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Implementation Report

Program: Orphan Support Project Title: Interior Sindh1 Year: 2011

Submitted To: ..

Submitted by: HHRD Pakistan

Implementation Report Project Title Location Duration Target Community Beneficiaries Budget Detail
Helping Hand for Relief and Development Orphan Support Program (OSP) Interiorsindh1

One year (Jan 2011 to Dec 2011)


Individuals . Families .. Proposed Budget US$.......... Rs. Approved Budget US$.......... Rs Revised Budget (if any) US$.......... Rs
Helping Hand USA Regional Coordinator: Lala Abdul Fatha Pathan

Donor Organization Implemented by Project In-charge Designation Project Status

MR Arif Khalil Sahib

OSP Project Manager


1.0 Project Background/Rationale:

2.0 Implementation Strategy:

3.0 Major Achievements of Project: Food & Subsistence: Food & Subsistence: HHRD provided financial disbursement in favor of basic material assistance of orphan children and their families. Financial support was given to the children in two phases, once for fulfilling the educational needs including uniform, shoes, clothing etc. and secondly for food ration. Food Packages weighing 40.5 Kg including 20 Kg Flour, 10 Kg Rice, 3 Kg Sugar, and Kg Tea, 5 Liters of cooking oil and 2 Kg Pulses were also distributed in the blessed month of Ramadan in OSP adopted clusters.

Aftar Parties:

HHRD strongly believes to help deprived orphans at the utmost level where they will be well fed and will be able to take advantage of all the festivities of life like other children. For this purpose, we arranged Aftar parties in our adopted clusters through the sincere efforts of our social organizers. Eidi Distribution HHRD distributed Eid gift donation in a blessed month of Ramadan among all the sponsored vulnerable children to make them able to enjoy the Islamic festivity of Eid-ul-Fitr at their fullest. Provision of Wedding Boxes The distribution of wedding boxes among the deserving girls was a support mechanism to help the new married couple so that they have a convenient start in practical life. This initiative was intended to release the orphan girls familys financial burden and enable them to follow their communitys culture by giving an in kind tribute to the girl at the time of her marriage with respect and honor. Education Financial disbursement in favor of educational accessories: OSP distributed the educational support items among the orphan children including all the educational accessories. In year 2011, HH-OSP has distributed financial disbursement twice a year, among sponsored orphan children in favor of: notebooks, text books, uniform, and School shoes. The educational support also includes provision of school stationery as per individual needs and practices of schools they are enrolled in. School bags Distribution: The provision of school bags amplified the children to attend school willingly and cope with all the needs of their learning process. In preparation for a new academic year, HHRD has distributed backpacks in its clusters in Pakistan and one in the Eastern Afghanistan. This has been a very successful project as it supplied the students with a new backpack which they could not afford otherwise. Health Care: Keeping in view the communitys need, health camps were organized and initially the children were taken to their nearest hospitals for health screening, whenever needed. HHRD also distributed hygiene kits among all the orphans of OSP adopted clusters. A kit included Kit-bags comprising toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, soap, towel, nail cutter, hair oil, moisturizing lotion, and comb. A pictorial booklet named Achi Sehat containing lessons and guidelines regarding self hygiene were printed on demand and kept in the hygiene kit which was distributed all over the OSP clusters. HHRD not only circulated the hygiene kits but also taught the kids on how to use them through hygiene awareness sessions.

Hepatitis and General Health Screening of HHRD-Sponsored Orphans Project: Later on, specialized team of doctors from Healthcare Medical Services was hired for Hepatitis screening of

