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Plotters, Burchette, Paugh, Elbe, Wilkins Editor, Grant LeFleche

Throw Yourself Into Your Work (Batman #15) Writer, Charlie Wilkins Cover, Adam Tupper Code Blue (Detective Comics #15) Writer, Brian Burchette Cover, Ramon Villalobos The Rage (Batman #16) Writers, Charlie Wilkins with Brian Burchette Cover, Adam Tupper Sacrifices (Detective Comics #16) Writers, Brian Burchette Cover, Ramon Villalobos

Throw Yourself Into Your Work (Batman #15) Writer, Charlie Wilkins Cover, Adam Tupper (From Jan. 13, 2007)
1: Andy Moreno is homeless. Hes lived on the street for about three years and its a surprise every day for him, and those around him, that he is still alive. Its like he has a guardian angel watching over his shoulder, making sure that any trouble he gets into goes away. Charges dont stick to him and every three weeks he has a night in a hotel with hot water and a working shower. Hes seen a lot on the streets of Gotham. More than any one should, but in a city like this you begin to learn that anything can happen. Anything. Andy Moreno is a snitch working for the GCPD. More precisely, working for Harvey Bullock. He feeds the detective information every three weeks, on the dot, and gets a free pass to the hotels that owe Bullock a favour. As he sits in a pool of his own blood, bullet holes burning in his abdomen, Andy Moreno thinks back to all the people hes sold out, all the people hes screwed over for a hot bath, and as his life leaves him, a tear forms in his eye. Was it worth it? Was it worth it to die in the gutter? Probably not. But its too late to change now, with death so close. If he looks hard enough, through his blurred vision He thinks he can make out the Reaper

2: Aint it grand? He leans back on his chair, and overlooks the city that he is about to call his own. I mean, all weve gone through to get where we are today, aint I really grand? Yes, Mr Sionis. The man smiles and puts his hand on the crime boss chair, and nods. Yes indeed. Mark. Black Mask stands, and looks at the PA he hired intensely with his deep blue eyes, nearly hidden in the mask he carved from his fathers casket.

Hands. The PA hurriedly removes his hand from the chair and staggers back slightly, seeing his bosss hand on his .9mm that sits on the desk in front of him. Yeah. Were not at that place yet, Mark. Dont touch my property without my permission.

3: I really enjoyed tonight Vicki. He looks into her deep green eyes and a smile forms on his face. I I havent had so much So much fun in a long time. I believe the feeling is mutual, Bruce. She leans in, her lips like a promise, and kisses him, and in the moment Bruce is lost to it. He holds her tightly close to him, embracing the moment as well as her, and then after what seems to be an hour, an age, their lips part, and she smiles. Wow. And Im sorry about earlier today. You know how She presses her lips against his, not allowing to him speak. As she moves away again, his eyes are concentrated solely on her. Do you He looks around awkwardly, scratching the back of his head, his body language shifting subtly. Do you want to come in? She doesnt answer, but instead takes his hand, and closes the front door of the mansion behind her as she steps inside Wayne Manor.

NOW Hes bleeding out! We need to stabilise him! Where are the entry wounds? Come on, we need to get him down to surgery! Hes going to DIE if we dont hurry! Did they go through and through? Cant tell, the internal bleeding Lets get him down to surgery NOW, come on, we can still save him I wouldnt be so sure COME ON!

Wayne Manor I got lost. Vicki Vale smiles in the doorway, wearing one of Bruce Waynes shirts, the material hanging loosely on her body. He sits up in bed and smiles, nodding. Its a big house. She blushes slightly. I mean You have about fifteen bedrooms Twelve, Bruce nods again, standing up from the bed, walking over to the red head in the doorway to his bedroom. I only went to the bathroom And its like the whole layout of the place changed She smiles as he runs his hand through her hair, and then pulls her close, kissing her passionately. Changed She sighs and leans against him. Have you got anything to do today? League meeting. He sighs quietly, and then looks down to her. She looks up, her eyes wide, disappointed. Oh He brushes her hair with his free hand, his other on her hip, stroking up and down her body. A League meeting that I cancelled when you were out of the room. Her tone changes, her eyes close slightly. Oh And Alfred? Visiting someone in the city.

Her smile turns to something more seductive, and she takes him by the hand again, and pulls him back to the bed. Oh

Gotham Central Merkel? Sarah Essen shoots her partner a look, and he nods. You dont even have to ask. He grabs his coat and then runs out of the office, heading down to the hospital. Harvey. Ess. He looks at her, his face sullen and worn, but his eyes Something sinister hides behind those eyes.. Just come out and ask, I dare you! Did you shoot Jim? His eyes widen, shocked. Oh, jeez Ess, I wuz kiddin, you really think I could do somethin like that? Me and Gordon aint the greatest of pals, but you really think I could do that to another cop? He shakes his head, and looks down at his hands. Christ, woman You think thats hard coming from me? Because IA is coming down and theyre gonna ask the very same question. You know what that means? Your badge could be taken away. You could be finished. Your career: Over. Theyd have to prove something. An nothings gonna stick Ess. He looks up, his grubby hands pressed against the side of the desk. I need your gun. She puts her hand out. Forensics will want a look at it. He pulls his weapon out of his holster and then unclips his badge from his belt, and then passes them both to Essen. An my badge? Not yet. She passes it back, shaking her head. Youre still a cop. Damn right I am, Ess. An Im gonna find the sonofabitch who did this to one of us. He stands, and puts his badge back on his belt. Ill be seein you. Harv He turns back to her as he stands at the doorway. Dont leave the city. I dont need to say that but IA will. Come on. So find a desk and sit down. And wait. Patiently. I aint leavin Gotham. Got too much going for me in this damn town. He walks out into the pen, and other cops look at him, some with contempt, some with admiration. Some a mix of both. Its a strange feeling to be a feared cop in a police station. Harv. He turns as someone says his name, and then his eyes widen. Jimmy. He smiles. You got what I need? The forensics expert looks around and then hands him a brown bag. Sure as hell man. Untraceable. Just like you asked. Thanks. I owe you. No. You dont. And I dont owe you jack shit anymore, you get that? Jimmy turns for the stairs, and Harvey nods, stuffing the brown bag in one of his many pockets. Sure.

Wayne Manor That was Vicki breathes in deeply, glowing slightly. That was fun. Bruce smiles and rolls over on his side, looking her in the eye as he playfully moves his finger down her chest and around her bellybutton. Yes. It was. I Whats the time? She jerks up, taking the bed sheet with her, pulling it away from Bruce and making him nearly fall out of the bed. Oh, God Sorry Bruce! Sorry! She kisses him passionately, and then looks at the clock. Oh God! Im supposed to meet my sister in an hour! Ill never make it!

Bruce stands and pulls on a pair of black boxers, and then smiles as he watches her dress in a hurry. Youre shirt is Ah! She quickly turns the shirt around, and then looks around. Where are my Where are my? Bruce leaves the room for a minute, and then returns with what she was looking for. You left them on the stairs. Ah! She snatches them from him and pulls them on, and then grabs her skirt. Ohhhhh Godddd You could call her Have a shower Then go home and get changed It wouldnt be much hassle Argh She stops in her tracks and falls back on the bed. Im sorry He peers over her and kisses her and then falls next to her. Its ok. I Your sister is important to you. You go have a shower and Ill call her. Its ok. But No buts. Go. Ah, fine She sighs and pulls off her shirt and then walks out of the room. Shes on my speed dial Number 2! Bruce nods and takes her mobile, and leans back against the pillows. Speed dial. Number one: Bruce Wayne. He smiles and then scrolls down to the second number, and then calls. Hello? Vicki? No, this is Who is this? This is Vickis phone and youre not Vicki This is Bruce Wayne She asked me to call you and tell you shed be a bit late. Bruce Bruce Wayne? Thats right. Oh. Because you and Vicki are Yes. Intimate. Sure. Uh Whew! I did not think Id wake up this morning and be talking to Bruce Wayne on my cell phone! I am Gosh I didnt think Id be talking to you either, miss Heh! So Hey, its about 3 oclock, why Oh Ah. Do I want to ask? I dont know, do you? Heh Tell Vicki its ok; just call me when she wants to meet up. Nice Talking to you Bruce. It was my pleasure. She hangs up and Bruce looks at the phone, confused. All done Vicki! Master Bruce? Alfred pops his head into the bedroom. You arent Dressed yet. Oh, Alfred, how was Leslie? As good as ever, Master Bruce but Uh, if you dont mind me saying, why is there a brassiere in my hand? He points his finger out with the bra dangling off it. And why did I find it at the bottom of the stairwell? I Alfred! The two men look behind him and see Vicki wearing two towels, one around her body and one around her hair. Lovely to see you again. She kisses him on the cheek and then steps beside him, and into the bedroom.

Ah, Miss Vale I I have rooms to clean. My apologies. Alfred hesitates, steps into the room and then out again Alfred. Uh, yes Master Bruce? Could you prepare the Rolls? Vicki will need a ride home soon. Yes, yes, of course Ah He smiles and leaves the room, and then hurries down the stairs. Nice man. Bruce nods and whips the towel away from Vicki. Yes indeed.

Later; The Cave Oh my God. Bruce Wayne looks at the computer screen, his eyes wide. Hes normally online by dawn, scrolling through newspaper articles, checking out whats happened since hes been asleep. He can hack into the GCPD database. He can do anything from here. Oh my God. The words come as a whisper. What is it, Master Bruce? Alfred removes his driving gloves and steps towards the chair that Bruce sits in, the computer screen glowing in the near darkness. Oh my. Jims been Bruce turns to Alfred, his eyes wide. Hes been shot. Who by? How? When? Last night My God In his home Bruce stands and pulls his grey shirt on, and then Alfred passes him his cowl. I have to Master Bruce Alfred points to the computer screen as more words flash on from police radio bulletins. No Bruces eyes widen even more so. How can this be happening? Gang violence has erupted on the streets! This cant be a coincidence... He grimaces, and pulls on his gloves. I have to get out there. To Gordon? To Gotham. He leaps into the car and the engines roar as he speeds out of the cave.

Mercy General Hospital: Why, Jim? Barbara Gordon, James Gordons wife, sits beside her husband, his hand in his. Theres a steady beat of his heartbeat emanating from the machines next to him, and as the tears stream from her eyes. Your son Our son Is with Claire I Dammit Jim, I knew this would happen. You thought you were untouchable but Here you are You and that damn Batman! She sobs, and punches the mattress of the bed, and then leans her head against her husbands arm. Im sorry I didnt mean that Just come back Jim Come back so we can work through this A man dressed as a janitor pauses from wiping the floor in front of a dark private room and puts his fingers to his ear. Boss He aint dead. They patched him up But he aint out the woods yet Hes in a coma Hey. He turns as a fat man walks towards him, hand on holster. What you doin? Just Doing my job, sir Well then move on, you lazy sonofabitch, stop hanging around Harvey Bullock spits his words, angry. Stupid bastard He peers into the private room of James Gordon, and places his hand against the threshold. His partner. He should have been there for him. His partner. HIS PARTNER. What kind of cop are you? he thinks, clenching his jaw and scratching at the wall, the paint peeling beneath his finger nails. What kind of cop are you not to watch your partners back?. Yeah. Youre an idiot. A stupid idiot who should have known better.

