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Om Namo Bhagavathe Vasudevaya

How Maharshi Vashista Dispelled Sri Ramas Vichara in Yoga Vasistam

Every one is suffering the rich, the poor, the young and the old Every one in this world is perishing There is nothing permanent All pleasures are pithless and pain ridden Has man come to being - only to suffer? Sri Rama to Sage Viswamitra in Vyragya Prakarana Yoga Vasistam

Bhidyate hrdaya-granthi Schidyante sarva-samsayah Ksiyante casya karmani Tasmin drste paravare 3:1:52 Yoga Vasistam

When all doubts dispelled and all karmas exhausted, One sees Supreme Truth

There are Three types of Karmas, which bind the Humans, resulting into their life style cum pleasures and pains 1 Sanchita Karma This is the net capital (Punya- Positives and Papa-Negetives) which we have accumulated from innumerable past janmas. We all have a very large balance as Sanchita Karma. Unless we neutralize all the negetives (Papa kshayam) and accumulate enough Positives (Punyam), we will not be Ready for Mukthi 2 Prarabda Karma Every time we come into this world (through a Janma), again and again, We decide to Use (or burn) part of our Sanchita Karma and there by reduce the net capital and move towards the goal of Mukthi. . This decided quantum for this life - is called Prarabdha Karma. Every thing that is happening in this life (without our working/paying for it), all good things and bad things, all pleasures and pains - is by Prarabdha Karma. And we have asked for it -- as papa kshaya (accept Suffering) or reap punya phala(accept Good things) -- by encashing from our Sanchitam - capital holdings

3 Agami Karma All our actions in present life, result in Agami Karma, adding - either to- Sanchitam or Prarabdha (in this life through Purushartha). Good actions add as Positives or punya and Bad actions as Negetives or Papa.
A realisation of that, (from the above elucidations) --Main aim of this birth is Papa Kshaya and Punya Accumulation thereby Readying this Atman for Jeevi for Mukhi; --Every thing happening in this life, is due to our acceptance of decisions before we took this Janma, in the form of prarabda (You may have been shown THE CINEMA) --This will make us to be a witness DRASHTA-- to the happenings, rather than be a Participant -- KARTHA

Sage Vasista Tells Sri Rama When one Realises that, one is a akartha, a Non- Doer of all actions of this life, one no longer enjoys/ feels Pains and Pleasures Abhoktha. Such a person is called Jeevan Muktha
Note: Sri Ramas Vichara was answered by Sage Vasista saying that It is each individual soul that has chosen this life through which one Kshayam or reap Punya Phalam could do Papa

The individual soul should live only as Sakshi as he is Akartha and hence Abhoktha. (All happenings are Pre-Agreed) Leading a life as Jeevan Muktha, One will not see the pains and pleasures. Bhidyate hrdaya-granthi Schidyante sarva-samsayah Ksiyante casya karmani Tasmin drste paravare When all doubts dispelled and all karmas exhausted, One sees Supreme Truth

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