the ceilings mentioned above once the final figures are agreed upon. The Carryforward amounts used are after deducting the expenditures for 9 months of 1390 and the exact amounts will be known once the Qatia is finalized for the year


Table 6 - 1391 Development Budget (Discretionary and Non-Discretionary)

Values in '000' USD
Sector - Ministry 1.1 - Security General Directorate of National Security Ministry of Defence Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Interior Presidential Protective Service 2.1 - Governance & Rule of Law Administrative Affairs Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission Attorney General Election Commission Independent Administrative Reform and Independent Directorate of Local Ministry of Haj and Religious Affairs Ministry of Justice National Assembly Meshanro Jirga President Office Supreme Court The High office of Oversight and Anti Corruption 3.1 - Infrastructure & Natural Ministry of Public Works Independent board of new kabul Da brishna shirkat Geodesy and Cartography Office Directorate of Environment Kabul Municipality Water Supply and canalization corporation Ministry of Urban Development Affairs Ministry of Energy and Water Ministry of Transport and Aviation Ministry of Communication Ministry of Mines Afghanistan High Atomic Energy 3.2 - Education & Culture Ministry of Education Ministry of Higher Education Ministry of Information and Culture National Olympic Committee Science Academy CarryForward Non-Discretionary 2,001.1 1,426.7 170.4 404.0 20,140.8 4,810.6 10,680.2 962.9 1,865.7 83.8 1,737.7 376,531.9 122,602.8 79,464.1 8,150.0 6,000.0 4,100.0 95,528.7 10,520.3 9,642.6 40,523.4 101,225.2 9,397.0 88,812.2 2,586.0 430.0 Discretionary 16,968.9 3,516.1 210.8 1,159.6 11,538.0 544.4 20,166.4 2,310.5 1,027.0 891.8 5,900.5 3,815.4 1,889.5 1,789.5 325.7 1,148.5 250.0 318.2 500.0 158,068.6 45,276.6 3,000.0 3,503.0 328.2 10,453.5 4,190.0 3,169.0 64,080.8 10,716.0 3,158.8 10,148.8 44.0 38,711.4 16,763.5 13,918.4 557.0 5,672.5 1,800.0 New Budget Non-Discretionary 10,900.0 5,000.0 1,100.0 900.0 3,900.0 268,284.0 210,284.0 38,000.0 13,000.0 7,000.0 37,435.1 20,216.0 17,000.0 219.1 Discretionary 7,530.0 2,500.0 1,000.0 1,030.0 3,000.0 16,843.3 2,017.0 5,331.1 2,960.2 65.0 100.0 1,000.0 2,750.0 2,000.0 120.0 500.0 192,456.4 80,456.4 4,000.0 1,500.0 800.0 8,500.0 1,000.0 4,950.0 44,850.0 20,550.0 15,200.0 10,650.0 31,946.6 11,900.0 10,300.0 465.0 2,781.6 6,500.0 Total Budget Non-Discretionary 2,001.1 1,426.7 170.4 404.0 31,040.8 9,810.6 10,680.2 2,062.9 2,765.7 83.8 5,637.7 644,815.9 332,886.8 79,464.1 8,150.0 6,000.0 4,100.0 133,528.7 10,520.3 22,642.6 47,523.4 138,660.3 29,613.0 105,812.2 2,805.1 430.0 Discretionary 24,498.9 6,016.1 1,210.8 2,189.6 14,538.0 544.4 37,009.7 2,310.5 3,044.0 891.8 11,231.6 6,775.6 1,954.5 1,889.5 1,325.7 3,898.5 2,250.0 438.2 1,000.0 350,525.0 125,733.0 7,000.0 1,500.0 3,503.0 1,128.2 18,953.5 5,190.0 8,119.0 108,930.8 31,266.0 18,358.8 20,798.8 44.0 70,658.0 28,663.5 24,218.4 1,022.0 8,454.1 8,300.0 Total Development Budget 26,500.1 7,442.8 1,381.2 2,189.6 14,942.0 544.4 68,050.5 12,121.1 3,044.0 891.8 11,231.6 17,455.7 4,017.4 1,889.5 4,091.3 3,982.3 7,887.7 438.2 1,000.0 995,340.9 458,619.8 7,000.0 80,964.1 3,503.0 1,128.2 27,103.4 11,190.0 12,219.0 242,459.5 41,786.3 41,001.4 68,322.2 44.0 209,318.2 58,276.5 130,030.6 1,022.0 11,259.1 8,730.0


Values in '000' USD

Sector - Ministry 3.3 - Health Ministry of Public Health 3.4 - Agricluture & Rural Development Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Counter Narcotics Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development 3.5 - Social Protection Afghanistan National Disaster General Directorate of Kuchies Ministry of Border and Tribal Affairs Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled Ministry of Refugees and Repatriates Ministry of Women's Affairs 3.6 - Economic Governance Afghanistan Investment supporting agency(AISA) Afghanistan National Standard Authority Central Statistics Office Control and Audit Office Micro Finance Investment support facility for afghanistan Ministry of Commerce Ministry of Economy Ministry of Finance Total of All Sector Contingency Code Grand Total CarryForward Non-Discretionary 76,783.9 76,783.9 175,531.1 124,170.6 51,360.6 6,431.2 6,431.2 46,004.4 30,418.9 4,514.9 798.0 5,693.8 2,578.7 2,000.0 804,649.6 804,649.6 Discretionary 8,679.2 8,679.2 30,483.5 23,233.0 7,250.4 7,346.8 500.0 115.3 1,123.8 533.1 1,869.0 3,205.6 21,142.9 7,097.7 3,653.2 625.7 857.0 6,236.3 2,673.0 301,567.7 301,567.7 New Budget Non-Discretionary 73,201.0 73,201.0 272,900.0 210,500.0 52,400.0 10,000.0 5,000.0 5,000.0 35,750.0 30,050.0 1,000.0 2,000.0 1,000.0 1,700.0 703,470.1 12,000.0 715,470.1 Discretionary 27,197.5 27,197.5 28,700.0 27,700.0 1,000.0 5,260.0 160.0 1,000.0 1,500.0 200.0 2,400.0 23,950.0 19,750.0 1,000.0 500.0 1,300.0 1,400.0 333,883.9 65,500.0 399,383.9 Total Budget Non-Discretionary 149,984.9 149,984.9 448,431.1 334,670.6 103,760.6 10,000.0 11,431.2 11,431.2 81,754.4 60,468.9 1,000.0 4,514.9 2,798.0 6,693.8 4,278.7 2,000.0 1,508,119.7 12,000.0 1,520,119.7 Discretionary 35,876.7 35,876.7 59,183.5 23,233.0 34,950.4 1,000.0 12,606.8 660.0 115.3 2,123.8 2,033.1 2,069.0 5,605.6 45,092.9 26,847.7 4,653.2 1,125.7 857.0 7,536.3 4,073.0 635,451.5 65,500.0 700,951.5 Total Development Budget 185,861.6 185,861.6 507,614.6 357,903.6 138,711.0 11,000.0 24,038.0 660.0 115.3 2,123.8 2,033.1 2,069.0 17,036.8 126,847.3 87,316.6 1,000.0 4,653.2 4,514.9 3,923.7 7,550.9 11,815.1 6,073.0 2,143,571.2 77,500.0 2,221,071.2

Note : The Carryforward amounts used are after deducting the expenditures for 9 months of 1390 and the exact amounts will be known once the Qatia is finalized for the year.


Table 7 - 1391 Development Projects

valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 22,048.48 6,406.87 6,406.87 Construction of Security Check Posts for Highways Patrol Law and Order Trust Fund 1382 Grant 1382 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1384 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1384 Govt of Afghanistan 1389 UK Grant 1390 Law and Order Trust Fund 1389 Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund 1386 Czech Republic Govt of Afghanistan Grant Grant Non-Discretionary Discretionary Grant Non-Discretionary Grant Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary 367.76 367.76 1,402.00 1,402.00 1,054.84 1,054.84 323.72 323.72 3.45 3.45 1,160.00 1,160.00 165.68 165.68 1,929.43 182.80 1,746.63 Construction of Complex Office for distribution of ID Cards 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary 513.04 513.04 Construction and Renovation of National Security Office in Kabul and Provinces Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Program Support Unit 1386 Govt of Afghanistan 1389 Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund Grant Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary 342.62 342.62 170.42 170.42 CarryForward 18,970.06 4,942.82 4,942.82 211.82 211.82 1,053.50 1,053.50 932.71 932.71 323.72 323.72 3.45 3.45 978.58 978.58 165.68 165.68 1,273.35 67.19 1,206.16 381.22 381.22 210.80 210.80 170.42 170.42 1391 New Budget 7,530.00 2,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total Budget 26,500.06 7,442.82 6,442.82 211.82 211.82 1,053.50 1,053.50 932.71 932.71 323.72 323.72 3.45 3.45 978.58 978.58 165.68 165.68 2,773.35 67.19 2,706.16 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,381.22 1,381.22 1,210.80 1,210.80 170.42 170.42

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type

1.1 - Security Ministry of Interior CarryForward AFG/260009

AFG/260027 AFG/260035

Construction of border Check Posts

Construction of Fire Brigade Stations


Construction of Gas Stations in Capital and provinces

AFG/260237 AFG/260279

Supplying of services in districts level (Ministry of Interior) Construction of houses for families of ANP martyrs and disables Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Program Support Unit-MoI



Construction of 6 Prison Buildings in Provinces

New AFG/260298

General Directorate of National Security CarryForward AFG/640003



valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 1,918.25 1,918.25 Procurement of security equipment Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary 1389 Grant Discretionary 1,568.25 1,568.25 350.00 350.00 Construction of Workshop 12,512.33 12,512.33 Purchase and Renovation of Embassies and Consulates Construction of Administrative Building for Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1383 Govt of Afghanistan 1384 Govt of Afghanistan 1387 China Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary 10,914.43 10,914.43 193.90 193.90 404.00 404.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 697.99 697.99 Construction of locales and check posts from Kabul Kandahar - Herat 1387 Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary 197.99 197.99 500.00 500.00 67,370.53 10,282.86 10,282.86 New, Proposed Management Capacity Program Govt of Afghanistan Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Construction of Building for IARCSC Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Grant 1390 US assistance Grant Non-Discretionary Discretionary 1384 Grant Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary 7,282.86 1,711.21 5,571.65 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 CarryForward 1,159.61 1,159.61 944.75 944.75 214.86 214.86 11,942.01 11,942.01 10,344.11 10,344.11 193.90 193.90 404.00 404.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 544.40 544.40 44.40 44.40 500.00 500.00 40,307.16 7,121.05 7,121.05 4,121.05 1,310.46 2,810.59 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1391 New Budget 1,030.00 1,030.00 1,030.00 1,030.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 27,743.34 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 Total Budget 2,189.61 1,159.61 944.75 944.75 214.86 214.86 1,030.00 1,030.00 1,030.00 14,942.01 14,942.01 13,344.11 13,344.11 193.90 193.90 404.00 404.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 544.40 544.40 44.40 44.40 500.00 500.00 68,050.52 12,121.05 12,121.05 4,121.05 1,310.46 2,810.59 1,000.00 1,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type

President Protective Services CarryForward AFG/150004


Construction of annex buildings and sustaining security sites

New AFG/150014

Ministry of Foreign Affairs CarryForward AFG/230026


AFG/230069 AFG/230096 Ministry of Defence CarryForward AFG/220080

China Aid for Support of Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Construction of Afghan Building in Peshawar


construction of ordnance stocks

1.2 - Governance, Rule of Law and Human Rights Independent Administrative Affairs and Civil Service commission CarryForward AFG/620030

