Bharat Nirman Sena: Regional Politics Dividing India

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September 2012

Exclusive Subhash Chandra Bose - The Unheard Story

Regional Politics Dividing India

Politics v/s Movement

Emergency 2012

Vote Bank Politics Burning Assam

Bharat Nirman Sena

a campaign by Bharat Nirman Trust

The way govt. is curbing common men voices on social media by banning their websites, blogs, facebook, twitter profiles is disapproving for every individual The govt wants to put barriers on the people with the fear that people may start revolting against the unjust activities of the corrupt politicians and bureaucrats.


But these games of govt to suppress the voice of people will no longer flourish and these barriers won't stop us from raise our voice against the brutal and corrupt govt. We need to raise our voice more aggressively against this corrupt govt. and against its unconstitutional attitude to hinder our fundamental right to speech. When even the media has turned impair along with the tainted govt, Bharat Udai is an attempt to raise our voice fearlessly to save our motherland. Through Bharat Udai, we always try to raise those issues which are significant to the common masses & raise their voice on here... It gives a glimpse of the clear image of problems that India is facing today. Our this edition of Bharat Udai emphasizes on various issues like Raj Thackeray's threats to Biharis, threat of Maoists to the nation and its development, the essence of Indian culture of respecting parents and treating them as Gods in the past while they are left abandoned these days, the ideals of Indian marriage system and the roles of wife and husband, the hidden story of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, education and its importance in villages, and the causes for ground water depletion and its impacts on global warming etc... Our sincere thanks to all the contributors to this issue of Bharat Udai, Shri Tajinder Pal Bagga (Bhagat Singh Kranthi Sena), Yashwant ji (Jan Jagriti Vikas Samithi, Jodhpur), Arohi (Arcis, Jabalpur) & all other BNS members. Jai Hind ~ Rajeshwari Peddirajula General Secretary

45% women slapped, kicked beaten 75% battered women try to commit suicide 55% women perceive violence as normal part of their marriage

She could be your beloved one....!

Let us reach them..... To make her free from all these assaults & violence... We help them by providing 1) Moral Support (Counselor - Abha Khetrapal) 2) Legal Advice (Advocate Prateek Rohiwal) 3) Strategy Planning & guidance to tackle the situation. 4) Support in using provisions given by the govt.

Write to us at

Bharat Nirman Sena

Letter to Chief Minister of Assam

30/07/2012 To Shri Tarun Gogoi, Hon'ble Chief Minister, Govt. of Assam, Guwahati Subject: Rehabilitation of Bodo people. Respected Sir, In the north we are crying off the Kashmir problem & fought Kargil war to let our land free from the enemies & in east we are paving ways for our enemies to capture our land & resources and kill our own people. Isn't it a war backed by your govt.? Assam is burning today, 4 lac people forced out from their homes, thousands of houses burnt, hundreds of innocents killed, hundreds of women raped, who is responsible for this? This is not a problem created overnight. This situation is created by the Congress at center & your own state govt. To protect illegal immigrants from deporting back Congress implemented IMDT Act in 1983, which was opposed in the Assam High court to repeal it. But in 2001, your govt. put affidavit in Supreme Court to support the law, isn't it vote bank politics putting internal security of the nation on stake? Can politicians sell nation's interest for vote bank? However, in 2005, a Supreme Court bench ruled Illegal Migrants Act (IMDT) as unconstitutional and struck down the act, stating its rules "has created the biggest hurdle and is the main impediment or barrier in the identification and deportation of illegal migrants". The bench observed "The presence of such a large number of illegal migrants from Bangladesh, which runs into millions, is in fact an aggression on the State of Assam and has also contributed significantly in causing serious internal disturbances in the shape of insurgency of alarming proportions." The court also observed "(the conviction rate under the IMDT act) comes to less than half per cent of the cases initiated... (The IMDT Act) is coming to the advantage of such illegal migrants as any proceedings initiated against them almost entirely ends in their favour, enables them to have a document having official sanctity to the effect that they are not illegal migrants." With reference to the Sinha Report, maintaining that the impact of the "aggression" represented by large-scale illegal migrants from Bangladesh had made the life of the people of Assam and other north-eastern States "wholly insecure and the panic generated thereby had created fear psychosis". Not only this, these immigrants are also obtaining passport, ration card, election id card & nationality certificate all by illegal means to which there is no check. Even after court's order to deport 100 immigrants daily, center is reluctant to follow court orders. Nor the central govt. is keen to complete the fencing on the border which was supposed to be completed in 2009. As per the Official Report of Group of Minsters, "The illegal immigration from Bangladesh has led to demographic upheaval and generated serious communal, political, social and economic tensions and conflicts in several areas of the northeast of India. The most affected states are Assam, Megalaya and Tripura, although migrants are seen in other states of India as well. It is estimated that there are about 15-20 million Bangladeshis staying illegally in India." "Assam has almost become a breeding ground for illegal migrants as they are procuring documents like ration cards there and then coming to the hills, this is very dangerous," the Nagaland CM said. Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh said, "a large number of Bangladeshi nationals were settled in the slums in Mumbai and some other cities like Pune, Nagpur, Nasik,

