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The India makes high progress on industrial levels. Due to liberalization and globalization industrial and business opportunities are increasing. So to achieve this opportunities demand of competitive management and skilled manager are also being increased. M.B.A Program is very well for this necessity. Because it is well structure and integrated course of management studies. In M.B.A practical knowledge is as necessary as theoretical knowledge. Today in the age of globalization where cut-throat competition is prevailing in the market, theoretical knowledge is not enough beside on this practical knowledge gives experience and presents the true picture of theoretical knowledge. As a part of the program of M.B.A syllables I choose AMUL Dairy for project training purpose because. Its milk products are famous in India and across the country. Its management, administration, co-operation with societies and employees and price policy are very well and famous. Amul is a well-known name in the milk products and it is Asia no 1 and worlds second number co-operative unit. During my project training I visited different departments of Amul such as an administration department, production department, stores, finance and account department HR department etc. As a specification of Marketing Management I took training under the Marketing department. Visiting AMUL is very interesting and one of the finest experiences during my study.

I am confident at the time of submission of this report; here we tried to show our hard work, enthusiasm and interest while presetting it. I fall short of worlds to pen down anything for the cooperation and encouragement extended by friend through the completion of this report. Many thanks are little for their encouragement and support. I would like to thank to SGPIMS College and Principal Mr.Bramchari Sir and project Guide Miss. Zarna Patel who has given me the opportunity. I am very much grateful she also guidance and support helped me to complete this project successfully, without their guidance the work would never been completed. I would like to thank an organization for the infrastructure, administrative and qualitative support extended for the timely completion of this study. I am sincerely thankful to Mr.Gopal shukhala. In charge (Purchase) who gave us appropriate information regarding how to prepare project report. He also helped us by explaining some key concept in our project work.

Thank you

yours faithfully,

(Mamta. K. Patel.) M.B.A


I am Mamta.K.Patel, hereby declare that the project report on marketing and project work entitled Survey on Bakery and Sweet Items is a result of my own work and not submitted to any other university or institute for any award or degree.

Signature Date: Place: Dharmaj & Zarola. (Mamta. Patel.) K.

Executive Summary
As a student of Master of Business Administration I have selected amul dairy (kaira district co-operative milk producers union Ltd.) as summer training. As amul is having a huge brand image it and also a co-operative segment which moldes the student trainees overall knowledge and horizons into a practical commercial world. As an organization study it is a place to train and gain lot of practical aspects of management studies. It is the Asias largest milk producers and having 3 to 4 plants in the nearby area of anand district. It is a market leader in milk and milk products and butter and cheese are its main products. As a MBA student I m also conducting a Survey on Bakery and Sweet Items by amul. This report contains both the organization study of Amul and the study report of Bakery and Sweet Items.


2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

Introduction of the Industry
- Economic contribution of Industry in India


Introduction of the Company

History and Development Organization Profile Organization Structure Product Profile Mission, Vision and Logo Marketing Department Literature review Research Methodology Introduction Objective of study Description Sources of data Research design Sample size Sampling Techniques Sampling frame Population Data Analysis Conclusion Project Learning Bibliography Annexure

3 4
4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9

5 6 7



In the year 1946, the first milk union was established. This union was started with 250 liters of milk per day. In the year 1946, the union was called THE KAIRA DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE MILK PRODUCERS UNION. The union selected the brand name AMUL for its product range in 1955. The brand name Amul means AMULYA. This word is derived from the Sanskrit word AMULYA which means Priceless. A quality control expert in Anand suggested it. The word AMUL stands for: A Anand M Milk U Union L Limited In the early 40s, the main sources of earnings for the farmers of Kaira district were farming and selling of milk. However, the income from selling of milk was not dependable since milk-marketing system was controlled by private traders and intermediaries who exploited the farmers and gave them very less returns on the milk products. In those times, there was a great demand for milk in Bombay. The main suppliers of the milk were Polson Dairy Limited which was a privately owned company and held monopoly over the supply of milk at Bombay from the Kaira district. This again led to the exploitation of poor and illiterate farmers.