the orphans in their respective clusters with the collaboration of HHRDs Health program. The project was aimed at screening and evaluation of hepatitis B and C among the orphan children sponsored by HHRD across the country. In addition to the hepatitis general health check up, need based prescription of medicine was also provided to the beneficiaries during this project. This project was started in October 2011 and completed in January 2012. Psychosocial uplifting: Distinction awards: Helping Hand-OSP hosted the Students of the Year Awards in its sponsored clusters. In these events, distinction awards were presented to those students who performed exceptionally well in their final examinations of school. These orphan children received remarkable positions and are among the highest achievers of their class. Children leadership development training (Motivational session workshop): HH-OSP in collaboration with Aims Foundation organized a magnificent workshop titled as Motivation, in Karachi (Sindh) to boost up its sponsored children. Aims Foundation is working directly with OSP to uplift the social behavior of orphaned youth through specially designed activity based training programs. Having expertise in training youth to enhance their cognitive and learning abilities, they instruct them to develop the ability of leadership and equip them with skills which are required to succeed in real life. Training of psychosocial uplifting of the children A three days training workshop on psychosocial uplifting of a child was organized by Helping Hand Institute of social sciences at the premises of AFAQ Academy from April 26th-28th 2011. The core objective of the training was to induce awareness regarding child rights, cognitive, emotional, and psychosocial developmental changes among the children, learning problems at different ages and individual differences among the children. Workshop conducted on Dealing with individual differences among children To address the importance of individual difference among children and facilitate teachers to deal with these differences, HHRD organized a two day training workshop on Dealing with individual differences among children from June 7th to 8th 2011, at Laraib Inn Hotel, Islamabad, in which all the social organizers also participated. The core objective of the workshop was to raise knowledge of the participant regarding childrens individual needs and personalities, different developmental patterns, their individual styles and use of different motivational strategies at different times. Communication skills workshop The OSP Department organized a two-day extensive training of those social organizers who were identified to go through this training under follow up of their capacity building workshops held in year 2010 from central and northern Punjab, KP and AJK regions as a result of their training need assessments. They were taught the art of public speaking, the way to communicate at public gatherings and the basics of writing skills.

Summer Camps

OSP-HHRD emphasized on the importance of social development of children and consequently organized extracurricular activities in the form of summer camps. Children studying between grades 5 to 10 participated in the summer camps. The objectives of summer academies included the help to the children for improvement in their performance in studies, to strengthen the bond of relation between Helping Hands volunteers and its OSP team. Students also received facilitation in completing their homework and lessening their weaknesses in studies. A special curriculum was developed based on Islamic teachings including HADITH, Good habits, last 10 Surah from Quran, manners, method for Prayer and Masnoon Duaen. A book named Adab-eZindagi, written by Mr. Akhter Abbas, was also shared with students. Students were also taken to the study tours for their learning as well as excursion. Game kits distribution OSP team provided the imbursement to buy game kits to all their social organizers to engage with children in any sport activity at the time of any material distribution or their general visits to orphans homes. Childrens Magazines Distribution OSP team has initiated some monthly based magazines for OSP children for enhancing their social skills and morale development. There are various types of magazines OSP children are getting benefit from. The monthly magazine Roshni is published for the children of Kashmir region, Sathi for Karachi, Sindh and Balochistan region and Paigham for Punjab and KPK region, whereas a specially designed magazine the Helping Hands own product by the name of Nanny Taary is published on a monthly basis for the primary level children. All these magazines were distributed in the preceding year among all the OSP children. Career Planning Constantly supporting its beneficiaries, HH-OSP in collaboration with Edu-Vision conducted Career Planning workshops for OSP students who have appeared in matriculation exams this year to determine their future course of studies and type of support they need. These workshops were held at two points of concentration of children graduating, one in Muzaffarabad and the other in Rawalakot (AJK). Students from Kashmir and Hazara Clusters also participated in these tests. The aptitude test had to determine the level and capability of the students individually and thus help decide what career they should pursue. Qibla Awwal HHRDs OSP team wanted to raise awareness among children regarding current situations in Palestine and the history of freedom flotilla. For this purpose, we distributed especially designed stickers among all the clusters in which a brief background was published through a story. Events Celebration Naat Competitions OSP children celebrated Eid Milad un Nabi to let the children know about the importance of this auspicious day. In functions organized in different clusters, the messages from our beloved Holy Prophets life were conveyed. Naat competitions were held and children participated whole heartedly. HHRDs Green Planet Campaign This countrywide campaign resulted in planting thousands of saplings throughout the OSP Clusters. The main event to kick start the campaign was held in Islamabad where social organizers were also invited to participate, discuss and learn the ways to implement tree plantation in their clusters. 23rd March event

