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ELOwcm 7.00.

040 Manual
Table of contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 3 Install ELOwcm ......................................................................................................................... 4 Prerequisites ........................................................................................................................... 4 Run the installer ..................................................................................................................... 4 Post-installation.................................................................................................................... 18 Use ELOwcm ........................................................................................................................... 20 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 20 Languages ........................................................................................................................ 21 Roles ................................................................................................................................. 21 Versioning ........................................................................................................................ 21 Login................................................................................................................................. 22 Logs .................................................................................................................................. 22 Tags ...................................................................................................................................... 23 elomenu ............................................................................................................................ 23 elocontent ......................................................................................................................... 24 elometatags....................................................................................................................... 26 elopath .............................................................................................................................. 26 elolanguage....................................................................................................................... 26 eloquery............................................................................................................................ 28 elositemap......................................................................................................................... 28 elolog ................................................................................................................................ 29 elologin............................................................................................................................. 29 eloadmintoolbar................................................................................................................ 32 Anatomy of a JSP page .................................................................................................... 34 Menus ................................................................................................................................... 37 Add a menu ...................................................................................................................... 37 Sort a menu....................................................................................................................... 39 Edit a menu....................................................................................................................... 39 Delete a menu................................................................................................................... 40 Contents................................................................................................................................ 42 Add a content ................................................................................................................... 42 Sort a content.................................................................................................................... 46 Edit a content.................................................................................................................... 46 Delete a content ................................................................................................................ 47 Images .............................................................................................................................. 49 Links................................................................................................................................. 54 Forms................................................................................................................................ 58 Workflows ............................................................................................................................ 61 Dynamic Content.................................................................................................................. 63 Speaking URL ...................................................................................................................... 63 Configuration ....................................................................................................................... 64 Remove a user .................................................................................................................. 64 Add a user......................................................................................................................... 65 ELOwcm 7.00.040 - Manual 1

Remove a language .......................................................................................................... 65 Add a language................................................................................................................. 66 Login Session Duration .................................................................................................... 66 Customization....................................................................................................................... 67 FAQ ...................................................................................................................................... 68

ELOwcm 7.00.040 - Manual

ELOwcm is a web content manager based on the ELOs archive system. If the ELOs environment - i.e AccessManager, DocumentManager and IndexServer - are already installed, ELOwcm allows installing quickly and easily an enterprise web site linked with the archive. With ELOwcm the web sites content is stored in an ELO archive whereas with other Web Content Managements the content is stored generally in a database. Taking advantage of the ELOs functionalities, the content of a site served by ELOwcm will be versioned, for instance. ELOwcm communicates with the IndexServer to read and write in the archive.

Abbildung 1 Compared architectures of ELOwcm and classical WCM

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Install ELOwcm
ELOwcmInstaller allows installing ELOwcm on a server. The installer functions with: an IndexServer with at least version 7 Apache Tomcat as servlet container

The installer is cross-platform; it runs under the following operating systems: Windows Linux Mac OS The following paragraph describes the installation under Windows.

Run the installer

Double click on the installer to start the installation:

Select the installation language. The installer is available in English, German and French.

The first panel reminds the requirements for the installer:

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Accept the terms of the license agreement and click Next.

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Set the name of the instance of ELOwcm which will be installed. Several instances of ELOwcm can be installed on the same server and in the same archive. These instances are distinguished thanks their name.

This panel allows setting the information to connect the IndexServer with which ELOwcm interfaces. The IndexServer URL must fit the following format:

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If the connection information is false or if the IndexServer doesnt run, the following error popup appears:

The installer checks the version of the IndexServer:

ELOwcmInstaller requires the existence of a keywording form which can be used as folder. If none can be found, the installation is interrupted.

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If no keywording form can be used as folder, you have to define one. Open in an ELO Client the archive served by the IndexServer. Then open the keywording forms dialogue:

Select a keywording form and set it as usable as folder. The keywording form which is used by default used as folder is: Ordner in a German archive Folder in an English archive Dossier in a French archive

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Then you have to restart the IndexServer before to pursue the installation. The rights of the user are also checked by the installer:

The required rights in order to perform the installation are:

Importing right Edit archive structure (incl. keywording) Change security settings
If you modify the rights of the user in an ELO Client, you have to restart the IndexServer before to pursue the installation. The following panel allows selecting the languages of the web site served by ELOwcm. Any type of language can be used if the IndexServer is Unicode-enabled.