However, this exploitation became intolerable and the farmers became frustrated. So, they collectively appealed to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who was a leading activist in the freedom movement and who had advocated for farmers co-operatives as early as in 1940. He advised the farmers to sell the

milk on their own by establishing a co-operative union instead of supplying milk to private traders. Sardar Patel sent the farmers to Shri Morarji Desai in order to gain his co-operation and help. Shri Desai held a meeting at Samarkha village near Anand, on 4th Jan. 1946. He advised the farmers to form a society for collection of the milk. These villages societies would collect the milk on their own and would decide the prices at which they could sell the milk. The District union was also formed to collect the milk from such village co-operative societies and to sell this milk. It was also resolved that the Government should be asked to buy milk from the union. However, the government did not help the farmers by any means and gave a negative response by turning down the demand for the milk. The farmers responded by going on a strike. For nearly 15 days, not a single drop of milk was sold to the traders. As a result, the Bombay milk scheme was severely affected. The milk commissioner of Bombay then visited Anand to assess the situation. Having seen the farmers condition and studying their demands, the commissioner decided to fulfill the farmers demand. In this manner, the co-operative unions were formed at the village and district levels to collect and sell milk on a co-operative basis, without the intervention of Government. Mr. Varghese Kurien showed main interest in establishing unions and he received support from Tribhuvandas Patel who educated the farmers about the co-operative unions at the village level. The Kaira district milk producers union was thus established in Anand and was formally registered on 14th December, 1946. Since all the milk was sold in Anand through a co-operative union by farmers, it was commonly resolved to sell the milk under the brand name AMUL. The foundation stone for AMUL was laid on 12/09/1948 by Dr. Rajendra Prasad who was the first president of Independent India. It was inaugurated on 31/10/1955 by late Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, the prime minister of India. In the initial stage only 250 liters of milk was colleted on an everyday basis. However, with the growing awareness of the benefits of the co-

operative ness, the collection of milk has increased considerably. Today, Amul collects about 13 lakhs liters of milk every day. Since milk is a perishable commodity, it became difficult to preserve milk for a longer period. Moreover, when the milk was to be collected from the far off places, there was a fear of spoiling of milk. To overcome the problem the union thought out to develop chilling units at various junctions, which would collect the milk and could chill it and thus able to preserve it for a longer period. Thus, today Amul has more than 150 chilling centers in various villages. Milk is collected from almost 1232 societies. From the late fifties Kaira Union has been investing heavily in schemes to improve the milk yield in animals. The union has built up a full-fledged infrastructure for breeding animals and ensuring animal health care. Semen from high pedigree bulls is being made available. An efficient insemination service was also put into place through village society workers. A mobile veterinary service rendered animal health care at the doorstep of the farmer. The veterinary first aid programmed organized by the union through trained village society workers was probably the first of its kind in India.


Firms that desire to do business in large emerging markets need to develop a new paradigm for looking at opportunities in these markets. The success of many such firms has depended on how well have they formed or managed to become a part of an existing network of suppliers and consumers. These economies are complex and have unique characteristics that range from underdeveloped markets to small and fragmented supplier base. Clearly, traditional business models are not adequate for this environment. Successful firms participate in the development of both these elements of the supply chain. The prize, needless to mention, is significant sales in a large market. In this paper describe a successful business model using the example of AMUL. AMUL is a dairy cooperative in the western India that has been primarily responsible, through its innovative practices, for India to become the worlds largest milk producer. The distinctive features of this paradigm involves managing a large decentralized network of suppliers and producers, simultaneous development of markets and suppliers, lean and efficient supply chain, and breakthrough leadership. This paper draws various lessons from the experiences of AMUL that would be useful to firms contemplating entry into emerging market.



