CryptoParty Cardiff #01

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The 'Nothing to Hide, Nothing to Fear' Myth

About Me
Infosec and Forensics Background COMSEC and Anti-Censorship IPv6 Project Investigations

A Word about Crypto

Crypto is easy to understand Even professionals find it hard to deploy properly

Nothing to Hide?
Bank account details Medical history Personal details for authentication (D.O.B., maiden name, etc.) More things get criminalised Prejudice / Discrimination

And there's more...

A Scenario

A law-abiding citizen with 'nothing to hide' get's raided by police, or becomes a victim of crime. How could this happen?

A Scenario

Identity Theft Most online criminals won't use their own identity or network to commit offences. And they need money.


What data is being collected, and why? How is that data being protected? Can it be protected? Who else has access to the data, and why? Nobody knows.

It's Out There

Online Crime

Usually facilitated by identity fraud Identity fraud facilitated by identity theft Weak security = Identity theft Identity theft doesn't always involve credit cards, passports or anything tangible. It involves impersonation with the right data.

What Online Criminals Look For

Identity Fraud: Full name, Date of Birth, mother's maiden name, address, telephone numbers, NI number Financial Theft: Bank and credit card details Compromise Organisation: Full name, organisation, position, colleagues, email addresses, social networks


More personal data = Higher risk

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