Now I gotta do what I gotta do.

Elsewhere You hear that Mark? Your man failed. I need ten million in cash to clear this up and its coming out of your wage. How was I supposed to know that he No. Sionis points his finger at the man. No. You do not talk back to me. You do not talk back to me if you want to keep your tongue! Im serious, Ill ram my fingers down your throat and tear it out, you hear? Get the money from the vault. Ive got a phone call to make, and I dont want your bad karma around me. Get the hell out of my office and get down to the vault. Larry knows youre on your way to pick it up. Yes sir The man wipes his brow of sweat and then hurries out of the room. Jackass!

Gotham City The gunshots are everywhere. He cant hes torn by the explosions, the gun shots, the screams hes not Barry, hes not Clark, he cant be everywhere at once A gang war has erupted on the streets, and hes been too busy to notice. Youre an idiot, Batman thinks. Closed off since Julie and when you see someone new You cant help yourself. Failed the mission. Jims dying. You failed. He looks around, and then hears the voices on the police band come to life. He recognises the voice. Essen. Requesting Bravo Alpha Tango Whiskey Alpha Tango Charlie Hotel. Bat Watch. Shes telling all the other officers to look out for him. To report sightings directly to her. Krol must have put her in charge whilst Jim is incapacitated. Dying. He shakes his head. Hes needed. Batman taps directly into the police communication system. Speak to me, Essen. Batman Its good to hear your voice Were swamped here, weve got gangs fighting all over the city, but Crime Alley is where its concentrated, and we cant get SWAT in however hard we try Im not going to say its as bad as the War but Ill take Park Row. I know who festers there. I know the gangs. He cuts off the line and pushes down hard on the accelerator. Hes on the move.

Park Row Jim Gordon is lying on a hospital bed somewhere, life being pumped into him by machines. He should be there. In the shadows. Like always. But no, theres a war on the streets, someone behind this all, he can feel it. It didnt take much for him to get into Park Row, Crime Alley, whatever you want to call it. He snuck through the sewers and just entered this building through the cellar access. What surprises him was the amount of gang members already here, already hiding in this place. Hiding? Waiting. This is part of some conspiracy, he thinks. Someone shot Gordon and organized this crime wave. But who? Batman hasnt got time to think about the puppet master, only the puppets, as he fights his way through the hordes of gang members between him and the one he wants. Someone with some semblance of power. He holds back to start with. He doesnt use all his strength, all his power, but these people He kicks hard, aiming to wind, but the man he had just struck looks at him, his eyes dilated, bloodshot, and he realises something. These arent your normal gang bangers. Theyre on something. Something thats making them aggressive, without the ability to feel pain. He kicks with all his strength, aiming to break something, crack ribs, puncture lungs with the shards of bone, but the man only stumbles back, his eyes wider and his pupils smaller. Not afraid. Not afraid. The man dives for him, his hands like vices, tight around his neck and crushing his windpipe. NOT AFRAID OF YOU. JUST A MAN.

He gasps for air, the black creeping into his line of vision, and then suddenly sticks his fingers into the mans exposed eyes, causing the criminal to scream in agony as he recoils from the agony, gripping at his eye sockets. You should be. Batman grimaces, squats and kicks the man hard in the face, a wet snap as the mans nose cracks open and blood pours from the wound. The dozens of men around him circle the fallen junkie and the vigilante, and then roar in collective outrage, and pounce on Batman, their hands clawing, their feet kicking, and as the Dark Knight is lost in the attack, as he feels the punches, the broken bones, he grimaces. This is going to be harder than he thought. He presses a button on his belt and his cape expands outwards, pushing the men away from him, gaining him some breathing room, and then he flicks two batarangs into his hands. Come on then! He cuts and slashes, the burning in his chest keeping him aware. He isolates it. Contains it. Stuffs it into the back of his head and presses on. They arent all amped up on steroids, he can tell. But its not steroids. No, its something more powerful. Super steroids, maybe. Or its street name: Meta Buzz. Maybe even some derivative of Miraclo, some cheap version available through the higher up dealers. Same difference. He ignores it, and fights on, punch after punch, kick after kick. His costume is torn, gunshots rattle his skull as he kicks weapons out of hands and dodges bullets. Hes fast, sure, but as the fight wears on hes loosing speed, hes weakening. He needs to end this. In one swift movement he stuffs nose plugs in his nostrils and throws down knock-out gas, the pellets exploding on impact with the floor. Some choke and fall, some press on, tears falling from their eyes as they strain themselves to hold their breath. They all fall in the end, the gas absorbed through the skin, getting into their bloodstream. He looks around as the gas clears and there are bodies piled around the room. Batman leans against the wall and falls back, catching his breath whilst he can. He cracks his neck and then stands, minutes passed, then grabs the man he had came for, one of the many caught in the fight he had just won. He pulls a syringe from his belt and jabs the man in the neck, bringing him screaming back to consciousness. Talk to me. AHHHHH! He jerks around in Batmans grip, the vigilante holding him off the floor, his fingers digging into the criminals shoulders. AHHHHHHH! I know seven ways to really hurt you like this. Nine if I get inventive. I can break nineteen bones in your upper body with one movement, and I can keep you awake throughout. I'm getting impatient tonight, but I am asking you nicely. Talk to me." He pulls the man close, and then hisses loudly as he speaks again. Who ordered the hit on Gordon? TALK! I dunno man I dunno please god dont kill me I dont know anything oh god oh god we were just here to take down some guys who were supposed to be meeting here but before they got here you arrived and oh god dont kill me I dont deserve to die Ill be good Ill be good I have kids a wife and I dont deserve to die Others? Batman pulls another syringe from his belt and jabs the man again, knocking him out and dropping him to the floor. Before Batman can think about what he had just heard the doors to the bar are kicked open, and bullets fly everywhere. Others. Batman shoots a grapnel into the rafters and flies up, vanishing into the shadows. He had fought one gang lying in wait for another. The men leap into the room, stepping over and onto bodies as they point their weapons at the ceiling. Its the Bat! He cleared out the other side! Is he one of us? Sure looks that way Maybe we should give him a pass Hell, Batmans an equal opportunities ass kicker, hell take any of us down if he gets the chance So we might as well return the favour A man picks up one of the unconscious gang bangers, and puts a gun to his head. But lets clear up his mess 'fore we do." He pulls the trigger and blood sprays everywhere before Batman can think to react. No! Batman dives down from the rafters and catches a slug in the shoulder, the bullet glancing off his shoulder and into the night sky above. His cape catches most of the barrage, the material giving an illusion of size that isnt actually there. Batman hits the ground running; first disarming the shooter with a kick so hard it fractures his arm. He has no time to nice. He needs to be effective. Powerful. He exhausts his arsenal of batarangs within the first couple of seconds, throwing wave after wave of the tiny shurikens at the weapons the men hold, causing them to cry out in pain as the projectiles dig into flesh and scrape against bone. Its when they are disarmed he can get creative. Almost relish it. Almost, but not quite. He brings himself back from the brink, and throws his

cape behind him, the tattered cloth half the size it was before. Ill give you five seconds to hit the floor. Or I can hurt you. He grimaces. And I WILL hurt. A few of the men look around and then fall to their knees, but others shake their head, laughing. One steps forward, piercings in his eyebrow and lip. What, youre just one man, you aint got a chance The man looks at the men on the ground, and rolls his eyes. Get the hell up guys A man on the floor looks up at Batman. Im sorry, hes new in town Bats The hell? The man pulls a weapon from his belt and shoots the man in the leg, causing him to cry out in pain, and Batman motions forward, his teeth tightly clenched together, his hand outstretched. $%^ing cowards! ONE MAN! GET THE $%^ up! COME ON! A batarang flies through the air and pierces the awkward silence created, and as it knocks the weapon out of the gangbangers hand and falls to the floor, Batman looks up to the night sky, a smile almost on Batmans lips. Arent you supposed to be in New York? Yeah. Nightwing leaps from the rooftops and lands beside his mentor. But Im not. He turns to the other men assembled, and then points his finger at them. Do as the man says. Wait. Batman walks slowly towards the heavily pierced gang banger and grabs his face. Youre going to help me. Or youre going to scream for me.

Elsewhere He doesnt even hear the man die. But he knows he is. He talks too much usually, and as he steps inside the office and doesnt say a word he knows his new friend has arrived. You can never get the staff. Black Mask looks to his dead assistant and shakes his head regretfully. But my friend, that style, that finesse, oh, the technique, I must have you working for me If you have the money. The man unzips his mask and puts a cigarette to his lips. He scratches a match alight and puts its to the cigarette, and then breathes in deeply, the end of it glowing in the darkness. Then Im your man. Well I ordered the hit on this guy, some cop from Chicago, and I wanted him gone, but yknow It went wrong. The jackass who did the job failed, hes now being shipped to a dog food factory for his incompetence. Hes going to the meat grinder, if youll allow me the terrible pun. Stop talking. The money. Of course Black Mask prises an attach case from his PAs dead hands, and then passes it to the man wearing the black trench coat, a sword glinting at his side. You could count it. That would be disrespectful. You know full and well I would kill you if you didnt have my regular fee. Its an affront to my person. Black Mask nods enthusiastically. Heh, Im sorry, Im just getting into this dress-up business Used to be that a good businessman just had to have the right kind of artillery to rule the streets, but with super freaks popping up everywhere (no offence, my friend) you have to take it up a notch. Take it all the way to eleven. I understand. Anyway, the cop is still alive in Mercy ICU. Hes probably going to have armed guards, maybe even some vigilante action at his back. Probably one of the Bat prefixes. I want him dead. This would have been so much easier and cheaper if youd come to me in the first place. Im a cheap ass, so sue me. But I need this guy taking out. Itll be good for business. And Ill throw in a bonus for you. Sionis nods enthusiastically. A big ol bonus. Save it. The man removes his trench coat and throws it onto the gang leaders chair, and then takes a long drag on his cigarette. He sits in Black Masks chair and then puts his feet up. I like the view. If youve got the money, Ive got your service. Even in this screwed up world thats how it works. And besides, Ive yet to see my old friend again. And that Nightwing kid Deathstroke the Terminator cracks his knuckles and puts out his cigarette on the bare tabletop. Hes got everything coming to him.