During the fourth decade of the 19th century, the basic sources of income for farmers of the Kaira district was farming and selling milk. At that time there was great demand of milk in Bombay. The biggest purchaser of milk was Polson Ltd. It was a privately owned dairy that produced milk products and also supplied milk to various regions of the state. It enjoyed monopoly. All farmers of the Kaira district were at the mercy of the milk traders who dictated the process; they had nowhere to turn to. This unfair system spread widespread discontent amongst the farmers. Hence they all decided and appealed to Shri Sardar Patel, a great leader of Indias freedom movement, for help. Shri Sardar Patel advised them to market milk through a co-operative society that was operated by them individually. He sent his very trusted person, Shri Morarji Desai to organize the farmers. At a meeting held at Samarkha (a village near Anand) on January 4, 1946, it was resolved that milk co-operative societies would be organized in each village of Kaira district to collect milk from the producers and bring it to the district union. The government should be asked to buy milk from the union. When the government turned down the demand, Kaira districts farmers organized a milk strike for 15 days, not a single drop of milk was sold to traders. The Bombay Milk Scheme was badly affected. The milk commissioner of Bombay visited Anand, assessed the situation and decided to concede to the farmers demands. The Journey The Amul is the co-operative union which successes with the slow and steady growth. The Amul has start with one society and now it is converted into a union with 1073 societies. At the beginning Amul collect only 250 liters of milk per day. Now, Amul collect 11 lakhs of liters of milk every day. The excess of milk leads the Amul to develop the milk products. The Amul developed step by step. The main stages of development are as follows:

THE 50s IN 1954 In the year 1954 UNICEF provide the financial help worth of Rs. 50 million to the Amul. This financial help lead Amul to established fully automatic plant for producing milk and milk powder.

IN 1958 In this year Amul expand the plant and started to produce sweetened condensed milk.

THE 60s IN 1960 The excess supply of milk in the winter season and huge amount of profit make possible the expansion of Amul. The Amul established new units for producing cheese and baby food. This creates history in the dairy products, because it was the first time where cheese and baby food is produced from the buffalo milk. THE 80s IN 1981 The new cattle feed plant was established at Kanjari. New Beginnings THE 90s IN 1992 For getting the benefits of excess supply of milk, Amul established another plant named Amul-3. This plant has capacity of producing 14 lakhs litters of milk everyday. IN 1994 The new cheese plant was established at Khatraj and Chocolates plant established at Mogar. These two plants started with help of NDDB. .

THE NEW MILLENIUM The Journey continues . . . IN 2001

For providing the quality milk at any time, Amul launch the new flavored milk. This flavored milk available in four different tastes. : IN 2003 For expanding the market share Amul launch the "SNOWBALL" pizza and flavored lassie. This gives the new market share to Amul in the area of fast food. IN 2004 The Amul keeps on achieving new highs in this competitive world. It has launch CHOCOZOO [Chocolate], MUNCHTIME [Gathiya]. Amul also started the new Satellite dairy at PUNE and COLCUTTA. This will help Amul in expanding milk marketing in other state. 2008 AMUL is going to launch the new product named AMUL MILK SHAKES in three Flavors i.e. Banana, Mango and Strawberry



Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Limited, Anand Known as AMUL (Anand Milk Union Ltd.)

Amul Dairy, Nr.Railway station Amul Dairy road, Anand-388 001 Gujarat, India. FORM: Co-operative sector registered under the Co-operative REGISTRATION: December 14, 1946 Registered Office: Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Limited, Anand-388 001 BRAND NAME: AMUL (Anand Milk Union Limited) BANKERS: District Central Co-operative Bank Ltd. Axis Bank Ltd. State Bank of India Bank of Baroda Bank of Maharastra Corporation Bank

Society Act.

HDFC Bank Ltd.

AUDITORS: PROMOTORS: Shri. Tribhuvandas K Patel. Shri. Morarji Desai. Shri. Vallahbhai patel. Dr. Varghese Kurien. Special Auditors Milk Union, Anand


10.00 a.m to 6:00 p.m

TOTAL NO.OF SHIFT: 1st Shift Time : 2nd Shift Time: 3rd Shift Time: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. 4:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m.





A. Anand Plant

This plant is engaged in manufacturing of milk, butter, milk powder, ghee, flavored milk and buttermilk. B. Mogar Plant

This plant is situated on National Highway No.8. The plant produces chocolate, coco powder and coco butter. C. Kanjari Plant The plant is situated between Anand and Nadiad. This plant is engaged in manufacturing of cattle feed. D. Khatraj Plant

This plant is situated between Nadiad and Mahemdabad and produces cheese. E. Chilling Center/ Satellite Dairy Kapadvanj, Undel and Balasinor F. PUNE: Milk and Curd. G. CALCUTTA: Milk, Flavoured Milk, Ice-cream. H. MUMBAI PLANT: Milk, Flavoured Milk, and other Milk products.

