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Technical Reference for

Electronic Data
Exchange (EDE)

U.S. Department of Education

OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................... 1-1
Preface..................................................................................................................................... 1-3
Electronic FAFSA................................................................................................................... 1-5
Renewal FAFSA Process ........................................................................................................ 1-6
School Eligibility to Make PIN Requests ............................................................................ 1-6
What’s New for the Renewal FAFSA Process for 2004-2005 ............................................ 1-7
Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) .................................................................... 1-9
Electronic Corrections........................................................................................................... 1-10
Handling Record Level Rejected Records ............................................................................ 1-11
What’s New and Changed in the EDE Technical Reference for 2004-2005........................ 1-12
Section 3 Changes.............................................................................................................. 1-13
Section 4 Changes.............................................................................................................. 1-15
What’s Changed in the Record Layouts Section since the Initial Draft Version
(July 2003) ........................................................................................................................... 1-19
What’s Changed in the Record Layouts Section since the September 2003 Version........... 1-21
Getting Help .......................................................................................................................... 1-22
CPS/WAN Technical Support ........................................................................................... 1-22
FSATECH.......................................................................................................................... 1-22

EDE PROCESSING .................................................................................................................. 2-1

Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 2-3
Electronic FAFSA................................................................................................................... 2-4
Electronic FAFSA Process .................................................................................................. 2-4
Receiving the Completed Paper FAFSA or Paper Renewal FAFSA .................................. 2-5
Entering and Formatting the FAFSA Information............................................................... 2-5
Transmitting the Records..................................................................................................... 2-5
Receiving Processed Records .............................................................................................. 2-5
Rejected FAFSA Records .................................................................................................... 2-5

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Table of Contents

PIN Requests........................................................................................................................... 2-7
Renewal PIN Request Process ............................................................................................. 2-7
ISIR ......................................................................................................................................... 2-8
NSLDS Data ........................................................................................................................ 2-8
ISIR Receipt Process............................................................................................................ 2-8
ISIR Message Classes .......................................................................................................... 2-9
State Agency Options............................................................................................................ 2-11
Electronic Corrections........................................................................................................... 2-12
General Correction Entry Specifications ........................................................................... 2-12
Creating a Correction Record ............................................................................................ 2-12
Detailed Data Entry Specifications.................................................................................... 2-13
Signed Numeric Fields Table............................................................................................. 2-15
Making Signature Corrections ........................................................................................... 2-18
Adding Your Federal School Code to Receive Electronic Data........................................ 2-18
Tips for Corrections ........................................................................................................... 2-20
Rejected Correction Records ............................................................................................. 2-20

RECORD LAYOUTS................................................................................................................ 3-1

Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 3-2
EDE Record Level Error Report Import Record Layout ........................................................ 3-3
ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary .............................................................................. 3-5
Type 2 Individual PIN Request Export and PIN Error Import Record Layout .................... 3-58
RAPP PIN/Print Notification Layout.................................................................................... 3-61
FAFSA Application Export Record Layout.......................................................................... 3-65
Correction Export Record Layout......................................................................................... 3-80
Signature Record Export Record Layout .............................................................................. 3-87
School Web Student Signature Hold Information Record Layout........................................ 3-89

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Table of Contents

PROCESSING CODES............................................................................................................. 4-1
Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 4-3
Summary of Tables ................................................................................................................. 4-4
2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference ........................................................................................ 4-4
Table of Reject Codes and How to Respond to Each .......................................................... 4-4
Record and Transmission Error Messages........................................................................... 4-4
Assumption Overrides ......................................................................................................... 4-4
Field Name and Position Cross-References......................................................................... 4-4
NSLDS Loan Program Codes.............................................................................................. 4-5
NSLDS Loan Current Status Codes..................................................................................... 4-5
State/Country/Jurisdiction Codes......................................................................................... 4-5
Correction Data Entry Specifications .................................................................................. 4-5
Message Classes................................................................................................................... 4-5
ISIR Comment Codes .......................................................................................................... 4-5
2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference ........................................................................................... 4-6
Table of Reject Codes and how to Respond to Each ............................................................ 4-38
Record and Transmission Error Messages............................................................................ 4-41
Assumption Overrides........................................................................................................... 4-43
Field Name and Position Cross-References.......................................................................... 4-45
NSLDS Loan Program Codes ............................................................................................... 4-62
NSLDS Loan Current Status Codes...................................................................................... 4-63
State/Country/Jurisdiction Codes.......................................................................................... 4-65
Correction Data Entry Specifications.................................................................................... 4-66
Message Classes.................................................................................................................... 4-75
ISIR Comment Codes ........................................................................................................... 4-76

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Table of Contents

PRINTING.................................................................................................................................. 5-1
Printing ISIRs.......................................................................................................................... 5-2
Printing Assumed Values..................................................................................................... 5-3
Printing Intermediate EFC Values ....................................................................................... 5-3
FAFSA Data Verify Flags ................................................................................................... 5-3
Printing Correction Flags..................................................................................................... 5-4
Printing Highlight Flags....................................................................................................... 5-4
Rejected ISIRs ..................................................................................................................... 5-5
Comments ............................................................................................................................ 5-5
NSLDS Page ........................................................................................................................ 5-5
Field Types........................................................................................................................... 5-6
Other Field Notes................................................................................................................. 5-6
ISIR Fields Not Printed on the ISIR ....................................................................................... 5-7
ISIR Sample Output Document .............................................................................................. 5-9

APPENDIX................................................................................................................................ A-1
Overview ................................................................................................................................ A-1
January 2004 Tracking Log .................................................................................................A-2

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Table of Contents


Table of Contents
Preface...................................................................................................................................... 1-3

Electronic FAFSA.................................................................................................................... 1-5

Renewal FAFSA Process......................................................................................................... 1-6

School Eligibility to Make PIN Requests ............................................................................ 1-6

What’s New for the Renewal FAFSA Process for 2004-2005 ............................................ 1-7

Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) ..................................................................... 1-9

Electronic Corrections ........................................................................................................... 1-10

Handling Record Level Rejected Records............................................................................. 1-11

What’s New and Changed in the EDE Technical Reference for 2004-2005......................... 1-12

Section 3 Changes.............................................................................................................. 1-13

Section 4 Changes.............................................................................................................. 1-15

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

What’s Changed in the Record Layouts Section since the Initial Draft Version (July 2003)1-19

What’s Changed in the Record Layouts Section since the September 2003 Version ........... 1-21

Getting Help........................................................................................................................... 1-22

CPS/WAN Technical Support ........................................................................................... 1-22

FSATECH.......................................................................................................................... 1-22

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

The Electronic Data Exchange (EDE) Technical Reference is designed to meet the reference
needs of programmers and data processing staff.

The Department of Education (ED) provides two types of software to EDE participants:
EDExpress for Windows and EDconnect.

EDExpress for Windows software is used for processing student financial aid. By using
EDExpress, Financial Aid Administrators (FAAs) can import Institutional Student Information
Record (ISIR) data, track documents, create student aid packages, originate loans, and track
disbursements for Pell and Direct Loans.

In past versions of EDExpress, users exchanged the Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA) and ISIR correction data with the Central Processing System (CPS) by entering the
data in EDExpress and then exporting that data in "batches" for transmission via the Student Aid
Internet Gateway (SAIG). For 2004-2005, we are redesigning this process so schools can take
advantage of instantaneous (real-time) CPS processing through the Web.

To achieve this goal, FAFSA and ISIR correction entry functionality in the 2004-2005 release of
EDExpress will be accomplished via an interface with the FAA Access to CPS Online, utilizing
embedded browser technology within the software. You can no longer export or transmit
FAFSA or ISIR correction data to the CPS using the EDExpress software. The data will be
submitted via the Web interface, and processed results will be returned to your SAIG mailbox.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

The Destination Point Administrator (DPA) of the TG number currently used to send and receive
FAFSA and ISIR correction data has access to the FAA Access to CPS Online Web site by
default. To take advantage of the enhanced Application Processing capabilities in 2004-2005
EDExpress, the DPA will need to enroll FAA staff members who are normally responsible for
FAFSA and ISIR correction data entry tasks for the FAA Access to CPS Online Web site's
services prior to January 2004.

To enroll for access to the FAA Access to CPS Online Web site, go to the SAIG Enrollment
Web site at

You can still incorporate FAFSA and ISIR correction functionality into your system. This
technical reference provides sufficient information for you to build your own software to
complement or replace EDExpress and some Web site functionality provided by ED for sending
and receiving FAFSA data. It includes information about record layouts, required edits, print
assistance, and reject messages that are applicable for electronic FAFSAs, ISIRs, electronic
corrections, and signature records. The record layouts are in the Record Layouts section of this
technical reference.

The EDE process is described in this section with additional information in the EDE Processing

Note: The processing steps for your own software will remain essentially the same as the
EDExpress processing steps.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

Electronic FAFSA
An Electronic FAFSA sent by a school begins with a signed FAFSA completed by the student.
The data can be entered by the school using the FAA Access to CPS Online Web site or
transmitted to the CPS in a formatted ASCII file format. Processed FAFSA records are
transmitted back to the school’s destination point as ISIRs in the IDAP05OP message class.

The Record Layouts section includes information on record layouts including the FAFSA
Application Export Record Layout (EAPS05IN). Reject codes are found in the Processing
Codes section. How to handle rejected FAFSAs is located later in this section and in the EDE
Processing section. The Printing section includes details on printing ISIRs.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

Renewal FAFSA Process
Each year the CPS creates a Renewal FAFSA for each student who is eligible to participate in
the Renewal Application process. The Renewal FAFSA is a tremendous time-saver for students
because it carries forward most of the data provided on the prior year’s FAFSA. Students only
update information that has changed and complete certain income and asset questions.

For the 2004-2005 Renewal Application process, the CPS will automatically send PIN Mailers
instead of paper Renewal FAFSAs to eligible applicants whose grade level in college equals
fifth-year undergraduate, graduate/professional, or beyond. The CPS also will send PIN Mailers
to students who used the Internet to submit a 2003-2004 FAFSA or to make corrections to their
FAFSA data. Students who supplied an e-mail address with correct syntax on their applications
will receive a PIN Reminder by e-mail.

More details about student eligibility to participate in the Renewal Application process are
provided in the Renewal Application Data (RAD) Process Guide which can be found on ED's
Federal Student Aid Download (FSAdownload) Web site located at as
well as on Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site, located at

Your school can also request that specific students or groups of students receive PIN Mailers
instead of paper Renewal FAFSAs. If an e-mail address is present for the student, we will
attempt to send an e-mail instead of a paper PIN Mailer. You can request that the CPS send PIN
Mailers to your students by submitting either a PIN Request through FAA Access to CPS Online
or a Type 2 Request through the SAIG. Instructions for making PIN requests are in the “PIN
Requests” section of this guide.

School Eligibility to Make PIN Requests

To participate in the PIN Request process through the FAA Access to CPS Online site or the
Type 2 Requests through the SAIG, your school must:
• Have completed and filed an SAIG Enrollment Form that requests specific services for an
EDE process (such as receiving electronic daily ISIRs). The SAIG Enrollment process can
be completed at;
• Have an active enrollment status for your Federal School Code, which means you have
correctly indicated on your SAIG Enrollment Form the Federal School Code you plan to use
to perform the specific processes;

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

• Ensure your Federal School Code has an active enrollment status for PIN Requests. Your
enrollment status is designated on your school’s SAIG Enrollment Form with CPS/WAN
Technical Support; and
• Be set up to receive electronic daily ISIRs for the 2003-2004 or 2004-2005 academic years
for the destination number (TG#) you use to submit your PIN Requests.
If your school is not enrolled to receive daily ISIRs, you cannot make PIN Requests. To verify
or update your status for electronic daily ISIRs or PIN Requests, contact CPS/WAN Technical
Support at 800/330-5947.

What’s New for the Renewal FAFSA Process for 2004-

• We will send a PIN Reminder through e-mail to students who have PINs and who provided
e-mail addresses with correct syntax on their 2003-2004 FAFSA records. The e-mail will no
longer include a URL for students to retrieve their PINs on the Internet.
• We have decreased the length of the RADD05IN record (Type 2 PIN Requests) from 109
bytes to 85 bytes. This change reflects a decrease in the number of bytes of the filler at the
end of the record. The only valid content changes on the RADD05IN are for Year Indicator
position 8 and Format Error Code position 81. See the record layout for these changes.
• We are eliminating batch processing for 2004-2005, so CPS Header and Trailer records are
not required for the Type 2 PIN Requests.
• We will not require a deliverable address within the U.S. as a Renewal Application eligibility
requirement, since we will communicate with some students through e-mail. However, we
do require a non-foreign, deliverable address for mailing the paper Renewal FAFSA to those
students who do not qualify for a PIN Mailer.
• The PIN Mailer will contain a tear-out wallet card containing the student’s PIN.
• We will carry forward the following match results from the student’s 2003-2004 Renewal
FAFSA eligible transaction to the 2004-2005 Renewal FAFSA, provided that the student did
not make changes to his or her Social Security Number (SSN), name, or date of birth (DOB)
on the 2004-2005 Renewal FAFSA, and:
• Selective Service Match = Y (confirmed)

• Veterans Administration (VA) Match = 1 (confirmed)

• SSN Match = 4 and Social Security Administration (SSA) Citizenship status = A or Blank
(Citizen) or SSA Citizenship status = B, C, D, E, or F (not a Citizen) and Student’s Reported
Citizenship = 2 (eligible non-Citizen).

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

On the Renewal FAFSA, we will no longer preprint values for tax return fields, income
fields, and the cash, checking, and savings fields for students with an automatic zero
Expected Family Contribution (EFC).

• We will carry forward all schools reported on the student’s 2003-2004 application record
instead of listing only the schools that made payments to the student as reported on the
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS).

• We will print the student’s current SSN in the barcode area of the paper Renewal FAFSA and
the student’s last name on the second page of the Renewal FAFSA in the Step Two heading.

• The RAPP PIN/Print Notification file notifies schools whether students who were eligible to
participate in the Renewal Application process received a paper Renewal FAFSA or a PIN
Mailer/e-mail. In 2004-2005, schools can also use this file to determine if a Renewal-eligible
student received neither a paper Renewal FAFSA nor PIN Mailer/e-mail. This change is
discussed in detail in the “How do I determine if a student received a paper Renewal FAFSA,
a PIN Mailer, or a PIN Reminder through e-mail?” section of the RAD Process Guide.

Refer to the RAD Process Guide for more details regarding the PIN request and the RAD
process. The RAD Process Guide can be found on ED's Federal Student Aid Download
(FSAdownload) Web site located at as well as Information for Financial
Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site, located at

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

Institutional Student Information Record
CPS generates an ISIR in response to:

• FAFSAs or correction records from your school.

• Electronic FAFSAs and corrections completed by another school. You will receive the
resulting ISIR if your Federal School Code is listed on the transaction.

• Web FAFSAs or corrections using FAFSA on the Web, Renewal FAFSA on the Web, or
Corrections on the Web.

• Paper FAFSAs or corrections to a Student Aid Report (SAR) if your Federal School Code is
listed on the transaction.

• A Secondary post-screening transaction from NSLDS or Department of Homeland Security


• An application or correction submitted via FAA Access to CPS Online.

• System-generated ISIRs.

CPS sends ISIRs to destination points for every student indicating a school serviced by the
destination point on the FAFSA, and to state agencies that elect to receive ISIRs for legal
residents or students indicating a school in that state. The Record Layouts section includes
details on the ISIR Record layouts. The Processing Codes section includes information on
comment codes and verifiable rejects and how to respond to them.

The Printing section contains specifications for printing the ISIR.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

Electronic Corrections
Schools can submit corrections to the FAFSA data electronically. The Correction Record Layout
is found in the Record Layouts section and is submitted in the CORR05IN message class.

Information about adding your Federal School Code to receive electronic data, making signature
corrections, and using the Correction Record Layout are found in section 2, EDE Processing.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

Handling Record Level Rejected Records
If the specifications in this technical reference are not followed on a particular record, an EDE
Record Level Error Report file is transmitted to you and may be printed as an error report. (The
layout is in the Record Layouts section.)

The EDE Record Level Error Report Import Record Layout contains the student’s SSN, the
student’s name ID, transaction number, last name, first name, the SAR field number in error, an
edit code, an error code, and a text explanation for the reason the record was rejected. Each field
in error is reported. If it was rejected due to an invalid value, CPS sends the actual value of the
data received from the school. The student’s SSN is listed more than once in the EDE Record
Level Error Import Report when a record has more than one field in error. See section 4,
Processing Codes for additional details about rejects. The following is a list of message classes
for reporting errors:

CORE05OP Electronic Correction Errors

EAPR05OP Electronic Application Rejects

EREP05OP PIN Request Errors

SIGA05OP Signature Correction Errors

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

What’s New and Changed in the EDE
Technical Reference for 2004-2005
Listed below are some of the significant changes in the 2004-2005 EDE Technical Reference.

• You will no longer be able to request duplicate ISIRs electronically. However, you can still
request them through the Federal Student Aid Information Center. Duplicate requests will be
processed as SAR reprints through the ISIR Datamart. For more information on the ISIR
Datamart refer to the School Electronic Process Guide. This process guide can be found on
ED's Federal Student Aid Download (FSAdownload) Web site located at as well as Information for Financial Aid Professionals Web (IFAP)
site, located at

• Federal Data Requests and Year-to-Date ISIR Request processes are eliminated and
functionality replaced with the ISIR Datamart.

• Because batch processing has been eliminated, all batch reject errors and edits will be

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

Section 3 Changes
• The FAFSA Express/Web Hold Information Record Layout was renamed the School Web
Student Signature Hold Information Record Layout.

• We removed "Mailer" from the title of the Type 2 Individual PIN Mailer Request Export and
PIN Error Import Record Layout.

ISIR Changes
Please refer to section 4, Processing Codes, for the 2004-2005 ISIR Cross Reference table. This
table is a cumulative list of changes to the ISIR.

The following fields were added to the ISIR Record Layout:

• Father’s/Stepfather’s First Name Initial

• Father’s/Stepfather’s Date of Birth

• Mother’s/Stepmother’s First Name Initial

• Mother’s/Stepmother’s Date of Birth

• Reject Override G

• Parent’s E-mail Address

• Address Only Change Flag

• CPS Pushed ISIR Flag

• SAR C Change Flag

• Father’s/Stepfather’s SSN Match Flag

• Mother’s/Stepmother’s SSN Match Flag

• Electronic Transaction Indicator (ETI) Flag

• Subsidized Loan Limit Flag

• Combined Loan Limit Flag

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

The following field was changed:

• Summer 2003 renamed as Enrollment Status (we combined all enrollment status fields into

The following fields were deleted from the ISIR Record Layout:

• Fall 2003?

• Winter 2003-2004?

• Spring 2004?

• Summer 2004?

• Age of Older Parent

• Input Record Type

• Serial Number

• Early Analysis Flag

• Electronic Application Entry Source Code

• Duplicate Request Indicator

• SSA Date of Death

• Subsequent Application Flag

• Paid EFC

• Paid EFC Type

• Duplicate Date

• ISIR Transaction Type

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

Section 4 Changes

Table of Reject Codes and how to Respond to Each

Modified Rejects:

• Rejects D and E were changed from rejects to warning edits.

New Rejects:

• G - Taxes paid is greater than zero, and greater than or equal to a fixed percentage of the
AGI, but not equal to or greater than AGI. (Dependent Student)

• S - Father’s Social Security match but no date of birth match

• T - Mother’s Social Security match but no date of birth match

• 6 - Father’s Social Security Number was not matched with the Social Security

• 7 - Mother’s Social Security Number was not matched with the Social Security

• 12 - Dependent student, taxes paid amount is greater than or equal to AGI

Record and Transmission Error Messages

• Renamed the table

• Deleted former batch reject reasons 1 to 9

• Added new Transmission Error Codes 17 and 18

• Added new Reject Error Codes 14, 15, and 16

• Modified error messages for Reject Error Codes 01, 04, 05, 06, 08, 10, and 13

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

Message Classes
We are making changes to the 2004-2005 message classes in order to implement the new ISIR
Datamart on January 1, 2004. The message class changes will affect 2004-2005 ISIRs and
beyond, but will not affect the message class system for 2003-2004 ISIRs.

When implemented, the new ISIR Datamart will store all 2004-2005 ISIR transaction data
generated by the CPS for distribution and retrieval by schools, state agencies, and other
authorized users. Users of ISIR data will have the option to continue to receive ISIRs as they
currently do, or they can elect to go to FAA Access to CPS Online and request ISIRs from the
Datamart based on query criteria. Users who elect to continue to receive daily ISIRs also have
the option to request ISIRs from the Datamart if they wish.

In addition to daily and requested ISIRs, some ISIRs will be distributed (or “pushed”) to schools
whether they were requested or not. If your school code is listed on a transaction, you will
receive an ISIR for the student under a separate message class. These separate message classes
will include:

• Transactions where the EFC has changed from the previous transaction.

• Transactions where the SAR C Flag has changed between transactions.

• System-generated transactions including NSLDS postscreening, DHS Secondary

Confirmation, and reprocessed ISIRs.

You will need to review all ISIRs received under a CPS Pushed ISIR message class and assess
any potential impact to the students’ aid eligibility.

In addition, all ISIRs must be reviewed for applicants that are enrolled at your school.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

Other message class changes include:

• Changed process year in all message classes from 04 to 05

• New Message classes:


• IDAP05OP: Daily ISIRs that are the result of Application records submitted by the

• IDCO05OP: Daily ISIRs that are the result of Correction records submitted by the school

• IDSA05OP: Daily ISIRs that are generated for all schools listed on the record

• IGCO05OP: CPS Pushed ISIRs that are the result of Correction records submitted by the

• IGSA05OP: CPS Pushed ISIRs that are generated for all schools listed on the record

• ISRF05OP: ISIRs requested directly from the ISIR Datamart

State Agencies

• IDRE05OP: Daily ISIRs for State Agency Residents

• IDNR05OP: Daily ISIRs for State Agency Non Residents

• IGRE05OP: CPS Pushed ISIRs for State Agency Residents

• IGNR05OP: CPS Pushed ISIRs for State Agency Non-Residents

Test ISIR files

• TDAP05OP: Daily Application ISIRs

• TDCO05OP: Daily Correction ISIRs

• TDSA05OP: Daily Automatic ISIRs

• TGCO05OP: CPS Pushed Correction ISIRs

• TGSA05OP: CPS Pushed Automatic ISIRs

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

• Deleted Message classes

• CORR04OP: Electronic Correction/Duplicate ISIR

• EAPS04OP: Electronic Application ISIRs

• ESFN04OP: State Agency ISIR Non-Resident

• ESFR04OP: State Agency ISIR Resident

• FDRE04OP: Rejected FDR Request

• FDRF04OP: Processed FDRs

• FDRS04IN: FDR Request

• FDRU04OP: Unfulfilled FDRs After 30 Days

• SARA04OP: Automatic ISIRs

• SYSG04OP: System-generated ISIRs

• TAPS04OP: Test System – Application ISIRs

• TCOR04OP: Test System – Correction ISIRs

• TSAR04OP: Test System – Automatic ISIRs

• YTDN04OP: State Agency YTD ISIR Non-Resident

• YTDO04OP: Year-to-Date ISIRs

• YTDR04OP: State Agency YTD ISIR Resident

• Increased record length for ISIR files from 2560 bytes to 2600 bytes

• Decreased the length of the RADD05IN from 109 bytes to 85 bytes. The file length change
is due to elimination of some of the final filler positions. The filler was used to make the
length of the RADD05IN file the same length of the Header and Trailer records which we no
longer use.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

What’s Changed in the Record Layouts
Section since the Initial Draft Version (July
ISIR Record Description/Data Description

• Added Blank as valid content for Student’s E-mail Address (field 16), positions 142 to 191
and Parent’s E-mail Address (field 127), positions 570 to 619.

• Added new values to Transaction Data Source/Type Code (field 111), positions 535 to 536
and Application Data Source/Type Code (field 133) positions 659 to 660.
3G = EZ FAFSA Renewal Application
3H = EZ FAFSA Correction (not added to Application Data Source)
• Modified description of Reject Override C (field 122).

• Added Reject Override G (field 123). The field numbers, start positions, and end positions
changed for field numbers 123 to 151 and positions 561 to 708. The filler in the old field
number 151 was deleted.

• Added SAR number 107 to FAA Adjustment (field 132).

• Added the ETI Flag (field 270). The field numbers after the ETI Flag have incremented by
one. The start positions and end positions from the ETI Flag to the first Filler field after the
ETI Flag have increased by one byte. The Filler end position remains the same.

• Modified description for Multi School Code Flags. This field will now hold the ETI flag for
each of the six schools.

FAFSA Application Record Export Layout

• Modified description of Reject Override C (field 118).

• Added Reject Override G (field 119). The field numbers, start positions, and end positions
changed for field numbers 119 to the end of the record, positions 558 to 561.

• Increased the Total Bytes of the record layout from 798 to 800.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

Correction Record Export Layout

• Modified description of Reject Override C (field 40).

• Added Reject Override G (field 41). The field numbers, start positions, and end positions
changed for field numbers 41 to the end of the record, positions 540 to 549.

Type 2 Individual PIN Request Export and PIN Error Import Record Layout

• Changed field name PIN Indicator to PIN Mailer Indicator (field 18), position 80.

RAPP PIN/Print Notification Layout

• Changed field name PIN Indicator to PIN Mailer Indicator (field 13), position 167.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

What’s Changed in the Record Layouts
Section since the September 2003 Version
EDE Record Level Error Report Import Record

• Added Federal School Code (field 6), positions 42 to 47. The length of this record increased
six bytes from 109 bytes to 115 bytes. The field numbers, start positions, and end positions
changed for field numbers 6 to 11, positions 42 to 115.

ISIR Record Description/Data Description

• Changed the field name for field 286 from NSLDS Loan Satisfactory Repayment Flag to
NSLDS Loan Satisfactory Payment Arrangement Flag

• Changed the field name for field 303 from NSLDS Satisfactory Repayment Change Flag to
NSLDS Satisfactory Payment Arrangement Change Flag

• Changed the valid value description of S = Satisfactory Repayment to S = Satisfactory

Payment Arrangements for the following fields.

• NSLDS Pell Overpayment Flag (field 278)

• NSLDS SEOG Overpayment Flag (field 280)

• NSLDS Perkins Overpayment (field 282)

FAFSA Application Export Record Layout

• Modified the length of field 106, Filler, from 10 bytes to eight bytes and removed the text
from the Changes column. The field positions did not change.

RAPP PIN/Print Notification Layout

• Added Federal School Code (field 16), position 176 to 181. The Filler field is now field 17
and is four bytes long.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

Getting Help
For a complete listing of all FSA sources of assistance go to the FSAdownload Web site located
at to download the Sources of Assistance for Schools guide.

CPS/WAN Technical Support

If you have questions or concerns regarding this technical reference please contact CPS/WAN
Technical Support. Working hours are 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. (CT), Monday through Friday.

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November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Overview

EDE Processing

Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 2-3

Electronic FAFSA .................................................................................................................... 2-4

Electronic FAFSA Process.................................................................................................... 2-4

Receiving the Completed Paper FAFSA or Paper Renewal FAFSA.................................... 2-5

Entering and Formatting the FAFSA Information ................................................................ 2-5

Transmitting the Records ...................................................................................................... 2-5

Receiving Processed Records ............................................................................................... 2-5

Rejected FAFSA Records ..................................................................................................... 2-5

PIN Requests ............................................................................................................................ 2-7

Renewal PIN Request Process .............................................................................................. 2-7

ISIR........................................................................................................................................... 2-8

NSLDS Data.......................................................................................................................... 2-8

ISIR Receipt Process............................................................................................................. 2-8

ISIR Message Classes ........................................................................................................... 2-9

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

State Agency Options ............................................................................................................. 2-11

Electronic Corrections ............................................................................................................ 2-12

General Correction Entry Specifications ............................................................................ 2-12

Creating a Correction Record.............................................................................................. 2-12

Detailed Data Entry Specifications ..................................................................................... 2-13

Signed Numeric Fields Table.............................................................................................. 2-15

Making Signature Corrections ............................................................................................ 2-18

Adding Your Federal School Code to Receive Electronic Data ......................................... 2-18

Tips for Corrections ............................................................................................................ 2-20

Rejected Correction Records............................................................................................... 2-20

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

This section provides a more detailed description of the Electronic Data Exchange (EDE)
process. It provides instructions for each of the individual processes within EDE.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

Electronic FAFSA
The Electronic Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) process allows destination
points to enter FAFSA data and send it to the Central Processing System (CPS) for processing.
The FAFSA data can be collected on either a paper Renewal FAFSA or the FAFSA. Once
processed by CPS, the results of the Electronic FAFSA are transmitted back to the destination

The FAFSA data is submitted in the EAPS05IN message class and returned in the IDAP05OP
message class.

FAA Access to CPS Online allows Financial Aid Administrators (FAAs) to enter and transmit
FAFSA information using the Internet. However, schools may choose to develop their own
software instead. The remainder of this section includes specifications for developing software
to provide the required electronic FAFSA functions.

Electronic FAFSA Process

The Electronic FAFSA process involves five steps:

1. The student submits a completed and signed paper FAFSA to the school.

2. The information on the FAFSA is key-entered.

3. The FAFSA data is edited and corrected until a clean data file is created. The data elements
for each field must be in the valid range with no inconsistencies in the data. The CPS edits
the data for inconsistencies. For example, if a student indicates a marital status of single, yet
provides income earned from work for student and spouse, an edit is triggered at CPS.

4. The file is formatted and transmitted to CPS via the Student Aid Internet Gateway (SAIG).

5. Processed FAFSA records are transmitted back to the destination point as Institutional
Student Information Records (ISIRs) under the message class IDAP05OP.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

Receiving the Completed Paper FAFSA or Paper Renewal
Schools participating in Electronic Applications must have their students complete and sign
paper FAFSAs or paper Renewal FAFSAs. The Department of Education (ED) provides the
FAFSA forms. The completed and signed document must be kept on file at the school. If a
student submits a paper Renewal FAFSA to the school, the Renewal FAFSA should be
submitted to the CPS as a FAFSA.

Entering and Formatting the FAFSA Information

As part of the FAFSA entry and formatting, you are responsible for ensuring that the data meets
the field-by-field criteria provided in the ‘Valid Field Contents’ column of the FAFSA
Application Export Record Layout. The record created by your system or software must adhere
to the record layout provided in the Record Layout section with the addition of a Carriage
Return/Line Feed (CR/LF, ASCII 13, 10 HEX 0D, and 0A respectively) at the end of each
record. Use of an end-of-file mark (ASCII 26 or HEX 1A) is optional. FAFSAs with invalid
dates or formats are rejected.

Transmitting the Records

Use EDconnect, the transmission software provided by ED, to format your data records and
transmit them over SAIG.

New for 2004-2005! CPS no longer performs batch processing; therefore, there is no need for a
batch CPS Header and CPS Trailer record to surround your data records.

Receiving Processed Records

You receive your processed FAFSA records in ISIR format in the IDAP05OP message class.

Note: See the Printing section for more information on printing ISIRs.

Rejected FAFSA Records

There may be instances when CPS does not accept your records for processing. CPS returns a
rejected electronic FAFSA error report to you in the message class EAPR05OP. The Record
Layouts section contains the EDE Record Level Error Report Import Record Layout. The

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

Processing Codes section contains additional information on the reject reasons found in the
record layout.

There are two categories of rejections for submitted FAFSA records:

Transaction Rejects – A transaction reject prevents the FAFSA record from being processed. If
a record is rejected for one or more reasons, an error report is returned to the school in message
class EAPR05OP (see the EDE Record Level Error Report Import Record Layout in the Record
Layouts section) and no ISIR is created. These rejects are also known as record level rejects.

Compute Rejects – CPS contains a series of edits that evaluate data on incoming FAFSA
records for consistency and completeness. These edits apply to all data from electronic and
paper input. An Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is not computed for a FAFSA rejected for
a compute reject reason. However, an ISIR is produced. ISIRs with a compute reject are also
returned in the IDAP05OP message class. The reasons for the compute reject are coded on the
ISIR. Refer to the Processing Codes section for information on interpreting these reject codes.

There are two types of FAFSA compute reject reason codes:

• Numeric: Certain data items MUST be corrected before a valid ISIR can be generated

• Alphabetic: Certain data items MUST be either corrected or verified before a valid ISIR
can be generated (Verifiable). An alpha reject reason code is a verifiable data element,
meaning the data given is questionable but could be correct.

In the paper system, a student can verify a data field by re-entering the same information in the
Student Aid Report (SAR) correction column for the field in question. In the electronic process,
the school verifies the data (re-enters the data as a "correction") and transmits the Correction
record to CPS. Data that must be verified or corrected in response to each reject reason is
provided in the Processing Codes section.

A student’s record will not have an EFC if the record contains questionable data and has a
FAFSA reject reason code(s). The reject reason code(s) are found in positions 690 through 703
on the ISIR. The Table of Reject Codes and how to Respond to Each is found in section 4 of this
technical reference.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

PIN Requests
Schools can request that a PIN be sent to eligible applicants instead of the paper Renewal
FAFSA. The PIN allows students to access their electronic 2004-2005 Renewal FAFSA data on
the Web. Renewal FAFSAs may be available for returning students and display the 2003-2004
information. The student either verifies that the 2003-2004 information is still correct for 2004-
2005 or updates the information on file at CPS.

Renewal PIN Request Process

There are two options available to request that a PIN be sent to a student instead of the paper
Renewal FAFSA:

1. Make a PIN request via FAA Access to CPS Online.

2. Type 2 Individual PIN Request - This request is sent via SAIG. You will need to create a file
that contains the Type 2 Individual PIN Request Export and PIN Error Import Record
Layout. This layout is found in section 3, Record Layouts.

Each destination point will receive a report in the format of the RAPP PIN/Print Notification
layout, found in section 3, Record Layouts. This report will identify renewal eligible students
who received a paper Renewal FAFSA, a PIN, or neither.

If a student returns a completed Renewal FAFSA to the school, the data can be entered, edited,
and transmitted to CPS as if it were a FAFSA.

For more information on PIN requests, please refer to section 1, Overview, in this technical
reference and to the Renewal Application Data (RAD) Process Guide. The RAD Process Guide
contains additional information regarding changes to the Renewal FAFSA process and can be
found on the U.S. Department of Education's Federal Student Assistance Download
(FSAdownload) Web site located at as well as on Information for
Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP) Web site, located at

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

The ISIR is a fixed-length record containing reported information from the FAFSA, as well as
key processing results. The ISIR is sent electronically to institutions where the student has
indicated they plan to attend. Generally, all information printed by the CPS on the paper SAR is
coded in the ISIR file.

Note: The average CPS processing time is between 48-52 hours.

The ISIR includes National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) information, which is located at
the end of the ISIR Record Description.

ISIR Receipt Process

ISIR records are transmitted by CPS to the SAIG. Descriptions of the contents of the ISIR
record are in the Record Layouts section. CPS Header and Trailer records are no longer included
in the files.

ISIR Types
There are three reasons why CPS produces an ISIR:

• ISIRs are generated daily in response to FAFSAs or corrections entered by you or at a site
other than your school or state agency. ISIRs are sent to school destination points in the
IDAP05OP and IDCO05OP message classes and are referred to as “daily ISIRs.”

• ISIRs are generated as the result of a query request to the ISIR Datamart via FAA Access to
CPS Online. ISIRs are returned to school or state agency destination points in the ISRF05OP
message class and are referred to as “requested ISIRs.”

