Nivaldo Da Silva

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Satellite Installer Nivaldo da Silva, Sao Paulo, Brazil

The Antenna Whisperer

Went from hobbyist to successful specialist Able to precisely align the largest of dishes Focuses on elaborate installations with good quality material Demonstrates that specialization can bring success

228 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2012 09-10/2012 TELE-satellite International



Satellite Installer Nivaldo da Silva, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Nivaldo da Silva Knows How to Align Large Antennas

Antenna Whisperer Nivaldo da Silva in

front of his TV Sculo 21 satellite antenna installations in Valinhas, Sao Paulo Province, Brazil

230 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2012

The broadcasting

antenna and the large 6.0 meter satellite dish for the TV Sculo 21 station. If you look closely, youll see a 1.2-meter offset dish mounted by Nivaldo da Silva up on the mast in an inverted position.

So Paulo

Anyone who has any experience setting up and aligning satellite antennas knows only too well the difference between small dishes and larger dishes: the smaller the antenna, the easier it is to align it to the desired satellite; on the other side of the coin, the larger the dish, the more difficult it is to bring it into focus on the right satellite. Some installers have a certain way of performing these alignments and one of them is Nivaldo da Silva from Sao Paulo, Brazil. He has the ability to perfectly align the largest of antennas and seems to be able to talk to the dishes. They call him the Antenna Whisperer.

232 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2012

Hes been installing antennas for 40 years. I erected my first antennas back in 1966, he says remembering the start of it all. When the first satellite signals began streaming down into Brazil, Nivaldo da Silva became instantly excited about this new technology. There was hardly any literature on the subject. Back then we had to work out everything ourselves - we even built the parabolic dishes ourselves. The first attempt was not very successful: We simply couldnt find the satellite signal. Eventually they did succeed when they acquired a used satellite dish and successfully installed it. Now there was nothing to hold him back and Nivaldo da Silva installed one system after the another. He be-

gan purchasing the necessary materials in combination with others. Nivaldo da Silva is very concerned about the quality of the materials he uses for his own installations: It always pays to use quality materials in the long run. In 1977 he started his own installation company. It didnt take long for the professional users of satellite signals to discover him. Rede Globo de Televisao was my first professional customer; I installed satellite systems for the broadcasters advertising customers. Later on he acquired contracts with other broadcasters like TV Campinas, an affiliate of TV Bandeirantes, for SBT, TV Cultura and the religious channel TV Sculo 21. This broadcaster is located in the small city of Valinhas, south of Campi-

nas in the Sao Paulo province in southeastern Brazil. Jos Maria Albiero is TV Sculo 21s TV Director. He willingly showed us the antenna installation that Antenna Whisperer Nivaldo erected at his station. Weve been operating a TV production facility here since 1994 and since 1998 weve been transmitting our program on channel 53. And since 2000 TV Sculo 21 has been occupying an 18 MHz half-transponder on the STARONE C2 satellite at 70W. We use a 6.0-meter antenna to uplink our program to that satellite. This dish was erected by Nivaldo. Nivaldo lists for us: For TV Sculo 21 I installed a total of five dish antennas - three that are 3.2 meters in diameter, a 2.6-meter dish and a 4.5-meter

antenna. One of the 3.2-meter dishes was fitted with a motor by Nivaldo, the others are all fixed in place. Antenna Whisperer Nivaldo da Silva can be proud of what hes achieved. He took his personal interest in satellite technology and successfully turned it into a flourishing business. His focus on careful and precise installations has resulted in him becoming one of the most sought after large antenna specialists in his region.
1. Jos Maria Albiero is TV Sculo 21s TV Director and is seen here showing us the satellite signal reception components 2. A look in the TV Sculo 21 broadcasting control room. Programming is transmitted locally via UHF channel 53 but can also be received through the Internet at

234 TELE-satellite International The Worlds Largest Digital TV Trade Magazine 09-10/2012 09-10/2012 TELE-satellite International


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