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Digital Communications

Question1: (a) A sinusoidal signal, with amplitude of 3.25 volts, is applied to a uniform quantizer of the midtread type whose output takes on the values 0, 1, 2, 3 volts. Sketch the waveform of the resulting quantizer output for one complete cycle of the input. (b) Repeat this evaluation for the case when the quantizer is of midrise type whose output takes on the values 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 volts Question2: Consider a signal having a probability density

ke v f (v ) = 0

4<v<4 otherwise

(a) Find k (b) Determine the step size s if there are four quantization levels. (c) Calculate the variance of the quantization error when there are four quantization levels. Question3: An A- law compander uses a compressor which relates output to input by the relation A| x| 1 y= for | x | 1 + log( A) A y=

1 + log( A | x |) 1 + log( A)


1 <| x | 1 A

Here the + sign applies when x is positive and the sign when x is negative. Also x = vi/V and y = vo /V where vi and vo are the input and output voltages and the range allowable voltages is V to +V. The parameter A determines the degree of compression. (a) A commonly used value of A =87.6.For this value make a plot of y versus x from x = -1 to x = +1. (b) If V=10 and 256 quantization levels are employed, what is the voltage interval between levels when there is no compression? For A = 87.6 what is the minimum and maximum effective separation between these levels?
Question 4: The American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) has 128 characters, which are binary coded. If a certain computer generates 100,000 characters per second, determine the following: (a) The number of bits (binary digits) required per character. (b) The number of bits per second required to transmit the computer output, and the minimum bandwidth required to transmit this signal. (c) For single error-detection capability, an additional bit (parity bit) is added to the code of each character. Modify your answers in parts (a) & (b) in view of this information.


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Digital Communications

Question 5: A compact disc (CD) records audio signal digitally by using PCM. Assume the audio signal bandwidth to be 15 kHz. (a) What is the Nyquist rate? (b) If the Nyquist samples are quantized into L=65,536 levels and then binary coded, determine the number of binary digits required to encode a sample. (c) Determine the number of binary digits per second (bits/s) required to encode the audio signal. (d) For practical reasons discussed in the text, signals are sampled at a rate well above the Nyquist rate .Practical CDs use 44,100 samples per second. If L=65,536, determine the number of bits per second required to encode the signal , and the minimum bandwidth required to transmit the encoded signal. Question 6: A television signal (video and audio) has a bandwidth of 4.5 MHz.This signal is sampled, quantized, and binary coded to obtain a PCM signal. (a) Determine the sampling rate if the signal is to be sampled at a rate 20% above the Nyquist rate. (b) If the samples are quantized into 1024 levels, determine the number of binary pulses required to encode each sample. (c) Determine the binary pulse rate (bits per second) of the binarycoded signal, and the minimum bandwidth required to transmit this signal. Question 7: Five telemetry signals, each of bandwidth 1 kHz, are to be transmitted simultaneously by binary PCM. The maximum tolerable error in sample amplitudes is 0.2% of the peak signal amplitude. The signals must be sampled at least 20% above the Nyquist rate. Framing and synchronizing requires an additional 0.5% extra bits. Determine the minimum possible data rate (bits per second) that must be transmitted, and the minimum bandwidth required to transmit the signal. Question 8: The bandwidth of an input signal to the PCM is restricted to 4 kHz. The input signal varies in amplitude from -3.8V to +3.8V and has the average power of 30 mW. The required signal to noise is given as 20dB. The PCM modulator produces binary output. Assuming uniform quantization (i) Find the number of the bits required per sample. (ii) Outputs of 30 such PCM codes are time multiplexed. What would be the minimum required transmission BW for this multiplexed signal? Question 9: Twenty four voice signals are sampled uniformly and then have to be time division multiplexed. The highest frequency component for each voice signal is equal to 3.4 kHz, now


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Digital Communications (i) If the signals are pulse amplitude modulated using Nyquist rate sampling, what would be the minimum channel BW required?

Question 10: It is desired to set up a central station for simultaneous monitoring of the electrocardiograms (ECG) of 10 hospital patients. The data from the rooms of the patients are brought to a processing center over wires and are sampled, quantized, binary coded and time division multiplexed. The multiplexed data are now transmitted to the monitoring station (Fig P6.2-5)

The ECG signal bandwidth is 100 Hz. The maximum acceptable error in sample amplitudes is 0.25% of the peak signal amplitude. The sampling rate must be at least twice the Nyquist rate. Determine the minimum cable bandwidth needed to transmit these data.
Question 11: A message signal m(t) is transmitted by binary PCM without compression . If the SNR (signal-to-quantisation-noise ratio) is required to be at least 47 dB , determine the minimum value of L required , assuming that m( t) is sinusoidal . Determine the SNR obtained with this minimum L.


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