Code Blue (Detective Comics #15) Writer, Brian Burchette Cover, Ramon Villalobos (From Feb. 13, 2007) Get down! Get the boss outta here, shouted one of Falcones men as bullets began to riddle the car the Gotham crime boss had just stepped
out of. Who the hell are they? Falcone shouted as he was being pushed into a back alley. Looks like The False Face Gang, boss. Just stay here til we can deal with them. I dont think were going to have to, another one of his men shouted as he pointed to the skyline. They all looked up in time to see the familiar silhouette of Batman as he swung from one end of the roof, to the other. Then they watched as a second figure swung up right behind him. They stood together, both barely visible in the shadows. Who the hell is that with him? Robin? Nah, there aint no more Robin. This guy calls himself Nightwing. He comes around now and then. Last time he was here, was cause a that zombie thing. Falcone and his men watched as the caped crusader and the young man in black and blue both leapt off the building and dove right into the middle of the False Face Gang. Both men were moving so fast and so gracefully, that to Carmine, it seemed like some sort of bizarre dance. Both of them seemed to be in some kind of unspoken sync with each other. The Bat would bring two down by slamming their heads together, the younger one right next to him, his arms knocking away the weapon as he would bring his leg up and around, sending the guy flying a few feet. The mob boss watched with a growing respect and disdain for these two costumed heroes. Both of them were back to back, taking out one

after the other of this new gang that was trying desperately to take over Gothams underworld. As the last gunman fell, they both turned to leave, but by then Falcone was more then upset, he was furious. He screamed Batmans name, marching towards the two of them; ignoring the pleas of his bodyguards. You told me to back off and youd take care of this, you freakin idiot. Now Im dodging bullets right and left. What the hell have you been doin, cause Im tellin ya right now, Carmine Falcone aint about to let this ride. Before anyone could move Batman was on top of him. He came up swift and had Falcone pinned against the wall while his men were still fumbling for their guns. I dont think Id do that if I were you, boys, Nightwing said. Hes not in the best of moods right now, as the dozen or so men that he just took down, would verify, if they were conscious. I am taking care of this, Falcone, Batman growled, his voice deeper then usual. And I want you to tell me what you know about this False Face Gang. Right now! Although Carmines eyes were wide, he held Batmans gaze, never once looking away. If I knew anything, Id sure in the hell tell ya. These guys are gunnin for me and Maroni, and probably the ones who took out Thorne. Maybe, Batman whispered. But if I find out theres more that you know, that youre not telling me, Ill break every bone in your damn body! He emphasized the last two words with a punch to the gut that doubled Falcone over. His men advanced a step, but Nightwing stepped in and they all stayed in place. Stay off the streets, Falcone, Batman growled. Youll live longer. Then he released the mob boss and both he and his companion were soon sailing up the side of the building, the whir of the ropes pulling them away. As they landed on the roof, Nightwing spoke, Havent seen you like this since Dont! Batman barked back and leapt onto the next roof. Nightwing watched him sail across the chasm, a troubled look on his face, and then he followed his old mentor to their next stop.

He stood in the doorway of Officer Crispus Allens hospital room, and watched the man sleeping. The rage in him boiling, and hes not sure where or even how to focus it at this point. It went wrong, all of it, and he doesnt know why. Harvey Dent clenched his fist. Ever since he has come to this damn city, nothing had gone right for him. He is working for a crooked D.A., and a police force that seems to be split down the middle; half working for the good of the city and the other half working for themselves, or one of the many crime familys that have set up shop. Hes beginning to hate this town

Barbara Gordon, Babs to her friends and Batgirl by her closest friends, hesitated as she stepped into the hospital room of the man she had called father for most of her life. Everything that she had faced in her short time as a crime-fighter, was nothing compared to the sight that awaited her as she entered the hospital room. James Gordons face was drained of color, black circles so dark under his eyes that one would think they had put make-up on him. So many tubes and wires flowed from him that for a second an image of the Borg flashed to the front of her mind. Babs? the voice came from James Gordons wife, also called Barbara. Nothing else was said as they came together and clutched each other. Although Barbara broke down in tears, Babs didnt. She couldnt, not yet. Its not was her father would have wanted from her. Its also not how he had trained her, and she could never help herself. Every time Babs came back to Gotham, she always seemed to fall into that same thought pattern, the student who never felt as accomplished as the teacher wanted. She also wondered where Batman was, at that moment.

Hopefully getting the s.o.b who did this to her father.

Far be it for me to say anything about your style, Nightwing began as he sat in the passenger seat of the Batmobile.
Then dont, came the short reply. Dick opened his mouth to say something else and then closed it again. Why did he still feel like a stupid kid in these situations? He knew exactly what Bruce was doing, how he was feeling, and why he was acting the way he was. It was a road that Dick hated to see him go down but when guilt overwhelmed him, it was the only road Bruce knew to take. Have you even gone to see him? Dick asked. There was nothing from the driver. Do you even know what his condition is, at this point? Nothing Dick slammed his hands down on the dashboard, hard. Damn it, Bruce! So youre going to drive yourself up to the edge again, because you werent at the right place at the right time? If so, let me tell you, for being the man with the plan, youve never really been good at mapping out a logical course with this scenario. His nostrils flared, Nightwing thought. He was listening, at least. Didnt seem to be doing much good, though. There was about two minutes of uncomfortable silence as Batman weaved in and out of traffic. He made a quick right and down headed in the opposite direction of his intended destination. I thought we were going to pay a visit to Cobblepot? Dick asked. We were. And now? The hospital If you grin at all, he may deck you, Dick thought. Just sit back and keep your mouth closed. On the inside, though, Dick was grinning ear to ear. Bruce actually taking his advice? It was either the beginning of a beautiful new friendship or the seventh sign of the apocalypse.

Harvey Bullock walked the streets of Gotham, his right hand in his pocket, holding steady to the item that was contained within the brown paper bag. His plan was simple enough, go back to his place, clean up, and get back out on the streets. He hadnt heard from IA yet, but it was just a matter of time. His entire world was going to hell in a hand basket and at this point, he could see very few options of which way to go. He climbed his apartment steps to find that his door was wide open. The hair on the back of his head stood up straight and he pulled his gun, moving cautiously towards the door. He braced himself against the hallway wall, gun up in front of him, sweat beginning to drip down his round face. He took a deep breath and was just about to move when he heard Of for Petes sake! Were not going to kill you yet. Just get your fat ass in here and shut the door so we can talk. Harvey froze in his tracks. He didnt recognize the voice, but it sounded both cold and playful at the same time. He stepped in out of the shadows and into the door frame. His face fell as he stood in front of the man in a very expensive three piece business suit, and a large black mask covering his face. There were four men standing around him, all armed and pointing their guns at him. Please close the door behind you, detective. I think its time we sat down and discussed what you did in Hub City before you moved to Gotham, and just how you might best serve The Black Mask. The door slowly shut behind Harvey Bullock.

As Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson walked down the hallway of the I.C.U. wing of Gotham General, they saw the four officers standing guard, watching them come closer. Dick felt just the slightest shift in Bruces walk, and surmised that at this point, his body was probably tensed, ready for some unforeseen skirmish that might suddenly appear; compliments of a nervous police officer. He brought his hand up slowly, about to give the guards a friendly wave, when the door to the room opened. Barbara Gordon stepped out and saw them both coming. The young womans eyes lit up and she spoke quickly to the guards. Then she moved down the hall and embraced them both, first Bruce, and then Dick. How you holding up? Grayson asked with genuine concern, his eyes intently on her. She shrugged, As well as can be expected, I suppose. And your father? Bruce asked. Come on in and see for yourself. She led them into the room and the three stood there, staring at the immobile man who was, in many ways, central to all their lives here in Gotham. Babs watched as Bruce walked up to the unconscious man and leaned down, putting his lips next to the mans ear. She strained to hear what he was telling his father, but the machines were too much of a distraction, and Bruces voice was too low. She also realized, quite suddenly, that Dick had brought his arm around her shoulders in a comforting gesture. She did her best to ignore it. Bruce turned and walked back to them, his face dark. Im going back out. You two stay here. Fine, thank you, and how are you? Barbara replied. He stood there for a moment, looking at both of them. Barbara, Im sorry. He finally said, quietly. I should have known. I should have been there for him. Please, Bruce, dont go there. You cant be everywhere at once. Youre one of the smartest Ive ever known; so use those smarts to realize that and do not go into the blame yourself mode not this time. He took it in and then nodded in agreement. Then his voice dropped to almost a whisper, Your father is still in danger. If hes not dead, that means someone will want to finish the job. We all know that those officers there wont stop this guy, whoever he is, if he wants the job done. I want you both here, just in case. Wheres Jims wife? She went to check on Jimmy, said shed be back in a couple of hours. What are you going to do? Barbara asked him. Pay a visit to the one man that is holding onto the information that we need. And this time, Ill make sure he sings like a bird. You sure you dont want me to go with you, Dick asked, the concern obvious in his voice. Bruce stopped at the door and turned back to them, I can handle him. He paused, considering his next words carefully, Its good to see you two back in Gotham. When the door shut behind him the other two looked at each other with something close to shock on their faces. Did he? Just tell us that he missed us? Dick finished. I think he did. Just when you think nothing he could say or do could surprise you, bam, he throws another curve ball. Coffee? Babs asked. Yeah, I think Id like that. Nice little talk you gave him, by the way. Whered you learn to stand up to him like that? Babs grinned as they headed towards the door. I think the company Ive been keeping has started to rub off on me.

The window in Oswald Cobblepots office had one of the most breath taking views in all of Gotham. From Wayne Tower to so many of the other high rises, it could honestly be said that from where Oswald sat, he could behold the beauty that lay above the squalor of the city. Oswald, himself, admitted as much to everyone who would listen to him, and in his corner of the world, which was anyone who wanted to

