Biochem Lab Report 1 &2

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BCH 2034 (Medical Biochemistry)

AIMS AND OBJECTIVE 1. To learn the various urinary components found in urine. 2. To understand the significance of the component in the urine.
3. To identify the normal range of urine using multistix.

A urine test checks different components of urine, a waste product made by the kidneys. A regular urine test may be done to help find the cause of symptoms. Human urine consists primarily of water, with organic solutes including urea, creatinine ,uric acid, and trace amounts of enzymes, carbohydrates, hormones and much more.

Human urine ranges in color from nearly clear to dark amber, depending largely on the amount of water is present.

The Multistix reagent strip is the reliable frontline test for detection of a broad range of conditions, from detecting urinary tract infections (UTI) to diabetes and kidney disorders.

BCH 2034 (Medical Biochemistry)




2-3 ml of urine

Adjusted with sodium carbonate until reach pH of 9.0

The solution was boiled and was tested for the presence of ammonium.

BCH 2034 (Medical Biochemistry)

2. Sulphate.

Mix 10 ml of urine with 2 ml of HCl.

Add with 2 ml of chloride solution.

The barium sulphate precipitate was filtered.

a) Half of the precipitate was unused.

b) The other half was boiled.

BCH 2034 (Medical Biochemistry)

3. Indican

3ml of urine + 3ml of concentrated HCl + 1ml of chloroform

A few drops of sodium hypochlorite (NaOCI) was added and was shaked thoroughly.

The color of chloroform was observed.

BCH 2034 (Medical Biochemistry)

4. Creatinine (WELY TEST)

Few drops of sodium nitropruside was added into

a) 2ml of urine

b) 2ml of creatinine solution

A few drops of dilute NaOH were added.

The color changes were noticed.

BCH 2034 (Medical Biochemistry)


METHOD 1. A fresh urine specimen was collected in a clean and dry container.

2. The specimen was mixed well before tested.

3. One strip was removed from the bottle and the cap was replaced immediately.

4. The test pads of the strips was completely immersed in the specimen and was removed immediately.

5. The strip was hold in horizontal position. This is to prevent the mixing of chemicals from respective test pads.

6. The reagent strips was compared to the Color Chart on the side of the bottles.

BCH 2034 (Medical Biochemistry)



Ammonia Sulphate Indican

- Forms precipitate. - Gives out ammonia smell (poison alike odor) - Does not turn cloudy. - Absence of sulphate in urine. - Presence of partially purple color on the surface. - Purple predicate is the indicant. - Urine + NaOH + nitroproside = forms pinkish peach color. It shows no color changes after added with acetic acid. - Creatinine + NaOH + nitroproside = remains yellow It shows no color changes after added with acetic acid.

Creatinine ( WALY TEST)

BCH 2034 (Medical Biochemistry)


Glucose negative 30 seconds Bilirubin positive 40 seconds 45 seconds Protein- negative Urobilinogen normal 60 seconds Blood- negative Nitrate- trace pH- ranges from 6.5 - 7 2 minutes Leukocytes- negative Ketone negative Density- 1.020

BCH 2034 (Medical Biochemistry)


Experiment 1

Urine is a liquid waste product of the body secreted by the kidneys by a process of filtration from blood called urination and excreted through the urethra. Cellular metabolism generates numerous waste compounds, many rich in nitrogen, that require elimination from the bloodstream. Urine contains a range of substances that vary with what is introduced into the body. Aside from water, urine contains an assortment of inorganic salts and organic compounds, proteins, hormones, and a wide range of metabolites. Based on the experiment conducted by our group, we was assigned to conduct the experiment. Our first task was to collect the urine sample using a urine container which was sterile. Following was the discussion on the four test that we have done. In the ammonia test, the urine released a stingy smell after the boiling. This indicates the positive presence of ammonia in the urine. Whereas, when the urine was tested with sulphate, the solution remains clear which is negative in urine. This might due to groundwork of the solvent was inaccurate. Meanwhile on the indicant test, it showed positive and a partially purple color was formed on the surface. Lastly on the creatinine, the yellow color of the urine changes to pinkish peach color. This indicated the positive result of creatinine in the urine. The other half was used as control.

BCH 2034 (Medical Biochemistry)

Experiment 2

Based on the experiment using multistix , it shows negative for glucose which indicates there are no glucose in urine. In general the presence of glucose indicates that the filtered load of the glucose exceeds the maximal tubular reabsorptive capacity for glucose. In normal person urine, bilirubin is not detectable. Bilirubin in the urine indicates the presence of liver disease or biliary obstruction. Ketone is also yield negative result which shows the urine does not contain ketone. On the other hand, the urine specific gravity may vary from 1.001 to 1.035 which consider as normal condition and both the normal and abnormal urine ph ranges from 5-9. From the test it also shows that there is no presence of protein, blood and leukocytes in the urine. Urobilinogen shows a normal range and the nitrite is found in trace amount.

BCH 2034 (Medical Biochemistry)


EXPERIMENT 1: Test for normal urinary components EXPERIMENT 2 : Urinalysis with multistix strips

HASHVENIY D/O SANDERAN ID: 01BBMED-201105-00082 IC: 891118-08-5612


BCH 2034 (Medical Biochemistry)



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