AFG/620134 AFG/620135

Support to Afghanistan Civil Services


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 1,633.10 1,633.10 Construction of Residential Buildings for Vice Presidents, Chief Justices and Head of Head of WOLESI JERGA-123 1385 Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary 1,633.10 1,633.10 Office for Transition Process 891.75 891.75 Construction of central Building for the High office of over sight and anti corruption. Govt of Afghanistan 1389 Grant Discretionary 891.75 891.75 7,055.71 7,055.71 Repair of Presidential Palace (Delcosha) Govt of Afghanistan 1385 Govt of Afghanistan 1387 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1387 Govt of Afghanistan 1387 Govt of Afghanistan 1389 Govt of Afghanistan 1389 Govt of Afghanistan 1389 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary 1385 Grant Discretionary 2,950.86 2,950.86 50.64 50.64 601.86 601.86 962.21 962.21 675.72 675.72 609.88 609.88 132.00 132.00 500.00 500.00 200.00 200.00 CarryForward 1,027.00 1,027.00 1,027.00 1,027.00 891.75 891.75 891.75 891.75 5,900.47 5,900.47 2,420.72 2,420.72 50.64 50.64 601.86 601.86 863.66 863.66 635.02 635.02 566.25 566.25 113.68 113.68 265.10 265.10 200.00 200.00 1391 New Budget 2,017.00 517.00 517.00 517.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 5,331.10 4,331.10 1,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 250.00 250.00 150.00 150.00 531.10 531.10 100.00 100.00 Total Budget 3,044.00 1,544.00 1,544.00 1,544.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 891.75 891.75 891.75 891.75 11,231.57 10,231.57 3,420.72 3,420.72 150.64 150.64 801.86 801.86 1,113.66 1,113.66 635.02 635.02 716.25 716.25 113.68 113.68 796.20 796.20 300.00 300.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type

Office of Administrative Affairs CarryForward AFG/130021

New AFG/130132 AFG/130133

Design project desgin

The High office of Oversight and Anti Corruption CarryForward AFG/670003

President Office CarryForward AFG/100008


Construction of boundary wall of the Arg (Palace No.1)


Construction of Archive Building inside Arg


Metal Roofing of Mosque, Yellow Building and Salam Khana Palace


Construction of New Building in the Area of Palace (No. 2)


Construction of three Towers of Arg palace


Construction of Workshop for Repairing and Washing of Vehicles


Construction of Arg Roads


Construction of Kitchen forThe President Office


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 372.55 Grant Discretionary 372.55 Renovation of Power and Warter system of Arg Palace 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary 28,179.98 28,179.98 Afghanistan Stablization Programme(ASP) Japan Govt of Afghanistan UNAMA Holland 1382 Grant Grant Grant Grant 1387 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1389 UK Govt of Afghanistan Denmark France US assistance Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary 5,131.39 343.34 3,956.19 104.05 727.81 592.30 592.30 21,796.29 3,498.84 83.68 2,800.00 1,000.00 14,413.77 480.00 480.00 180.00 180.00 5,369.14 5,369.14 Rehabilitation and Construction of Primary and Appeal courts in Provinces 1384 Govt of Afghanistan 1385 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1387 Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Grant 1389 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary 2,217.63 2,217.63 65.85 65.85 2,700.66 2,700.66 85.00 85.00 CarryForward 183.54 183.54 14,495.50 14,495.50 3,406.91 343.34 2,555.97 104.05 510.88 515.70 515.70 9,805.57 1,037.88 83.68 2,800.00 884.01 5,000.00 480.00 480.00 180.00 180.00 2,852.39 2,852.39 1,677.14 1,677.14 9.58 9.58 962.92 962.92 12.03 12.03 1391 New Budget 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,960.20 2,960.20 2,107.32 2,000.00 960.20 960.20 1,165.00 1,165.00 65.00 65.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 Total Budget 2,183.54 2,183.54 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 17,455.71 17,455.71 5,514.24 343.34 4,555.97 104.05 510.88 1,475.90 1,475.90 9,805.57 1,037.88 83.68 2,800.00 884.01 5,000.00 480.00 480.00 180.00 180.00 4,017.39 4,017.39 1,677.14 1,677.14 74.58 74.58 2,062.92 2,062.92 12.03 12.03

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Project for Design of Gul khana and Haramsaray Palaces

1390 Govt of Afghanistan

New AFG/100080

Independent Directorate of Local Governance CarryForward AFG/590002


Construction of Residential Buildings for Governors


Supplying of services in districts levels.


Construction of city roads in Badghis


Construction of Provicial Council Building of Badghis Province

Supreme Court CarryForward AFG/140006


Capacity Building for Supreme Court Employees


National Justice Program (Supreme Court)


Construction of meeting Hall of Suprem Court


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 300.00 Grant Discretionary 300.00 2,279.69 2,279.69 Construction of Building for Members of Mesharano Jerga 1387 Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary 1,629.69 1,629.69 650.00 650.00 Capacity Building for Meshrano Jerga Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Grant Discretionary 3,888.54 3,888.54 Construction of Head Quarter Building for Attorney General in Kabul. 1383 Govt of Afghanistan 1383 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1387 Afghanistan Reconstruction Grant Non-Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary 194.07 194.07 194.48 194.48 3,500.00 3,500.00 instal ot water hetter Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Grant Discretionary 2,393.18 2,393.18 Construction of Mosques Govt of Afghanistan 1385 Grant 1385 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1387 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1389 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary 701.15 701.15 355.44 355.44 25.31 25.31 949.79 949.79 CarryForward 190.73 190.73 1,789.50 1,789.50 1,139.50 1,139.50 650.00 650.00 2,191.30 2,191.30 194.07 194.07 131.59 131.59 1,865.65 1,865.65 1,232.27 1,232.27 216.11 216.11 355.44 355.44 13.95 13.95 462.32 462.32 1391 New Budget 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1,900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,750.04 2,750.04 2,000.00 2,000.00 500.00 500.00 50.00 50.00 200.04 200.04 Total Budget 190.73 190.73 1,889.50 1,789.50 1,139.50 1,139.50 650.00 650.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 4,091.30 3,091.30 194.07 194.07 131.59 131.59 2,765.65 2,765.65 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,982.32 3,982.32 2,216.11 2,216.11 855.44 855.44 63.95 63.95 662.37 662.37

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Design and Construction of Wall and Complex Building for Courts in Kabul

1390 Govt of Afghanistan

Mesharano Jira CarryForward AFG/110002


Surrounding Wall, Land scape and Security Towers

New AFG/110010 Attorney General CarryForward AFG/510001


Offices for Attorney General in Provinces and Districts

AFG/510007 New AFG/510013

National Justice Program (Attorney General)

Ministry of Hajj and Religious Affairs CarryForward AFG/240008


Construction of 5 Buildings for Ministry of Hajj and Religious Affairs in Provinces


Project Implementation Unit


Construction of Haji Camp in Nangarhar province


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 250.00 Grant 1389 UK Grant Non-Discretionary Discretionary 250.00 111.49 111.49 4,578.36 4,578.36 National Justice Program (Ministry of Justice) Afghanistan Reconstruction 1387 Grant 1389 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary 4,328.36 4,328.36 100.00 100.00 150.00 150.00 Construction of Admin Building in Provinces Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Grant 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary 318.22 318.22 Construction of Provincial commission in election Govt of Afghanistan 1389 Grant Discretionary 318.22 318.22 500.00 500.00 Constraction fo AIHRC Main Building Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Grant Discretionary 500.00 500.00 900,788.68 352,206.15 352,206.15 Rehabilitation - Asphalt of Doshi to Puli-khumri Road Islamic Development Bank 1383 loan Non-Discretionary 13,022.37 13,022.37 CarryForward 100.67 100.67 83.78 83.78 1,987.71 1,987.71 1,737.71 1,737.71 100.00 100.00 150.00 150.00 318.22 318.22 318.22 318.22 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 534,600.55 167,879.449 167,879.45 12,984.18 12,984.18 1391 New Budget 5,900.00 3,900.00 3,900.00 3,900.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 460,740.40 290,740.400 267,740.40 Total Budget 100.67 100.67 83.78 83.78 7,887.71 5,887.71 5,637.71 5,637.71 100.00 100.00 150.00 150.00 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 438.22 438.22 438.22 438.22 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 995,340.949 458,619.849 435,619.85 12,984.18 12,984.18

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Building of Mosque in Center of Kapisa Province Govt of Afghanistan



Supplying of services in districts levels(Ministry of Haj and Relegious Affairs)

Ministry of Justice CarryForward AFG/500056


Projection of Correction Center for Children in Provinces


Construction of Legal Department Building in Aab-eKamary District of Badghis province

New AFG/500140



Indpendent Election Commission CarryForward AFG/720049

Indpendent Human Rights Commission CarryForward AFG/870001

1.3 - Infrastructure and Natural Resoures Ministry of Public Works CarryForward AFG/420011


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 6,232.13 Grant 1382 Islamic Development Bank loan 1382 Govt of Afghanistan 1382 Italy Grant 1383 Govt of Afghanistan 1384 Asian Development Bank Govt of Afghanistan Grant Grant 1383 Govt of Afghanistan 1384 Asian Development Bank Grant 1383 World Bank Italy Govt of Afghanistan Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Design of Faizabad - Eshkashem (101 Km) Govt of Afghanistan 1384 Grant 1384 Govt of Afghanistan Saudi Development Fund Grant loan 1384 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Grant Grant Grant Grant Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary 6,232.13 15,226.25 15,226.25 1,286.26 1,286.26 21,764.92 21,764.92 1,500.00 1,500.00 21,135.87 18,135.87 3,000.00 1,155.00 1,155.00 80,116.11 80,116.11 45,155.40 15,907.84 5,000.00 24,247.56 1,154.00 1,154.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 6.08 6.08 CarryForward 4,891.98 4,891.98 12,092.31 12,092.31 1,286.00 1,286.00 10,217.21 10,217.21 400.00 400.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,155.00 1,155.00 13,897.83 13,897.83 28,420.42 13,613.55 4,793.72 10,013.15 1,154.00 1,154.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 1391 New Budget 15,000.00 15,000.00 8,600.00 8,600.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 31,236.40 12,000.00 6,000.00 1,236.40 12,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 Total Budget 4,891.98 4,891.98 12,092.31 12,092.31 1,286.00 1,286.00 25,217.21 25,217.21 400.00 400.00 11,600.00 8,600.00 3,000.00 1,155.00 1,155.00 113,897.83 113,897.83 59,656.82 25,613.55 6,000.00 6,030.12 22,013.15 1,154.00 1,154.00 21,000.00 1,000.00 20,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Asphalt of Andkhoy-Qaissar Road (210 kms) Asian Development Bank



Super Corridor: Asphalt of Andkhoy - Aquina Road (36 kms)


National Highway: Rehabilitation of Herat Torgundi Road (119 kms)

AFG/420022 AFG/420047

AID 7803 - Construction of Bamian - Kabul Road (140 ) KM Maintenance Equipment for Roads


Construction of MazarSharif- Dar-e-Souf Road 140 Km


Design of Jabul Saraj - Sorobi Road


Construction of Qaissar-BalamurghabLamanRoad(233 Km)


National Rural Access Program (NRAP) (MoPW)



Construction of Armalak - Laman Road (50Km)


Construction of Sheberghan City Roads


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 217.11 Grant 1385 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1385 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1386 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1387 Asian Development Bank Grant 1387 Asian Development Bank Grant 1387 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1385 Asian Development Bank Grant 1387 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1387 Asian Development Bank Grant 1388 Japan Govt of Afghanistan Grant Grant 1388 Asian Development Bank Govt of Afghanistan Grant Grant Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary 217.11 6,920.33 6,920.33 2,109.44 2,109.44 156.12 156.12 10,043.33 10,043.33 2,186.56 2,186.56 1,181.82 1,181.82 13,384.27 13,384.27 12,521.43 12,521.43 9,865.73 9,865.73 20,073.04 15,000.00 5,073.04 17,827.68 15,980.11 1,847.57 5,073.04 7,219.59 5,797.93 1,421.66 5,000.00 35,000.00 10,000.00 25,000.00 10,073.04 42,219.59 15,797.93 26,421.66 CarryForward 285.47 285.47 1,745.77 1,745.77 2,109.44 2,109.44 156.12 156.12 10,000.00 10,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 727.81 727.81 6,000.00 6,000.00 3,750.10 3,750.10 5,073.04 1391 New Budget 4,000.00 4,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,684.00 10,684.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 Total Budget 285.47 285.47 5,745.77 5,745.77 2,109.44 2,109.44 1,156.12 1,156.12 20,000.00 20,000.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 727.81 727.81 16,684.00 16,684.00 6,750.10 6,750.10 15,000.00 15,000.00 10,073.04

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Construction (DBST) of Sayed Abad Unkhai Pass 19Km Govt of Afghanistan



Construction of Taloqan - Ay-Khanum - Rostaq Road 187Km (DBST)


Construction DBST of Sayeed Abad, Chak,Daimeer daad and Bahsood (75 Km)