On the eve of Pakistan Day, one poster was displayed at about 600 schools associated with HH-OSP in its sponsored clusters. The poster titled: First step towards Independence got huge appreciation and children followed it with great interest and got an opportunity to enlighten their perceptions on their beautiful nation. World Health Day A poster describing diverse health and hygiene conditions for children had been developed, printed and posted at HH-OSP related schools and in the offices of 33 District Health Officers throughout Pakistan and AJK. A central walk was organized in Islamabads slum areas to kick start the campaign. This day was celebrated on 7th April 2011. Hand Washing Day World Health Organization of the UNO encouraged the civil society to engage for and promote the hands washing in order to establish hygienic practices in the communities. The OSP-HHRD inspired by this campaign, organized events in Islamabad and elsewhere to promote hands washing among orphan children. This day was celebrated twice in a year on 5th May and 15th October 2011. Pakistan Independence Day HHRD celebrated Pakistans Independence Day on 14th August with all its sponsored children with full zeal and enthusiasm. All the social organizers arranged Jashn-e-Azadi programmes in their clusters. Especially designed poster was distributed among the children. SOs organized different types of competitions between the children to enhance their social skills. Besides, the children presented tablos, national songs and debates on the importance of Independence in Pakistan. At the end, achievement awards were given to the winners. Eid Milan Party OSP celebrated the Islamic festivity of Eid ul Fitr with all the OSP children in different clusters. Children participated with great interest and enjoyed. They were also presented with Eid gifts. Children played different games including music chair, parcel games etc. In the end, SOs arranged refreshment for the vulnerable children and made merriment with each other. It lead to eradicate the discrimination of orphans from other children who enjoy the Islamic festivals with their parents and other loved ones. World Literacy Day Walk On September 8th, 2011, Orphan Support Program has taken initiative to raise awareness on the importance of literacy among local communities of Pakistan. To celebrate International Literacy Day, OSP arranged walks in all 27 OSP adopted clusters of Pakistan and Pakistan administered Kashmir. All OSP adopted as well as non orphan children, teachers and other notable persons also participated. Welcome Ramadan Our team especially strived to design a small booklet for children named Ramadan-Al-Kareem describing the importance of the Holy month of Ramadan. It constituted of all Masnoon Duas for all the three Ashras of Ramadan Al Kareem, Ahadis and Quranic Versus with translation. It was composed by Mr. Farid Barohi, Asst. Professor Islamic University. The booklet was printed and distributed among all the orphans of HHRDs adopted clusters.

Conventions and Conferences:

Implementing Partners convention The implementing partners working on orphan support projects commissioned by one of OSP donors, ICNA Relief Canada sat together in the month of March to discuss OSP3.0 (ESP) with the OSP Department. This one day gathering was also attended by the social organizers of OSP Department to build the bonds of effective collaboration and working relationship between the OSP2.0 and OSP3.0. The Country DirectorHHRD welcomed all the participants to build comprehensive approach mutually towards addressing the vulnerabilities of orphan children. Program Manager OSP conducted a detailed session with the participants to make clear the planning, strategy, prospects and misconceptions. The Country Director-HHRD introduced different HHRD initiatives and the integration approach for implementation and answered to the queries of all the participants of the convention. The conventions participants and the beneficiaries demonstrated high regards for the donors intentions and prayed for them and for the HHRD. OSPs National Convention OSP planned a 3 days National Convention in Muree on 12th July- 14th July 2011, to bring all the OSP team together including the head office and team from field. The core objectives of the convention were to bring all social organizers and volunteers, Implementation Partners (IPs), and head office team of OSP at one platform to share their knowledge and experience, understudying and sensitization about the mission and vision of OSP and HHRD. It also included familiarization with OSP working and methods/procedures and to share the problems during implementation of the program, and future planning with mutual understanding of OSP head office team and the field staff. International Conference on Community based empowerment of the vulnerable children HHRDs one of the major accomplishments was the organization of an International Conference on Community based empowerment of the vulnerable children. The conference was held for two days on 22 nd & 23rd November 2011 in Islamabad presenting research from Pakistan and abroad and displaying working models whether local or international; governmental or non-governmental within the conference themes. The suggested themes of the conference were narrowed down, requiring research and further development, in order to resolve the child vulnerabilities are: 1. Child labor, 2. Child rights & Protection, 3. Healthcare in Early Childhood Development, 4. Universal Primary Education, 5. Victims Violence & abuse, 6. Single parenthood, 7. Orphans Care, 8. Special Children The conference covered eminent international child development professionals researches and best policy practices to frame our understanding of the impact of the crisis particularly in the areas of children vulnerability and to focus to address these key concerns. Their presentations illuminated the far reaching consequences of the crises on ordinary people.

