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Religious Science International

Professional Education Series

Science of Mind 100 Introduction: A Systems Approach

Dr. Tom Sannar-Director of Education

The purpose of this presentation is to give an overview of the Science of Mind 100 Distance Learning Series. There are four Science of Mind 100 classes, 101,102, 103 and 104. Each class contains eight lessons. Students may take these classes in any order but all are required for advanced Science of Mind certification.

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A great deal of information is presented here. Do not concern yourself with understanding all of it. Let it flow through you. It is performing its function in awakening you to your spiritual magnificence . Just allow the process to take place without precondition. Feel the presentation. Understanding and embodiment will come at the perfect right time.

Science of Mind is a metaphysical teaching. This means we believe there is an unseen realm of ideas which are the cause of physical reality. Dr. Ernest Holmes the founder of Science of Mind states: We are a metaphysical movement whose philosophy teaches that we are living in a Spiritual Universe here and now. Living Sc. Mind, 58.

We teach a systems approach to Science of Mind. This means that we teach not only concepts and ideas, but how we can embody the teaching at all levels of being. We also teach in groups of four. We explain The Four Levels of Science of Mind, The Four Aspects of the Creative Process, The Four Primary Concepts, The Four Primary Virtues and The Four Primary Tools.

Spiritual Mental Emotional Physical

There are four primary levels of Science of Mind. 1. Personal Empowerment 2. Self-actualization 3. Personal Transformation 4. Global Transformation These levels overlap but generally they are progressive where the the preceding level is lifted up and incorporated into the following level. Thus Global Transformation includes all prior levels.

To understand the levels of Science of Mind, we must first explain the nature of the creative process. This is done through: The Four Aspects of the Creative Process. 1. 2. 3. 4. A Spiritual Presence and Power created the universe out of Itself. The two aspects of this Spiritual Presence are Love and Law. Love creates out of Law. The Law of Mind is the Creative Medium of God. The same Law works in the individual as works in the universal.

1. A Spiritual Presence and Power created the universe out of Itself. The energy of God is within every aspect of Its universe but is also transcendent to it. As human beings, we have the ability to recognize and experience the Divine Intelligence that created the entire universe. We realize we are created out of this same Intelligence.

2. The two aspects of God are Love and Law. We learn how to commune with the Love of God (The Presence) and use the Law of God (The Power). We commune through prayer and meditation, discovering that we are immersed in God. We unify with Loving Presence so that It becomes immediate and personal to us. We then discover that the Love of God is expressed through Its Law and we learn to use the same Law.

3.Love creates out of Law. The Law of Mind is the creative medium of God. It receives whatever thoughts are given to it and impersonally creates a manifestation based upon those thoughts. The circle represents the Allness of Spirit. The V represents the descent of Spirit into manifestation. Law as Creative Medium accepts the thoughts of Spirit and manifestation results.

How Universal Mind Creates. Universal Spirit creates all manifestation by speaking Its Word into Universal Law.

4. The same Law works in the individual as in the universal. God speaks Its Word and the universe is born. We speak our word and create the conditions and events of our lives. There is Only One Mind.

How Individual Mind Creates. Individuals create their lives by speaking their words with feeling into Universal Law.

Individuals Evolve Returning to Spirit. Individuals discover their creative abilities and their desire to return to Spirit. The journey of the individualized soul begins when the individual wakes up and begins the return to the One.

When we were unaware of the Law, we were Its slave because It would create according to our dominant subconscious beliefs. The basic message of Science of Mind is that we can learn to consciously use the Law of Mind. As we make positive choices and think positive thoughts, our life changes for the better and the Law becomes our servant.

There are Four Primary Concepts of Science of Mind

From these four truths about the nature of God, we arrive at the four primary virtues.