and their involvement in criminal activities and organised crime is growing." Since, Congress at center have conspired this IMDT Act to keep illegal immigrants in India & state govt. supported it, the complete responsibility of all the cries, deaths, rapes & sufferings of these innocent Bodo people is on Congress at center & your own govt. Sir, when it is evident from the reports that these infiltrators may also have links with ISI & terrorist organization and all these immigrants are coming here to increase their majority over the native people & to capture their rights, their resources, land and to kill our own people then why you & Congress lead UPA govt are doing such injustice with indigenous Assamese & Bodo people? Isn't it only for vote politics. Moreover, because of these illegal Bangladeshis threats of insurgency, human trafficking, fake money smuggling, prostitution, child labour, theft & all such criminal activities are increasing in not only in these areas but also in other states of India, wherever they move to. The ratio of Muslim population in these states is remarkably increased & is much higher than other states of India. Human Rights are being violated, lands of Bodo tribes are occupied, national & state welfare schemes & other resources are divided resulting in hindering the growth & progress of the state. Is this all for which our govt. is there? Sir, the current riots are not only between Hindus & Muslims, but it is also undeclared war between illegal Bangladeshis & Indian citizens. We also condemn all those Muslim leaders who met PM for the safety of Muslim Bangladeshis on our land & not for Bodo people, putting state interest aside and making down level communal vote bank politics. We from Bharat Nirman Sena strongly demand the following recommendations to retain the safety of Indians there: 1) To make sure to use Prime Minister's relief of Rs. 300 crore with its maximum benefit to only Indians there and not illegal Bangladeshis who started riots. Moreover, only Rs. 300 crores for the 4 lac Bodo people is insulting, who are also facing Flood situationthey have nothing to eat, earn or live. We demand PM to increase the amount for sufficient help from prime minister's relief fund for their rehabilitation. 2) To immediately supply food, water, baby food, medication, cloths and security in relief camps and to avail them ration facility and PDS system. 3) People may not reach helpline 104, so let doctors & medical staff visit all relief camps themselves. 4) To set up SIT for the inquiry of these riots & to file FIR & take strict legal action against the rioters. 5) To make record of all displaced people & rehabilitate them with security back to their home. 6) To not to let defense minister to remove troops from there, until displaced people reach their home back & situation is peaceful. 7) To deport all illegal immigrants back to Bangladesh at the earliest, which is most important for the internal security of the nation & to maintain peace in the region. Sir, we hope after seeing all these massacre & inhuman acts in riots there, you will take action in the best interest of native people to assure their security & safety from the infiltrators and will retain their natural rights on all the resources there. Thanks & Regards (Chetan Singh Deora) President Bharat Nirman Sena

Building Youth Leaders at the International Peace Conference

Prerna Pratham Singh, a face in the crowd, the girl with lots of talent & great qualities of leadership, an eloquent speaker, writer, a social activist and PRO at Bharat Nirman Sena, got an opportunity to represent India at World Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles, which is an international campus-based organization presents in over 160 countries and World CARP (HK). World CARP aim at promoting World Peace and training youth leaders, raises young leaders of character by giving them opportunities to attend international conferences and serve the community through Joint-University Service and strive to lead the change in the world by pursuing the dream of 'One World Family'. Speech given by Prerna Pratham Singh "Most respected and honored guests on the dais and all the youth leaders present over here, I , Prerna Singh, a student representative of St. Stephen's College, Collegiate Ambassador of Peace and a Peace Club member wish a very warm good evening to all of you on the behalf of the 1.2 Billion strong nation- India. As I stand here to represent the aspirations and expectations of a peace loving country. I can see billions of hands rising up in prayer, in unison to the universal, intrinsic and omnipotent religion known as- PEACE. Dear brothers and sisters who are listening to me right now, as we all know that today we are living in a world which, according to Gurudev Rabindra Nath Thakur, is fragmented by narrow domestic walls. Chaos, selfishness, corrupt behavior have become order of the day and in this hustle and bustle of so called notion of Modernity, we have lost our true essence - that is being human. Isn't it? I guess everyone agrees with me. So why are we here? We are here not because we are fighting for our survival but because we have understood our responsibilities, as human beings, as pure souls, as messengers of the eternal religion of mankind - peace, and above all - the supreme Lord. Yes, God Almighty. Youth is the torchbearer of change and when the youth awakes, no one in this world can stop it. All the young brothers and sisters who are going to be the future leaders and not only leaders but enlightened souls, here is a promise from the land of peace and ahimsa, that the message of love and peace was , is and will be an integral part of the conduct of our youth. World CARP, as it stands for World Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles, has taken up the herculean task to pioneer in such a chaotic world for such a noble cause. Our heart goes out and bows to Father and Mother Moon, our parental figures of World CARP and yes, young Leaders, the pledge of purity shall be our guiding angel. Peace is rather a process than a result. Once you achieve it, you've to maintain it. So, the youth, Can I trust you? If yes, then on the basis of this trust I can promise the current generation that the world is in secure hands. Past can not be brought back and corrected, it is 'Now' what matters and can influence our future. Youth is the present of the world and youth is going to change the future. First of all I would like to thank World CARP for inviting us to participate in this historical event. Yes, Respected guests and my dear brothers and sisters, this evolution of youth into a completely new phase is going to be a turning point in the history of mankind. I would also like to thank Reverend Rajakumar Clement, Vice Principal, St. Stephen's College and Mr. Krishna Adhikari, Secretary General, UPF India for making Peace Club as a global venture , including the most dynamic section of our society- the students. This is officially my first visit to Nepal so I would like to thank all of you for such a warm welcome and an unforgettable experience. Thankyou so much everyone. Have a nice time."