Construction of Cheghcheran City Road


Construction of Faizabad - Eshkashem Road 150 Km ( Faizabad-Baharak 43 Km 1st Phase)


Construction of Jabul Saraj - Sorobi 101 Km


Design of Kabul City Ring Road 117Km


Construction of Bamyan - Yakowlang Road 99Km


Construction of mazare-e-sharif and Frah City road


Construction of Kabul-Soribi road with the length of 150 Km


Design and Construction of Sari Khuja to Charikar road second line


Maintainance ,Operation and werhouses of Hairatan - Mazar-e-Sharif Railway Project


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget CarryForward 1391 New Budget Total Budget

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Construction of Mazar-e-Sharif ring road with lenght of 31 Km and extention of existing road from Ferdousi park Govt of Afghanistan

1389 Grant 1389 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan 1389 Govt of Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund 1390 Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary

2,780.73 2,780.73 19,000.00 19,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,684.17 500.00 1,184.17 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 -

2,780.73 2,780.73 10,555.13 10,555.13 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,477.32 382.62 1,094.71 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 -

1,220.00 1,220.00 12,500.00 12,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 1,000.00 23,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00

4,000.73 4,000.73 23,055.13 23,055.13 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,977.32 882.62 2,094.71 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 23,000.00 8,000.00 8,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 7,000.00


Construction of Road from Herat to Chekhcheran and Chekhcharan Gardandewal


Construction of 10 Km Road in Nemroz City


Program Development Unit for the Establishment of Public Works Corps


Construction of security check posts for HairatanMazar Railway Project

AFG/420323 New AFG/420332 AFG/420333 AFG/420335

Construction of Taloqan Roads

Construction of Lata Band Road (40KM) Govt of Afghanistan Design of Shorawak -speenboldak Road Govt of Afghanistan Construction of Kabul-Logar Road Govt of Afghanistan

1391 Grant 1391 Grant 1391 Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary

5,115.13 5,115.13


Design and Construction of Saripul-Sheberghan Road


Construction and Asphalt of Kandahar airport road


Construction of PAMIR roads

Indpendent Kabul Board CarryForward AFG/840001

preparation of master plan and Infrastructure of the new kabul City 1385 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary

3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00

4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00

5,115.13 5,115.13


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 81,327.95 81,327.95 Distribution network at Baghlan and Kunduz Asian Development Bank 1390 Grant 1390 Asian Development Bank Grant 1390 Asian Development Bank Grant 1390 Asian Development Bank Grant 1390 Asian Development Bank Grant 1390 Asian Development Bank Grant 1390 Asian Development Bank Grant 1390 Asian Development Bank Grant 1390 Asian Development Bank Grant 1390 Asian Development Bank Grant 1390 Asian Development Bank Grant 1390 Asian Development Bank Grant Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary 3,550.00 3,550.00 700.00 700.00 7,600.00 7,600.00 850.00 850.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,170.00 1,170.00 1,160.00 1,160.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,693.90 5,693.90 1,000.00 1,000.00 100.00 100.00 CarryForward 79,464.10 79,464.10 3,550.00 3,550.00 700.00 700.00 7,600.00 7,600.00 850.00 850.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,170.00 1,170.00 1,160.00 1,160.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 4,747.07 4,747.07 449.03 449.03 100.00 100.00 1391 New Budget 1,500.00 Total Budget 80,964.10 79,464.10 3,550.00 3,550.00 700.00 700.00 7,600.00 7,600.00 850.00 850.00 2,400.00 2,400.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 1,170.00 1,170.00 1,160.00 1,160.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 4,747.07 4,747.07 449.03 449.03 100.00 100.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type

Da Afghanistan Brishna shirkat CarryForward AFG/830001


Baharak Hydropower plant and mini-grid development


NEPS 220 Kv transmission system spares and emergency equipments


NEPS operations and maintenance


Development of Four Mini Hydropower in Bamyan and Badakhshan (JFPR)


220 KV Transmission line Chimtala Substation to new South-West Substation


220 KV Kabul new south-West Substation


Distribution Network rehabilitation and expansion in Dashti -Barchi


Supply of 15/20 dual voltage transformers


Program Management and project implementation consultant for tranche 2


DABS senior management assistance


Establishment of revolving fund and Distribution planning system for DABs


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 11,480.00 Grant 1390 Asian Development Bank Grant Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary 11,480.00 500.00 500.00 CarryForward 11,480.00 11,480.00 500.00 500.00 1391 New Budget Total Budget 11,480.00 11,480.00 500.00 500.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Gereshk Hydropower station and distribution network rehabilitation Asian Development Bank



Rehibilation of Sheberghan city Distribution network


Extension of transmission line from Kabul to Logar, Khost, Paktika and Gardiz including of its network and substations Asian Development Bank





Grant 1387


540.00 22,984.05

540.00 22,618.00 22,618.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 3,502.95 3,502.95 3,502.95 3,502.95 328.23 328.23 297.00 297.00 31.23 31.23

1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 800.00 -

540.00 22,618.00 22,618.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 3,502.95 3,502.95 3,502.95 3,502.95 1,128.23 1,128.23 1,097.00 1,097.00 31.23 31.23


220 Kv Transmission line between Kunduz and Taluqan Asian Development Bank

Grant 1387


22,984.05 500.00


Operation and Maintenance of 220Kv transmission line from Hairatan to Kabul (DABS) Asian Development Bank

Grant 1389


500.00 500.00


Sub-Station Extension of hydro power in South part of Kabul Asian Development Bank

Grant 1390


500.00 17,000.00

AFG/830021 New AFG/830023

Power Transmission and supply from South to North US assistance Power Transition & Distribution in Ozbin and Badpakht



17,000.00 -

1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary

3,502.95 3,502.95

Office of Geodesy and Cartography CarryForward AFG/650008

Geodesy and Cartography Equipment Govt of Afghanistan 1385 Grant Discretionary

3,502.95 3,502.95 1,000.00 1,000.00

National Directorate of Environment CarryForward AFG/600006 AFG/600009

Construction of NEPA Centeral Building Govt of Afghanistan Laboratory equipment (water Air Soil) Govt of Afghanistan 1388 Grant Discretionary 1386 Grant Discretionary

700.00 700.00 300.00 300.00


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 29,290.71 29,290.71 Construction of Dashte Barche Road Govt of Afghanistan 1384 Grant 1386 Japan Govt of Afghanistan 1387 Govt of Afghanistan 1387 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1386 Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Grant 1387 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1387 Govt of Afghanistan 1383 Japan Grant 1383 Govt of Afghanistan 1384 Govt of Afghanistan 1386 Japan Grant 1385 Japan Grant 1387 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Grant Non-Discretionary Discretionary 911.59 911.59 2,000.00 2,000.00 8,774.01 8,774.01 5,181.07 5,181.07 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,975.19 1,975.19 845.95 845.95 1,389.28 1,389.28 91.65 91.65 541.24 541.24 1,777.00 1,777.00 Discretionary 928.53 928.53 1,871.90 1,871.90 CarryForward 18,603.44 18,603.44 191.53 191.53 1,640.90 1,640.90 911.59 911.59 397.38 397.38 4,018.01 4,018.01 3,012.81 3,012.81 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,975.19 1,975.19 796.89 796.89 1,013.95 1,013.95 91.65 91.65 424.24 424.24 1,126.00 1,126.00 1391 New Budget 8,500.00 8,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 Total Budget 27,103.44 27,103.44 1,191.53 1,191.53 2,640.90 1,640.90 1,000.00 911.59 911.59 2,397.38 2,397.38 4,018.01 4,018.01 6,012.81 6,012.81 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,975.19 1,975.19 1,796.89 1,796.89 1,013.95 1,013.95 91.65 91.65 424.24 424.24 1,626.00 1,626.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type

Kabul Municipality CarryForward AFG/790001


Construction of Chelsotoon Road (from Pul-e-Artal to Qasr-e-Chehlsotoon) 5.5km long and 30m wide


Construction of Roads on North, south side of Kabul River of Kabul City


Road construction of Karte Mamorien to Qargha


Rehabilitation of Kabul City Roads.


Comperhensive Project Area Development Kabul City


Construction of 2 bridges on Kabul River

AFG/790011 AFG/790012

Heavy Machinery and Equipment for Kabul Municiplaity Construction of Karte- Ariana Road to Kabul University through Gardana Sakhi Construction of Qala Zaman Khan to Ahmad Shah Mina Road



Construction of Bahg-e-Alimardani Road ( Murad Khani to Jada-e-Miwand )


Construction & Expansion of Jada-e-Walayet (from Malik Asghar Square to Sadarat Square)


Construction of Road from Ibne Sena to Baghe-Kazi & Chamane Huzuri, Kabul City


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 596.13 Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan 1386 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary 596.13 1,000.00 1,000.00 407.17 407.17 17,190.31 17,190.31 Supply of Drinking water for Farah Province Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Grant 1389 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan 1383 World Bank Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Grant Grant Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 12,690.31 6,361.11 6,329.20 22,191.92 22,191.92 Area upgrading(KURP) World Bank Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Construction of Prime Minister Compound Govt of Afghanistan 1384 Govt of Afghanistan 1384 Govt of Afghanistan 1387 Govt of Afghanistan 1386 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary 1384 Grant Discretionary 1382 Grant Grant Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary 8,937.14 3,461.10 5,476.04 545.69 545.69 674.56 674.56 5,425.33 5,425.33 569.19 569.19 360.99 360.99 600.00 500.00 500.00 214.00 214.00 1,125.00 1,125.00 500.00 500.00 130.00 130.00 730.00 730.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 600.00 500.00 500.00 944.00 944.00 4,125.00 4,125.00 500.00 500.00 130.00 130.00 7,269.00 7,269.00 600.00 4,950.00 4,950.00 12,219.00 12,219.00 600.00 CarryForward 596.13 596.13 1,000.00 1,000.00 407.17 407.17 10,190.00 10,190.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 690.00 690.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 1391 New Budget 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 Total Budget 596.13 596.13 1,000.00 1,000.00 407.17 407.17 11,190.00 11,190.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,190.00 1,190.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Rehabilitation of Heating System in First Macrorayan Govt of Afghanistan



Canalization of Hawayee Blocks


Re-construction of Dar-ul-Aman Palace and Tepa Taj Baig

Water Supply and Canalization CarryForward AFG/820001 AFG/820003 AFG/820004

Water Distribution Network Of Ankhoy

Access to Drinking Water in Samangan


Provincial Towns WSS (Water Supply System) - 14 towns

Ministry of Urban Development CarryForward AFG/490074



Strategic Development Plans for Kabul and Four Major Cities Twenty Thousand Housing Unit in Dah Sabz District Kabul. Afghan Traditional Architecture School (Prince Charles Foundation) Establishment of Unit for Youth Engineers Capacity Building





valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 1,137.63 Grant 1388 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1388 Japan None Project Grants Grant Non-Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary 1,137.63 1,041.39 1,041.39 3,500.00 3,500.00 258,259.34 258,259.34 Rehabilitation, Construction and Surveying of New Micro Hydel in Provinces, Feasiblity Study, Design and Construction of Suri Khwli Dam in Chamkani Area Govt of Afghanistan CarryForward 500.00 500.00 200.00 200.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 159,609.45 159,609.45 1391 New Budget 720.00 720.00 500.00 500.00 82,850.00 72,850.00 Total Budget 1,220.00 1,220.00 700.00 700.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 242,459.45 232,459.45

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Survey and Distribution of Residential Land for School Teachers Nationwide

1386 Govt of Afghanistan

AFG/490204 AFG/490295

Project Management Unit& Capacity building

Ring road inside Mazar-e-sharif city. ( 9 KM)

Ministry of Energy and Water CarryForward AFG/410018





Grant 1383


2,275.00 10,134.16

2,275.00 8,952.65 8,952.65 -

400.00 400.00 14,500.00 -

2,275.00 9,352.65 8,952.65 400.00 23,095.14 1,196.28


Rehabilitation of 174 National Hydrological Stations through out the Country World Bank Govt of Afghanistan

Grant Grant 1382

Non-Discretionary Discretionary



Western Basin Integrated Water Resource Management

15,785.98 Grant Non-Discretionary 1,221.81

8,595.14 1,196.28

Islamic Development Bank Asian Development Bank Govt of Afghanistan 1382 World Bank

Grant- loan Grant

Non-Discretionary Discretionary

13,963.35 600.82 5,331.82

7,299.62 99.24 2,973.81 2,973.81 1,427.45 1,427.45 9,608.55 9,608.55 5,013.72 5,013.72

14,000.00 500.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 13,000.00 13,000.00

21,299.62 599.24 2,973.81 2,973.81 5,427.45 5,427.45 9,608.55 9,608.55 18,013.72 18,013.72


feasablity study and Design of Dams in Northern Region Capacity Building and Institutional Development of (Project Coordination Unit,PMU)Stations

Grant 1382


5,331.82 4,940.55


World Bank

Grant 1382


4,940.55 10,634.00


Kamal Khan Irrigation and Lashkari Flood Control Project (Bankable) Rehabilitation of Nationwide Small, Medium and Large Traditional Irrigation Schemes.