Consultative workshops for International Conference on Community based empowerment of

Vulnerable children HHRD wants to follow the Community-based Empowerment of Vulnerable Children (CEVC) approach for addressing the child vulnerabilities already mentioned above. For that purpose, a consultative workshop was held in Islamabad for joining hands of collaboration, presenting the concept of International conference and engaging other NGOs and civil society organizations in initiatives for taking care of the needs of children.
4.0 Issues/ Challenges Faced:

5.0 Suggestions for Future:

Sr# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74


Child ID 2181 2183 2186 2187 2188 2189 2193 2195 2348 2353 2354 2355 2364 2368 2372 2373 2376 2627 2628 2630 2636 2637 2638 2640 2641 2643 2646 2647 2650 6990 6991 6992 6993 6994 6995 6996 6998 7000 7002 7003 7004 7005 7049 7053 7054 7058 7065 7069 7071 7125 7129 7131 7142 7148 7150 7157 7159 7294 7295 7306 7307 7614 7617 7618 7767 7768 7769 7770 7771 7772 7773 7774 7775 7776

Child Name Tariq Ali NasseebullahM.Sulleman Abdul Rashid Sardar Ali Rahibar Ali Jamal Din Salman Bux Aftab Ali Irfan Ali Ghulam Mustafa Ubedullah Abdul Wahab Naveed Ahmed Anam Majeed Imran Ali Irfan Ali Ghulam Rabbani Noor Muhammad Yaar Muhammad Azizullah Vishal Ram Abdul Qayoom Imtiyaz Ali Y:ounis Khan Asif Ali Aakib Ali Basit Ali Nabi Bux Waqar Ahmed Haseena Bibi Rimsha Bibi Ahmed Ali Muhammad Ali Muhammad Mushtaq Abdul Qadir Hassan Ali Javed Ahmed Naseem Jaffar Ghalib Hussain Fazila Akram Mehtab Bibi Sajjad Hussain Altaf Ahmed Muhammad Sallah Fazal Muhammad Akbar Ali Abdul Rashid Muhammad Arif Muneer Ahmed Munawar Ali Abdul Majeed Noman Ali Muhammad Kamran Shahzaadi Bibi Bakhtawar Bibi Noor Nabi Zeenat Bibi Neha Bibi Muskan Bibi Zafar Ali Kashif Ali Muhammad Zabiullah Zahid Hussain Abdul Ghani Shahid Nawaz Fozia Qadir Kashif Ali Barkat Ali Wasim Akbar Waqar Ali Janib Ali Deedar Ali Aijaz Ali Jazib Hussain

Father Name Faiz Muhammad Muhammad Suleman Saifal Shah Murad Anwar Ali Anwar Din Rahim Bux Mukhtar Ali Allah Wadhaya Ghulam Hussain Wash Dil Ghlam Yasin Abdul Qadir Abdul Majeed Qaimud Din Noor Muhammad Ghulam Yasin Karim Bux Abdul Khaliq Khuda Bux Poona Ram Abdul Majeed Ghulam Muhammad Dilawar Khan Ali Bux Muhammad Aslam Pir Bux Khan Muhammad Wali Muhammad Juria Khan Saadullah Muhammad Jaffar Muhammad Jaffar Ghulam Ali Muhammad Iqbal Muhammad Iqbal Latif Ahmed Muhammad Jaffar Abdul Rahim Muhammad Akram Badaruddin Khadim Hussain Muhammad Suhano Muhammad Khan Saifal Khan Shaman Ali Ameer Bux MuhammadKhan Faiz Muhammad Faiz Muhammad Zafar Ahmed Ghulam Sarwar Abdul Hakeem Abdul ul Ahad Abdul ul Ahad Ahmed Ali Gul Hassan Bahadur Ali Amaanullah Bahadur Ali Bahadur Ali Inayatullah Ghulam Qadir Qadir Bux Haji Ahmed Nawaz Qadir Bux Khalid Hussain Muhammad Riaz Akbar Ali Haji Mubarak Din Muhammad Najam ud Din Bhutto Haji Janhwaayo Sadiq Ali

75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149


7777 7778 7779 7781 7782 7784 7785 7786 7787 7788 7789 7790 7791 7792 7793 7794 7795 7796 7798 7799 7801 7802 7803 7804 7806 7807 7808 7809 9897 9898 9899 9900 9902 9903 9904 9905 9906 9907 9908 9962 9963 9964 9965 9966 9969 9970 9971 9972 9973 9974 9975 9976 9977 9978 8071 8072 8073 8075 8076 8077 8078 8079 8080 8081 8082 8083 8084 8085 8086 8087 8088 8091 8092 8093 8095