For a long period after independence it was an issue of debate in the galleries of parliament that whether Subhash Chandra Bose should be awarded Bharat Ratna Award or not. However he was awarded Bharat Ratna posthumously in 1992, but soon after that taking leverage of secret of his death, his award was withdrawn through the court on an appeal of some traitor. All these are the consequences of that intrigue game which had been played during his crusade against the Britishers & even after his death under the garb of our great leaders Mahatma Gandhi & Jawaharlal Nehru. Rabindranath Tagore himself wrote to Gandhiji to not to do injustice with Subhash Chandra Bose, but in vain. C. Rajgopalchari & Acharya Kriplani were the two banes in the Congress against him. His story was highly distorted. "The Indian Struggle" the book written by Bose himself is still banned in India. He was slandered for seeking help from Hitler. He was slandered for attacking India & not the Britishers!! In 1943, Nehru declared that if Bose would invade India with assistance of the Japanese army he would oppose Bose with the force of arms. Next, in 1946, Nehru went to Singapore at the invitation of Lord Mountbatten, & there, he agreed not only to show discourtesy to the INA memorial set up by Bose, but also to devise some plan to prevent Bose from making himself manifest. Bose was declared a War Criminal. Many people still believe that instead of leaving India & to seek help from Hitler & Japan, Subhash Chandra Bose should abide in the country & fight for the independence. But the fact is that, he himself didn't want to leave the country, he was compelled to do so. When he was President of Congress, he planned to challenge Britishers to leave India within 6 months or be ready to face a mass civil disobedience. Inspite of his diputes with Gandhiji, he met him to seek his support. He pleaded before him earnestly, to take the advantage of that crucial phase of IInd World War & to start a big movement in the country to kick out the Britishers. He swear to be an obedient soldier to fight for the independence under his flag. He invited him at Tripura Congress Meeting to challenge the Britishers for the last struggle of independence. But Mahatma Gandhi said reluctantly, "At this moment, Indian masses are not ready to fight for independence." But the fact was, he himself was not ready to fight such decisive struggle against the Britishers. But Bose was a man of burning fire, how could he help himself lying effortlessly on the embers of patience at such a ardent period. He had a strong belief that the vivid gold of independence will come out only from the burning furnace of the IInd World War.


All these situations made him to flee to Germany. Later after hearing his aggressive & provoking speeches on the radio from Germany & huge public response to it, Gandhiji realized & repent for his fault. So then he started a movement which was called as August Kranti which couldn't be a big success due to the reluctant behavior of other Congress leaders, as they were surprised & worried by Gandhiji's changing notions towards Subhash Chandra Bose. From Germany he went to Japan after sailing for 3 months in an army submarine. There he was greeted as an ambassador by the Japanese government. Soon not only Japan govt. but also common masses there came under his influence. Raas Bihari Bose, played a significant

role for 30 years there to build a platform & an environment in favour of India. In order to provide a substantial base to the INA. So that they were not taken as sheer attackers or intruders by the world. Subhash Chandra Bose established Azad Hind Sarkar in 1943, which was given recognition by nine south-east Asian countries and he himself was the Prime Minister of Azad Hind Sarkar. Japan presented Subhash Bose Andamaan Nicobar islands as their territory, which was under their possession at that time. They have their own Azad Hind Bank at Singapore. Though, he had never gone for any military training, his war strategies were superior. He also tried his hand to have friendship between Japan & China to effect war equations. He sent hundreds of soldiers through submarines who trespassed to India & spread all over the country to assail from inside at right time. He also sent INA soldiers as scouts in the British army to persuade Indian soldiers in their favour. (Later which formed the basis of Royal Indian Navy Mutiny (Feb 1946) and paved the way of freedom of India. The revolt broke out from Karachi to Calcutta and ultimately came to involve 78 ships, 20 shore establishments and 20,000 sailors. The revolt was thus been deemed "Point of No Return" by the Britishers. Due to which Atlee had to come India in March1946 and decided to free India. ) During the preparations of INA, once, a regiment under the command of Major Shahnawaz was paying guard of honour to Subhash Bose at Singapore. Suddenly, the sky was thrilled by the roar of British Bombers. There was thunder burst of bullets & bombs from the sky on that ground. Soldiers fled to the bamboo forests nearby to rescue themselves. Subhash Chandra Bose was standing on podium there & he remain stood there firmly as if every pore of his body was challenging the enemy with a burning ardour. He was envisaging daringly in the eyes of death. Suddenly, a burning bomb

fell in just front of his podium, which was about to explode, even then he didn't move from there. Captain Bhurewal rushed outright & swooped like a chittah on the bomb & threw it away & it was detonated. When Shahnawaz asked Bose that he should not put his life in danger like that. The lion roared, "British kaarkhane me aisa koi bomb nahi bana jo Subhash ko maar sake." And that Captain Bhurewal who had by then gained a corner in the heart of INA had turned out to be a bane, a traitor of that 'Mahayagya' of Azad Hind Fauz. He betrayed the INA at the moment when British army was almost prepared to surrender themselves to the Azad Hind Sena at the Imphal Border, by giving them maps & detailed strategy of the Sena. By then, INA & Japanese army had suffered great atrocities. We all know about Jallianwala Bagh incident, but what about the massacre of thousands of innocent Naga people including women & children & the devour of their villages as their prize for supporting INA? What about those thousands of soldiers who sacrificed their life for their motherland? What about those hundreds of soldiers who refused to retreat & laid themselves under the British tanks with bombs in their lap? Aren't they pertinent enough to get a little space in the history of our freedom struggle? How immoral & sneak those people were who'd written annals of freedom struggle without mentioning their sacrifices? In an another incident, when Subhash Chandra Bose was returning from Singapore with his companions, they laid down their camps in a field. He set there under a tree to do his shave. Suddenly, hounding bomber planes attacked their camp. Everyone rushed behind trees to rescue themselves. One bomber plane aimed Subhash Bose with its machine gun. The twigs & branches of that tree started falling down. But his razor didn't stop even for a moment. Everyone there was astound to see that. I think, even lions couldn't have that much of courage. And that was 'he' a 'transcendent', 'paragon', 'personage' of the millennium. Lived with the only 'mantra' "Live life Dangerously." Stout like Himalaya, with his shining forehead like Kashmir. Scorching desert in his chest on one side, with flowing Ganga for the dismal Indians on the other side. His throbbing arms with the might of millions of hands with him from Bengal to Sindh. Oceans of masses avidly waited for the ablution of his feet with their blood, wealth & soul on his single evoke. How lucidly the essence of our motherland was wind-up in that lucent personage. It would take millions of years to born such a sage on this soil again. - Chetan Singh

