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Anna Karenina Plot This is the plot for Anna Karenina, for anyone who wants to do love journal

stuff but not make the effort, and its in a really short but concise format I didnt bother explaining the characters relationships to each other because I was going to use this in Joannas and my Prezi, but if you didnt see it or you dont remember whos who, theres a screenshot of the family tree I made to explain it all on the second page so you can print that out and use that too if you think you need it. I hope someone enjoys it and/or gets some use out of it! Jessica Stiva has slept with his childrens governess. Anna travels from St Petersburg to Moscow to comfort Dolly. On the train she meets Countess Vronskaya, causing her first meeting with Vronsky. In another scene, Levin reveals hes going to propose to Kitty. He proposes, but she turns him down, thinking herself in love with Vronsky. Vronsky attends a ball with both Kitty and Anna, but pays much more attention to Anna. His infatuation becomes clear to Anna as he begins to follow her everywhere, even back to St Petersburg. She succumbs and a relationship develops. At the races, Vronsky and his mare fall. Vronsky is unhurt, but the mare has a broken back and he has to shoot her. When he falls, Anna screams his name, alerting the other spectators to her feelings for Alexei. Later she tells him shes pregnant with his child. Anna confesses all to Karenin, and he tells her to break it off. He later refuses to separate from her, and makes it clear that if she should divorce him, she would not be able to remarry and she would never see Seryozha again. Anna falls ill after giving birth, and Karenin forgives Vronsky. Anna learns Vronsky is to be posted to another city (hes a cavalry officer) and runs away with him and the baby. Levin and Kitty become betrothed. Anna begins to understand the consequences of her actions she is shunned by society for her blatant affair with Alexei. Anna attends a show at the theatre, during which she is humiliated when none of the ladies will talk to her, and she cannot attend with Alexei. They move to the countryside to escape Annas social isolation. Anna takes morphine and opiates to help her sleep cannot cope as her and Alexeis relationship is breaking down. She is convinced that he is having an affair with another woman and that he will be married off to a rich woman. Eventually she cannot bear it any longer and commits suicide by throwing herself under a train, as she had seen happen to a worker by accident when she first travelled to Moscow.

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