Govt of Afghanistan 1383 World Bank Govt of Afghanistan



10,634.00 14,127.43


Grant Grant 1382

Non-Discretionary Discretionary

13,934.97 192.46 4,251.53


Emergency Power Rehabilitation Project World Bank Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund

1,755.68 575.19 1,180.49

1,755.68 575.19 1,180.49

Grant Grant

Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary

3,071.04 1,180.49


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget CarryForward 1391 New Budget Total Budget

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Power transmission and Distribution project(110kV Trans Line from Shirkhan Bandar to Himam Sahaib,220/20KV S/S Taliqan,110KV/20KV at Sari Pul,110KV Trans Line From Naghlu to East Jilalabad, Asian Development Bank Govt of Afghanistan





Grant; loan Grant 1384

Non-Discretionary Discretionary

5,593.88 11,461.62 6,078.02 3,549.16 6,078.02 6,078.02 500.00 500.00 7,668.70 500.00 500.00 3,549.16 6,078.02 6,078.02 1,000.00 1,000.00 7,668.70


Design and Construction of Gambiri Irrigation Project

Govt of Afghanistan 1384 Govt of Afghanistan



6,078.02 500.00


Design of Bakhshabad Dam in Farah Province

Grant 1384


500.00 21,841.11


Extension of 220 kv transmission line from Tajikistan boarder to kundoz and pulikhumri including baghlan and kundoz substations Islamic Development Bank Asian Development Bank Govt of Afghanistan






Grant Grant 1383

Non-Discretionary Discretionary

13,581.57 3,828.54 1,800.00

1,625.91 3,029.53 1,800.00 1,800.00 310.00 310.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,499.27 3,499.27 8,132.16 8,132.16 11,679.94 11,679.94 2,100.00 2,100.00 100.00 100.00

3,000.00 3,000.00 -

1,625.91 3,029.53 1,800.00 1,800.00 310.00 310.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,499.27 3,499.27 8,132.16 8,132.16 11,679.94 11,679.94 5,100.00 5,100.00 100.00 100.00


Feasibility Study for Baghdara Hydro Power Plant Govt of Afghanistan

Grant 1385


1,800.00 456.58


Rehabilitation of Ministry of Energy and Water Govt of Afghanistan

Grant 1385


456.58 1,032.53


Design of Shahtoot irrigation Dam on Maidan Wardak River (Capacity: 10,000 Hectares) Govt of Afghanistan

Grant 1386


1,032.53 3,526.73


Electrification of Robat Sangi , Gulran and Koshk districts of Herat province Govt of Afghanistan

Grant 1386


3,526.73 8,132.16


Design and Construction of Machalgho and Park Dams in Paktia and Paktika Provinces Govt of Afghanistan

Grant 1386


8,132.16 11,679.94


Kabul and Mazar-e-Sharif Distribution Network and Construction of Aybak Substation Afghanistan Reconstruction

Grant 1386


11,679.94 7,171.18


Consolidation of Major Rivers of the Country Govt of Afghanistan

Grant 1385


7,171.18 221.99


Rehabilitation and Expansion of Kabul power distribution network project

Govt of Afghanistan





valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget CarryForward 1391 New Budget Total Budget

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Extension of distribution networks in Aybak, Pol-eKhomr, Doshi, Khenjan, Charikar, Gulbahar and Jabul seraj and Rehabilitation of Naghlu and Mahipar substations Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund





Grant 1386


44,693.53 11,312.62

44,000.00 7,534.73 7,534.73 148.57 148.57 2,672.18

8,000.00 8,000.00 800.00 800.00 1,000.00

44,000.00 15,534.73 15,534.73 948.57 948.57 3,672.18


Supervision and Construction of Power and Irrigation Dam of Shah wa Aros in Shakardara

Govt of Afghanistan

Grant 1388


11,312.62 480.45


Creation of Green Zone along the Lashkari Dike Govt of Afghanistan

Grant 1386


480.45 2,749.67


Water Resources Management in Afghanistan(Including Capacity Building of Project Implementation Unit) Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund








Construction of 650 Km 500KV Transmission line from Tajikistan to Pakistan (CASA 1000)and Construction of 300MVA Substation Govt of Afghanistan

1387 Grant 1387 Govt of Afghanistan 1388 Asian Development Bank Grant 1389 Asian Development Bank Govt of Afghanistan 1389 Govt of Afghanistan 1389 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1389 World Bank Govt of Afghanistan Grant; loan Grant 1389 UK Grant Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Grant Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary

81.85 81.85 5,091.71 5,091.71 3,926.39 3,926.39 4,600.00 2,000.00 2,600.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 12,053.26 12,053.26 2,124.44 1,319.52 804.92 269.21 269.21

75.00 75.00 313.95 313.95 2,677.85 2,677.85 2,600.00

150.00 150.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 -

225.00 225.00 313.95 313.95 8,677.85 8,677.85 2,600.00


Connection of Generators with Distribution Network of Kandahar


Water Resource Development Investment Program


Power Distribution Network of Deh-e- Sabz District of Kabul Province

2,600.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 1,490.81 1,163.22 327.58 77.13 77.13

5,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 500.00 500.00 -

2,600.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1,990.81 1,163.22 827.58 77.13 77.13


Design and Construction of Almar Water Dam in Faryab Province


Design and Construction of Pashdan Power Generation and Irrigation Dam of Hirat Province


Project Implementation Unit (PIU)


Supplying of services in districts levels(Ministry of Energy and Water)


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget CarryForward 1391 New Budget Total Budget

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Power Transmission and Distribution Network inculding sub station of Badghis from Turkmanistan Govt of Afghanistan

1390 Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary

10,900.00 10,900.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 -

3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 21,236.30 21,236.30 2,445.49 2,445.49 12,671.75

6,000.00 6,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 20,550.00 6,000.00 -

9,000.00 9,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 41,786.30 27,236.30 2,445.49 2,445.49 12,671.75


Feasiblity Study, Design and Construction of Manogai Microhydel in Kunar Province

New AFG/410477 AFG/410478

Design and construction of Dam ( Sarobi 2)

32,010.37 32,010.37

construction of Dahla Dam in Kandahar

Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation CarryForward AFG/450008

Priority Rehabilitation of Kabul Airport Govt of Afghanistan 1381 Grant 1383 Asian Development Bank Govt of Afghanistan US assistance Discretionary

2,913.66 2,913.66 22,417.14


Rehabilitation of Regional Airports (Faizabad, Cheghcheran, Maimana and Qala-e-Now, ).

loan Grant; Grant 1386

Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary

12,291.82 4,125.32 6,000.00 1,679.57

7,085.40 2,151.41 3,434.93 1,119.06 1,119.06 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 -

1,500.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 200.00 200.00 300.00 300.00 14,550.00 150.00 150.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

7,085.40 2,151.41 3,434.93 1,119.06 1,119.06 3,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 400.00 400.00 600.00 600.00 14,550.00 150.00 150.00 1,000.00 1,000.00

AFG/450105 AFG/450140 AFG/450162 AFG/450170 AFG/450171 AFG/450172 New AFG/450169

Project Implementation Unit (MoT) Govt of Afghanistan Construction of Local Airport of Nemroz, Govt of Afghanistan Construction of Khost Airport Govt of Afghanistan Construction of Ghazni Airport Govt of Afghanistan Construction of Daikundi Airport Govt of Afghanistan Construction of Bamyan Airport Govt of Afghanistan Rehablitaion of local Airport of Darwaz District Govt of Afghanistan

Grant 1390 Grant 1390 Grant 1390 Grant 1390 Grant 1390 Grant


1,679.57 1,500.00


1,500.00 2,000.00


2,000.00 1,000.00


1,000.00 200.00


200.00 300.00


300.00 -

1391 Grant 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary


Construction of Farah local Airport


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget Grant Discretionary 37,299.97 37,299.97 Expansion of Fiber Optic Network World Bank Govt of Afghanistan 1382 Grant Grant 1381 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1382 Govt of Afghanistan US assistance Grant Grant 1389 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1389 World Bank Grant Non-Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary 6,244.72 5,000.00 1,244.72 1,155.03 1,155.03 25,262.52 20,262.52 5,000.00 167.10 167.10 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,470.60 3,470.60 61,349.71 61,349.71 Sheberghan Gas wells Development Asian Development Bank US assistance 1382 Grant Grant 1384 World Bank Govt of Afghanistan 1385 Govt of Afghanistan 1385 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1388 Govt of Afghanistan 1387 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Grant Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary 29,832.16 4,832.16 25,000.00 15,852.87 15,849.55 3.32 3,529.71 3,529.71 1,473.34 1,473.34 2,625.24 2,625.24 870.13 870.13 2,357.47 2,357.47 1,473.34 1,473.34 430.24 430.24 539.77 539.77 700.00 700.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,057.47 3,057.47 1,473.34 1,473.34 1,430.24 1,430.24 539.77 539.77 CarryForward 12,801.44 12,801.44 6,244.72 5,000.00 1,244.72 973.28 973.28 1,500.00 1,500.00 77.87 77.87 862.96 862.96 3,142.61 3,142.61 50,672.19 50,672.19 29,709.41 4,709.41 25,000.00 10,813.94 10,813.94 1391 New Budget 13,400.00 13,400.00 28,200.00 28,200.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 200.00 200.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 17,650.00 17,150.00 7,000.00 7,000.00 Total Budget 13,400.00 13,400.00 41,001.44 41,001.44 16,244.72 15,000.00 1,244.72 973.28 973.28 16,500.00 15,000.00 1,500.00 277.87 277.87 862.96 862.96 6,142.61 6,142.61 68,322.19 67,822.19 29,709.41 4,709.41 25,000.00 17,813.94 17,813.94

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Airports Security( Kabul, Herat, Mazar Sharif, and Kandahar

1390 Govt of Afghanistan

Ministry of Communication CarryForward AFG/340006


Technical and Administrative Building (Bankable)


Development of ICT in Afghanistan (E-Governance) (Bankable)


Project Management Unit of Ministry of Communication and Information Technology


Postal services development

AFG/340082 Ministry of Mines CarryForward AFG/320022

Development of communication sector and IT


Sustainable development of natural resources


Construction of Building and its Equipping in Kabul and provinces


Equiping Geological Survey Laborators with mechanical equipmentsfor separation of field minirals


Mine clearance (Demining) of Aynak Copper Mines


Construction of Building for Ainak Cooper Mine Security


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 764.55 Grant 1389 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1389 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1389 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary 764.55 625.88 625.88 297.46 297.46 550.00 550.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,978.37 2,978.37 450.00 450.00 CNG development Project Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Grant Discretionary 44.17 44.17 Staff capacity Building Project Govt of Afghanistan 1389 Grant Discretionary 44.17 44.17 251,814.21 35,011.60 35,011.60 Construction of Balkh University Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Construction of Khost University Govt of Afghanistan 1384 Grant 1384 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary 1382 Grant Non-Discretionary 1,303.32 1,303.32 37.93 37.93 238.41 238.41 CarryForward 387.97 387.97 508.86 508.86 272.63 272.63 225.92 225.92 1,214.73 1,214.73 2,335.23 2,335.23 402.69 402.69 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 139,936.54 26,160.51 26,160.51 1,000.00 1,000.00 37.00 37.00 66.00 66.00 1391 New Budget 600.00 600.00 5,700.00 5,700.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 150.00 150.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 69,381.66 32,116.00 26,316.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 600.00 600.00 Total Budget 987.97 987.97 508.86 508.86 272.63 272.63 5,925.92 5,925.92 2,214.73 2,214.73 3,335.23 3,335.23 552.69 552.69 500.00 500.00 500.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 44.00 209,318.20 58,276.51 52,476.51 3,000.00 3,000.00 637.00 637.00 66.00 66.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Project Implementation Unit of (Development projects)