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At least one language must be defined:

The base language must be also defined. The base language is the reference language from which the translations are performed. Typically the base language is the firms language.

Optionally you can define a replacement language: this is the language displayed by default when a translation is missing. We have here selected German as base language, English as replacement language and French as third language. ELOwcm 7.00.040 - Manual 10

The following panel allows defining the users of ELOwcm. A user is: either an author: can add, move and delete a content in the web site or a translator: can edit a content in his language If a user hasnt enough rights you cant select it.

The author must also have rights on at least one language. If no author is defined or if the author doesnt have any right on a language, the following error popup is displayed:

We have here defined the user Test as author with rights on all languages and the user Test2 as translator responsible for the French and German content.

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You have then to set the location of Tomcat. The classical installation paths of Apache Tomcat are recognized by the installer. If no path is correct you can set it yourself by clicking on Browse.

If another instance of ELOwcm with the same name is already installed at this location, a message dialogue appears:

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You have then to set the location of ELOprofessional or ELOenterprise. The classical installation paths of ELO are recognized by the installer.

If another instance of ELOwcm with the same name is already installed at this location, a message dialogue appears:

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You have then to set the location of ELOwcm in archive. The ELOwcms elements will be stored in archive in a folder named ROOT_<xxx>, where <xxx> is the name of the ELOwcm instance. We have here selected the root of the archive:

ELOwcm is ready to be installed. By clicking on Next, we perform the installation.

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The archive is initialized: The arborescence is created and the ELOwcms elements are imported.

Then the configuration files are written in the ELO directory.

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The users are then initialized in archive:

The web application is installed in Tomcat directory:

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The installation is now finished. Wait 3-4 minutes to let Tomcat start the instance of ELOwcm you have just installed and visit the new web site. The URL of the web site is: http://Server_name:Tomcat_port/ELOwcm_name

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After the installation, you may want to change the access rights on the folder Content in archive. This folder contains the elements of the web site. The access rights are set by default to Jeder, which means that everybody can see and edit these elements with an ELO Client.

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Its strongly recommended to change the rights to allow only the defined ELOwcms users to edit these objects. Dont forget to give also rights to the user which has performed the installation (here wcmservice).

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Use ELOwcm
ELOwcm works with 2 types of elements: the menus, i.e. the navigation elements (keywording form: wcmnavigate) and the contents (keywording form: wcmcontent)

The content of the web site served by ELOwcm is stored in archive. The structure of the elements in archive is symmetrical to the structure of the web site.

Abbildung 2 Structure of the web site

Abbildung 3 Structure of the content stored in archive

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ELOwcm is designed to serve multi-languages web sites. If the IndexServer is Unicode compatible, any type of language can be displayed.

There are 2 types of user for ELOwcm: the authors can add, move and delete a menu or a content in the web site the translators can edit a menu or a content in his language

Like the other objects stored in archive, the web sites content is versioned. In order to access a previous version of the web site, simply add in the URL a new parameter date with as value a date formatted as following: yyyyMMdd, i.e.: yyyy: year on 4 digits MM: month on 2 digits dd: day on 2 digits Example:

Abbildung 4 Display the version of the web site at the 11. october 2009

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In order to modify your web site, you have to login first by visiting the login.jsp page.

Abbildung 5 ELOwcm's login page

If an error occurs, a log file can be found in the Tomcats log directory. To set the log level (debug) just edit the file in the ELOs config directory and restart ELOwcm.

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Some JSP tags allow you to customize your page. The file index.jsp contained in the web applications folder illustrates how these tags can be used in order to build the pages of your web site.

Example: <elo:elomenu path="${param.path}" depth=3 omit=1 className"elomenu"/> This tag allows displaying the menu at a current location in the web site. path: takes ${param.path} as value; doesnt need to be changed. depth: how many sublevels must be displayed in the menus tree omit: allows ignoring the X first menu levels. className: CSS class for this element

For instance to obtain the same layout as following, you have to define two elomenu tags in your JSP file.