2.2 Organization Structure


Chairman Managing Director General Manager Assistant General Manager Manager Deputy Manager Assistant Manager Senior Executive Executive Senior Officer Officers Assistants Junior Assistant Workers


1. Shri Ramsingh P. Parmar 2. Shri Rajendrasinh D. Parmar 3. Shri Shivabhai M. Parmar 4. Shri Maganbhai G. Zala 5. Shri Chandubhai M. Parmar 6. Shri Pravinbhai F. Solanki 7. Shri Dhirubhai A.Chavda 8. Shri Bhaijibhia A. Zala 9. Shri Mansinh K.Chauhan 10. Shri Bipinbhai M.Joshi 11. Smt. Madhuben D. Parmar 12. Smt. Sarayuben B. Patel 13. Shri Ranjitbhai K. Patel 14. Shri B. M. Vyas 15. Shri Rahul Kumar 16. Shri Deepak Dalai

Chairman Vice Chairman Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Director Representative GCMMF, Anand M.D. District Registrar, Co-operative Societies, Government of Gujarat



The following is a list of products that are made & marketed by GCMMF in corporation of AMUL. A. Bread Spreads: Amul Butter Amul light low fat bread spread Amul coocking butter B. Cheese range: Amul pasturized processed cheese Amul processed cheese spread Amul pizza (mozzrella) cheese Amul shredded pizza cheese Amul malai paneer Utterly delicious pizza

C. Sweet range:
Amul Shrikhand Amul Amrakhand Amul Mithae GulabJamun Mix Amul Ladoos.

D. Milk range:

Amul Shakti (3% fat milk) Amul Tazza (1.5% fat milk) Amul Gold Amil life Slim N Trim Milk Amul shakti Tones milk Amul fresh Cream Amul Show Cup softly mix E. Pure Ghee: Amul Pure Ghee Sagar Pure Ghee Amul Cow Ghee F. Infault milk range: Amul Infault milk formula 1 (For 0-6 months Infants) Amul Infact milk formula 2 (For infacts of 6 months and above) Amul Spray Infact milk food G. Milk Powders: Amul full cream milk powder Amul dairy whitener Sagar tea & coffee whitener Sweetned condensed milk Amul Mithaimate sweetened condensed milk

H. Fresh milk:

Amul Tazza Toned milk(3% fat) Amul Shakti standardized milk(4.5% fat) Amul Slim N Trim Double Toned Milk(1.5% fat) Amul Toned Full Cream Milk (6% fat) Amul Cow Milk I.Curd Products: Amul Masti Dahi Amul masti Spiced Buttermilk Amul lassi J. Amul Ice-cream: Royal treats Range Nut O mania range Nature Treat Sundae range Assorted Treat Utterly Delicious K. Chocolate & Confeationeries: Amul Milk Chocolate Amul Fruit & nut Chocolate L. Brown Beverages: Nutramul Malted milk food Amul Kool flavoured milk Amul kool caf M. Health Beverage: Amul shakti White Milk food.

Products: Milk, Butter, Cheese, Milk Powder, Condensed Milk, Baby Food, Ghee, Nutramul, Chocolate, Amul Butter Milk, Amul Ice-Cream, Dan (Cattle Food), Peda, Kajukatri.

Industrial: Products: Coco-butter Coco Powder Coco Mass Cream


MISSION: The mission of Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd. is to help farmers who were the foundation stone of the whole system. The system works only for farmers and consumers, not for profit .The main aim of Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd. is to provide quality products to the consumer at minimum cost and to provide maximum profit in terms of money to the farmers. VISION: The vision of Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd. is to vanish the problems of farmers (milk producers) relating to their livelihood .The apparition of Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd. is to run the organization with the cooperation of four main parties like the farmers, the representatives of processors, the marketers and the customers. LOGO: The logo of Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Ltd. is a ring of four hands, which are connected with each other. Each and every hand of the ring is representing the people who are connected with the union. The actual meaning of this symbol is to create and maintain the coordination between the different people by whom this union is now at the top.

First Hand:

It is for the farmers (producers), without whom the organization would do not existed. Farmers are the inspiration of the AMUL the taste of India. It is for the representatives of processors by whom the raw milk processed into different finished products. It is for marketers without whom the product would have not been able to reach to the customer. It is for customers without whom the organization could not carry on because they are the people who consume the product. The union of Amul would not have been the second biggest successful company in the world without the coordination of the above four hands.

