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City Unit

How Big and How Many?

1 Area 2 Population km2 lakh persons (2001 census) lakh persons (2021 - Projection) 3 Density 4 per capita trip rate population/km2 (all modes) (all modes excl walk)

How Rich and How Equitable?

4 GDP per capita 5 Gini coefficient 6 Median household income $ index $/month

How Far and How Fast?

7 Average trip length 8 Average travel time (km/person/day) (min/trip)

How Traveled and How Motorized?

9 Modal splits % trips by mode % walk % bicycle % public transport % private transport 10 Motorization vehicles/1000 pop 2w/1000 pop 3w/1000 pop 4w/1000 pop

How Dangerous?
11 Traffic Fatalities fatalities/100,000 population Injuries+fatalities/100,000 population

How Dirty?
12 Total emmissions from transportation 13 Average ambient concentration of air pollutants for 2003 in residential areas tons/year ug/m3 SO2 NO2 SPM RSPM

At What Cost?
14 Average household expenditure on transport

% of income $/month 15 Transport energy use per capita 16 Air pollution cost from transport 17 External cost of transport/city GDP MBtu $ $

Short List of Indicators for the Metropolitan Level

Ahmedabad Bangalore Bhopal

466 45 77 9,657 1.14 0.77

1,279 86 107 6,744 1.41 1.05

285 14 30 5,028 1.14 0.73




5.4 16

9.6 32

3.1 15

13 19 30 38

19 6 36 39

49 4 28 19

316 17 55

233 10 50

165 7 24

5.50 57.89


14.31 167.00

13 22 225 97

17 39 229 80

8 14 209 64

5 5.70


Indore City Transport Services Limited

Functions in Urban Transport

Operation of bus services Construction and repair of major roads Management of smaller roads, licensing and control of non-motorized vehicles, clearing of encroachments on Roads

Concerned Persnals
Mr. Vivek Agarwal, IAS Mr. Chandra Mauli Shukla

Executive Director ICTSL and Distric Collector Indore Chief Executive Officer ICTSL

Indore Municipal Corporation

3 4 5

Indore Development Authority Directoratet of Town and Contry Planning MP Public Works Department

Implementation of Land Use Plans, Construction of major roads etc Land use planning and regulating the growth of City Mr. Vijay Sawalkar Construction and repair of major roads Licenses and controls all road vehicles Inspection of vehicles, fixing motor vehicle tax/rates Operation and Management of Traffic Lights, Enforcement of traffic laws and prosecuting violators T S Reen

Mr. Neeraj Mandloi, IAS Mr Pramod Gupta Mr. PK Mistry Mr DL Goyal

Commissionor IMC Chief Executive Officer IDA Superintending Engineer IDA Chief City Planner IDA Joint Director Town and Country Planning Indore Chief Engineer Indore Circle

Department of Transport

Mr Girish Mohan Pathak

Reginal Transport Officer Indore

Police Department

Mr. Anshuman Yadav

Superintendent of Police

1 2


Functions in Urban Transport

Construction and Maintenance of Raods in Mysore Operation of bus services Licenses and controls all road vehicles Inspection of vehicles, fixing motor vehicle tax/rates Operation and Management of Traffic Lights, Enforcement of traffic laws and prosecuting violators Construction & Miantenance of Drainage Street lighting and power distribution

Concerned Personals Commissioner

Mysore Urban Development Authority Mysore City Corporation 3 Public Works Department Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation

Sh. Rajesh Sh. A.P. Joshi

Commissioner Senior Engineer Vice President

Regional transport Authority

Deputy Commisioner Transport

6 7 8

Traffic Police Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board CHESCOM

Dr. Ravindranath

Commissioner of Police

1 2 3 4

Surat Urban Development Authority Surat Municipal Corporation Public Works Department SPV for operation of BRTS

Functions in Urban Transport

Construction and Maintenance of Raods in Mysore Operation of bus services Licenses and controls all road vehicles Inspection of vehicles, fixing motor vehicle tax/rates Operation and Management of Traffic Lights, Enforcement of traffic laws and prosecuting violators Consultant

Concerned Personals

Smt. Aparna

Municipal Commissioner

Regional transport Authority

6 7 8 9 10

Traffic Police CEPT Government of Gujarat Western railway GSRTC

Shivanand Swamy S.R. Rao


Parking managemnt in the station areas

1 2 3 4


Functions in Urban Transport

Concerned Personals

6 7 8 9

Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation Construction and Maintenance of Raods in Public Works Department Mysore JanMarg Operation of BRT Licenses and controls all road vehicles Inspection of vehicles, fixing motor vehicle Regional Transport Authority tax/rates Operation and Management of Traffic Lights, Enforcement of traffic laws and prosecuting Traffic Police violators Ahmedabad Municipal Transport Services Operation of city bus service CEPT Consultant Government of Gujarat

I.P. Gautam Mr. Amit Shah

Municipal Commisisoner Director/ Mayor

Additional commisioner of Police

Shivanand Swamy S.R. Rao


SR No Institution Functions in Urban Transport Concerned Persnals Designation

1 Bhopal Municipal Corporation 2 Bhopal Development Authority 3 4 Directoratet of Town and Contry Planning MP Public Works Department

