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a) Find distance, angle for (between) vectors = b) Find the unit vectors for and c) Find the projection of vector onto a non-zero vector . Q2. Find the cross product of and . Q3. a) Find the conjugate if complex number z = a + b. b) What is the absolute value of z? c) Find the inverse of z. Q4. a) Write properties of matrix multiplication. b) Write properties of transpose. c) Write properties of matrix addition and scalar multiplication. Q5. a) Write definition for below matrix. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Symmetric Matrix Skew- symmetric Matrix Transpose Matrix Square Matrix Orthogonal Matrix Normal Matrix Complex Matrix + + and .

Q6. For matrices and commutative law (AB BA) is valid or not? If not then write the situations based on m, n and p. Q7. a) Write the definition of inverse matrix and in which condition cancellation law AC = BC is valid or not valid, where [A], [B] and[C] are matrices. b) Prove that inverse of matrix is unique. Q8. a) Write properties of inverse matrix. b) Write theorem for the inverse of product B and C are invertible matrices. , cancellation property for AC = BC where A,

Q9. Write definitions for Lower, Upper and Diagonal Matrices. Q10. If A is invertible matrix, then prove the system of linear equations solution given by: X= b has a unique

Q11. Write definitions for elementary matrices. Q12. Find the transpose of the following matrix

a) [

b) [

Q13. If A = [

] is symmetric, find a, b, c.

Q14. If A = [

] is skew- symmetric, find a, b, c.

Q15. a) Show that AB and BA are not equal for the matrices [ ] and [ ]

b) Show that AB and BA are equal for matrices [ ] and [ ]

And find the reason in this case why AB = BA. What is the relationship between A and B? Q16. Derive the formula for inverse of matrix A =[ ]. ] and also find a

Q17. Find the sequence of elementary matrices whose product is A = [ product [ ].

Q18. Find the elementary matrices and non-elementary matrices for the following matrices. a) [ ] b) [ ] c) [ ] d) [ ]

e) [

f) [

Q19. Solve below equations using LU factorization a) First find out L and U Matrix. b) Let Y = Ux then solve Ly = band after this c) Solve Ux = Y. Q20. Find the lower and upper triangular matrix of the following matrices using LU Factorization a) b) [ [ ] ]

Q21. Solve Ax = b by solving the triangular systems Ly = b and Ux = Y

[ What part of



[ ]

have you found with this particular b?

Q22. For which values of k does Kx + y = 1 s x + ky = 1

have no solution, one solution and infinitely many solutions. Q23. Find examples of 2 by 2 matrices with a) b) c) Q24. For the matrices [ ] and [ ] and and . for which

compute AB and BA and

Q25. Reduce the system of equations to upper triangular form by two operations: 2x +3y +z = 8 4x + 7y + 5z = 20 -2y +2z = 0 Circle the pivots. Solve by back- substitution for z, y, x.

Q26. Factor out D for matrix [


Q27. Let

], find

for this Gauss- Jordan method.

Q28. Let

]. Find

if it exists.

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