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Official Technical Document

Reference Product

Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution

;Author Approving Responsible Approved by Approved by Approved by

Rajkumar Bastawade

Date Date Date Date Date

17 Sep 2010

Version Version Version Version Version


Summary This document describes Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution TABLE OF CONTENTS
1 2 SCOPE ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3 GENERAL STEPS ............................................................................................................................................................ 4

2.1 PACKAGING WORK INSTRUCTION .................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 DISTRIBUTION WORK INSTRUCTION................................................................................................................. 4

3 SPECIFIC STEPS ............................................................................................................................................................ 5

3.1 PACKAGING WORK INSTRUCTIONS .................................................................................................................. 5

3.2 DISTRIBUTION WORK INSTRUCTION............................................................................................................... 11

3.1.1 Scheduling of the package flowchart .............................................................................................. 5 3.1.2 Creation of package flowchart ........................................................................................................ 6 3.13 Correction of Package flowchart.................................................................................................... 9 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 Prepod ............................................................................................................................................ 11 UAT ................................................................................................................................................. 14 Pilot ................................................................................................................................................ 17 Deployment.................................................................................................................................... 19

The information contained in this document is proprietary and confidential. It is for Capgemini internal use only. Copyright 2010 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution

Evolutions history
Version Date Author Pages modified Subject

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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution

This document discribes the work instructions which has to be followed between the FIO workplace services onshore and the FIO workplace services offshore for Packaging and Distribution services.

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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution

2.1 Packaging Work Instruction
Scheduling Planning Booking and Un-booking Acceptance or Refusal Escalation Confirmation

Creation Source Delivery Checking Files, acceptance and Packaging Application Issue Script Issue Deliverable Package Issue Receipt and certify

Correction Issue Detection Fixing New Version Deliverables Receipt Certify Closing

2.2 Distribution work Instruction

Pre-prod certification UAT Pilot Site certification Deployment

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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution

3.1 Packaging Work Instructions
3.1.1 Scheduling of the package flowchart

Responsibilities 1. The onshore team lead checks in the EU-packaging calendar and proposes for the booking of the application. 2. An email is sent to the offshore team lead for the confirmation on the booking. (one day is the response time). 3. The offshore team lead checks the calendar and accepts or refuses the booking. 4. If booking, accepted then mail is sent for the confirmation. If refused then a justification is provided for unbooking via a mail. 5. Once the booking is accepted then calendar is updated with the <Packagers name><Application name>. 6. The portfolio database or the tracker is also updated with the name of the packager responsible along with the dates. 7. If the application is refused or unbooked the onshore team lead co-ordinates with the requestor for the new dates and later the same step are followed as mentioned above.
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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution


Creation of package flowchart

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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution

Responsiblities 1. After completing the 1st test by the packaging L3 team. The source files are copied in the Incoming folder on the server \\wsin00103\GENERAL\Desktop\Production\Incoming and mail is sent to the offshore team by distribution team lead. 2. Once the mail is received the source files, the request document in the portfolio and the 1st test tab details are checked and the offshore team lead replies with the confirmation of the all the above. 3. If any of the following mentioned in the point 2 then offshore team lead replies to the onshore team lead asking for any missing information or files. 4. The packager then moves the source files from above mentioned incoming folder to Reference folder \\wsin00103\GENERAL\Desktop\Production\Incoming to \\wsin00103\GENERAL\Desktop\Production\Reference 5. If the source files are faulty. Then application issue mail is sent to the onshore teamlead. 6. The above mentioned issue is discussed with the requestor by the onshore team lead and action is taken accordingly. 7. If there is any scripting issue then the offshore team lead sends mail to the onshore lab team. The Onshore Lab team opens an EARS ticket assigned to BUS-DESKTOP-L3 8. After the packaging is completed the package is copied to \\wsin00103\GENERAL\Desktop\Production\Packages (non encrypted scripts) and \\wsin00103\GENERAL\Desktop\Production\Deliverables (encrypted scripts) folder and the same is communicated via mail to the offshore Software Distribution team leader. Portfolio is updated with Packaging completed status. 9. The Offshore Software Distribution team moves the package for certification. 10. In case the package during any of the distribution steps encounter any issue then EARS ticket will be raised to packaging team for the correction or support. You need to modify the table below because the tasks n 10-3, 11 & 12 are managed by Offshore Software Distribution team

