AM TRIS Resume 2012

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Nationality Year of Birth Profession Specialization Position in Group Year of joining Group Indonesia 1963 Water and Wastewater Specialist, Environmental, Social Economic Analysis Construction Supervision Project management, Water - Wastewater works, Environmental Due Diligent, EIA, and Construction-Supervision works, public private Partnership project. Water and Wastewater Specialist Mott MacDonald Group 2011

Extensive experience of management of the planning, design and construction phases of major international scale multi-disciplinary works, particularly water and wastewater works, Detail Engineering Design, Environmental Assessment , Economic Analysis for Capex Opex , Construction and Supervision. Design of Water and wastewater for Industrial and Municipal water sanitation facilities. Environmental Impact Analysis and Social Economic Assessment


Master Degree, Environmental Science, University of Indonesia 2004 Bachelor Degree, Economic, University of Indonesia, 1998 Polytechnic, Mechanical Engineering, University of Indonesia 1988

2011 Present 2011 Present MOTT MACDONALD INDONESIA Water- Wastewater and Environmental Specialist

Responsible for the Water and Wastewaters Business in Indonesia, Design and support of the water project as well as providing awareness training for new and existing project Major projects within the unit include: 2012 IFC-Umbulan Bulk Water System Project capacity 4 m3/sec East Java Timur , Indonesia Aquatico West Jakarta Water Concession Project 2011 Jatiluhur-Jakarta Pipeline & Water Treatment Plant , IndII AuSaid Project Assessment Master Plan Municipal Sewarage System, IndII AuSaid Project 41 MLD Bulk Water Supply Public Private Partnership Project in Bandar Lampung

2007 2011 PT.MITRA LINGKUNGAN DUTACONSULT (Subsidiary DHV Group) Water and Wastewater Expert Group Manager , Overall responsibility for the implementation of the consulting services and management of a multidisciplinary consulting team; co-ordination with the client, and with relevant projects within agencies; support and co-ordinate activities of PMU and implementing agencies; initiating and cocoordinating all activities, critically monitoring project implementation and suggesting corrections as necessary; assisting PMU to prepare work plans, financial plans, progress reports and ; technical reports. Major projects within the business during this period included: 2010 Environmental Impact Analysis of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant for Losari Makasar, Sulawesi ,Indonesia, To improve the quality and sustainability of Makasar Citys environmental wastewater infrastructure base, in particular targ eting the protection of water recipients losari Beach Technical Assistance for Environnemental Du Diligent Water Tank , Bogasari Jakarta Evaluation of Infrastructure Enhancement Grant Proposal from local Governments under The Indonesian Infrastructure Initiative (IndII) program to improve the delivery of municipal services and improve the living conditions of the urban environment include water supply and sanitation ( 9 local government in 4 province Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan and Sulawesi) under Ausaid program, analyze the environmental, economic, social, political, legal, technical and institutional developments relevant to the promotion of sustainable water sanitation infrastructure project in Indonesia. Review Water and Sanitation Phase1 and Make recommendation for WSP phase 2 for 8 Province in Vietnam ( project under WSP Finland program), recommends that, based on the current implementation status of phase 1 water supply and sanitation program Activities, prepare a forecast of expenditure for the phase 2 along with the anticipated unspent balance for submission to the Ministry of public utility. Support the establishment of the Environmental 'Sustainable Water and Sanitation Task Force' of the Ministry of Utility Wastewater lagoon system PT.Holcim Indonesia, Cilacap, Duties included calculation of water availability, waste water flow and drainage for a 25 ha factory situated in the flood plain of a river; design of drainage structures and canals; supervision of surveying of land and infrastructure, supervision of a building programmed which included the design of a water reticulation system; training of local staff




Environmental Engineer As senior engineer responsible for managing legislative issues for clients and maintaining an awareness of how legislation impacts projects; conducting field surveys: collecting data to establish a baseline condition for levels of pollution or contamination for a site or area of consideration; interpreting data: this can include detailed assessment of data, often using software-modeling packages to identify whether 'contamination' exists in accordance with current legislation; development of conceptual models: this involves identification and consideration of the potential contaminant sources, critical pathways and receptors that could potentially have an adverse impact on the immediate and wider environment; report writing: completion of detailed scientific reporting, written in a manner that can be understood by non-technical people; communicating with clients, regulators and sub-contractors e.g. analytical laboratories; researching previous investigations of a site to provide information to clients considering purchase; and possibly undertaking field work to identify previous activities on the site and any contamination