Abdul Qayoom Imran Ali Amjad Ali Saaiba Sheikh Muhammad Ajmal Amir Khan Fida Hussain Nazia Bashir Sana Rabnawaz Noman Ali Amjad Ali Munawar Ali Farhana Soomro Mir Ahmed Abdul Aziz Dil Murad Amir Ali Samina Buriro Ubaidullah Riaz Hussain Sanaullah Imran Ali Waqar Ahmed Sarfaraz Ali M. Akram Salaman Khatoon Mir Hassan Aamir Ali Wajid Ali Danish Khuda Daad Ayaz Ali Imtiyaz Ali Deedar Ahmed Qurban Ali Mushtaq Ahmed Muhammad Siddique Mir Hassan Shafique Ahmed Muneer Ahmed Muhammad Asif Lareb Channa Amjad Ali Jamal Din Faique Ali Ahsan Ali Ameer Bux Ameer Bux Muhammad Ramzaan Iqrar Ali Shamn Ali Raheema Bibi Wasim Ahmed Ghulam Naibi Maryam Jabbar Fatima Jabbar Fozia Nawaz Koser Noshad Abbas Ali Ajmal Saifal Humera Noor Qamar Din Shazmina Bibi Hidayatullah Deedar Ali Nadar Ali Muhammad Afzal Muhammad Umar Anees Ahmd Ammer Ahmed Tarique Ali Noman Ahmed Ayesha Noshad Neha Anwar Abdul Hakeem

Rub Nawaz Noonari Muhammad Sachal Muhkum Din Awan Arz Muhammad Faiz Muhammad Jumo Khan Gul Hassan Bashir Ahmed Rabnawaz Muhkum Din Awan Faqeer Muhammad Muhammad Mithal Ghulam Nabi Nazir Ahmed Ali Sarwar Abdul Hussain Muhammad Latif Deedar ali Muhammad Bux Loung Khan Muhammad Bux Bahlol Khan Qadir Bux Bahlol Khan Qadir Bux Muhammad Aslam Haji Ameeruddin Hakim Ali Sikandar Ali Zafarullah Suhriyaani Allah Dino Gul Hassan Long Khan Saeed Ahmed Safardin Haji Shahban Saeed Khan Ali Hassan Ghulam Yaseen Shahdaad Khan Ali Bux Dil Murad Nihaal Khan Saddar-U-din Abid Ali Muhammad Moosa Allah Bux Shamas Din Karim Bux Shah Nawaz Koro Khan Nazeer Ahmed Abdul Sami Karim Bux Abdul Jabbar Abdul Jabbar Rabnawaz Noshad Ahmed Arbaab Ali Saifal Khan Noor Hassan Allah Wadhayo Attaa Muhammad Suhno Khan Abdul Ghafoor Sher Muhammad Allah Wadhayo M. Azeem Gulzar Ahmed Nazir Ahmed Azzizullah Noshad Ahmed Nohsad Ahmed M. Anwar Abdul Majeed

150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180


8096 8097 8098 8099 8100 8101 8102 8103 8104 8106 8107 8108 8111 8112 8113 8114 8115 8117 8118 8119 8120 8121 8122 8123 8124 8125 8126 8127 8128 8129 8130

Gul Bhar Rashida Bibi Shazia Bibi Sajjad Ali Bakhtawar Bibi Abdul Malik Majid Ali Saima Akbar Waris Ishfaq Muhammad Khan Aqib Ali Naveed Ahmed Kifayatullah Aqib Ali Nadeem Ahmed Ilahi Bux Muhammad Yousif Abdul Rauf Sikandar Ali Mazhar Ali Muhammad Tahir Sair Ali Asad Ali Muhammad Zaman Riyast Ali Ihsan Ali Hassan Mahmood Azhar Ali Irum Nawaz Gul Nisa Awais Ahmed

Brohi Khan Khadim Hussain Arbelo Ghulam Ali Muhammad Ali Muhammad Ishaq Ali Akbar Ali Akbar M. Ishfaq Lal Muhammad Nazir Ahmed Ali Sher Inayatullah Abdul Rahman Shahnawaz Ali Gohar Ali Murad Khan Muhammad Raheem Bux Badaruddin Abdul Salaam M. Sachal Asghar Ali M. Ramzaan Faqeer Ali Ali Nawaz Ahmed Ali Abdul Qayoom Ali Nawaz Baloch Khan Saddar-U-din

Annex 2: Pictorial View of Project Activities: 1. Zabiha Meat Distribution

2. Universal Children's Day

3. Teachers' Day

4. Summer Camp

5. School Bags Distribution

6. Plantation

7. Money Order Distribution

8. Medical Screening

9. Literacy Walk


Iqbal Day


Independence Day


Hygiene Kits Distribution


Global Hand washing Day


Food Packets Distribution


Eidi Distributions


Eidi Milan Party


Pakistan Day

18. Iftaar Party


Qaid-e-Azam Day (25th Dec)


Student of the Year Awards Ceremony


Study Tour/ Summer Picnic

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