continue frequenting one of the newest hot spots in the city. At first the noise coming from down the hall was a minor annoyance, but as it drew closer, he realized that the ruckus was something bigger. He rose from his desk and moved quicker then one would expect. He had barely reached his collection of umbrellas when his office door opened with a resounding crash, the mahogany wood splintering into a million pieces. He stopped short as the figure of Batman came crashing through. It wasnt just the sight of the Bat that made him stop, but the fact that he was dragging two of Oswalds own personal guards behind him, with another attached to his back and doing everything he could to bring him down. As soon as Batman was through the door he dropped the two that were unconscious and flung the other one over his head, slamming him hard onto the wood floor. His face was contorted into a rage that few had ever seen, and upon seeing Cobblepot, he took a couple of steps towards the man. Dont you ever knock like a normal human being, Oswald shouted as he drew an umbrella from the stand and aimed it at his nemesis. Put it down, Batman growled. Play time is over. I assure you, Im not playing. I think its time that someone taught you some manners. The umbrella went off and the bullet struck Batman square in the chest. He stumbled back and dropped to one knee. I told you the next time you come into my place uninvited, it would be your last, you stupid rodent. Penguins face broke into a smirk as he held the umbrella in front of him. Slowly Batman began to rise, and if there was rage on his face before, what it had morphed into was nearly monstrous. Worst mistake of your life, Penguin, he said quietly through gritted teeth. The cigarette holder that had been in the corner of Penguins mouth fell, along with the look on his face. He stumbled back and tripped over his own stand. He fell, arms and legs tangled up with the remaining umbrellas. He was frantically trying to get a grip on one when the shadow of the bat came over him. Do you know why youre still in this town, Oswald? Its because Ive allowed it. Ive known from the start that youre up to your neck in all of this. You want to continue to survive in my city, then you better start talking NOW! It came over him in a tidal wave and before he even realized it, Penguin began to speak. He calls himself the Black Mask. Ive only seen him once, but never his face. He wants control of Gotham, all of it. He was the one who hired Firefly to burn the families buildings to the ground. He hired Ventriloquist to take out the Mayor, and those hit men to take out Gordon. Hes behind it all. And Thorne? I dont know who took out Thorne, but if it was Mask, then he didnt tell me anything about it. I want the name of the assassin who took out Thornes killer. I dont know his name. Batmans foot came down hard on Penguins extended stomach and the crooked little man let out a cry and a gasp as the air left him. The dark knight waited until Cobblepot could talk again before speaking. His name! Donovan, Penguin gasped. Justin Donovan. Last question for now, and if you answer this one correct, you walk the streets for another day. What else has Black Mask got in store for Gordon? For the first time, Oswald hesitated. It was one thing to give up what had gone down, but to give out information of what was to come information that he had received through his own inside man that was a whole different ball game. Batman let out a large cry of anger as he picked up the one time thief and lifted him into the air. Ill start with the fingers, then work my way to the hand and arm. Okay, okay! If Gordon lives, Mask wants to make sure that theres nothing left for him in this city nothing, he emphasized. Batman stared hard at him for a moment, wheels turning inside his head. Then he heard the voice of Barbara Gordon junior come back into his mind: She went to check on Jimmy. Said shed be back in a couple of hours. He tossed Penguin to the side. Were not done yet. Then he spun around and threw himself out the window, glass shattering, and swung off

into the night air. Penguin stood up and dusted himself off, Of course not, my dear man. You and I have only just begun to dance. He let out that short squawk of a laugh.

The elevator opened up and Dick and Barbara stepped out and onto the ICU floor. Both were lost in their conversation as they rounded the corner, neither prepared for the sight of the four police officers lying on the floor, the crimson liquid glaring at them in contrast to the stark white floor. No, Babs whispered as she dropped her coffee and began to run. Wait! Dick called in a hoarse whisper, but she was already at the door. She opened it up and saw Deathstroke standing over her father. She reacted quickly and grabbed the chair next to her, lifting it and lunging towards him. As fast as she was, he was obviously faster. In a blur of motion he had swung around, deflecting the chair with his right arm and bringing his left leg up, kicking her in the stomach and sending her flying back into the wall. Well now, arent you a pretty little thing. Guts too, I like that. Babs stood up slowly. You leave my father alone. Oh, so this is daddys little girl. Word of advice, youre not part of the deal. Stay down and maybe youll get to be at your papas funeral. He walked over to her, drawing his sword. He brought it up and came down hard, holding the handle side up. She was quick, though, and spun out of the way, bringing her own foot out and kicking him right below the thigh. It caused him to stumble back. Well now, somebody has taught you how to defend yourself. Somebody whos rather good, I would assume. Good news is, little girl, your training gives you ten more seconds of life. The bad news is, its going to be a double funeral. This time he came down blade first and when Barbara leapt out of the way, Deathstroke immediately compensated, and the blade cut deeply into the flesh of her left leg. She cried out in pain as she fell to the ground. Told you, he said as he brought the blade down for the last time.

The Batmobile was hurtling towards its destination. Gordons apartment had been empty, so the only logical place that the two of them could be was the nearest living relative Claire. It had taken only seconds to find the address. He informed Alfred to call the authorities, but he knew he was closer and would be there way before their help. He pulled up just in time to see several men entering the brownstone. The car screeched to a halt and he jumped out, taking the steps two at a time, his cape billowing out behind him. His hands were already going to his utility belt when he heard the laughter from across the street. It echoed into the night air and pulled him up short. Batman swung around at the top of the steps, and saw standing just down the street, a figure, a man, and by his appearance, he knew exactly who he was looking at the creator of all the chaos that had been going on for the last couple of months. Black Mask brought his arms up and extended his hands out to his sides, as if to imply, what can I say. Batman took a hesitant step back down when he heard the piercing scream from inside the apartment. Them or me, Batman, the voice came calling. I think we both know who youre going to choose. Batman gritted his teeth and turned back towards the door, kicking it in and bringing out a batarang. He quickly sized up the situation, Barbara Gordon senior was trying desperately to get away from the four men that were surrounding her. He threw his batarang at just the right angle, causing it to strike two of the men in the back of the head. They fell to the ground as the other two turned with guns drawn. They fired at him but he was already moving away, grabbing the small coffee table that was in the living area. He flung it at them and they were not able to dodge it. The bullets went wild and they stumbled back. Barbara grabbed an iron statue on a shelf and brought it down hard on one of the thugs. Batman took the advantage and leapt forward, striking the last one in the jaw. The crook flew off

the ground and smashed into an end table, where he lay dazed. It was at that moment that he heard the faint sounds of a baby crying. Oh God, Jimmy! Theyve got Jimmy! Barbara screamed. It was coming from somewhere in back. There was a back way out of there. He took two huge leaps across the wrecked room and bodies and entered the kitchen. Out of the corner of his eye he caught the prone body of Claire, registered it for later, and made it to the back door. As he opened it, he saw two men get into a parked car, one of them holding the swaddling child as the door shut. He dove for the car at the same instant that the ignition was turned, and suddenly the car went up into a ball of fire. The heat and fire rushed at him. He was in mid-air, there was no where to go. He only had time to grab the corner of his cape and shield his face as the force of the explosion flung him back and into the brick wall. Pieces of metal struck him as he landed on the hard concrete. The world began to fade into blackness, but not before he heard the sirens coming towards him. He struggled to stay conscious, but he knew it was a loosing battle. He heard the wailing of a mother who had just lost her child, and then suddenly that too was silenced. Then he saw the face of Black Mask as it was shoved into his own. The face of death was his thought. Sill two steps behind me, Batman. Pity, isnt it? Youre city is mine now. Goodbye you freak of nature. There was the cocking of a gun when suddenly the dark was consumed by a bright light that seemed to surround him and everything in the alley. Police, dont move! Suddenly gunfire erupted from both ends of the alleyway. He rolled onto his back, grabbing frantically for the special gun in his belt. He fired the line onto the roof of the building, then snapped the other end back onto his belt and pressed the button. He was immediately pulled upward; his limp body letting the cord and pulley do all the work. He grabbed a hold of the ledge and with the gun battle still being waged below him; he pulled himself up over the edge and onto the roof. He fell to his knees, realizing that he had failed. He had failed his friend, his partners, and his city. Then the blackness took him

The Rage (Batman #16) Writers, Charlie Wilkins with Brian Burchette Cover, Adam Tupper (From March 7, 2007)
Gotham City was burning. Not because of a metahuman who breathed napalm, no, that didnt happen in Gotham City. Youre maybe thinking of Metropolis, where a God would swoop in from the sky and take care of that do-badder before his mouth opened more than a millimetre. No. This was the result of a war that raged on the streets. People. Thats the one cancer that Gotham cant shake. For all your trying, you cant stop it. The City sapped away at your identity, broke you down, spat you out Thats why suicide rates were so high in this state. Gotham takes the weak willed and burns them out of its city lines, like a boil upon your flesh. Like a disease. The strong, the brutal They prosper. So Gotham created an antibody with one event, years ago. It drove a man to poverty. To crime. And then that blight took the lives of Thomas and Martha Wayne. And it created Batman.

Can you smell that? asked Black Mask, as he sat in the back of the black, unmarked car. Fear. If he was smiling, you couldnt tell. The
ebony mask he wore, carved from his fathers coffin, hid his face But the tone of his voice, the way he took bites out of the words as they left his mouth He was smiling. It wouldnt be a bad gamble to make that kind bet. His hand wandered over the thin crack over his forehead, created when he attacked the Dark Knight in the alleyway outside of the apartment block that contained James Gordons family, and then he began to speak once more. Take us home. I want to be by the phone when our dear friend calls up and tells me the job is done. Yes sir, Master Sionis. Replied the chauffeur as he pushed his foot down on the accelerator, and lifted the other off the clutch.

Barbara! Nightwing reached out to the daughter of Jim Gordon as she screamed in pain, blood pouring out of her leg, only for Deathstroke
to be upon him before he could react. Deathstroke sliced at the gloves that contain the batarangs on Nightwings forearms, and then knocked the back of the young heros head with his elbow. He immediately placed his sword back in its hilt, and then proceeded to begin his work. Hes like a surgeon. Each strike exact and precise. His punches echoed in the darkness of the hospital floor. Hed sabotaged the elevators. Hed locked down the stairwells. Hed isolated them. His punches echoed in the darkness of the hospital floor. The soft wet sound of fist upon flesh, the sound of blood as it splattered from the young heros mouth. A kick sends the former sidekick flying into the ceiling, the plaster fluttering to the ground as Slade followed through as he grabbed his adversary by the leg and threw him out the door, the boys limp frame buckling as it slid to the ground. Deathstroke the Terminator reaches for his blade to finish the job, and the bravado he had built up in his barrage of attacks is suddenly gone. His eyes wandered to his hilt, then to his back, and then to the vigilante as he slowly pulled himself up, supported by the metal blade. Forget so soon? Nightwing cracked his knuckles and then and smiled as he threw the blade aside. He wiped the blood from his split lip. He adopted a fighting stance. Bring it. Playing dumb. Deathstroke began to remove his weapons and ammunition pouches from his armoured body. I like that. Youre like a little animal. Trapped in an enclosed space with a bigger, better, stronger, prettier animal He stretched his arm out and then formed his own stance. Lets play this fair.