Un-Pumped Lost Groundwater is Still not Estimated

Deeper Multi-Aquifer Tube Wells are Responsible for Groundwater Depletion & Global Warming
United States Geological Survey Provided information to Yashwant Deora, President, Jan Jagriti Vikas Samiti, Jodhpur on 'Estimated Groundwater Depletion around the world', that is contributing to the Rise in Sea Water level under the application of Freedom of Information Act. According to the report a cumulative groundwater depletion represents a transfer of mass from land to the oceans that contributes to sea level rise. The cumulative global groundwater depletion during 19002008 totaled ~4,500 km3, equivalent to a sea-level rise of 12.6 mm Furthermore, the rate of groundwater depletion has increased markedly since about 1950, with maximum rates occurring during the most recent period (20002008), when it averaged ~145 km3/yr (equivalent to 0.40 mm/yr of sea level rise, or 13% of the reported rate of 3.1 mm/yr during this recent period). Groundwater depletion, herein defined as a reduction in the volume of groundwater in storage in the subsurface, not only can have negative impacts on water supply, but also can lead to Land Subsidence. In his previous reports in Jan 2010 to State Government and Government of India, Mr. Yashwant Deora predicted that 'Deeper Multi-Aquifer Tube Wells' are responsible for Groundwater Depletion. He mentioned that "we are looking over only one aspect around the world that is immense pumping of Groundwater for irrigation/industrial purposes. But we are not looking over the another aspect that is "Intra-Bore Well Flow" of groundwater between the aquifers due to deeper Multi-Aquifer tube well's" @ Multi-Aquifer Tube Wells are deeper tube wells those are passing through more than one aquifer. Mr. Deora has mentioned in his findings that the deeper Multi-Aquifer Tube Wells that are being dug for the irrigation and industrial purposes, are neither registered nor anywhere in the government records, as replied by Groundwater Department in a reply under Right to Information Act Application. Due to groundwater depletion the tenants are making numerous Multi-Aquifer tube wells at higher rate in the search of ground water reaching at the depth of more than 1000, 1500, 1800 or 2000 feet that is going to be at more depth below the Sea Level into the Ground, which connects more than 2, 3 or 4 Aquifers that allows ambient flow of Ground water in vertical vessels between the aquifers instead of flowing through the horizontal veins of the rocks. India has experienced an explosion in agricultural population since 1960 The availability of small mechanical pumps and boring rigs provided a

technological breakthrough. Beginning in 1970, this combination of circumstances catalyzed a groundwater revolution all over South Asia. Further states, "In India, the number of irrigation wells equipped with diesel or electric pumps increased from some 150,000 in 1950 to nearly 19 million by 2000." Contribution of Global Groundwater Depletion into the sea report says that substantial groundwater depletion is known to occur in many other areas outside the USA, but there are inadequate data available to quantitatively estimate depletion in these areas, which include parts of Mexico, Thailand, Japan, Russia, Spain, Australia, the Middle East, and central Asia, for example. Mr. Yashwant Deora makes various studies of experts to see the causes of "Groundwater Depletion" as mentioned which is only due to immense pumping. His different way of thinking pattern developed a Concept of Groundwater Depletion and its effect on Global Warming. According to his reports, Deeper Multi-Aquifer Tube Wells allow ambient groundwater to slip away through the vertical vessels, from the water holding spaces between the two rises of impervious rock in the volume of hundreds of cubic kilometers into the sea. Mr. Yashwant mentioned that they have estimated the extracted Groundwater; but missed to involve that Volume of Groundwater which is lost away un-pumped. We have still not estimated the Groundwater we have already lost without pumping it out. He mentioned in his reports that the story of melting of Glaciers starts from digging of deeper Multi-Aquifer tube wells, which is seriously responsible for global warming as a primary factor, others may be considered as secondary issues @ - www.concept-of-global- Applying the laws of physics to understand the causes of Global Warming - Heat Energy cannot be destroyed It could be transferred only from one medium to other. Only subsequent quantity of evaporation of water from the ground surface could minimize the Solar Radiations; but due to Groundwater Depletion, we have lack of vegetation as well, hence we have no evaporation of water. In this condition we have massive impact of Solar Radiation in the absence of humidity; which heats up the ground initially, instead of the atmosphere first. This heat energy gets transferred into the atmosphere, which gradually raises its temperature that may bring impact over the nearby Glaciers also This is the "Concept of Global Warming" Global Warming is curable, after continuous evaporation, a saturation is achieved, the intensity of evaporation balances the Solar Radiation, we keep the earth cool. This could be achieved by maintaining higher Groundwater Level by restoring the Deeper Multi-Aquifer Tube Wells. In this way when we will be having balanced evaporation, our ponds lakes could able to retain the water in them and we may minimize the Green House effects when we have Natural Cool atmosphere. In the latest UNFCCC conference in Durban it was suggested by the Scientists that by spraying sulfur into the air or brightening clouds with sea water to reflect more sunlight would cure Global Warming. This suggestion is more relevant to the "Concept of Global Warming", but does not cover all the aspects mentioned in this Concept. Mr. Deora mentioned that this type of Geo-Engineering and expensive reflection of solar radiation at maximum height could not work to cool the Earth; whereas the required target of Reflection of Solar Radiations could be achieved at the height of few thousand feet by bringing up the Groundwater at higher level and growing vegetation with a well planned projects only. He further said that evaporation get minimized after saturation around the surface when balanced by the intensity of the Solar Radiation, we could able to keep the Earth cool, able to rebuilt the

