Weekly Wrap Up 2

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Week 2 Wrap Up

I had no time this week so this edition of the wrap up is going to be short and sweet. I think it would be cool to keep a running tally of awards. Sure, some of them are a bit subjective in nature, but I try to be as objective as I can. Ill explain how I come up with some of them below.

MVP: Reggie Bush 33.20 (123) This is pretty cool to see in my opinion. Reggie was the best college running back Ive ever seen, but never really lived up to the hype in the pros. Hes doing it now. (How I come up with MVP: I filter all the players from week 2, and click actual in the rankings portion. Im not 100% sure what this is based on because there will sometimes be people with more points ranked lower) Honorable Mentions: CJ Spiller 30.50 (Kushtastic Blake), Hakeem Nicks 30.90 (Kushtastic Blake), Trent Richardson 28.50 (Kushtastic Blake), Victor Cruz 29.40 (123), Willis McGahee 25.40 (Barry Sanders)

MVP Standings:
Factory of Sadness 1 123 1

Best Start of the Week: Brandon LeFell 14.50 (Cobra Kai) There really werent any starts that jumped out at me so Im giving this one to myself. LeFell was owned in less than 50% of

leagues prior to this week and more than doubled his projected points. (How I come up with best start: this one rewards owners who take a risk, or go against conventional wisdom in a lineup decision. Youre not going to win this award starting people youre supposed to start even if they put up huge numbers. I look at the bench and see who else you could have started. A good example is Matts lineup this week, where if he keeps it he has Lance Moore starting over Larry Fitzgerald. If Lance has a big game he has a good chance of winning it. On the other hand, these risky moves leave you very vulnerable to the dreaded worst start of the week award. Im not a big fan of projected points but these factor into it as well.

Best Start of the Week Standings:

Darren Sharpa 1 Cobra Kai 1

Worst Start of the Week: Antonio Gates 0.00 (Dumbledores Army) Tim drew the wrath of the fantasy gods this week. Gates being inactive came out of nowhere. Honorable Mention: Oakland -3.00 (Cobra Kai)

Worst Start of the Week Standings:

Little Greg 1 Dumbledores Army 1

Game of the Week: Jay Mariotti 87.64 vs. Barry Sanders 85.90 Chris almost came back on Monday night with a huge game from McGahee but ultimately fell short

Beat Down of the Week: Kushtastic Blake 184.30 vs. Dumbledores Army 77.76 Wow. In all my years of doing fantasy Ive never seen a beat down this bad. Point differential over 100? Dude, you lost by TRIPLE digits. Im at a loss for words. Has anyone seen Tim since this epic debacle? Fellas, we might need to allocate some of the fantasy winnings into a fund for Tims future therapy sessions. Triple digit lossits gonna be a tough road to recovery Tim, but were all here for you. Hang in there man. Heres a recap of how it all went down: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YIfMwJwXPw (skip to 1:00) Honorable Mention: 123 141.50 vs. Cobra Kai 80.82 Talk about having your doors blown off. After my beating during the 1:00 games I told Ben I dont care what happens, I just dont want to be involved in the beat down of the week. This was bad, but definitely not triple digit bad.

Beat Down of the Week Standings

Winner: Factory of Sadness 1 Kushtastic Blake 1 Loser: Dumbledores Army 2

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