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Optimizing Development of Unconventional Reservoirs

1 7 -2 0 M a rch 2 0 1 3 A ms te rd a m, T h e N e th e rla n d s

Fourth Passive Seismic Workshop

Technical Committee
Shawn Maxwell Co-Chair (Schlumberger) Steve Oates Co-Chair (Shell) Ralph Fraile (CGGVeritas) Jeff Roth (ExxonMobil) Mary Humphries (VSProwess Ltd.) John Logel (Talisman Energy Norge AS / UK Limited) Sudipta Sarkar (Chevron) Said Busaidi (PDO) Grzegorz Kwiatek (GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences) Christophe Maisons (Magnitude) Jamie Rich (Devon) Adam Baig (ESG Solutions)

Workshop Overview
Interest in passive seismic techniques microseismic monitoring in particular continues to grow rapidly, driven in large part by the success of these techniques in providing valuable insight into subsurface geomechanical processes associated with energy production and mining. The utilization of shale gas and other unconventional hydrocarbon resources has grown hand-in-hand with the development of passive seismic technology, facilitated by these technical developments and driving further improvements. This fourth event in the series of EAGE workshops on passive seismic sets out to focus on field examples where the use of passive data was a key enabler for improving engineering operations and field management. These examples may come from conventional and unconventional oil and gas developments as well as other extraction and injection activities associated with mining, sequestration and geothermal energy projects. While the workshops main focus will be on such illustrative practical examples, papers on more technical aspects especially geomechanical investigations are also welcome. The workshop will feature a keynote address and sessions addressing the principal areas of application and technology development. Each session will be introduced by a representative position paper to set the scene for the topic. The format will be such as to encourage open discussion and the exchange of ideas. The venue has been selected to be easily accessible both from Europe and the Middle East but also from North America to encourage the participation of as many active practitioners as possible.

Overview of Surface Downhole Comparison nduced Seismicity and other aspects of I Environmental Monitoring. nsights gained from Geothermal Energy, Mining I and Geological Sequestration

Target Audience
Asset Managers Reservoir Engineers rilling & Completion Engineers / Production D Technologists Geophysicists and Geologists Geomechanicists and Petrophysicists Academia and Research Institutes

Call for Papers

To submit an abstract or for more information, please visit the event's website ( The deadline for submissions is 1 October 2012.

Company Display Area

The company display area is again available for this edition and offers the opportunity for companies to showcase their latest software and technologies to workshop participants throughout the 3-day workshop. A dedicated area will be set aside for the company display. However, due to space limitation, the final selection will be based on relevance and a first-come-first-served basis. To register your interest in the exhibition area, please contact the EAGE Event Manager (

ase Studies of Passive Monitoring - especially C focusing on Shale and Tight Oil and Gas - and other Unconventional Resources Technical Developments ntegration: Geomechanical, Engineering and I Reservoir Characterisation
Third Passive Seismic Workshop: Actively Passive!

For more information or enquiries about this workshop please visit the events website ( or contact the EAGE via or telephone +971 4 369 3897.

We hope to see you in Amsterdam!

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