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

• ISIRs are generated based on processing results at CPS to all schools listed on the
transaction. ISIRs will be generated and returned in the IGCO05OP and IGSA05OP
message classes and are referred to as “pushed ISIRS.”

Each school subscribing to the “daily ISIR” service receives one ISIR for every student who lists
their school on the FAFSA. Regardless of the service a school has signed up for, all schools will
receive “pushed ISIRs.” Servicers receive only one ISIR per destination point.

ISIR Message Classes

ISIRs are generated in response to input from your school or other schools, such as FAFSAs,
FAFSA corrections and CPS generated transactions. ISIRs requested by schools are transmitted
to the SAIG in one of three message classes:

• ISRF05OP – Requested ISIRs

ISIRs in this message class are requested and returned to the school in response to ISIR
Datamart requests via FAA Access to CPS Online. The school receives one ISIR for every
record that meets the ISIR query criteria.

• IGCO05OP and IGSA05OP – Pushed ISIRs

ISIRs in these message classes are system-generated and returned/pushed to the school as a
result of transactions processed by CPS. If a data element on a correction record sent by a
school causes a change to the EFC, the ISIR will be sent in this message class. There are
several instances when the CPS system generates an ISIR for a student:

• EFC value change

• SAR C Flag change between transactions

• Hold File status changes

• CPS reprocessing of records due to formula changes

• CPS receives changed information via NSLDS Post-Screening or DHS Secondary Match

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

• IDAP05OP, IDCO05OP and IDSA05OP – Daily ISIRs

ISIRs in these message classes are generated daily in response to FAFSAs or corrections
entered by you or at a site other than your school or state agency. These ISIRs are generated
in response to:

• Paper FAFSAs or SARs by the Image Data Capture (IDC) processor

• Electronic FAFSAs, Renewal FAFSAs on the Web, or Corrections on the Web

• Electronic FAFSAs or corrections on FAA Access to CPS Online

• Electronic FAFSAs or corrections by another EDE school or third party servicer

Note: If an ISIR receives a reject code of 14, 15, or 16 (missing signatures), the school and state
agency receive the full ISIR electronically. As with other rejects, an EFC is not computed until
the reject is resolved.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

State Agency Options
State agencies can combine processed FAFSA data from CPS with common loan application
data to guarantee Federal student loans and/or with state data to award state scholarships and
As destination points, state agencies can automatically receive ISIRs from the CPS or request
ISIRS from the Datamart. The new message classes used by state agencies for 2004-2005 are
listed below.
IDNR05OP Daily State Agency ISIR Non-Resident
IDRE05OP Daily State Agency ISIR Resident
IGNR05OP CPS Pushed State Agency ISIR Non-Resident
IGRE05OP CPS Pushed State Agency ISIR Resident
ISRF05OP Requested ISIR Data from the ISIR Datamart
You would set up your ISIR request preference in the Participation Management System. For
more information regarding the Participation Management System, contact CPS/WAN Technical
Support through e-mail at, or at 800/330-5947.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

Electronic Corrections
Schools with destination points enrolled for electronic correction processing are able to transmit
corrections to FAFSA data via the FAA Access to CPS Online.

FAA Access to CPS Online allows schools to enter and edit correction data according to the CPS
system requirements. Schools, however, may choose to develop their own software or system to
enter, edit, and format correction data. Specifications for developing correction software are
provided in the remainder of this section.

Correction data is submitted in the CORR05IN message class and is returned in the IDCO05OP
or IGCO05OP message class.

General Correction Entry Specifications

Only corrected information from a student's record, not the complete applicant record, is
transmitted to CPS. This approach minimizes the transmission volume. Correction information
is transmitted as a fixed-length record. The layout and description of this record is in the Record
Layouts section, Correction Export Record Layout (CORR05IN).

Creating a Correction Record

Use the following steps to create a Correction record:

1. In the first position of the record, enter 5 to indicate this is a correction to a 2004-2005
applicant transaction.

2. In positions 2 through 10, enter the applicant's original Social Security Number (SSN). This
is the number reported by the applicant on the FAFSA form and does not reflect any
corrections to the SSN that might have been made.

3. In positions 11 and 12, enter the first two letters of the original applicant's last name. These
are the letters reported by the applicant on the FAFSA form and do not reflect any
corrections to the last name that might have been made.

4. In positions 13 and 14, enter the transaction number of the applicant record being corrected.
For example, enter 01 to correct the first transaction on file at CPS. The transaction does not
necessarily have to be the latest one on file at CPS. If the transaction number being corrected
is not on the CPS database, the record is rejected. If you want to correct the most recent
transaction, you can enter 99.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

Note: When making a correction using transaction 99, corrections to SAR field number 086
(the first Federal School Code) and field number 113 (DRN) must also be provided on the

5. In positions 15 through 17, enter the SAR number of the SAR field being corrected. Each
correctable field has a three-digit SAR number associated with it. For example, enter 001 to
correct the student's last name. The SAR numbers with valid field content are provided in
the Correction Data Entry Specifications table found in the Processing Codes section.

6. In positions 18 through 52, enter the new value for the field being corrected.

7. In positions 471 through 520, enter or correct the student’s e-mail address.

8. In positions 521 through 522, enter “1C” for the Transaction Data Source/Type Code.

9. In positions 523 through 530, enter the transaction receipt date. This is the date you received
the correction information from the student.

10. In positions 543 through 548, enter the Federal School Code of the school making the

Note: To correct a field to blank, enter a single asterisk (*) left-justified in that field. The
Correction Data Entry Specification table, in section 4, distinguishes which fields can be
corrected to blank as not all fields can be.

Up to 12 SAR data fields can be corrected on a single record. Repeat steps 5 and 6 using the
remaining data fields on the Correction record if more than one field is being corrected. If more
than twelve fields require correction, an additional record must be created, repeating steps 1
through 10.

Detailed Data Entry Specifications

Each corrected value must meet certain standards; otherwise, the Correction record is rejected.
Field-by-field data entry specifications are provided in the Processing Codes section. For each
field, these specifications identify the type (character, numeric, or signed-numeric), acceptable
length, whether the field is correctable, whether the field is correctable to blank, and the valid
values for the correction.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

Keep the following items in mind:

• Left-justify the corrected value within the data field on the Correction record, while zero-
filling numeric fields up to the valid maximum length of the field and leaving empty
positions to the right blank. For example, to correct the number of family members to 5,
enter 05 in positions 18 and 19, leaving positions 20 through 52 blank. To correct the
student's last name to Smith, enter SMITH, in uppercase letters as the layout notes, in
positions 18 through 22, leaving positions 23 through 52 blank.

• All 9s in a field indicate the reported or calculated value is greater than or equal to the value
of all 9s. Blanks are allowable in some fields.

• Fields can contain one of three data types, character, numeric or signed numeric.

A negative entry is acceptable for a limited number of fields. The Correction Data Entry
Specifications table in the Processing Codes section identifies the fields in which a negative is
acceptable under the Justify Signed column and the Valid Field content column. The Signed
Numeric Fields table on the next page defines the signed fields. With signed numeric fields, the
sign is always implied in the right most character of the field. For example, if the Student’s
Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) field contains a value of negative 3507, the record will contain
00350P. Because the AGI value does not contain as many bytes as the correction field, the
record must have leading zeros. The following digits are the AGI value with the exception of the
last digit. To determine the last digit use the chart below. Determine if the value is positive or
negative and select the corresponding value for the last digit. The following chart explains the
conversion of the sign and the number:

Positive Values Negative Values

{ 0 E 5 } 0 N 5

A 1 F 6 J 1 O 6

B 2 G 7 K 2 P 7

C 3 H 8 L 3 Q 8

D 4 I 9 M 4 R 9

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

Signed Numeric Fields Table
Field Name Valid Field Content Only on
Field # Field # Length
38 035 6 Student’s Adjusted Gross -999999 to 999999 N
Income from IRS form Blank
41 038 6 Student’s Income Earned -999999 to 999999 N
from Work Blank
42 039 6 Spouse’s Income Earned -999999 to 999999 N
from Work Blank
76 073 6 Parents’ Adjusted Gross -999999 to 999999 N
Income from IRS form Blank
79 076 6 Father’s/Stepfather’s Income -999999 to 999999 N
Earned from Work Blank
80 077 6 Mother’s/Stepmother’s -999999 to 999999 N
Income Earned from Work Blank
157 6 Assumed Student’s AGI -999999 to 999999 Y
Blank = No assumption
159 6 Assumed Student’s Income -999999 to 999999 Y
from Work Blank = No assumption
160 6 Assumed Spouse’s Income -999999 to 999999 Y
from Work Blank = No assumption
174 6 Assumed Parents' AGI -999999 to 999999 Y
Blank = No assumption
176 6 Assumed Father's/ -999999 to 999999 Y
Stepfather’s Income Earned Blank = No assumption
from Work
177 6 Assumed Mother's/ -999999 to 999999 Y
Stepmother’s Income Earned Blank = No assumption
from Work

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

Signed Numeric Fields Table (Continued)
Field Name Valid Field Content Only on
Field # Field # Length
205 7 TI: Total Income -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
207 7 STX: State and Other Tax -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Allowance Blank = None Calculated
210 7 AI: Available Income -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
211 7 CAI: Contribution From -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Available Income Blank = None Calculated
212 9 DNW: Discretionary Net -999999999 to 999999999 Y
Worth Blank = None Calculated
215 7 PCA: Parents’ Contribution -9999999 to 9999999 Y
from Assets Blank = None Calculated
216 7 AAI: Adjusted Available -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Income Blank = None Calculated
220 7 STI: Student’s Total Income -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
221 7 SATI: Student’s Allowance -9999999 to 9999999 Y
against Total Income Blank = None Calculated
223 9 SDNW: Student’s -999999999 to 999999999 Y
Discretionary Net Worth Blank = None Calculated
224 7 SCA: Student’s Contribution -9999999 to 9999999 Y
from Assets Blank = None Calculated
225 7 FTI: FISAP Total Income -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Blank = None Calculated
226 7 SEC TI: Secondary Total -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Income Blank = None Calculated
228 7 SEC STX: Secondary State -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Tax Allowance Blank = None Calculated
231 7 SEC AI: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Available Income Blank = None Calculated

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

Signed Numeric Fields Table (Continued)
Field Name Valid Field Content Only on
Field # Field # Length
232 7 SEC CAI: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Contribution From Available Blank = None Calculated
233 9 SEC DNW: Secondary -999999999 to 999999999 Y
Discretionary Net Worth Blank = None Calculated
236 7 SEC PCA: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Parents’ Contribution from Blank = None Calculated
237 7 SEC AAI: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Adjusted Available Income Blank = None Calculated
241 7 SEC STI: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Student’s Total Income Blank = None Calculated
242 7 SEC SATI: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Student’s Allowance Against Blank = None Calculated
Total Income
244 9 SEC SDNW: Secondary -999999999 to 999999999 Y
Student’s Discretionary Net Blank = None Calculated
245 7 SEC SCA: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Student’s Contribution from Blank = None Calculated
246 7 SEC FTI: Secondary FISAP -9999999 to 9999999 Y
Total Income Blank = None Calculated

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

Making Signature Corrections
Signature information is required to resolve signature rejects (rejects 14, 15, and 16). Signature
information does not need to be provided on other standard corrections unless you are using 99
as the transaction number. If you have a transaction that was a reject 14, 15, or 16, simply
correct SAR field #100 (Signed By) to A (Applicant) or B (Both = Student and Parent), as
If you need to add a signature to a student’s record on the Web hold file, you must use the layout
for Signature Record Export Record Layout (SIGS05IN) found in section 3, Record Layouts.
You can correct the student or parent signature using this layout. You must make sure the
student included your school on the FAFSA or correction.

Adding Your Federal School Code to Receive Electronic

A school cannot make an electronic correction unless the school has been designated on the
applicant transaction. You can add your Federal School Code to the list of schools receiving
data electronically along with correcting other fields on the record by using the Correction
Record Layout (CORR05IN).

Follow these steps to add your Federal School Code and/or to make corrections:

1. In the first position of the record, enter 5 to indicate that this is a correction to a 2004-2005
applicant transaction.

2. In positions 2 through 10, enter the applicant's original SSN. This is the number reported by
the applicant on the FAFSA form and does not reflect any corrections to the SSN that might
have been made.

3. In positions 11 and 12, enter the first two letters of the original applicant's last name. These
are the letters reported by the applicant on the FAFSA form and does not reflect any
corrections to the last name that might have been made.

4. In positions 13 and 14, enter the transaction number of the applicant record being corrected.
For example, enter 01 to correct the first transaction on file at CPS. The transaction does not
necessarily have to be the latest one on file at the CPS. If the transaction number being
corrected is not on the CPS database, the record will be rejected. You can use transaction 99
to add your school code to the most recent transaction on the CPS Database.

5. Enter 113 in the SAR Field Number Correction #1 field, positions 15 through 17
(corresponding to the SAR Field #113, the Data Release Number [DRN]).

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

6. Enter the student's DRN in Correction Data 1 field, positions 18 through 52. Remember to
make it left-justified, and leave any unused bytes blank.

Note: A unique DRN is assigned to each Title IV applicant. It appears only on paper SARs
and ISIR records generated in response to electronic FAFSAs. If a valid DRN is not present
on the Correction record containing the Federal School Code change, the record is rejected.

7. Enter the SAR field number associated with the Federal School Code position being changed
in the SAR Field Number Correction #2 field, positions 53 through 55. Possible field
numbers are 086, 088, 090, 092, 094, and 096.

8. Enter the Federal School Code in the Correction Data 2 field positions 56 through 90.
Remember to make it left-justified, and leave any unused bytes blank.

The number can be changed only to the number of the participating EDE school submitting
the correction. You also must enter this number in the EDE Federal School Code field,
positions 543 through 548. If the codes in these two fields do not match, the record is

Schools may modify the Federal School Code and make other corrections to the applicant
record on the same correction transaction.

9. Optional: In positions 471 through 520, enter or correct the student’s e-mail address.

10. In positions 521 through 522, enter “1C” for the Transaction Data Source/Type Code.

11. In positions 523 through 530, enter the Transaction Receipt Date. This is the date you
received the correction information from the student.

12. In positions 543 through 548, enter the Federal School Code of the school making the

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

Tips for Corrections
When you submit an ISIR correction to CPS, we use the transaction number you provide in
positions 13 to 14 as a template. We make changes to the fields you indicated, leaving other
fields unchanged. Your Federal School Code must be one of the six listed, but it does not have
to be the first college choice on the transaction to be processed by CPS. You can receive the
processed results in the IDCO05OP or IGCO05OP message class.

If you are submitting a Dependency Override or FAA Adjustment (professional judgment) as

part of the Correction record, only your school receives the resulting corrected ISIR transaction.
Also, do not send a Dependency Override correction with a FAA Adjustment to a transaction
without an EFC. If there is no EFC, first send the Dependency Override with any other
corrections necessary to obtain an EFC. Then, submit the FAA Adjustment to the transaction
with the dependency override and the EFC.

Rejected Correction Records

The two categories of rejections for submitted Correction records, transaction and compute
rejects are:

• Transaction Rejects – A transaction reject prevents the Correction record from being
applied to the student's record. If a record is rejected for one or more reasons, the school
receives an error report in message class CORE05OP (see EDE Record Level Error Report
Import Record layout in the Record Layouts section). No ISIR is created.

• Compute Rejects – CPS contains a series of edits that evaluate all incoming FAFSA and
correction data for consistency and completeness. These edits apply to all data from
electronic, Web, and paper input. EFC is not computed for a correction rejected for a
compute reject reason. However, an ISIR is produced. Correction ISIRs with a compute
reject are returned in the IDCO05OP message class. The reasons for the compute reject are
coded on the ISIR in positions 690 through 703. Refer to the Processing Codes section for
information on interpreting these reject codes.

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

The two types of FAFSA compute reject reason codes are:

1. Numeric – Certain data items MUST be corrected before a valid ISIR can be generated (Non-

2. Alphabetic – Certain data items MUST be either corrected or verified before a valid ISIR can
be generated (Verifiable). An alphabetic reject reason code is a verifiable data element,
meaning the data given is questionable but could be correct.

In the paper system, a student can verify a data field by re-entering the same information in the
SAR correction column for the field in question. In the electronic process, the school may verify
the data (re-enter the data as a "correction"), or set the appropriate reject override (found at the
end of the CORR05IN Record Layout in positions 537 through 542), and transmit the correction
record to CPS. Data that must be verified or corrected in response to each reject reason is
provided in the Processing Codes section.

A student’s record may not have an EFC if the record contains questionable data and has a
FAFSA reject reason code(s). The reject reason codes are found in positions 690 through 703 on
the ISIR. They explain the questionable and highlighted field(s).

November 2003 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference EDE Processing

Record Layouts

Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 3-2

EDE Record Level Error Report Import Record Layout.......................................................... 3-3

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary................................................................................ 3-5

Type 2 Individual PIN Request Export and PIN Error Import Record Layout...................... 3-62

RAPP PIN/Print Notification Layout ..................................................................................... 3-65

FAFSA Application Export Record Layout ........................................................................... 3-69

Correction Export Record Layout .......................................................................................... 3-84

Signature Record Export Record Layout ............................................................................... 3-91

School Web Student Signature Hold Information Record Layout ......................................... 3-93

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

This section provides all the necessary record layouts needed for you to create your own
software to participate in the Electronic Data Exchange (EDE) process.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

EDE Record Level Error Report Import Record
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
1 1 9 9 Original Social Security 001010001 to 999999999 Right

The student's original SSN as

processed initially by the
2 10 11 2 Original Name ID Uppercase A to Z Left
The first two characters of
last name as processed If non-blank, first character
initially by the CPS. must contain a letter and
second character must be
3 12 13 2 Transaction Number 01 to 99 Left

The transaction number

indicating the ISIR
transaction to be corrected.
4 14 29 16 Student's Last Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
' (apostrophe)
- (dash)
Can be blank
Second character non-
5 30 41 12 Student's First Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
' (apostrophe)
- (dash)
Can be blank

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

EDE Record Level Error Report Import Record Layout
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
6 42 47 6 Added Federal School Code X00000 to X99999
Valid characters for the
first position are 0 (zero),
B, E, or G
7 48 50 3 SAR Item Number 000 to 999 Right
8 51 54 4 Edit Code – For FSA Use 0000 to 9999 Left
9 55 56 2 Error Code See ‘Record and Left
Transmission Errors’ table
in the Processing Codes
section of this technical
10 57 93 37 Invalid content sent from the 0 to 9 Right
destination Uppercase A to Z
. (Period)
Actual data submitted by the ' (Apostrophe)
destination. - (Dash)
, (Comma)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
* (asterisk) = Corrected to
11 94 115 22 Increased Error Message Text See ‘Record and Left
field length Transmission Errors’ table
in the Processing Codes
section of this technical
Total 115

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
1 1 1 1 Modified Year Indicator 5, will always be ‘5’ (for Left
field name 2004-2005)
and valid
2 2 10 9 Original Social Security 001010001 to 999999999 Right

The student's original

SSN as initially
processed by the CPS.
3 11 12 2 Original Name ID Uppercase A to Z Left
The first two characters . (period)
of last name as ' (apostrophe)
processed initially by - (dash)
the CPS. Blank
4 13 14 2 Transaction Number 01 to 99 Right

The CPS transaction

number of this ISIR.
5 001 15 30 16 Student’s Last Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
' (apostrophe)
- (dash)
6 002 31 42 12 Student’s First Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
' (apostrophe)
- (dash)

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
7 003 43 43 1 Middle Initial Uppercase A to Z Left
8 004 44 78 35 Permanent Mailing 0 to 9 Left
Address Uppercase A to Z
. (Period)
' (apostrophe)
- (Dash)
, (Comma)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
9 005 79 94 16 Student’s Permanent 0 to 9 Left
City Uppercase A to Z
. (Period)
' (apostrophe)
- (Dash)
, (Comma)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
10 006 95 96 2 Student’s Permanent Uppercase A to Z Left
State Valid postal code
See State/Country/
Jurisdiction Codes in the
Processing Codes section
of this technical
11 007 97 101 5 Student’s Permanent 00000 to 99999 Right
Zip Code Blank
12 009 102 109 8 Student’s Date of Birth Format is CCYYMMDD Left
19000101 to 19991231

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
13 010 110 119 10 Student’s Permanent 0000000000 to Right
Phone Number 9999999999
14 011 120 139 20 Student’s Driver’s 0 to 9 Left
License Number Uppercase A to Z
- (dash)
* (asterisk)
15 012 140 141 2 Student’s Driver’s Valid two letter postal Left
License State Code code
See State/Country/
Jurisdiction Codes in the
Processing Codes section
of this technical

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
16 013 142 191 50 Student’s E-mail Blank Left
Address If non-blank:
One and only one '@' (at-
sign) allowed.
Before @:
• at least one valid
• all characters in the
range of ASCII 33-
126, except for the
following 12
characters < > ( ) [ ] \
,;: "@
• period (.) cannot be
first, last or adjacent
to another period
After @:
• at least one valid
• only letters, digits,
hyphen, underscore,
and period (A-Z, a-z,
0-9, -, _, .)
• hyphen, underscore,
and period cannot be
first, last, or adjacent
to a period
17 014 192 192 1 Student’s Citizenship 1 = U.S. citizen (or U.S. Left
Status national)
2 = Eligible non-citizen
The value the student 3 = Neither 1 or 2, not
reported for citizenship. eligible
18 015 193 201 9 Student’s Alien 000000001 to 999999999 Left
Registration Number Blank
19 016 202 202 1 Student’s Marital Status 1 = Unmarried (single, Left
divorced, or widowed)
2 = Married/Remarried
3 = Separated
20 017 203 208 6 Modified Student’s Marital Status Format is CCYYMM Left
valid Date 190001 to 200512
content Blank

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
21 018 209 210 2 Student’s State of Legal Uppercase A to Z Left
Residence Valid postal code
See State/Country/
Jurisdiction Codes in the
Processing Codes section
of this technical
22 019 211 211 1 Modified Student Legal Resident 1 = Yes Left
field name Before 01-01-1999? 2 = No
year Blank
23 020 212 217 6 Modified Student’s Legal Format is CCYYMM Left
valid Residence Date 190001 to 200512
content Blank
CPS will accept:
CCYY with blank MM
Blank CCYY with MM
24 021 218 218 1 Are You Male? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
25 022 219 219 1 Do you want Selective 1 = Yes Left
Service to register you? 2 = No

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
26 023 220 220 1 Degree/Certificate 1 = 1st Bachelor’s Right
2 = 2nd Bachelor’s
3 = Associate Degree
(occupational or
technical program)
4 = Associate Degree
(general education or
transfer program)
5 = Certificate or
Diploma for completing
an occupational,
technical, or educational
program of less than two
6 = Certificate or
Diploma for completing
an occupational,
technical, or educational
program of at least two
7 = Teaching Credential
Program (non-degree
8 = Graduate or
Professional Degree
9 = Other/Undecided
27 024 221 221 1 Modified Grade Level in College 0 = 1st year, never Left
field name attended college
1 = 1st year, attended
college before
2 = 2nd year/sophomore
3 = 3rd year/junior
4 = 4th year/senior
5 = 5th year/other
6 = 1st year
7 = Continuing

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
28 025 222 222 1 HS Diploma or GED 1 = Yes Left
Received? 2 = No
29 026 223 223 1 Modified First Bachelor’s Degree 1 = Yes Left
field name By 07-01-2004? 2 = No
year Blank
30 027 224 224 1 Interested in Student 1 = Yes Left
Loans? 2 = No
31 028 225 225 1 Interested in Work- 1 = Yes Left
Study? 2 = No
32 029 226 226 1 Father’s Highest Grade 1 = Middle School/Jr. Left
Level Completed High
2 = High School
3 = College or Beyond
4 = Other/Unknown
33 030 227 227 1 Mother’s Highest Grade 1 = Middle School/Jr. Left
Level Completed High
2 = High School
3 = College or Beyond
4 = Other/Unknown
34 031 228 228 1 Drug Conviction 1 = No Left
Affecting Eligibility 2 = Yes (Part year)
3 = Yes/Don't Know
35 032 229 229 1 Student’s Tax Return 1 = Already Completed Left
Completed? 2 = Will File
3 = Will Not File

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
36 033 230 230 1 Modified Student’s Type of 2003 1 = IRS 1040 Left
field name Tax Form Used? 2 = IRS 1040A, 1040
year EZ, 1040 Telefile
reference 3 = Foreign Tax Return
4 = Tax return from
Puerto Rico, Guam,
American Samoa, the
U.S. Virgin Islands, the
Marshall Islands, the
Federated States of
Micronesia, or Palau
37 034 231 231 1 Student Eligible to file 1 = Yes Left
1040A or 1040EZ? 2 = No
3 = Don’t Know
38 035 232 237 6 Student’s Adjusted -999999 to 999999 Right
Gross Income from IRS Blank Signed
39 036 238 242 5 Student’s U.S. Income 00000 to 99999 Right
Tax Paid Blank
40 037 243 244 2 Student’s Exemptions 00 to 99 Right
Claimed Blank
41 038 245 250 6 Student’s Income -999999 to 999999 Right
Earned from Work Blank Signed
42 039 251 256 6 Spouse’s Income -999999 to 999999 Right
Earned from Work Blank Signed
43 040 257 261 5 Student’s Total Amount 00000 to 99999 Right
from Worksheet A Blank
44 041 262 266 5 Student’s Total Amount 00000 to 99999 Right
from Worksheet B Blank
45 042 267 271 5 Student’s Total Amount 00000 to 99999 Right
from Worksheet C Blank
46 043 272 277 6 Student’s Cash, 000000 to 999999 Right
Savings, and Checking Blank
47 044 278 283 6 Student’s Investment 000000 to 999999 Right
Net Worth Blank
48 045 284 289 6 Student’s Business 000000 to 999999 Right
and/or Investment Farm Blank
Net Worth

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
49 046 290 291 2 No. of Months Veterans 00 to 12 Right
Education Benefits Blank
50 047 292 295 4 Monthly Veterans 0000 to 9999 Right
Education Benefits Blank
51 048 296 296 1 Modified Born Before 01-01- 1 = Yes Left
field name 1981? 2 = No
year Blank
52 049 297 297 1 Modified Working on a Master’s 1 = Yes Left
field name or Doctorate Program? 2 = No
53 050 298 298 1 Is Student Married? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
54 051 299 299 1 Have Children you 1 = Yes Left
support? 2 = No
55 052 300 300 1 Have Legal Dependents 1 = Yes Left
Other than Children or 2 = No
Spouse? Blank
56 053 301 301 1 Orphan or Ward of 1 = Yes Left
Court? 2 = No
57 054 302 302 1 Veteran of U.S. Armed 1 = Yes Left
Forces? 2 = No
58 055 303 303 1 Parent’s Marital Status 1 = Married/Remarried Right
2 = Single
3 = Divorced/
4 = Widowed
59 056 304 309 6 Modified Parent's Marital Status Format is CCYYMM Left
valid Date 190001 to 200512
content Blank
60 057 310 318 9 Father’s/Stepfather’s 000000000 to 999999999 Right
Social Security Number Blank

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
61 058 319 334 16 Father’s/Stepfather’s 0 to 9 Left
Last Name Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
' (apostrophe)
- (dash)
62 059 335 335 1 Added Father’s/Stepfather’s Uppercase A to Z Right
First Name Initial Blank
63 060 336 343 8 Added Father’s/Stepfather’s Format is CCYYMMDD Right
Date of Birth 19000101 to 19991231
64 061 344 352 9 Mother’s/ 000000000 to 999999999 Left
Stepmother’s Social Blank
Security Number
65 062 353 368 16 Mother’s/ 0 to 9 Right
Stepmother’s Last Uppercase A to Z
Name Space(s)
. (period)
' (apostrophe)
- (dash)
66 063 369 369 1 Added Mother’s/ Uppercase A to Z Right
Stepmother’s First Blank
Name Initial
67 064 370 377 8 Added Mother’s/ Format is CCYYMMDD Right
Stepmother’s Date of 19000101 to 19991231
Birth Blank
68 065 378 379 2 Parents’ Number of 01 to 99 Right
Family Members Blank
69 066 380 380 1 Modified Parents’ Number in 1 to 9 Left
field name College (Parents’ Blank
70 067 381 382 2 Parents’ State of Legal Uppercase A to Z Left
Residence Valid postal code
See State/Country/
Jurisdiction Codes in the
Processing Codes section
of this technical

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
71 068 383 383 1 Modified Parents Legal Residents 1 = Yes Left
field name before 01-01-1999? 2 = No
year Blank
72 069 384 389 6 Modified Parents’ Legal Format is CCYYMM Right
valid Residence Date 190001 to 200512
content Blank
CPS will accept:
CCYY with blank MM
Blank CCYY with MM
73 070 390 390 1 Parents’ Tax Return 1 = Already Completed Left
Completed? 2 = Will File
3 = Will Not File
74 071 391 391 1 Modified Parents’ Type of 2003 1 = IRS 1040 Left
field name Tax Form Used? 2 = IRS 1040A, 1040
year EZ, 1040 Telefile
reference 3 = Foreign Tax Return
4 = Tax return from
Puerto Rico, Guam,
American Samoa, the
U.S. Virgin Islands, the
Marshall Islands, the
Federated States of
Micronesia, or Palau
75 072 392 392 1 Parents’ Eligible to file 1 = Yes Right
1040A or 1040EZ? 2 = No Signed
3 = Don’t Know
76 073 393 398 6 Parents’ Adjusted Gross -999999 to 999999 Right
Income from IRS form Blank
77 074 399 404 6 Parents’ U.S. Income 000000 to 999999 Right
Tax Paid Blank
78 075 405 406 2 Parents’ Exemptions 00 to 99 Right
Claimed Blank
79 076 407 412 6 Father’s/Stepfather’s -999999 to 999999 Right
Income Earned from Blank Signed
80 077 413 418 6 Mother’s/ -999999 to 999999 Right
Stepmother’s Income Blank Signed
Earned from Work

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
81 078 419 423 5 Parents’ Total Amount 00000 to 99999 Right
from Worksheet A Blank
82 079 424 428 5 Parents’ Total Amount 00000 to 99999 Right
from Worksheet B Blank
83 080 429 433 5 Parents’ Total Amount 00000 to 99999 Right
from Worksheet C Blank
84 081 434 439 6 Parents’ Cash, Savings, 000000 to 999999 Right
and Checking Blank
85 082 440 445 6 Parents’ Investment Net 000000 to 999999 Right
Worth Blank
86 083 446 451 6 Parents’ Business 000000 to 999999 Right
and/or Investment Farm Blank
Net Worth
87 084 452 453 2 Student’s Number of 00 to 99 Right
Family Members Blank
88 085 454 454 1 Modified Student’s Number in 0 to 9 Left
field name College Blank
89 086 455 460 6 Federal School Code #1 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the
first position are 0 (zero),
B, E, or G
90 087 461 461 1 Federal School Code #1 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
91 088 462 467 6 Federal School Code #2 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the
first position are 0 (zero),
B, E, or G.
92 089 468 468 1 Federal School Code #2 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
93 090 469 474 6 Federal School Code #3 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the
first position are 0 (zero),
B, E, or G.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
94 091 475 475 1 Federal School Code #3 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
95 092 476 481 6 Federal School Code #4 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the
first position are 0 (zero),
B, E, or G.
96 093 482 482 1 Federal School Code #4 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
97 094 483 488 6 Federal School Code #5 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the
first position are 0 (zero),
B, E, or G.
98 095 489 489 1 Federal School Code #5 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
99 096 490 495 6 Federal School Code #6 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the
first position are 0 (zero),
B, E, or G.
100 097 496 496 1 Federal School Code #6 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
101 098 497 497 1 Combined Enrollment Status 1 = Full time Left
Enroll- 2 = ¾ time
ment 3 = ½ time
questions 4 = Less than ½ time
into 1 5 = Not Sure
question Blank
values 1
and 5

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
102 099 498 505 8 Modified Date Application Format is CCYYMMDD Left
valid Completed 20040101 to 20051231
content Blank
103 100 506 506 1 Signed By A = Applicant Only Right
B = Applicant and Parent
Indicates if only the
applicant, or only the P = Parent Only
parent, or both applicant Blank = No signatures
and parent signed the
104 101 507 515 9 Preparer’s Social 000000000 to 999999999 Right
Security Number Blank

Preparer’s SSN
provided on the
105 102 516 524 9 Preparer’s Employer 000000000 to 999999999 Left
Identification Number Blank
106 103 525 525 1 Preparer’s Signature 1 = Yes Left
Indicates that a preparer
signed the transaction.
107 106 526 526 1 Dependency Override 1 = Dependent to Left
Indicator Independent
2 = Dependent to
Indicates that a Independent Override
Dependency Override Canceled
was requested on this 3 = Dependency
transaction. Override request failed
Blank = Dependency
override not requested
108 527 532 6 FAA Federal School X00000 to X99999 Left
Code Valid characters for first
position are 0 (zero), B,
Indicates the Federal E, or G
School Code that Blank = No Dependency
requested a dependency Override or FAA EFC
override or Adjusted Adjustment done
Calculation request.
109 533 533 1 Filler For FSA Use Only Left

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
110 534 534 1 Dependency Status D = Dependent, Left
calculated EFC provided
Determined by CPS I = Independent,
based on Dependency calculated EFC provided
Status data provided. X = Dependent rejected,
no EFC calculated
Y = Independent
rejected, no EFC

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
111 535 536 2 Modified Transaction Data 1A = Application Left
Valid Source/Type Code 1C = Correction Full SAR
Content 2A = Application
Indicates the origin of 2B = Application Spanish
the transaction. 2R = Renewal Application
2C = Correction
The first byte describes 2E = EZ FAFSA
source: 2F = EZ FAFSA Spanish
1 = Electronic 2G = EZ FAFSA Renewal
2 = Web Student
3 = Web FAA
4 = Paper
3A = Application
5 = CPS
3C = Correction
3G = EZ FAFSA Renewal
The second byte Application
describes type: 3H = EZ FAFSA
A = Application Correction
B = Application Spanish 3R = Renewal Application
3V = Verification
C = Correction Correction
E = EZ FAFSA 4A = Application
F = EZ FAFSA Spanish 4B = Application Spanish
G = EZ FAFSA 4R = Renewal Application
Renewal 4C = Correction
H = EZ FAFSA 4J = Correction
Correction Application
J = Correction 4K = Correction
Application Application Spanish
K = Correction 5C = CPS System-
Application Spanish Generated Correction
M = DHS Secondary 5M = DHS Secondary
Confirmation Confirmation
5S = CPS Signature
R = Renewal
6C = Correction (Student
and Image Error)
S = Signature Page
V = Verification

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
112 537 544 8 Modified Transaction Receipt Format is CCYYMMDD Left
valid Date 20040101 to 20051231
Date the transaction was
received by the IDC or
School for data entry or
the date the student
entered record on the
113 545 545 1 Assumption Override 1- 1 = Yes Left
Parents’ Number in Blank
College assumed to be 1
when the number in
college is greater than 6.