1389 Govt of Afghanistan


Disquisation and Discovery of Ghoryan Iron Mine


Mapping and Discovery of Geology


Disquisition and Geological Research(Capacity Building and Preliminary Disquesition)


Construction of Security Buildings in Mine centers

AFG/320124 AFG/320125

Ainak displace familly residence

Feasibilty Study for TAPI project

New AFG/320138

High Atomic Energy Commission CarryForward AFG/750002

1.4 - Education Ministry of Higher Education CarryForward AFG/280015

AFG/280017 AFG/280053

Construction of Bamyan University


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 651.22 Grant 1383 United States Agriculture Department 1384 World Bank Grant 1385 Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Construction of Nangarhar University Govt of Afghanistan Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund 1386 Govt of Afghanistan 1386 Govt of Afghanistan 1386 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1385 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1386 Govt of Afghanistan 1386 Govt of Afghanistan 1386 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1387 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1386 Govt of Afghanistan Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Grant Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary 1386 Grant Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Non-Discretionary Discretionary 651.22 709.71 709.71 5,497.18 5,497.18 1,595.64 1,595.64 1,263.89 1,263.89 473.44 473.44 459.17 459.17 1,000.00 1,000.00 220.04 220.04 1,679.60 1,679.60 1,952.71 1,952.71 648.07 648.07 990.26 990.26 327.04 327.04 CarryForward 349.00 349.00 573.00 573.00 3,054.00 3,054.00 1,485.00 1,485.00 807.00 807.00 311.00 311.00 155.00 155.00 800.00 800.00 220.00 220.00 1,679.60 1,679.60 1,904.00 1,904.00 382.00 382.00 790.00 790.00 176.00 176.00 1391 New Budget 500.00 500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 3,200.00 3,200.00 1,600.00 600.00 1,000.00 Total Budget 349.00 349.00 573.00 573.00 3,554.00 3,554.00 3,485.00 3,485.00 3,807.00 1,000.00 2,807.00 311.00 311.00 155.00 155.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 220.00 220.00 1,679.60 1,679.60 1,904.00 1,904.00 382.00 382.00 790.00 790.00 1,776.00 600.00 1,176.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Construction of Jawzjan University Govt of Afghanistan



Kabul University Agriculture Faculties Capacity Building

AFG/280070 AFG/280078

Strengthening Higher Education Program Construction of Kandahar University



Construction of Kunduz Institute of Higher Education Construction of Badakhshan Institute of Higher Education



Construction of Paktia University


Construction of Faryab Institute of Higher Education


Purchasing of Medical Equipments for Heart Surgery Center of Kabul Medical University Angioplasty and Angiography


Rehabilitation of Internal department of Ali Abad Hospital Complex

AFG/280120 AFG/280131

Construction of Louis Dupree Library

Construction of 3 blocks Al Biruni University


Rehabilitation and Equipment of Kabul Polytechnic


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 1,924.06 Grant 1389 Govt of Afghanistan 1389 Govt of Afghanistan 1390 World Bank Govt of Afghanistan Grant Grant 1390 World Bank Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan 1389 India Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Construct of Baghlan University Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary Grant Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary 1,924.06 1,100.00 1,100.00 494.91 494.91 5,664.00 1,664.00 4,000.00 350.00 350.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,431.00 1,431.00 construct of building in kabul university Govt of Afghanistan Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund 1391 Grant Grant 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1391 Govt of Afghanistan 1391 World Bank Grant Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary CarryForward 868.00 868.00 1,100.00 1,100.00 494.91 494.91 3,448.00 1,272.00 2,176.00 30.00 30.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,431.00 1,431.00 1391 New Budget 1,200.00 1,200.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 7,940.00 7,940.00 1,276.00 1,276.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 5,800.00 1,800.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 Total Budget 2,068.00 2,068.00 3,100.00 3,100.00 494.91 494.91 11,388.00 9,212.00 2,176.00 1,306.00 1,306.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,431.00 1,431.00 5,800.00 1,800.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Construction of Ghazni University Govt of Afghanistan



Construct universty and higher education organization Construction of residencial blocks for kabul university teaching staff



Master and PHD Program

AFG/280183 AFG/280184

Curriculim Development Recnstruction of Building and Equipment for labrortories Construct of litrature and language department of nangrahar universety Construct of Hirat University

AFG/280201 AFG/280202



Construct of Said Jamaludin afghan Universety in konr province

New AFG/280208


construct of one hundred rooms fo educational university


Consturct of takhar university


developement of admin and humman resource opration


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget Grant 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary 200,776.69 200,776.69 Education quality improvement project Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund 1385 Govt of Afghanistan 1385 Govt of Afghanistan 1385 Govt of Afghanistan 1385 Govt of Afghanistan 1385 Govt of Afghanistan 1385 Govt of Afghanistan 1385 World Bank Govt of Afghanistan Kazakistan Denmark Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund India Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant 1386 World Bank Govt of Afghanistan Denmark Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Grant Grant Grant Grant Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary 1384 Grant Non-Discretionary 649.00 649.00 276.50 276.50 154.12 154.12 391.87 391.87 1,348.79 1,348.79 898.43 898.43 80.00 80.00 65,777.86 100.00 1,197.39 86.38 7,336.42 53,043.17 4,014.50 10,581.42 4,804.31 1,094.07 405.15 4,277.89 500.00 50.00 5,131.00 19,276.00 3,169.00 5,217.00 2,600.00 500.00 286.00 1,831.00 500.00 50.00 5,131.00 19,276.00 3,169.00 5,217.00 2,600.00 500.00 286.00 1,831.00 Discretionary CarryForward 102,730.56 102,730.56 500.00 500.00 249.00 249.00 63.37 63.37 1,222.00 1,222.00 767.00 767.00 80.00 80.00 28,126.00 1391 New Budget 1,000.00 1,000.00 27,300.00 2,000.00 Total Budget 1,000.00 1,000.00 130,030.56 104,730.56 500.00 500.00 249.00 249.00 63.37 63.37 1,222.00 1,222.00 767.00 767.00 80.00 80.00 28,126.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Construct of Laghman University Govt of Afghanistan Construction of hostel building for Kunduz university


Ministry of Education CarryForward AFG/270323


Construction, Rehabilitation and Equipments for Vocational Schools.


Equipment for Schools.


Construction of Dormitories for Kochies in 33 Provineces. Reconstruction and Rehabilitation & Equip of Religious Schools.



Construction of School in Fronteir Provinces


Construction of Dormatory and agriculture high school in Baghlan Province


Education Infrastructure Development


Technical and Vocational Education and Training


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 37,991.71 Grant Grant 1384 World Bank Denmark Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund General Education (Including EQUIP) World Bank Denmark Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund 1384 Grant Grant Grant 1384 Denmark Indpendent Human Rights Commission Islamic Education Govt of Afghanistan 1385 Grant 1386 Govt of Afghanistan United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Grant Discretionary Discretionary Grant Grant Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Grant Grant Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary 12,800.71 25,191.00 16,452.00 2,106.30 5,124.78 9,220.92 15,806.10 1,768.20 18.00 14,019.90 19,648.06 19,248.06 400.00 3,640.27 3,640.27 4,446.71 532.57 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,921.00 415.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 2,921.00 415.00 CarryForward 18,031.00 3,500.00 14,531.00 8,973.00 1,362.00 2,360.00 5,251.00 2,713.20 205.20 18.00 2,490.00 15,607.00 15,607.00 1391 New Budget Total Budget 18,031.00 3,500.00 14,531.00 8,973.00 1,362.00 2,360.00 5,251.00 2,713.20 205.20 18.00 2,490.00 15,607.00 15,607.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Teacher Education World Bank Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Management and Capacity Building





Curriculum Development and Learning Materials

AFG/270389 AFG/270390

Literacy and Non Formal Education

Grant 1385


3,914.14 55.00




Skills Development Programme MoE Govt of Afghanistan

Grant 1387


55.00 403.32 224.00 224.00 850.00 850.00 748.00 748.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 439.00 439.00 224.00 224.00 850.00 850.00 748.00 748.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 439.00 439.00


Fund for development projects for Schools in Ghore Province

Govt of Afghanistan 1388 Govt of Afghanistan



403.32 1,367.51


Construction of Mnagement & Administration Institute for Girls in Herat and Nangarhar Provinces

Grant 1389


1,367.51 1,000.00

AFG/270598 AFG/270620

Remaining Projects of SPP Company Govt of Afghanistan Construct of national technique institute Govt of Afghanistan

Grant 1390 Grant 1389


1,000.00 5,000.00


5,000.00 508.02


Supplying of services in districts levels(Ministry of Education) UK





valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 3,000.00 Grant 1390 US assistance Grant 1390 World Bank Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1391 Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Grant Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary 3,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 300.00 300.00 construct of technical for nomands in kabul 1,027.58 1,027.58 Project of prapering ethnography of afgnanistan tribes. Construction of an Academic, Researchable and administrative Block 1382 Govt of Afghanistan 1385 Govt of Afghanistan 1385 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1385 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary 31.00 31.00 237.94 237.94 15.57 15.57 168.16 168.16 CarryForward 3,000.00 3,000.00 6,700.00 6,700.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 300.00 300.00 557.00 557.00 23.00 23.00 150.00 150.00 4.00 4.00 100.00 100.00 1391 New Budget 25,300.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 800.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 465.00 465.00 15.00 15.00 170.00 170.00 15.00 15.00 150.00 150.00 Total Budget 3,000.00 3,000.00 6,700.00 6,700.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 300.00 300.00 25,300.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 800.00 800.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 1,022.00 1,022.00 38.00 38.00 320.00 320.00 19.00 19.00 250.00 250.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Construction of schools in less Developed provinces Govt of Afghanistan


AFG/270739 AFG/270745 AFG/270747

Basic Education and literacy Famale Youth Employment Initiative construction of hostel to darlolom with complement in badghis

New AFG/270623 AFG/270624

construct of Dorl-O-Lom in nangrahar


support at less one school for girl in district


Construction of complix for teacher traning in kabul


reconstruction of dormitory for teacher traning centers Constructing of coplex fo vocationa education in kabul



Development Project for Provincial Budgting (Per Province USD 500,000)

Science Academy CarryForward AFG/610005



Procurement and Purchase of New Printed Books


Tools and writing of encyclopedia


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 109.91 Grant 1389 Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary 109.91 250.00 250.00 200.00 200.00 15.00 15.00 8,844.78 8,844.78 Rehabilitation of Kabul Theatre. Govt of Afghanistan 1382 Grant 1381 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1382 Japan Govt of Afghanistan Grant Grant 1385 Govt of Afghanistan India Grant Grant 1386 Japan Govt of Afghanistan Grant Grant 1386 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1386 Govt of Afghanistan India Grant Grant 1387 Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary 54.39 54.39 310.00 310.00 Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary 723.47 723.47 134.00 134.00 1,288.12 360.21 927.91 1,682.37 719.90 962.47 1,656.00 1,456.00 200.00 46.82 46.82 2,449.61 2,449.61 CarryForward 90.00 90.00 170.00 170.00 5.00 5.00 15.00 15.00 8,258.47 8,258.47 723.47 723.47 120.00 120.00 1,060.00 210.00 850.00 1,639.00 719.00 920.00 1,656.00 1,456.00 200.00 17.00 17.00 2,179.00 2,179.00 54.00 54.00 310.00 310.00 1391 New Budget 100.00 100.00 15.00 15.00 3,000.66 1,850.39 41.33 41.33 500.00 500.00 200.00 200.00 50.00 50.00 819.05 600.00 219.05 200.00 200.00 Total Budget 90.00 90.00 170.00 170.00 105.00 105.00 30.00 30.00 11,259.13 10,108.86 723.47 723.47 161.33 161.33 1,560.00 210.00 1,350.00 1,839.00 919.00 920.00 1,656.00 1,456.00 200.00 67.00 67.00 2,998.05 2,779.00 219.05 54.00 54.00 510.00 510.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Purchase equimpents for Musium Govt of Afghanistan