The toolbar (in red line) is implemented as following: <elo:elomenu path="${param.path}" depth="0" className="eloheader" /> The submenu left (in orange line) is implemented as following: <elo:elomenu path="${param.path}" depth="3" omit="1" className="elomenu" /> Three levels maximum are displayed. The first level (already displayed in the toolbar) is omitted.

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Example: <elo:elocontent path="${param.path}" className="elocontent" maxItems=2 shortMode=true fullLink=true speakingPath="/Company/Press/Press releases"/> This tag allows displaying the content at a current location in the web site. maxItems: the value is an integer. Maximal number of content blocks which must be displayed. If this parameter isnt set, all the content found at the given location will be displayed. shortMode: the value is a Boolean. Display only the part of the content which appears for the [[BRK]] tag (see Add a content). Useful to display the preview of content. fullLink: the value is a Boolean. When shortMode is set to true, this parameter allows setting an HTML link on the whole content preview to access the complete content.

For instance, if we have 3 contents at a given location (see below: each content has a different background color), the tag elocontent defined above will allow displaying the previews of the 2 first contents:

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speakingPath: the value is a String. This parameter describes explicitly i.e. thanks the objects name in archive, not their ID the path of a location in archive. When this parameter is set, the parameter path is overridden. This parameter is useful when you want to display some contents located elsewhere as the current menu. Example:

This tag display the previews of the 2 first contents located in CompanyPressPress releases in archive.

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Example: <elo:elometatags path="${param.path}" /> This tag allows including in your page some HTML Meta Tags for the current menu: Description: if the current menu contains a description, the Meta Tag Description is set to this value Keywords: if the current menu contains some keywords, the Meta Tag Keywords is set to this value The Meta Tag Generator is set to ELO WCM The Meta Tag content-language is set to the current language of the site.

Example: <elo:elopath path="${param.path}" delimiter= >> className=elopath /> This tag allows displaying the path of the current location in the site.

Example: <elo:elolanguage selections="zh: en:fr:de" className=elolang localNames=false /> This tag allows displaying the flags describing the languages available for the site.

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selections: the available languages of the site; the languages format is the ISO 639-1 norm. The languages are separated with :. localNames: if set to true, the languages names in the corresponding language are also displayed.

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Example: <elo:eloquery path="${param.path}" action=search.jsp className"elocontent"/> This tag allows displaying a search block.

The attribute action corresponds to page which must be used to display the result of the search. For instance, in this case, the file search.jsp must contain the following tag to display the results. <elo:eloresult path="${param.path}" query="${param.eloqueryname}" className="eloresult" />

Example: <elo:elositemap path="${param.path}" depth="5" className="sitemap"/> This tag allows displaying a map of the site.

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Example: <elo:elolog page="index" message="${header.referer}"/> This tag allows generating a log entry in a file each time the JSP data is called. The log files path has the following format: <accessLogFileName><yyyyMMdd-hhmm>.log Where: <accessLogFileName>: is defined in config.xml by the accesslog key Example: <entry key="accesslog">C:\Programme\Tomcat\logs\ELOwcmAccess</entry> If the config.xml file doesnt contain any entry for accesslog, the logs wont be written. <yyyyMMd-hhmm>: is the current date formatted as following: 20091011-0920; this date corresponds to the date and time of the first log entry for the current day.

In the above example, the log files path will be: C:\Programme\Tomcat\logs\ELOwcmAccess20091011-0920.log The tag elolog has 2 attributes, both optional: page: the JSP page which contains this tag message If the entry accesslog has an empty value in config.xml, the log files will be created in the servlet containers root context; for instance, for Apache Tomcat, in the bin/ subdirectory.

Example: <elo:elologin path="${param.path}" tagId="elologin" action="index.jsp"/> This tag displays a login box in order to enable the visitor to access content with restricted access. The menu and content elements with restricted access are displayed with a lock icon.

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Note that the restricted menus and content are visible in edit mode. In order to define some restricted areas within your web site, you have to proceed as following: 1. In the configuration file config.xml, define some secrets in the entry loginconfiginfo. This entry must contain at least 2 elements separated with comma. The first element is the salt, a common secret used to secure all your restricted areas. The next elements are the secrets, each dedicated to secure one restricted area. The entry loginlifetime describes the life time of the authentication.

