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A v i o n i c I n s t r u m e n t s I n c.

Aerospace for I n d u s ty r

p o w e r o nv e r s i o n c
The Power Conversion industry is forever reinventing itself with new products. Each new ye ar br ing s the ne xt gen er ation of te chn olo gy as aer ospace customers req uire quality power for increasi ngly sophisticated e quipment. od ay, power conversion equipment is as T sophisticated as the equipment being po ered . Products are lig hter an d smaller with highe r w , re liability, and at a reduced cost.

At Avionic Instruments (AI2), we have m ade a com pan wide co mmitment to provide our ycusto mer s with le ad ing e dge thinking. day s of Just In Cas e (JIC) manufactur ing are over. The We now live under the umbrella of Just In Time (JIT), bearin g itself wit hin every facet of a modern business.

Resources are investe d in to every corner of our busine ss from the high profile ar of eas Research & Developmen t, Manufactur ing and Quality to the less appreciated ar as of Order , e Processing, EDP, Shipping, Inventory and Procure ment. Advan ced generation techn ology has become inseparable fr m the integration of the whole ISO 9000 QualityAssurance, o Statisti cal Process Contr l (SPC), Year 2000 Complian ce and Employee Respe ct. o

On the border of the new cent ury, it has be co me cle ar that to ad van ce the state of the ar t, we must advan ce the state of the corpor ationAs we move forward into the next century, . more than ever, there will b e n ew challenges to face .

At Avionic Inst ruments , balance and commitment ar our working tools.We shall continue e to give our custo mers the best technolog the best suppo rt and the best re s pon sivene ss y, avai lable.

a e ro s p a c ef o r
con figuration s o r commercial, military and space a lication s. f pp


Avionic Instruments , Inc. (AI2) has an installe d produ ct base fir ml established within the y aerospace world . In the early 1970's,AI2 provided stan dard off-the-shelf FAA static inverters to the Gene ral Aviation industry. Since that time, the compa ny has expande d its product base, supply ing major po wer conversio n families with hundreds of pr ducts and o

AI2 prod ucts are the OEM equip me n t of choi ce or application s fr m commercial transport f o aircraft to army shelt ers; from corpo rate jets to fo rward are a fighter aircra ft;from private aircra ft to e mergen cy med ical evacuation vehicles; nd from military frigat es to the a Spacesta tion.

Products an d Service s in clude custo m product design,a dvan ced e search and development, r m anufa ctur ing and test,and logis tics and data suppor Long time clients include Bell t. Helic oper Textron, Boe ing McD on n e ll Douglas,Bombardier Learjet, Cessna, Gulfstream , Harris, Lockhe ed Mar in, NASA, Northrop Grum m an , Raythe on E-Systems, Sikorsky and the t U.S. Army, Air Force, Navy an d Marines.

AI2 has a st rong worldwide pres ence, sup plying to ae rospace companies tha t include Aerospatiale, British Aeros pa ce, Dassault, Dornier, Embraer, Hi ndustan Aeronautics, Pilat us and the prin cipa l armed orces around the globe. f

Our prod ucts can be fo un d almost ever ywhere. Products in se rvice for over twenty-five years have we athered the test of time, amassing over on e hundred fifty million operatin g ho urs in severe hostile airborne, shipboard, mobile and ground en vironments.

p ro d u c t sa n d

s e rv i c e s

Avionic Instruments In c. is the leading design er and pr oducer of lightweigh t qualified power conversion equipment for military, co m me rci al, and space applications. AI2 m anufa ctures five prin cipal power conversion equipment lin es DC toAC Static Inverters, AC to AC Frequency Converters, AC to DC Transformer Rectifier Units, DC to DC Cockpit Light Dim mi ng Contr llers an d AC (or DC) to DC Switching Power Supplies. o Products are as se mble d under an ISO 900 1 quality as suran ce sy ste m appr oved by th e U.S. Government, their prime sub contracto rs,and the aerospace community at large . The repair facility is fully certifie d by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). In-ho use en gine er ing ser ice s provide for new prod uct architectures and customize d v var ian ts of e xistin g de sign s. e chnical pers onn el pr vid e sup port for logistics, engineering, T o publications, and contractual data line ite m equirements (CDRL). r

Prin cipa l manufacturing processes in clude au tomated asse mblof surface mount y components into printed cir uit boards, trans former assembly, and final assembly c co mpletion. Te st an d ins pe ction ar a part of every manufa cturin g operation,e nsuring high e quality levels from the ground up.