Landscape of Scientific & Administrative Buildings of Science Academy purchasing Equipments for the seven floor construction Writing a dictionary for Pashto language different accents



Ministry of Information and Culture CarryForward AFG/360018 AFG/360024

Rehabilitation of National Printing Press


Upgrading of MOIC Premises in Kabul and the Provinces and capacity building of MOIC


Reconstruction of Radio and Television building in 33 Provinces (in Baghlan 200,000 USD)


Construction of Radio & TV complex


Capacity Building Project(PMU) for Ministry of Culuture & Youth


Rehabilitation, registration and maintenance of historical monuments in Hirat and Balkh


Purchasing equipments and activating Afghan film laboratory


procurement of general & technical equipments for national radio television in capital & provinces


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 500.00 Grant Discretionary 500.00 The art tiles Herat Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary 1391 Grant Discretionary 6,153.56 6,153.56 Construction of Sport Complex in Kabul with galf Japan Govt of Afghanistan 1383 Grant Grant 1387 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary 2,383.01 500.23 1,882.78 3,770.55 3,770.55 construct of gymansium in Logar, Paktika, Zabul, Urzgan, Fara, Ghor, Surepul, Diykondi, Kundoz,Nuristan, Badkhshan, Kapisa, Ghazni, Laghman and Bamyan ( 300,000 USD Per 1391 Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary CarryForward 500.00 500.00 2,230.00 2,230.00 1,930.00 430.00 1,500.00 300.00 300.00 1391 New Budget 40.00 40.00 1,150.28 70.26 70.26 80.02 80.02 1,000.00 1,000.00 6,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 5,500.00 5,000.00 Total Budget 540.00 540.00 1,150.28 70.26 70.26 80.02 80.02 1,000.00 1,000.00 8,730.00 3,230.00 2,930.00 430.00 2,500.00 300.00 300.00 5,500.00 5,000.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type

AFG/360208 New AFG/360240

cnstruction of institute of toursim bulding Govt of Afghanistan



Bakhtar Information Agency's completion and equipping


Construction national museum building

National Olympic Committee CarryForward AFG/630007


Construction of Stadiums 18000 in panjsher , khostand Balkh

New AFG/630025



150,870.76 150,870.76 150,870.76

85,463.09 85,463.09 85,463.09 480.85 300.00

5,000.00 500.00 500.00 100,398.50 100,398.50 74,423.59 1,700.00 1,650.00

5,000.00 500.00 500.00 185,861.59 185,861.59 159,886.68 2,180.85 1,950.00


Construction of gymnasium for disabled

1.5 - Health Ministry of Public Health CarryForward AFG/370068

National Immunization Programme. Global Alliance for Vaccination and Vaccination Exemption Govt of Afghanistan 1380 Grant Non-Discretionary

1,524.43 1,343.58








valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 79,790.30 Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant 1382 World Bank Japan Govt of Afghanistan US assistance Norway Capacity Building for Grants & Contract Management Unit (GCMU) [NCBP ( National Capacity Building Programme for the Human Resources of Health]. World Bank National Monitoring and Evaluation Program World Bank Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant 1380 Grant 1382 Grant 1384 France Grant 1384 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1385 Govt of Afghanistan 1384 Govt of Afghanistan Counter Narcotics Trust Fund Grant Grant 1385 Brunei Govt of Afghanistan Grant Grant 1385 Global Fund Grant Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary 15,588.22 3,731.30 3,607.41 50,169.43 6,693.94 21,742.36 1,600.00 12,965.82 7,144.16 32.38 2,133.63 2,133.63 3,237.34 3,237.34 2,646.70 2,646.70 397.23 397.23 627.55 627.55 2,049.57 1,599.59 449.98 2,814.55 1,580.41 1,234.14 1,442.63 1,442.63 CarryForward 41,135.41 4,490.00 2,760.00 3,605.41 25,430.00 4,850.00 9,495.85 1,470.00 3,485.85 4,530.00 10.00 1,280.00 1,280.00 2,560.00 2,560.00 2,430.00 2,430.00 324.23 324.23 150.00 150.00 449.98 449.98 2,810.00 1,580.00 1,230.00 760.00 760.00 1391 New Budget 39,000.00 8,260.00 1,200.00 15,440.00 10,000.00 4,100.00 14,440.00 3,540.00 500.00 9,000.00 1,400.00 500.00 500.00 1,600.00 1,600.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 200.00 200.00 260.00 260.00 Total Budget 80,135.41 12,750.00 3,960.00 19,045.41 35,430.00 8,950.00 23,935.85 5,010.00 500.00 12,485.85 5,930.00 10.00 1,780.00 1,780.00 4,160.00 4,160.00 4,430.00 4,430.00 324.23 324.23 1,150.00 1,150.00 2,449.98 2,000.00 449.98 3,010.00 1,580.00 1,430.00 1,020.00 1,020.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS). World Bank Norwegian Embassy Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund US assistance Japan Social Development Fund



Improving Quality of Hospital Services




Construction & Rehabilitation of Blood Transfusion & Central Laboratory of the Ministry of Public Health.


Strengthening Forensic Sciences in Afghanistan.


Health Care for NOMADS.


Establishment of Rehabilitation centers for drug addicts in provinces.


100 Beds Hospital in Kapisa Province


Decreasing Malaria Incidences in Afghanistan.


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget CarryForward 1391 New Budget Total Budget

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Surveillance & Response to Avian & Pandemic Influenza by Afghan Health Institute (API)/MoPH. Diseases Prevention and Control Center






Grant 1385


689.50 906.81

600.00 570.00 570.00 343.59 343.59 1,230.00 1,230.00 1,288.48 1,288.48 20.14 20.14 2,420.00 2,420.00 2,860.00 2,860.00 578.45 578.45 190.87 190.87 420.00 420.00 545.00 145.00 400.00 66.49 66.49 9,090.00 9,090.00

100.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,634.00 1,634.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 900.00 900.00 288.59 288.59 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 -

700.00 570.00 570.00 343.59 343.59 3,230.00 3,230.00 2,288.48 1,288.48 1,000.00 1,654.14 1,654.14 2,420.00 2,420.00 3,860.00 3,860.00 1,478.45 1,478.45 479.46 479.46 520.00 520.00 545.00 145.00 400.00 166.49 166.49 9,090.00 9,090.00


Technical Support to Central and provincial Ministry of Public Health

Diseases Prevention and Control Center 1386 Govt of Afghanistan



906.81 466.59


Construction of BHCs & CHCs in Provinces.

Grant 1385


466.59 2,992.92

AFG/370278 AFG/370280

HIV control and prevention World Bank Construction of 100 Bed Hospital in Saripol. Japan Govt of Afghanistan

Grant 1386 Grant Grant 1386

Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary

2,992.92 1,288.48 1,288.48 20.14


Construction of Hospitals and health facilities in Kandahar, Hilmand and Urzgan provinces. Govt of Afghanistan

Grant 1386


20.14 2,640.37


Construction of 11 Basic and 2 Comprehensive Health Centers at the boarder provinces. India

Grant 1386


2,640.37 5,946.45


Health System Strengthening. Global Alliance for Vaccination and Vaccination Exemption Construction of Faryab Provincial Hospital Govt of Afghanistan

Grant 1387 Grant 1386


5,946.45 1,650.05



1,650.05 223.37


Construction of Health Facilities (BHCs & CHCs) in Nooristan Province

Govt of Afghanistan 1387 Global Fund



223.37 480.15

AFG/370405 AFG/370406

Supporting Provincial Programme Fighting HIV Virus

Grant 1387


480.15 654.05

Construction of Wars District 30 bed Hospital in Bamyan.

Govt of Afghanistan Kazakistan 1386 Govt of Afghanistan 1388 Global Fund

Grant Grant

Discretionary Non-Discretionary

145.00 509.05 160.49


Establishment of Eye Care Mobile Clinics



160.49 9,833.75


Expansion of Malaria Control and Supporting Health Care Services





valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 199.31 Grant 1389 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1389 Govt of Afghanistan 1389 Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Govt of Afghanistan 1389 Italy Grant 1389 China Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary 199.31 895.75 895.75 251.07 251.07 280.22 280.22 515.00 515.00 400.00 400.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 100.00 100.00 270.00 270.00 Construction 50 bed Pregnancy Hospital at helmand. 1391 Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Diseases Prevention and Control Center Grant Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary CarryForward 130.00 130.00 58.75 58.75 170.00 170.00 160.00 160.00 515.00 515.00 400.00 400.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 300.00 300.00 260.00 260.00 100.00 100.00 270.00 270.00 1391 New Budget 1,600.00 1,600.00 300.00 300.00 2,201.00 2,201.00 300.00 300.00 200.00 200.00 25,974.91 388.51 388.51 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 350.00 350.00 Total Budget 130.00 130.00 1,658.75 1,658.75 170.00 170.00 460.00 460.00 515.00 515.00 2,601.00 2,601.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 300.00 300.00 560.00 560.00 300.00 300.00 270.00 270.00 25,974.91 388.51 388.51 1,500.00 1,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 350.00 350.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Construction of Surrounding wall of Afghanistans public health inistitute Building

1389 Govt of Afghanistan


Construction of Provincial Hospital in Badghis


Disables Rehablitation




Labratory equipments, Medicine and Food.

AFG/370622 AFG/370623 AFG/370642

AID 9456 - Supporting national health programs in Kabul and Hirat. Control and prevention of H1N1 Increasing demand for maternal and child health services through mobile technology.

AFG/370645 AFG/370646

National hemodaily

Inrtencive Care Unit


Construction Stay wall at lenght 712 m in the direction of qala now river through avoid of

New AFG/370647


Construction of Farah provincial hospital


Construction of provincial Hospital of Nimroz province.


Continutual of servilance influniza and pandymic


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget Grant 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary CarryForward 1391 New Budget 17,000.00 17,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,736.40 Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Grant Discretionary 504,865.35 400,308.67 400,308.67 National Solidarity program-NSP (Bankable Programe) World Bank Japan Italy UK Czech Republic Denmark New Zealand Switzerland Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund France Holland National Rural Access Programme (NRAP)/National Emergency Employment Programme (NEEP) World Bank US Government UK Govt of Afghanistan Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund Canada 1382 Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary 312,586.56 37,192.72 25,392.40 3,819.70 10,271.61 459.47 5,717.34 337.09 163.99 214,724.95 48,162.39 142,000.00 459.47 5,249.78 57.90 3,000.00 206,014.60 147,403.60 147,403.60 91,019.65 25,627.22 9,483.52 1,541.74 2,736.40 301,600.00 210,500.00 193,500.00 145,000.00 Total Budget 17,000.00 17,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,736.40 2,736.40 507,614.60 357,903.60 340,903.60 236,019.65 25,627.22 9,483.52 1,541.74 459.47 8,249.78 57.90 190,162.39

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Provincial budgeting Development Projects. Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund



Construction a hospital in Laghman Province.