Get up, he thought, you pull yourself up and you get up. His head ached, blood dripped down from a wound acquired when Black Mask head butted him. He couldnt concentrate, and he knew that he was concussed. GET UP. He staggered to his feet, and supported himself on the ledge. GET THE LINE FROM YOUR BELT AND GET OUT OF HERE. He clenched his fist to stop the shakes. The explosion had hit him head on, he didnt have time to save Gordons son, and he didnt have time to do anything but hide his face and then Black Mask No. You get up. Stop thinking and get up. He gritted his teeth and fired the line, and then the call came through his cowl. His eyes widened and his jaw clicked. Batgirl!! Batman! Deathstroke is-- Deathstroke? No. He couldnt be here Slade Wilson could not be here. Not now. Not when --Hes going to kill my dad! Im coming, Barbara! His head was clear. His mind no longer clouded by pain or preoccupation. He failed his friend once, but no longer. Never again. He was fifteen minutes away from Mercy. Ten if he pushed it. If only they could last that long

Punch after punch, blow after blow, Dick parried and blocked, but with each block his flesh crunched, his skin tore, and he knew the truth. Deathstroke was better than him. And he might die this night of all nights. Feeling the pressure, Robin? He didnt answer. He knew that Deathstroke was trying to distract him. He had to keep a level head. He had to keep fighting. Keep Defending. A smile formed on his lips. Enough with being on the defensive. How about the offensive? He slipped down as Deathstroke lunged at him, and then drove his knee into the assassins crotch, causing the villain to groan in pain. Sonofa-- Nuh-Uh, Deathstroke. No need to get personal. He slammed his elbow into the back of the villains head, but the man leapt backwards, softening the impact of the blow. Dick afforded a glance in the direction of where Barbara was, but she had gone, a trail of blood leading out of the room. Yes. She was safe. Deathstroke smiled. Youre playing dirty? Your daddy never played dirty. Hes not the only one. A voice attracted both their attention, and then a purple arrow shot out of the darkness, which immediately impaled Deathstroke in the shoulder, causing him to groan in pain. Batgirl stepped out of the shadows, dropping a backpack that had contained what she was wearing and using now. She was holding a weapon, obviously borrowed from Huntress, and had a wicked smile on her lips. She had enjoyed that. Dick could see she had hastily pulled on her uniform, dressed her leg wound, but she was favouring one side, leaning on her

strong leg. You hang around with a bad crowd for long enough, they begin to rub off on you. Dick smiled. I bet. Deathstroke didnt smile. He snapped the bolt off his shoulder, the purple shaft still hanging in there. Oh. I get it. Batgirls the cops daughter. He motioned to her long red hair. Might want to try covering that up next time. Its a dead give away. Barbara froze. The assassin shook his head. Dont worry, its not my secret to tell. But I will make sure you have more important things to think about! He leapt at them, before Batgirl could fire off another barrage. He grabbed the crossbow, broke it into dozens of pieces with a twist of his wrist, and then shot his other fist towards the heroines jaw, but Dick leapt up and kicked it back, causing the Terminator to hit the former sidekick of Batman in the face with the remains of the borrowed weapon, splinters of wood slashing across Dicks face. Bet you wished your teams were here to back you up, now, dont you kids?

I NEED A TELEPORT. Batman shouted into the communicator on the dashboard of the car. I NEED YOU TO LOCK ONTO ME AND
TELEPORT ME TO MERCY GENERAL. He was impatient. He was minutes away. But every minute right now counted, and he couldnt afford to lose any more allies in his mission. I am preparing for your request but JONN. said Batman, as he fiddled with a compartment to his side. A panel flew back and he pulled the bundle out. Lives are at stake. You need to slow down; else your momentum will be carried through with the teleportation Batman grimaced and pushed down harder on the accelerator. I know Jonn, I helped design the technology! DO IT. Engaging.

Deathstroke smiled as he grabbed Nightwing by the arm, and swung him round, throwing him through a wall and causing him to land with a groan as his bones shook. Come on little girl. Batgirl pulled a batarang from her belt and swung down on the assassins head, slashing the top of his leather mask, revealing his silver hair. Oh, sneaky He ducked down, and swiped her feet out from underneath her, and then pulled the batarang from her hand and prepared to drive it down on her face when she kicked up, hitting him beneath the chin, causing him to choke. She leapt back up and kicked him hard in the nose, blood billowing out of the open zip which he spoke through. She was about to kick him again when he grabbed her leg, right where he had cut her before, and squeezed, causing her to scream in pain. Nightwing pulled himself up, dove at the assassin and grabbed him by the head, latching on tightly, trying to choke the man to unconsciousness, but too his amazement, he couldnt get a good enough grip, the assassin thrusting one arm in front of his throat and another behind his back. Deathstroke threw him over his head, grabbed the gun which he had thrown aside minutes before and whipped the young hero across the back of the skull. He cocked the pistol, heard the bullet slide into the barrel, he pulled the hammer back, when--- The air shook. -- There was a bang. And something hit him square in the back! Something hitting him so hard it caused him to howl in pain as he was sent flying forwards, almost as if he had been hit by a load of buck shot from a shotgun. SLADE! Batman leapt off of the assassins back and landed on his feet, and then sprinted at the villain and grabbed him by the mask, swinging him around and into a wall, sending them both through into another ward. Deathstroke the Terminator looked up, his mask torn and shredded, and then pulled it off, revealing a black eye patch, close cropped silver hair and a goatee that ran down his chin. His lower face was encrusted in blood, his nose broken but already healing, a gift from Batgirl going ignored. We meet again Bruce. Slade spat blood, and then climbed to his feet. Pleasure to see you again. Hrn.

Cobblepot was surrounded by several beautiful women and was enjoying every bit of it. This was the life he was meant to have, and now that he did, nobody was going to take it away from himnobody.

Boss, you got a call. Its from the orphanage. Ah, I was hoping to hear from them soon. Please excuse me ladies. My charity work is twenty-four hours, Im afraid. Please stay, drinks are on the house. I shall return, anon, and then we can pick up where we left off. He walked as quickly as his short, stocky legs would move him. The cigarette holder in one corner of his mouth, twirling his walking stick in the other. He left the noisy club and retired to his office, his face frowning at the boarded up window that had yet to be fixed from Batmans exit earlier that evening. He picked up the phone, Cobblepot here. You asked me to inform you when the package arrived, Mr. Cobblepot, came the voice of an older lady. It has arrived on time, and without any damage, just as you asked. The Penguin squawked with delight, Excellent! Keep it safe and warm until I come for it. Make sure it is well out of sight of prying eyes. He hung up the phone and leaned back in his chair. He inhaled his cigarette deeply and chuckled.

Whats taking so long? Roman Sionis paced the room. His mask sat on his desk, and it looked at him with cold dead eyes, following his every move. Hes Slade Wilson! Deathstroke the Terminator! Hes death personified, and he cant kill some middle aged police officer? Goddammit Failure. What? He span around, confused. Who said that? He pulled his gun from his back and looked around. YOU cant even kill one man, you have to get your lackeys to do it. Who the hell? You cant talk to me like that! Im the Black Mask! No, Son IM the Black Mask! Romans eyes widened and then his eyes focused on the mask that lay on his table. In the darkness, he could almost see A smile on its cold ebony lips You He spun around and pressed the intercom by his chair. Danny. Call the boys in here.

Oh, dont go silent on me now; weve got so much to catch up on! Deathstroke kicked Batman hard in the chest, the heros cape whipping in front of him as he flew back. He hasnt lost any of his strength, thought the Dark Knight. He might even be stronger. He flipped backwards, slowing himself, and then stood up, only to see the rampaging figure of Deathstroke stampede towards him, slamming his shoulder into the Batmans shoulder and causing him to flip over the assassins head, and to be kicked in the stomach and sent rolling to the ground. Definitely hasnt lost any of his skill. Body armour holding up, Batman? Deathstroke wandered down the corridor and picked up his sword, and then headed back to the caped crusader. Its not going to do anything to prevent my promethium laced sword from reaching that heart of yours. He kicked Batman in the head, causing him to black out momentarily, and then his boot was pressed against the Dark Knights head, keeping him down. Or maybe well take a peak into that head of yours. See what bats flap around your belfry. Or maybe you should shut up! Nightwing kicked the man square in the head, dislodging the eye patch and causing his foot to rise, giving Batman time to slip out and punch the man in the jaw, toppling the assassin over to the floor. Thanks Nightwing. Batman sprinted towards the villain only for the blade to shoot up, catching the hero in the shoulder and cutting through compressed layers of Kevlar and promethium weave. Blood trickled out of the wound, but Batman grabbed the blade between his two gloved hands, and pulled the sword out before it could drive any deeper. You always liked that move. Deathstroke rolled onto his shoulders and kicked up, pushing Batman back and staggering him. Shame I know you better than you know yourself. The assassin climbed to his feet, a void where his right eye should be. Shut up. Batman climbed to his feet and pulled his cape over his wound, quickly dressing it. Shame I trained you. What a waste of my time. If I knew you were going to take this up as a hobby I would have slit your young throat there and then.

Nightwing didnt speak, but instead threw a barrage of batarangs at the mans head, but Deathstroke jerked up his sword, and deflected them. Damn The boy can leave. Take the girl with him. Youre not the boss of me, you ba-- Nightwing. Batman? The Dark Knight never took his gaze off Deathstroke. The assassin picked up his eye patch and wrapped it back around his head, and then looked up, and smiled. Go. Take Batgirl with you. I cant! Deathstroke will Batman spun around, a fire in his eyes. I have to finish this! Nightwing had not seen that rage in his adopted father for a long time. It used to flicker and spark when The Joker escaped from Arkham. It burned brightly when Julie died. But now Nightwing understood. Deathstroke Had made him part of who he was today. Deathstroke was Bruce if hed taken the path of vengeance And not the path of justice. Well Robin, arent you going to listen to Pappy? Batman His head sank. He turned around and went to Barbara, who was making sure her father was alright, even though a gash across her head was nearly blinding her. Batgirl, we need to get your dad out of here. How about you just sit down and put your head where my sword can easily get at it, Batman? How much easier would that make this? Slade Batman pulled a bundle from his back, and then began to unwrap it. You always talked too much. He revealed a long katana, which glistened in the darkness of the room, and as he moved his forefinger across the sleek metal, it sang to him. Come on. The two men ran at each other, Deathstroke driving his sword down but Batman deflecting it, and then he made his own move, slicing, cutting, jabbing and parrying. A grim smile grew on Batmans lips. He was enjoying himself. Deathstroke thrust his fist out, attempting to chin Batman, but the hero jerked down with the sword, slicing at the mans wrist and slitting the tendons. Dammit! He swung his hand back and Batman pressed the attack.

Sionis looked down at the letter in front of him, and the picture of him placing his mask onto his head. The letter was signed with the initials, O.C. He played with the gun he held in his hand. He opened the barrel and loaded in the bullets. He looked up, and heard a knock in at the door. Youre a pathetic excuse of a Sionis You arent my son Shut up! Roman grabbed the mask and placed it on his head, and then rolled his neck. He lowered his voice an octave, and then spoke again. GET IN HERE. Four men entered the room as he spoke, all strong, brutish men, wearing black business suits and different types of mask. Devils, angels, monsters and murderers. Someones been leaking information Sir? Someones been leaking information to the Penguin! They were there when we went for Gordons kid. I only told you we were going there. You were told not to tell any of the men. So Im afraid I have to assume one of you sold me out to that stunted little freak! Boss! Pleaded the Devil. Dont you Boss me! Retorted Black Mask. Someone sold me out. Now, does someone want to step forward and share the identity of the traitor? Please, Boss, we wouldnt Begged the Angel. Was it you? Black Mask jerked up his gun hand and shot the Angel in between the eyes, the mask shattering into pieces as the bullet pierced his flesh. Oh, how someone so heavenly could betray me I-Is that all Boss? No. Black Mask fired his gun three more times, never missing the mark. Straight between the eyes. Mask shattering as the bullets travel through. Thats my boy

He had trained with the best. Hrn. He parried a blow. He had spent his teenage years travelling the world. Htt. He jerked his arms up, blocking a swipe. He had met every master that was still alive and trained under them until he mastered their skills and combined them with his own. Hrah. He back flipped against a wall and propelled himself forward, butting Deathstroke in the head. He was the master of every ancient form of combat. Ah! Deathstroke caught his opponents wrist, nicking the flesh. He would not go down easily!