2. In an ELO Client you have then to set the index Security Code to the secret defined in the configuration file.

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Note that all the children elements (submenus or contents) of this object must have the same Security Code. 3. Choose an accounts login and generate the corresponding password by using the page tools:

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4. If needed, insert the tag elologin in your JSP page in order to display the following login box:

A given account can be terminated by inserting it in the entry login-black-list in the configuration file.

Example: <elo:eloadmintoolbar path="${param.path}"/> This tag must be inserted in the JSP file just after the HTML tag <body>. This tag allows displaying in edit mode an Administration Toolbar at the top of the page.

This toolbar offers the following services:

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Status: display information about the application (version, connection to Index Server). The authors can also refresh the caches.

Tools: gathers some utilities. Currently this page contains only a password generator for the internal login. Notice that only the users logged as author can see the tab Tools.

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Preview: by clicking on this button you quit the edit mode and display the page as itll be seen by the visitor of your site (the administration toolbar remains displayed). Logout

Anatomy of a JSP page

This paragraph illustrates practically the use of the tags described above.
<!-- ********************************************************************** This JSP page illustrates the way you can build a standard page with ELOwcm. Most of the ELOwcm's tags are here used and the comments explain the way you can use them. Please be aware that some lines in this page are required by ELOwcm and mustn't be deleted. ********************************************************************** -->
<!-IMPORTANT!! DO NOT DELETE the following lines until the tag <html> --> <%@page contentType="text/html"%> <%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@taglib uri="" prefix="c"%> <%@taglib uri="/WEB-INF/EloCmTaglib.tld" prefix="elo" %> <jsp:useBean id="elo" scope="session" class="de.elo.wcm.WcmSession"/> <% // Sort menu and content items: String previous = request.getParameter("sortprev"); String next = request.getParameter("sortnext");

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if ((previous != null) && (next != null) && (previous.length() != 0) && (next.length() != 0)) { elo.sortSords(request, response, pageContext, previous, next); } %> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <!-IMPORTANT!! DO NOT DELETE the following line! (required for speaking URLs) --> <base href="<%=request.getRequestURL().toString()%>"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <! Uses ELOwcm's 'elopath' tag to display as title the navigation path up to 2 levels --> <title> ELO Digital Office GmbH : <elo:elopath path="${param.path}" delimiter=" - " mode="S" levels="2" className="elopath"/> </title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/design/favicon.ico"/> <! Displays the meta tags (for a good referencing by the search engines) --> <elo:elometatags path="${param.path}"/> <!-JavaScript includes: jQuery is required by ELOwcm. IMPORTANT!! DO NOT DELETE the following line! --> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script> <!-- Includes the Style Sheet --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/design.css"> <!--[if IE]><style type="text/css">@import url(css/designie.css);</style><![endif]--> </head> <body> <!-This ELOwcm's tag displays an Administration Toolbar in edit mode. IMPORTANT!! DO NOT DELETE the following line! --> <elo:eloadmintoolbar path="${param.path}"/> <div id="container"> <div id="header-box"> <div id="mainmenutop"> <!-Uses ELOwcm's 'elomenu' tag to display a first list of menus as header. Note that only one menus level is displayed (depth="0"). --> <elo:elomenu path="${param.path}" depth="0" className="eloheader"/> </div> </div> <div id="linie">&nbsp;</div>