Rehabilitation of Hospitals

1.6 - Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development CarryForward AFG/430017

Grant Grant Grant 1381 Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant

Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary

8,000.00 6,214.26 293.03 41,948.76 27,515.99 6,916.47 164.05 15,000.00 5,000.00 437.63 -

437.63 42,515.99 11,916.47 164.05 8,503.19 11,932.28 10,000.00 8,503.19 21,932.28


Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary

13,113.33 241.01 3,564.39 7,341.38 14,653.94

Grant Grant

Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary

3,000.00 34.71


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget Grant 1385 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1385 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1385 India Grant 1385 World Bank Holland UK Denmark Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Canada Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant 1385 World Bank Japan Development projects for Nooristan Province ( vulnerable Provinces Projects) Govt of Afghanistan 1387 Govt of Afghanistan 1387 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1387 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1387 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Grant 1387 Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary 111.39 111.39 1,035.66 1,035.66 917.22 917.22 17,513.73 7,194.60 200.00 200.00 1,819.13 7,800.00 300.00 6,338.59 162.59 6,176.00 2,964.19 2,964.19 2,452.77 2,452.77 1,752.38 1,752.38 1,707.88 1,707.88 1,176.47 1,176.47 CarryForward 32.31 32.31 761.48 761.48 609.30 609.30 11,787.05 3,023.08 1,398.51 7,365.46 59.46 59.46 2,113.12 2,113.12 2,070.30 2,070.30 1,310.47 1,310.47 1,652.00 1,652.00 790.15 790.15 1391 New Budget 500.00 500.00 9,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 6,500.00 Total Budget 500.00 500.00 32.31 32.31 761.48 761.48 609.30 609.30 20,787.05 4,523.08 2,398.51 13,865.46 59.46 59.46 2,113.12 2,113.12 2,070.30 2,070.30 1,310.47 1,310.47 1,652.00 1,652.00 790.15 790.15

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


National Rural water supply, Hygiene education and Sanitation Programme Asian Development Bank



Construction of two RCC bridges on Kunar river in Bar Kunar district of Kunar province (border project)


Policy and Action Group(PAG) MRRD


SDP in border provinces(MRRD)


Afghanistan Rural Enterprise Development Program(AREDP)(Bankable Programe)


Afghanistan Institute of Rural Development(AIRD)



Development projects for zabul province( vulenerable province project)


Development project for Daikundi provice(vulnerable province projects)


Development project for Kapisa province ( vulnerable provinces project)


Development projects for Ghor province ( vulnerable provinces projects)


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 1,474.00 Grant 1389 UK Grant 1389 Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund Grant 1390 United Nation Development Program (UNDP) Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund Water supply project for Nimrooz province Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary 1,474.00 139.85 139.85 189.22 189.22 2,000.00 CarryForward 1,474.00 1,474.00 103.65 103.65 104.67 104.67 1391 New Budget 24,000.00 Total Budget 1,474.00 1,474.00 103.65 103.65 104.67 104.67 24,000.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type

AFG/430367 AFG/430391 AFG/430419

Construction of 4 bridges and Protection wall in Samangan Province Kazakistan Supplying of services in districts levels(MRRD)


Community Recovery Cell (MRRD)


National Area Base Development Programe(NABDP)







2,000.00 6,000.00 6,000.00

6,000.00 6,000.00 -

17,000.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 80,100.00 55,900.00 14,000.00 14,000.00 -

6,000.00 6,000.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 138,711.00 114,511.00 950.72 950.72 494.76 494.76 6,604.64 2,780.65 3,823.99 106.38 106.38 14,029.62 14,000.00 29.62

AFG/430449 New AFG/430448

Provincial budget pilot Program (500,000 USD per province) Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund

1391 Grant Non-Discretionary 99,459.02 99,459.02

58,611.00 58,611.00 950.72 950.72 494.76 494.76 6,604.64 2,780.65 3,823.99 106.38 106.38 29.62 144.94 29.62

Ministry of Agriculture

CarryForward AFG/390124

Community based NRM United States Agriculture Department

1382 Grant 1384 Govt of Afghanistan 1383 Govt of Afghanistan United States Agriculture Department 1384 Govt of Afghanistan 1384 Govt of Afghanistan United States Agriculture Department Grant Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary

2,722.05 2,722.05 676.47 676.47 11,859.82 3,252.42 8,607.40 164.77 164.77 144.94


Agricultural Statistics and Surveys in order to Establish Database Rehabilitating and Building the Capacity of Extension Units in districts



Transitional projects


provision and distribution of Improved Seeds and fertilizer


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 1,236.13 CarryForward 698.71 1391 New Budget 500.00 Total Budget 1,198.71

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Completion of two new Constructed Admin buildings in Ministry Japan International Cooperation Agency Govt of Afghanistan







Grant 1384


236.13 9,216.33

236.13 2,419.66 138.36 2,281.31 396.79 396.79 1,240.02 1,240.02 125.52 125.52 2,099.21 2,099.21 107.42 107.42 576.68 576.68 4,287.59 4,287.59 100.05 100.05 51.03 51.03 3,140.00 3,140.00

500.00 15,000.00 15,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 -

736.13 2,419.66 138.36 2,281.31 396.79 396.79 1,240.02 1,240.02 125.52 125.52 17,099.21 17,099.21 1,107.42 1,107.42 576.68 576.68 4,787.59 4,787.59 100.05 100.05 51.03 51.03 3,140.00 3,140.00


Emergency Horticalture Project (HLP) World Bank Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund

Grant Grant 1384

Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary

225.00 8,991.33 589.47


Improved gene( generation) and campaign against animal diseases

Govt of Afghanistan 1385 Govt of Afghanistan 1385 Govt of Afghanistan 1385 Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund 1385 Govt of Afghanistan 1386 India



589.47 2,768.36


Emergency Animal feeds provision



2,768.36 504.28


Establishing Agriculture Research, Extension Farms and Green house



504.28 7,298.67


Horticulture & Livestock Project (HLP)



7,298.67 1,241.31


Integrated plant Pest and animal Disease Management



1,241.31 743.52


Agriculture Development in border district

Grant 1386


743.52 6,719.24


Rural Agri-business support project (phase ?-?) Asian Development Bank

Grant 1387


6,719.24 114.04


Strengthening Monitoring and Evaluation System World Bank

Grant 1387


114.04 111.10


Construction of Viterner Clinic in Jaji Maidan, Khost Govt of Afghanistan

Grant 1388


111.10 4,294.57


Improving and Rehabilitating Irrigation Infrastructures

United States Agriculture Department





valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget CarryForward 1391 New Budget Total Budget

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Establishing Quality Control and Diagnostic Laboratories and Quranten of animal and plant Govt of Afghanistan United States Agriculture Department

1388 Grant Grant 1388 United States Agriculture Department Grant Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary

3,722.99 1,000.00 2,722.99 2,797.46 2,797.46

2,360.38 1,000.00 1,360.38 1,232.49 1,232.49

2,360.38 1,000.00 1,360.38 1,232.49 1,232.49


Establishing Management Information System


Rural Microfinance and Livestock Support Project International Organziation for Agriculture






Grant 1388


8,044.24 2,371.60

6,418.28 1,682.98 1,682.98 2,120.00 2,120.00 603.03 603.03 1,759.13 800.00

500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 7,200.00 7,200.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 -

6,918.28 2,682.98 2,682.98 9,320.00 9,320.00 1,603.03 1,603.03 2,759.13 800.00

AFG/390572 AFG/390592

Horticulture Cooperative Development Projects (HCDP) Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure Project (AMIP)

France 1388 Asian Development Bank



2,371.60 6,884.84

Grant 1389


6,884.84 782.92


Rehabilitation of Ningarhar Canals Irrigation Infrastructure (NVDA) Asian Development Bank

Grant 1389


782.92 1,800.00


Agriculture Input Delivery System Project Islamic Development Bank Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund




Grant 1389


1,000.00 2,905.34

959.13 1,554.23 1,554.23 1,300.00 1,300.00 557.17 557.17 60.00 60.00 136.88 136.88 10,000.00 10,000.00

1,000.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00

1,959.13 5,054.23 5,054.23 1,300.00 1,300.00 1,557.17 1,557.17 1,060.00 1,060.00 136.88 136.88 14,000.00 14,000.00


On-Farm Water Management Project(OFWM) Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund

Grant 1389


2,905.34 1,300.00

AFG/390603 AFG/390604

Developing Agriculture in North and East(NEASP) France Developing of Zafaran cultivation Govt of Afghanistan

Grant 1390 Grant 1390


1,300.00 2,000.00


2,000.00 60.00

AFG/390614 AFG/390629 AFG/390639

Multiplication and extension of fishing and apiculture farms Supplying of services in districts levels(Ministry of Agriculture)

France 1389 UK Agriculture Development Fund US assistance 1389



60.00 136.88

Grant Grant

Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary

136.88 10,000.00 10,000.00


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 269.24 Grant Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1390 Italy Grant 1390 United States Agriculture Department Grant 1389 Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund Artificial Insemination project France 1390 Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary 269.24 650.00 650.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 648.48 648.48 60.00 60.00 120.00 120.00 Construction of Strategic wheat Reserve Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Grant 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1391 Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Grant Non-Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary 5,097.66 5,097.66 GOOD PERFORMANCE INITIATIVE International Narcotics and Law enforcement Affairs UK Counter Narcotics Trust Fund 1386 5,097.66 CarryForward 195.80 195.80 34.56 34.56 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 487.28 487.28 60.00 60.00 120.00 120.00 1391 New Budget 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 700.00 700.00 24,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 11,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Total Budget 3,195.80 3,000.00 195.80 1,034.56 1,034.56 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 487.28 487.28 760.00 760.00 120.00 120.00 24,200.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 17,000.00 17,000.00 11,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Forestry Land Resource Conservation and watershed Management Project

1390 Govt of Afghanistan Denmark


Greening Programme

AFG/390659 AFG/390661

Support to Agriculture And Rural Development

Developing of Agriculture Innovation leadership


Peace and Reintegration Management Projects

AFG/390684 AFG/390687

Agriculture Education Project of Badghis province

New AFG/390624 AFG/390676

Irrigation and water reservoir project


Provincial Budget Pilot Progarm(500 Thousand USD per province)

Ministry of Counter Narcotics

CarryForward AFG/480024





Grant Grant

Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary

4,142.66 955.00


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget construction project of DCN Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Grant Discretionary 21,522.04 500.00 500.00 Construction of Provincial Departments in 7 Provinces Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Grant Discretionary 500.00 500.00 Procurment of 23 types of vehicles and equipment, purchasing of search and resuce tools and equipments. Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Grant Discretionary 255.82 255.82 Construction of Administrative Departments in six Provinces Govt of Afghanistan 1388 Grant Discretionary 255.82 255.82 2,083.60 2,083.60 Construction of Provincial Departments of Ministry of Women Affairs in 7 Provinces Govt of Afghanistan 1388 Grant 1388 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1389 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary 1,107.12 1,107.12 627.95 627.95 348.53 348.53 1,269.16 1,269.16 Completion of Remaining Work of Building Dorm for Khushhal Khan High School Govt of Afghanistan 1388 Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary 769.16 769.16 500.00 500.00 CarryForward 13,778.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 115.26 115.26 115.26 115.26 1,123.81 1,123.81 503.38 503.38 444.09 444.09 176.34 176.34 533.08 533.08 151.57 151.57 381.52 381.52 1391 New Budget 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 10,260.00 160.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 300.00 300.00 500.00 500.00 200.00 200.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 500.00 Total Budget 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 24,038.00 660.00 560.00 560.00 560.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 115.26 115.26 115.26 115.26 2,123.81 2,123.81 803.38 803.38 944.09 944.09 376.34 376.34 2,033.08 2,033.08 1,151.57 1,151.57 881.52 881.52

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type

New AFG/480059

1.7 - Social Protection Office of Disaster Preparedeness CarryForward AFG/680124

New AFG/680111

Independent Directorate of Kuchies CarryForward AFG/760004

Ministry of Women Affairs CarryForward AFG/380064

AFG/380078 AFG/380108

Construction of Training Centers

Coordination & implementation

Ministry of Border and Tribal Affairs CarryForward AFG/460022


Construction of Provincial Administrative Departments


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 3,051.72 3,051.72 Ensuring of technical and basic social services for established towns for returnees Govt of Afghanistan Grant Management Unit Govt of Afghanistan 1389 Grant Discretionary 1385 Grant Discretionary 2,677.74 2,677.74 373.99 373.99 14,361.73 14,361.73 Skills Development Programme. World Bank Govt of Afghanistan 1384 Grant Grant 1386 Govt of Afghanistan India Grant Grant 1387 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1388 World Bank Grant 1388 Govt of Afghanistan Japan None Project Grants 1389 Lithuania Grant 1389 Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1390 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1389 Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund Grant Non-Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary 5,917.66 3,967.67 1,949.99 955.54 730.16 225.38 580.00 580.00 2,143.29 2,143.29 1,332.33 127.00 1,205.33 416.00 416.00 670.00 670.00 200.00 200.00 500.00 500.00 166.91 166.91 CarryForward 1,869.03 1,869.03 1,693.33 1,693.33 175.70 175.70 9,636.82 9,636.82 4,496.75 3,298.46 1,198.29 659.55 434.17 225.38 193.91 193.91 667.76 667.76 826.19 127.00 699.19 252.02 252.02 571.50 571.50 180.76 180.76 500.00 500.00 92.98 92.98 1391 New Budget 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00 7,400.00 6,400.00 400.00 400.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Total Budget 2,069.03 2,069.03 1,693.33 1,693.33 375.70 375.70 17,036.82 16,036.82 4,496.75 3,298.46 1,198.29 659.55 434.17 225.38 593.91 593.91 3,667.76 3,667.76 1,826.19 1,127.00 699.19 252.02 252.02 571.50 571.50 180.76 180.76 500.00 500.00 92.98 92.98