Second Hand:

Third Hand:

Fourth Hand:



Marketing is the vast term. It includes most of departments like H.R.M., Finance, and Production, Purchase departments. The objective of all business enterprise is to satisfy needs and wants of society. Marketing is therefore total point of the all business activities. The Production or purchase has not meaning unless a firm is able to market goods & services marketing is equally important from national view point. Through marketing that individual and social needs are satisfied. It is help in improving standard of living of people by the providing a variety of the goods and services. Marketing is second main part of AMUL. According to AMUL, marketing is activity that concerned with direct flow of goods and services from the process of exchange and distribution. In fact marketing has been destined as the delivery of stanadard of living. Marketing is generally helps in exports. Gujarat Co-operative milk marketing federation (GCMMF) is performing all the marketing activity foamed. Most of all product of AMUL are being marketed by GCMMF except for liquid milk. GCMMF was established in 1972 by Dr. Varghese Kurien who was a chairman of Amul. Till 1965 all products were marketed by Amul but due to progress and increasing demand many problems emerged. It was necessary to create separate department


Managing Director Deputy Manager

Product-dispatch Manager


Deputy Superintendent Senior Officer Assistant


GCMMF: An Overview Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) is India's largest food products marketing organization. It is a state level apex body of milk cooperatives in Gujarat which aims to provide remunerative returns to the farmers and also serve the interest of consumers by providing quality products which are good value for the money.


Distribution decision is very critical since they vary from product to product, consumer to consumer and place to place. From the customers point of view, a good distribution is one that enables them to purchase the product or service at an arms distance at a competitive price. Intermediaries or middlemen play an important role in the marketing of the product. AMUL has following types of distribution channel.

Two level channel (For Milk, Butter Milk and Curd.)

AMUL Milk Wholesaler Retailer Consumers

Three level channel (For other Than above Product)


Federation Depot (Whole Sellers) Retailers Consumers


The sales are the all out selling a product or services in return of money or other compensation. It is an art of completion of a commercial activity.

Total Sales Turnover of the Organisation

Sales Turnover 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-2010 2010-2011 Rs (million) 11140 13790 15540 18840 22192 22185 22588 23365 27457 28941 29225 37736 42778 52554 67113 169489 211140

Marketing segmentation

At Amul, since the marketing activities are handled by the GCMMF, market segmentation is also decided by GCMMF.

The GCMMF determines the market size and market its product accordingly in the market so that the product can be easily sold in the market.

A market segmentation is a concept economics & marketing. A market is a sub-set of a market made up of people or organization of one or more characterise that cause them to demand similar product and services, it based on qualities of those products such as price.

The GCMMF conduct the market survey to know the demand for the products of Amul in the market and emphasis on the demand of population in that particular segment.

The GCMMF has developed the marketing system, which takes care of such issues.


By Aamir baig, that the section is based on a selection of article abstracts from a comprehensive business literature database. Marketingrelated abstracts from over 125 journals (both academic and trade) are reviewed by JM staff. Descriptors for each entry are assigned by JM staff. Each issue of this section represents three months of entries into the database. JM thanks UMI for use of the ABI/INFORM business database. Each entry has an identifying number. Cross-references appear immediately under each subject heading. The following article abstracts are available online from the ABI/INFORM database, which is published and copyrighted by UMI. For additional information about access to the database or about obtaining photocopies of the articles abstracted here, please call (800) 6262823 or write to UMI, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. SUBJECT HEADINGS 1. THE 1.1 1.2 1.3 MARKETING ENVIRONMENT Consumer Behavior Legal, Political, and Economic Issues Ethics and Social Responsibility. Butter girls gets tough! ; Never before has Amul been buffeted by as much competition as it is today. But Indias largest dairy foods payer has an edge: Its unique "cow-tocustomer" model. A dairy farm in Manchar on the outskirts of Pune, a four hour drive from Mumbai, about 200 cows await their turn to be milked. They wait like shoppers in the billing queue of a supermarket, quiet ando r d e r l y . "Minimal human effort, maximum milk produce,"gushes Devendra Shah, Chairman, Para Milk Foods, which started its operations in M a n c h a r i n 1 9 9 3 . T h e c o m p a n y h a s s p e n t o v e r R s 4 c r o r e o n i t s r o t a r y m i l k i n g parlour, the first in

India. The 3,000-plus Holstein cows purchased at Rs 40,000 a piece.