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<div id="left"> <div id="language"> <!-Uses ELOwcm's 'elolanguage' tag to display the list of the site's languages. --> <elo:elolanguage path="${param.path}" selections="de:en:fr" className="elolang" localNames="false"/> </div> <div id="suche"> <!-Uses ELOwcm's 'eloquery' tag to display a text field to perform searches on the site. --> <elo:eloquery path="${param.path}" action="search.jsp" className="eloquery"/> </div> <!-Uses ELOwcm's 'elomenu' tag to display a second list of (secondary) menus. Note that up to 3 menus levels are displayed. The first level (displayed in the menu header) is omitted (omit="1"). --> <elo:elomenu path="${param.path}" depth="3" omit="1" className="elomenu"/> <div id="login_wrapper"> <span class="loginhead">Login</span> <!-Uses ELOwcm's 'elologin' tag to display a login box: when logged, the visitor will see some contents with restricted access. --> <elo:elologin path="${param.path}" tagId="elologin" action="index.jsp"/> </div> </div> <div id="content"> <div id="breadcrumb"> <!-Uses ELOwcm's 'elopath' tag to display the navigation path of the current page. --> <elo:elopath path="${param.path}" delimiter=" " className="elopath"/> </div> <!-Uses ELOwcm's 'elocontent' tag to display the contents. --> <elo:elocontent path="${param.path}" className="elocontent"/> </div> <div id="footer"> <div id="elologo"><img src="images/elologo_wcm.gif"></div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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Add a menu
In edit mode, some controls allow you to edit the content of your web site. If youre logged as author, to add a new menu you must click on the last menu tab names Add an entry.

You are then redirected to the edit menu page.

Name: is the name of the new ELO object in archive; this field is mandatory. Period of validity: you can here define the beginning date and the ending date between which the menu must be published Status: either hidden or new; if set to hidden, the menu isnt published; if set to new the menu is visible by the visitors of your web site. Position: either Last or First; describes the position of the new menu among the existing menus of the same level. Text: a Text Area allows you to set the label of the menu for each defined language.

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Description: another Text Area allows you to set the HTML metatag Description for each language. This tag is useful in order to be well referenced by the search engines. If the menus name is set and not the description, the description will be automatically set with the value of the name. Keywords: this Text Area allows you to set the HTML metatag Keywords for each language.

When the button Save is clicked, verification is made to check that the field Name isnt be empty.

If the form is valid, the new menu is created in archive and you are redirected to the edit view of your site. As desired, the new menu appears first. The dotted line indicates that the menu isnt published yet.

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The menu created in archive has the keywording form wcmnavigate. It consists of a main ELO object with language all. For each language a child object exists whose short name is the label of the menu in the corresponding language.

Sort a menu
In order to sort a menu you have to click on the arrow near the label.

Edit a menu
In order to edit a menu you have to click on the pencil near the label.

You are then redirected to the menu edit page.

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Notice that you cant set the position anymore. The translators view is different: He sees only the languages of which he is in charge and, as reference, the basis language which cant be edited. He can neither delete the menu (no Delete button).

Delete a menu
In order to delete a menu you have to edit it and click on the Delete button.

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Notice that the menu wont be actually deleted in archive. The menus status is just set to deleted and simply ignored by ELOwcm. The same applies with any other type of content treated by ELOwcm (content, image ). ELOwcm doesnt perform any deletion in archive. This is motivated by the preservation of the web sites history.

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Add a content

If youre logged as author, to add a new content you must click on one of the links Add a content with HTML editor or Add a content.

When you click on Add a content, you are redirected to a content edit page containing a Text Area for each language. You have to set the HTML contents in these Text Areas.

If you wish to add a new content with the HTML editor, you are redirected to the content edit page where all Text Areas are replaced with TinyMCE JavaScript HTML editor. TinyMCE is a WYSIWYG editor which includes a large variety of functions to simplify the production of your HTML content. The TinyMCEs homepage contains information about the use of the JavaScript HTML editor and how some problems can be solved.

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Notice that TinyMCE performs implicitly some code cleaning. If you wish to have a HTML code unchanged, you have to add the content without the HTML editor. As for the menu edit page, the edit content page contains the fields Name, Period of validity, Status and Position. For more details about these fields, refer to the section Add a menu. When you click on the Save button, verification are made to check that the Name field isnt empty.

If a Text Area isnt empty, verification is made to check that the corresponding Content field isnt empty.

If the form is valid, the content is saved in archive and you are redirected to the edit view of your web site.

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The new contents status is set to hidden: it isnt published yet and it appears with dotted lines and grey background color. The content created in archive has the keywording form wcmcontent. It consists of a main ELO object with language all. For each language a child object exists whose Memo Text is the contents HTML code in the corresponding language.

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Break Tag
A special ELOwcms tag allows defining the part of the content which can be used as preview: the break tag [[BRK]]. This can be useful for some content types like news, dates or announces Its then relevant to display a list of previews on the homepage. With Internet Explorer and Firefox, you can insert a break tag by using the shortcut CTRLK. You can set only one break tag per content. If several break tags are defined, the first will be correctly interpreted by ELOwcm. The others will be displayed as normal content.