Concept One: God is One. There is only God manifesting as everything. From the Science of Mind Textbook we read: "There is One Life back of everything that lives. There is One Energy back of all that is energized. This Energy is in everything. There is One Spirit back of all expression. (SOM Text, 35)

The first virtue is Integrity and it arises out of Oneness. Integrity is an inner sense of "wholeness" deriving from consistent honesty and sincerity in feeling, thought, word and deed. The word comes from the Latin word "integer" which means whole and complete. "This above all, to thine own self be true, and it must follow as night follows day, thou canst not be false to any man." (William Shakespeare)

Concept Two: God is Good. The universe is life-affirming and supports the unfoldment of Its creation. From The Science of Mind Textbook we read: "Here and now, we are surrounded by, and immersed in, an Infinite Good. How much of this Infinite Good is ours? ALL OF IT! And how much of It may we have to use? AS MUCH OF IT AS WE CAN EMBODY."(SOM Text,50)

The second virtue is gratitude and it arises out of goodness. We are grateful for every moment of every day knowing "this too is for good."

Concept Three: God is Love. Love is the motive power of the universe that creates and sustains everything. There is nothing that enough love cannot heal. From the Science of Mind Textbook we read: "Love is the self-givingness of the Spirit through the desire of Life to express Itself in terms of creation. Emerson tells us that Love is a synonym for God."(SOM Text,608)

The third virtue is compassion arising out of Love. Compassion is a deep awareness of and concern for the suffering of another and the immediate and positive response.

Concept Four: God is Us. The Essence of God is within us and we live, move and have our being in God now and always. From the Science of Mind textbook we read: Perfect God within me , Perfect Life within me, which is God, come forth into expression through me as that which I am; lead me ever into the paths of perfection and cause me to see only the Good. (SOM Text, 185)

The fourth virtue is reverence arising out of us. If God is within all life, we have a reverence for life. Reverence is the profound feeling that arises when we consider, with awe and wonder, the interconnectedness of all life.

There are Four Primary Tools of application for Science of Mind. 1. Spiritual Mind Treatment 2. Meditation 3. Visioning 4. Affirmations

1. Spiritual Mind Treatment

Treatment, is an art, an act, and a science since it is a combination of feeling, action, and Law. It is an art since there is feeling in it. It is an act since it is a moving thing in thought. It is a science since the movement of thought acts as law. (SOM Text 638)

We may treat for specific things and events.(Material Results) We may treat for attitudes and dispositions. (Mental Results) We may treat from the consciousness of Pure Spirit. (Mystical Results) Material, Mental or Mystical. Its all Spirit.

2. Meditation
We enter the Secret Place of our interior consciousness, we close the door to the outer world and enter into the silence. This is what the silence means. We are still alive, awake, and aware. We are still conscious and consciously conscious. We are not less but more ourselves. We have more consciously entered that place of inaction from which action proceeds. It is certain that we enter the Absolute in such degree as we withdraw from the relative. (Change Thinking, Vol. 2-153)

3. Visioning
Visioning is a process of revelation where we allow Spirit to reveal to us the perfect right solution. We become quiet and still and ask our Inner Wisdom to guide and direct us so we may express ourselves fully as spiritual beings. Visioning reveals to us all we need to hear, all we need to know and everything we need to do to fulfill our divine potential.

4. Affirmations
An affirmation is a simple, positive statement, stated or written in the present tense. It clearly states the condition, event or state of consciousness we wish to experience. To affirm anything is to state that it is so, and to maintain this as being true in the face of all evidence to the contrary. Human thought can only affirm, for even at the moment of denial, it is affirming the presence of that which it denies! Repeating an affirmation is leading the mind to that state of consciousness where it accepts that which it wishes to believe. (SOM Text, 575)

We examine the First Level of the teaching. Level One is Personal Empowerment. We achieve this level when we become consciously aware and use the Law of Mind as our servant. We can successfully treat for the four main areas of life; health, wealth, right relationships and creative self expression.

We create our own destiny through the Law of Mind. As Spirit created the physical universe by speaking Its Word into the Law, individuals learn to create their own universe though the speaking of their word into the same Law.

To understand this level more fully, we need to explore the nature of the subconscious Mind.

The human mind is like an iceberg. It floats on an infinite ocean of Spirit and is made of the same essence as the ocean. 90% is under water. We call the part that is hidden under water, the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind in the individual is Universal Subjective Mind. It is also called Law. Subconscious Mind has two aspects. It is the Creative Medium of Spirit and it is the storehouse for all our memories and beliefs.