114 546 546 1 Assumption Override 2- 1 = Yes Left

Parents’ AGI assumed Blank
equal to sum of father
and mother earned
income portions.
115 547 547 1 Assumption Override 3- 1 = Yes Left
Student’s Number in Blank
College assumed to be 1
when number in college
equals number in the
household and both are
greater than 2.
116 548 548 1 Assumption Override 4- 1 = Yes Left
Student’s AGI assumed Blank
equal to the sum of
student and spouse
earned income portions.
117 549 549 1 Assumption Override 5- 1 = Yes Left
Parents’ Total from Blank
Worksheet C assumed
to be zero.
118 550 550 1 Assumption Override 6- 1 = Yes Left
Student’s Total from Blank
Worksheet C assumed
to be zero.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
119 551 557 7 Electronic Transaction ‘TGXXXXX’ where Left
Indicator (ETI) XXXXX is the 5-digit
Destination Number numeric code assigned
TG number assigned by Blank
120 558 558 1 Reject Override A- 1 = Yes Left
Date of Birth year is Blank
1900 to 1929.
121 559 559 1 Modified Reject Override B- 1 = Yes Left
field name Date of Birth since Blank
year September 1, 1988.
122 560 560 1 Modified Reject Override C- 1 = Yes Left
description Parent’s or independent Blank
student’s taxes paid is
greater than zero and
greater than or equal to
a fixed percentage of
the AGI, but not equal
to or greater than AGI.
123 561 561 1 Added Reject Override G- 1 = Yes Left
Dependent student’s Blank
taxes paid is greater
than zero and greater
than or equal to a fixed
percentage of the AGI,
but not equal to or
greater than AGI.
124 562 562 1 Reject Override N- 1 = Yes Left
Missing first or last Blank
125 563 563 1 Modified Reject Override W- 1 = Yes Left
description Unusually high number Blank
of family members.
126 564 569 6 Filler For FSA Use Only Left

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
127 104 570 619 50 Added Parent’s E-mail Address Blank Left
If non-blank:
One and only one '@' (at-
sign) allowed.
Before @:
• at least one valid
• all characters in the
range of ASCII 33-
126, except for the
following 12
characters < > ( ) [ ] \
,;: "@
• period (.) cannot be
first, last or adjacent
to another period
After @:
• at least one valid
• only letters, digits,
hyphen, underscore,
and period (A-Z, a-z,
0-9, -, _, .)
• hyphen, underscore,
and period cannot be
first, last, or adjacent
to a period
128 620 642 23 Changed to Filler For FSA Use Only Left
129 008 643 651 9 Student’s Current Social 001010001 to 999999999 Right
Security Number

Student's SSN on this

transaction. It will be
different from the
student’s original SSN
only if it has been
130 652 653 2 Correction Applied 01 to 99 Left
against Transaction Blank = Transaction not
Number a result of a correction

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
131 113 654 657 4 Modified Data Request Number 0000 to 9999 Left
Field Name (DRN) Blank = Transaction not
in response to electronic
Will only be included application
when the transaction
was initiated as an
Electronic Application
at the destination
132 107 658 658 1 FAA Adjustment 1 = EFC Adjustment Left
Indicates whether a 2 = EFC Adjustment
FAA requested an EFC request failed
adjustment and if it was Blank = no EFC
processed. Adjustment requested
133 659 660 2 Modified Application Data 1A = Application Left
valid Source/Type Code 2A = Application
content 2B = Application
Indicates the origin of Spanish
the initial application. 2R = Renewal
The first byte describes 2E = EZ FAFSA
source: 2F = EZ FAFSA Spanish
1 = Electronic 2G = EZ FAFSA
2 = Web Student Renewal Application
3 = Web FAA 3A = Application
4 = Paper 3R = Renewal
The second byte 3E = EZ FAFSA
describes type: 3G = EZ FAFSA
A = Application Renewal Application
B = Application Spanish 4A = Application
4B = Application
E = EZ FAFSA Spanish
F = EZ FAFSA Spanish 4R = Renewal
G = EZ FAFSA Application
Renewal 4J = Correction
J = Correction Application
Application 4K = Correction
K = Correction Application Spanish
Application Spanish
R = Renewal

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
134 661 668 8 Modified Application Receipt Format is CCYYMMDD Left
valid Date 20040101 to 20051231
Date the application was
received by the IDC or
School for data entry or
the date the student
entered record on the
135 669 669 1 Added Address Only Change 1 = Student’s Mailing Left
Flag address corrected
2 = Student’s E-mail
If an address is the only address corrected
change to a record, this 3 = Parent’s E-Mail
field will be populated. address corrected
4 = More than one of the
above corrected
Blank = No change
136 670 670 1 EFC Change Flag 1 = EFC increase Left
2 = EFC decrease
Indicates if the EFC has Blank = No change
gone up or down from
the transaction being
applied against.
137 112 671 671 1 Student Last Name/ N = Last Name change Left
SSN Change Flag S = Social Security
Number change
Indicates whether the B = Social Security
student’s last name Number and last name
and/or Social Security change
Number (SSN) have Blank = No change
been changed.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
138 672 672 1 Added CPS Pushed ISIR Y = Transaction Left
Flag automatically sent to
This Flag is set to Blank = Transaction not
identify transactions that sent to school
are automatically sent to

Examples are:
EFC Change flag is set;
SAR C flag changes
between correction and
transaction being
corrected; or transaction
is system-generated
139 673 673 1 Added SAR C Change Flag 1 = SAR C flag has Left
If the SAR C flag is set Blank = No change to
or removed from the flag
previous transaction this
field will be populated.

140 674 676 3 Modified Compute Number 000 to 999 Right

field name
141 677 677 1 Source of Correction A = Applicant Left
S = School
142 678 678 1 Duplicate SSN Indicator Y = Another filer also Right
using this SSN
Blank = N/A
Indicates if another filer
is using this original
SSN in their original
SSN field.
143 679 679 1 Graduate Flag Y = Yes response to BA Left
question and/or Graduate
status question
Blank = Graduate Flag
not set

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
144 680 680 1 Pell Grant Eligibility Y = This transaction Left
Flag determined eligible for a
Federal Pell Grant.
Blank = This transaction
Indicates transaction has
determined ineligible for
been determined eligible
a Federal Pell Grant
for a Federal Pell Grant
by the CPS.
145 681 688 8 Modified Transaction Processed Format is CCYYMMDD Left
valid Date 20040101 to 20051231
Date that CPS computed
this transaction.

146 689 689 1 Deleted Processed Record Type C = Correction Left

reference Application
to H = Correction
Duplicate Blank = Initial
in value H Application
147 690 703 14 Reject Reason Codes A to Z Left
01 to 99
Alpha/numeric Blank = Applicant not
character indicating why rejected
an application or
correction has been Up to seven 2-character
rejected. codes

See Processing Codes

section for specific code
tables and details.
148 704 705 2 Reprocessed Reason 01 to 99 Left
Code Blank = Not a
reprocessed transaction
The code indicating
why the CPS
reprocessed an ISIR.
An electronic message
will be sent to
destination numbers
identifying definition of
the code.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
149 706 706 1 SAR C Flag Y = C flag set, resolution Left
required on one or more
match results
Blank = No flag set
150 707 707 1 Modified Automatic Zero EFC Y = EFC set to zero Left
field name Indicator based on income criteria
Blank = Flag not set
The Automatic Zero
EFC indicator is
automatically set if
simplified needs test
met and taxable income
is $15,000 or less.
151 708 708 1 Simplified Needs Test Y = SNT met Left
(SNT) N = SNT not met or
insufficient information
Applicant meets certain to determine SNT
criteria for tax filing eligibility
status and income level Blank
and is not required to
provide asset
152 709 709 1 Removed System-Generated A = Applicant released Left
values D Indicator from Drug Enforcement
and L hold
Modified Transaction initiated by I = DHS Secondary
value I the CPS with no input confirmation
from the applicant. N = NSLDS post-
screening transaction
Z = Reprocessed
Blank = Not a system-
generated transaction
153 710 710 1 Modified Parents’ Calculated 1, 2, or 3 = Tax Filer Left
field name 2003 Tax Status 4 or 5 = Non-Tax Filer
year Blank
reference CPS determination of
tax filing status.
154 711 711 1 Modified Student’s Calculated 1, 2, or 3 = Tax Filer Left
field name 2003 Tax Status 4 or 5 = Non-Tax Filer
year Blank
reference CPS determination of
tax filing status.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
155 712 712 1 Assumed Citizenship 1 = Assumed student is a Left
2 = Assumed student is
an eligible non-citizen
Blank = No assumption
156 713 713 1 Assumed Student’s 1 = Assumed unmarried Left
Marital Status 2 = Assumed
Blank = No assumption
157 714 719 6 Assumed Student’s AGI -999999 to 999999 Right
Blank = No assumption Signed
158 720 724 5 Assumed Student’s U.S. 00000 to 99999 Left
Tax Paid Blank = No assumption
159 725 730 6 Assumed Student’s -999999 to 999999 Right
Income from Work Blank = No assumption Signed
160 731 736 6 Assumed Spouse’s -999999 to 999999 Right
Income from Work Blank = No assumption Signed
161 737 741 5 Assumed Student’s 00000 to 99999 Left
Total from Worksheet C Blank = No assumption
162 742 742 1 Assumed Date of Birth 1 = Assumed Yes Left
Prior 2 = Assumed No
Blank = No assumption
163 743 743 1 Assumed Student Is 1 = Assumed Yes Left
Married/Remarried 2 = Assumed No
Blank = No assumption
164 744 744 1 Assumed Have Children 1 = Assumed Yes Left
You Support? 2 = Assumed No
Blank = No assumption
165 745 745 1 Assumed Have Legal 2 = Assumed no legal Left
Dependents Other than dependents
Children or Spouse? Blank = No assumption
166 746 746 1 Assumed VA Status 2 = Assumed not a Left
Blank = No assumption
167 747 748 2 Assumed Student’s # in 00 to 99 Left
Family Blank = No assumption
168 749 749 1 Assumed Student’s # in 0 to 9 Left
College Blank = No assumption
169 750 750 1 Assumed Parents’ 1 = Assumed Left
Marital Status married/remarried
2 = Assumed single
Blank = No assumption

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
170 751 751 1 Changed Assumed Y = Assumed SSN Left
length from Father’s/Stepfather’s Blank
9 bytes SSN
171 752 752 1 Changed Assumed Mother’s/ Y = Assumed SSN Left
length from Stepmother’s SSN Blank
9 bytes
172 753 754 2 Assumed Parents’ # in 00 to 99 Left
Family Blank = No assumption
173 755 755 1 Assumed Parents’ # in 0 to 9 Left
College Blank = No assumption
174 756 761 6 Assumed Parents' AGI -999999 to 999999 Right
Blank = No assumption Signed
175 762 767 6 Assumed Parents’ U.S. 000000 to 999999 Left
Tax Paid Blank = No assumption
176 768 773 6 Assumed Father's/ -999999 to 999999 Right
Stepfather’s Income Blank = No assumption Signed
Earned from Work
177 774 779 6 Assumed Mother's/ -999999 to 999999 Right
Stepmother’s Income Blank = No assumption Signed
Earned from Work
178 780 784 5 Assumed Parents’ Total 00000 to 99999 Left
from Worksheet C Blank = No assumption
179 785 789 5 Primary EFC 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
The primary 9 month
EFC calculated. Full
Needs Test (FNT),
unless Simplified Needs
Test (SNT) met.
180 790 794 5 Secondary EFC 00000 to 99999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
The secondary 9 month
EFC calculated. Full
Needs Test (FNT)
provided only if
Simplified Needs Test
(SNT) is met and asset
information is provided.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
181 795 795 1 Primary EFC Type 1 = FNT: Dependent Left
2 = FNT: Independent
Identifies formula type without dependents other
used to calculate the than a spouse
primary EFC. 3 = FNT: Independent
with dependents other
Full Needs Test (FNT) than a spouse
4 = SNT: Dependent
Simplified Needs Test 5 = SNT: Independent
(SNT) without dependents other
than a spouse
6 = SNT: Independent
with dependents other
than a spouse
Blank = None Calculated
182 796 796 1 Secondary EFC Type 1 = FNT: Dependent Left
2 = FNT: Independent
Identifies formula type without dependents other
used to calculate than a spouse
secondary EFC. 3 = FNT: Independent
with dependents other
Full Needs Test (FNT) than a spouse
4 = SNT: Dependent
Simplified Needs Test 5 = SNT: Independent
(SNT) without dependents other
than a spouse
6 = SNT: Independent
with dependents other
than a spouse
Blank = None Calculated
183 797 801 5 Primary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 1 Blank = None Calculated

The primary alternate

EFC used by FAO in
determining eligibility
based on periods of time
other than 9 months.
184 802 806 5 Primary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 2 Blank = None Calculated
185 807 811 5 Primary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 3 Blank = None Calculated

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
186 812 816 5 Primary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 4 Blank = None Calculated
187 817 821 5 Primary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 5 Blank = None Calculated
188 822 826 5 Primary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 6 Blank = None Calculated
189 827 831 5 Primary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 7 Blank = None Calculated
190 832 836 5 Primary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 8 Blank = None Calculated
191 837 841 5 Primary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 10 Blank = None Calculated
192 842 846 5 Primary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 11 Blank = None Calculated
193 847 851 5 Primary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 12 Blank = None Calculated
194 852 856 5 Secondary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 1 Blank = None Calculated

The secondary alternate

EFC used by FAO in
determining eligibility
based on periods of time
other than 9 months.
195 857 861 5 Secondary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 2 Blank = None Calculated
196 862 866 5 Secondary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 3 Blank = None Calculated
197 867 871 5 Secondary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 4 Blank = None Calculated
198 872 876 5 Secondary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 5 Blank = None Calculated
199 877 881 5 Secondary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 6 Blank = None Calculated
200 882 886 5 Secondary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 7 Blank = None Calculated
201 887 891 5 Secondary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 8 Blank = None Calculated
202 892 896 5 Secondary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 10 Blank = None Calculated
203 897 901 5 Secondary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 11 Blank = None Calculated

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
204 902 906 5 Secondary Alternate 00000 to 99999 Left
Month 12 Blank = None Calculated
205 907 913 7 TI: Total Income -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Blank = None Calculated Signed
206 914 920 7 ATI: Allowances 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Against Total Income Blank = None Calculated
207 921 927 7 STX: State and Other -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Tax Allowance Blank = None Calculated Signed
208 928 934 7 EA: Employment 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Allowance Blank = None Calculated
209 935 941 7 IPA: Income Protection 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Allowance Blank = None Calculated
210 942 948 7 AI: Available Income -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Blank = None Calculated Signed
211 949 955 7 CAI: Contribution -9999999 to 9999999 Right
From Available Income Blank = None Calculated Signed
212 956 964 9 DNW: Discretionary -999999999 to Right
Net Worth 999999999 Signed
Blank = None Calculated
213 965 973 9 NW: Net Worth 000000000 to 999999999 Left
Blank = None Calculated
214 974 982 9 APA: Asset Protection 000000000 to 999999999 Left
Allowance Blank = None Calculated
215 983 989 7 PCA: Parents’ -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Contribution from Blank = None Calculated Signed
216 990 996 7 AAI: Adjusted -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Available Income Blank = None Calculated Signed
217 997 1003 7 TSC: Total Student 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Contribution Blank = None Calculated
218 1004 1010 7 TPC: Total Parent 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Contribution Blank = None Calculated
219 1011 1017 7 PC: Parents’ 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Contribution Blank = None Calculated
220 1018 1024 7 STI: Student’s Total -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Income Blank = None Calculated Signed
221 1025 1031 7 SATI: Student’s -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Allowance against Total Blank = None Calculated Signed
222 1032 1038 7 SIC: Dependent 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Students’ Income Blank = None Calculated

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
223 1039 1047 9 SDNW: Student’s -999999999 to Right
Discretionary Net 999999999 Signed
Worth Blank = None Calculated
224 1048 1054 7 SCA: Student’s -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Contribution from Blank = None Calculated Signed
225 1055 1061 7 FTI: FISAP Total -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Income Blank = None Calculated Signed
226 1062 1068 7 SEC TI: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Total Income Blank = None Calculated Signed
227 1069 1075 7 SEC ATI: Secondary 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Allowances Against Blank = None Calculated
Total Income
228 1076 1082 7 SEC STX: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Right
State Tax Allowance Blank = None Calculated Signed
229 1083 1089 7 SEC EA: Secondary 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Employment Allowance Blank = None Calculated
230 1090 1096 7 SEC IPA: Secondary 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Income Protection Blank = None Calculated
231 1097 1103 7 SEC AI: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Available Income Blank = None Calculated Signed
232 1104 1110 7 SEC CAI: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Contribution From Blank = None Calculated Signed
Available Income
233 1111 1119 9 SEC DNW: Secondary -999999999 to Right
Discretionary Net 999999999 Signed
Worth Blank = None Calculated
234 1120 1128 9 SEC NW: Secondary 000000000 to 999999999 Left
Net Worth Blank = None Calculated
235 1129 1137 9 SEC APA: Secondary 000000000 to 999999999 Left
Asset Protection Blank = None Calculated
236 1138 1144 7 SEC PCA: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Parents’ Contribution Blank = None Calculated Signed
from Assets
237 1145 1151 7 SEC AAI: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Adjusted Available Blank = None Calculated Signed
238 1152 1158 7 SEC TSC: Secondary 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Total Student Blank = None Calculated

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
239 1159 1165 7 SEC TPC: Secondary 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Total Parent Blank = None Calculated
240 1166 1172 7 SEC PC: Secondary 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Parents’ Contribution Blank = None Calculated
241 1173 1179 7 SEC STI: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Student’s Total Income Blank = None Calculated Signed
242 1180 1186 7 SEC SATI: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Student’s Allowance Blank = None Calculated Signed
Against Total Income
243 1187 1193 7 SEC SIC: Secondary 0000000 to 9999999 Left
Student’s Dependent Blank = None Calculated
Income Contribution
244 1194 1202 9 SEC SDNW: -999999999 to Right
Secondary Student’s 999999999 Signed
Discretionary Net Blank = None Calculated
245 1203 1209 7 SEC SCA: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Right
Student’s Contribution Blank = None Calculated Signed
from Assets
246 1210 1216 7 SEC FTI: Secondary -9999999 to 9999999 Right
FISAP Total Income Blank = None Calculated Signed
247 1217 1336 120 Correction Flags 0 = No Correction Made Right
1= Field Corrected on
See the Field Name and this transaction
Position Cross- 2 = Field Corrected on
Reference Table in the previous transaction
Processing Codes
section of this technical

Each correction flag

byte corresponds to a
specific SAR field and
indicates fields that
have been corrected.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
248 1337 1456 120 Highlight Flags 0 = No Highlight Made Right
1 = Field Highlighted
See the Field Name and
Position Cross- Each highlight flag byte
Reference Table in the corresponds to a specific
Processing Codes SAR field
section of this technical

Each highlight flag byte

corresponds to a
specific SAR field and
indicates fields
highlighted in boldface
on the SAR.
249 1457 1576 120 FAFSA Data Verify 0 = Not corrected to the Right
Flags same value
1 = Corrected to the same
See the Field Name and value
Position Cross- 2 = Asked to be verified
Reference Table in the
Processing Codes
section of this technical

Each FAFSA Data

Verify flag byte
corresponds to a
specific SAR field and
indicates fields
corrected to the same
value on the transaction
being corrected.
250 1577 1577 1 Modified DHS Match Flag Y = Citizenship Left
all confirmed
references Results from DHS N = Citizenship not
to INS in Match for applicants confirmed
this field to who met criteria to be Blank = Record not sent
DHS. sent to match. to DHS

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
251 1578 1578 1 Modified Secondary DHS Match C = DHS has not yet Left
all Flag confirmed eligible non-
references citizen status
to INS in Results from DHS N = DHS did not confirm
this field to Confirmation for eligible non-citizen status
DHS. applicants who failed
Primary Confirmation. P = Pending Results of
Secondary Confirmation
X = DHS did not have
enough information to
confirm eligible non-
citizen status
Y = Citizenship status
confirmed by DHS
Blank = N/A
252 1579 1593 15 Filler For FSA Use Only Left
253 1594 1608 15 Modified DHS Verification A to Z Left
valid Number 000000000000000 to
values, 999999999999999
field name Identification # Blank
and provided by the
description Department of
Homeland Security
indicating that primary
verification was
254 1609 1609 1 Filler For FSA Use Only Left
255 1610 1610 1 NSLDS Match Flag 1 = Student not in Left
Default or Overpayment
Results of the NSLDS 2 = Default
Match. 3 = Overpayment
4 = Default and
7 = Match but no data
8 = Record not sent to

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
256 1611 1616 6 NSLDS Post-Screening 01 = Default added Left
Reason Code 02 = Overpayment added
03 = Default resolved
The student’s eligibility 04 = Overpayment
has changed since the resolved
previous prescreening. 05 = Master Promissory
Note status change
This field can contain 06 = Loan went into
up to 3 reason codes at Discharged status
2-bytes each. 07 = Loan out of
Discharged status
08 = Closed school
09 = Exceeded
Subsidized loan limit
10 = Exceeded
Combined loan limit
11 = No longer
exceeding subsidized
loan status
12 = No longer
exceeding combined loan
13 = Change in type of
discharged loan
99 = Other
Blank = Not an NSLDS
postscreening transaction
257 1617 1625 9 Filler For ED Use Only Left
258 1626 1626 1 Added Father’s/Stepfather’s 1 = No match on SSN Left
SSN Match Flag 2 = SSN and name
match, no match on DOB
Results from SSN
Match with Social 3 = SSN match, no match
Security Administration. on name
4 = SSN, Name, and
DOB match
5 = SSN, name, DOB
match with Date of Death

8 = Record not sent to

259 1627 1635 9 Filler For ED Use Only Left

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
260 1636 1636 1 Added Mother’s/Stepmother’s 1 = No match on SSN Left
SSN Match Flag 2 = SSN and name
match, no match on DOB
Results from SSN
Match with Social 3 = SSN match, no match
Security Administration. on name
4 = SSN, Name, and
DOB match
5 = SSN, name, DOB
match with Date of Death

8 = Record not sent to

261 1637 1637 1 Selective Service Match Y = Registration status Left
Flag confirmed
N = Registration status
Results from SS Match not confirmed
for applicants who met T = Temporarily Exempt
criteria to be sent to Blank = Record not sent
match. to Selective Service
262 1638 1638 1 Selective Service Y = Registration Left
Registration Flag completed
N = Registration not
Results from student’s completed
request to be registered T = Temporarily Exempt
with Selective Service. Blank = Record not sent
to Selective Service.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
263 1639 1639 1 SSA Citizenship Flag A = U.S. citizen Left
B = Legal alien, eligible
Results from to work
Citizenship Match with C = Legal alien, not
Social Security eligible to work
Administration. D = Other
E = Alien, student
restricted, work
F = Conditionally
legalized alien
N = Unable to verify
citizenship due to no
match on SSN, name or
date of birth
* = Foreign
Blank = Domestic born
(U.S. Citizen)
264 1640 1647 8 Added Filler For ED Use Only Left
265 1648 1648 1 SSN Match Flag 1 = No match on SSN Left
2 = SSN and name
Results from SSN match, no match on DOB
Match with Social
Security Administration. 3 = SSN match, no match
on name
4 = SSN, Name, and
DOB match
5 = SSN, name, DOB
match with Date of Death

8 = Record not sent to


January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
266 1649 1649 1 VA Match Flag 1 = Veteran status Left
Results of the Veterans 2 = Record found on VA
Affairs Match. database but not a
qualifying Veteran
3 = Record not found on
VA database
4 = Record found on VA
database but applicant on
active duty
8 = Record not sent to
267 1650 1669 20 SAR Acknowledgement Ten 2-digit codes for Right
Comment Codes comments appearing on
the SAR
Codes are entered from
left to right by the CPS
and the unused positions
are filled with zeros.

268 1670 1729 60 Comment Codes Twenty 3-digit numeric Left

comment codes. (See
Comments provided by ISIR Comment Code
CPS to further Text information in the
communicate important Processing Codes section
results and processing of this technical
information. reference.)
Unused positions contain
all zeroes.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
269 1730 1730 1 Electronic Federal 1 = Federal School Code Right
School Code Indicator #1
2 = Federal School Code
Identifies which school #2
listed in ISIR fields 89, 3 = Federal School Code
91, 93, 95, 97, or 99 #3
initiated this transaction. 4 = Federal School Code
5 = Federal School Code
6 = Federal School Code
Blank = No Federal
School Code

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
270 1731 1731 1 Added Electronic Transaction Blank = no destination Left
Indicator (ETI) Flag code or, school not
participating, or school is
The ETI is set to an ISIR Request school
indicate if the school 0 = School generated
receiving the ISIR transaction and is an ISIR
submitted input to Daily school
generate the ISIR 1 = School did not
transaction, or did not generate transaction and
generate the transaction is an ISIR Daily school
but was listed on the 2 = School generated
record. It also indicates transaction and is an
whether the type of ISIR Request school
ISIR is a daily, 3 = School did not
requested, or pushed generate transaction and
ISIR. An ETI flag will is an ISIR Request
be set for each school school
choice. 4 = School generated
transaction and is an ISIR
RequestDaily school,
ISIR is a CPS Pushed
5 = School did not
generate transaction and
is an ISIR Daily school,
ISIR is a CPS Pushed
5 6 = School generated
transaction and is an ISIR
Request school, ISIR is a

6 = CPS Pushed ISIR,

school is an ISIR Daily
7 = School did not
generate transaction and
is an ISIR Request
school, ISIR is a CPS
Pushed ISIR

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
271 1732 1737 6 Modified Multi School Code Blank = no destination Left
description Flags code or, school not
and valid participating, or school is
content This field will now an ISIR Request school
indicate the school 0 = School generated
codes being serviced by transaction and is an ISIR
the destination point Daily school
that will receive this 1 = School did not
ISIR transaction and generate transaction and
identify which school is an ISIR Daily school
originated the 2 = School generated
transaction. The transaction, is an ISIR
appropriate ETI flag Request school
will be listed in your 3 = School did not
school codess position. generate transaction, is
an ISIR Request school
If the first byte of this 4 = School generated
field has a 1, then the transaction and is an ISIR
Federal School Code Request Daily school,
listed in Federal School ISIR is a CPS Pushed
Code #1 did not ISIR
generate transaction and 5 = School did not
is an ISIR Daily school. generate transaction, is
In addition, if the an ISIR Daily school,
second byte of this field ISIR is a CPS Pushed
has a 0, then Federal ISIR
School Code #2 5 6 = School generated
generated transaction transaction, is an ISIR
and is an ISIR Daily Request school, ISIR is a
school. CPS Pushed ISIR
6 = CPS Pushed ISIR,
school is an ISIR Daily
7 = School did not
generate transaction and
is an ISIR Request school,
ISIR is a CPS Pushed

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
272 1738 1741 4 Increased Verification Tracking 0000 to 9999 Left
field length Flag Blank
from 2
273 1742 1742 1 Student is selected for Y = Selected Left
Verification N = Not Selected
* = A subsequent
transaction was selected
for verification
274 1743 1759 17 Increased Filler For FSA Use Only Left
field from
12 bytes
275 1760 1761 2 NSLDS Transaction 01 to 99 Right
Number Blank

Reflects the latest

transaction number for
which NSLDS updated
276 1762 1762 1 NSLDS Database 1 = Record matched, data Left
Results Flag sent
2 = SSN match, no name
Results from NSLDS or date of birth match, no
Match for applicants data sent
who met criteria to be 3 = SSN not found in
sent to match. NSLDS
4 = Full match, no
relevant data to send
5 = Real-time transaction
not sent to NSLDS
Blank = Record not sent,
all NSLDS fields will be
277 1763 1763 1 Filler For FSA Use Only Left
278 1764 1764 1 Modified NSLDS Pell D = Deferred Left
description Overpayment Flag N = N/A
for Valid S = Satisfactory Payment
Content S Arrangements
W = Waived
Y = Overpayment

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
279 1765 1772 8 NSLDS Pell Numeric school code Right
Overpayment Contact N/A
Y (more than one)
280 1773 1773 1 Modified NSLDS SEOG D = Deferred Left
description Overpayment Flag N = N/A
for Valid S = Satisfactory Payment
Content S Arrangements
W = Waived
Y = Overpayment
281 1774 1781 8 NSLDS SEOG Numeric school code Right
Overpayment Contact N/A
Y (more than one)
282 1782 1782 1 Modified NSLDS Perkins D = Deferred Left
description Overpayment N = N/A
for Valid S = Satisfactory Payment
Content S Arrangements
W = Waived
Y = Overpayment
283 1783 1790 8 NSLDS Perkins Numeric school code Right
Overpayment Contact N/A
Y (more than one)
284 1791 1791 1 NSLDS Defaulted Loan Y or N Left
285 1792 1792 1 NSLDS Discharged C = Conditional Left
Loan Flag D = Death
M = Multiple
N = None
P = Permanent
R= Reaffirmed
286 1793 1793 1 Modified NSLDS Loan Y or N Left
Field Name Satisfactory Payment
Arrangement Flag
287 1794 1794 1 Active Bankruptcy Flag Y or N Left
288 1795 1800 6 NSLDS Aggregate Numeric Right
Subsidized Outstanding N/A
Principal Balance
289 1801 1806 6 NSLDS Aggregate Numeric Right
Unsubsidized N/A
Outstanding Principal

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
290 1807 1812 6 NSLDS Aggregate Numeric Right
Combined Outstanding N/A
Principal Balance
291 1813 1818 6 Modified NSLDS Unallocated Numeric Right
Field Name Consolidated N/A
Outstanding Principal
292 1819 1824 6 NSLDS Aggregate Numeric Right
Subsidized Pending N/A
293 1825 1830 6 NSLDS Aggregate Numeric Right
Unsubsidized Pending N/A
294 1831 1836 6 NSLDS Aggregate Numeric Right
Combined Pending N/A
295 1837 1842 6 NSLDS Aggregate Numeric Right
Subsidized Total N/A
296 1843 1848 6 NSLDS Aggregate Numeric Right
Unsubsidized Total N/A
297 1849 1854 6 NSLDS Aggregate Numeric Right
Combined Total N/A
298 1855 1860 6 Modified NSLDS Unallocated Numeric Right
Field Name Consolidated Total N/A
299 1861 1866 6 NSLDS Perkins Numeric Right
Principal Balance N/A
300 1867 1872 6 NSLDS Perkins Current Numeric Right
Year Loan Amount N/A
301 1873 1873 1 NSLDS Defaulted Loan # Left
Change Flag N
302 1874 1874 1 NSLDS Discharged # Left
Loan Change Flag N
303 1875 1875 1 Modified NSLDS Satisfactory # Left
Field Name Payment Arrangement N
Change Flag
304 1876 1876 1 NSLDS Active # Left
Bankruptcy Change N
305 1877 1877 1 NSLDS Overpayments # Left
Change Flag N
306 1878 1878 1 NSLDS Aggregate # Left
Loan Change Flag N

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
307 1879 1879 1 NSLDS Perkins Loan # Left
Change Flag N
308 1880 1880 1 NSLDS Pell Payment # Left
Change Flag N
309 1881 1881 1 NSLDS Additional Pell Y or N Left
310 1882 1882 1 NSLDS Additional Y or N Left
Loans Flag
311 1883 1883 1 Deleted Direct Loan Master- A = Active Left
value U Prom Note Flag C = Closed
I = Inactive
N = No MPN on file
Blank = No data from
312 1884 1884 1 Deleted Direct Loan Plus Master A = Active Left
value U Prom Note Flag C = Closed
I = Inactive
N = No MPN on file
Blank = No data from
313 1885 1885 1 Added Subsidized Loan Limit C = Close to limit Left
Flag E = Exceeded limit
N = No problem
314 1886 1886 1 Added Combined Loan Limit C = Close to limit Left
Flag E = Exceeded limit
N = No problem
315 1887 1888 2 NSLDS Pell Sequence 01 to 03 Left
Number (1) Blank
316 1889 1891 3 NSLDS Pell Alpha field Left
Verification Flag (1) N/A
317 1892 1897 6 NSLDS Pell EFC (1) 000000 to 999999 Left
318 1898 1905 8 NSLDS Pell School Numeric Right
Code (1) Blank
319 1906 1907 2 NSLDS Pell Numeric Right
Transaction Number (1) Blank
320 1908 1915 8 NSLDS Pell Last Numeric Left
Update Date (1) (CCYYMMDD)

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
321 1916 1921 6 NSLDS Pell Scheduled Numeric Right
Amount (1) Blank

Whole dollar amount

with leading zeros.
322 1922 1927 6 NSLDS Pell Amount Numeric Left
Paid to Date (1) Blank

Whole dollar amount

with leading zeros.
323 1928 1932 5 NSLDS Pell Percent Numeric Right
Scheduled Award Used Blank

Whole percent with

leading zeros i.e. 50% =
324 1933 1938 6 NSLDS Pell Award Numeric Right
Amount (1) Blank

Whole dollar amount

with leading zeros.
325 1939 1940 2 NSLDS Pell Sequence 01 to 03 Left
Number (2) Blank
326 1941 1943 3 NSLDS Pell Alpha field Left
Verification Flag (2) N/A
327 1944 1949 6 NSLDS Pell EFC (2) 000000 to 999999 Left
328 1950 1957 8 NSLDS Pell School Numeric Right
Code (2) Blank
329 1958 1959 2 NSLDS Pell Numeric Right
Transaction Number (2) Blank
330 1960 1967 8 NSLDS Pell Last Numeric Left
Update Date (2) (CCYYMMDD)
331 1968 1973 6 NSLDS Pell Scheduled Numeric Right
Amount (2) Blank

Whole dollar amount

with leading zeros.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
332 1974 1979 6 NSLDS Pell Amount Numeric Left
Paid to Date (2) Blank

Whole dollar amount

with leading zeros.
333 1980 1984 5 NSLDS Pell Percent Numeric Right
Scheduled Award Used Blank

Whole percent with

leading zeros i.e. 50% =
334 1985 1990 6 NSLDS Pell Award Numeric Right
Amount (2) Blank

Whole dollar amount

with leading zeros.
335 1991 1992 2 NSLDS Pell Sequence 01 to 03 Left
Number (3) Blank
336 1993 1995 3 NSLDS Pell Alpha field Left
Verification Flag (3) N/A
337 1996 2001 6 NSLDS Pell EFC (3) 000000 to 999999 Left
338 2002 2009 8 NSLDS Pell School Numeric Right
Code (3) Blank
339 2010 2011 2 NSLDS Pell Numeric Right
Transaction Number (3) Blank
340 2012 2019 8 NSLDS Pell Last Numeric Left
Update Date (3) (CCYYMMDD)
341 2020 2025 6 NSLDS Pell Scheduled Numeric Right
Amount (3) Blank

Whole dollar amount

with leading zeros.
342 2026 2031 6 NSLDS Pell Amount Numeric Left
Paid to Date (3) Blank

Whole dollar amount

with leading zeros.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
343 2032 2036 5 NSLDS Pell Percent Numeric Right
Scheduled Award Used Blank

Whole percent with

leading zeros i.e. 50% =
344 2037 2042 6 NSLDS Pell Award Numeric Right
Amount (3) Blank

Whole dollar amount

with leading zeros.
345 2043 2044 2 NSLDS Loan (1) 01 to 06 Left
Sequence Number Blank
346 2045 2045 1 NSLDS Loan (1) Type D = Defaulted Left
Code R = Recent
T = Discharged
347 2046 2046 1 NSLDS Loan (1) # Left
Change Flag N
348 2047 2048 2 NSLDS Loan (1) See NSLDS Loan Left
Program Code Program Codes Table in
the Processing Codes
section of this technical
349 2049 2054 6 NSLDS Loan (1) Net 000000 to 999999 Right
Amount Blank
350 2055 2056 2 NSLDS Loan (1) See NSLDS Loan Left
Current Status Code Current Status Codes
Table in the Processing
Codes section of this
technical reference.
351 2057 2064 8 NSLDS Loan (1) Format is CCYYMMDD Left
Current Status Date Blank
352 2065 2070 6 NSLDS Loan (1) 000000 to 999999 Right
Aggregate Principal N/A
Balance Blank
353 2071 2078 8 NSLDS Loan (1) Numeric Left
Aggregate Principal (CCYYMMDD)
Balance Date N/A