Contents maximum length with Oracle and DB2

Notice that the HTML content is saved in the Memo Text of the ELO object in archive. Whereas with an SQL database, the Memo Text is virtually unlimited, with Oracle or DB2 databases, the Memo Text is limited to about 2000 characters. Thats why if ELOwcm interfaces itself with an IndexServer which uses an Oracle or DB2 database, a control is made on the contents length to ensure that the maximum isnt exceeded. When using the HTML editor, the editors background color will become red if the maximum length is exceeded. If the content is added without HTML editor, a JavaScript will remove automatically in the Text Area all the extra characters above the limit length.

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You cant save a too long content.

Sort a content
In order to sort content you have to click on the arrow near the Edit content label.

Edit a content
In order to edit content you have to click either on the link Edit content with HTML editor or Edit content, to edit the content without TinyMCE HTML editor. ELOwcm 7.00.040 - Manual 46

You are then redirected to the menu edit page. Notice that you cant set the position anymore. The translators view is different: He sees only the languages of which he is in charge and, as reference, the basis language which cant be edited. He can neither delete the menu (no Delete button).

Delete a content
In order to delete a menu you have to edit it and click on the Delete button.

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Notice that the content wont be actually deleted in archive. The contents status is just set to deleted and simply ignored by ELOwcm.

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If you add or edit the content with the HTML editor, you can easily insert some images from your archive in your web site. Notice that only the images which have been through ELOwcm imported can be inserted in content. To import a local image in archive you have to edit any content with the HTML editor and then open the TinyMCEs images panel by clicking on the icon representing a tree.

The images panel is then displayed.

By clicking on the Browse icon (in red line above), you access an ELO archive explorer integrated within TinyMCE. ELOwcm 7.00.040 - Manual 49

The left side of this panel represents the archive explorer. At the top of the panel there is the relative path of the location in archive (in red line above). The paths root is the ELOwcms Content object in archive (see the section Post-Installation). The elements with black background color are elements which dont belong to ELOwcm (i.e. those whose keywording form is neither wcmnavigate nor wcmcontent). The menu elements (with keywording form wcmnavigate) have a blue background color. Those with light blue background color are the content elements (keywording form: wcmcontent). Under the path the content of the archive at this location is represented (in orange line). On the right panel, the link Click here to upload local images in archive (in blue line) allows you to import some images in archive. The right panel is then replaced with the import panel.

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Select local images and then click on Upload to perform the import. The import is performed and the right panel displays a preview of this image. The images name appears in the right panel among the other objects located at this position in archive.

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The image name follows a particular format: the name is the GUI of the object in archive. Only the images which respect this formalism can be imported in your web site. To edit the description of your newly imported image, just double click near the flag of the language you wish to edit.

The name of the image in the left panel is then eventually actualized with the description (according to the current language of your web site).

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To insert an image in your page, just double click on the preview. The image is returned to the HTML editors panel.

You can then use the functionalities of TinyMCE in order to customize the display of the image. In order to delete a previously imported image, right click on the preview and select Delete image.

Notice that the image wont be actually deleted in archive. The images status is just set to deleted and simply ignored by ELOwcm.

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To insert a link to another location within the web site, select some text and then open the TinyMCEs links panel by clicking on the icon representing a chain link.

The links panel is then displayed.

By clicking on the Browse icon (in red line above), you access the ELO archive explorer integrated within TinyMCE. For more information about this explorer, refer the previous section. Navigate to the wished location in archive and then click on the chain link icon to select the internal links destination. ELOwcm 7.00.040 - Manual 54

The selected link is added to the TinyMCEs links panel. The link format isnt the awaited HTML format. Its a temporarily format. By clicking on Insert a correctly HTML-formatted link is inserted in the content.

To insert a link pointing to a document in archive, just select some text and click on the TinyMCEs links page icon.

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The previously method applies but this time you dont have to select a menu within the archive explorer but a document.

The documents link is inserted in the links panel. Notice that the links format isnt the HTML format too. Its a temporarily format.