Core beliefs are stored in subconscious mind. These core beliefs will outpicture as our reality unless we change them.

When we change our core beliefs and accept new and better ideas, we outpicture a better life. This is called the reprogramming of the subconscious mind. By reprogramming the subconscious mind, we are using the Law of Mind for our benefit.

Until we wake up and realize we are consciously participating in the creation of our own reality, we unconsciously react to external conditions and therefore are trapped by our own subconscious core beliefs.

As we wake up we realize we can become conscious choosers. We realize that external events are effects of choice and do not have independent existence.

Notice the subtle distinction about how we see our relationship to the subconscious mind. If we see in a linear way, we see the conscious chooser placing an idea into the Law of Mind much like a farmer plants seed into fertile soil. This is one way to understand the Creative Process.

If we see the process in a holistic way, there is only the flow of Spirit, as Word, as Law, as Manifestation. In the first instance we are using the Law. In the second instance we are co-creating in the flow of Spirit as Word, as Law, as Manifestation.

The second level of the teaching is called Self-Actualization Self-Actualization is actually a commitment to a process whereby we move towards balance and harmony in all aspects of life. We flow in co-creative and synergistic ways with Spirit. We realistically perceive our environment. We have high self esteem. We accept ourselves and others. We are spontaneous and live in the now moment. We solve problems with enthusiasm always separating problems from people. We are passionate in the process of living but are detached to the outcome. We have a deep feeling of empathy and compassion for all people and see goodness in everyone.

The message of "change your thinking, change your life" has been adequately communicated. Now we are challenged to step up to the next dimension of the teaching which is "the transformation of the thinker.

Answers to human problems are not found in the outer world but within. We must have the courage to explore our inner world, knowing that behind the thoughts and emotions, beneath the subconscious patterns is an Inner Wisdom. The way out is through.

In order to move towards Self-actualization our lower needs must be satisfied. We spend some time during this first course to understand the Hierarchy of Needs as propounded by Abraham Maslow. We can learn and understand Science of Mind principles but it is difficult to actively apply these principles if we are distracted attempting to fulfill lower needs.

We can treat for high spiritual awareness but unless our lower needs are fulfilled, we are subconsciously treating out of fear, lack and limitation.

Maslow was both the Father of Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology. At first he thought the highest level of consciousness for individuals was self-actualization. But later he realized that humans were capable of experiencing soul-actualization, sometimes called cosmic consciousness.

What does cosmic consciousness have to do with Science of Mind? It helps to explain how we expand our awareness from the material, to the mental, to the mystical. We will learn not only how to use the power of thought but how to commune with the Divine as we experience transformation.

We return to the iceberg analogy to discover how we can clear negative core beliefs on the journey towards self-actualization.

The journey of the soul is a journey of expanded awareness. We become aware that our subconscious beliefs are dictating our reality. We dissolve negative core beliefs by releasing negative feelings and by opening ourselves to the Presence of Spirit. We are not afraid to delve into our unconscious because we know the Ocean of Spirit supports it all.

The third level of the teaching is Personal Transformation. Personal transformation is a experiential state of awareness where we have the permanent realization that we are immortal spiritual beings. We live in a state of grace knowing beyond doubt we are the beloved of God. We are both the particle of the individual and the wave of the universal. We no longer pray for conditions or even consciousness. God is effortlessly and continually revealing Itself as our life.

There is much more to Science of Mind than reprogramming the subjective mind. Science of Mind is a map to facilitate transformational change.

Because the ultimate purpose of the Science of Mind teaching is to facilitate spiritual transformation, we have designed this course and all of our courses to help meet this objective.

Spiritual Transformation

Come out of your chrysalis shell and become the butterfly you are meant to be.

Transformation is different from the Eastern concept of transcendence. It means the revelation of the divine individual not the merging of the individual into cosmic oneness. Transformation means to consciously live as a spiritual being on earth. It means making changes at the individual level, one person at a time. When enough people are lifted up, all humanity is lifted up.

The fourth level of the teaching is Global Transformation. Having experienced the ineffable Love of Spirit and knowing we are Love individualized, we open to global awareness touching the hearts and minds of all sentient beings to bring permanent peace to our planet.