Department of Transport

Police Department

Construction and repair of major roads Management of smaller roads, licensing and control of non-motorized vehicles, clearing of encroachments on Roads Mr. Nikunj Srivastava, IAS Implementation of Land Use Plans, Construction of major roads etc Land use planning and regulating the growth of City Construction and repair of major roads Licenses and controls all road vehicles Inspection of vehicles, fixing motor vehicle tax/rates Operation and Management of Traffic Lights, Enforcement of traffic laws and prosecuting violators

Commissionor IMC

SR No Institution Functions in Urban Transport Concerned Persnals Designation
Construction and repair of major roads Management of smaller roads, licensing and control of non-motorized vehicles, clearing of encroachments on Roads Mr. Parveen S. Pardesi Implementation of Land Use Plans, Construction of major roads etc Mr. Eknath Ugle Land use planning and regulating the growth of City Construction and repair of major roads Licenses and controls all road vehicles Inspection of vehicles, fixing motor vehicle tax/rates Operation and Management of Traffic Lights, Enforcement of traffic laws and prosecuting violators Operation of bus services

1 Pune Municipal Corporation 2 Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation 3 4 Pune Development Authority Public Works Department

Commissioner PMC City Engineer

Regional Transport Authority

6 7

Police Department PMPML

Mr. Mahesh Ghure Mr. A.Y. Karche

DCP Joint Managing Director

1 2 3 4

Bruhut Bangalore Mahanagar Palika Bangalore Development Authority Public Works Department NHAI

Functions in Urban Transport

Preparation of Master Plans and Development Control regulations Road Infrastructure

Concerned Persnals


5 6

Bangalore WaterSupply & Sewarage Board Karnataka Urban infrastructure Development Finance Corporation

Water Supply Progress of work & flow of funds Licenses and controls all road vehicles Inspection of vehicles, fixing motor vehicle tax/rates Operation and Management of Traffic Lights, Enforcement of traffic laws and prosecuting violators Operation of Public Transport public transport in peripheral areas bangalore Metro regional rail network Planning of transport system in BMR Monitoring air and noise quality Mr. Upendra Tripathy Sh. A.P. Joshi Project Managemnt Department

Regional Transport Authority

Commisisoner for Transport

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Police Department Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation KSRTC Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Ltd. Southern Western railway BMRDA Karnataka State Pollution Control Board Directorate of Urban land Transport

Commisioner of Police


1 2 3 4 5 6

Municipal Corporation of Delhi Delhi Development Authority Public Works Department NHAI Delhi Jal Board Cantonement Board

Functions in Urban Transport

Concerned Persnals

Mayor Vice Chairman

Preparation of Master Plans and Development Smt. Arti Mehra Sh. A.K. Nigam Control regulations Road Infrastructure Water Supply

Project Managemnt Department Licenses and controls all road vehicles Inspection of vehicles, fixing motor vehicle tax/rates Operation and Management of Traffic Lights, Enforcement of traffic laws and prosecuting violators Operation of Public Transport Electricity regional rail network Planning of transport system in BMR Monitoring air and noise quality SPV

Regional Transport Authority

Sh. A.K. Srivastava

Assist. Director

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Police Department Delhi Tarnsport Corporation Private operator BSES Northern Railway DMRC Delhi Pollution Control Board New Delhi Municicpal Corporation DIMTS NCRPB

Sh. S. N. Srivastava

Jt Comisioner of Police

Dr. E. Sreedharan


Mr. S.N. sahai Mr. Rajiv Mehlotra


18 19 20 21

State Government of Delhi Central Government L&DO Ring Raiway

Mr. Rakesh Mehta Mr. S.K. Lohia availability of land

Chief Secretary Director (UT)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai Regional Municipal corporation of Thane Regional Municipal corporation of Kalyan Dombivali Regional Municipal corporation of Navi Mumbai Regional Municipal corporation of Ulhasnagar Regional Municipal corporation of Mira Bhayandar Public Works Department NHAI Water & Sewarage Board Mahrashtra State Road Development Corporation

Functions in Urban Transport

Concerned Persnals


Preparation of Master Plans and Development Mr. J. R Pathak Control regulations

Road Infrastructure Water Supply Project Managemnt Department Licenses and controls all road vehicles Inspection of vehicles, fixing motor vehicle tax/rates Operation and Management of Traffic Lights, Enforcement of traffic laws and prosecuting violators Mr. Ashok Rankhamb


Regional Transport Authority

Commisisoner for Transport

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Police Department BEST Municipal Transport Corporation of Thane Municipal Transport Corporation of Kalyan Dombivali Municipal Transport Corporation of Navi Mumbai MSRTC State Government of Mahrashtra BSES Central & Western Railway MRVC Pollution Control Board MMRDA Mahrashtra Maritime Board Mumbai Port Trust Jawahar Lal Nehru Port Trust