Were too evenly matched, kemosabe! Deathstroke smiled as he saw the blood his sword. Anything you can do I can do And youre all mouth. Slade Wilson, on the other hand, was part of an elite level of fighter. Like David Cain, he was unstoppable at what he did, but that didnt stop Bruce Wayne approaching him. And for six months, Bruce Wayne trained. He was taught how to fight twenty people twice his size at once. He was taught how to simulate death in an opponent. And Slade Wilson, realising that Bruce Wayne could become a better fighter than him Told him his training was complete. That the young billionaire was free to leave. And so Bruce did. Yeah, well the ladies love it. Sure. He should have known thered be a catch. In one swift movement Slade grabbed three baubles from his belt and then threw them to the ground. The globes smashed on impact and a blue glass began to spread across the room, and engulfed the caped crusader. The gas clung to his skin, seeped through his flesh and spread into his blood stream. Sorry old chum. Deathstroke smiled and sheathed his sword, and then kicked the katana from Batmans gloved hand. Cant breathe, Batman? Slade smiled as he spat blood out of his mouth. He began to slowly move his sword over Batmans cowl. Suffocation isnt something you can really walk off, is it? Hrrr The Dark Knight began to reach out his hand as he gasped for breath. Give it up Hes not going to give up. Nightwing leapt through the air and connected his boot with Deathstrokes head, and then span around, kicking the sword out of his hand and punching him in the nose, breaking it once more. Batman struggled for breath, and then Batgirl was there, by his side. Adrenaline. She pulled back his cowl slightly at the slightly fold beneath his chin, the only place you can pull it open without being electrocuted by the taser circuits running throughout it. She injected the syringe into his artery and then looked up, grabbing a batarang from her belt and throwing it at the assassins good eye, but he rolled back and kicked Nightwing in the hip before hitting the ground hard himself. Batgirl Batman jerked up, his face read. Batarang. She nodded and passed him the weapon, and Batman bound onto the assassin, and without hesitating stabbed the man in his bad eye. Walk this off. AHHHHHHHHHHHH! BATMAN! Nightwings eyes opened wide as he watched his mentor do the deed, and then froze as Deathstroke grabbed Batman by the throat. Miiiiistake! Slade wrenched the blade out of his socket and head butted the caped crusader, then punched him so hard he collapsed in a heap on the opposite side of the room. Sorry kids. He pulled a weapon from his back and shot two darts at the shocked vigilantes, knocking them out instantly. No more games He shot a glance back to Batman, who bled quietly in the corner. Ill be back for you. He stumbled out of the holes in the wall he had created, the blinding pain in his head causing him not to notice the figure who stood at the end of the corridor, sweating profusely. When he arrived at James Gordons private room he paused, knocking on the door before proceeding. Officer Gordon? Are you decent? Its time for your shots...

Sacrifices (Detective Comics #16) Writers, Brian Burchette Cover, Ramon Villalobos (From March 19, 2007)
Slade couldnt help but smirk inside his mask. It wasnt about taking out the guy hooked up to the machines. That was a piece of cake. No, it was the defeat of his former student and the junior bat scouts that had been the fun part of this assignment. It was almost worth giving the money back for almost. Its time for your shots, he said as he walked into the hospital room of James Gordon, noticing the machines and monitors hooked up to Gothams newest police commissioner. Im actually impressed, youve got some friends in high places, pal. Unfortunately youve also got enemies that are up there too. He walked over to the unconscious man and put his gun up to the new commissioners forehead. And this time, it looks like the enemies win. The sound of the gun echoed through out the room and down the hall, where a barely conscious Batman was struggling to get up. His head was swimming, his head was pounding, and at the moment he couldnt even see who had walked by him so quickly. In the room, Deathstroke had staggered back at the bullet that came from the gun that had been shoved right into his gut, tore through his body armor and his body. He looked up to see a very wide awake James Gordon looking back at him, a revolver in his right hand, shaking but still pointed at him. Son of a I didnt see that one coming, Slade mumbled. He brought his gun up again, but there was another shot from another gun as the second bullet tore into the side of his mask and clipped off a piece of his ear. Deathstroke reeled from the impact and spun around to find a rather frumpy looking man in a dirty trench coat and fedora standing in the doorway, his revolver still smoking.

Jim Gordon couldnt speak, the tube going down his throat made that impossible, but his eyes conveyed all that was needed. He was barely conscious, but he was willing to go the distance. Bullock spoke, Surrender your weapons. Youre under arrest for the attempted murder of Commissioner James Gordon. I dont think so, Slade replied as he jumped forward, right into Harvey, drawing his sword at the same time. Harvey stumbled back, his gun going off wildly and missing its target. Just as the sword was to bury itself in Bullocks skull, though, an armored gauntlet appeared and deflected the blow. No more death, Batman growled and brought up his other fist, smashing into the damaged ear of the assassin. Slade let out a cry of pain that he quickly silenced, cursing himself for the outburst. Still, he moved back into the room as Batman shoved Harvey aside and bolted forward to press the attack. The sword swung out at the dark knight but he dodged it easily, bringing his fist into Slades gut, where he had been shot. Even with the body armor, he felt it. The odds were not in his favor, and though he knew that he would heal from both wounds, he was losing blood, and the shot in the face had disoriented him more then he would have cared to admit. Deathstroke blocked several more blows from his former student, each time stepping precisely where he wanted the fight to proceed. Then, as Batman came in with a low kick, Deathstroke did a black-flip that brought his feet into contact with the far wall. Pushing himself off with all his strength, he flew over Batman, bringing the hilt of the sword down hard on the back of the cowl, and then landed; doing a summer-salt and coming up directly in front of Harvey Bullock. Even though Batman staggered forward he recovered quickly and spun around to watch Slade coming out of his roll and bringing the sword up with him. He watched in horror as the blade slid into Harveys rumpled suit like a hot knife through butter. Harvey let out a gasp and collapsed. Slade, now in the hall, turned to his former pupil. I think we both know what youre going to do next. Batman watched as Deathstroke disappeared from view. He then stumbled forward, his head still swimming, and grabbed an extra blanket from end of the bed, putting it onto Bullocks stab wound, and applying pressure. He looked up to see that Jim had passed out again, the gun still lying in his hand. He barely heard Nightwing stumble towards him, the drugs that had knocked him out, still in his system. Nightwing, youve got to go get help. Now. Ill wake Batgirl and get her out of here, but this place is going to be swarming with police and with medical personnel. Bullock needs attention now. Although still weak, Nightwing nodded and headed towards the room he had changed in. Another cop down, he thought as he went. At times like this, he couldnt help but realize that New York was a heck of a lot safer place to be in law enforcement.

You have depended too much on others to do your dirty work Roman looked at the mask he had carved from his fathers casket in both fear and anger. Shut up, old man. Too much has been left to chance. A true heir to the throne would have thought this out more. Trusted few. A true heir to the throne? I am a true heir, father! I am everything that you wanted me to be and more. Have I come at a bad time, came the voice of The Penguin from the door to his office. Sionis turned sharply, his eyes blazing. How the hell did you get in here? Why didnt my men Oh yes, I killed them, thanks to you. His face suddenly relaxed and a smile radiated his face. I suppose Im going to have to promote a few of my grunts. Without guards, anything could walk through my door. Oswald walked up to the desk, his umbrella slung over his shoulder, monocle firmly in place. You did seem to go a tad overboard in your zealousness to remove the mole, my good Sir. And you became rather stupid by forgetting your place in my organization and trying to blackmail me good. Sir. You organization was nothing more then a stepping stone for me. I believed that I was up front with you on this point, from the start. I am here only to collect what is mine and remove myself from your impending collapse. A shadow covered Romans face, And what makes you think I wont just shoot you dead right here and now? Because even you are intelligent enough to know that the copies I sent you are not the only ones around. If anything happens to me, if I

disappear for more then four hours at a time, copies of those photos will be sent to Gothams finest, the Metropolis Police Department, and The Justice League, just for good measure. Silence filled the office for nearly a minute as both men stared at each other. Finally Roman spoke, What is it you want, Penguin? If Cobblepot bristled at the name, he did not show it. He sat down in the chair across from Gothams newest mob boss You acquired all of Thornes shipping rights, as well as his company, when Boss Maroni had him eliminated. I want it, all of it. Signed, sealed, and delivered within the hour. Thats all. Well, and your word that you will not retaliate in any way, shape, or form. I have enjoyed doing business with you, and would prefer if we end it on a rather high note. Again there was that silence. Done, Roman grumbled. Oh, and one other thing, Cobblepot said leaning forward in his chair. I want The Iceberg Lounge in my name only. That debt is paid in full. You have no claim over it anymore. Youre playing a dangerous game, Roman whispered, his hand absently stroking his mask. My dear fellow, Ive been playing dangerous games since before you could reach the gas peddle on your daddys sports cars. Fine, but you listen good, Oswald. If my secret is revealed, Im coming after you with everything I got, and there isnt a person alive who will stop me from taking your umbrellas and shoving them Yes, yes, vulgar threats, I get it. You have my word that I shall carry your secret to your grave. Have one of your men send over the contracts to my club within the hour. I bid you farewell, young man. Good luck in all your future endeavors, and if you ever need a favor from me just call. Sionis leaned back in is chair, Goodbye Penguin. Id advise you never to walk through my doors again, for anything. The Penguin rose from his chair and gave a short bow, tipping his hat, before he turned and left the room. This is exactly what Im talking SHUT UP OLD MAN! Roman screamed at the mask. His face was beet red, the veins on the side of his neck sticking out. Just shut the hell up. Babs, you okay? Dick Grayson asked as he watched Barbara Gordon coming around. Barbara opened her eyes to find herself lying on a table, back in a hospital gown. A doctor was working on her leg, applying the necessary amount of stitches. What ? Its alright, Dick said quickly. Theyre just stitching up your leg and then youll be free to go. That assassin took a nice slice out of you. It all came back to her, Dad! What about Dad? Hes fine, Dick said laying a hand on her shoulder, Hes better then fine. Hes awake, and cant wait to see you.

Barbara felt relieved until she saw the look on Dicks face. Theres more, isnt there? She asked. He nodded, Theres no easy way to tell you this, but Black Mask tried to kidnap little Jimmy earlier this evening, but something went wrong. The getaway car had a bomb in it. Barbara, Im sorry. For the second time in less then two days it felt like the rug had been pulled out from under her. She held onto the end of the examination table, trying desperately to hold onto her sanity as well. Does Dad know? And what about Barbara? she asked, referring to James wife. Yeah, they just told your dad, and Barbara is heavily medicated and in her own room on the second floor. You should also know that someone slipped your father a gun. He fended off Deathstroke on his own. Well, actually with a little help from Harvey Bullock. Harvey got stabbed, but they say hes going to be okay. My god, Dick, this entire city is going crazy.