The embodiment of Level One brings full satisfaction of physical and material desires. Embodiment of Level Two brings the satisfaction of mental and emotional desires. Embodiment of Level Three brings satisfaction of mystical desires through the experience of conscious union with God. Embodiment of Level Four brings the promise of permanent planetary peace.

We work towards embodiment - We develop the conscious awareness to live the teaching daily. There is no effort because we have attained conscious and subjective agreement. Our teaching becomes the primary basis of all choice and action. We demonstrate consistency in thought, word, emotion and action. Using this process we engage both feeling and the action energies as we continually and constantly demonstrate the teaching.

The whole key to successful living is embodiment. Embodiment means acceptance on all levels of being. We teach clearly how to embody each of these levels. There are four levels of competency inherent in any task: 1. Unconscious Incompetence 2. Conscious Incompetence 3. Conscious Competence 4. Unconscious Competence

Unconscious Incompetence We have accepted the dualistic paradigm of good and evil, heaven and hell, we are unaware that we have the innate ability to cocreate our reality. We don't know about unity and oneness, we are not aware. We cannot demonstrate. The first step of the teaching is to awaken us to a better way to think, a better way to believe and a better way to live.

Conscious Incompetence Once awareness sets in, we desire change. We see others living more productive lives and want to learn the new teaching. We hear about it, but do not yet have the ability to put the teaching into practice. We are aware but frustrated.

Conscious Competence The learning process begins and through step by step practice, progress occurs. There is still a great deal of conscious effort to "make it work. We consciously monitor our thinking and begin to experience positive results.

Unconscious Competence The new learning is embodied and tasks are completed naturally, easily, and gracefully. We no longer see life as a problem to be solved. Problems and solutions flow together as Spirit lives through us.

During these lessons, we present the teaching in diverse ways. We recognize different styles of learning. Embodiment takes place when there is integration at the head, heart and action levels. All levels are then lifted up into Spirit. 1.Understanding at the cognitive or head level. 2. Harmonious feeling at the affective or heart level 3. Purposeful action incorporating thought and feeling at the psycho-motor or action level. 4. Perfect Being at the spiritual level.

1. Understanding at the head center, the cognitive domain.

The energy of the head center is know as thought. New information is processed in a conceptual manner. Mental equivalents or containers of thought energy are created and demonstrate.

2. Feeling at the heart center, the affective domain.

The energy of the heart center is also known as the realm of feeling and emotion. Energy at this level moves much faster than in the cognitive center. That is why we feel about things faster than we think about things.

Energy here moves very fast, much faster than in the moving or intellectual center. Feeling is our motivation center, the center that lights our fire and provides the fuel necessary for accomplishment. Thought demonstrates when it has the energy of feeing behind it. When this energy attaches to an idea it provides the driving force for accomplishment. The feeling center is also the center of reaction. When this center is triggered by outer events, there is a tendency to emotionally react rather than to consciously respond. When we are unconscious and unaware, our emotionally charged beliefs control our actions. Therefore, we must be willing to allow feelings and emotions to become conscious.

3. Action at the psycho-motor domain.

The energy of the solar plexus center is called action energy. Purposeful action flows effortlessly from conscious thought and feeling.

4. Unity at the spiritual center

This is the domain of oneness. There is no process of thought, no analysis, and no synthesis. We simply intuitively know and live in balance and harmony at all times. We flow through life because we have embodied the art of living.

The spiritual center reveals itself as encompassing all others. As we master the centers of the head, the heart and action, Spirit calls us to be lifted up. We realize that the highest of mode of expression is not self actualization but personal and global transformation. Immortality ceases to be an idea and becomes a living reality.

Actualization. We fully incorporate the head, the heart and the action center. We are ready to step fully into the fourth domain of Spirit.

We are here to balance and integrate Spirit, Mind and Body. We receive inspiration from Spirit. We formulate ideas in Mind that result from inspiration. We put these ideas into action through the Body of our affairs.

So, join us on a wonderful adventure where we not only become masters of Science of Mind Principles but masters of our own souls and our own destinies. For the life of each of us is God.

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