Glaciers and Save the Earth by tilting its Axis. However, some agriculture activities are somewhat contributing to minimize the effect of Global Wa r m i n g b y covering the land by their crops this prevent the solar radiations to touch the land surface, but we are drifting toward more critical situation by digging more deeper tube wells, making Multi-Aquifer tube wells in search of more Groundwater for irrigation purposes, he mentioned. In his further conceptual studies he declared after getting necessary information from the departments of Government of India under "Right of Information Act" at Prime Minister's office and CMO that the shifting of high volume of groundwater from the Ground and Glaciers creating an unequal Distribution of Mass of the Earth around the Axis of Rotation, may also bring the cause of tilting of the Earth Axis, which could be avoided. It was replied that no data is available and no research work has been carried out till today. All information is online at NASA denied to give information on its own declared information based on various natural calamities. EPA said no required data is available, only USGS could provide the information and cooperated for guidance. US Geological Survey could able to provide information on "Point No. 11" of FOIA Application given on the link - Mr. Yashwant Deora mentioned that Global Warming or Melting of Glaciers could be cured if correct root causes of Groundwater Depletion are repaired, as he have already designed and prepared with the way of working and infrastructure to work on such projects to control those causes and alternative ways of life management with the rule of Nature. He wrote letter to the Government of INDIA and President/Prime Minister that we are already reached on the corner of the alarming stage, required to take very emergency measures to hold the Groundwater by restoring the deeper bore wells, to avoid unbalancing of the rotation of the Planet Earth, as he mentions to the Authorities of the Nations that Global warming could change Earth Axis, Control Groundwater Depletion to Save our Earth @

BNS GROUP POST Rajeshwari Peddirajula In which way Aravind's political ambition & Anna ji's movement will go now???
Rastriya Navnirman Sang MEET DOOR TO DOOR TO THE PEOPLE OF THE NATION AND AND UNDER START ONE ABHIYAN "" JANSAMASYA NIVARAN ABHIYAN"" LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE AND DO COMPLAINTS BEHALF OF THEM TO THE GOVT. AT RELATED AREAS AND SOLVE THE PEOPLE'S PROBLEMS AND MAKE THEM AWARE OF ALL FUTURE PROGRAMS OF aRVIND/aNNA pOLITICAL STANDS TO JOIN TILL VICTORY Chetan Singh My first question is, Why Arvind Khejriwal is silent now on coal scam, when daily new findings in inquiry are coming out... ? The direction of Annaji's movement was disturbed at the very beginning as shown below & now they are just wandering for their sheer aims 1) Inspite of RSS full dedicated support in Annaji's movement in 2011, Arvind gave statement against RSS. Which made lacs of people to step back from movement, which result was seen in Mumbai. 2) No coordination with Ramdev on so many points. Which also made so many Ramdev supporters against them. 3) When Annaji wished (in his letter, which was online too) to reconstitute the core team by including more good people, Arvind called meeting away from Anna ji in N. Delhi & in his absence decided to keep the same core team & then he came to Anna ji & convinced him for their decision. It was done with the intention to keep control over whole team with himself. 4) Destroying Janlokpal movement for political ambitions. As per all this happenings and Anna ji's own analysis, Annaji clearly said to not to support Arvind's political party. His decision for political party was taken in haste & was U turn at the moment where they were fighting against corruption on indefinite fast. So, now the way to form a national level party for Arvind Khejriwal with such attitude is not so easy. He'll need another 3-5 years to reach that level. No doubt he is committed to fight against corruption, which we always support the team, but still its too early for him to lead the nation. Anna ji after all this is going on very right track to form his new team, which in real meaning will be 'Team Anna', in which he'll select people scrutinized on his own criteria & will have a constitution, rules & regulations for everyone to follow under his leadership. Though his health is not so good, but he is on a new beginning & we pray to god to give him strength to always be with us. Rastriya Navnirman Sang AS BECAUSE THEY FOUND AT LAST THAT IN PARLIAMENT IS THE RIGHT STAND TO BRING ANY TURNINGS. LESE ALL THE MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT HAVE MADE MUTUAL TIME PASS GAME AND DOING TIME PASS ON REAL DEMANDS OF THE JANATA. Rastriya Navnirman Sang IN FACT PARLIAMENT BECAME THE LAWFUL PLAY GROUND OF THE CORRUPT PLAYERS. Lalit Chhatwani jab tak anna ji wala movement chal raha tha sab thik tha or badlaw ke umeed bhi bahut thi jaise he political pront chalu hua vishwash kam ho raha hai :) Aniket Patel Janlokpal Movement se kafi ashaye thi ki ek aesa kanoon banega, jisase logo ko corruption ke kilaf ladhane me madadgar sabit hoga. par team anna ne apana dyan bhataka diya, aur logo me kai shankao ko janm mil gaya. Arvind Kejriwal ki mahtvkankshi aur utavalepan ki vajah se liye gaye fesalo ke karan, aaj ye janlokpal bill Strong lokpal bill, khud apana pata puch raha hai - ki usaka kya hoga?

People's Movement or Communist Maoist Imperialism?