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
354 2079 2086 8 NSLDS Loan (1) Begin Numeric Left
355 2087 2094 8 NSLDS Loan (1) End Numeric Left
356 2095 2097 3 NSLDS Loan (1) GA Numeric Left
Code N/A
357 2098 2100 3 NSLDS Loan (1) Alpha Left
Contact Type N/A
358 2101 2108 8 NSLDS Loan (1) Numeric Left
School Code N/A
359 2109 2116 8 NSLDS Loan (1) Numeric Left
Contact Code N/A
360 2117 2119 3 NSLDS Loan (1) Grade Alpha/Numeric Left
Level N/A
361 2120 2120 1 NSLDS Loan (1) P = PLUS denial Left
Additional H = Health Professional
Unsubsidized Loan Flag B = Both
N = Neither
362 2121 2121 1 NSLDS Loan (1) Y = Yes Left
Capitalized Interest Flag N = No

363 2122 2127 6 NSLDS Loan (1) 000000 to 999999 Right

Amount of Last N/A
Disbursement Blank
364 2128 2135 8 NSLDS Loan (1) Date Numeric Left
of Last Disbursement (CCYYMMDD)
365 2136 2137 2 NSLDS Loan (2) 01 to 06 Left
Sequence Number Blank

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
366 2138 2138 1 NSLDS Loan (2) Type D = Defaulted Left
Code R = Recent
T = Discharged
367 2139 2139 1 NSLDS Loan (2) # Left
Change Flag N
368 2140 2141 2 NSLDS Loan (2) See NSLDS Loan Left
Program Code Program Codes Table in
the Processing Codes
section of this technical
369 2142 2147 6 NSLDS Loan (2) Net 000000 to 999999 Right
Amount Blank
370 2148 2149 2 NSLDS Loan (2) See NSLDS Loan Left
Current Status Code Current Status Codes
Table in the Processing
Codes section of this
technical reference.
371 2150 2157 8 NSLDS Loan (2) Format CCYYMMDD Left
Current Status Date Blank
372 2158 2163 6 NSLDS Loan (2) 000000 to 999999 Right
Aggregate Principal N/A
Balance Blank
373 2164 2171 8 NSLDS Loan (2) Numeric Left
Aggregate Principal (CCYYMMDD)
Balance Date N/A
374 2172 2179 8 NSLDS Loan (2) Begin Numeric Left
375 2180 2187 8 NSLDS Loan (2) End Numeric Left
376 2188 2190 3 NSLDS Loan (2) GA Numeric Left
Code N/A
377 2191 2193 3 NSLDS Loan (2) Alpha Left
Contact Type N/A

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
378 2194 2201 8 NSLDS Loan (2) Numeric Left
School Code N/A
379 2202 2209 8 NSLDS Loan (2) Numeric Left
Contact Code N/A
380 2210 2212 3 NSLDS Loan (2) Grade Alpha/Numeric Left
Level N/A
381 2213 2213 1 NSLDS Loan (2) P = PLUS denial Left
Additional H = Health Professional
Unsubsidized Loan Flag B = Both
N = Neither
382 2214 2214 1 NSLDS Loan (2) Y = Yes Left
Capitalized Interest Flag N = No

383 2215 2220 6 NSLDS Loan (2) 000000 to 999999 Right

Amount of Last N/A
Disbursement Blank
384 2221 2228 8 NSLDS Loan (2) Date Numeric Left
of Last Disbursement (CCYYMMDD)
385 2229 2230 2 NSLDS Loan (3) 01 to 06 Left
Sequence Number Blank
386 2231 2231 1 NSLDS Loan (3) Type D = Defaulted Left
Code R = Recent
T = Discharged
387 2232 2232 1 NSLDS Loan (3) # Left
Change Flag N
388 2233 2234 2 NSLDS Loan (3) See NSLDS Loan Left
Program Code Program Codes Table in
the Processing Codes
section of this technical
389 2235 2240 6 NSLDS Loan (3) Net 000000 to 999999 Right
Amount Blank

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
390 2241 2242 2 NSLDS Loan (3) See NSLDS Loan Left
Current Status Code Current Status Codes
Table in the Processing
Codes section of this
technical reference.
391 2243 2250 8 NSLDS Loan (3) Format is CCYYMMDD Left
Current Status Date Blank
392 2251 2256 6 NSLDS Loan (3) 000000 to 999999 Right
Aggregate Principal N/A
Balance Blank
393 2257 2264 8 NSLDS Loan (3) Numeric Left
Aggregate Principal (CCYYMMDD)
Balance Date N/A
394 2265 2272 8 NSLDS Loan (3) Begin Numeric Left
395 2273 2280 8 NSLDS Loan (3) End Numeric Left
396 2281 2283 3 NSLDS Loan (3) GA Numeric Left
Code N/A
397 2284 2286 3 NSLDS Loan (3) Alpha Left
Contact Type N/A
398 2287 2294 8 NSLDS Loan (3) Numeric Left
School Code N/A
399 2295 2302 8 NSLDS Loan (3) Numeric Left
Contact Code N/A
400 2303 2305 3 NSLDS Loan (3) Grade Alpha/Numeric Left
Level N/A
401 2306 2306 1 NSLDS Loan (3) P = PLUS denial Left
Additional H = Health Professional
Unsubsidized Loan Flag B = Both
N = Neither

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
402 2307 2307 1 NSLDS Loan (3) Y = Yes Left
Capitalized Interest Flag N = No

403 2308 2313 6 NSLDS Loan (3) 000000 to 999999 Right

Amount of Last N/A
Disbursement Blank
404 2314 2321 8 NSLDS Loan (3) Date Numeric Left
of Last Disbursement (CCYYMMDD)
405 2322 2323 2 NSLDS Loan (4) 01 to 06 Left
Sequence Number Blank
406 2324 2324 1 NSLDS Loan (4) Type D = Defaulted Left
Code R = Recent
T = Discharged
407 2325 2325 1 NSLDS Loan (4) # Left
Change Flag N
408 2326 2327 2 NSLDS Loan (4) See NSLDS Loan Left
Program Code Program Codes Table in
the Processing Codes
section of this technical
409 2328 2333 6 NSLDS Loan (4) Net 000000 to 999999 Right
Amount Blank
410 2334 2335 2 NSLDS Loan (4) See NSLDS Loan Left
Current Status Code Current Status Codes
Table in the Processing
Codes section of this
technical reference.
411 2336 2343 8 NSLDS Loan (4) Format is CCYYMMDD Left
Current Status Date Blank
412 2344 2349 6 NSLDS Loan (4) 000000 to 999999 Right
Aggregate Principal N/A
Balance Blank
413 2350 2357 8 NSLDS Loan (4) Numeric Left
Aggregate Principal (CCYYMMDD)
Balance Date N/A

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
414 2358 2365 8 NSLDS Loan (4) Begin Numeric Left
415 2366 2373 8 NSLDS Loan (4) End Numeric Left
416 2374 2376 3 NSLDS Loan (4) GA Numeric Left
Code N/A
417 2377 2379 3 NSLDS Loan (4) Alpha Left
Contact Type N/A
418 2380 2387 8 NSLDS Loan (4) Numeric Left
School Code N/A
419 2388 2395 8 NSLDS Loan (4) Numeric Left
Contact Code N/A
420 2396 2398 3 NSLDS Loan (4) Grade Alpha/Numeric Left
Level N/A
421 2399 2399 1 NSLDS Loan (4) P = PLUS denial Left
Additional H = Health Professional
Unsubsidized Loan Flag B = Both
N = Neither
422 2400 2400 1 NSLDS Loan (4) Y = Yes Left
Capitalized Interest Flag N = No

423 2401 2406 6 NSLDS Loan (4) 000000 to 999999 Right

Amount of Last N/A
Disbursement Blank
424 2407 2414 8 NSLDS Loan (4) Date Numeric Left
of Last Disbursement (CCYYMMDD)
425 2415 2416 2 NSLDS Loan (5) 01 to 06 Left
Sequence Number Blank

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
426 2417 2417 1 NSLDS Loan (5) Type D = Defaulted Left
Code R = Recent
T = Discharged
427 2418 2418 1 NSLDS Loan (5) # Left
Change Flag N
428 2419 2420 2 NSLDS Loan (5) See NSLDS Loan Left
Program Code Program Codes Table in
the Processing Codes
section of this technical
429 2421 2426 6 NSLDS Loan (5) Net 000000 to 999999 Right
Amount Blank
430 2427 2428 2 NSLDS Loan (5) See NSLDS Loan Left
Current Status Code Current Status Codes
Table in the Processing
Codes section of this
technical reference.
431 2429 2436 8 NSLDS Loan (5) Format is CCYYMMDD Left
Current Status Date Blank
432 2437 2442 6 NSLDS Loan (5) 000000 to 999999 Right
Aggregate Principal N/A
Balance Blank
433 2443 2450 8 NSLDS Loan (5) Numeric Left
Aggregate Principal (CCYYMMDD)
Balance Date N/A
434 2451 2458 8 NSLDS Loan (5) Begin Numeric Left
435 2459 2466 8 NSLDS Loan (5) End Numeric Left
436 2467 2469 3 NSLDS Loan (5) GA Numeric Left
Code N/A
437 2470 2472 3 NSLDS Loan (5) Alpha Left
Contact Type N/A

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
438 2473 2480 8 NSLDS Loan (5) Numeric Left
School Code N/A
439 2481 2488 8 NSLDS Loan (5) Numeric Left
Contact Code N/A
440 2489 2491 3 NSLDS Loan (5) Grade Alpha/Numeric Left
Level N/A
441 2492 2492 1 NSLDS Loan (5) P = PLUS denial Left
Additional H = Health Professional
Unsubsidized Loan Flag B = Both
N = Neither
442 2493 2493 1 NSLDS Loan (5) Y = Yes Left
Capitalized Interest Flag N = No

443 2494 2499 6 NSLDS Loan (5) 000000 to 999999 Right

Amount of Last N/A
Disbursement Blank
444 2500 2507 8 NSLDS Loan (5) Date Numeric Left
of Last Disbursement (CCYYMMDD)
445 2508 2509 2 NSLDS Loan (6) 01 to 06 Left
Sequence Number Blank
446 2510 2510 1 NSLDS Loan (6) Type D = Defaulted Left
Code R = Recent
T = Discharged
447 2511 2511 1 NSLDS Loan (6) # Left
Change Flag N
448 2512 2513 2 NSLDS Loan (6) See NSLDS Loan Left
Program Code Program Codes Table in
the Processing Codes
section of this technical
449 2514 2519 6 NSLDS Loan (6) Net 000000 to 999999 Right
Amount Blank

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
450 2520 2521 2 NSLDS Loan (6) See NSLDS Loan Left
Current Status Code Current Status Codes
Table in the Processing
Codes section of this
technical reference.
451 2522 2529 8 NSLDS Loan (6) Format is CCYYMMDD Left
Current Status Date Blank
452 2530 2535 6 NSLDS Loan (6) 000000 to 999999 Right
Aggregate Principal N/A
Balance Blank
453 2536 2543 8 NSLDS Loan (6) Numeric Left
Aggregate Principal (CCYYMMDD)
Balance Date N/A
454 2544 2551 8 NSLDS Loan (6) Begin Numeric Left
455 2552 2559 8 NSLDS Loan (6) End Numeric Left
456 2560 2562 3 NSLDS Loan (6) GA Numeric Left
Code N/A
457 2563 2565 3 NSLDS Loan (6) Alpha Left
Contact Type N/A
458 2566 2573 8 NSLDS Loan (6) Numeric Left
School Code N/A
459 2574 2581 8 NSLDS Loan (6) Numeric Left
Contact Code N/A
460 2582 2584 3 NSLDS Loan (6) Grade Alpha/Numeric Left
Level N/A
461 2585 2585 1 NSLDS Loan (6) P = PLUS denial Left
Additional H = Health Professional
Unsubsidized Loan Flag B = Both
N = Neither
462 2586 2586 1 NSLDS Loan (6) Y = Yes Left
Capitalized Interest Flag N = No

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary (Continued)
Field SAR Justify
# Field Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
463 2587 2592 6 NSLDS Loan (6) 000000 to 999999 Right
Amount of Last N/A
Disbursement Blank
464 2593 2600 8 NSLDS Loan (6) Date Numeric Left
of Last Disbursement (CCYYMMDD)
Total 2600 This layout
Bytes was
2560 bytes

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

Type 2 Individual PIN Request Export and PIN
Error Import Record Layout
(RADD05IN- Sent to CPS; EREP05OP- Received from CPS)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
1 1 7 7 Destination Number ‘TGXXXXX’ where XXXXX Left
is the 5-digit code for your
SAIG assigned when initial destination number
Enrollment Form was
2 8 8 1 Modified Year Indicator 5, will always be ‘5’ (for 2004- Left
valid 2005)
3 9 9 1 PIN Request Type Always '2' for Selected Left
Individual Requests
4 10 10 1 Error Code Left
Sent to CPS Blank
--------------------------- ---------------------------
Received from CPS 1 = Invalid destination number
2 = Destination not valid for
Note: If record meets participation
multiple error codes, the 3 = No records found on
lowest number will be Renewal Application Database
reported. Blank = No error
5 11 21 11 ID Field 1 Original SSN and Name ID Left
6 22 22 1 ID Error Code 1 Left
Sent to CPS Blank
--------------------------- -------------------------------
Received from CPS 1 = ID not flagged for Renewal
2 = ID and Federal School Code
4 = Duplicate request, record
previously sent
Blank = No error

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

Type 2 Individual PIN Request Export and PIN Error Import
Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
7 23 33 11 ID Field 2 Original SSN and Name ID Left
8 34 34 1 ID Error Code 2 Same as ID Error Code 1 Left
9 35 45 11 ID Field 3 Original SSN and Name ID Left
10 46 46 1 ID Error Code 3 Same as ID Error Code 1 Left
11 47 57 11 ID Field 4 Original SSN and Name ID Left
12 58 58 1 ID Error Code 4 Same as ID Error Code 1 Left
13 59 69 11 ID Field 5 Original SSN and Name ID Left
14 70 70 1 ID Error Code 5 Same as ID Error Code 1 Left
15 71 76 6 Federal School Code X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first
position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G
16 77 77 1 Federal School Code Error Left
Sent to CPS Blank
--------------------------- -------------------------------
Received from CPS 3= Federal School Code invalid
or not under this destination
Blank = No error
17 78 79 2 Filler For FSA Use Only Left
18 80 80 1 Modified PIN Mailer Indicator Y = Request CPS to print and Left
field name send PINs to students

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

Type 2 Individual PIN Request Export and PIN Error Import
Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
19 81 81 1 Modified Format Error Code Left
valid Sent to CPS Blank
content ------------------------------ --------------------------------
Received from CPS A = Incorrect destination
number (TGXXXXX) on the
SAIG network Header/Trailer
B = Incorrect message class on
the SAIG network
Header/Trailer Records
C = Incorrect destination
number (TGXXXXX) on the
SAIG network Header/Trailer
and Type 2 PIN detail Records
D = Incorrect Year Indicator
E = Non-Type 2 request sent
electronically via SAIG
F = Mismatch of type and
record format
G = PIN Request contains blank
H = PIN Request contains error
I = Empty PIN Request
J = PIN Request contains low-
values Example: Hex ‘00’
K = Incorrect PIN Indicator
Blank = No error
20 82 85 4 Decreased Filler For FSA Use Only Left
from 28
Total 85 Last year
Bytes this layout
109 bytes

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

RAPP PIN/Print Notification Layout
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
1 1 9 9 Original Social Security 001010001 to 999999999 Right

The student's original SSN

as initially processed by
the CPS.
2 10 11 2 Original Name ID Uppercase A to Z Left
First two characters of last . (period)
name as processed initially ' (apostrophe)
by the CPS. - (dash)
3 12 27 16 Student’s Last Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
' (apostrophe)
- (dash)
4 28 39 12 Student’s First Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
' (apostrophe)
- (dash)
5 40 40 1 Middle Initial Uppercase A to Z Left

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

RAPP PIN/Print Notification Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
6 41 75 35 Permanent Mailing 0 to 9 Left
Address Uppercase A to Z
. (Period)
' (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
, (Comma)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
7 76 91 16 Student’s Permanent City 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (Period)
' (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
, (Comma)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
8 92 93 2 Student’s Permanent State Uppercase A to Z Left
Valid postal code
See State/Country/
Jurisdiction Codes in the
Processing Codes section of
this technical reference.
9 94 98 5 Student’s Permanent Zip 00000 to 99999 Right
Code Blank
10 99 106 8 Student’s Date of Birth Format is CCYYMMDD Left
19000101 to 19991231
11 107 116 10 Student’s Permanent 0000000000 to 9999999999 Right
Phone Number Blank

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

RAPP PIN/Print Notification Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
12 117 166 50 Student E-mail address One and only one '@' (at-sign) Left
Before @:
• at least one valid character
• all characters in the range
of ASCII 33-126, except
for the following 12
characters < > ( ) [ ] \ , ; :
• period (.) cannot be first,
last or adjacent to another
After @:
• at least one valid character
• only letters, digits,
hyphen, underscore, and
period (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, -, _,
• hyphen, underscore, and
period cannot be first, last,
or adjacent to a period
• Blank
13 167 167 1 Modified PIN Mailer Indicator Y = Student received PIN Left
field name N = Student did not receive
14 168 168 1 Print Indicator Y = Student received Direct Left
Print Paper Renewal FAFSA
N = Student did not receive
Direct Print Paper Renewal
15 169 175 7 Destination Number ‘TGXXXXX’ where XXXXX Left
is the 5-digit code for your
SAIG assigned when destination number
initial Enrollment Form
was processed.
16 176 181 6 Added since Federal School Code X00000 to X99999
draft version. Blank
This field Valid characters for the first
was on the position are 0 (zero), B, E, or
2003-2004 G

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

RAPP PIN/Print Notification Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
17 182 185 4 Modified Filler For FSA Use Only Left
field length
Total 185

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

FAFSA Application Export Record Layout
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
1 1 9 9 Student’s Current Social 001010001 to 999999999 Right
Security Number
2 10 11 2 Added Original Name ID Uppercase A to Z Left
First two characters of last . (period)
name. (Should be the same as ' (apostrophe)
positions 12 and 13.) - (dash)
3 12 27 16 Student’s Last Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
If non-blank, first character Space(s)
must be a letter. Second . (period)
character must be non- ' (apostrophe)
numeric. - (dash)
4 28 39 12 Student’s First Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
If non-blank, first character Space(s)
must be a letter. . (period)
' (apostrophe)
- (dash)
5 40 40 1 Middle Initial Uppercase A to Z Left
6 41 75 35 Permanent Mailing Address 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
If non-blank, first character . (Period)
cannot be blank. ' (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
This field cannot be left , (Comma)
blank. # (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

FAFSA Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
7 76 91 16 Student’s Permanent City 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
If non-blank, first character . (Period)
cannot be blank. ' (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
This field cannot be left , (Comma)
blank. # (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
8 92 93 2 Student’s Permanent State Uppercase A to Z Left
Valid postal code
See State/Country/
Jurisdiction Codes in the
Processing Codes section of this
technical reference.
9 94 98 5 Student’s Permanent Zip 00000 to 99999 Right
Code Must be 00000 if Student’s
Permanent State is CN, MX or
10 99 106 8 Student’s Date of Birth Format is CCYYMMDD Left
19000101 to 19991231
11 107 116 10 Student’s Permanent Phone 0000000000 to 9999999999 Right
Number Blank
12 117 136 20 Student’s Driver’s License 0 to 9 Left
Number Uppercase A to Z
Embedded space(s)
First character cannot be an - (dash)
asterisk. * (asterisk)
If non-blank, first character
cannot be blank.
13 137 138 2 Student’s Driver’s License Valid two letter postal code Left
State Code See State/Country/
Jurisdiction Codes in the
Processing Codes section of this
technical reference.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

FAFSA Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
14 139 188 50 Student’s E-mail Address Blank Left
If non-blank:
One and only one '@' (at-sign)
Before @:
• at least one valid character
• all characters in the range
of ASCII 33-126, except
for the following 12
characters < > ( ) [ ] \ , ; : "
• period (.) cannot be first,
last or adjacent to another
After @:
• at least one valid character
• only letters, digits, hyphen,
underscore, and period (A-
Z, a-z, 0-9, -, _, .)
• hyphen, underscore, and
period cannot be first, last,
or adjacent to a period
15 189 189 1 Student’s Citizenship Status 1 = U.S. citizen (or U.S. Left
2 = Eligible non-citizen
3 = Neither 1 or 2
16 190 198 9 Student’s Alien Registration 000000001 to 999999999 Left
Number Blank
17 199 199 1 Student’s Marital Status 1 = Unmarried (single, Left
divorced, or widowed)
2 = Married/Remarried
3 = Separated
18 200 205 6 Modified Student’s Marital Status Date Format is CCYYMM Right
valid 190001 to 200512
content Blank
19 206 207 2 Student’s State of Legal Uppercase A to Z Left
Residence Valid postal code
See State/Country/
Jurisdiction Codes in the
Processing Codes section of this
technical reference.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

FAFSA Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
20 208 208 1 Modified Student Legal Resident 1 = Yes Left
field name Before 01-01-1999 2 = No
year Blank
21 209 214 6 Modified Student’s Legal Residence Format is CCYYMM Left
valid Date 190001 to 200512
content CPS will accept: CCYYMM
CCYY with blank MM
Blank CCYY with MM
22 215 215 1 Are You Male? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
23 216 216 1 Do You want Selective 1 = Yes Left
Service to register you? 2 = No
24 217 217 1 Degree/Certificate 1 = 1st Bachelor’s Degree Right
2 = 2nd Bachelor’s Degree
3 = Associate Degree
(occupational or technical
4 = Associate Degree (general
education or transfer program)
5 = Certificate or Diploma for
completing an occupational,
technical, or educational
program of less than two years
6 = Certificate or Diploma for
completing an occupational,
technical, or educational
program of at least two years
7 = Teaching Credential
Program (non-degree program)
8 = Graduate or Professional
9 = Other/Undecided

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

FAFSA Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
25 218 218 1 Modified Grade Level in College 0 = 1st year, never attended Left
field name college
1 = 1st year, attended college
2 = 2nd year/sophomore
3 = 3rd year/junior
4 = 4th year/senior
5 = 5th year/other
6 = 1st year
7 = Continuing
26 219 219 1 HS Diploma or GED 1 = Yes Left
Received? 2 = No
27 220 220 1 Modified First Bachelor’s Degree By 1 = Yes Left
field name 07-01-2004? 2 = No
year Blank
28 221 221 1 Interested in Student Loans? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
29 222 222 1 Interested in Student 1 = Yes Left
Employment? 2 = No
30 223 223 1 Father’s Highest Grade Level 1 = Middle School/Jr. High Left
Completed 2 = High School
3 = College or Beyond
4 = Other/Unknown
31 224 224 1 Mother’s Highest Grade 1 = Middle School/Jr. High Left
Level Completed 2 = High School
3 = College or Beyond
4 = Other/Unknown
32 225 225 1 Drug Conviction Affecting 1 = No Left
Eligibility 2 = Yes (Part year)
3 = Yes/Don't Know

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

FAFSA Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
33 226 226 1 Student’s Tax Return 1 = Already Completed Left
Completed? 2 = Will File
3 = Will Not File
34 227 227 1 Modified Student’s Type of 2003 Tax 1 = IRS 1040 Left
field name Form Used? 2 = IRS 1040A, 1040 EZ, 1040
year Telefile
reference 3 = Foreign Tax Return
4 = Tax return from Puerto
Rico, Guam, American Samoa,
the U.S. Virgin Islands, the
Marshall Islands, the Federated
States of Micronesia, or Palau
35 228 228 1 Student Eligible to file 1040A 1 = Yes Left
or 1040EZ? 2 = No
3 = Don’t Know
36 229 234 6 Student’s Adjusted Gross -999999 to 999999 Right
Income from IRS form Blank Signed
37 235 239 5 Student’s U.S. Income Tax 00000 to 99999 Right
Paid Blank
38 240 241 2 Student’s Exemptions 00 to 99 Right
Claimed Blank
39 242 247 6 Student’s Income Earned -999999 to 999999 Right
from Work Signed
40 248 253 6 Spouse’s Income Earned from -999999 to 999999 Right
Work Blank Signed
41 254 258 5 Student’s Total Amount from 00000 to 99999 Right
Worksheet A Blank
42 259 263 5 Student’s Total Amount from 00000 to 99999 Right
Worksheet B Blank
43 264 268 5 Student’s Total Amount from 00000 to 99999 Right
Worksheet C Blank
44 269 274 6 Student’s Cash, Savings, and 000000 to 999999 Right
Checking Blank
45 275 280 6 Student’s Investment Net 000000 to 999999 Right
Worth Blank
46 281 286 6 Student’s Business and/or 000000 to 999999 Right
Investment Farm Net Worth Blank
47 287 288 2 No. of Months Veterans 00 to 12 Right
Education Benefits Received Blank

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

FAFSA Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
48 289 292 4 Monthly Veterans Education 0000 to 9999 Right
Benefits Blank
49 293 293 1 Modified Born Before 01-01-1981? 1 = Yes Left
field name 2 = No
50 294 294 1 Modified Working on a Master’s or 1 = Yes Left
field name Doctorate Program? 2 = No
51 295 295 1 Is Student Married? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
52 296 296 1 Have Children you Support? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
53 297 297 1 Have Legal Dependents Other 1 = Yes Left
than Children or Spouse? 2 = No
54 298 298 1 Orphan or Ward of Court? 1 = Yes Left
2 = No
55 299 299 1 Veteran of U.S. Armed 1 = Yes Left
Forces? 2 = No
56 300 300 1 Parent’s Marital Status 1 = Married/Remarried Right
2 = Single
3 = Divorced/Separated
4 = Widowed
57 301 306 6 Modified Parent’s Marital Status Date Format is CCYYMM Left
valid 190001 to 200512
content Blank
58 307 315 9 Your Father’s/Stepfather’s 000000000 to 999999999 Right
Social Security Number Blank
59 316 331 16 Your Father’s/Stepfather’s 0 to 9 Left
Last Name Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
' (Apostrophe)
- (dash)
60 332 332 1 Added Your Father’s/Stepfather’s Uppercase A to Z Right
First Name Initial Blank
61 333 340 8 Added Your Father’s/Stepfather’s Format is CCYYMMDD Right
Date of Birth 19000101 to 19991231
62 341 349 9 Your Mother’s/Stepmother’s 000000000 to 999999999 Right
Social Security Number Blank

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

FAFSA Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
63 350 365 16 Your Mother’s/Stepmother’s 0 to 9 Left
Last Name Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
' (Apostrophe)
- (dash)
64 366 366 1 Added Your Mother’s/Stepmother’s Uppercase A to Z Right
First Name Initial Blank
65 367 374 8 Added Your Mother’s/Stepmother’s Format is CCYYMMDD Right
Date of Birth 19000101 to 19991231
66 375 376 2 Parents’ Number of Family 01 to 99 Right
Members Blank
67 377 377 1 Modified Parents’ Number in College 1 to 9 Right
field name (Parents’ excluded) Blank
68 378 379 2 Parents’ State of Legal Uppercase A to Z Left
Residence Valid postal code
See State/Country/
Jurisdiction Codes in the
Processing Codes section of this
technical reference.
69 380 380 1 Modified Parents’ Legal Residents 1 = Yes Left
field name before 01-01-1999? 2 = No
year Blank
70 381 386 6 Modified Parents’ Legal Residence Format is CCYYMM Left
valid Date 190001 to 200512
CPS will accept: CCYYMM
CCYY with blank MM
Blank CCYY with MM
71 387 387 1 Parents’ Tax Return 1 = Already Completed Left
Completed? 2 = Will File
3 = Will Not File

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

FAFSA Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
72 388 388 1 Modified Parents’ Type of 2003 Tax 1 = IRS 1040 Left
field name Form Used? 2 = IRS 1040A, 1040 EZ, 1040
year Telefile
reference 3 = Foreign Tax Return
4 = Tax return from Puerto
Rico, Guam, American Samoa,
the U.S. Virgin Islands, the
Marshall Islands, the Federated
States of Micronesia, or Palau
73 389 389 1 Parents’ Eligible to file 1 = Yes Left
1040A or 1040EZ? 2 = No
3 = Don’t Know
74 390 395 6 Parents’ Adjusted Gross -999999 to 999999 Right
Income from IRS form Blank Signed
75 396 401 6 Parents’ U.S. Income Tax 000000 to 999999 Right
Paid Blank
76 402 403 2 Parents’ Exemptions Claimed 00 to 99 Right
77 404 409 6 Father’s/Stepfather’s Income -999999 to 999999 Right
Earned from Work Blank Signed
78 410 415 6 Mother’s/Stepmother’s -999999 to 999999 Right
Income Earned from Work Blank Signed
79 416 420 5 Parents’ Total Amount from 00000 to 99999 Right
Worksheet A Blank
80 421 425 5 Parents’ Total Amount from 00000 to 99999 Right
Worksheet B Blank
81 426 430 5 Parents’ Total Amount from 00000 to 99999 Right
Worksheet C Blank
82 431 436 6 Parents’ Cash, Savings, and 000000 to 999999 Right
Checking Blank
83 437 442 6 Parents’ Investment Net 000000 to 999999 Right
Worth Blank
84 443 448 6 Parents’ Business and/or 000000 to 999999 Right
Investment Farm Net Worth Blank
85 449 450 2 Student’s Number of Family 01 to 99 Right
Members Blank
86 451 451 1 Modified Student’s Number in College 1 to 9 Right
field name Blank
87 452 457 6 Federal School Code #1 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first
position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

FAFSA Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
88 458 458 1 Federal School Code #1 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
89 459 464 6 Federal School Code #2 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first
position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.
90 465 465 1 Federal School Code #2 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
91 466 471 6 Federal School Code #3 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first
position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.
92 472 472 1 Federal School Code #3 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
93 473 478 6 Federal School Code #4 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first
position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.
94 479 479 1 Federal School Code #4 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
95 480 485 6 Federal School Code #5 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first
position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.
96 486 486 1 Federal School Code #5 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
97 487 492 6 Federal School Code #6 X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first
position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

FAFSA Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
98 493 493 1 Federal School Code #6 1 = On Campus Left
Housing Plans 2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
99 494 494 1 Combined Enrollment Status 1 = Full time Left
Enroll-ment 2 = ¾ time
questions 3 = ½ time
into 1 4 = Less than ½ time
question 5 = Not Sure
and Blank
values 1
and 5
100 495 502 8 Modified Date Application Completed Format is CCYYMMDD Left
valid 20040101 to 20051231
101 503 503 1 Signed By A = Applicant Left
B = Applicant and Parent
102 504 512 9 Preparer’s Social Security 000000000 to 999999999 Right
Number Blank
103 513 521 9 Preparer’s Employer 000000000 to 999999999 Right
Identification Number (EIN) Blank
104 522 522 1 Preparer’s Signature 1 = Yes Left
Indicates that a preparer
signed the transaction.
105 523 523 1 Dependency Override 1 = Dependent to Independent Left
Indicator Blank = No dependency
Indicates that a Dependency
Override was requested on
this application.
106 524 531 8 Filler For FSA Use Only Left
Must be blank
107 532 533 2 Added Transaction Data 1A = Electronic Application Left
Source/Type Code

Indicates the origin of the

108 534 541 8 Modified Transaction Receipt Date Format is CCYYMMDD Left
valid 20040101 to 20050630
content Date the school received the
application from the student.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

FAFSA Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
109 542 542 1 Assumption Override 1 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Parents’ Number in College
assumed to be 1 when the
number in college is greater
than 6.
110 543 543 1 Assumption Override 2 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Set on electronic application
to override assumption 2:
Parents’ AGI assumed equal
to sum of parents’ earned
income portions.
111 544 544 1 Assumption Override 3 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Set on the electronic
application to override
assumption 3: Student’s
Number in College assumed
to be one.
112 545 545 1 Assumption Override 4 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Set on the electronic
application to override
assumption 4: Student’s AGI
assumed equal to sum of
student’s and spouse’s earned
income portions.
113 546 546 1 Assumption Override 5 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Set on the electronic
application to override
assumption 5: Parents’
income from Worksheet C
assumed to be zero.
114 547 547 1 Assumption Override 6 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Set on the electronic
application to override
assumption 6: Student’s
income from Worksheet C
assumed to be zero.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

FAFSA Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
115 548 554 7 Filler For FSA Use Only Left
Must be blank
116 555 555 1 Modified Reject Override A 1 = Yes Left
end year Blank = No
range from Set by electronic application
1928 to override Reject A: Date of
Birth year is 1900 to 1929.

See Table of Reject Codes

and how to Respond to Each
in the Processing Codes
section of this technical
reference for further details.
117 556 556 1 Reject Override B 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Set by electronic application
to override Reject B:
Independent Student Status in
question because of student’s

See Table of Reject Codes

and how to Respond to Each
in the Processing Codes
section of this technical
reference for further details.
118 557 557 1 Modified Reject Override C 1 = Yes Left
description Blank = No
Set by electronic application
to override Reject C: Parent’s
or independent student’s taxes
paid is greater than zero and
greater than or equal to a
fixed percentage of the AGI,
but not equal to or greater
than AGI.

See Table of Reject Codes

and how to Respond to Each
in the Processing Codes
section of this technical
reference for further details.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

FAFSA Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
119 558 558 1 Added Reject Override G 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Set by electronic application
to override Reject G:
Dependent student’s taxes
paid is greater than zero and
greater than or equal to a
fixed percentage of the AGI,
but not equal to or greater
than AGI.

See Table of Reject Codes

and how to Respond to Each
in the Processing Codes
section of this technical
reference for further details.
120 559 559 1 Reject Override N 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Set by electronic application
to override Reject N:
Student’s first name or last
name blank.

See Table of Reject Codes

and how to Respond to Each
in the Processing Codes
section of this technical
reference for further details.
121 560 560 1 Reject Override W 1 = Yes Left
Blank = No
Set by electronic application
to override Reject W:
Unusually high number of
family members.