The doctor finished his work and cautioned her to stay off the leg as much as possible. After he had walked away, she looked around cautiously and then returned to the conversation. Wheres Bruce? Hes finishing up business. Seems that the account he was working on didnt slip through his fingers after all. Come on, lets go see your father. I think he needs you right now. He helped her down and she put her arm over his shoulder, allowing him to help her cross the corridor. She couldnt look at him, not like she wanted to. She had to stay focused. Her father needed her now, more then ever.

There wasnt a knock at the door, this time. It just blew off its hinges and Deathstroke marched in just as Roman had finished putting on his mask. He turned, a bit startled. Doesnt anyone knock anymore? I did knock, knocked the damn thing right off the wall. Slade replied as he marched into the office, his uniform still wet with the blood of the bullet wounds. Looks like you had some trouble. I do hope you were able to finish the job. Not yet, but Im very close. Once I leave here, my job is finished. He walked over to the obscenely large fireplace in the corner of the great office and leaned against it. I dont understand? Easy enough. Im a mercenary, Mr. Mask. Im the best at what I, well Im sure youve heard that before, but with me, its true. However, a true mercenary goes to whomever makes the best offer, and that, pal, turns out not to be you. Roman grabbed the edge of his desk, What the hell are you talking about? I went to recoup, before trying a second assault, and received a better offer. One that I just personally couldnt pass up. So youre money is being returned to you. Well two thirds of it, anyway. Expenses were still necessary. You walk out of this room and youre a Deathstroke, who had been heading back to the door, turned sharply, What? A dead man? Think about that statement before you make it, pal. Ask yourself if youre a smart man, or a very stupid one. The Mask said nothing, just watched as the assassin turned from him and walked out of the room. After he disappeared, Sionis grabbed a paper weight and threw it into the fireplace. This was turning into a disaster. Everything he had worked for was starting to crumble. At least the big picture, but he also wasnt a stupid man, and he knew he always had back ups. One of his underlings walked in to find Black Mask staring up at his fathers portrait that hung over the mantel. You called for me, boss? Yes, I want the Falcone and the Maroni interests hit again, and this time harder, but the main rule still applies; Carmine and Boss Maroni are not to be harmed. Is this understood? Sure boss, you got it, and the man left, relieved that he was still alive. Roman leaned against the mantel, burying his mask into his arm. Gordon was still alive, and for now that would have to be enough. At least he had killed Gordons son. Lost a few more good men, but it was a sacrifice worth making. If he couldnt take the new Commissioner down permanently, then he would have to break him, like he planned to do with Falcone and Maroni and Thorne. But somebody else had taken out Thorne, and had ruined it for him. Hed find out who that person was, too. Hed make him pay. He raised his head up and out of the corner of his eye he saw a glimpse of something very small and shiny, just under the mantle. He took a closer look. What was that? His eyes refocused and then he realized that shape he was looking at. It was a bat! Oh know, he thought to himself. This is not good at all

Dawn was right around the corner, but Batman was not done. He had been following the tracking device he had planted on Deathstroke for some time now. It was moving across town, and then just as suddenly, it had stopped. At best, he was hoping Slade would lead him to Black Mask. At the very least, he would take care of Slade once and for all. He slowed down as the signal was at its strongest. He looked up at the building in front of him, and although he should have been surprised, he was not. Janus Cosmetics. Now a subsidiary of Wayne Enterprises. Beneath his cowl, Bruce Waynes furrow creased. Things were starting to make some sense, and the answers were here, with Sionis, and he was getting all of them before he dragged Roman off to jail. It took scant minutes to park the car in the back alley and fire his cable up to the floor that housed the big office of the big man. Although still injured, with the possibility of a minor concussion, he prepared himself for what he was about to face. If Slade were here, he would probably have to go through him to get to Roman. But as he peered through the window he saw only one figure. He knew it was Sionis, although he was wearing the mask the black mask. It was true. He looked closer to see that Roman was holding the transmitter that he had slipped into Slades boot, as he made his final leap for freedom at the hospital. Should have known hed find it, Batman thought to himself as he took a deep breath and prepared himself. Then, covering his body with his cloak, he threw himself against the window, the glass shattering inward and all around the desk. Black Mask took a step back, his curses flying freely. Batman stood up and shook the glass from his cape. Its over, Sionis. Youre little enterprise is over before it even really began. You think so? Black Mask said with a bit of musing in his voice. I think you, like everyone else, have underestimated me. My reign is just beginning, Batman. Im here to stay. Batman clenched his fists and began to walk forward, Well see about that.

Babs Gordon limped into the hospital room, to find her father and Officer Sarah Essen talking quietly. The new Commissioners face, although still pale, was now puffy, and his eyes were bright red and still wet. They both turned towards the door when they heard her enter. Barbara, Jim choked out as he tried to open his arms to her, still being somewhat constricted by the wires that were attached to him. Sarah moved out of the way as Babs limped towards her father, the tears now flowing freely. Oh Daddy, she cried as she buried her face into his chest and he enveloped her. Sarah Essen and Dick Grayson, both in the room, gave each other an understanding nod and walked out together; giving the Gordon family time to be alone in their grief. Has the doctor been in, Dick asked the pretty officer as they closed the door. She nodded. Seems he may be out of the woods. They werent able to remove the one bullet, though. Said it was to close to the spine. He has the option for surgery to remove it, or not. If not, it could stay in there forever without any problems, or it could someday shift, and that would paralyze him. Its his call, but my gut tells me hes going to go without the surgery. They walked down the hall in silence for a moment. Can I ask what happened? Dick finally said. I heard that Batman and others helped save his life from an assassination attempt, but I also heard that Gordon was awake. Rumor says that he some how got a hold of a gun and was able to defend himself. Is that true? Officer Essen studied the young man for a moment. She knew of him, the heir apparent to a billionaires fortune. She was also aware that he was close to the family, especially the daughter. Sarah always trusted her instincts, and they were telling her that this kid was alright. She nodded, Seems that Commissioner Gordon had awaken before his unwanted visitor. At the time, he only had one visitor, someone who wanted to make sure that he had his own protection just in case. Dick nodded as if in understanding. Bullock, he stated. No. Sarah replied and couldnt help but show a bit of a smile at Mr. Graysons shocked face. Harvey was roaming the halls, staying in the shadows, from what I gather, but he wasnt the one who slipped Gordon the piece. The gun came from Harvey Dent. Dent! Sarah nodded, Seems he was one floor down, visiting Officer Allen. He came up to find the Commish awake, and although still groggy, gave him his own personal hand gun to hold onto just in case.

Wow thats a shocker. Youre telling me. Well, I better get back to the squad house. I know I dont know you very well, but I also know youre a friend of the Gordons, and with everything thats happened, theyre going to need friends like you. She clapped him on the shoulder and walked away. Dick stood in the hall, three things racing through his mind. He really should contact the Titans and check in, or try to contact Bruce and see if anything was going on, or go back to the room and check on Babs. He took a deep breath and turned around, heading back to where he had just come from.

Black Mask watched Batman come towards him, not moving a muscle. He wasnt about to back down, not now, not ever. Sionis dont back down! You killed Commissioner Loeb, Garfield Lyons, and Rupert Thorne. Youve done everything in your power to take down every major crime boss in this city. You are under arrest for each one of those murders. I didnt kill Rupert Thorne, and you know that, Batman. Boss Maroni did that, and I will not be accused of a crime I didnt commit. I want all the crime bosses on their knees in front of me, not six feet under. Wheres the fun in that, I tell you! Loeb and Lyons were flaking out on me, they became a liability, but Thorne oh Maroni will pay for taking out Thorne without my permission. Batman smirked, Thanks for the confession, Mask. Now tell me why? Why did you do all of this? You are, for all your great detective skills, the stupidest man on the planet. Roman chortled. You flap your cape and vow to rid this city of crime, but it just keeps coming, doesnt it. You do nothing more then stoke the fire. Youre a goddamn magnet for crime! Gotham City is the capital of crime, and the only one who doesnt see it, is you! There is more money and more power to be had in the underworld of this city then any corporation could think about making! People like Bruce Wayne and Roman Sionis are nothing more then bit players in this town. You want real power here, then you have to take over the biggest market this city has going for it. Doesnt matter now, Batman growled through clenched teeth. You failed in your attempt, and now your going to prison for a very long time. Black Mask began to laugh, the sound strangely hollow from inside the mask. Okay, send me to prison you moron. You just dont get it, and you never will. I can run this city no matter where Im at. While Ive had you and this police force running around and ducking for cover, Ive been working my way quietly into so many different areas of this city, that Im everywhere now. Drugs, guns, black market items. Im here to stay, Mr. Vigilante. The other bosses will kneel to me, eventually, and I will be on top. You cant win! You never could! Ive already accomplished what my father said I never could. Ive taken over Gotham, and nobody can stop me! Roman was beginning to shout now, clapping his hands in glee.

Deathstroke walked onto the roof of the building to find his friend waiting for him. Friend. Actually the only person in the world that he even remotely trusted. Wintergreen, I assume everything is ready? Slade Wilson said as he peered over the edge of the building and looked towards the Sionis building. Yes sir, our employer has provided you with what you needed and is awaiting confirmation. Good, lets get this over with. I take no joy in this one, Wintergreen, as you know. However, our new employer has more then what that whack job, Sionis could ever provide me. Slade turned to the case in front of him and opened it. He put the parts together with lightening speed and lifted the rocket launcher onto his shoulder, taking aim with his one good eye. Too bad, really, he mumbled to himself. This really isnt the way I wanted to end things between Bruce and I. It would have been so much better to see his face, when I killed him. Yes sir, Wintergreen said with a small sigh. Deathstroke waited for a moment, until he caught the movement. Yes, Black Mask was in there, and yes, so was Bruce. With nothing more to say, he squeezed the trigger and launched the rocket directly at them.

Its men like you that dont get it, Batman said. You dont own this city, and you never will. And there will always be someone to stop you,
if not me, then the GCPD. You might think that crime runs this city, but it doesnt, it falls, all the time. Brick by brick its taken apart. Youre just too pathetic to see it The police are already on their way. Oh, you keep thinking that, you what the hell? Every instinct told him to turn and look, and Batman did. He saw, just before it came careening into the office, the rocket that was headed straight towards them both. Damn.

Slade Wilson watched as the rocket hit its target, and just as the sun rose over the skyline of Gothem, the side of the building blew up causing stone and mortar to fly everywhere. What was once the office of Roman Sionis was now a burning piece of rubble. He sat the weapon down and prepared his rope, to double check the bodies, when he heard the sirens, and saw the helicopter in the distance. They must have been on their way. Ah well, it was a clean shot, neither one of them could have survived. And if they did, by some miracle, survive the blast. Theres no way theyre getting out of that inferno alive. Yes Sir. Shall I contact your employer to inform him that the deed is done? Yeah, go ahead. Tell him that since I cant double check my work, Ill forgo the monetary reward, and just take the information he promised. Also tell him that if the information I receive is false, his head is mine. Very good Sir. Wintergreen stood there for a second and watched the man he had known for so many years, now. If you dont mind me asking you, was it worth it? You do have a rather strict code that youve muddied a bit. Slade Wilson was already heading toward the exit from the roof top, If the information leads me to Adeline, and the answers that I seek, then yes. Yes, it was worth every bit of it.