This is very clear now that Maoist terror insurgency is becoming bigger threat and challenge to Union of India and democratic republican system of India. During discussion on Maoist terror insurgency, we use to get busy in arguments and blame game, but the fact is Maoists are there. So what is the end of all discussion based on blame game? What should be the right way to handle this problem? The roots of this insurgency are within our own current system. Since 65 years, Tribal people have always been ignored. In fact there was no proper infrastructure of Govt that exist on many Ground levels So what to talk about facilities? And remaining infrastructures are always under the shadow of corruption and injustice. However, this is not only picture of specific tribal areas in India, but there are many such areas. In fact majority areas of India are ignored by current system. For many Indians there is no govt existing on ground level, especially in tribal area. But we should not forget universal fact that "there is no vacuum in power, someone is always there to take a charge", and here they are Maoist the fruits of current system's ignorance and injustice. They use it as reason to believe on them for many tribal people. No matter, in cities we are able to believe and understand this fact or notbut it's there! After every encounter and big operation with Maoist terror groups with CRPF, various NGOs and Human Rights group and Maoists propaganda team and those people who have connect the sentiments of Communist Maoists, and sometimes opposition political parties leaders demand an inquiry on operations mainly to revoke CRPF from that areas and stop all operations. While other side, Maoists denied to put down weapons and not willing to talk with Govt under the constitution of India and with Idea of Union of India, neither have they readied to ceasefire, nor any discussions So this is very reasonable question that how can Govt and Security

forces leave that areas and people? However as I said due to vacuum of power there, Maoists take place and Govt have to remove them, to maintain and remain Union of India anyhow! I know states and center govt try somewhere to regain position by making some progressive steps (at least try with this motives), to build schools and strengthening Ration public distribution system - PDS system, build roads and other facilities in some areas. But that does not make any difference, because as I said for people, Govt is no ruler of those areas! So the Maoists broke that roads, looting foods and the schools become old haveli or destroyed. I know, elections were there, but I am talking about tribal area situations, where we are fully aware that our elective representative hardly shown their faces in 5 years in cities and towns, and some big villages and factions and festivals, so we should not become immature to understand that how much they are willing to take care of the tribes and willing to solve their problems! Democracy does not mean only to power of vote, democracy means allow to live with dignity. Maoist have become more threat after different groups and organizations of communist and Maoist mentality people joined their hands and united in 2005-2006. There is no doubt and there are several proofs that china's funding this Maoist insurgency and many other from with-in India. They got modern weapon systems and all other food, medical help and other supply lines. There are some indications that some former LTTE rebels also joined them and trained Maoists. Maoist's connection with other terror groups in various parts of India is not hidden truth! Now look at the other side, as I mentioned in first paragraph, that injustice and ignorance became raw material for Maoist's propaganda, I would like to inform you with very sorry heart, that injustice and ignorance still continue, even today also! I ask you, what would you

do if someone said, they needed your land, your house and trees for govt and other projects, but not ready to pay as you want? Tribal community from Buddthed village, Singrauli, have allocated every single tree between families, and with it right to collect flowers and food that fall from them. These trees are highly important for villages, they use their flowers to make medicines and other daily uses and believe that that make them stronger in all the ways. This was there believe and belief. But there is no mechanism to make trustees kind of shape or something... and these sentiments and allocation and living style of this tribes is not at all important for mining companies and that will not make any difference for mining companies. And as they got clearance from govt, in few months, many families are displaced! Now they are working as labor on their own land to survive and avoid starving!!! This is just one example There are thousands of examples of injustice which are still continuing. On prima-facie this problem looks like a tribe's related problem and nothing to do with Maoists. But as I said these are seeds of injustice. Don't know what fruits of aggressive answer from these people to current system; don't know what they think to do with current injustice system! When we talking about nationalism, why we forgot there nation's nationals!? After all, they have equal right as I and you have in sitting compactable room and reading this on computer! How you react if your home is stolen by rulers or someone? They don't get any compensation; however, this is not at all question of compensation, its question of their rights Fundamental rights! As our elective representative's work should be make polices for nationals, they are fully failed! They could not regulate Land acquisition bill properly nor mining bills nor proper forest related bill! Yes, we, as progressive nation needed mines and minerals, no doubt on it, and no one denied on itbut there should be proper manner and law for those people from Our govt and companies buy lands (here they did not buy, they stole the land as many other times on other areas!), if we called our nation based on Rule of Law!!! So what about those so called people's army and Maoist, and communist mentality?! Are they really caring for people? If anyone think a single second on that myth, then we are wrong again in fact worst fully wrong! They have simply nothing to do with people they have never attacked mining companies heads and owners; in fact they took ransom money from mining companies like mafia instead of getting back land to tribal people!! As many cases are going on, they are making deals with capitalist oil companies and get funded! They ransom money from some of Police heads and other bureaucrats and from some legislators, too! Do you have doubt on it? Some days ago, one privet news channel got a 43 pages letter of one of Maoists comrade to their politburo, and because he wrote open latter and exposed Maoist terrorists and their work, so they forcefully remove comrade of Odisa! Comrade Sabyasachi Panda, he