See Table of Reject Codes

and how to Respond to Each
in the Processing Codes
section of this technical
reference for further details.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

FAFSA Application Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Signed
122 561 800 240 Modified Filler For FSA Use Only Left
Total 800

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

Correction Export Record Layout
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
1 1 1 1 Modified Year Indicator 5, will always be ‘5’ (for 2004- Left
field name 2005)
and valid Indicates the cycle year to
content which the correction
should be applied.
2 2 10 9 Original Social Security 001010001 to 999999999 Right

The student's original SSN

as processed initially by
the CPS.
3 11 12 2 Original Name ID Uppercase A to Z Left
First two characters of last . (Period)
name as processed ’ (Apostrophe)
initially by the CPS. - (Dash)

If non-blank, first character

must contain a letter and second
character must be non-numeric.
4 13 14 2 Transaction Number 01 to 99 Right

The CPS transaction

number of the ISIR being
5 15 17 3 SAR Field Number - 000 to 999 Right
Correction #1 SAR number of the data
element correction
See Correction Data Entry
Specification for SAR
Field Numbers in the
Processing Codes section
of this technical reference.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

Correction Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
6 18 52 35 Correction Data 1 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
New value for field being . (Period)
corrected. ' (Apostrophe)
, (Comma)
See Correction Data Entry - (Dash)
Specification for SAR # (Number)
Field Numbers in the @ (At)
Processing Codes section % (Percent or care of)
of this technical reference. & (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
* Corrected Data
Can be blank
7 53 55 3 SAR Field Number – 000 to 999 Right
Correction #2 SAR number of the data
element correction
8 56 90 35 Correction Data 2 Same as Valid Content for field Left
#6, Correction Data 1
9 91 93 3 SAR Field Number – 000 to 999 Right
Correction #3 SAR number of the data
element correction
10 94 128 35 Correction Data 3 Same as Valid Content for field Left
#6, Correction Data 1
11 129 131 3 SAR Field Number - 000 to 999 Right
Correction #4 SAR number of the data
element correction
12 132 166 35 Correction Data 4 Same as Valid Content for field Left
#6, Correction Data 1
13 167 169 3 SAR Field Number - 000 to 999 Right
Correction #5 SAR number of the data
element correction
14 170 204 35 Correction Data 5 Same as Valid Content for field Left
#6, Correction Data 1
15 205 207 3 SAR Field Number - 000 to 999 Right
Correction #6 SAR number of the data
element correction
16 208 242 35 Correction Data 6 Same as Valid Content for field Left
#6, Correction Data 1
17 243 245 3 SAR Field Number - 000 to 999 Right
Correction #7 SAR number of the data
element correction

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

Correction Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
18 246 280 35 Correction Data 7 Same as Valid Content for field Left
#6, Correction Data 1
19 281 283 3 SAR Field Number - 000 to 999 Right
Correction #8 SAR number of the data
element correction
20 284 318 35 Correction Data 8 Same as Valid Content for field Left
#6, Correction Data 1
21 319 321 3 SAR Field Number - 000 to 999 Right
Correction #9 SAR number of the data
element correction
22 322 356 35 Correction Data 9 Same as Valid Content for field Left
#6, Correction Data 1
23 357 359 3 SAR Field Number - 000 to 999 Right
Correction #10 SAR number of the data
element correction
24 360 394 35 Correction Data 10 Same as Valid Content for field Left
#6, Correction Data 1
25 395 397 3 SAR Field Number - 000 to 999 Right
Correction #11 SAR number of the data
element correction
26 398 432 35 Correction Data 11 Same as Valid Content for field Left
#6, Correction Data 1
27 433 435 3 SAR Field Number - 000 to 999 Right
Correction #12 SAR number of the data
element correction
28 436 470 35 Correction Data 12 Same as Valid Content for field Left
#6, Correction Data 1

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

Correction Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
29 471 520 50 Student’s E-mail Address Blank Left
If non-blank:
One and only one '@' (at-sign)
Before @:
• at least one valid character
• all characters in the range
of ASCII 33-126, except
for the following 12
characters < > ( ) [ ] \ , ; : "
• period (.) cannot be first,
last or adjacent to another
After @:
• at least one valid character
• only letters, digits, hyphen,
underscore, and period (A-
Z, a-z, 0-9, -, _, .)
• hyphen, underscore, and
period cannot be first, last,
or adjacent to a period
30 521 522 2 Added Transaction Data 1C = Correction Full SAR Left
Source/Type Code

Indicates the origin of the

31 523 530 8 Modified Transaction Receipt Date Format is CCYYMMDD Left
valid 20040101 to 20050917
content The date you received the
correction for data entry.
32 531 531 1 Assumption Override 1 1 = Yes Left
Parents’ Number in Blank = No
College assumed to be 1
when the number in
college is greater than 6.
33 532 532 1 Assumption Override 2 1 = Yes Left
Parents’ AGI assumed Blank = No
equal to sum of father and
mother earned income
portions. Allow AGI to
be zero or blank as

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

Correction Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
34 533 533 1 Assumption Override 3 1 = Yes Left
Student’s Number in Blank = No
College assumed to be 1
when number in college
equals number in the
household and both are
greater than 2.
35 534 534 1 Assumption Override 4 1 = Yes Left
Student’s AGI assumed Blank = No
equal to the sum of
student and spouse earned
income portions. Allow
AGI to be zero or blank as
36 535 535 1 Assumption Override 5 1 = Yes Left
Parents' total from Blank = No
worksheet C assumed to
be zero. Allow parents'
income from worksheet C
to be less than or equal to
parents’ total income.
37 536 536 1 Assumption Override 6 1 = Yes Left
Student’s total from Blank = No
worksheet C assumed to
be zero. Allow student’s
income from worksheet C
to be less than or equal to
student’s total income.
38 537 537 1 Modified Reject Override A Date of 1 = Yes Left
end year Birth year is 1900 to Blank = No
range from 1929.
See Table of Reject Codes
and how to Respond to
Each in the Processing
Codes section of this
technical reference for
further details.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

Correction Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
39 538 538 1 Modified Reject Override B 1 = Yes Left
description Date of Birth since Blank = No
in Field September 1, 1988.
See Table of Reject Codes
and how to Respond to
Each in the Processing
Codes section of this
technical reference for
further details.
40 539 539 1 Modified Reject Override C 1 = Yes Left
description Parent’s or independent Blank = No
student’s taxes paid is
greater than zero and
greater than or equal to a
fixed percentage of the
AGI, but not equal to or
greater than AGI.

See Table of Reject Codes

and how to Respond to
Each in the Processing
Codes section of this
technical reference for
further details.
41 540 540 1 Added Reject Override G 1 = Yes Left
Dependent student’s taxes Blank = No
paid is greater than zero
and greater than or equal
to a fixed percentage of
the AGI, but not equal to
or greater than AGI.

See Table of Reject Codes

and how to Respond to
Each in the Processing
Codes section of this
technical reference for
further details.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

Correction Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
42 541 541 1 Reject Override N 1 = Yes Left
Missing first or last name. Blank = No

See Table of Reject Codes

and how to Respond to
Each in the Processing
Codes section of this
technical reference for
further details.
43 542 542 1 Modified Reject Override W 1 = Yes Left
the Unusually high number of Blank = No
description family members.

See Table of Reject Codes

and how to Respond to
Each in the Processing
Codes section of this
technical reference for
further details.
44 543 548 6 EDE Federal School Code X00000 to X99999 Left
Originating Federal Valid characters for the first
School Code. position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.
45 549 580 32 Changed Filler For FSA Use Only Left
length from
12 bytes
Total 580

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

Signature Record Export Record Layout
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
1 1 1 1 Modified Year Indicator 5, will always be ‘5’ (for 2004- Left
field name 2005)
and valid
2 2 10 9 Original Social Security 001010001 to 999999999 Right

The student's original SSN

as processed initially by
the CPS.
3 11 12 2 Original Name ID Uppercase A to Z Left
The first two characters of . (Period)
last name as processed ’ (Apostrophe)
initially by the CPS. - (Dash)
If non-blank, the first character
must contain a letter and the
second character must be non-
4 13 14 2 Added Filler For FSA Use Only Right
5 15 17 3 Modified SAR Field Number Will always be ‘100’ Left
6 18 18 1 Correction Data-Signed A = Applicant Only Left
By B = Applicant and Parent
P = Parent Only
7 19 52 34 Filler For FSA Use Only Left
8 53 55 3 Modified SAR Field Number- Will be ‘103’ Left
valid Optional Or Blank
9 56 56 1 Correction Data- Will be ‘1’ Left
Preparer’s Signature- Or Blank

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

Signature Record Export Record Layout (Continued)
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
10 57 520 464 Filler For FSA Use Only Left
11 521 522 2 Added Transaction Data 1S = Signature Page
Source/Type Code

Indicates the origin of the

12 523 530 8 Modified Transaction Receipt Date Format is CCYYMMDD Left
valid 20040101 to 20050910
content The date you received the
correction for data entry.
13 531 542 12 11 Filler For FSA Use Only Left
14 543 548 6 EDE Federal School Code X00000 to X99999 Left
542 547 Blank
Originating Federal Valid characters for the first
School Code. position are 0 (zero), B, E, or
15 549 580 32 33 Filler For FSA Use Only Left
Total 580

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

School Web Student Signature Hold Information
Record Layout
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
1 1 9 9 Student’s Original Social 001010001 to 999999999 Right
Security Number

The student's original

SSN as provided on the
2 10 11 2 Added Original Name ID Uppercase A to Z Left
First two characters of . (Period)
last name as processed ’ (Apostrophe)
initially by the CPS. - (Dash)
If non-blank, the first character
must contain a letter and the
second character must be non-
3 12 27 16 Student's Last Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
If non-blank, first Space(s)
character must be a . (period)
letter. Second character ' (apostrophe)
must be non-numeric. - (dash)
Can be blank
4 28 39 12 Student's First Name 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
If non-blank, first Space(s)
character must be a . (period)
letter. ' (apostrophe)
- (dash)
Can be blank
5 40 40 1 Student’s Middle Initial Uppercase A to Z Left

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

School Web Student Signature Hold Information Record Layout
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
6 41 75 35 Permanent Mailing 0 to 9 Left
Address Uppercase A to Z
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
, (Comma)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
7 76 91 16 Student’s Permanent City 0 to 9 Left
Uppercase A to Z
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
, (Comma)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
8 92 93 2 Student’s Permanent Uppercase A to Z Left
State Valid postal code
See State/Country/
Jurisdiction Codes in the
Processing Codes section of this
technical reference.
9 94 98 5 Student’s Permanent Zip 00000 to 99999 Right
Code Blank
10 99 106 8 Student’s Date of Birth Format is CCYYMMDD Left
19000101 to 19991231
11 107 116 10 Student’s Permanent 0000000000 to 9999999999 Right
Phone Number Blank

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

School Web Student Signature Hold Information Record Layout
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
12 117 166 50 Student's E-mail address Blank Left
If non-blank:
One and only one '@' (at-sign)
Before @:
• at least one valid character
• all characters in the range
of ASCII 33-126, except
for the following 12
characters < > ( ) [ ] \ , ; : "
• period (.) cannot be first,
last or adjacent to another
After @:
• at least one valid character
• only letters, digits, hyphen,
underscore, and period (A-
Z, a-z, 0-9, -, _, .)
• hyphen, underscore, and
period cannot be first, last,
or adjacent to a period
13 167 167 1 Signed By A = Applicant Only Right
B = Applicant and Parent
P = Parent only
Blank = No signatures
14 168 168 1 Dependency Status D = Dependent Left
I = Independent
Pre-determined by origin
software based on
Dependency Status data
15 169 169 1 Added Transaction Data Type A = Application Left
B = Application Spanish
C = Correction
F = EZ FAFSA Spanish
G = EZ FAFSA Renewal
H = EZ FAFSA Correction
R = Renewal Application
V = Verification Correction

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

School Web Student Signature Hold Information Record Layout
Field # Start End Length Changes Field Name Valid Content Justify
16 170 178 9 Added Student’s Updated Social 001010001 to 999999999 Right
Security Number

The student's corrected

17 179 186 8 Modified Date Added Format is CCYYMMDD where Left
valid CC = 20
content Date that the record was YY = Year 04 or 05
placed on Hold. MM = Month 01-12
DD = Day 01-31
18 187 193 7 Destination Number ‘TGXXXXX’ where XXXXX Left
is the 5-digit code for your
SAIG assigned when destination number
initial Enrollment Form
was processed.
19 194 199 6 Federal School Code X00000 to X99999 Left
Valid characters for the first
position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G
20 200 200 1 Filler For FSA Use Only Left
Total 200

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Record Layouts

Processing Codes

Table of Contents
Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 4-3

Summary of Tables................................................................................................................... 4-4

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference ......................................................................................... 4-4

Table of Reject Codes and How to Respond to Each ........................................................... 4-4

Record and Transmission Error Messages ............................................................................ 4-4

Assumption Overrides........................................................................................................... 4-4

Field Name and Position Cross-References .......................................................................... 4-4

NSLDS Loan Program Codes ............................................................................................... 4-5

NSLDS Loan Current Status Codes ...................................................................................... 4-5

State/Country/Jurisdiction Codes.......................................................................................... 4-5

Correction Data Entry Specifications.................................................................................... 4-5

Message Classes.................................................................................................................... 4-5

ISIR Comment Codes............................................................................................................ 4-5

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference............................................................................................. 4-6

Table of Reject Codes and How to Respond to Each............................................................. 4-40

Record and Transmission Error Messages ............................................................................. 4-43

Assumption Overrides ............................................................................................................ 4-45

Field Name and Position Cross-References ........................................................................... 4-47

NSLDS Loan Program Codes................................................................................................. 4-65

NSLDS Loan Current Status Codes ....................................................................................... 4-66

State/Country/Jurisdiction Codes ........................................................................................... 4-68

Correction Data Entry Specifications..................................................................................... 4-69

Message Classes ..................................................................................................................... 4-78

ISIR Comment Codes............................................................................................................. 4-79

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

This section provides charts and tables that include an explanation of the different reject codes
and how to respond to each. Other tables provide information that further explains other
processing codes associated with the Central Processing System (CPS) Electronic Data
Exchange (EDE) process.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Summary of Tables
In this section you will find several tables to assist you when reviewing files.

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference

This table is a cross reference of the 2003-2004 Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR)
field number, start position, and end position with the 2004-2005 ISIR field number, start
position, and end position. It also lists valid field content for the field that has changed from the
last award year.

Table of Reject Codes and How to Respond to Each

This table is used to determine the meaning of each reject code possible on a Student Aid Report
(SAR) or ISIR. The table also outlines how to correct each reject and references comment code
numbers associated with the rejects.

Record and Transmission Error Messages

This table reports the Record Reject codes (1-13) and the Transmission Error codes (14-16). The
actual text for each reject code, a description of the error, and a resolution for each error is listed.
The record error messages indicate that the individual student record was not processed. You
will need to fix any student record with a Record Error message and send it to the Central
Processing System (CPS) again for processing so an ISIR will be generated. Transmission errors
are problems with the transmission of the records.

Assumption Overrides
This table associates the override codes with the assumption being made. It also explains what
will happen if you use this code and an example of when you would use this code.

Field Name and Position Cross-References

This table is used to determine which fields were verified or corrected in the previous transaction
or which fields are highlighted on the ISIR. It also defines the field positions for the SAR field,
the FAFSA field name, and the question number on the FAFSA.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

NSLDS Loan Program Codes
These codes are used to determine the type of loan program of up to six loans in the NSLDS
portion of the ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary found in the Record Layouts section of
this technical reference.

NSLDS Loan Current Status Codes

These codes are used to determine the current status of up to six loans in the NSLDS portion of
the ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary found in the Record Layouts section of this
technical reference.

State/Country/Jurisdiction Codes
This table is used to determine the valid state abbreviations used for the following fields found
throughout the Record Layouts section of this technical reference:
• Student’s Permanent State
• Student’s Driver’s License State Code
• Student's State of Legal Residence
• Parents' State of Legal Residence

Correction Data Entry Specifications

This table is used in conjunction with the Correction Export Record Layout found in section 3,
Record Layouts. This table defines the SAR field number and field length. It defines what data
is valid to send for each SAR field on a correction record. The table also indicates if the SAR
field is a signed value, the justification of the SAR field, and if the field can be corrected to

Message Classes
This table lists the message classes associated with Application Processing.

ISIR Comment Codes

This section references the location of the 2004-2005 SAR/ISIR Comment Codes and Text

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Batch Year 1 1 1 Year Indicator 1 1 1 Modified valid
content to:
5, Will always be
‘5’ (for 2004-2005)
Student Last Name/ 2 2 2 Student Last Name/ 137 671 671
SSN Change Flag SSN Change Flag
Original Social 3 3 11 Original Social 2 2 10
Security Number Security Number
Original Name ID 4 12 13 Original Name ID 3 11 12
Transaction Number 5 14 15 Transaction Number 4 13 14
Student’s Current 6 16 24 Student’s Current 129 643 651
Social Security Social Security
Number Number
Student’s Last Name 7 25 40 Student’s Last Name 5 15 30
Student’s First Name 8 41 52 Student’s First Name 6 31 42
Middle Initial 9 53 53 Middle Initial 7 43 43
Permanent Mailing 10 54 88 Permanent Mailing 8 44 78
Address Address
Student’s Permanent 11 89 104 Student’s Permanent 9 79 94
City City
Student’s Permanent 12 105 106 Student’s Permanent 10 95 96
State State
Student’s Permanent 13 107 111 Student’s Permanent 11 97 101
Zip Code Zip Code
Student’s Date of 14 112 119 Student’s Date of 12 102 109
Birth Birth
Student’s Permanent 15 120 129 Student’s Permanent 13 110 119
Phone Number Phone Number
Student’s Driver’s 16 130 149 Student’s Driver’s 14 120 139
License Number License Number
Student’s Driver’s 17 150 151 Student’s Driver’s 15 140 141
License State Code License State Code
Student’s 18 152 152 Student’s Citizenship 17 192 192
Citizenship Status Status
Student’s Alien 19 153 161 Student’s Alien 18 193 201
Registration Number Registration Number

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Student’s Marital 20 162 162 Student’s Marital 19 202 202
Status Status
Student’s Marital 21 163 168 Student’s Marital 20 203 208 Modified year
Status Date Status Date reference in valid
content to:
190001 to 200512
Summer 2003? 22 169 169 Enrollment Status 101 497 497 Combined
questions into 1
1 = Full time
5 = Not Sure
Fall 2003? 23 170 170 Deleted Field
Winter 2003-2004? 24 171 171 Deleted Field
Spring 2004? 25 172 172 Deleted Field
Summer 2004? 26 173 173 Deleted Field
Father’s Highest 27 174 174 Father’s Highest 32 226 226
Grade Level Grade Level
Completed Completed
Mother’s Highest 28 175 175 Mother’s Highest 33 227 227
Grade Level Grade Level
Completed Completed
Student’s State of 29 176 177 Student’s State of 21 209 210
Legal Residence Legal Residence
Student Legal 30 178 178 Student Legal 22 211 211
Resident Before 01- Resident Before 01-
01-1998? 01-1999?
Student’s Legal 31 179 184 Student’s Legal 23 212 217 Modified year
Residence Date Residence Date reference in valid
content to:
190001 to 200512
Are You Male? 32 185 185 Are You Male? 24 218 218
Do you want 33 186 186 Do you want Selective 25 219 219
Selective Service to Service to register
register you? you?
Degree/Certificate 34 187 187 Degree/Certificate 26 220 220
Grade Level in 35 188 188 Grade Level in 27 221 221
College in 2003- College

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
HS Diploma or GED 36 189 189 HS Diploma or GED 28 222 222
Received? Received?
First Bachelor’s 37 190 190 First Bachelor’s 29 223 223
Degree By 07-01- Degree By 07-01-
2003? 2004?
Interested in Student 38 191 191 Interested in Student 30 224 224
Loans? Loans?
Interested in Work- 39 192 192 Interested in Work- 31 225 225
Study? Study?
Drug Conviction 40 193 193 Drug Conviction 34 228 228
Affecting Eligibility Affecting Eligibility
Student’s Tax Return 41 194 194 Student’s Tax Return 35 229 229
Completed? Completed?
Student’s Type of 42 195 195 Student’s Type of 36 230 230
2002 Tax Form 2003 Tax Form Used?
Student Eligible to 43 196 196 Student Eligible to file 37 231 231
file 1040A or 1040A or 1040EZ?

Student’s Adjusted 44 197 202 Student’s Adjusted 38 232 237

Gross Income from Gross Income from
IRS form IRS form
Student’s U.S. 45 203 207 Student’s U.S. Income 39 238 242
Income Tax Paid Tax Paid
Student’s 46 208 209 Student’s Exemptions 40 243 244
Exemptions Claimed Claimed
Student’s Income 47 210 215 Student’s Income 41 245 250
Earned from Work Earned from Work
Spouse’s Income 48 216 221 Spouse’s Income 42 251 256
Earned from Work Earned from Work
Student’s Total 49 222 226 Student’s Total 43 257 261
Amount from Amount from
Worksheet A Worksheet A
Student’s Total 50 227 231 Student’s Total 44 262 266
Amount from Amount from
Worksheet B Worksheet B
Student’s Total 51 232 236 Student’s Total 45 267 271
Amount from Amount from
Worksheet C Worksheet C
Student’s Investment 52 237 242 Student’s Investment 47 278 283
Net Worth Net Worth

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Student’s Business 53 243 248 Student’s Business 48 284 289
and/or Investment and/or Investment
Farm Net Worth Farm Net Worth
Student’s Cash, 54 249 254 Student’s Cash, 46 272 277
Savings, and Savings, and Checking
No. of Months 55 255 256 No. of Months 49 290 291
Veterans Education Veterans Education
Benefits Received Benefits Received
Monthly Veterans 56 257 260 Monthly Veterans 50 292 295
Education Benefits Education Benefits
Born Before 01-01- 57 261 261 Born Before 01-01- 51 296 296
1980? 1981?
Working on a 58 262 262 Working on a 52 297 297
Master’s or Master’s or Doctorate
Doctorate Program Program?
in 2003-2004?
Is Student Married? 59 263 263 Is Student Married? 53 298 298
Have Children you 60 264 264 Have Children you 54 299 299
support? support?
Have Legal 61 265 265 Have Legal 55 300 300
Dependents Other Dependents Other than
than Children or Children or Spouse?
Orphan or Ward of 62 266 266 Orphan or Ward of 56 301 301
Court? Court?
Veteran of U.S. 63 267 267 Veteran of U.S. 57 302 302
Armed Forces? Armed Forces?
Parent’s Marital 64 268 268 Parent’s Marital Status 58 303 303
Father’s/ 65 269 277 Father’s/Stepfather’s 60 310 318
Stepfather’s Social Social Security
Security Number Number
Father’s/ 66 278 293 Father’s/Stepfather’s 61 319 334
Stepfather’s Last Last Name
Mother’s/ 67 294 302 Mother’s/ 64 344 352
Stepmother’s Social Stepmother’s Social
Security Number Security Number
Mother’s/ 68 303 318 Mother’s/ 65 353 368
Stepmother’s Last Stepmother’s Last
Name Name

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Parents’ Number of 69 319 320 Parents’ Number of 68 378 379
Family Members Family Members
Parents’ Number in 70 321 321 Parents’ Number in 69 380 380
College 2003-2004 College (Parents’
(Parents’ excluded) excluded)
Parents’ State of 71 322 323 Parents’ State of Legal 70 381 382
Legal Residence Residence
Parents Legal 72 324 324 Parents Legal 71 383 383
Residents before 01- Residents before 01-
01-1998? 01-1999?
Parents’ Legal 73 325 330 Parents’ Legal 72 384 389 Modified year
Residence Date Residence Date reference in valid
content to:
190001 to 200512
Age of Older Parent 74 331 332 Deleted this field
and added Father’s/
Stepfather’s Date of
Birth (field 63) and
Stepmother’s Date
of Birth (field 64)
Parents’ Tax Return 75 333 333 Parents’ Tax Return 73 390 390
Completed? Completed?
Parents’ Type of 76 334 334 Parents’ Type of 2003 74 391 391
2002 Tax Form Tax Form Used?
Parents’ Eligible to 77 335 335 Parents’ Eligible to 75 392 392
file 1040A or file 1040A or
1040EZ? 1040EZ?
Parents’ Adjusted 78 336 341 Parents’ Adjusted 76 393 398
Gross Income from Gross Income from
IRS form IRS form
Parents’ U.S. Income 79 342 347 Parents’ U.S. Income 77 399 404
Tax Paid Tax Paid
Parents’ Exemptions 80 348 349 Parents’ Exemptions 78 405 406
Claimed Claimed
Father’s/ 81 350 355 Father’s/Stepfather’s 79 407 412
Stepfather’s Income Income Earned from
Earned from Work Work
Mother’s/ 82 356 361 Mother’s/ 80 413 418
Stepmother’s Stepmother’s Income
Income Earned from Earned from Work

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Parents’ Total 83 362 366 Parents’ Total Amount 81 419 423
Amount from from Worksheet A
Worksheet A
Parents’ Total 84 367 371 Parents’ Total Amount 82 424 428
Amount from from Worksheet B
Worksheet B
Parents’ Total 85 372 376 Parents’ Total Amount 83 429 433
Amount from from Worksheet C
Worksheet C
Parents’ Investment 86 377 382 Parents’ Investment 85 440 445
Net Worth Net Worth
Parents’ Business 87 383 388 Parents’ Business 86 446 451
and/or Investment and/or Investment
Farm Net Worth Farm Net Worth
Parents’ Cash, 88 389 394 Parents’ Cash, 84 434 439
Savings, and Savings, and Checking
Student’s Number of 89 395 396 Student’s Number of 87 452 453
Family Members Family Members
Student’s Number in 90 397 397 Student’s Number in 88 454 454
College 2003-2004 College
Federal School Code 91 398 403 Federal School Code 89 455 460
#1 #1
Federal School Code 92 404 404 Federal School Code 90 461 461
#1 Housing Plans #1 Housing Plans
Federal School Code 93 405 410 Federal School Code 91 462 467
#2 #2
Federal School Code 94 411 411 Federal School Code 92 468 468
#2 Housing Plans #2 Housing Plans
Federal School Code 95 412 417 Federal School Code 93 469 474
#3 #3
Federal School Code 96 418 418 Federal School Code 94 475 475
#3 Housing Plans #3 Housing Plans
Federal School Code 97 419 424 Federal School Code 95 476 481
#4 #4
Federal School Code 98 425 425 Federal School Code 96 482 482
#4 Housing Plans #4 Housing Plans
Federal School Code 99 426 431 Federal School Code 97 483 488
#5 #5
Federal School Code 100 432 432 Federal School Code 98 489 489
#5 Housing Plans #5 Housing Plans
Federal School Code 101 433 438 Federal School Code 99 490 495
#6 #6

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Federal School Code 102 439 439 Federal School Code 100 496 496
#6 Housing Plans #6 Housing Plans
Student’s E-mail 103 440 489 Student’s E-mail 16 142 191
Address Address
Date Application 104 490 497 Date Application 102 498 505 Modified year
Completed Completed reference in valid
content to:
20040101 to
Signed By 105 498 498 Signed By 103 506 506
Preparer’s Social 106 499 507 Preparer’s Social 104 507 515
Security Number Security Number
Preparer’s Employer 107 508 516 Preparer’s Employer 105 516 524
Identification Identification Number
Number (EIN) (EIN)
Preparer’s Signature 108 517 517 Preparer’s Signature 106 525 525
Transaction Receipt 109 518 525 Transaction Receipt 112 537 544 Modified year
Date Date reference in valid
content to:
20040101 to
Dependency 110 526 526 Dependency Override 107 526 526
Override Indicator Indicator
FAA Federal School 111 527 532 FAA Federal School 108 527 532
Code Code
Filler 112 533 533 Filler 109 533 533
FAA Adjustment 113 534 534 FAA Adjustment 132 658 658
Input Record Type 114 535 535 Deleted Field
Serial Number 115 536 540 Deleted Field
Batch Number 116 541 563 Filler 128 620 642 For ED Use Only
Early Analysis Flag 117 564 564 Deleted Field
Electronic 118 565 565 Deleted Field
Application Entry
Source Code
Filler 119 566 571 Filler 126 564 569
ETI Destination 120 572 578 Electronic Transaction 119 551 557
Number Indicator (ETI)
Destination Number
Reject Override A 121 579 579 Reject Override A 120 558 558 Modified end year
range in the
description from

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Reject Override B 122 580 580 Reject Override B 121 559 559
Reject Override C 123 581 581 Reject Override C 122 560 560
Reject Override N 124 582 582 Reject Override N 124 562 562
Reject Override W 125 583 583 Reject Override W 125 563 563
Assumption 126 584 584 Assumption Override 113 545 545
Override 1 1
Assumption 127 585 585 Assumption Override 114 546 546
Override 2 2
Assumption 128 586 586 Assumption Override 115 547 547
Override 3 3
Assumption 129 587 587 Assumption Override 116 548 548
Override 4 4
Assumption 130 588 588 Assumption Override 117 549 549
Override 5 5
Assumption 131 589 589 Assumption Override 118 550 550
Override 6 6
Dependency Status 132 590 590 Dependency Status 110 534 534
Application Receipt 133 591 598 Application Receipt 134 661 668 Modified year
Date Date reference in valid
content to:
20040101 to
Processed Record 134 599 599 Processed Record 146 689 689 Deleted reference to
Type Type Duplicate in value
Correction Applied 135 600 601 Correction Applied 130 652 653
against Transaction against Transaction
Number Number
System Generated 136 602 602 System Generated 152 709 709 Removed values D
Indicator Indicator and L:
D = Duplicate
L = Duplicate
request and NSLDS
match data has
Modified value I:
I = DHS Secondary
Duplicate Request 137 603 603 Deleted Field
Source of Correction 138 604 604 Source of Correction 141 677 677

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Parents’ Calculated 139 605 605 Parents’ Calculated 153 710 710
2002 Tax Status 2003 Tax Status
Student’s Calculated 140 606 606 Student’s Calculated 154 711 711
2002 Tax Status 2003 Tax Status
Graduate Flag 141 607 607 Graduate Flag 143 679 679
Automatic Zero EFC 142 608 608 Automatic Zero EFC 150 707 707
EFC Change Flag 143 609 609 EFC Change Flag 136 670 670
SAR C Flag 144 610 610 SAR C Flag 149 706 706
Simplified Needs 145 611 611 Simplified Needs Test 151 708 708
Test (SNT) (SNT)
Reject Reason Codes 146 612 625 Reject Reason Codes 147 690 703
Selective Service 147 626 626 Selective Service 261 1637 1637
Match Flag Match Flag
Selective Service 148 627 627 Selective Service 262 1638 1638
Registration Flag Registration Flag
INS Match Flag 149 628 628 DHS Match Flag 250 1577 1577 Modified all
references to INS in
this field to DHS
INS Verification 150 629 643 DHS Verification 253 1594 1608 Modified the
Number Number description
Secondary INS 151 644 644 Secondary DHS 251 1578 1578 Modified all
Match Flag Match Flag references to INS in
this field to DHS
Filler 152 645 659 Filler 252 1579 1593
SSN Match Flag 153 660 660 SSN Match Flag 265 1648 1648
SSA Citizenship 154 661 661 SSA Citizenship Flag 263 1639 1639
SSA Date of Death 155 662 669 Deleted Field
NSLDS Match Flag 156 670 670 NSLDS Match Flag 255 1610 1610
NSLDS Post- 157 671 676 NSLDS Post- 256 1611 1616
Screening Reason Screening Reason
Code Code
VA Match Flag 158 677 677 VA Match Flag 266 1649 1649
Filler 159 678 678 Filler 254 1609 1609
Verification 160 679 680 Verification Tracking 272 1738 1741 Increased field
Tracking Flag Flag length from 2 bytes
to 4 bytes
0000 to 9999
Student is selected 161 681 681 Student is selected for 273 1742 1742
for Verification Verification

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Subsequent 162 682 682 Deleted Field
Application Flag
Application Data 163 683 684 Application Data 133 659 660 Modified all valid
Source/Type Code Source/Type Code content
Transaction Data 164 685 686 Transaction Data 111 535 536 Modified all valid
Source/Type Code Source/Type Code content
Data Release 165 687 690 Data Request Number 131 654 657
Number (DRN) (DRN)
Transaction 166 691 698 Transaction Processed 145 681 688 Modified year
Processed Date Date reference in valid
content to:
20040101 to
Compute Batch 167 699 701 Compute Number 140 674 676
FAFSA Data Verify 168 702 821 FAFSA Data Verify 249 1457 1576
Flags Flags
Correction Flags 169 822 941 Correction Flags 247 1217 1336
Highlight Flags 170 942 1061 Highlight Flags 248 1337 1456
Paid EFC 171 1062 1066 Deleted Field
Primary EFC 172 1067 1071 Primary EFC 179 785 789
Secondary EFC 173 1072 1076 Secondary EFC 180 790 794
Paid EFC Type 174 1077 1077 Deleted Field
Primary EFC Type 175 1078 1078 Primary EFC Type 181 795 795
Secondary EFC 176 1079 1079 Secondary EFC Type 182 796 796
Primary Alternate 177 1080 1084 Primary Alternate 183 797 801
Month 1 Month 1
Primary Alternate 178 1085 1089 Primary Alternate 184 802 806
Month 2 Month 2
Primary Alternate 179 1090 1094 Primary Alternate 185 807 811
Month 3 Month 3
Primary Alternate 180 1095 1099 Primary Alternate 186 812 816
Month 4 Month 4
Primary Alternate 181 1100 1104 Primary Alternate 187 817 821
Month 5 Month 5
Primary Alternate 182 1105 1109 Primary Alternate 188 822 826
Month 6 Month 6
Primary Alternate 183 1110 1114 Primary Alternate 189 827 831
Month 7 Month 7
Primary Alternate 184 1115 1119 Primary Alternate 190 832 836
Month 8 Month 8

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Primary Alternate 185 1120 1124 Primary Alternate 191 837 841
Month 10 Month 10
Primary Alternate 186 1125 1129 Primary Alternate 192 842 846
Month 11 Month 11
Primary Alternate 187 1130 1134 Primary Alternate 193 847 851
Month 12 Month 12
Secondary Alternate 188 1135 1139 Secondary Alternate 194 852 856
Month 1 Month 1
Secondary Alternate 189 1140 1144 Secondary Alternate 195 857 861
Month 2 Month 2
Secondary Alternate 190 1145 1149 Secondary Alternate 196 862 866
Month 3 Month 3
Secondary Alternate 191 1150 1154 Secondary Alternate 197 867 871
Month 4 Month 4
Secondary Alternate 192 1155 1159 Secondary Alternate 198 872 876
Month 5 Month 5
Secondary Alternate 193 1160 1164 Secondary Alternate 199 877 881
Month 6 Month 6
Secondary Alternate 194 1165 1169 Secondary Alternate 200 882 886
Month 7 Month 7
Secondary Alternate 195 1170 1174 Secondary Alternate 201 887 891
Month 8 Month 8
Secondary Alternate 196 1175 1179 Secondary Alternate 202 892 896
Month 10 Month 10
Secondary Alternate 197 1180 1184 Secondary Alternate 203 897 901
Month 11 Month 11
Secondary Alternate 198 1185 1189 Secondary Alternate 204 902 906
Month 12 Month 12
TI: Total Income 199 1190 1196 TI: Total Income 205 907 913
ATI: Allowances 200 1197 1203 ATI: Allowances 206 914 920
Against Total Against Total Income
STX: State and 201 1204 1210 STX: State and Other 207 921 927
Other Tax Tax Allowance
EA: Employment 202 1211 1217 EA: Employment 208 928 934
Allowance Allowance
IPA: Income 203 1218 1224 IPA: Income 209 935 941
Protection Protection Allowance
AI: Available 204 1225 1231 AI: Available Income 210 942 948

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
CAI: Contribution 205 1232 1238 CAI: Contribution 211 949 955
From Available From Available
Income Income
DNW: 206 1239 1247 DNW: Discretionary 212 956 964
Discretionary Net Net Worth
NW: Net Worth 207 1248 1256 NW: Net Worth 213 965 973
APA: Asset 208 1257 1265 APA: Asset 214 974 982
Protection Protection Allowance
PCA: Parents’ 209 1266 1272 PCA: Parents’ 215 983 989
Contribution from Contribution from
Assets Assets
AAI: Adjusted 210 1273 1279 AAI: Adjusted 216 990 996
Available Income Available Income
TSC: Total Student 211 1280 1286 TSC: Total Student 217 997 1003
Contribution Contribution
TPC: Total Parent 212 1287 1293 TPC: Total Parent 218 1004 1010
Contribution Contribution
PC: Parents’ 213 1294 1300 PC: Parents’ 219 1011 1017
Contribution Contribution
STI: Student’s Total 214 1301 1307 STI: Student’s Total 220 1018 1024
Income Income
SATI: Student’s 215 1308 1314 SATI: Student’s 221 1025 1031
Allowance against Allowance against
Total Income Total Income
SIC: Dependent 216 1315 1321 SIC: Dependent 222 1032 1038
Students’ Income Students’ Income
Contribution Contribution
SDNW: Student’s 217 1322 1330 SDNW: Student’s 223 1039 1047
Discretionary Net Discretionary Net
Worth Worth
SCA: Student’s 218 1331 1337 SCA: Student’s 224 1048 1054
Contribution from Contribution from
Assets Assets
FTI: FISAP Total 219 1338 1344 FTI: FISAP Total 225 1055 1061
Income Income
SEC TI: Secondary 220 1345 1351 SEC TI: Secondary 226 1062 1068
Total Income Total Income
SEC ATI: 221 1352 1358 SEC ATI: Secondary 227 1069 1075
Secondary Allowances Against
Allowances Against Total Income
Total Income

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
SEC STX: 222 1359 1365 SEC STX: Secondary 228 1076 1082
Secondary State Tax State Tax Allowance
SEC EA: Secondary 223 1366 1372 SEC EA: Secondary 229 1083 1089
Employment Employment
Allowance Allowance
SEC IPA: 224 1373 1379 SEC IPA: Secondary 230 1090 1096
Secondary Income Income Protection
Protection Allowance
SEC AI: Secondary 225 1380 1386 SEC AI: Secondary 231 1097 1103
Available Income Available Income
SEC CAI: 226 1387 1393 SEC CAI: Secondary 232 1104 1110
Secondary Contribution From
Contribution From Available Income
Available Income
SEC DNW: 227 1394 1402 SEC DNW: 233 1111 1119
Secondary Secondary
Discretionary Net Discretionary Net
Worth Worth
SEC NW: 228 1403 1411 SEC NW: Secondary 234 1120 1128
Secondary Net Net Worth
SEC APA: 229 1412 1420 SEC APA: Secondary 235 1129 1137
Secondary Asset Asset Protection
Protection Allowances
SEC PCA: 230 1421 1427 SEC PCA: Secondary 236 1138 1144
Secondary Parents’ Parents’ Contribution
Contribution from from Assets
SEC AAI: 231 1428 1434 SEC AAI: Secondary 237 1145 1151
Secondary Adjusted Adjusted Available
Available Income Income
SEC TSC: 232 1435 1441 SEC TSC: Secondary 238 1152 1158
Secondary Total Total Student
Student Contribution Contribution
SEC TPC: 233 1442 1448 SEC TPC: Secondary 239 1159 1165
Secondary Total Total Parent
Parent Contribution Contribution
SEC PC: Secondary 234 1449 1455 SEC PC: Secondary 240 1166 1172
Parents’ Parents’ Contribution

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
SEC STI: 235 1456 1462 SEC STI: Secondary 241 1173 1179
Secondary Student’s Student’s Total
Total Income Income
SEC SATI: 236 1463 1469 SEC SATI: 242 1180 1186
Secondary Student’s Secondary Student’s
Allowance Against Allowance Against
Total Income Total Income
SEC SIC: 237 1470 1476 SEC SIC: Secondary 243 1187 1193
Secondary Student’s Student’s Dependent
Dependent Income Income Contribution
SEC SDNW: 238 1477 1485 SEC SDNW: 244 1194 1202
Secondary Student’s Secondary Student’s
Discretionary Net Discretionary Net
Worth Worth
SEC SCA: 239 1486 1492 SEC SCA: Secondary 245 1203 1209
Secondary Student’s Student’s Contribution
Contribution from from Assets
SEC FTI: 240 1493 1499 SEC FTI: Secondary 246 1210 1216
Secondary FISAP FISAP Total Income
Total Income
Assumed Citizenship 241 1500 1500 Assumed Citizenship 155 712 712
Assumed Student’s 242 1501 1501 Assumed Student’s 156 713 713
Marital Status Marital Status
Assumed Student’s 243 1502 1507 Assumed Student’s 157 714 719
Assumed Student’s 244 1508 1512 Assumed Student’s 158 720 724
U.S. Tax Paid U.S. Tax Paid
Assumed Student’s 245 1513 1518 Assumed Student’s 159 725 730
Income from Work Income from Work
Assumed Spouse’s 246 1519 1524 Assumed Spouse’s 160 731 736
Income from Work Income from Work
Assumed Student’s 247 1525 1529 Assumed Student’s 161 737 741
Total from Total from Worksheet
Worksheet C C
Assumed Date of 248 1530 1530 Assumed Date of Birth 162 742 742
Birth Prior Prior
Assumed Student Is 249 1531 1531 Assumed Student Is 163 743 743
Married/ Remarried Married/Remarried
Assumed Have 250 1532 1532 Assumed Have 164 744 744
Children You Children You
Support? Support?