Research in a common manner refers to a search for knowledge. Once can also derived research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. Research is an technical sense. In here, Research was needed to know and to collect information about company, companys history and all the historical datas and all knowhow.


To find the performance of AMUL products towards other brands. The survey on bakery and sweet items. To know consumers behaviour towards amul product.

A research is concerned with the research question into a testing project. The best design depends on the research questions. Every design has its positive & sides. The research design has been considered a blue print for research, or at least four problems: What question to study ? What data are relevents? What data to collect? And How to analyze the result ?


There are mainly two sources:

A. Primary sources of Data: Survey method:

The survey method is question to people who are thought to have desired information. A formal list of questionnaire is prepared. As compared to the other methods (direct observation, experimentation, survey are effective to produce) information on socio-economic characteristics, attitudes, opinions, motives gather information for product features etc.

B.Secondary sources of data:

1. Internal Sources: (which are within organization) Internal secondary data may be obtained of less time, effort and money than external Secondary Data. 2. External Sources: (Which are outside organization) External Sources are sources which are outside the company in a larger environments.


Research Design specifies the methods and Procedures for the conduction a Particular Study. There are mainly two type of research design in research methodology of AMUL. It include the Experimental Design and Non-Experimental Design.


I have visited 60 bakery stores in v.v.nagar& Anand and 40 stores in karamsad and other stores in Bakrol area.

4.7 SAMPLING TECHNIQUES: Convenience 4.8 SAMPLING FRAME: Anand and V.V.nagar. 4.9 POPULATION :Bakery stores and sweet items stores of anand and V.V.nagar.


Analysis of data is a process of inspecting, dealing, transforming and modeling data with the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusions & supporting decision making. Data analysis has multiple facts and approaches, encompassing diverse techniques under a variety of names in different business, science & Social science domains.

Date : Name Name of Outlet : Address City: 1. Do you Sell bread / sweets ? Yes No Ph. No.

2. You have a: Grocery Store Dairy Retail Store Sweet Shop Bakery Others

3. What type of sweets you sell ? Kaju Katri Malai Peda Kesar Peda Other

2. What type of bread do you sell ? White bread Whole wheat bread

Brown bread


7. For Sweets : Brand Type / Pack Size MRP (per pack) MRP (per kg.) Retailer Landing Margin Sale (kg. / day)

8. Which of following Amul products do you sell ? Milk Cheese Buttermi I k Others (Please Specify) 9. Which of following Amul products would like to sell ? Bread Cookies If none, please share your reasons for it : Pizza base None Butter Paneer Curd

10.What margin in percentage) do you wish to get on bakery products ?

11 .Who supplies bread / sweets to you ?

Name :______________________________

Phone : __________________________ Others 12.The supplier delivers bread / sweets

Once in a day Twice in a day

Alternate day Others (please specify) 13.The delivery is usually


only when order is placed


14. Do customers have complains about bread / sweets they bought from youYes NO If Please mention them

15.Do you get replacement for bread / sweets ?

Yes If yes, then No

100 % thesame


Anything you would like to mention regarding


credit policy that you are offered is :

Flexible No credit Fixed others (please specify)

Name of Surveyor & Signature : _________________________________


As we Know that Amul is very Big organisation with Big Brand Image in the Market. It is a market leader in dairy and milk products. It has maximum market share in Milk. Butter and cheese, which are its main/core products. After analyzing the data we can conclude that there is a positive response for the launching of Flavored Milk Powder. Most of the people are ready to go for this new product in the market.


I have learnt the following things during my training period:-

Real function of office work.

. How to produce all product of Amul. (Increase good quality of product, Increase export, Maintain customers)

How to handle employee at corporate world.

(Give some facility, Promotion policy etc,) How to handle Governmental issues.

How to work in team.

(Maintain employees relation, Relation between colleagues)

BIBLIOGRAPHY Marketing development: I.M.Pandey Marketing management: B.S.Shah History of Amul from the prospectors of AMUL.

Research Methodology: Dr.C.R.Kothari Edition: 2 The Survey directs to meet Bakery and sweet items shop.

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