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type

Ministry of Refugee Repatriation CarryForward AFG/290128


Ministry of Labor and social Affairs, Martyrs and disabled CarryForward AFG/470041


SDP in border provinces (Vocational Trainings)

AFG/470072 AFG/470091 AFG/470098

Grant and Management Unit

Pension Reform Project Vocational Training Project in Provinces

AFG/470115 AFG/470120

Construction, Equipment and maintenance of Chagcharan Children Center National Institute and Resource Center for the people with disabilities


Gender (training and capacity building) for women in Kabul, Balkh and Herat provinces


Survey of Martyrs and Disabled and development of MIS Database and public awareness programs


Peace and Integration Program's Supportive Unit Project


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 480.00 Grant 1390 Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund Constraction of Central Vocational training Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Grant Discretionary Grant Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary 480.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 102,633.41 60,302.27 60,302.27 Construction of Mustofiats in provinces Govt of Afghanistan 1384 Grant 1383 World Bank Grant 1383 World Bank Grant 1384 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1383 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1384 World Bank Grant 1385 Govt of Afghanistan 1386 Govt of Afghanistan 1387 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1387 World Bank Grant Non-Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary 1,416.70 1,416.70 5,589.59 5,589.59 2,952.98 2,952.98 4,747.15 4,747.15 751.50 751.50 2,798.27 2,798.27 189.67 189.67 4,061.90 4,061.90 932.48 932.48 722.03 722.03 CarryForward 195.40 195.40 1,000.00 1,000.00 67,147.27 37,516.61 37,516.61 557.52 557.52 3,644.59 3,644.59 2,382.94 2,382.94 70.36 70.36 505.62 505.62 1,469.05 1,469.05 172.95 172.95 2,619.93 2,619.93 796.84 796.84 488.97 488.97 1391 New Budget 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 59,700.00 49,800.00 44,500.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 750.00 750.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 300.00 300.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 700.00 700.00 Total Budget 195.40 195.40 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 126,847.27 87,316.61 82,016.61 1,557.52 1,557.52 6,144.59 6,144.59 2,382.94 2,382.94 2,070.36 2,070.36 1,255.62 1,255.62 2,469.05 2,469.05 472.95 472.95 4,119.93 4,119.93 2,296.84 2,296.84 1,188.97 1,188.97

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Vocational Training in Qadis, Abkamari and Moqor Districts of Badghis Province Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund



Vocational Trainning

New AFG/470124

1.8 - Economic Governance and Private Sector Development Ministry of Finance CarryForward AFG/200039 AFG/200054 AFG/200055 AFG/200057

Financial Management Consultants Strengthening Internal Audit Operation

Printing Valuable Documents (Printing Passports)


verified Payroll Plan

AFG/200064 AFG/200078

Capacity building in Procurement for line ministries

Social Support to displaced employees of Governmental Enterprises Maintenance and Rollout of software (AFMIS? treasury loan office)



Anex building in the ministry of Finance premises & Repairing of other buildings related to MoF


Reform Implementation Management Unit


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget CarryForward 1391 New Budget Total Budget

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type


Custom Moderanization Phase-II and Consturction of custom premises World Bank Govt of Afghanistan

1387 Grant Grant 1387 World Bank Grant 1387 World Bank Grant 1388 Germany Govt of Afghanistan US assistance Grant Grant Grant 1389 Govt of Afghanistan 1389 Govt of Afghanistan 1390 Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund 1390 Peace and Reintegration Trust Fund 1390 World Bank Grant Non-Discretionary Grant Non-Discretionary Grant Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Discretionary

13,064.59 13,064.59

9,815.20 9,815.20 -

13,000.00 10,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 9,200.00 1,700.00 500.00 7,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 150.00 150.00 900.00 900.00 5,300.00 100.00 100.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 200.00 200.00

22,815.20 19,815.20 3,000.00 2,016.51 2,016.51 2,870.36 2,870.36 15,148.49 2,682.41 1,000.00 11,466.09 2,108.78 2,108.78 3,765.67 3,765.67 6,000.00 6,000.00 178.10 178.10 3,154.73 3,154.73 5,300.00 100.00 100.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 200.00 200.00

AFG/200126 AFG/200167 AFG/200180

Capacity building for financial systems (center and provinces) Financial Sector Strengthening Project (for DAB)

1,689.00 1,689.00 3,336.80 3,336.80 12,002.28 1,330.00 500.00 10,172.28 1,242.65 1,242.65 1,489.95 1,489.95 1,000.00 1,000.00 60.00 60.00 2,254.73 2,254.73 -

1,016.51 1,016.51 2,870.36 2,870.36 5,948.49 982.41 500.00 4,466.09 1,108.78 1,108.78 765.67 765.67 1,000.00 1,000.00 28.10 28.10 2,254.73 2,254.73 -

Technical Assistance of USA (CTAP)


Capacity building in line ministries and upgrading of budget system


Capacity Building for MoF employees


Capacity for Result Facility and upgrading budget system


Financial Oversight Committee Secretariat (FOC Secreteriat)

AFG/200229 New AFG/200230 AFG/200231

Financial Sector Rapid Response

Improvasion of tranparancey in industrail productions World Bank Long term learning program Govt of Afghanistan

1391 Grant 1391 Grant 1391 Govt of Afghanistan 1391 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Discretionary Non-Discretionary


Reconstruction of sourounding walls of Continental Hotel and Baghi Bala


creating software for estate archive


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 1391 US assistance Grant Non-Discretionary 4,471.40 4,471.40 1386 Govt of Afghanistan 1388 Govt of Afghanistan 1388 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1389 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary 172.89 172.89 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,057.38 1,057.38 1,441.13 1,441.13 9,500.00 9,500.00 1382 Italy Grant Non-Discretionary 9,500.00 9,500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1389 Govt of Afghanistan Grant 1390 World Bank Grant Non-Discretionary Discretionary 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 9,204.70 9,204.70 1384 Govt of Afghanistan 1386 World Bank Grant 1387 Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Purchasing of office equipemetns World Bank 1389 Grant Non-Discretionary Grant Non-Discretionary Non-Discretionary Grant Discretionary 1,603.52 1,603.52 6,409.36 6,409.36 185.82 185.82 1,006.00 1,006.00 CarryForward 3,653.16 3,653.16 88.64 88.64 1,800.00 1,800.00 1,057.38 1,057.38 707.15 707.15 4,514.89 4,514.89 4,514.89 4,514.89 1,423.74 1,423.74 625.74 625.74 798.00 798.00 6,550.85 6,550.85 857.04 857.04 5,221.17 5,221.17 472.65 472.65 1391 New Budget 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 500.00 500.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 250.00 250.00 750.00 750.00 Total Budget 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 4,653.16 4,653.16 88.64 88.64 1,800.00 1,800.00 2,057.38 2,057.38 707.15 707.15 4,514.89 4,514.89 4,514.89 4,514.89 3,923.74 3,923.74 1,125.74 1,125.74 2,798.00 2,798.00 7,550.85 7,550.85 857.04 857.04 5,221.17 5,221.17 250.00 250.00 1,222.65 1,222.65

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type

Afghanistan Investment supporting agency(AISA) New AFG/800005

Afghanistan Industrial Parks Development Program (AIPDP)

Afghanistan National Standardization Authority CarryForward AFG/580002

Design of Administration building and laboratory building in center and in provinces


Construction of buildings for laboratries & Central building


Procurement of Laboratories


Procurement of laboratories Mines and Lequid Gas in Kabul and in provinces

Micro Finance Investment support facility for afghanistan CarryForward AFG/810001

Micro Finance Investment Support facility for Afghanistan (MISFA)

Central Statistics Office CarryForward AFG/730008

Construction of Central Static Offices in provinces


Strengthening of National Statistical System

Control and Audit Office CarryForward AFG/660004

Construction of new building for Control and Audit Office


Support to external audit, Capacity Building, Consutancy Services and Human Resources


Support to the budget office of the parliament



valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 11,492.80 11,492.80 1384 World Bank Grant 1385 Govt of Afghanistan 1386 Govt of Afghanistan 1386 Govt of Afghanistan 1387 Govt of Afghanistan 1388 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Grant Discretionary Non-Discretionary 3,625.33 3,625.33 1,044.02 1,044.02 2,321.48 2,321.48 2,422.97 2,422.97 1,195.00 1,195.00 884.00 884.00 5,662.24 5,662.24 Project Implementation Unit and Capacity Building Govt of Afghanistan 1388 Grant 1388 Govt of Afghanistan Grant Discretionary Discretionary 896.65 896.65 1,525.66 1,525.66 CarryForward 8,815.06 8,815.06 2,578.74 2,578.74 1,002.72 1,002.72 1,201.46 1,201.46 1,982.87 1,982.87 1,165.28 1,165.28 884.00 884.00 4,672.96 4,672.96 301.74 301.74 1,518.82 1,518.82 1391 New Budget 3,000.00 3,000.00 1,700.00 1,700.00 800.00 800.00 500.00 500.00 1,400.00 1,400.00 900.00 900.00 Total Budget 11,815.06 11,815.06 4,278.74 4,278.74 1,002.72 1,002.72 2,001.46 2,001.46 2,482.87 2,482.87 1,165.28 1,165.28 884.00 884.00 6,072.96 6,072.96 1,201.74 1,201.74 1,518.82 1,518.82

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type

Ministry of Economy CarryForward Central Procurement(ARDS) AFG/350020 AFG/350022

Repairing Ministry of Economy's building including heating system


Hiring of National and International consultants & Technical Assistance Construction of Economic Departments on provincial level



Construction of new building for projects appraisal


Capacity Building for the Ministry of Economy Employees

Ministry of Commerce CarryForward AFG/250080


Carpet process project in Andkhoy & in Jalalabad


Anex building in the Ministry of Commerece & Industries and MoCI buildings in Nangarhar and Balkh provinces Govt of Afghanistan






Grant 1390


1,239.93 2,000.00

852.40 2,000.00 2,000.00 1,106,217.27

500.00 1,037,353.90 77,500.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00

1,352.40 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,143,571.19 77,500.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00

AFG/250118 Sector Totals Contingency Fund

Afghanistan new Market Development Project World Bank



2,000.00 2,021,913.46 34,748.00

910020 910029 910015

FundforImprovementsofSystemofRevenueCollection Fund for Student of the Higher Education FundfortheGhazniProvinceasaCenterofIslamicCultureuntil2013

GovtofAfghanistan Govt of Afghanistan GovtofAfghanistan

Grant Grant Grant

Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary

10,000.00 3,000.00 2,817.00


valuesin000USD Discretionary/ Non-Discretionary 1390 Total Budget 14,931.00 GovtofAfghanistan GovtofAfghanistan GovtofAfghanistan GovtofAfghanistan GovtofAfghanistan GovtofAfghanistan GovtofAfghanistan GovtofAfghanistan GovtofAfghanistan GovtofAfghanistan GovtofAfghanistan GovtofAfghanistan GovtofAfghanistan GovtofAfghanistan GovtofAfghanistan PeaceandRe integrationFund Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Grant Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary Discretionary NonDiscretionary 1,500.00 1,431.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 2,056,661.46 CarryForward 1,106,217.27 1391 New Budget 36,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 12,000.00 1,114,853.90 Total Budget 36,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 1,500.00 12,000.00 2,221,071.189

Project Code

Project Name



Fund Type

Contingency fund for least developed provinces

910004 910021 910022 910005 910006 910023 910024 910025 910026 910013 910032 910027 910014 910028 910030 910031
Grand Total

ContingencyfundforNoristanProvince ContingencyfundforKunarProvince ContingencyfundforPaktikaProvince ContingencyFundforZabulProvince ContingencyfundforDaikundiProvince ContingencyfundforSarepulProvince ContingencyfundforBadghisProvince ContingencyfundforFarahProvince ContingencyfundforUruzganProvince ContingencyfundforGhorProvince ContingencyfundforSamanganProvince ContingencyFundforKuchies ContingencyFundforGenderRelatedIssues ContingencyFundforNationalCricketTeam ContingencyFundforEmergencyHospitals PeaceandReIntegration

.Note:TheCarryforwardamountsusedareafterdeductingtheexpendituresfor monthsof1390andtheexactamountswillbeknownoncetheQatiaisfinalizedfortheyear 9


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