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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution


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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution



Responsiblities 1. After the package is delivered to certify and during any stage the package is encountered with any issue an EARS ticket is raised to the offshore packaging team with all the details mentioned in the ticket. 2. Mail is sent using the mail template XXX (<Ticket number> : support for + <name of the package> ) to offshore packaging team to EU-Packaging mail box to alert about the EARS ticket. 3. Once the ticket is assigned to packager he is responsible for fixing the issue and closing the ticket with proper fixed code and cause code. 4. New version of application is released for the correction made to the package. 5. After the packaging is completed the package is copied to \\wsin00103\GENERAL\Desktop\Production\Packages (non encrypted scripts) and \\wsin00103\GENERAL\Desktop\Production\Deliverables (encrypted scripts) folder and the same is communicated via mail to the Offshore Software Distribution team onshore team leader. Portfolio is updated with Packaging completed status. 6. EARS ticket is fixed and mail is sent to the Offshore Software Distribution team onshore team using the initial mail.
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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution

7. In case of no more issues then close the EARS ticket. Mail the Offshore Software Distribution team onshore team using teamplate XXX to Offshore Packaging (<Ticket number> : closing of + <name of the package>). Please replace ONSHORE SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION TEAM by OFFSHORE SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION TEAM

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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution

3.2 Distribution work Instruction

3.2.1 Preprod

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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution

Preprod Certification Step

Package delivered Move source

Verification of package

Verif ok ? Ok


Create the SMS PACKAGE

Creation ok ? Ok


Create the SMS Collection


No Creation ok ? Ok

Create the advertisement


No Creation ok ? Ok


Test ok ? Ok


Step Correction

Update portfolio

Ready for next step

Details of Process 1. Move the directorys package using robocopy from : \\WSIN00103\DESKTOP\PRODUCTION\DELIVERABLES To :
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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution

\\WDSMS01\Packages Sources\teledistributions\ And the DDF file in : \\WDSMS01\Packages Sources\teledistributions\_DistGen Distribution team will reply to the packaging team to Confirm/not confirm all the necessary files and documents are present or mention that some elements are missing CONFIRMED/NOT CONFIRMED after DELIVERY PACKAGE FOR CERTIFY 2. Check the package and the documentation : Check the number of files summary at the end of the robocopy command Check the documentation and validate (it is done during the step 6) it in UknDoit! Check the consistency of the DDF file (following points) : 1. livrable_nom= 2. livrable_version= 3. livrable_langue= 4. sms_categorie= 5. diffusion_mode= 6. sources_chemin= 7. force_nbre_lancement= 8. sms_nom_script= 9. requete_push_nom= 10. requete_push= 11. diffusion_etape=preprod 12. dp_test_PREPROD=WDSMS02;WSFR02501;WSFR02502 If there is an error : Mail to OFFSHORE PACKAGING TEAM to correct it using the template DDF file to modify. Return to point 1 when the correction is done. 3. Create the SMS package using the DDF tool If there is an error : Mail to OFFSHORE PACKAGING TEAM to correct it using the template EARS ticket number. Return to point 1 when the correction is done. 4. Create the collection in the SMS console respecting the rules (if Pull mode the collection already exists; if Push the collection is created by the DDF tool) If there is an error : Mail to ONSHORE L3 F&P TEAM to ask help using the template SMS console issue and create a new EARS ticket Return to point 4 when you have receive help from L3. 5. Create the advertisement for the test computer one night before the test to permit to the system to copy the SMS package on the server. If there is an error : Mail to ONSHORE L3 F&P TEAM to ask help using the template SMS console issue and create a new EARS ticket Return to point 5 when you have receive help from L3. 6. Realize the validation of the package (describe later in this document) If there is an error : Mail to EU-PACKAGING to correct it using the template EARS ticket number. Validate the documentation in UknDoit! Return to point 1 when the correction is done. 7. Update portfolio