himself believes that Maoist is killing innocent people and doing senseless violence against innocent people, and not who grab the land and rights of people! He also raised that there is no democracy in politburo, who ever question on any policy, they became agent of outsider and enemy. He writes in his 43 page latter that: Leaders think (of themselves) as masters and cadres have no courage to oppose the leaders' mistakes... The policy in practice is to suppress or eliminate the opposing voice by force, either inside the party or outside in society. In a meeting of the Basdhara and Ghumsar divisional committees, central committee member, Bhaskar (alias Modem Balakrishna) in the presence of member, Chetan suspended member Chalapati saying that in a communist party, for faults of a party member, we may suspend, expel and if needed can kill him/her (marne ki saaja bhi de sakte). He wrote more that ...Jagabandhu Majhi (BJD MLA) was annihilated in 2011 by Chhattisgarh comrades. He was a person who had been moving in a wheelchair, a handicapped person. He had been threatened by our people for two years. Out of fear, he contacted me and wanted to surrender. Simply he was killed... Just after the

unification of the erstwhile People's War and the MCC, the comrades of the erstwhile MCC annihilated five or six villagers in Jujumara (Orissa). The cause of annihilation was just like our all-time formal statements that they are informers. Only yes-men and good boys/girls of leaders are promoted. In the name of promotion, a type of feudal democracy, In a 5-minute long audio message Panda has accused the party of following anti-tribal, anti-minorities and antipeople policies and condemned the party's growing dependence on the politics of eliminating individuals without any justifiable reasons. On 11 august, 2012 Communist Party of India-Maoist Maoist terrorists expelled him from the party by saying "enemy-like opportunistic stand on the outfit as also the movement and leadership". After reading just one forcefully remove comrade (there are many who removed or killed!), you well known some hidden facts, which Hided by so called NGOs and Human rights activists it proves that if current system is bad, then Maoist system would be worst forever!!!

So here, we reached on same stage of blame game and question on each side There is no doubt that mistake (in fact we can call it as crime) done by current system and legislators mainly. What is the way out of this? I think this is possible with these multiple steps. 1. Progress and opportunities for people: here, progress means our executive branches allow functioning with reasonability, accountability and transparency. Here problem is our executive branches are highly corrupt. So need to make sure of proper PDS system, which must reach to poor people. Instead of NAREGA, need skill managed programs for people to survive. And if tribal people have own skill, then promote it and endorse it and encourage them to continue their own skills. Make it beneficial for them. 2. Make land acquisition bill and secure rights of Tribal people and Govt must be inside the deal to take care of people's rights and make sure that govt companies or Privet companies must provide as per deal 3. Similarly need to form mining bills and must be transparent with proper auction system, only after legally land acquired from people and those tribe people got accommodated. And to check whether land bill or mining bill must be implemented on ground... And also make sure that RTI rule apply properly and not try to weaken that act. Also if any queries found from RTIs, Govt must solve it and it should be count under their responsibility to solve queries. Otherwise what is the use of RTI, if problem became unsolved forever? 4. As legislators they must make bills like strong lokpal and other citizen charter and whistleblower bill. So these acts help people to rise there voice against injustice, same time with proper juridical accountably bill they got way of justice As I said, in democracy and under this constitution, we can make right acts for people and make sure to set up mechanism for implementation. 5. Form proper rehabilitation policy, which can make sure that those who brain wash can able to come back in main stream. Here it's very important, because Maoist use people and children and women as human shield against CRPF-Police Operations, so there are chances that people forcefully join them, so under this policy people can leave them and join main stream life. It's also useful if any part of that group willing to talk with Govt under the constitution. Also need to fast track courts, so that the govt provides justice early and their trust remains in constitutions. 6. I think one most promising step needed from our state assembly legislators and parliament legislators that

they must take care of the people and make sure that if there is single injustice, they rise there voice, and at the same time, they must avoid any misuse of post, and not involve in any corruptions. Otherwise people will not trust constitution. Must importance is share the power with people, make stronger panchayat law under the constitution and as per the constitution in villages 7. On the other front, need to strengthen our internal securely forces, especially CRPF need to modernize it and proper training. Enrolling more and more tribe people with encouragement and promotions and good salary and facilities. DRDO and other govt organizations should make powerful VAV and small helicopters and other training programs. New modern animation is required for CRPF and Police. Also focus policy where they target their main mafia leaders of Maoist terrorists and try to avoid civilian or other tribe people in encounter. However, I know that more than 200 districts areas are affected by Maoist insurgency. So there are some chances, but I am very confident that CRPF, Police are simply not interested to kill people. I found no reason to do so! Those mafia terrorist leasers are main reason behind many operations, civilian killing, and ransom money scandals. They know they have no people's choice to make any movement like wished Anna Hazare and Baba Ramdev or other can able to make. That is only reason that Maoist supporters like Arundhati Roy and some activists opposed Anna hazare and Baba Ramdev or kind of democratic movement on jantar mantar or any other places in India, because they know, if people join these types of constitutional and democratic movements, then who will sympathize and agree with their masters - Maoists? They also know that on ballet paper, they even lose their deposits! So these power hungry people want only power same as Taliban and other terror group. Their heads are main mafia who enjoy all facilities and huge ransom money and foreign funds So it would be best to target them These people are not at all revolutionaries because they are hiding their faces from media and people and not willing to fight on direct face But from other side our Legislators and executive and judicial branches must follow their duty Otherwise we cannot be liable to make blame only on Maoists and never say to our people that, this is your nation, this is your democracy and this is your constitution we must leave ignorance and injustice from current system.Then only we can say proudly, India = we the people ` Ankiet Thaker, Advisory Board Head

Where is The Root of Our India?