Commisioner of Police GM

Operation of Public Transport Electricity regional rail network For improvement of rail Monitoring air and noise quality Mr. P.S. Murthy Development of marine front, terminals etc port infrastructure

1 2

Rajkot Urban Development Authority Rajkot Municipal Corporation

Functions in Urban Transport

Construction and Maintenance of Raods Operation of BRT Licenses and controls all road vehicles Inspection of vehicles, fixing motor vehicle tax/rates Operation and Management of Traffic Lights, Enforcement of traffic laws and prosecuting violators

Concerned Personals Chairperson Vice Chiarperson

Chief Executive officer Mayor Municipal Commisisoner

Regional Transport Authority

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Traffic Police Divisional Controller, Gujrat State Road Transpor corporation Ministry of Home, GOG Rajkot Municipal Corporation General Board Saurashtra University Rajkot Chamber of commerce Rajkot engineering association Rajkot Tour, Travel and Transport Association Gujrat Tourism, GOG Rajkot Urban Mass Transport Agency

commisioner of Police



Jaipur Devlopment Authority

Functions in Urban Transport

Land use planning and distribution, prepaation of Master Plans including that of urban transport Construction and maintenance of national highways, Motor vehicle act, its preparation, notification and adminstration Construction and maintenance of state roads

Concerned Personals


Department of Road Transport and 2 highways, GOI 3 Public work department, GOR

Chief engineer

Department of transport

Preparation and administration od State Motor vehicle rules, adminstration of transport vehicle tariffs, inspection certification and registration of Motor vehicles, Adminstration and control of route permits for public transport, IPT, Administration of apssenger tax, motor vehicle tax, road tax etc, licensing of transport crew, and performance monitoring of transport services

7 8 9

Licensing and regulation of Non motorized transport, Provisioning and maintenance of traffic signals, road signages, street furniture, Construction and maintenance of some city Municipal Corporation of Jaipur roads an dclearenance of ROW encroachments Providing passenger transport services within the state both for rural and urban area as also Rajasthan State road transport corporation to adjoining states Enforcement of traffic and other related laws and adminstration and control of traffic Police movement Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Regualtion of transport fuel supply, quality an GOL dprice Air quality assessment an dmonitoringDepartment of Environment GOR vehicular emmissions related Administration of labour Act/Laws such as Transport workers act, Minimum wages act etc Budget and finance related functions for transport system Setting vehicualr emission norms

Mayor and CEO



10 11 12 13

Department of Labour GOR Ministry of Finance GOR, JDA, JMC Ministry of Environment and forest, GOI Rajasthan Urabn Infrastructure Finance & Development Corporation Ltd.

Executive Director


Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority

Functions in Urban Transport

Land use planning and distribution, prepaation of Master Plans including that of urban transport Construction and maintenance of national highways, Motor vehicle act, its preparation, notification and adminstration Construction and maintenance of state roads

Concerned Personals


Department of Road Transport and 2 highways, GOI 3 Central Public Work Department

Chief engineer

Department of transport

Preparation and administration od State Motor vehicle rules, adminstration of transport vehicle tariffs, inspection certification and registration of Motor vehicles, Adminstration and control of route permits for public transport, IPT, Administration of apssenger tax, motor vehicle tax, road tax etc, licensing of transport crew, and performance monitoring of transport services Licensing and regulation of Non motorized transport, Provisioning and maintenance of traffic signals, road signages, street furniture, Construction and maintenance of some city roads an dclearenance of ROW encroachments Providing passenger transport services within the state both for rural and urban area as also to adjoining states Enforcement of traffic and other related laws and adminstration and control of traffic movement

Corporation of Chennai Metropolitan transport Corporation (Chennai) Ltd.

Mayor and CEO


7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Police Madras Metropolitan Development Authority Pollution Control board Tamil Nadu State Road Transport Corporation State Finance Commission Chennai Port Trust Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board


Air quality assessment an dmonitoringvehicular emmissions related

Budget and finance related functions for transport system



Refrence CDP BRT DPR CMP CTTS Mysore iDeCK iDeCK x x Indore Mehta & Associates, Indore, 2005 Mehta & Associates, Indore, 2007 x Jaipur x PDCOR Ltd BCEOM,2006 PDCOR Ltd x x x x Bhopal Surat CEPT, 2006 CEPT, 2008 CEPT, 2009 x


C Traffic & Transportation Policies & Strategies, Indian Journal on Tra City Authorit

Ahmedabad CEPT, 2006 CEPT, 2006 x x Mumbai 2005 x x x

Pune Bangalore Rajkot x x x Inhouse with TRIPP, 2006 x Inhouse, 2007 Wilbur Smith & Associates, 2008 x x x RITES x CPCB portation Policies & Strategies, Wilbur Smith Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd., 2008 Indian Journal on Transport Managemnt, IJTM City Authorities & Consultants


Delhi IL&FS Ecosmart Ltd, New Delhi DIMTS, 2008

Chennai x x x x

Commonwealth Games, CES, 2008 Delhi Statistical handbook


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