Date In-Class/Topic Assignment

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Note: Schedule will change.

* = Reading and Writing Literacies ** = Reading and Writing Literacies supplemental ^ = Course Website

Aug. 29

Introductions & syllabus What is good writing? Individual/class learning goals



Sept. 5

Literacy, writing Introducing the Literacy Memoir Assignment Discourse Communities Activity Literacy/learning inventory

Read, I just wanna be average** Timeline with 5 most important moments in your academic career

Sept. 10

Literacy and social construction; genre Discussion: What is a blog? MAPS Blog #1 Assigned

Mother Tongue* and Literacy as Social Practice^

Sept. 12

Understanding Genre, telling stories Rubric Development: Project #1 More discourse

Indian Education** Stephen King: On Writing^

communities Sept. 17 Peer Review Peer review workshop Peer review session #1 Sept. 19 Effective Revision Global Concerns Revision Strategies More Arrangement Rubric Revisions? Sept. 24 Introducing Unit #2 Assignment #1 Debrief What is culture? What are artifacts? Ethos, pathos, logos Sept. 28 ** Mackadocious^ and Nikki Minaj^ Assignment #1 Due The Skin We Ink^ and We Real Cool^ CURIOUS RESEARCHER TBA Blog #1 Due Draft Assignment #1 Due

Sommers: Revision Strategies,^

Cultures, discourse, power Topic Discussion 10 Questions Artifact interview prep Blog #2 Assigned

Oct. 1 **

Power & culture contd Language and culture discussion

Poetics of Hip-Hop^ Politics of the English Language^

Oct. 3

Artifact interviews Citation, plagiarism Citation, plagiarism, authority workshop Rubric Development

Short Artifact Presentation Blog #2 Due How we listen to music* School vs. Education*

Oct. 8 Oct. 10

Peer Review Peer Review Session #2 Writing style Rubric Revisions?

Draft Assignment #2 Due Children, Wired and Poetry for Everyday Life* Little Brown Handbook TBA Assignment #2 Due Class ethos and politics of inquiry^ and Learning the Language* The Mind at Work^ and One Carpenters Life**

Oct. 15

Introducing Unit #3 Assignment #2 Debrief Interview Workshop/Activity Researching Disciplines The Mind at Work Activity Discussion Literacy Log assigned Changing Nature of Literacy Literacy Log Presentation

Oct. 17

Oct 22

Blog #3 due WIDE Report^,Wired: New Literacies, Everything bad is good for you^ Curious Researcher TBA Little Brown Handbook

Oct. 24

Finding what you need Library

Oct. 29

Effective Research Strategies Literacy and other texts The Truth Wears Off*

Oct. 31 Nov. 5

Rubric Development Peer Review Peer Review Session #3 Check-in Day Rubric Revisions?

Draft Assignment #3 Due Living Through College Literacy^

Nov. 7

Introducing Unit #4 What is a remix? Examples

Assignment #3 Due Multimodality: Challenges to Thinking about Language^ I think therefore IM* and Teaching Visual Literacy in a Digital Age**

Nov. 12

The Visual World and CRAP What resumes can tell us about visual culture Proposals Assigned

Nov. 14

Nov. 19

Digital Composing Workshop | 300 Bessey Hall Reflecting on Proposals

Proposals Due


Nov. 21

The Design Process Rubric Development Peer Review Peer Review Session #4

New London Group^

Nov. 26

Draft of Assignment #4 Due

Nov. 28 Dec. 3

Rubric Revisions? OFFICE HOURS Introducing Assignment #5 Presentations Day 1

Continue work on Assignment #4 Assignment #4 Due

Dec. 5 Dec. 10 Dec. 12

Presentations Day 2 Presentations Day 3? Final EXAM / Reflections / Joviality

All Revisions Due! Assignment #5 Due

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