India is the land where we see the god in our parents."Matra devo bhava", "Pitra devo bhava". But now time is changing. Where is our god? In old age homes or so called retirement home? Now-a-days number of old age homes is increasing. Parents are not taken care of by their own children and are forced to live in a separated home called retirement home. Retirement home is a multi residence housing facility made for senior citizens. The father, spend whole of his life for his children and spend all the money for their education. The mother takes risk of her own life to give birth to the child and sacrifice all the things for the sake of her child. They do their best for their children to make them stand on their own legs. Then why they are spending evening of their life in unknown places instead of playing with their grand children? Why they are alone when they are having their own family? One of the reason for this is migration of young couples from the nation to other cities & abroad in search of better employment opportunities to fend for themselves. So even if they want to, they cannot accommodate their parents in their own homes. Generation gap between the parents and children makes the younger generation to be uncomfortable and they don't want to be with their parents. Sometimes due to some misunderstandings or ill treatment towards parents, they are made to go to the retirement homes. Men become so selfish that he can't take care of his own parents. Living away from their parents, younger generation may feel free from the old headache lecturing. But they don't know they are losing their roots!! There is no one in home to guide them, to teach them, to correct their mistakes. They may stay busy in their work and career. But they are not there with them who were the reason for their success. They are losing their care. The grand children are really missing their grandparents. There is no one to tell the story to them. Their parents don't know the stories of Ramayana and Mahabharata, then how would they come to know about it. Our culture and tradition are going to end like this. Without roots how can we expect a fruit? Just try to imagine future India having no roots of our culture and tradition... !! If this situation continues the day will come when sending parents to old age home will become prestigious issue just like sending children to boarding school. There will be no attachment between parents and children. India will also become a country which will have no value of relation & regards to parents and will find their god in only stone. If the tree is to be strong then roots must be strong. If we need our country to be strong then there must be a guidance of senior citizens of India, our parents. Think once, are we really so busy that can't we take care of our own parents..?? Can't we give the peaceful life when they need that?? I feel if we cannot care for our aged parents, then we do not deserve to call ourselves human beings. If we cannot respect and love them when they are old and wrinkled, how can we claim to have a heart?? When they are old, they need our care which they've given us when we needed it. But abandoning them to someone else to care for is the height of callousness. Can we be ever forgiven for such behaviour? - Anoosha Hedge

The act of marriage is based on the principles of three debts which are to be cleared by a householder, only being associated with his wife. They are - Devaruna, Pitruruna and Rishiruna. Devaruna is supposed to be cleared through religious practices and other virtuous deeds such as Pancha (five) Maha Yajnas (Deva Yajna or the the act of worshipping Gods, fire worship, meditation, etc; Pitru Yajna - serving parents and also offering libations to the ancestors and mainly begetting worthy offsprings; Brahma Yajna - honouring Rishis by the study of holy scriptures such as Vedas and other texts; Bhutha Yajna Feeding animals; Atithi Yajna - charitable offerings of food, etc to fellow humans, especially the guests) This alone explains us the duties and responsibilities of a householder towards the society and the sanctity of marriage and that, marriage is not just union of a man and a woman but entering a responsible stage in life, committing themselves for the wellbeing of the society rather than satisfying the natural carnal desires. Pitruruna is supposed to be cleared by begetting children, upbringing them with all the necessary care and attention which would lead them to worthiness, who in turn work for the well being of the society and bring name and fame to their family. Rishiruna is supposed to be cleared by acquisition and propagation of knowledge which alone enabled an individual to discharge his duties towards the society and clear the fourth debt samaajaruna (debt towards society). An important point to be noted here is that NO LEGAL PROCEEDINGS WERE ENCOURAGED BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE, in order to stress on the importance of their relationship which is the pillar of this society. The couple was not supposed to lodge any complaint against each other in front of a king or any public court when a quarrel has arisen through jealousy or scorn. Instead, it would be solved by the elders of the family or a panel of relatives. The husband-wife relation was considered a permanent one which could not be broken by any means. At the same time, our ancient texts consider a few rare cases when a husband or a wife can break their relation or remarry, based on deep thinking and consideration. Its time for us to dig the lost treasures of this great nation, uncover the hidden ideologies behind many acts of Traditional and Cultural values prescribed by our ancestors, in the ancient texts of India and show the present generations who are the future creators and strength of this Nation in order to preserve/serve humanity, which was the basic mantra of Bharath!!! Krunvanto vishwamaaryam!! Let's make the whole world noble!! - Shalini K Bhatt (Swarna Bhoomi)

Marriage is the most important sacrament prescribed in our ancient texts which an individual had to undergo for the well being of the society. Vivaha (marriage) is a ritual through which one enters the life of a householder in order to discharge the duties towards the family and society. The object and purpose of marriage was not merely satisfying the carnal desires of a man and a woman, though it constitutes the basis of marriage. The profounders of Dharma demoted the natural carnal desire to a secondary position, after a deep thought and consideration. They considered that a greater stress given to the above aspect would result in 'use and throw' attitude i.e. the concept of Divorce at the whim and fancy of either of them. For this, the necessary step was to make the couple commit in public, in front of relatives, friends and other elderly guests that they are coming together to fulfill the obligation of marital life towards the society. This ideal thought vanished in course of time due to various reasons among which one was the high influence of the western ideologies on us. Marriage was misinterpreted and mistook as a ritual where money and time was wasted unnecessarily and our youngsters started opting for the so called 'simple marriages'. We can see today, in almost every marriage, the couples are least bothered about the rituals involved in marriage and the responsibilities they are supposed to take up after marriage; the purohits are almost concentrated on the profits they get from such marriages and the other elders and guests are interested in gossiping around. None of them can to be blamed today since both elders and youngsters are ignorant of the ideologies behind such acts of divinity and even the purohit who performs the wedlock ceremony is also not capable of making them understand the divine thought behind this important sacrament. The thought process in almost every one has been influenced by the west. Hence, it's not surprising if the present generations are going against such rituals and are getting into unauthorized marriages and live in relationships.

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