The employees of the Iceberg Lounge had just finished up for the night and were heading out the door. Oswald Cobblepot had seen them all go, and would count the days receipts a third time before he returned to his penthouse for a couple hours of uninterrupted sleep. He entered his office to find the phone ringing. After he answered it, he listened to the British accented voice on the other end, giving him the news he so wanted to hear. Very good, Oswald replied. Inform your employer that the information is already on its way to the requested address. Also inform him that it was a pleasure doing business with him. The man called Penguin hung up the phone and began to dance around the room, his eyes twinkling with glee. It was done, and now the city would be his oyster. There was a knock at his office door. Yes? His right hand man opened the door, Everyones gone and the place is locked up, Sir. Anything else before I leave? Cobblepot grinned. Oh yes, my dear boy. It seems that we will not be getting any sleep anytime soon. I want you to call the local news stations and have them meet me at Gotham General. Then go to the orphanage and pick up the package that was received there last night. It is time, my friend, to put the final piece in place. His man nodded and closed the door quietly behind him. Oswald Cobblepot went to his mirror and straightened his tie. He wanted to make sure he looked good for the cameras.

The parking garage of the hospital was quiet as Dick and Babs walked out to his motorcycle. He didnt want to leave, but Alfred had not heard from Bruce in a while, and they were both worried. He had to go find him, make sure he was okay. They stood at the bike in an uncomfortable silence for a minute. I want to thank If theres anything I can They both had spoke at the same time and then became quiet again. Suddenly Barbara started laughing. What is it? Dick asked, a bit puzzled. Its nothing. Im just tired. Drained, actually. Its understandable, Babs. What your family is going through, its a lot. I hope you all get through it, and please, Barbara, just call me if you need me. Im just a phone call away. Barbara nodded, Right now, you need to find Bruce. Find out whats going on. Let me know as soon as you hear anything. I will, I promise, Dick said as he turned to his bike. Wait, Dick, Barbara said, grabbing his arm. He turned back and she smiled at him, her eyes becoming wet again. She suddenly embraced him, holding him tight, and he wrapped his arms around her for the comfort that he knew she needed. I dont know where Id be without you, sometimes, she said through her silent tears. Youve always been there for me, always at the right times, when I needed someone the most. He squeezed her tighter, Weve been through a lot together, havent we? And well get through this, too, Babs I promise. She looked up at him and couldnt help but smile, he was always so reassuring, so positive. He smiled back at her as well, and then it happened. They moved together, suddenly, without fore thought. Both of them meeting in the middle as their lips came together. It lasted for less then ten seconds, but at that moment, it seemed to go on for an eternity. But as quickly as they had come together, they stopped, both of them breaking contact at the same time, just as they had come together a moment ago. Oh God, Dick, Im sorry No, Babs, its okay. Its my fault, I shouldnt have They heard the roar of the engine and it broke the uncomfortable exchange that was going on. The Jaguar pulled up next to them and Bruce Wayne got out, he did not look well. His hair was singed off on one side and he was limping as he walked up to them. Bruce! Dick exclaimed. What happened? Roman Sionis was Black Mask. He orchestrated the whole thing. Ive got it on tape. I was getting ready to bring him in when some one launched a rocket from the next building over. I pulled Sionis into the fireplace at the last second and used the cape to try and shield us both. The blast, though, threw us across the room. The place became an inferno. I tried to search for him, but the flames were too intense, I had to get out of there. Any idea who shot the rocket? Barbara asked. Theory is Deathstroke, but Im not sure. Didnt get a good look across the street. My uniform is nearly ruined, so I changed into the extra cloths and hid the Batmobile underneath Wayne Tower. Grabbed the Jag. I wanted to check on your father before I went back out. Thats when I heard the report. What report? Dick asked. Theres to be a live press conference outside the hospital in about twenty minutes. Cobblepot is putting it together. What? Why?

Dont know, for sure, but I wanted to be here for it. Then lets get downstairs, Babs said as she limped towards the stairway, the two men following close behind.

James Gordon lay in his hospital bed, watching the news, only half listening, when the door opened and his wife walked in. He was shocked at how she looked. Her cloths and hair were disheveled and she walked to him as if she were not all there. Theyve medicated her, he realized. For a split second he thought of the zombie case, and how much, at that moment, his wife could have passed for one of them. Barbara He started, but then the words failed him. She came to him slowly and the tears came down his face. His son was dead, his wife nearly catatonic, and there he was in a hospital bed, a bullet lodged near his spine. We lost him, She said in a voice that was as dead and hollow as a three day old corpse. Our son is gone. I know, I know. Im so sorry, Barbara. Im so sorry for everything. She looked at him with those dead eyes, I know that. I know you are, and Im relieved that you are going to be okay, Jim, I really am, but The voice on the television interrupted them and caught their attention. This is Bethany Snow with a GNN breaking news story. Were about to go live to Gotham General where one of Gothams most influential entrepreneurs is getting ready to make a statement that sources say will have a large impact on the events of the recent mob war, and the violence against Gothams newest commissioner, James Gordon. What the hell Jim Gordon said as he turned up the television.

On the street below, a rather large crowd gathered in front of the hospital, with reporters in the front. Oswald Cobblepot, dressed in an expensive Armani tux, monocle firmly in place, as was his top hat, came walking out the front door. Bruce, Barbara, and Dick all noticed that the woman beside him was carrying some kind of bundle, wrapped in blankets. My fellow citizens of Gotham, I come to you today with tidings of comfort and joy. It came to my attention not too long ago that the newest mob boss, a man who went by the name of Black Mask, was preparing to do harm not only to our new Commissioner, but his family as well. Not sure what to do with this information, and afraid of who I could trust within the Gotham City Police Department, I did what any upstanding citizen would do. I risked my own life in an attempt to save the life of James Gordon, Jr. My men and I arrived at the brownstone where the family was staying, after the horrific attack on James Gordon Sr., and prepared to warn them and whisk them away, only to find that the attack had already begun. With very little time, my employees and I were able to get little James from his crib and switch him with one of the many dolls that were in his room. When Black Masks men grabbed the swaddling bundle, they believed they had the child, but they did not. Wait a minute, one of the reporters interrupted. Are you telling us that the child isnt dead? That you have the Commissioners son? Yes, Oswald said proudly as he was handed the baby. I hid him in the orphanage that I sponsor for safety, until I knew for sure what was happening with his parents, and with the Black Mask. I felt it best to keep quiet, until I could confirm that his mother had survived the attack, and that the Black Mask was either captured or dead. It seems, by all reports, that it is the latter. Why are you announcing this in front of everyone, another reporter shouted out. Are you expecting some kind of reward? Good heavens, no, Oswald replied. Making this a public announcement was two fold on my part. First, by announcing it in public, I would hope that it would detract from any other corrupt men, be it within or outside of the system, to try and harm this innocent child. Secondly, and most importantly, I wanted to show the citizens of Gotham that if we are to make the streets of our city safe again, it will take all of us to do it. The police can only do so much. This city belongs to all of us honest citizens, and we must stand together and be brave and courageous in these dark times. Now, if youll excuse me, I am going to take this child and place him in his mothers arms, where he belongs.

There were more shouts, and more questions, but Oswald Cobblepot ignored them as he entered the building with the worker from the orphanage. You did a wonderful thing today, Mr. Cobblepot, she said, beaming at him. I know, he smiled humbly at her. As he reached the elevator, his mind was working overtime. This had been his greatest achievement, thus far. He had all of Thornes ships and control of the major shipping lanes. He owned the Lounge outright, and Black Mask and Batman were dead. The city was even closer to being his. As the elevator door closed, a wicked smile crossed his face. Perhaps the next step would be something in politics. Mayor Oswald Cobblepot. He liked the sound of that. Gitchee, gitchee, goo, he said to the little child as the elevator doors closed, and The Penguin began to rise upward.

Two Weeks Later It shown in the night sky like a beacon, but this time it was not calling for Batman, it was calling for two others. They had received the message and James Gordon, using a cane, and Harvey Dent found Batman standing next to the signal, waiting for them. At his feet was a gentleman tied and gagged. Who do you have here? Gordon asked. Call it a congratulations gift for becoming Commissioner, Batman replied. His name is Gerald Devin and hes the assassin that took out Thornes killer. Hes ready to confess. Hell tell you everything you need to know, to make a solid case against Boss Maroni, the man who orchestrated Thornes murder. Dent grinned and Jim nodded in way of a thank you. There was a beat before Batman spoke again, Jim, I was sorry to hear about you and Barbara. I know it cant be easy. Jim was taken back by the sudden change. This was a side of Batman that he had only shown once or twice before, and if he were honest with himself, it was the side that seemed to creep him out the most. Thanks, Batman. It wasnt an easy decision, but Barbara and I both agreed that with my new position, it would be better if they moved out of the city. I guess in the end, this city won. Barbara knew that, and I guess I did too. Jim turned to look at Devin, But its times like these that make the pain a bit easier to live with. Thank you Bat but as he turned back, he found that the dark knight detective was gone. Harvey Dent looked around. I dont know how you get used to that. Ill let you know when I do. Harvey grabbed the hit man and pulled him up. The guy was sporting a black eye, but otherwise seemed fine, albeit, terrified. You going to tell me everything I need to know? Harvey demanded in his question. The hit man nodded vigorously. Good. Maybe I can have an arrest warrant for Boss Maroni by morning. Then I can finally show the crime bosses what Harvey Dent is really made of. Jim smiled at his friend. Its about time for you to shine, my friend. With you in charge, Boss Maroni wont know what hit him. They walked back into the building, dragging their captive.

Epilogue He was cursing and swearing as the hole was being drilled into the face mask. His men stood around him, not wanting to look, but afraid not too.

Boss, why dont you just go to someone and have them remove it? Roman Sionis turned toward the thug, Because, you idiot, I will be arrested, and I do not want to be in jail at this time. It would be counter productive to my goals. The fire seared this onto my flesh, you idiot. It would take years for me to rebuild my face. No, this is how its meant to be. Roman Sionis is dead, but Black Mask will rise from his ashes, and continue in his quest. Now bring me the feeding tube and leave me alone. Ill call you when I need you. The False Face Gang exited and Black Mask brought the feeding tube through the hole and into his mouth. Even with the pain pills, his face and much of his body, was still in pain from the explosion and the fire. But the pain was nothing to him. His destiny was still out there. This was just a minor inconvenience. He was still going to be the king of this city. Even if he had to burn it all to the ground and start over. This would be his city, someday someday soon

The End. For now

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