Computer controlled test stations (A are used to perform subass e mbly and final TE) acceptance testing on all manufacture d prod ucts. ustomer driven Production Reliability C Accept ance Tests (PRAT) an d Environmen tal St ress Screening (ESS) ar performed on AI2 e products. Application specific ESS test profiles,including combined vibration and temperature sc reening, are pe rfor me d in co mp lian ce with co ntra ctual equire men ts. r

s t a t i c inver te rs
AI2 Static Inverters are supplied at power levels ranging from 20VA single phase to 37.5kVA three phase. Light weight, small size and high reliability are achieved with the use of high frequency switching circuitry. Inverters are designed to operate in the most stringent environments. Units are qualified to meet FAA and military standards for mission critical equipment. Applications range from large-scale commercial air transpo rt, corporate and private aircraft to ground mobile shelters and forward area military back-up power.

Inverters use a two-stage power conversion topology that provides superior regulation of the output voltage over wide input line variations.A high frequency switching DC/DC converter isolates and scales the input 28 VDC voltage to a high voltage internal DC bus. Power is transferred to a high frequency DC/AC bridge inverter circuit to generate an output of 115VAC or 230VAC at 50, 60 or 400Hz. Current mode control provides for stable operation into any load, including the non-linear and dynamic loads seen in critical applications.

AI2 static inverters can be connec ted in parallel or thr e phase for higher power ratings. e The control topology ensures proportional current sharing without the need fo r output voltage matching. Fas t output response and stable fe edback loops provide for a design with high reliability, low weight and high efficiency.

f r e q u e n c yc o n v e r t e r s
AI2 Frequency Converters are supplied at power levels ranging from 1kVA single phase to 52.5kVA three phase. Light weight, small size and high reliability are achieved with the use of high frequency switching circuitry. Converters are designed to operate in the most stringent environments. Units are qualified to meet FAA and military standards for mission critical equipment. Applications range from large-scale military air transport aircraft to medical emergency life support backup power and business jet aircraft co mpletions.

Converters use a two-stage power conversion topology that provides superior regulation of the output voltage over wide input line variations.An AC/DC processor isolates and scales the input AC voltage to a high voltage internal DC bus.An advanced processor circuit generates a high input power factor and low reflected input line current harmonics. Power is transferred to a high frequency DC/AC bridge inverter circuit to gene rate an output of 115VAC or 230VAC at 50, 60 or 400Hz. Current mode control provides for stable opera tion into any load, including the non-linear and dynamic loads seen in critical applications.

AI2 frequency converters can be connected in parallel or three phase for higher power ratings. The control topology ensures proportional current sharing without the need for output voltage matching. Fast output response and inherently stable feedback loops provide for a design with high reliability, low weight and high efficiency.

t r a n s f o r m e rr e c t i f i e r s
Re gulated or Un re gulated AI2 Transformer Rectifier Units convert 115/200VAC three phase 40 0H z power to Mil-Std-704 quality DC po wer. Stan dard off-the-shelf units operate in the most stringent environ men ts an d are qualified to military standards for mission critical equip ment. Application s f r TRUs ran ge from military and comme rc ial transport aircraft to o fighters , trainers and helicopters.