Involvement in several projects for the assignment at this company: 2007 2006 Consultant supervision for Sanitary landfill workshop building for TRWMP (Tsunami Recovery Waste Management program) , client UNDP. Solid Waste Composition for Sanitary Land fill in the 9 District in Banda Aceh Province , EIA for Blank Bintang Sanitary land fill , Aceh Besar. Environmental Assessment, prepared and conduct UKL /UPL and DPPL for 9 Sanitary Landfill Banda Aceh. Potable water systems, water supply and sanitation systems, waste management projects. Involved in a number of Environmental Impact Assessment s (EIA) of various projects including sanitary Landfill In the 9 District province Aceh, Tsunami Recovery Waste Management Program. Monitoring and controlling Waste Management Program compliance in all areas, including sub district area, and conduct effective planning, staff training and development, Management



Site Project Manager Water Sector and Environmental Specialist , responsible for all matters and responses related to the Study including project management, the preparation of programmes, reports and tender documents for carrying out Water treatment investigation and tree survey; development and the preliminary design of Wastewater structures over the dam , Major projects within the business during this period included: 2005 WWTP Project , Conducting engineering, procurement and construction for water supply with a capacity of 50 litres/second, including pipe transmission, reservoir. system treatment use of UF and raw water coming from Banjir Kanal Barat River. Facility for services for PT Grand Wisata with more than 800 households. WTP -UF System Project, Engineering Procurement and Construction Water treatment UF system capacity 1500 m3/day , Pontianak WTP Project , design and construction for water treatment facility with a capacity of 20 litres/second. Working with consultant, reviewing the detail engineering design for clean water with the principal and consultant. Served as project manager for PT Damai Indah Golf. 2004 WWTP Project, Engineering, Procurement and Construction water Capacity 250 m3/day, PT Saritama Food. Installation of water treatment for supply of water to the factory. The process used UF system and included monitoring and evaluation EIA Project ( Environmental Impact Analysis ) Wastewater Treatment Plant Capacity 3000 m3/day , Bintan Island Water Project, control for turnkey project including preparing all contract documentation, preparing manual operation, specification and construction supervision, test and commissioning procedure documentation, 100 unit module UF (ultra filtration) capacity 5-10m water supply for Tsunami Recovery Aceh, Nias.


Wastewater Project Manager. Assignment for project Wastewater Infrastructure for ethanol factory, engineering, procurement, construction, and capacity of 180 KLPD (kilo litres per day), location Kota Bumi, Lampung .deliver design and consulting projects involving industrial water/wastewater for the refining, chemical and petrochemical industries while managing multi-discipline teams to bring innovative solutions to industrial water/wastewater challenges, Ensure the best technical and business solutions for our client and integration of industrial, subject matter and service expertise, Serve as primary interface between client's project team and consulting team, conveying technical, schedule, Execute project performance and budget monitoring & reporting (internally and 3

externally), also Drive ownership of health & safety in all aspects of project execution, office and personal environments 1994 -2003 PT.SARANA ADINIAGATAMA Water and Wastewater Project Manager Responsible for Project Design and Construction for Water and Wastewater Treatment ,Process Design, Include design of various water, wastewater and sewage treatment plant, tender preparation and technical proposal and equipment procurement ,Provides day today leadership and works with staff to ensure a highperformance, customer service oriented work environment that supports achieving the departments and the Districts mission, objectives and values regarding team building and employee empowerment; Conduct for construction WWTP, reviewing and analyzing the environment and existing situation of planning area Major projects within the business during this period included: 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1996 Waste Water Treatment Plant, Capacity 600 m3/day PT.Bimoli Palm Oil,Bitung North Sulawesi Waste Water Treatment Plant, Capacity 750 m3/day PT.Indo Pelangi, Semarang ( Year 2000) Waste Water Treatment Plant, Capacity 800 m3/day PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur ( Year 1999) Waste Water Treatment Plant, Capacity 200 m3/day PT.Saritama, Narogong, Waste Water Treatment Plant, 1500 m3/day PT.Indolakto, Sukabumi Waste Water Treatment Plant , Capacity 10500 m3/day PT.Bataminto, Batam ( 1995 1997 ) Wastewater Treatment Plant, Capacity 5400 m3/day PT. Bukit Indah ,Indonesia ( 1994 1995 )