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By clicking on Insert, the link is set in the content. The format is neither the awaited HTML format. Its an internal ELOwcm format.

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ELOwcm give the possibility to insert forms in the web site. When the visitor of your web site fills the form and validates it, a mail is sent containing the information as key/value pairs. In order to insert forms in the site, you have first to configure ELOwcm. Open the file config.xml in the ELOs config directory and set the following tags: MailTransportProtocol: describes the protocol for mail transport; set to smtp. MailSmtpHost: the URL of the SMTP server (required); the SMTP server must be configured to use the default SMTP port (25). MailRecipient: default recipient for the report mail each time a visitor submits a form. It must be possible to forward this email address through the SMTP server. MailUser: users login to use the SMTP server; if no authentication is required let it empty. MailPassword: users password to use the SMTP server; if no authentication is required let it empty.

Then save the file and restart the application in Tomcat Web Application Manager. The use of form within ELOwcm is quite simple. ELOwcm discovers each field of the form and the corresponding value and sends the pair in a mail to the recipient. Its also strongly recommended to use meaningful name for the fields. The action when submitting the form must be MailSend. Three inputs in the form allow customizing the report mail: emailfrom: the value of this field must be an email address; it will be seen as the sender of the report mail. emailsubject: its recommended to set it as hidden input within the form; the value of this field will be the subject of the report mail. emailto: its recommended to set it as hidden input within the form; the value of this field is the prefix of a mail with the same domain as the default recipient mail defined in config.xml; if this field is used, the report mail recipient will take this value: the mail recipient defined in config.xml is then overwritten for this form. Please be aware that this filed mustnt be a complete e-mail address but only the prefix of this address. (Its a security issue: a published e-mail address could be collected by bots and then spammed.)

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Example: The configuration file defines a default recipient mail with domain

<form action="MailSend" method="GET" name="contactForm"> <table border="0"> <tr> <td><input type="hidden" name="emailto" value="contact"></td> <td><input type="hidden" name="emailsubject" value="Contact Form"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Name:</td> <td><input type="text" name="Name"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>First Name:</td> <td><input type="text" name="forename"></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Email:</td> <td><input type="text" name="emailfrom"></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type=submit value=Send></td> </tr> </table> </form>

When the visitor submits this form, the mail recipient will become a report mail formatted as following: An: From: Subject: Contact Form Emails body: Name: VisitorName Forename: VisitorForename

Alternatively to the form above with method GET, you can also use a form with method POST. This form allows using HTML inputs of type file. Thereby the visitor of your site can upload some data to your server.

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When a visitor submits this form, the mail recipient will become the following mail:
An: From: Subject: Support Form Emails body: Name: VisitorName Product: ELooffice Version: 9.00.000 Emails attachment: client.log Note that the enctype attribute of this form with method POST must imperatively be set to multipart/form-data.

The maximum size for each uploaded data can be defined in the configuration file:

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You can configure ELOwcm in order to trigger some workflows when one of the three following events occurs: Menu or content added Menu or content edited Menu or content deleted

Remark: The following describes the process for the first event (when a menu or content is added). The principle is the same for the two other events. To use this functionality you first have to define a workflow template within an ELO client.

The simple workflow template wcm_add above allows warning a translator when a menu or content has been added. You have then to edit the config.xml file in the config directory in ELO folder. Set the name of the workflow template as value of the tag wcm_process_new. Optionally you can also change the default value of the tag wcm_process_new_prefix. Then save the file and restart the web application. When a menu or content is added, the Translator will then receive a new task which he can treat in his ELO client.

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The object in his Tasks panel is the newly added content.

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Dynamic Content
ELOwcm offers through the use of the Dynamic Content Scripting Language - the possibility to generate dynamically HTML content from 2 types of sources in archive: an ELO object an XML document.

For more information about the use of the ELOwcms Dynamic Content Scripting Language, you have to refer to the document ELOwcm_Tutorial_Dynamic_Content.doc. The demonstration web site installed with ELOwcm contains two examples of Dynamic Content Scripts: an image gallery located at Gallery >> Stuttgart a download area located at Download >> Documentation >> ELO enterprise

Edit the contents at these two locations to see how these functionalities can be implemented thanks the Dynamic Content Scripting Language.