Internally fan-cooled and n atural free-a ir conve ction m ode ls ar available with n ominal e outp ut current rati ngs from 50A to 40 0A.The sta ndard TRU design in cludes an isolate d twelve pulse re ctification sche me generating a high input po , wer factor an d low reflected input line curren t har mon ics. High e fficien cy simplified cooling and ease of maintenance ar , e achieved with the use of Schottky h ybrid diode arrays.

Regulated output transfo rmer rectifier units provide excellent output vo ltage re gu lation f r o varyin g line and load conditions.Units are well suited for powering 28VDC busses that include emergency back-up batteries.Regulated TRUs exhibit the inherent bene fits an d simplicity of a stan dar TRU, while providing p ower supply-like output regulation. High d overload, low EM I, low parts count and high reliability are sta ndard e atures of the AI2 f Regulated TRU. In the event of a loss of the int ernal e gulating circuit, units will revert to r stan da rd TRU operation. Regulated transf rmer rectifier units are available with output o current rati ngs from 50A to 40 0A.

l i g h t dimmers
AI2 Light Dimmers are available at power levels from 38 wa tts, single channel, to 375 watts, five channels. Dimmers are supplied as standar OEM equipment to provide user adjustable d light intensity variations in the cockpit or other interior areas of an aircraft. Light weight, small size and high reliability are achieved from an advanced high frequency resonant fly forward converter topology.

Light dimmers are designed and qualified to operate in the most stringent en vironments. Units are qualified to meet FAA and military standards for mission critical equipment. Applications range from large-scale commercial air transport, to corporate and private aircraft, as well as military and commercial helicopters.

Single and multiple channel units are available with remotely adjustable outputs at 0-5VDC, 0-12VDC and 0-28VDC. Dimmers are available as either rheostat, potentiometer or voltage controlled units, as well as fixed output for powering DC based equipment.With the use of fast response current controlled circuitry, matching brightness criteria can be provided. Resonant high frequency switching achieves a design topology that can meet customer specifications for light intensity control requirements.

p o w e rs u p p l i e s
AI2 Power Supplies are designed for military and commercial airborne, shipboard, mobile and ground fixed applications. Standard products convert AC or DC to various DC outputs, ranging from 5VDC to 48VDC. Product designs operate in the most stringent environments and are qualified to military standards for mission critical equipment.

A single stage current controlled resonant processor isolates the input AC or DC to a regulated output DC voltage with extremely low ripple. Fast output response and stable feedback loops provide for a design of high power density, low weight and high efficiency. Power supplies are modular and can be operated in parallel,with n+1 redundancy for distributed power applications.

The Power Supply family consists of two principal groups, 50-150 watts and 200-400 watts. Available inputs are 115/230VAC single phase, 115/200VAC three phase WYE, 115 VAC L-L Delta, and 28, 48 and 270VDC. AC input models ope rate over a frequency range of 47440Hz. Standard outputs are available at 5VDC, 12VDC, 15VDC, 24VDC, 28VDC and 48VDC.

c u s t o md e s i g n
The engineers at Avionic Instruments are re cognize d expert s in the art of power convers ion design.AI2 has over twenty-five ye ar s of e xper ien ce in supporting co mp lex military and com merci al development progra ms that in clude ev erythin g from product design and qua lification to logistics and da ta supp or t.

We have designe d custom static inv rters, frequency con e verters, TRUs, light dim mers an d power supplies for the most demanding customers Boeing McDonnell Douglas,Lockhe ed Martin , Northrop Gru m ma n , Raytheon E-Systems and the U.S Go vernme nt.

Advan ced generation s itchin g circ uits, with DC or AC inputs and outputs, are use d in w mee ting you r product require me n ts. Power leve ls ran ge fro m 20VA to 25kVA. Designs typically utilize IGBT power devices switchin g at v high frequencie s, achieving hig h power density, ery small size and light we ight.Design costs are optimized with the use of modularasse mb lies and a common inventory of co mp on en t par s. t

Contact the sa les dep arment for complete info rmation regardi ng Avion ic Instrume nts t design and suppor services for your custom power require me nts. t

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