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2nd Nuclear Operator Organization Cooperation Forum

- IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety Action #5: Strengthening the Effectiveness of Operating Organizations

18 Sep. 2012

P. Vincze, K. Kang NENP/NPES

International Atomic Energy Agency

1st Nuclear Industry Cooperation Forum

September 21, 2011

Increase interactions with utilities and nuclear industry. Facilitate the interaction between operating organizations in experienced countries and newcomers. Strengthen its capabilities to collect and disseminate best operational practices.

Foratom, Japan, Russia, USA


EUs swift action


EC: all 143 NPPs in the EU to be re-assessed using EU-wide criteria June 2011: EC and ENSREG (European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group) agree on the criteria and the way controls will be done [as recommended by WENRA (Western European Nuclear Regulators Association)] a three-step process: pre-assessment by the operators national reports by the regulators peer review (multinational teams) engaging on a multilateral level and with the IAEA a discussion for strong and common safety standards as well as international peer reviews

Presented by Jean Pol-Poncelet, Director General, EU/Foratom

21/09/2011 3

Operating NPPs inspection on the conformity with design requirements, standards and regulations Maintenance organizations Architect engineering organizations

Design review of NPPs in Development operation and of additional under Research Design measures to organizations organizations construction ensure NPP focused on their safety in case of resistibility to an emergency various Presented by Asmolov Vladimir, First DDG, JSC Concern Rosenergoatom situations emergency Russia 4 situations

Operating Organization

U.S. Industry Taking Steps to Ensure Safety at Nuclear Power Plants

Nuclear energy industry is taking short-term and longterm actions

Short-term: Verify readiness to manage extreme events

Long-term: Careful analysis of Japanese accident and how reactors, systems, structures, components, fuel and operators performed Incorporate lessons learned into U.S. reactor designs and operating practices

Presented by Randy Douet , Vice President of Entergy, USA


2nd Nuclear Operator Organization Cooperation Forum

Introduce the progress made since last years meeting

on the follow-up actions and the plans developed upon completion of the stress tests, or integrated safety

30 Aug



2nd meeting


Action Plan on Nuclear Safety

Fact finding mission

Analyse Catalyse Build Support Approach/ Method Conference, Expert meeting

Safety Assessment against extreme natural hazard


Participants : above 350 people Presented Paper : 161 papers Oral presentation : 111 Poster presentation : 50 9 Keynote speakers 13 technical exhibitors IAEA

2nd Nuclear Operator Organization Cooperation Forum

Approached to invite keynote speakers from


Present results focusing on;

Staffing and competence of the operator organization Results of stress tests and their implementation Periodic safety review from a performance management perspective Requisites for training, drills and exercises General functional requirement for emergency preparedness and response.




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