Speaking URL
The standard URL format in ELOwcm is built as following: ELOwcm/file.jsp?path=deO1O1250O4582 where: file.jsp is the JSP page (defining the layout) de in the parameter path is the current language 1 describes the mode (1 for edit mode, 0 for the normal mode, i.e. the visitor view) The next integers describe the path of the current page in archive: in the example above, the page displays the content located in archive under the submenu with ID 4582, under the menu with ID 1250. In order to improve the referencing of your web site, you can alternatively use another URL format, more explicit. In order to enable the Speaking URL, you have to set the entry use_speaking_url to true in the configuration data. The new format of the URL is then: ELOwcm/1/de/Menu_name_in_german/ Submenu_name_in_german in edit mode ELOwcm/de/Menu_name_in_german/ Submenu_name_in_german in normal mode Note that if the speaking URL is enabled, the HTTP requests to the standard URLs will be permanently redirected (redirection 301) to corresponding new ones. This feature allows avoiding duplicates by referencing.

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Unless otherwise specified, you dont have to restart the web application after the modifications described here.

Remove a user
The ELOwcms authentication mechanism operates thanks the ELOs access rights system.

An ELOwcms author is the ELO user which can see the author object in ROOT_ELOwcmConfigusers folder in archive.

Abbildung 6 Administrator is an ELOwcm's author

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An ELOwcms translator is the ELO user which can see the corresponding language object in ROOT_ELOwcmConfigusers folder.

Abbildung 7 WCM is an ELOwcm's translator for English

To remove a given user, you have to delete the access rights of this user for all objects in ROOT_ELOwcmConfigusers folder.

Add a user
To add a new user you have to set the access right on some objects in ROOT_ELOwcmConfigusers folder. To add an author with rights on all languages: add the new users access rights for all objects contained in the folder. To add a translator with rights in English, for instance: add the new users access rights for the object en contained in the folder.

Remove a language
To remove a language English for instance - you have to: delete the en object in ROOT_ELOwcmConfigusers folder, delete en in the selections attribute of the elolanguage tag in your JSP file. Remark: The code of the language complies with the ISO 639-1 (i.e. Alpha-2 code) standard.

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Add a language
To add a new language English for instance - you have to: add an en object in ROOT_ELOwcmConfigusers folder and set the access rights of your users add en in the selections attribute of the elolanguage tag in your JSP file.

Login Session Duration

By default, the login session duration is set to 30 minutes. If you wish to increase it, just edit the file web.xml in WEB-INF directory of the web application folder. Change the value of the session-timeout tag, save and restart the application.

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The web sites layout and aspect can be customized. In order to change the aspect of your web site, you have to edit the following files: the JSP files containing the ELOwcms tags the CSS files the images

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The installation of ELOwcm ends without error but in archive I cant see the ELOwcms keywording forms (wcmnavigate, wcmcontent and wcmimage) and I cant see the demonstration content in my newly installed web site.

> This means that the ELOwcms keywording forms werent correctly imported during the installation. ELOwcm cant work correctly. This problem can arise when the ELOwcms keywording forms already existed in archive and were then removed. Because of a wellknown bug of the Index Servers import functionality, the removed keywording forms arent recreated during the import. These keywording forms still exist in the database. You have to remove them from the database and to perform the installation again from scratch. Ive defined a user as translator, nevertheless - when logged - this user is recognized as author.

> As explained in the paragraph Remove a user, the ELOwcms authentication mechanism operates thanks the ELOs access rights system. By definition an ELOwcms author is the ELO user which can see the author object in ROOT_ELOwcmConfigusers folder in archive. You have to check that the user doesnt have the Absolute rights, ignore all security settings right. In this case he can see all objects in archive and is identified as author by ELOwcm. I have modified an image or a document in archive and ELOwcm always displays the previous version. 68

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> The ELO object corresponding to this image or document in archive has been cached by ELOwcm and the document itself has been already loaded in ELOwcms web cache directory (eloimages). In this case ELOwcm doesnt perform any actualization. You have to refresh the cache of the application by visiting the following URL: http://localhost:8080/elowcm/status.jsp and by clicking on reconnect. The cache is now empty. Notice that the first load of the pages can then be a little slow because the cache gets filled again.

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