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Assumed Have 251 1533 1533 Assumed Have Legal 165 745 745
Legal Dependents Dependents Other than
Other than Children Children or Spouse?
or Spouse?
Assumed VA Status 252 1534 1534 Assumed VA Status 166 746 746
Assumed Student’s # 253 1535 1536 Assumed Student’s # 167 747 748
in Family in Family
Assumed Student’s # 254 1537 1537 Assumed Student’s # 168 749 749
in College in College
Assumed Parents’ 255 1538 1538 Assumed Parents’ 169 750 750
Marital Status Marital Status
Assumed Father’s/ 256 1539 1547 Assumed 170 751 751 Changed length
Stepfather’s SSN Father’s/Stepfather’s from 9 bytes to 1
SSN byte
Y = Assumed SSN
Assumed Mother’s/ 257 1548 1556 Assumed Mother’s/ 171 752 752 Changed length
Stepmother’s SSN Stepmother’s SSN from 9 bytes to 1
Y = Assumed SSN
Assumed Parents’ # 258 1557 1558 Assumed Parents’ # in 172 753 754
in Family Family
Assumed Parents’ # 259 1559 1559 Assumed Parents’ # in 173 755 755
in College College
Assumed Parents' 260 1560 1565 Assumed Parents' AGI 174 756 761
Assumed Parents’ 261 1566 1571 Assumed Parents’ 175 762 767
U.S. Tax Paid U.S. Tax Paid
Assumed Father's/ 262 1572 1577 Assumed Father's/ 176 768 773
Stepfather’s Income Stepfather’s Income
Earned from Work Earned from Work
Assumed Mother's/ 263 1578 1583 Assumed Mother's/ 177 774 779
Stepmother’s Stepmother’s Income
Income Earned from Earned from Work
Assumed Parents’ 264 1584 1588 Assumed Parents’ 178 780 784
Total from Total from Worksheet
Worksheet C C
Comment Codes 265 1589 1648 Comment Codes 268 1670 1729
SAR 266 1649 1668 SAR 267 1650 1669
Acknowledgement Acknowledgement
Comment Codes Comment Codes

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Pell Grant Eligibility 267 1669 1669 Pell Grant Eligibility 144 680 680
Flag Flag
Reprocessed Reason 268 1670 1671 Reprocessed Reason 148 704 705
Code Code
Duplicate Date 269 1672 1679 Deleted Field
Duplicate SSN 270 1680 1680 Duplicate SSN 142 678 678
Indicator Indicator
ISIR Transaction 271 1681 1681 Deleted Field
Electronic Federal 272 1682 1682 Electronic Federal 269 1730 1730
School Code School Code Indicator

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Multi School Code 273 1683 1688 Multi School Code 271 1732 1737 Blank = no
Flags Flags destination code or,
school not
participating, or
school is an ISIR
Request school
0 = School generated
transaction and is an
ISIR Daily school
1 = School did not
generate transaction
and is an ISIR Daily
2 = School generated
transaction, is an
ISIR Request school
3 = School did not
generate transaction,
is an ISIR Request
4 = School generated
transaction and is an
ISIR Request Daily
school, ISIR is a CPS
Pushed ISIR
5 = School did not
generate transaction,
is an ISIR Daily
school, ISIR is a CPS
Pushed ISIR
5 6 = School
generated transaction,
is an ISIR Request
school, ISIR is a CPS
Pushed ISIR
6 = CPS Pushed ISIR,
school is an ISIR
Daily school
7 = School did not
generate transaction
and is an ISIR
Request school, ISIR
is a CPS Pushed

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Parent's Marital 274 1689 1694 Parent's Marital Status 59 304 309 Modified year
Status Date Date reference in valid
content to: 190001
to 200512
Filler 275 1695 1706 Filler 274 1743 1759 Increased field
length from 12
bytes to 17 bytes
NSLDS Transaction 276 1707 1708 NSLDS Transaction 275 1760 1761
Number Number
NSLDS Database 277 1709 1709 NSLDS Database 276 1762 1762
Results Flag Results Flag
NSLDS Flag 278 1710 1710 Filler 277 1763 1763
NSLDS Pell 279 1711 1711 NSLDS Pell 278 1764 1764 S = Satisfactory
Overpayment Flag Overpayment Flag Payment
NSLDS Pell 280 1712 1719 NSLDS Pell 279 1765 1772
Overpayment Overpayment Contact
NSLDS SEOG 281 1720 1720 NSLDS SEOG 280 1773 1773 S = Satisfactory
Overpayment Flag Overpayment Flag Payment
NSLDS SEOG 282 1721 1728 NSLDS SEOG 281 1774 1781
Overpayment Overpayment Contact
NSLDS Perkins 283 1729 1729 NSLDS Perkins 282 1782 1782 S = Satisfactory
Overpayment Flag Overpayment Payment
NSLDS Perkins 284 1730 1737 NSLDS Perkins 283 1783 1790
Overpayment Overpayment Contact
NSLDS Defaulted 285 1738 1738 NSLDS Defaulted 284 1791 1791
Loan Flag Loan Flag
NSLDS Discharged 286 1739 1739 NSLDS Discharged 285 1792 1792
Loan Flag Loan Flag
NSLDS Loan 287 1740 1740 NSLDS Loan 286 1793 1793
Satisfactory Satisfactory Payment
Repayment Flag Arrangement Flag
Active Bankruptcy 288 1741 1741 Active Bankruptcy 287 1794 1794
Flag Flag

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
NSLDS Aggregate 289 1742 1747 NSLDS Aggregate 288 1795 1800
Subsidized Subsidized
Outstanding Outstanding Principal
Principal Balance Balance
NSLDS Aggregate 290 1748 1753 NSLDS Aggregate 289 1801 1806
Unsubsidized Unsubsidized
Outstanding Outstanding Principal
Principal Balance Balance
NSLDS Aggregate 291 1754 1759 NSLDS Aggregate 290 1807 1812
Combined Combined
Outstanding Outstanding Principal
Principal Balance Balance
NSLDS Aggregate 292 1760 1765 NSLDS Unallocated 291 1813 1818
Consolidated Consolidated
Outstanding Outstanding Principal
Principal Balance Balance
NSLDS Aggregate 293 1766 1771 NSLDS Aggregate 292 1819 1824
Subsidized Pending Subsidized Pending
Disbursement Disbursement
NSLDS Aggregate 294 1772 1777 NSLDS Aggregate 293 1825 1830
Unsubsidized Unsubsidized Pending
Pending Disbursement
NSLDS Aggregate 295 1778 1783 NSLDS Aggregate 294 1831 1836
Combined Pending Combined Pending
Disbursement Disbursement
NSLDS Aggregate 296 1784 1789 NSLDS Aggregate 295 1837 1842
Subsidized Total Subsidized Total
NSLDS Aggregate 297 1790 1795 NSLDS Aggregate 296 1843 1848
Unsubsidized Total Unsubsidized Total
NSLDS Aggregate 298 1796 1801 NSLDS Aggregate 297 1849 1854
Combined Total Combined Total
NSLDS Aggregate 299 1802 1807 NSLDS Unallocated 298 1855 1860
Consolidated Total Consolidated Total
NSLDS Perkins 300 1808 1813 NSLDS Perkins 299 1861 1866
Principal Balance Principal Balance
NSLDS Perkins 301 1814 1819 NSLDS Perkins 300 1867 1872
Current Year Loan Current Year Loan
Amount Amount
NSLDS Defaulted 302 1820 1820 NSLDS Defaulted 301 1873 1873
Loan Change Flag Loan Change Flag
NSLDS Discharged 303 1821 1821 NSLDS Discharged 302 1874 1874
Loan Change Flag Loan Change Flag

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
NSLDS Satisfactory 304 1822 1822 NSLDS Satisfactory 303 1875 1875
Repayment Change Payment Arrangement
Flag Change Flag
NSLDS Active 305 1823 1823 NSLDS Active 304 1876 1876
Bankruptcy Change Bankruptcy Change
Flag Flag
NSLDS 306 1824 1824 NSLDS Overpayments 305 1877 1877
Overpayments Change Flag
Change Flag
NSLDS Aggregate 307 1825 1825 NSLDS Aggregate 306 1878 1878
Loan Change Flag Loan Change Flag
NSLDS Perkins 308 1826 1826 NSLDS Perkins Loan 307 1879 1879
Loan Change Flag Change Flag
NSLDS Pell 309 1827 1827 NSLDS Pell Payment 308 1880 1880
Payment Change Change Flag
NSLDS Additional 310 1828 1828 NSLDS Additional 309 1881 1881
Pell Flag Pell Flag
NSLDS Additional 311 1829 1829 NSLDS Additional 310 1882 1882
Loans Flag Loans Flag
Direct Loan Master- 312 1830 1830 Direct Loan Master- 311 1883 1883 Deleted value U =
Prom Note Flag Prom Note Flag Unavailable

Direct Loan Plus 313 1831 1831 Direct Loan Plus 312 1884 1884 Deleted value U =
Master Prom Note Master Prom Note Unavailable
Flag Flag
NSLDS Pell 314 1832 1833 NSLDS Pell Sequence 315 1887 1888
Sequence Number Number (1)
NSLDS Pell 315 1834 1836 NSLDS Pell 316 1889 1891
Verification Flag (1) Verification Flag (1)
NSLDS Pell EFC (1) 316 1837 1842 NSLDS Pell EFC (1) 317 1892 1897
NSLDS Pell School 317 1843 1850 NSLDS Pell School 318 1898 1905
Code (1) Code (1)
NSLDS Pell 318 1851 1852 NSLDS Pell 319 1906 1907
Transaction Number Transaction Number
(1) (1)
NSLDS Pell Last 319 1853 1860 NSLDS Pell Last 320 1908 1915
Update Date (1) Update Date (1)
NSLDS Pell 320 1861 1866 NSLDS Pell 321 1916 1921
Scheduled Amount Scheduled Amount (1)

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
NSLDS Pell Amount 321 1867 1872 NSLDS Pell Amount 322 1922 1927
Paid to Date (1) Paid to Date (1)
NSLDS Pell Percent 322 1873 1877 NSLDS Pell Percent 323 1928 1932
Scheduled Award Scheduled Award
Used (1) Used (1)
NSLDS Pell Award 323 1878 1883 NSLDS Pell Award 324 1933 1938
Amount (1) Amount (1)
NSLDS Pell 324 1884 1885 NSLDS Pell Sequence 325 1939 1940
Sequence Number Number (2)
NSLDS Pell 325 1886 1888 NSLDS Pell 326 1941 1943
Verification Flag (2) Verification Flag (2)
NSLDS Pell EFC (2) 326 1889 1894 NSLDS Pell EFC (2) 327 1944 1949
NSLDS Pell School 327 1895 1902 NSLDS Pell School 328 1950 1957
Code (2) Code (2)
NSLDS Pell 328 1903 1904 NSLDS Pell 329 1958 1959
Transaction Number Transaction Number
(2) (2)
NSLDS Pell Last 329 1905 1912 NSLDS Pell Last 330 1960 1967
Update Date (2) Update Date (2)
NSLDS Pell 330 1913 1918 NSLDS Pell 331 1968 1973
Scheduled Amount Scheduled Amount
NSLDS Pell Amount 331 1919 1924 NSLDS Pell Amount 332 1974 1979
Paid to Date (2) Paid to Date (2)
NSLDS Pell Percent 332 1925 1929 NSLDS Pell Percent 333 1980 1984
Scheduled Award Scheduled Award
Used (2) Used (2)
NSLDS Pell Award 333 1930 1935 NSLDS Pell Award 334 1985 1990
Amount (2) Amount (2)
NSLDS Pell 334 1936 1937 NSLDS Pell Sequence 335 1991 1992
Sequence Number Number (3)
NSLDS Pell 335 1938 1940 NSLDS Pell 336 1993 1995
Verification Flag (3) Verification Flag (3)
NSLDS Pell EFC (3) 336 1941 1946 NSLDS Pell EFC (3) 337 1996 2001
NSLDS Pell School 337 1947 1954 NSLDS Pell School 338 2002 2009
Code (3) Code (3)
NSLDS Pell 338 1955 1956 NSLDS Pell 339 2010 2011
Transaction Number Transaction Number
(3) (3)
NSLDS Pell Last 339 1957 1964 NSLDS Pell Last 340 2012 2019
Update Date (3) Update Date (3)

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
NSLDS Pell 340 1965 1970 NSLDS Pell 341 2020 2025
Scheduled Amount Scheduled Amount (3)
NSLDS Pell Amount 341 1971 1976 NSLDS Pell Amount 342 2026 2031
Paid to Date (3) Paid to Date (3)
NSLDS Pell Percent 342 1977 1981 NSLDS Pell Percent 343 2032 2036
Scheduled Award Scheduled Award
Used (3) Used (3)
NSLDS Pell Award 343 1982 1987 NSLDS Pell Award 344 2037 2042
Amount (3) Amount (3)
NSLDS Loan (1) 344 1988 1989 NSLDS Loan (1) 345 2043 2044
Sequence Number Sequence Number
NSLDS Loan (1) 345 1990 1990 NSLDS Loan (1) Type 346 2045 2045
Type Code Code
NSLDS Loan (1) 346 1991 1991 NSLDS Loan (1) 347 2046 2046
Change Flag Change Flag
NSLDS Loan (1) 347 1992 1993 NSLDS Loan (1) 348 2047 2048
Program Code Program Code
NSLDS Loan (1) 348 1994 1999 NSLDS Loan (1) Net 349 2049 2054
Net Amount Amount
NSLDS Loan (1) 349 2000 2001 NSLDS Loan (1) 350 2055 2056
Current Status Code Current Status Code
NSLDS Loan (1) 350 2002 2009 NSLDS Loan (1) 351 2057 2064
Current Status Date Current Status Date
NSLDS Loan (1) 351 2010 2015 NSLDS Loan (1) 352 2065 2070
Aggregate Principal Aggregate Principal
Balance Balance
NSLDS Loan (1) 352 2016 2023 NSLDS Loan (1) 353 2071 2078
Aggregate Principal Aggregate Principal
Balance Date Balance Date
NSLDS Loan (1) 353 2024 2031 NSLDS Loan (1) 354 2079 2086
Begin Date Begin Date
NSLDS Loan (1) 354 2032 2039 NSLDS Loan (1) End 355 2087 2094
End Date Date
NSLDS Loan (1) 355 2040 2042 NSLDS Loan (1) GA 356 2095 2097
GA Code Code
NSLDS Loan (1) 356 2043 2045 NSLDS Loan (1) 357 2098 2100
Contact Type Contact Type
NSLDS Loan (1) 357 2046 2053 NSLDS Loan (1) 358 2101 2108
School Code School Code
NSLDS Loan (1) 358 2054 2061 NSLDS Loan (1) 359 2109 2116
Contact Code Contact Code

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
NSLDS Loan (1) 359 2062 2064 NSLDS Loan (1) 360 2117 2119
Grade Level Grade Level
NSLDS Loan (1) 360 2065 2065 NSLDS Loan (1) 361 2120 2120
Additional Additional
Unsubsidized Loan Unsubsidized Loan
Flag Flag
NSLDS Loan (1) 361 2066 2066 NSLDS Loan (1) 362 2121 2121
Capitalized Interest Capitalized Interest
Flag Flag
NSLDS Loan (1) 362 2067 2072 NSLDS Loan (1) 363 2122 2127
Amount of Last Amount of Last
Disbursement Disbursement
NSLDS Loan (1) 363 2073 2080 NSLDS Loan (1) Date 364 2128 2135
Date of Last of Last Disbursement
NSLDS Loan (2) 364 2081 2082 NSLDS Loan (2) 365 2136 2137
Sequence Number Sequence Number
NSLDS Loan (2) 365 2083 2083 NSLDS Loan (2) Type 366 2138 2138
Type Code Code
NSLDS Loan (2) 366 2084 2084 NSLDS Loan (2) 367 2139 2139
Change Flag Change Flag
NSLDS Loan (2) 367 2085 2086 NSLDS Loan (2) 368 2140 2141
Program Code Program Code
NSLDS Loan (2) 368 2087 2092 NSLDS Loan (2) Net 369 2142 2147
Net Amount Amount
NSLDS Loan (2) 369 2093 2094 NSLDS Loan (2) 370 2148 2149
Current Status Code Current Status Code
NSLDS Loan (2) 370 2095 2102 NSLDS Loan (2) 371 2150 2157
Current Status Date Current Status Date
NSLDS Loan (2) 371 2103 2108 NSLDS Loan (2) 372 2158 2163
Aggregate Principal Aggregate Principal
Balance Balance
NSLDS Loan (2) 372 2109 2116 NSLDS Loan (2) 373 2164 2171
Aggregate Principal Aggregate Principal
Balance Date Balance Date
NSLDS Loan (2) 373 2117 2124 NSLDS Loan (2) 374 2172 2179
Begin Date Begin Date
NSLDS Loan (2) 374 2125 2132 NSLDS Loan (2) End 375 2180 2187
End Date Date
NSLDS Loan (2) 375 2133 2135 NSLDS Loan (2) GA 376 2188 2190
GA Code Code
NSLDS Loan (2) 376 2136 2138 NSLDS Loan (2) 377 2191 2193
Contact Type Contact Type

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
NSLDS Loan (2) 377 2139 2146 NSLDS Loan (2) 378 2194 2201
School Code School Code
NSLDS Loan (2) 378 2147 2154 NSLDS Loan (2) 379 2202 2209
Contact Code Contact Code
NSLDS Loan (2) 379 2155 2157 NSLDS Loan (2) 380 2210 2212
Grade Level Grade Level
NSLDS Loan (2) 380 2158 2158 NSLDS Loan (2) 381 2213 2213
Additional Additional
Unsubsidized Loan Unsubsidized Loan
Flag Flag
NSLDS Loan (2) 381 2159 2159 NSLDS Loan (2) 382 2214 2214
Capitalized Interest Capitalized Interest
Flag Flag
NSLDS Loan (2) 382 2160 2165 NSLDS Loan (2) 383 2215 2220
Amount of Last Amount of Last
Disbursement Disbursement
NSLDS Loan (2) 383 2166 2173 NSLDS Loan (2) Date 384 2221 2228
Date of Last of Last Disbursement
NSLDS Loan (3) 384 2174 2175 NSLDS Loan (3) 385 2229 2230
Sequence Number Sequence Number
NSLDS Loan (3) 385 2176 2176 NSLDS Loan (3) Type 386 2231 2231
Type Code Code
NSLDS Loan (3) 386 2177 2177 NSLDS Loan (3) 387 2232 2232
Change Flag Change Flag
NSLDS Loan (3) 387 2178 2179 NSLDS Loan (3) 388 2233 2234
Program Code Program Code
NSLDS Loan (3) 388 2180 2185 NSLDS Loan (3) Net 389 2235 2240
Net Amount Amount
NSLDS Loan (3) 389 2186 2187 NSLDS Loan (3) 390 2241 2242
Current Status Code Current Status Code
NSLDS Loan (3) 390 2188 2195 NSLDS Loan (3) 391 2243 2250
Current Status Date Current Status Date
NSLDS Loan (3) 391 2196 2201 NSLDS Loan (3) 392 2251 2256
Aggregate Principal Aggregate Principal
Balance Balance
NSLDS Loan (3) 392 2202 2209 NSLDS Loan (3) 393 2257 2264
Aggregate Principal Aggregate Principal
Balance Date Balance Date
NSLDS Loan (3) 393 2210 2217 NSLDS Loan (3) 394 2265 2272
Begin Date Begin Date
NSLDS Loan (3) 394 2218 2225 NSLDS Loan (3) End 395 2273 2280
End Date Date

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
NSLDS Loan (3) 395 2226 2228 NSLDS Loan (3) GA 396 2281 2283
GA Code Code
NSLDS Loan (3) 396 2229 2231 NSLDS Loan (3) 397 2284 2286
Contact Type Contact Type
NSLDS Loan (3) 397 2232 2239 NSLDS Loan (3) 398 2287 2294
School Code School Code
NSLDS Loan (3) 398 2240 2247 NSLDS Loan (3) 399 2295 2302
Contact Code Contact Code
NSLDS Loan (3) 399 2248 2250 NSLDS Loan (3) 400 2303 2305
Grade Level Grade Level
NSLDS Loan (3) 400 2251 2251 NSLDS Loan (3) 401 2306 2306
Additional Additional
Unsubsidized Loan Unsubsidized Loan
Flag Flag
NSLDS Loan (3) 401 2252 2252 NSLDS Loan (3) 402 2307 2307
Capitalized Interest Capitalized Interest
Flag Flag
NSLDS Loan (3) 402 2253 2258 NSLDS Loan (3) 403 2308 2313
Amount of Last Amount of Last
Disbursement Disbursement
NSLDS Loan (3) 403 2259 2266 NSLDS Loan (3) Date 404 2314 2321
Date of Last of Last Disbursement
NSLDS Loan (4) 404 2267 2268 NSLDS Loan (4) 405 2322 2323
Sequence Number Sequence Number
NSLDS Loan (4) 405 2269 2269 NSLDS Loan (4) Type 406 2324 2324
Type Code Code
NSLDS Loan (4) 406 2270 2270 NSLDS Loan (4) 407 2325 2325
Change Flag Change Flag
NSLDS Loan (4) 407 2271 2272 NSLDS Loan (4) 408 2326 2327
Program Code Program Code
NSLDS Loan (4) 408 2273 2278 NSLDS Loan (4) Net 409 2328 2333
Net Amount Amount
NSLDS Loan (4) 409 2279 2280 NSLDS Loan (4) 410 2334 2335
Current Status Code Current Status Code
NSLDS Loan (4) 410 2281 2288 NSLDS Loan (4) 411 2336 2343
Current Status Date Current Status Date
NSLDS Loan (4) 411 2289 2294 NSLDS Loan (4) 412 2344 2349
Aggregate Principal Aggregate Principal
Balance Balance
NSLDS Loan (4) 412 2295 2302 NSLDS Loan (4) 413 2350 2357
Aggregate Principal Aggregate Principal
Balance Date Balance Date

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
NSLDS Loan (4) 413 2303 2310 NSLDS Loan (4) 414 2358 2365
Begin Date Begin Date
NSLDS Loan (4) 414 2311 2318 NSLDS Loan (4) End 415 2366 2373
End Date Date
NSLDS Loan (4) 415 2319 2321 NSLDS Loan (4) GA 416 2374 2376
GA Code Code
NSLDS Loan (4) 416 2322 2324 NSLDS Loan (4) 417 2377 2379
Contact Type Contact Type
NSLDS Loan (4) 417 2325 2332 NSLDS Loan (4) 418 2380 2387
School Code School Code
NSLDS Loan (4) 418 2333 2340 NSLDS Loan (4) 419 2388 2395
Contact Code Contact Code
NSLDS Loan (4) 419 2341 2343 NSLDS Loan (4) 420 2396 2398
Grade Level Grade Level
NSLDS Loan (4) 420 2344 2344 NSLDS Loan (4) 421 2399 2399
Additional Additional
Unsubsidized Loan Unsubsidized Loan
Flag Flag
NSLDS Loan (4) 421 2345 2345 NSLDS Loan (4) 422 2400 2400
Capitalized Interest Capitalized Interest
Flag Flag
NSLDS Loan (4) 422 2346 2351 NSLDS Loan (4) 423 2401 2406
Amount of Last Amount of Last
Disbursement Disbursement
NSLDS Loan (4) 423 2352 2359 NSLDS Loan (4) Date 424 2407 2414
Date of Last of Last Disbursement
NSLDS Loan (5) 424 2360 2361 NSLDS Loan (5) 425 2415 2416
Sequence Number Sequence Number
NSLDS Loan (5) 425 2362 2362 NSLDS Loan (5) Type 426 2417 2417
Type Code Code
NSLDS Loan (5) 426 2363 2363 NSLDS Loan (5) 427 2418 2418
Change Flag Change Flag
NSLDS Loan (5) 427 2364 2365 NSLDS Loan (5) 428 2419 2420
Program Code Program Code
NSLDS Loan (5) 428 2366 2371 NSLDS Loan (5) Net 429 2421 2426
Net Amount Amount
NSLDS Loan (5) 429 2372 2373 NSLDS Loan (5) 430 2427 2428
Current Status Code Current Status Code
NSLDS Loan (5) 430 2374 2381 NSLDS Loan (5) 431 2429 2436
Current Status Date Current Status Date

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
NSLDS Loan (5) 431 2382 2387 NSLDS Loan (5) 432 2437 2442
Aggregate Principal Aggregate Principal
Balance Balance
NSLDS Loan (5) 432 2388 2395 NSLDS Loan (5) 433 2443 2450
Aggregate Principal Aggregate Principal
Balance Date Balance Date
NSLDS Loan (5) 433 2396 2403 NSLDS Loan (5) 434 2451 2458
Begin Date Begin Date
NSLDS Loan (5) 434 2404 2411 NSLDS Loan (5) End 435 2459 2466
End Date Date
NSLDS Loan (5) 435 2412 2414 NSLDS Loan (5) GA 436 2467 2469
GA Code Code
NSLDS Loan (5) 436 2415 2417 NSLDS Loan (5) 437 2470 2472
Contact Type Contact Type
NSLDS Loan (5) 437 2418 2425 NSLDS Loan (5) 438 2473 2480
School Code School Code
NSLDS Loan (5) 438 2426 2433 NSLDS Loan (5) 439 2481 2488
Contact Code Contact Code
NSLDS Loan (5) 439 2434 2436 NSLDS Loan (5) 440 2489 2491
Grade Level Grade Level
NSLDS Loan (5) 440 2437 2437 NSLDS Loan (5) 441 2492 2492
Additional Additional
Unsubsidized Loan Unsubsidized Loan
Flag Flag
NSLDS Loan (5) 441 2438 2438 NSLDS Loan (5) 442 2493 2493
Capitalized Interest Capitalized Interest
Flag Flag
NSLDS Loan (5) 442 2439 2444 NSLDS Loan (5) 443 2494 2499
Amount of Last Amount of Last
Disbursement Disbursement
NSLDS Loan (5) 443 2445 2452 NSLDS Loan (5) Date 444 2500 2507
Date of Last of Last Disbursement
NSLDS Loan (6) 444 2453 2454 NSLDS Loan (6) 445 2508 2509
Sequence Number Sequence Number
NSLDS Loan (6) 445 2455 2455 NSLDS Loan (6) Type 446 2510 2510
Type Code Code
NSLDS Loan (6) 446 2456 2456 NSLDS Loan (6) 447 2511 2511
Change Flag Change Flag
NSLDS Loan (6) 447 2457 2458 NSLDS Loan (6) 448 2512 2513
Program Code Program Code
NSLDS Loan (6) 448 2459 2464 NSLDS Loan (6) Net 449 2514 2519
Net Amount Amount

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
NSLDS Loan (6) 449 2465 2466 NSLDS Loan (6) 450 2520 2521
Current Status Code Current Status Code
NSLDS Loan (6) 450 2467 2474 NSLDS Loan (6) 451 2522 2529
Current Status Date Current Status Date
NSLDS Loan (6) 451 2475 2480 NSLDS Loan (6) 452 2530 2535
Aggregate Principal Aggregate Principal
Balance Balance
NSLDS Loan (6) 452 2481 2488 NSLDS Loan (6) 453 2536 2543
Aggregate Principal Aggregate Principal
Balance Date Balance Date
NSLDS Loan (6) 453 2489 2496 NSLDS Loan (6) 454 2544 2551
Begin Date Begin Date
NSLDS Loan (6) 454 2497 2504 NSLDS Loan (6) End 455 2552 2559
End Date Date
NSLDS Loan (6) 455 2505 2507 NSLDS Loan (6) GA 456 2560 2562
GA Code Code
NSLDS Loan (6) 456 2508 2510 NSLDS Loan (6) 457 2563 2565
Contact Type Contact Type
NSLDS Loan (6) 457 2511 2518 NSLDS Loan (6) 458 2566 2573
School Code School Code
NSLDS Loan (6) 458 2519 2526 NSLDS Loan (6) 459 2574 2581
Contact Code Contact Code
NSLDS Loan (6) 459 2527 2529 NSLDS Loan (6) 460 2582 2584
Grade Level Grade Level
NSLDS Loan (6) 460 2530 2530 NSLDS Loan (6) 461 2585 2585
Additional Additional
Unsubsidized Loan Unsubsidized Loan
Flag Flag
NSLDS Loan (6) 461 2531 2531 NSLDS Loan (6) 462 2586 2586
Capitalized Interest Capitalized Interest
Flag Flag
NSLDS Loan (6) 462 2532 2537 NSLDS Loan (6) 463 2587 2592
Amount of Last Amount of Last
Disbursement Disbursement
NSLDS Loan (6) 463 2538 2545 NSLDS Loan (6) Date 464 2593 2600
Date of Last of Last Disbursement
Filler 464 2546 2560 Deleted Field
Father’s/Stepfather’s 62 335 335 Added Field
First Name Initial Uppercase A to Z

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Father’s/Stepfather’s 63 336 343 Added Field
Date of Birth Format is
19000101 to
Mother’s/ 66 369 369 Added Field
Stepmother’s First Uppercase A to Z
Name Initial Blank
Mother’s/ 67 370 377 Added Field
Stepmother’s Date of Format is
19000101 to
Reject Override G 123 561 561 Added Field
1 = Yes
Blank = No

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Parent’s E-mail 127 570 619 Added Field
Address One and only one
'@' (at-sign)
Before @:
• at least one
valid character
• all characters
in the range of
ASCII 33-126,
except for the
following 12
characters < > (
)[]\,;: "@

• period (.)
cannot be first,
last or adjacent
to another
After @:
• at least one
valid character
• only letters,
digits, hyphen,
and period (A-
Z, a-z, 0-9, -, _,
hyphen, underscore,
and period cannot
be first, last, or
adjacent to a period

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Address Only Change 135 669 669 Added Field
Flag 1 = Student’s
Mailing address
2 = Student’s E-
mail address
3 = Parent’s E-Mail
address corrected
4 = More than one
of the above
Blank = No change
CPS Pushed ISIR 138 672 672 Added Field
Flag Y = Transaction
automatically sent
to school
Blank =
Transaction not sent
to school
SAR C Change Flag 139 673 673 Added Field
1 = SAR C flag has
Blank = No change
to flag
Filler 257 1617 1625 Added Field
For ED Use Only
Father’s/Stepfather’s 258 1626 1626 Added Field
SSN Match Flag 1 = No match on
2 = SSN and name
match, no match on
3 = SSN match, no
match on name
4 = SSN, Name,
and DOB match
5 = SSN, name,
DOB match with
Date of Death
8 = Record not sent
to SSA

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Filler 259 1627 1635 Added Field
For ED Use Only
Mother’s/ 260 1636 1636 Added Field
Stepmother’s SSN 1 = No match on
Match Flag SSN
2 = SSN and name
match, no match on
3 = SSN match, no
match on name
4 = SSN, Name,
and DOB match
5 = SSN, name,
DOB match with
Date of Death
8 = Record not sent
to SSA
Filler 264 1640 1647 Added Field
For ED Use Only

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Electronic Transaction 270 1731 1731 Blank = no
Indicator (ETI) Flag destination code or,
school not
participating, or
school is an ISIR
Request school
0 = School generated
transaction and is an
ISIR Daily school
1 = School did not
generate transaction
and is an ISIR Daily
2 = School generated
transaction, is an
ISIR Request school
3 = School did not
generate transaction,
is an ISIR Request
4 = School generated
transaction and is an
ISIR Request Daily
school, ISIR is a CPS
Pushed ISIR
5 = School did not
generate transaction,
is an ISIR Daily
school, ISIR is a CPS
Pushed ISIR
5 6 = School
generated transaction,
is an ISIR Request
school, ISIR is a CPS
Pushed ISIR
6 = CPS Pushed ISIR,
school is an ISIR
Daily school
7 = School did not
generate transaction
and is an ISIR
Request school, ISIR
is a CPS Pushed

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

2004-2005 ISIR Cross-Reference (Continued)
2003-2004 ISIR Field Data 2004-2005 ISIR Field Data
Name # Start End Name # Start End Changes
Subsidized Loan Limit 313 1885 1885 Added Field
Flag C = Close to limit
E = Exceeded limit
N = No problem
Combined Loan Limit 314 1886 1886 Added Field
Flag C = Close to limit
E = Exceeded limit
N = No problem

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Table of Reject Codes and How to Respond to
*These Alpha reject codes are the same as the Reject Override Codes.