1993-1994 Quality Engineering Manager, PT Pacific Indonesia Responsible for manage quality assurance toward achievement of quality goals Establish and maintain company compliance to ISO and related standards, regulations, and requirements. Develop and/or manage quality programs. Review data and information and make accept/reject decisions about, products, Processes, Validations, etc. Maintain and track quality for the purposes of analysis, control, and management reports. Represent the department at meetings and within project teams, investigate product defects, rejects and systems failures with emphasis on corrective action. Provide quality training as needed. Suggest methods for improving product quality, design, or manufacturing processes. Assist with failure and hazard analysis for development projects. Supervise quality assurance engineers, inspectors, or other personnel. 1992-1993 Engineering Manager, PT. Indoroc Engineering Indonesia Responsible for confer with management, production, and marketing staff to discuss project specifications and procedures, coordinate and direct projects, making detailed plans to accomplish goals and directing the integration of technical activities. Analyze technology, resource needs, and market demand, to plan and assess the feasibility of projects. Plan and direct the installation, testing, operation, maintenance, and repair of facilities and equipment. Direct, review, and approve product design and changes. 1991-1992 Product Engineers. PT. Mattel Indonesia Responsible review factory orders in compliance with applicable standards, customer requirements and sound engineering principle, including those bases on engineered to order or customized to order, continuous improvement of existing products, communicate with department to ensure smooth flow of fabrication work. Preparing documents required for the projects including drawings, purchased part specifications, procedures m bill of material and other documents required for th manufacturing o the products. 1990-1991 Research and Development, PT. Panasonic National Gobel as Research and Development staff responsible for making detailed observations, analyzing data, and interpreting results. Prepare technical reports, summaries, protocols, and quantitative analyses. Maintain familiarity with current scientific literature and contribute to the process of project(s) within the process production discipline, as well as investigating, creating, and developing new methods and technologies for project advancement.

1989-1990 Research and Development Staff. PT. YKK Alumico Carried out an analysis of the design and use quality orientation, continuous learning research and analysis, planning and organizing to support operating company and standards review committee in the aluminum product manufacturing. Also responsible fo r identifying patentable inventions and acting as principal investigator in conducting experiments. 1988-1989 Quality Engineer, PT. Siemen Indonesia Quality engineer for the construction of a series of steel superstructure footbridges for the manufacturing and production. The works encompassed foundation construction through difficult ground conditions, in confined areas of high utility density and traffic flows. COURSES AND TRAININGS: Review of Environmental Regulations Green Building LEED in House Training, Shanghai 2010 Training in Hazardous Waste Management 2009Seminar Environmental Due Diligence and site assessment PT.Duta Mitra Lingkungan, Jakarta 2009 Hazardous Analysis & Risk Assessment training, Ministry of Environmental Indonesia. Seminar of Technology for Persistent Organic Pollutants (PoPs) Degradation Faculty of Chemical, Bogor Agriculture University-Bogor Workshop of Culture, Capture Conflicts: Sustaining Fish Production Livelihood in Indonesia Reservoirs Certificated Course on Civil Engineering and Environmental Problem held by University Indonesia EHS management particularly in EHS compliance and due diligence auditing, EHS Permitting, EMS-ISO 14001 & OHSAS

PUBLICATIONS The Implementation of Industrial Liquid Waste Management ( Study on the implementation of Wastewater Treatment Plant in Tugurejo Sub District, Semarang, Central Java Indonesia) Library University of Indonesia, 2004 Cost and Benefit to Built Wastewater Treatment Plant for Environmental Sustainability; Library University of Indonesia publishers 1998 Soft Loan for Environmental Protection, Minister Environmental digital publishers , Indonesia 2003

CERTIFICATE: EIA Environmental Impact Analysis Grade A Associate Technical Environmental Expert ( Ahli Madya) from ATAKI

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