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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution

Details of Validation test 1. Check the acceptance of the package regarding the specification of the technical documentation. 2. Check if the log file, is correct (created and filled by the installation, installation code) on computer and in central SMS server. 3. Realized a reinstall and check if there is an error at the reinstall of the package 4. Check that the uninstall of the application with the script is ok (log file update, software not present in add/remove panel, program files) Uninstall the software Summary



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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution

REMARK : in the ESDS process document, at the end of the step Preprod it is mentioned : update All DPs (see information in the Portfolio, tab SMS generatorCountries final target) 2 days before starting the UAT step
User Acceptance Test Step
Schneider Electric or CAPGEMINI test users On Site Support (Local IT Coordination) OFFSHORE DISTRIBUTION CENTRE DISTRIBUTION TEAM
Preprod test ok Create collection Create advertisement Update portfolio Update UAT DPs Communication Communication (translate if needed)


Adding computers

Installation and functional tests

Statistics in central to manage the phase

Ok Tests ok ?

Script issue ? Yes


No Problem detected ? Yes L3 Support

No L2 No contact Support the L3 directly Capgemini Tests Correction Loop

Could correct ? No

Yes Specify errors and corrections to do

1 week

Installation and functional tests

Statistics in central to manage the phase

Tests ok ?


L2 Support No contact Local IT Script issue ? Yes No

No Problem detected ? Yes L3 Support

Yes Users Tests

Could correct ? No Correction Loop

Yes Specify errors and corrections to do

Update Portfolio Step correction

End of step

Details of Process 1. Offshore Distribution Team creates the collection, the advertisement in the SMS console respecting the rules and update the portfolio 2. Offshore Distribution Team communicates with the Local IT about the schedule, target and actions to do. 3. The local IT sends to users communication if needed. 4. Offshore Distribution Team and/or Local IT adds defined computers in the defined collection 5. Users install and realize the validation test. If there is an issue the certification step enter in correction loop 6. Offshore Distribution Team realizes statistics in central to follow the phase.
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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution

If there is an issue the certification step enter in correction loop 7. Offshore Distribution Team updates the portfolio Details of Validation test 1. In case of Push mode : the package will be automatically installed on the targeted computers 2. In case of Pull mode : user has to launch manually the package using soft distribution tool. 3. Communication must have been done by Soft Distribution Team to Schneider Electric via Local IT. 4. Once the package installed, users realize the functional validation. If there is an issue they contact the local IT to report it. In Case of Correction loop There are two entry points for the correction loop : User detects an issue and informs the local IT Offshore Distribution Team detects an issue through statistics or by the local IT feedback 1. Problem detected during a user test : 1. The user informs the local IT 2. The local IT analyzes the problem 1. If he can resolve it (problem to a specific computer), he makes the correction and asks the user to re-run installation. 2. If he cant resolve it (ex script issue), he asks the Offshore Distribution Team for Help. 2. Problem is detected through statistics or by the local IT 1. If the Offshore Distribution Team can resolve it, it make the correction and informs the local IT. 2. If the Offshore Distribution Team cant resolves it (ex script issue), specifies errors and corrections to do and contacts Offshore Packaging to correction.


or manually

Local IT

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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution


Pilot Site Certification Step
Schneider Electric users Resolving Team (Local HD) On Site Support (Local IT Coordination) OFFSHORE DISTRIBUTION CENTRE DISTRIBUTION TEAM PACKAGING TEAM

UAT test ok

Create collection Create advertisement Update portfolio Update Pilot DPs


Communication (translate if needed)

Adding computers


Statistics in central to manage the phase

Problem detected ? Installation ok ? No Yes L3 Support


1 week

Ok Incident Management Could correct ? Yes No

Specify errors and corrections to do Correction Loop

Update Portfolio

End of step

Step Correction

Details of Process 1. Offshore Distribution Team creates the collection, the advertisement in the SMS console respecting the rules and update the portfolio
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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution

2. Offshore Distribution Team communicates with the Local IT about the schedule, target and actions to do. 3. The local IT sends to users communication if needed. 4. Offshore Distribution Team and/or Local IT adds defined computers in the defined collection 5. Users install and realize the validation test. If there is an issue the certification step enter in correction loop 6. Offshore Distribution Team realizes statistics in central to follow the phase. If there is an issue the certification step enter in correction loop 7. Offshore Distribution Team updates the portfolio Validiation test 1. In case of Push mode : the package will be automatically installed on the targeted computers 2. In case of Pull mode : user has to launch manually the package using soft distribution tool.(no Pilot in case of pull mode) 3. Communication must have been done by Soft Distribution Team to Schneider Electric via Local IT (and to the HD). 4. Once the package installed, users realize the functional validation. If there is an issue they contact the local IT (the Help Desk) to report it. In case of correction loop There is two entries points for the correction loop: A user detects an issue and contact the Local IT (the Help Desk) Offshore Distribution Team detects an issue through the statistics 1. Problem detected during the Pilot test by the end user : 1. The user contacts the Help Desk. 2. The Help dDesk try to resolve the problem. 1. If the hDelp dDesk can resolve it (problem to a specific computer), he makes the correction and asks the user to re-run installation. 2. If the hHelp dDesk cant (ex script issue), he asks L2 for Help 3. If the L2 is contacted by Help Desk 1. If L2 can resolve it (problem to a specific computer), he makes the correction and asks the user to re-run installation. : 2. If the L2 support cant (ex script issue), he asks Offshore Distribution Team for Help. 4. If the Offshore Distribution Team is contacted by L2 1. If Offshore Distribution Team can resolve it (problem to a specific computer), he makes the correction and asks the user to re-run installation. : 2. If the Offshore Distribution Team cant (ex script issue), specifies errors and corrections to do and contacts Offshore Packaging to correction. 2. Problem is detected through the statistics or by the local IT 1. If the Offshore Distribution Team can resolve it, it make the correction and informs the local IT. 2. If the Offshore Distribution Team cant resolves it (ex script issue), specifies errors and corrections to do and contacts Offshore Packaging to correction.
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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution


In case of installation issue detected through statistics or by the Local IT : 1. OFFSHORE DISTRIBUTION TEAM can solve the problem in this case he will do the correction and will inform the Local IT 2. OFFSHORE DISTRIBUTION TEAM cant solve the problem (eg: scripting issue) in this case he will contact OFFSHORE PACKAGING TEAM Two types of error can be identified : 1. scripting error: OFFSHORE DISTRIBUTION TEAM will create an EARS ticket 2. Functional issue: the requester must proceed to a new request and must deliver new source files



Help Desk



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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution

Deployment Step

UAT or Pilot site ok

Update Deployment DPs

No File & Print Process escalade

Ok ? Yes Create collection Create advertisement Update portfolio


Statistics in central to manage the phase

Problem detected ? Yes


Installation ok ? Yes


Installation ok

End of step

Incident management

Details of Process 1. Offshore Distribution Team copy the sources files on targeted servers. If there is an issue : contact ONSHORE L3 F&P TEAM regarding escalade process 2. Offshore Distribution Team create the collection, the advertisement in the SMS console respecting the rules and update the portfolio 3. The software is available :
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Working Instruction for Packaging and Distribution

Pull mode : User could installed it from the distribution tool Push mode : The software is installed automatically on computers If there is an issue user call hHelp dDesk, enter in usual chain of support. 4. Offshore Distribution Team realize statistics in central to manage the phase Depending mode : Pull mode : Statistics are made at the request of the requester Push mode : Statistics are made every day the first week then once per week during three weeks. If there is an issue : Incident management 5. Offshore Distribution Team update the portfolio one week after the deployment ( Deploying to follow Deployed ) Summary

Note : After Eeach step of distribution offshore team lead sends mail to the onshore Team leader. For any mail teamplates please click on the link below .. Any process related issue please refer ESDS document.

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