Reject Comment
Code Reject Reason Action Code
*A Date of birth year equals 1900 through 1929. Verify (re-enter the same value) or correct the Date 069
of Birth.
*B Independent student and date of birth equals Verify (re-enter the same value) or correct the Date 072
09/01/88 or greater, and date of birth is not of Birth.
equal to or greater than current year.
*C Taxes paid is greater than zero and greater Verify (re-enter the same value) or correct Taxes 154, 155
than or equal to a fixed percentage of the paid.
AGI, but not equal to or greater than AGI.
(Parent or Independent Student)
*G Taxes paid is greater than zero, and greater Verify (re-enter the same value) or correct Taxes 153
than or equal to a fixed percentage of the paid.
AGI, but not equal to or greater than AGI.
(Dependent Student)
*N Missing first or last name. Correct the student's last name or first name or 080
verify (re-enter the same value) a blank first or last
name field if the student actually has only one
P Invalid SSN range. Verify (re-enter the same value) or correct the 023
student's current SSN.
R Student’s Social Security Match but no date Verify (re-enter the same value) or correct the 060
of birth match. student's date of birth.
S Father’s Social Security Match but no date of Verify (re-enter the same value) or correct the 016
birth match. Father's date of birth.
T Mother’s Social Security Match but no date Verify (re-enter the same value) or correct the 017
of birth match. Mother's date of birth.
*W Unusually high number of family members. If the student is dependent, verify (re-enter the 178, 179
same value) or correct Parents’ Number of Family

If the student is independent, verify (re-enter the

same value) or correct Student’s Number of Family

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Table of Reject Codes and How to Respond to Each (Continued)
Reject Comment
Code Reject Reason Action Code
1 Simplified needs test is not met and all asset If the student is dependent, provide the following: 150, 151
data are blank. Parents’ Cash, Savings, and Checking; Parents’
Real Estate/Investment Net Worth and Parents’
Business/Investment Farm Net Worth.
If the student is independent, provide the
Student’s Cash, Savings and Checking; Student’s
Real Estate/Investment Net Worth and Student’s
Business/Investment Farm Net Worth.
2 Incomplete FAFSA or Renewal FAFSA. If the student is dependent, provide Parents’ Taxed 129, 130
and Untaxed Income.

If the student is independent, provide Student and

Spouse (if married) Taxed and Untaxed Income.
5 Missing or invalid Date of Birth. Correct the Date of Birth. 018
6 Father’s Social Security Number was not Correct the SSN, name, and/or Date of Birth for 011
matched with the Social Security mother and/or father to achieve a full match for at
Administration. least one parent.
7 Mother’s Social Security Number was not Correct the SSN, name, and/or Date of Birth for 012
matched with the Social Security mother and/or father to achieve a full match for at
Administration. least one parent.
8 SSN match with Date of Death. Contact the Social Security Administration to fix 076, 145
the error at SSA. Then re-enter name or Date of
Birth and submit as a correction for an updated
SSA Match.
9 Dependent student and one of SSN, last Correct the SSN, name and/or Date of Birth for 049
name, and Date of Birth are missing for both mother and/or father to achieve a full match for at
parents. least one parent.
10 Missing marital status and number of family If the student is dependent, review and correct 168, 169
members. Parents' Marital Status and Parents' Number of
Family Members.

If the student is independent, review and correct

Student's Marital Status and Student's Number of
Family Members.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Table of Reject Codes and How to Respond to Each (Continued)
Reject Comment
Code Reject Reason Action Code
11 Marital Status inconsistent with reported If the student is dependent, review and correct 089, 099
incomes. Parents' Marital Status plus Father's/Stepfather’s
Income From Work and Mother's/Stepmother’s
Income From Work.

If the student is independent, review and correct

Student's Marital Status plus Student's Income
Earned From Work and Spouse's Income Earned
From Work.
12 Taxes paid is greater than zero and equal to Correct Taxes paid or AGI. 111, 114, 152
or greater than AGI.
13 Missing Name. Provide the following: 082
Student's Last Name and/or Student's First Name,
or verify a blank first or last name field if the
student actually has only one name.
14 Missing student signature on paper FAFSA Signature correction must be made on a printed 160
or SAR. Student Aid Report certification page and
resubmitted to the FAFSA Processor or may be
corrected electronically.
15 Missing parent signature on FAFSA or SAR. Signature correction must be made on a printed 108
Student Aid Report certification page and
resubmitted to the FAFSA Processor or may be
corrected electronically.
16 Missing student signature on Web Signature correction must be made on a printed 110
application. Student Aid Report certification page and
resubmitted to the FAFSA Processor or corrected
17 Citizenship status left blank and SSA did not Provide the citizenship status with the alien 068
verify citizenship status or applicant reported registration number if appropriate.
not a citizen or eligible non-citizen.
18 SSN not on Social Security Administration’s Correct the Social Security Number. If the SSN is 024, 062
database. already correct, contact the Social Security
Administration to fix the error in their records.
Then re-enter SSN and submit as a correction for
an updated SSA Match.
19 An EFC cannot be calculated because the Student needs to call 202-377-3243 to resolve 009
Department of Education has placed a ‘hold’ comment 009.
on the student.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Record and Transmission Error Messages
Error Code Error Message Error Resolution and/or Description
01 EDE School Number Invalid Federal School Code indicated is not
participating in EDE. Check the code for
02 Invalid Record Type Invalid Record Source/Type.
03 Not Found on Database SSN and Name ID are invalid or do not match
record on database.
04 School Code Not On Record Requesting institution is not listed on database
record and is not included in the correction
05 DRN Number Missing or Invalid Requesting school is not listed on database
record and is included in the correction record
with the applicant’s incorrect DRN.
06 School Code Already on Record The only correction being made is to your
Federal School Code, which is already listed on
this record. If nothing else needs to be corrected
you do not need to send this record again. If
you have other corrections to this record, make
them and send the record again without your
school code.
07 Invalid Transaction Number Blank or invalid transaction number.
08 Trans 99 Requires DRN and School Code Transaction number equals 99 and Federal
School Code and DRN are not included on
correction record.
09 Too Many Transactions Transaction number is greater than 30.
Call the regional office of the Department of
Education for instructions.
10 Previous Application Already on CPS FAFSA or Renewal FAFSA with the same SSN
Database and Name ID is already on file on the CPS
match record on database.
11 (Various messages; invalid data displayed Out of range or invalid value in data field.
on error file) Review the valid field content in this technical
reference, and compare it to the data you
submitted to the CPS.
12 (No message) Incorrect field number or missing field number.
Verify that field number used was valid on your
13 Corr Yr not 5 Process year not equal to 5.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Record and Transmission Error Messages (Continued)
Error Code Error Message Error Resolution and/or Description
14 Data Type Does Not Match Message Class Data Type Does Not Match Message Class,
verify that the data in the file is being sent in the
correct message class
15 Invalid EDE School Number School not participating
16 School Code Not Serviced by Destination School not valid for destination point
17 Invalid Destination Number Destination invalid or not participating
18 Invalid Message Class Invalid Message Class

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Assumption Overrides
Results Of Setting
Assumption Made Override Before
Assumption When Override Flag Sending Data
Override Is Not Present Triggering Situation
1 Parents’ number in college Allow number in college to The Parents’ Number of Family
assumed to be 1. be greater than 6. Members does not equal the number
in college. The Parents’ Number of
college students in the household
equals 7 or more.
2 Parents' AGI assumed Allow parents' AGI to be Parents' AGI is blank or zero. Tax
equal to the sum of the zero if blank or zero is return status is filed, will file, or
father's/stepfather’s and entered. blank. Father's/Stepfather’s income
mother's/stepmother’s from work or mother's/Stepmother’s
income earned from work. income from work is positive or
3 Student's number in college Allow number of family The independent Student's Number of
assumed to be 1. members to be equal to the Family Members equals 3 or more.
number in college when they The Number of College Students in
are equal and greater than 2. Household is the same value.
4 Student's AGI assumed to Allow Student's AGI to be The Student's AGI is blank or zero.
be equal to the sum of the zero if blank is entered. Tax return status is filed, will file, or
student's and spouse's blank. Student's income from work
income earned from work. or spouse's income from work is
positive or negative.
5 Parents' income from Allow Parents' income from Parents’ Calculated 2003 Tax Status
Worksheet C assumed to be Worksheet C to be greater equals filed. Income from Worksheet
zero. than zero and greater than a C is greater than a fixed percentage of
fixed percentage of the Parents' AGI plus Parents’ Total from
parents' total income. Worksheet A plus Worksheet B.

Parents’ Calculated 2003 Tax Status

equals non-tax filer. Income from
Worksheet C is greater than a fixed
percentage of Father's/Stepfather’s
Income From Work,
Mother's/Stepmother’s Income From
Work, and Parents’ Total from
Worksheet A plus Worksheet B.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Assumption Overrides (Continued)
Results Of Setting
Assumption Made Override Before
Assumption When Override Flag Sending Data
Override Is Not Present Triggering Situation
6 Student's income from Allow Student's income Students Calculated 2003 Tax Status
Worksheet C assumed to be from Worksheet C to be equals filed. Income from Worksheet
zero. greater than zero, and equal C is greater or equal to Student's
or greater than student's total AGI, and Student’s Total from
income. Worksheet A plus Worksheet B.

Students Calculated 2003 Tax Status

equals non-filer. Income from
Worksheet C is greater than or equal
to Student's Income Earned From
Work, Spouse's Income From Work,
and Student’s Total from Worksheet
A plus Worksheet B.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
Student’s 001 15 30 1457 1217 1337 Last Name 1
Last Name
Student’s 002 31 42 1458 1218 1338 First Name 2
First Name
Middle Initial 003 43 43 1459 1219 1339 Middle Initial 3
Permanent 004 44 78 1460 1220 1340 Number and 4
Mailing Number and
Address Street (Include
Apt. Number)

Student’s 005 79 94 1461 1221 1341 City (and 5

Permanent country if not
City U.S.)
Student’s 006 95 96 1462 1222 1342 State 6
Student’s 007 97 101 1463 1223 1343 Zip Code 7
Zip Code
Student’s 008 642 650 1464 1224 1344 Your Social 8
Current Security
Social Number
Student’s 009 102 109 1465 1225 1345 Your date of 9
Date of Birth birth
Student’s 010 110 119 1466 1226 1346 Your 10
Permanent permanent
Phone telephone
Number number

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References (Continued)
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
Student’s 011 120 139 1467 1227 1347 Your Driver’s 11
Driver’s License
License Number
Student’s 012 140 141 1468 1228 1348 State 12
License State
Student’s E- 013 142 191 1469 1229 1349 Your e-mail 13
mail Address address
Student’s 014 192 192 1470 1230 1350 Are you a 14
Citizenship U.S. Citizen?
Student’s 015 193 201 1471 1231 1351 Alien 15
Alien Registration
Registration Number
Student’s 016 202 202 1472 1232 1352 What is your 16
Marital Status marital status
as of today?
Student’s 017 203 208 1473 1233 1353 Month and 17
Marital Status year you were
Date married,
divorced, or
Student’s 018 209 210 1474 1234 1354 What is your 18
State of Legal state of legal
Residence residence?
Student Legal 019 211 211 1475 1235 1355 Did you 19
Resident become a
Before 01-01- legal resident
1999? of this state
before January
1, 1999?

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References (Continued)
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
Student’s 020 212 217 1476 1236 1356 If the answer 20
Legal to question 19
Residence is “No” give
Date month and
year you
became a legal
Are You 021 218 218 1477 1237 1357 Are you male? 21
Male? (Most male
students must
register with
Service to get
federal aid.)
Do you want 022 219 219 1478 1238 1358 If you are 22
Selective male (ages 18-
Service to 25) and not
register you? registered,
answer "Yes"
and Selective
Service will
register you.
Degree/ 023 220 220 1479 1239 1359 What degree 23
Certificate or certificate
will you be
working on
during 2004-
Grade Level 024 221 221 1480 1240 1360 What will be 24
in College your grade
level when
you begin the
school year?

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References (Continued)
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
HS Diploma 025 222 222 1481 1241 1361 Will you have 25
or GED a high school
Received? diploma or
GED before
you begin the
school year?
First 026 223 223 1482 1242 1362 Will you have 26
Bachelor’s your first
Degree By 07- bachelor’s
01-2004? degree before
July 1, 2004?
Interested in 027 224 224 1483 1243 1363 In addition to 27
Student grants, are you
Loans? interested in
student loans
(which you
must pay
Interested in 028 225 225 1484 1244 1364 In addition to 28
Work-Study? grants, are you
interested in
(which you
earn through

Father’s 029 226 226 1485 1245 1365 Highest 29

Highest Grade school your
Level father
Completed completed
Mother’s 030 227 227 1486 1246 1366 Highest 30
Highest Grade school your
Level mother
Completed completed

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References (Continued)
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
Drug 031 228 228 1487 1247 1367 Do not leave 31
Conviction this question
Affecting blank. Have
Eligibility you ever been
convicted of
possessing or
selling illegal
drugs? If you
have, answer
complete and
submit this
and we will
send you a
worksheet in
the mail for
you to
determine if
affects your
eligibility for
Student’s Tax 032 229 229 1488 1248 1368 For 2003, 32
Return have you (the
Completed? student)
your IRS
income tax
return or
another tax
return listed in
question 33?

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References (Continued)
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
Student’s 033 230 230 1489 1249 1369 What income 33
Type of 2003 tax return did
Tax Form you file or
Used? will you file
for 2003?
Student 034 231 231 1490 1250 1370 If you have 34
Eligible to file filed or will
1040A or file a 1040,
1040EZ? were you
eligible to file
a 1040A or
Student’s 035 232 237 1491 1251 1371 What was 35
Adjusted your (and
Gross Income spouse’s)
from IRS adjusted gross
form income for
Student’s U.S. 036 238 242 1492 1252 1372 Enter the total 36
Income Tax amount of
Paid your (and
income tax for
Student’s 037 243 244 1493 1253 1373 Enter your 37
Exemptions (and spouse’s)
Claimed exemptions
for 2003.
Student’s 038 245 250 1494 1254 1374 How much 38
Income did you earn
Earned from from working
Work (wages,
salaries, tips,
etc.) in 2003?

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References (Continued)
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
Spouse’s 039 251 256 1495 1255 1375 How much 39
Income did your
Earned from spouse earn
Work from working
salaries, tips,
etc.) in 2003?
Student’s 040 257 261 1496 1256 1376 Worksheet A 40
Total Amount
Worksheet A
Student’s 041 262 266 1497 1257 1377 Worksheet B 41
Total Amount
Worksheet B
Student’s 042 267 271 1498 1258 1378 Worksheet C 42
Total Amount
Worksheet C
Student’s 043 272 277 1499 1259 1379 As of today, 43
Cash, Savings, what is your
and Checking (and spouse’s)
total current
balance of
cash, savings,
and checking
Student’s 044 278 283 1500 1260 1380 As of today, 44
Investment what is the net
Net Worth worth of your
(and spouse’s)
including real
estate (not
your home)?

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References (Continued)
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
Student’s 045 284 289 1501 1261 1381 As of today, 45
Business what is the net
and/or worth of your
Investment (and spouse’s)
Farm Net current
Worth businesses
No. of Months 046 290 291 1502 1262 1382 If you receive 46
Veterans veterans'
Education education
Benefits benefits, for
Received how many
months from
July 1, 2004
through June
30, 2005 will
you receive
these benefits?
Monthly 047 292 295 1503 1263 1383 And what 47
Veterans amount will
Education you receive
Benefits per month?
Born Before 048 296 296 1504 1264 1384 Were you 48
01-01-1981? born before
January 1,

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References (Continued)
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
Working on a 049 297 297 1505 1265 1385 At the 49
Master’s or beginning of
Doctorate 2004-2005
Program? school year,
will you be
working on a
master's or
program (such
as an MA,
JD, PhD.
EdD, or
Is Student 050 298 298 1506 1266 1386 As of today, 50
Married? are you
"Yes" if you
are separated
but not
Have Children 051 299 299 1507 1267 1387 Do you have 51
you support? children who
receive more
than half of
their support
from you?

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References (Continued)
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
Have Legal 052 300 300 1508 1268 1388 Do you have 52
Dependents dependents
Other than (other than
Children or your children
Spouse? or spouse)
who live with
you and who
receive more
than half of
their support
from you, now
and through
June 30,
Orphan or 053 301 301 1509 1269 1389 Are both of 53
Ward of your parents
Court? deceased, or
are you or
were you
(until age 18)
a ward/
dependent of
the court?
Veteran of 054 302 302 1510 1270 1390 Are you a 54
U.S. Armed veteran of the
Forces? U.S. Armed
Parent’s 055 303 303 1511 1271 1391 What is your 55
Marital Status parents’
marital status
as of today?
Parent's 056 304 309 1512 1272 1392 Month and 56
Marital Status year they were
Date married,
divorced, or

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References (Continued)
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
Father’s/ 057 310 318 1513 1273 1393 Father’s/ 57
Stepfather’s Stepfather’s
Social Social
Security Security
Number Number
Father’s/ 058 319 334 1514 1274 1394 Father’s/ 58
Stepfather’s Stepfather’s
Last Name Last Name,
Father’s/ 059 335 335 1515 1275 1395 First Initial 59
First Name
Father’s/ 060 336 343 1516 1276 1396 Father’s/ 60
Stepfather’s Stepfather’s
Date of Birth Date of Birth
Mother’s/ 061 344 352 1517 1277 1397 Mother’s/ 61
Stepmother’s Stepmother’s
Social Social
Security Security
Number Number
Mother’s/ 062 353 368 1518 1278 1398 Mother’s/ 62
Stepmother’s Stepmother’s
Last Name Last Name,
Mother’s/Step 063 369 369 1519 1279 1399 First Initial 63
mother’s First
Name Initial
Mother’s/Step 064 370 377 1520 1280 1400 Mother’s/ 64
mother’s Date Stepmother’s
of Birth Date of Birth
Parents’ 065 378 379 1521 1281 1401 Go to Page 7 65
Number of to determine
Family how many
Members people are in
your parents’

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References (Continued)
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
Parents’ 066 380 380 1522 1282 1402 Go to Page 7 66
Number in to determine
College how many in
(Parents’ question 65
excluded) (exclude your
parents) will
be college
between July
1, 2004 and
June 30, 2005.
Parents’ State 067 381 382 1523 1283 1403 What is your 67
of Legal parents’ state
Residence of legal
Parents Legal 068 383 383 1524 1284 1404 Did your 68
Residents parents
before 01-01- become legal
1999? residents of
this state
before January
1, 1999?
Parents’ Legal 069 384 389 1525 1285 1405 If the answer 69
Residence to question 68
Date is “No” give
month and
year legal
began for the
parent who
has lived in
the state the

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References (Continued)
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
Parents’ Tax 070 390 390 1526 1286 1406 For 2003, 70
Return have your
Completed? parents
their IRS
income tax
return or
another tax
return listed in
question 71?

Parents’ Type 071 391 391 1527 1287 1407 What income 71
of 2003 Tax tax return did
Form Used? your parents
file or will
they file for
Parents’ 072 392 392 1528 1288 1408 If your parents 72
Eligible to file have filed or
1040A or will file a
1040EZ? 1040, were
they eligible
to file a
1040A or
Parents’ 073 393 398 1529 1289 1409 What was 73
Adjusted your parents’
Gross Income adjusted gross
from IRS income for
form 2003?
Parents’ U.S. 074 399 404 1530 1290 1410 Enter the total 74
Income Tax amount of
Paid your parents’
income tax for
Parents’ 075 405 406 1531 1291 1411 Enter your 75
Exemptions parents’
Claimed exemptions
for 2003.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References (Continued)
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
Father’s/Stepf 076 407 412 1532 1292 1412 How much 76
ather’s did your
Income father/
Earned from stepfather earn
Work from working
salaries, tips,
etc.) in 2003?
Mother’s/Step 077 413 418 1533 1293 1413 How much 77
mother’s did your
Income mother/
Earned from stepmother
Work earn from
salaries, tips,
Parents’ Total 078 419 423 1534 1294 1414 etc.) in 2003?
Worksheet A 78
Amount from
Worksheet A
Parents’ Total 079 424 428 1535 1295 1415 Worksheet B 79
Amount from
Worksheet B
Parents’ Total 080 429 433 1536 1296 1416 Worksheet C 80
Amount from
Worksheet C
Parents’ Cash, 081 434 439 1537 1297 1417 As of today, 81
Savings, and what is your
Checking parents’ total
balance of
cash, savings,
and checking

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References (Continued)
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
Parents’ 082 440 445 1538 1298 1418 As of today, 82
Investment what is the net
Net Worth worth of your
including real
estate (not
your home)?
Parents’ 083 446 451 1539 1299 1419 As of today, 83
Business what is the net
and/or worth of your
Investment parents’
Farm Net current
Worth businesses
Student’s 084 452 453 1540 1300 1420 Go to page 7 84
Number of to determine
Family how many
Members people are in
your (and
your spouse’s)
Student’s 085 454 454 1541 1301 1421 Go to page 7 85
Number in to determine
College how many in
question 84
will be college
attending at
least half time
between July
1, 2004, and
June 30, 2005.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References (Continued)
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
Federal 086 455 460 1542 1302 1422 1st Federal 86
School Code School Code
#1 or Name of
Address and
City, State
Federal 087 461 461 1543 1303 1423 Housing plans 87
School Code
#1 Housing
Federal 088 462 467 1544 1304 1424 2nd Federal 88
School Code School Code
#2 or Name of
Address and
City, State
Federal 089 468 468 1545 1305 1425 Housing plans 89
School Code
#2 Housing
Federal 090 469 474 1546 1306 1426 3rd Federal 90
School Code School Code
#3 or Name of
Address and
City, State
Federal 091 475 475 1547 1307 1427 Housing plans 91
School Code
#3 Housing
Federal 092 476 481 1548 1308 1428 4th Federal 92
School Code School Code
#4 or Name of
Address and
City, State

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References (Continued)
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
Federal 093 482 482 1549 1309 1429 Housing plans 93
School Code
#4 Housing
Federal 094 483 488 1550 1310 1430 5th Federal 94
School Code School Code
#5 or Name of
Address and
City, State
Federal 095 489 489 1551 1311 1431 Housing plans 95
School Code
#5 Housing
Federal 096 490 495 1552 1312 1432 6th Federal 96
School Code School Code
#6 or Name of
Address and
City, State
Federal 097 496 496 1553 1313 1433 Housing plans 97
School Code
#6 Housing
Enrollment 098 497 497 1554 1314 1434 For the 2004- 98
Status 2005
year, please
mark whether
you will be:
Date 099 498 505 1555 1315 1435 Date this form 99
Application was
Completed completed
Signed By 100 506 506 1556 1316 1436 Student and 100

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Field Name and Position Cross-References (Continued)
SAR SAR ISIR ISIR Data Correction Highlight FAFSA FAFSA
Field Field Start End Verify Flag Flag Field #
Name # Position Position Flag Position Position Name
Preparer’s 101 507 515 1557 1317 1437 Preparer’s 101
Social Social
Security Security
Number Number
Preparer’s 102 516 524 1558 1318 1438 Employer ID 102
Employer number
Number (EIN)
Preparer’s 103 525 525 1559 1319 1439 Preparer’s 103
Signature signature and
Parent’s E- 104 570 619 1560 1320 1440 (NOT ON N/A
mail Address FAFSA)
Dependency 106 526 526 1562 1322 1442 D/O N/A
Student Last 112 671 671 1568 1328 1448 (NOT ON N/A
Change Flag
Data Request 113 654 657 No Flag No Flag No Flag (NOT ON N/A
Number FAFSA)
FAA Federal N/A 527 532 No Flag No Flag No Flag Federal N/A
School Code School Code
FAA 107 658 658 No Flag No Flag No Flag (NOT ON N/A
Adjustment FAFSA)

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

NSLDS Loan Program Codes
Program Code Message
CL FFEL Consolidated
D1 Direct Stafford Subsidized
D2 Direct Stafford Unsubsidized
D4 Direct PLUS
D5 Direct Consolidated Unsubsidized
D6 Direct Consolidated Subsidized
D7 Direct PLUS Consolidated
DU National Defense Student Loan
EU Perkins Expanded Lending Option
FI Federal Insured Student Loan (FISL)
IC Income Contingent Loan (ICL)
NU National Direct Student Loan (NDSL)
PU Federal Perkins
RF FFEL Refinanced
SF FFEL Stafford Subsidized
SL Supplemental Loan (SLS)
SN FFEL Stafford Non-Subsidized
SU FFEL Stafford Unsubsidized

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

NSLDS Loan Current Status Codes
Status Code Status Message
AL Abandoned Loan
BC No Prior Default, Bankruptcy Claim, Discharged (For FFELP, only includes Chapter 13
BK No Prior Default, Bankruptcy Claim, Active (For FFELP, only includes Chapter 13
CA Cancelled (For Perkins, means = Loan Reversal.)
CS Closed School Discharge
DA Deferred
DB Defaulted, then Bankrupt, Active. (For FFELP, only includes Chapter 13 bankruptcies.)
DC Defaulted, Compromise
DD Defaulted, Then Died
DE Death
DF Defaulted, Unresolved
DI Disability
DK Defaulted, Then Bankrupt, Discharged. (For FFELP, only includes Chapter 13 bankruptcies.)

DL Defaulted, in Litigation
DN Defaulted, Then Paid in Full Through Consolidation Loan
DO Defaulted, Then Bankrupt, Active, Other. (For FFELP, only includes Chapter 13
DP Defaulted, Then Paid in Full
DR Defaulted Loan Included in Roll-up Loan
DS Defaulted, Then Disabled
DT Defaulted, Collection Terminated
DU Defaulted, Unresolved
DW Defaulted, Write-Off
DX Defaulted, Satisfactory Arrangements, and Six Consecutive Payments
DZ Defaulted, Six Consecutive Payments, Then Missed Payment
FB Forbearance
FC False Certification Discharge
IA Loan Originated
ID In School or Grace Period
IG In Grace Period

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

NSLDS Loan Current Status Codes (Continued)
Status Code Status Message
IM In Military Grace
IP In Post-Deferment Grace (Perkins only)
OD Defaulted, Then Bankrupt, Discharged, Other. (For FFELP, only includes Chapter 7, 11, and
12 bankruptcies.)
PC Paid in Full Through Consolidation Loan
PF Paid in Full
PM Presumed Paid in Full
PN Non-defaulted, Paid in Full Through Consolidation Loan
RF Refinanced
RP In Repayment
UA Temporarily Uninsured – No Default Claim Requested
UB Temporarily Uninsured – Default Claim Denied
UC Permanently Uninsured/Unreinsured – No Default Claim Requested
(For Perkins, non-defaulted loan purchased by School)
UD Permanently Uninsured/Unreinsured – Default Claim Denied
(For Perkins, defaulted loan purchased by School
UI Uninsured/Unreinsured
XD Defaulted, Satisfactory Arrangements, and Six Consecutive Payments

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

State/Country/Jurisdiction Codes
State/Country/Jurisdiction Code State/Country/Jurisdiction Code
Alabama AL Minnesota MN
Alaska AK Mississippi MS
American Samoa AS Missouri MO
Arizona AZ Montana MT
Arkansas AR Nebraska NE
California CA Nevada NV
Canada CN New Hampshire NH
Colorado CO New Jersey NJ
Connecticut CT New Mexico NM
Delaware DE New York NY
District of Columbia DC North Carolina NC
Federated States of Micronesia FM North Dakota ND
Florida FL Northern Mariana Islands MP
Foreign Country (other than Canada or Mexico) FC* Ohio OH
Georgia GA Oklahoma OK
Guam GU Oregon OR
Hawaii HI Pennsylvania PA
Idaho ID Puerto Rico PR
Illinois IL Republic of Palau PW
Indiana IN Rhode Island RI
Iowa IA South Carolina SC
Kansas KS South Dakota SD
Kentucky KY Tennessee TN
Louisiana LA Texas TX
Maine ME U.S. Virgin Islands VI
Marshall Islands MH Utah UT
Maryland MD Vermont VT
Massachusetts MA Virginia VA
Mexico MX Washington WA
Michigan MI West Virginia WV
Military Location Code AA AA** Wisconsin WI
Military Location Code AE AE** Wyoming WY
Military Location Code AP AP**

* = Code of FC and a zip code of 00000 identify foreign countries (other than Canada and

** = Code used for a student’s mailing state only, not valid for state of legal residence or driver's
license state.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Correction Data Entry Specifications
SAR Field Justify/ * = Correct
# Length Signed Field Name/Description Valid Field Content to Blank
001 16 Left Student’s Last Name 0 to 9 Y
Uppercase A to Z
If non-blank, first character must be a Space(s)
letter. Second character must be non- . (period)
numeric. ’(apostrophe)
- (dash)
002 12 Left Student’s First Name 0 to 9 Y
Uppercase A to Z
If non-blank, first character must be a Space(s)
letter. . (period)
’ (apostrophe)
- (dash)
003 1 Left Middle Initial Uppercase A to Z Y
004 35 Left Permanent Mailing Address 0 to 9 Y
Uppercase A to Z
If non-blank, first character cannot be . (Period)
blank. ’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
, (Comma)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Correction Data Entry Specifications (Continued)
SAR Field Justify/ * = Correct
# Length Signed Field Name/Description Valid Field Content to Blank
005 16 Left Student’s Permanent City 0 to 9 N
Uppercase A to Z
If non-blank, first character cannot be . (Period)
blank. ’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
, (Comma)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
006 2 Left Student’s Permanent State Uppercase A to Z N
Must use a valid postal code; see
State/ Country/ Jurisdiction Table
in this section.
007 5 Right Student’s Permanent Zip Code 00000 to 99999 N
Must be 00000 if Student’s
Permanent State is CN, MX or FC
008 9 Right Student’s Current Social Security 001010001 to 999999999 N
009 8 Left Student’s Date of Birth 0 to 9 N
Format is CCYYMMDD
19000101 to 19991231
010 10 Right Student’s Permanent Phone Number 0000000000 to 9999999999 Y
011 20 Left Student’s Driver’s License Number 0 to 9 Y
Uppercase A to Z
If non-blank, first character cannot be Embedded space(s)
blank and first character cannot contain - (dash)
an asterisk (*). * (asterisk)
Entire field cannot consist of all
numbers or all asterisks
012 2 Left Student’s Driver’s License State Code Valid two letter postal code Y
See State/Country/Jurisdiction
Table in this section.
013 Student’s E-mail Address Y
Do not use this SAR Number to make
corrections. To change the Student’s E-
mail Address do so in positions 471 to
520 of the Correction Record

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Correction Data Entry Specifications (Continued)
SAR Field Justify/ * = Correct
# Length Signed Field Name/Description Valid Field Content to Blank
014 1 Left Student’s Citizenship Status 1 = U.S. citizen (or U.S. national) N
2 = Eligible non-citizen
3 = Neither 1 or 2
015 9 Left Student’s Alien Registration Number 000000001 to 999999999 Y
016 1 Left Student’s Marital Status 1 = Unmarried (single, divorced, or N
2 = Married/Remarried
3 = Separated
017 6 Left Student’s Marital Status Date Format is CCYYMM Y
190001 to 200512
018 2 Left Student’s State of Legal Residence Uppercase A to Z Y
Valid postal code
See State/Country/Jurisdiction
Table in this section.
019 1 Left Student Legal Resident Before 01-01- 1 = Yes Y
1999? 2 = No
020 6 Left Student’s Legal Residence Date Format is CCYYMM Y
190001 to 200512

CPS will accept: CCYYMM

CCYY with blank MM
Blank CCYY with MM
021 1 Left Are You Male? 1 = Yes Y
2 = No
022 1 Left Do You want Selective Service to register 1 = Yes Y
you? 2 = No

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Correction Data Entry Specifications (Continued)
SAR Field Justify/ * = Correct
# Length Signed Field Name/Description Valid Field Content to Blank
023 1 Right Degree / Certificate 1 = 1st Bachelor’s Degree Y
2 = 2nd Bachelor’s Degree
3 = Associate Degree (occupational
or technical program)
4 = Associate Degree (general
education or transfer program)
5 = Certificate or Diploma for
completing an occupational,
technical, or educational program
of less than two years
6 = Certificate or Diploma for
completing an occupational,
technical, or educational program
of at least two years
7 = Teaching Credential Program
(non-degree program)
8 = Graduate or Professional
9 = Other/Undecided
024 1 Right Grade Level in College 0 = 1st year, never attended college N
1 = 1st year, attended college
2 = 2nd year/sophomore
3 = 3rd year/junior
4 = 4th year/senior
5 = 5th year/other undergraduate
6 = 1st year graduate/professional
7 = Continuing
025 1 Left HS Diploma or GED Received? 1 = Yes Y
2 = No
026 1 Left First Bachelor’s Degree By 07-01-2004? 1 = Yes Y
2 = No
027 1 Left Interested in Student Loans? 1 = Yes Y
2 = No
028 1 Left Interested in Student Employment? 1 = Yes Y
2 = No
029 1 Left Father’s Highest Grade Level Completed 1 = Middle School / Jr. High Y
2 = High School
3 = College or Beyond
4 = Other / Unknown

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Correction Data Entry Specifications (Continued)
SAR Field Justify/ * = Correct
# Length Signed Field Name/Description Valid Field Content to Blank
030 1 Left Mother’s Highest Grade Level 1 = Middle School / Jr. High Y
Completed 2 = High School
3 = College or Beyond
4 = Other / Unknown
031 1 Left Drug Conviction Affecting Eligibility? 1 = No Y
2 = Yes (Part year)
3 = Yes / Don't Know
032 1 Left Student’s Tax Return Completed? 1 = Already Completed Y
2 = Will File
3 = Will Not File
033 1 Left Student’s Type of 2003 Tax Form Used? 1 = IRS 1040 Y
2 = IRS 1040A, 1040 EZ, 1040
3 = Foreign Tax Return
4 = Tax return from Puerto Rico,
Guam, American Samoa, the U.S.
Virgin Islands, Marshall Islands,
the Federate States of Micronesia,
or Palau
034 1 Left Student Eligible to file 1040A or 1 = Yes Y
1040EZ? 2 = No
3 = Don’t know
035 6 Right Student’s Adjusted Gross Income from -999999 to 999999 Y
Signed IRS form
036 5 Right Student’s U.S. Income Tax Paid 00000 to 99999 Y
037 2 Right Student’s Exemptions Claimed 00 to 99 Y
038 6 Right Student’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 N
039 6 Right Spouse’s Income Earned from Work -999999 to 999999 Y
040 5 Right Student’s Total Amount from Worksheet 00000 to 99999 Y
041 5 Right Student’s Total Amount from Worksheet 00000 to 99999 Y
042 5 Right Student’s Total Amount from Worksheet 00000 to 99999 Y
043 6 Right Student’s Cash, Savings, and Checking 000000 to 999999 Y
044 6 Right Student’s Investment Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Y
045 6 Right Student’s Business and/or Investment 000000 to 999999 Y
Farm Net Worth
046 2 Right No. of Months Veterans Education 00 to 12 Y
Benefits Received

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Correction Data Entry Specifications (Continued)
SAR Field Justify/ * = Correct
# Length Signed Field Name/Description Valid Field Content to Blank
047 4 Right Monthly Veterans Education Benefits 0000 to 9999 Y
048 1 Left Born Before 01-01-1981? 1 = Yes N
2 = No
049 1 Left Working on a Master’s or Doctorate 1 = Yes N
Program in 2004-2005? 2 = No
050 1 Left Is Student Married? 1 = Yes N
2 = No
051 1 Left Have Children you support? 1 = Yes N
2 = No
052 1 Left Have Legal Dependents Other than 1 = Yes N
Children or Spouse? 2 = No
053 1 Left Orphan or Ward of Court? 1 = Yes N
2 = No
054 1 Left Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces? 1 = Yes N
2 = No
055 1 Left Parents’ Marital Status 1 = Married/Remarried Y
2 = Single
3 = Divorced / Separated
4 = Widowed
056 6 Left Parent's Marital Status Date Format is CCYYMM Y
190001 to 200512
057 9 Right Your Father’s/Stepfather’s Social 000000000 to 999999999 Y
Security Number
058 16 Left Your Father’s/Stepfather’s Last Name 0 to 9 Y
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
’ (apostrophe)
- (dash)
059 1 Right Father’s/Stepfather’s First Name Initial Uppercase A to Z Y
060 8 Right Father’s/Stepfather’s Date of Birth Format is CCYYMMDD Y
19000101 to 19991231
061 9 Right Your Mother’s/Stepmother’s Social 000000000 to 999999999 Y
Security Number
062 16 Left Your Mother’s/Stepmother’s Last Name 0 to 9 Y
Uppercase A to Z
. (period)
’ (apostrophe)
- (dash)

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Correction Data Entry Specifications (Continued)
SAR Field Justify/ * = Correct
# Length Signed Field Name/Description Valid Field Content to Blank
063 1 Right Mother’s/ Uppercase A to Z Y
Stepmother’s First Name Initial Blank
064 8 Right Mother’s/ Format is CCYYMMDD Y
Stepmother’s Date of Birth 19000101 to 19991231
065 2 Right Parents’ Number of Family Members 01 to 99 Y
066 1 Right Parents’ Number in College (Parents’ 1 to 9 Y
067 2 Left Parents’ State of Legal Residence Valid postal code Y
See State/Country/Jurisdiction
Table in this section.
068 1 Left Parents Legal Residents before 01-01- 1 = Yes Y
1999? 2 = No
069 6 Left Parents’ Legal Residence Date Format is CCYYMM Y
190001 to 200512

CPS will accept: CCYYMM

CCYY with blank MM
Blank CCYY with MM
070 1 Left Parents’ Tax Return Completed? 1 = Already Completed Y
2 = Will File
3 = Will Not File
071 1 Left Parents’ Type of 2003 Tax Form Used? 1 = IRS 1040 Y
2 = IRS 1040A, 1040 EZ, 1040
3 = Foreign Tax Return
4 = Tax return from Puerto Rico,
Guam, American Samoa, the U.S.
Virgin Islands, Marshall Islands,
the Federate States of Micronesia,
or Palau.
072 1 Left Parents’ Eligible to file 1040A or 1 = Yes Y
1040EZ? 2 = No
3 = Don’t know
073 6 Right Parents’ Adjusted Gross Income from -999999 to 999999 Y
Signed IRS form
074 6 Right Parents’ U.S. Income Tax Paid 000000 to 999999 Y
075 2 Right Parents’ Exemptions Claimed 00 to 99 Y
076 6 Right Father’s/ Stepfather’s Income Earned -999999 to 999999 Y
Signed from Work

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Correction Data Entry Specifications (Continued)
SAR Field Justify/ * = Correct
# Length Signed Field Name/Description Valid Field Content to Blank
077 6 Right Mother’s/ Stepmother’s Income Earned -999999 to 999999 Y
Signed from Work
078 5 Right Parents’ Total Amount from Worksheet 00000 to 99999 Y
079 5 Right Parents’ Total Amount from Worksheet 00000 to 99999 Y
080 5 Right Parents’ Total Amount from Worksheet 00000 to 99999 Y
081 6 Right Parents’ Cash, Savings, and Checking 000000 to 999999 Y
082 6 Right Parents’ Investment Net Worth 000000 to 999999 Y
083 6 Right Parents’ Business and/or Investment 000000 to 999999 Y
Farm Net Worth
084 2 Right Student’s Number of Family Members 01 to 99 Y
085 1 Right Student’s Number in College 1 to 9 Y
086 6 Left Federal School Code #1 X00000 to X99999 N
Valid characters for the first
position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.
087 1 Left Federal School Code #1 Housing Plans 1 = On Campus Y
2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
088 6 Left Federal School Code #2 X00000 to X99999 Y
Valid characters for the first
position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.
089 1 Left Federal School Code #2 Housing Plans 1 = On Campus Y
2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
090 6 Left Federal School Code #3 X00000 to X99999 Y
Valid characters for the first
position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.
091 1 Left Federal School Code #3 Housing Plans 1 = On Campus Y
2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
092 6 Left Federal School Code #4 X00000 to X99999 Y
Valid characters for the first
position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.
093 1 Left Federal School Code #4 Housing Plans 1 = On Campus Y
2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
094 6 Left Federal School Code #5 X00000 to X99999 Y
Valid characters for the first
position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Correction Data Entry Specifications (Continued)
SAR Field Justify/ * = Correct
# Length Signed Field Name/Description Valid Field Content to Blank
095 1 Left Federal School Code #5 Housing Plans 1 = On Campus Y
2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
096 6 Left Federal School Code #6 X00000 to X99999 Y
Valid characters for the first
position are 0 (zero), B, E, or G.
097 1 Left Federal School Code #6 Housing Plans 1 = On Campus Y
2 = Off Campus
3 = With Parent
098 1 Left Enrollment Status 1 = Full time/Not Sure Y
2 = ¾ time
3 = ½ time
4 = Less than ½ time
5 = Not attending
100 1 Right Signed By A = Applicant N
B = Applicant and Parent
101 9 Right Preparer’s Social Security Number 000000000 to 999999999 Y
102 9 Left Preparer’s Employer Identification 000000000 to 999999999 Y
Number (EIN)
103 1 Right Preparer’s Signature 1 = Yes Y
104 Parent’s E-mail Address
This field is only correctable via the Web
and Federal Student Aid Information
Center. Do not try to correct this field on
the Correction Record.
106 1 Left Dependency Override Indicator 1 = Dependent to Independent N
2 = Dependent to Independent
override Canceled
107 1 Left FAA Adjustment 1 = Calculation Requested N
113 4 Left DRN (Data Release Number) 0001 to 9999 N

Will only be included when the

application was initiated at the destination

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

Message Classes
Message User Sends Record
Class Data Description or Receives Length User ID
CORE05OP Electronic Correction Errors Receives 109 115 CPS TG50002
CORR05IN Electronic Corrections Sends 580 CPS TG50002
EAPR05OP Electronic Application Reject Receives 109 115 CPS TG50002
EAPS05IN Electronic Applications Sends 800 CPS TG50002
EDM005OP ED Initiated Import 0 through Receives 0 Not Determined
through ED Initiated Import 9
EREP05OP PIN Request Errors Receives 85 CPS TG50002
HOLD05OP Signature Hold File Receives 200 CPS TG50002
IDAP05OP Daily Electronic Application ISIRs Receives 2560 2600 CPS TG50002
IDCO05OP Daily Electronic Correction ISIRs Receives 2560 2600 CPS TG50002
IDNR05OP Daily State Agency ISIRs Non-Resident Receives 2560 2600 CPS TG50002
IDRE05OP Daily State Agency ISIRs Resident Receives 2560 2600 CPS TG50002
IDSA05OP Daily ISIRs Receives 2600 CPS TG50002
IGCO05OP CPS Pushed ISIRs Receives 2600 CPS TG50002
IGNR05OP CPS Pushed State Agency ISIRs Non-Resident Receives 2560 2600 CPS TG50002
IGRE05OP CPS Pushed State Agency ISIRs Resident Receives 2560 2600 CPS TG50002
IGSA05OP CPS Pushed ISIRs Receives 2600 CPS TG50002
ISRF05OP Requested ISIR Data from the ISIRs Datamart Receives 2600 CPS TG50002
PINR 05OP RAPP/PIN Print Notification File Receives 185 CPS TG50002
RADD05IN PIN Requests Sends 85 CPS TG50002
SIGA05OP Signature Correction Errors Receives 109 115 CPS TG50002
SIGS05IN Signature Corrections Sends 580 CPS TG50002
TAPE05OP Test System – Application Errors Receives 109 115 CPS TG50002
TAPS05IN Test System – Applications Sends 800 CPS TG50002
TCOE05OP Test System – Correction Errors Receives 109 115 CPS TG50002
TCOR05IN Test System – Corrections Sends 580 CPS TG50002
TDAP05OP Test System – Daily Application ISIRs Receives 2600 CPS TG50002
TDCO05OP Test System – Daily Correction ISIRs Receives 2600 CPS TG50002
TDSA05OP Test System – Daily Automatic ISIRs Receives 2600 CPS TG50002
TGCO05OP Test System – CPS Pushed Correction ISIRs Receives 2600 CPS TG50002
TGSA05OP Test System – CPS Pushed Automatic ISIRs Receives 2600 CPS TG50002

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes

ISIR Comment Codes
For a complete listing of SAR and ISIR codes, please see the companion document to the 2004-
2005 EDE Technical Reference entitled 2004-2005 SAR/ISIR Comment Codes and Text. This
document can be found on the U.S. Department of Education's Student Financial Assistance
Download (FSAdownload) Web site located at as well as on the
Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP), located at

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Processing Codes


Table of Contents
Printing ISIRs ........................................................................................................................... 5-2

Printing Assumed Values ...................................................................................................... 5-3

Printing Intermediate EFC Values ........................................................................................ 5-3

FAFSA Data Verify Flags..................................................................................................... 5-3

Printing Correction Flags ...................................................................................................... 5-4

Printing Highlight Flags ........................................................................................................ 5-4

Rejected ISIRs....................................................................................................................... 5-5

Comments.............................................................................................................................. 5-5

NSLDS Page ......................................................................................................................... 5-5

Field Types............................................................................................................................ 5-6

Other Field Notes .................................................................................................................. 5-6

ISIR Fields not Printed on the ISIR.......................................................................................... 5-7

ISIR Sample Output Document................................................................................................ 5-9

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Printing

Printing ISIRs
Effective 2002-2003, you were no longer required to print your Institutional Student Information
Record (ISIR) output document exactly as the Department of Education’s (ED) software,
EDExpress, prints it. You can choose to print additional information on the ISIR. Included in
this section is the table, ISIR Fields not Printed on the ISIR. It contains all the ISIR fields that
EDExpress does not print on the ISIR. There is an example of an ISIR printed from EDExpress
for your reference.

The following information describes how EDExpress prints values. We have provided it to
assist the school or state agency in printing the data on an ISIR.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Printing

Printing Assumed Values
Assumed Values reflect suppositions the Central Processing System (CPS) has made in
determining the applicant’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC). CPS makes assumptions
when the applicant does not report certain information that is necessary for the EFC calculation
or when the applicant reports inconsistent information. (Some unreported information will result
in a rejected transaction rather than assumptions.) CPS uses the assumed value when calculating
the EFC.

For certain fields, the only assumption CPS ever makes is zero so these assumption fields on the
ISIR will contain zeros (for example, ISIR field 158, Assumed Student’s U.S. Tax Paid). On the
ISIR, EDExpress will print an asterisk (*) to the left of the field title to indicate that the CPS
made an assumption and the assumed value must print in place of the reported value.

If a field is both assumed and highlighted, EDExpress would print an asterisk (*) to the left of
the field title. Positions 712 through 784 of the ISIR all contain CPS assumption fields.

Printing Intermediate EFC Values

An intermediate EFC is a value used during the EFC calculation process. EDExpress will print
the intermediate EFC values as calculated by the formula type.

FAFSA Data Verify Flags

FAFSA Data Verify Flags are found on the ISIR (positions 1457 through 1576.) Each FAFSA
Data Verify flag byte corresponds to a specific Student Aid Report (SAR) field and indicates
fields corrected to the same value on the transaction being corrected. Refer to the Field Name
and Position Cross References table in section 4.

If a field was verified as the same data as the transaction being corrected, the FAFSA Data
Verify flag will contain a value of 1. A value of 0 signifies that this field was not corrected to
the same value and a 2 means the CPS has asked that the field be verified.

EDExpress does not print these flags on the ISIR. These flags were added by request of Third-
Party Servicers to assist them when doing correction edits.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Printing

Printing Correction Flags
Correction Flags on the ISIR (positions 1217 through 1336 on the ISIR layout) indicate changes
to FAFSA data processed by the CPS. Refer to the Field Name and Position Cross References
table in section 4.

If a field was corrected on the current transaction, the correction flag will contain a value of 1. If
a field was corrected on a previous transaction, the correction flag will contain a value of 2. All
other correction flag fields will have a value of 0.

EDExpress will print a pound sign (#) on the ISIR to the right of the field variable that was
corrected on the most current transaction, and print an at sign (@) to the right of the field
variable that was corrected on a previous transaction.

Correction flags are cumulative (for example, the flag will be carried on all subsequent

EDExpress does not actually print the data in this field, rather it uses this data to determine
which fields will have a ‘#’ or ‘@’ printed to the right of the field variable to show that the field
has been corrected from the original application.

Printing Highlight Flags

Highlight Flags on the ISIR (positions 1337 through 1456 on the ISIR layout) indicate data
highlighted in bold face on the SAR, based on FAFSA data processed by the CPS. Refer to the
Field Name and Position Cross References table in section 4. These fields are highlighted and
provide a comparison reference between the SAR question number and ISIR field position.

Any field containing a highlight flag will have a value of 1. All other highlight flag fields have a
value of 0.

On the ISIR, EDExpress will print the letter ‘h’ to the left of the field title that was highlighted.
If the field is both highlighted and assumed, an asterisk (*) will print to the left of the field title.

EDExpress does not actually print the data in this field, rather it uses this data to determine
which fields will have an ‘h’ printed to the left of the field title to show that the field was

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Printing

Rejected ISIRs
Applications and corrections submitted to CPS, regardless of the input type or source, can be
rejected for incomplete, illogical, or inconsistent data.

An EFC will not be computed for a rejected application transaction. Transactions can be rejected
for multiple reasons. Up to seven two-digit reject reason codes are carried on the ISIR.

The reject reason codes and resolution in response to each reject reason are described in the
Table of Reject Codes and How to Respond to Each, in section 4, Processing Codes.

Up to 20 three-digit numbers can appear on the ISIR record, indicating which comments would
appear on Part One of a SAR from any paper application processor. Some comments contain
critical information regarding the student’s status. The comment text that prints on the ISIRs can
be found in the 2004-2005 SAR/ISIR Comment Codes and Text document found on the U.S.
Department of Education's Federal Student Aid Download (FSAdownload) Web site located at as well as on the Information for Financial Aid Professionals (IFAP),
located at

The ISIR record contains NSLDS information. EDExpress only stores the most recent NSLDS
transaction. As a result, when the ISIR is printed from EDExpress the transaction number for the
student’s NSLDS record may not match the transaction number of the ISIR being printed. You
should always print the NSLDS information with the highest transaction number no matter what
the transaction number of the ISIR being printed.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Printing

Field Types
Fields can contain one of three types of data: character, numeric (N), or signed numeric (S/N).
All 9s in a field indicate that the reported or calculated value is greater than or equal to the value
of all 9s. Blanks are allowable in some S/N and N fields.

With S/N fields, the sign is always implied in the right most character of the field. For example,
if the Student’s Adjusted Gross Income field contains a value of negative 3507, it would appear
as 00350P. The following chart explains the conversion of the sign and the number:

Signed Numeric Fields:

Positive Values Negative Values

{ 0 E 5 } 0 N 5

A 1 F 6 J 1 O 6

B 2 G 7 K 2 P 7

C 3 H 8 L 3 Q 8

D 4 I 9 M 4 R 9

Note: All signed fields will have an extra byte printed.

Other Field Notes

EDExpress does not print the results for Is Student Selected for Verification. If these fields have
a value of ‘Y’, then an ‘*’ is printed next to the EFC.

Additionally, EDExpress does not print the value in the Electronic Federal School Code
Indicator field. Instead, it prints the Federal School Code number associated with the value. For
example, if the Electronic Federal School Code Indicator equals ‘3’, EDExpress will print the
value for the Federal School Code #3 field.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Printing

ISIR Fields not Printed on the ISIR
ISIR Start End
Field Name Field # Position Position
FAA Federal School Code 108 527 532
Filler 109 533 533
ETI Destination Number 119 551 557
Filler 126 564 569
Filler 128 620 642
Application Data Source/Type Code 133 659 660
Student Last Name/SSN Change Flag 137 671 671
Compute Number 140 674 676
Graduate Flag 143 679 679
Parents’ Calculated 2002 Tax Status 153 710 710
Student’s Calculated 2002 Tax Status 154 711 711
SEC TI: Secondary Total Income 226 1062 1068
SEC ATI: Secondary Allowances Against Total Income 227 1069 1075
SEC STX: Secondary State Tax Allowance 228 1076 1082
SEC EA: Secondary Employment Allowance 229 1083 1089
SEC IPA: Secondary Income Protection Allowance 230 1090 1096
SEC AI: Secondary Available Income 231 1097 1103
SEC CAI: Secondary Contribution From Available Income 232 1104 1110
SEC DNW: Secondary Discretionary Net Worth 233 1111 1119
SEC NW: Secondary Net Worth 234 1120 1128
SEC APA: Secondary Asset Protection Allowances 235 1129 1137
SEC PCA: Secondary Parents’ Contribution from Assets 236 1138 1144
SEC AAI: Secondary Adjusted Available Income 237 1145 1151
SEC TSC: Secondary Total Student Contribution 238 1152 1158
SEC TPC: Secondary Total Parent Contribution 239 1159 1165
SEC PC: Secondary Parents’ Contribution 240 1166 1172
SEC STI: Secondary Student’s Total Income 241 1173 1179
SEC SATI: Secondary Student’s Allowance Against Total Income 242 1180 1186
SEC SIC: Secondary Student’s Dependent Income Contribution 243 1187 1193
SEC SDNW: Secondary Student’s Discretionary Net Worth 244 1194 1202
SEC SCA: Secondary Student’s Contribution from Assets 245 1203 1209
SEC FTI: Secondary FISAP Total Income 246 1210 1216
*Correction Flags 247 1217 1336
*Highlight Flags 248 1337 1456
FAFSA Data Verify Flags 249 1457 1576
* These fields are not printed as the field values exist. See Printing Correction Flags and
Printing Highlight Flags earlier in this section for more details.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Printing

ISIR Fields not Printed on the ISIR (continued)
ISIR Start End
Field Name Field # Position Position
Filler 252 1579 1593
Filler 254 1609 1609
Filler 257 1617 1625
Filler 259 1627 1635
Filler 264 1640 1647
SAR Acknowledgement Comment Codes 267 1650 1669
Electronic Transaction Indicator (ETI) Flag 270 1731 1731
Multi School Code Flags 271 1732 1737
Filler 274 1743 1759
Filler 277 1763 1763
NSLDS Pell Sequence Number (1) 315 1887 1888
NSLDS Pell Sequence Number (2) 325 1939 1940
NSLDS Pell Sequence Number (3) 335 1991 1992
NSLDS Loan (1) Sequence Number 345 2043 2044
NSLDS Loan (2) Sequence Number 365 2136 2137
NSLDS Loan (3) Sequence Number 385 2229 2230
NSLDS Loan (4) Sequence Number 405 2322 2323
NSLDS Loan (5) Sequence Number 425 2415 2416
NSLDS Loan (6) Sequence Number 445 2508 2509

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Printing

ISIR Sample Output Document

2004-2005 Institutional Student Information Record

* IMPORTANT: Read ALL information to find out what to do with this Report. *
OMB Number: 1845-0008
319 W ELM ST

This ISIR reflects your Financial Aid Administrator's (FAA's) use of professional

This ISIR shows corrections to your data that was previously entered incorrectly.

We have forwarded your name to Selective Service for registration, as you requested. They
will process your registration request 30 days prior to your 18th birthday.

This ISIR has been produced because we received information from the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) regarding your citizenship status. Your citizenship status has been
confirmed by the DHS and you meet the citizenship requirements for federal student aid.

Your application has been selected for review in a process called verification. Your
school has the authority to request copies of certain financial documents from you and your

Page 1 of 6 001-48-8578 AL 02

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Printing

2004-2005 Institutional Student Information Record

Student ID 484-48-8578 AL 02 EFC 2068 C

STEP ONE (THE STUDENT) (Q1-Q35) Dependency Status D

Address: 319 W ELM ST STEP THREE (THE STUDENT) (Q52 - Q58)
LOS ANGELES CA 90016 Born Before 1-1-1981? NO
Social Security Number 484-48-8578 Working on Master's/Doctorate Program? NO
Date of Birth 12/18/1979 Is Student Married? NO
Permanent Home Phone # 319-555-1212 Have Children You Support? NO
Driver's License # NONE- Dependents Other Than Children/Spouse? NO
Citizenship Status U.S. CITIZEN Orphan or Ward of the Court? NO
Alien Registration Number Veteran of U.S. Armed Forces? NO
E-mail Address
Marital Status UNMARRIED STEP FOUR (PARENTS) (Q59 - Q84)
Marital Status Date Marital Status MARRIED/REMARRIED
Enroll Status NOT SURE Marital Status Date
Father's Educational Level HIGH SCHOOL Father's/Stepfather’s SSN 901-48-8578
Mother's Educational Level COLLEGE/BEYOND Father's Last Name ALBERTS
State of Legal Residence CA Father's First Initial J
Legal Resident before 1-1-1999? YES Father's Date of Birth 10/10/1958
Legal Residence Date 09/1980 Mother's/Stepmother’s SSN 801-48-8578
Are You Male? NO Mother's Last Name ALBERTS
Register for Selective Service? YES Mother's First Initial M
Degree/Certificate ASSOC. TECHNICAL Mother's Date Of Birth 02/03/1960
Grade Level in College 2nd YR/SOPH Number of Family Members 04
HS Diploma or GED Received? NO Number in College 1
First Bachelor's Degree by 7-1-2004? NO State of Legal Residence CA
Interested in Student Loans? YES Legal Residents before 1-1-1999? YES
Interested in Student Employment? NO Legal Residence Date 11/09/68
Drug Conv Affecting Elig? YES(PART-YEAR) E-mail Address
Tax Return Filed? WILL FILE Type of 2003 Tax Return Used FOREIGN
Type of 2003 Tax Return Used 1040 Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? NO
Eligible to File 1040A or 1040EZ? NO Adjusted Gross Income 101400
Adjusted Gross Income 101400 U.S. Income Tax Paid 310
U.S. Income Tax Paid 310 Exemptions Claimed 00
Exemptions Claimed 00 Father's Inc Earned from Work 00
Student's Inc Earned from Work 101400 Mother's Inc Earned from Work 101400
Spouse's Inc Earned from Work 0 Total from Worksheet A 0
Total from Worksheet A 0 Total from Worksheet B 0
Total from Worksheet B 0 Total from Worksheet C 0
Total from Worksheet C 0 Net Worth of Investments 0
Net Worth of Investments 0 Net Worth of Business/Farm 0
Net Worth of Business/Farm 0 Cash, Savings, and Checking 0
Cash, Savings, and Checking 0
No. of Months VA Benefits Received 0 STEP FIVE (STUDENT HH) (Q85 - Q86)
Monthly VA Education Benefits 0 Number of Family Members 01
Number in College 1

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=corrected this trans @=corrected previous trans

Page 2 of 6

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Printing

2004-2005 Institutional Student Information Record

Student ID 484-48-8578 02 EFC 2068 C

STEP SIX (Q87-Q98)
School #1 001224 Housing #1 W/PARENT(S)
School #2 000000 Housing #2 W/PARENT(S)
School #3 000000 Housing #3 W/PARENT(S)
School #4 015549 Housing #4 W/PARENT(S)
School #5 003154 Housing #5 W/PARENT(S)
DRN 2068
School #6 003051 Housing #6 W/PARENT(S)
Primary EFC Type 1
Secondary EFC Type
STEP SEVEN (Q99-Q103) Processed Date 02/26/2004
Date Application Completed 02/26/2004 Transaction Data Source/Type:
Preparer's SSN Source of Correction SCHOOL
Preparer's EIN Federal School Code Indicator SCHOOL #1
Preparer's Signature Reject Override Codes:
Assumption Override Codes:
1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6:
Date ISIR Received 02/28/2004 Rejects Met:
Verification Flag * Verification Tracking Flag
System Generated Indicator Dependency Override FAILED
FAA Adjustment FAILED
Transaction Receipt Date 03/01/2004 Correction # Applied To
Reprocessing Code Application Receipt Date 02/26/2004
Processed Record Type

Pell Elig Flag Y Intermediate Values

Primary EFC 2068 Secondary EFC TI 148650 PCA 0
Mon 1 0 Mon 7 0 Mon 1 Mon 7 ATI 15500 AAI -15500
Mon 2 0 Mon 8 0 Mon 2 Mon 8 STX 0 TSC 0
Mon 3 0 Mon 10 0 Mon 3 Mon 10 EA 0 TPC 0
Mon 4 0 Mon 11 0 Mon 4 Mon 11 IPA 15500 PC 0
Mon 5 0 Mon 12 0 Mon 5 Mon 12 AI -15500 STI 0
Mon 6 0 Mon 6 CAI SATI 0
DNW -44400 SIC 0
NW -44400 SDNW 0
APA 44400 SCA 0
Auto Zero EFC Indicator Duplicate SSN Flag YES
EFC Change Flag INCREASE Address Only Correction
SNT Flag NO SAR C Change Flag 1

Match Flags: SSN 4 SSA DHS SS N NSLDS 1 VA DHS Sec. Conf. Y Father SSN 1
DHS Ver. No. SS Registration Flag Mother SSN 8
NSLDS Transaction Number 1 NSLDS Database Results Flag 1

Comments: 006,149,161,143,029,137

*=assumption h=highlight flag #=corrected this trans @=corrected previous trans

Page 3 of 6

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Printing

2004-2005 Institutional Student Information Record
2004-2005 NSLDS FINANCIAL AID HISTORY Processed: 08/12/2004
This page contains your previous financial aid information, which is contained in the
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). Your Financial Aid Administrator will use
it to determine your eligibility.
Overpayment: Contact: Discharged Defaulted Loan Sat. Active Post Screening
Loan Flag: Loans: Repayment: Bankruptcy: Reason:10,11,12
Pell: N
Aggregate Amounts: Outstanding Pending Total:
FFEL/Direct Loans: Prin. Bal.: Disb(s):
Subsidized Loans: $ 1,313 $ 0 $ 1,313
Unsubsidized Loans: $ $ 0 $ 0
Combined Loans: $ $ 0 $131,300
FFEL Consol. Loans: $ 0 $ 0
Perkins Loans:
Outstanding Principal Bal.: $ 0 Current Year Loan Amount: $ 0
Pell Payment Data:
Sch.Code: 00305100 Tran: 01 Sch.Amt:$ 732 Award Amt:$ 732 Disb.Amt:$ 183
%Sch.Used: 25.00 As Of: 08/12/2001 Pell Verification Flag: C EFC: 206
Sch.Code: 00305100 Tran: 01 Sch.Amt:$ 332 Award Amt:$ 332 Disb.Amt:$ 166
%Sch.Used: 50.00 As Of: 09/12/2001 Pell Verification Flag: A EFC: 206
Sch.Code: Tran: Sch.Amt: Award Amt: Disb.Amt:
%Sch.Used: As Of: Pell Verification Flag: EFC:
Loan Detail: Net Loan Begin End GA School Grade Contact
Amount Date Date Code Code Level Code/Type
Additional Loan Capitalized Date of Amt of
Unsub Type Interest Last Disb Last

#FFEL Stafford Subsidized $ 1,334 06/18/2002 08/10/2002 741 00319700 ABC

Health Prof Defaulted YES 7/1/2000 $1000

Status Code RP as of 12/01/1992

Outstanding Bal. $810 as of 09/30/1996

#FFEL Stafford Unsubsidized $ 2,053 03/18/2003 09/16/2003 706 00121600 ABC

Health Prof Recent YES 7/1/2000 $1000
Status Code RP as of 01/01/1998
Outstanding Bal. $2,053 as of 12/31/1997

FFEL Stafford Subsidized $ 225 04/16/2001 06/29/2003 706 02520200 ABC

Status Code DU as of 11/30/2003
Outstanding Bal. $245 as of 06/30/2004

Page 4 of 6 484-48-8578 AL 02
January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Printing
2004-2005 Institutional Student Information Record
2004-2005 NSLDS FINANCIAL AID HISTORY (Cont.) Processed: 08/12/2004
This page contains your previous financial aid information, which is contained in the
National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS). Your Financial Aid Administrator will use
it to determine your eligibility.
Loan Detail: Net Loan Begin End GA School Grade Contact/
Amount Date Date Code Code Level Codentct/Type
Additional Loan Capitalized Date of Amt of
Unsub Type Interest Last Disb Last Disb

FFEL Stafford Subsidized $ 225 04/16/2002 06/29/2003 706 02520200 ABC SCHCONTC

Status Code DU as of 11/30/2003 706

Outstanding Bal. $245 as of 06/30/2004

FFEL Stafford Subsidized $ 5,500 09/08/2000 05/19/2002 800 01320800 ABC SCHCONTC

Status Code RP as of 11/30/2002 173

Outstanding Bal. $5,575 as of 03/31/2004

FFEL Stafford Subsidized $ 2,035 08/19/2002 06/14/2003 706 00129400 ABC SCHCONTC

Status Code ID as of 08/19/2003 006

Outstanding Bal. $2,035 as of 12/31/2003

FFEL Stafford Subsidized $ 2,625 08/19/2002 05/23/2004 706 00859600 ABC SCHCONTC

Status Code ID as of 08/19/2003 878

Outstanding Bal. $1,312 as of 12/09/2003

#FFEL Stafford Subsidized $ 1,334 06/18/2002 08/10/2004 741 00319700 ABC SCHCONTC

Status Code RP as of 12/01/2003 474

Outstanding Bal. $810 as of 09/30/2003

Direct Consolidation Unsub $ 7,692 06/19/2002 06/19/2003 88888800 ABC SCHCONTC

Status Code RP as of 07/31/2003 100

Outstanding Bal. $7,692 as of 11/30/2003

MPN/Loan Limit Information

Direct Loan Subsidized/Unsubsidized MPN: All MPNs Closed

Direct Loan PLUS MPN: All MPNs Closed
Subsidized Loan Limit Flag: Exceeded limit
Combined Loan Limit Flag:

Page 5 of 6 484-48-8578 AL 02
January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Printing
2004-2005 Institutional Student Information Record

Student ID 484-48-8578 AL 02 EFC 2068 C



If you are the student, by signing this application you certify that you (1) will use
federal and/or state student financial aid only to pay the cost of attending an institution
of higher education, (2) are not in default on a federal student loan or have made
satisfactory arrangements to repay it, (3) do not owe money back on a federal student grant
or have made satisfactory arrangements to repay it, and (4) will notify your school if you
default on a federal student loan.

If you are the parent or the student, by signing this application you agree, if asked, to
provide information that will verify the accuracy of your completed form. This information
may include your U.S. or state income tax forms. Also, you certify that you understand that
the Secretary of Education has the authority to verify information reported on this
application with the Internal Revenue Service and other Federal agencies. If you purposely
give false or misleading information, you may be fined $20,000, sent to prison, or both.

Everyone whose information is given on this form should sign below. The student (and
at least one parent, if parent information is given) MUST sign below.

Student __________________________________________________ Date: _______________

Parent __________________________________________________ Date: _______________

Page 6 of 6

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Printing


This Appendix is updated when change pages are issued to include all the tracking logs for each
set of change pages as they are issued.
We will continue to show new text additions in the technical reference change pages with bold
italic text. Text deletions will be marked with strikethrough.
The footer on each page of the section will change to reflect the month that the change was
made. For example, if a change was made on page 1-12, all pages in section 1 will show the new
month in the footer. Use the corresponding Tracking Log to see what was changed in that
section during that period.
This Appendix contains the current and previous tracking logs for your reference.

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Appendix

2004-2005 EDE Technical Reference
January 2004 Tracking Log

Page(s) affected Page(s) inserted Change(s) made

Table of Contents
iv iv Updated the Appendix section of the Table of Contents
to include the January 2004 Tracking Log reference on
page A-2

Record Layouts
3-37 3-37 Updated ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary field
253. Added A to Z as Valid Content
3-43 3-43 Updated ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary field
270. Added Valid Content values 2 and 3 and modified
values Blank, 4, 5, 6, and 7
3-44 3-44 Updated ISIR Record Description/Data Dictionary field
271. Added Valid Content values 2 and 3 and modified
values Blank, 4, 5, 6, and 7
3-92 3-92 Updated Signature Record Export Record Layout fields:
Field 13 End position and Length values
Field 14 Start and End position values
Field 15 Start position and Length values

Processing Codes
4-22 4-22 Updated 2004-2005 ISIR Data field 271. Added Valid
Content values 2 and 3 and modified values Blank, 4, 5,
6, and 7
4-38 4-38 Updated 2004-2005 ISIR Data field 270. Added Valid
Content values 2 and 3 and modified values Blank, 4, 5,
6, and 7
4-41 4-41 Updated Comment Codes associated with Reject Code 8
4-78 4-78 Updated the Record Length for several Message Classes

5-13 5-13 Updated the label in the Loan Detail section from Cntct
Type to Code/Type

A-2 Added page A-2

January 2004 (2004-2005) EDE Technical Reference Appendix


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