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Annotated Bibliography The employee perception of using social networks in the internal communication in their organizations Saleh Althobaity November 7, 2010 Queens University of Charlotte

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY Annotated Bibliography David, G. (2011). Internal communication: Essential component of crisis communication. Journal of Media Research, 2 (10), 72-81.

The author of the article discusses the characteristics of internal communication, which is a significant aspect of crisis communication. Internal communication definitely appears important to the enhanced functioning of an organization, because efficient communication is a function of good management. David (2011) explores the dimensions of transparency as part of the entire paradigm of crisis communication. Internal communication systems are associated with cohesion and coherence to the organizational structures. The researcher also claims that crises are a crucial moment for preserving individuals trust and loyalty. Internal communication should be characterized by honesty, openness, flexibility, appropriateness, and completeness. An organizations members perceive the importance of possessing an adequate ability to communicate accurately with their own members. The usefulness of this source is adequate, because it sheds light upon efficient mechanisms of internal organizational communication. It appears that internal communication contributes to finding efficient solutions to problems emerging in the workplace. The source presents the necessity of taking action in order to increase the positive image of a company to organizational stakeholders. It is clear that the use of this source is essential in the development of the final project, as the emphasis is upon the internal communication structure of a

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY particular organization. It can enhance ones knowledge of certain features of internal communication that can be transferred in the context of employee perception of using social networks. White, C. (2010). Internal communication, information satisfaction, and sense of community: The effect of personal influence. Journal of Public Relations Research, 22 (1), 65-84. This article demonstrates relevant information on employee perceptions of internal communication and information flow in a university environment. By exploring employees sense of community in the respective organization, the researcher is concerned with determining the precise level of information satisfaction. Moreover, White (2010) examines the perception of a relationship with top administrators and the specific way in which this relationship affects internal communication. Although the use of e-mail appears to be a preferred

way for information exchange, employees were more likely to engage in face-toface and interpersonal interactions. Direct meetings facilitate the process of building and maintaining internal communication. Likewise, meetings represent an important form of social network in which individuals relate to one another and exchange relevant information. The qualitative method of this source is mainly reflected in the idea that it contributes to providing adequate feedback on employees strengths and the potential for development within the respective organization. I plan to use this source as a valuable tool in the process of relating employee perceptions to


aspects of internal communication in their organization. It is important to focus on enhancing employee capabilities in the sense of considering their ideas and suggestions for improvement of various organizational processes. This study will help me determine internal communication as a strategic aspect for enhanced business communication at all levels. Dolphin, R.R. (2005). Internal communications: Todays strategic imperative. Journal of Marketing Communications, 11 (3), 171-190. This article describes the results of an empirical study of major UK firms, as the researcher is focused on attaining a better understanding of the role of internal communication for facilitating the relationship between employees and their organization. Dolphin (2005) mentions that internal communication can be defined as: transactions between individuals and groups at various levels and in different areas of specialization (Frank and Brownell, 1989) and these transactions are intended to design (and redesign) organizations and coordinate day-to-day activities (2005, p. 172). The author of the article states categorically that internal communication plays a key role in shaping employee relations, mainly by establishing trust and loyalty, and providing accurate and reliable information on essential organizational processes and tasks. One of the most important conclusions demonstrated by Dolphin (2005) is that internal communication contributes extensively to the


development of a proper corporate communication strategy. Likewise, the article presents the idea that internal communication assumes a strategic perspective. The relevance of the source as it pertains to the final project is quite high; in particular maintaining flexible and open communication with employees is associated with an immense strategic value. I can use this source for the envisioned research because it provides a relevant understanding of the numerous advantages of internal communication to managers, supervisors, and employees, and the way it relates to the persistent implementation of social networks. Communicators demonstrate their important role to provide employees with proper information in order to participate actively within the organization. Moynihan, D.P., & Pandey, S.K. (2007). The ties that bind: Social networks, personorganization value fit, and turnover intention. JPART, 18, 205-227. The researchers adequately explore the specific perceptions of public and nonprofit employees regarding the impact of social networks and value congruence on turnover intention. An important argument illustrated in the article is that employees exist in both internal and external social networks that contribute to better integrative mechanisms to the respective organizational climate and culture. It is argued that employees are more likely to remain in an organization if they actively participate in intraorganizational social networks dominated by positive relations at all organizational levels. The researchers demonstrate their favorable attitude toward internal social networks in comparison to external networks. Employee perceptions of social networks

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY definitely relate to the aspects of a long-term commitment. It appears that significant social networks include obligations toward coworkers and extensive coworker support.

The appropriateness of this source reflects in its specific focus on examining the role of social networks in organizations. Social networks represent a valuable tool that facilitates individual behaviors and internal communication within organizations. Therefore, the source is useful in determining various employee perceptions. Offering a social network perspective to the study of internal organizational communication obviously suggests a more enhanced understanding of the way employees behave within the organizational context. I will show that internal social networks have the potential to retain employees in the same organization, as this fosters better internal communication. Cross, R., & Thomas, R. (2011). A smarter way to network. Harvard Business Review, 89 (7-8), 149-153. The authors of this article discuss the importance of social networks to building proper internal communication and positive energy pertaining to ones inner circle. Important features of such social networks were found to be those of enthusiasm, authenticity, and generosity. Cross and Thomas (2011) offer quite reliable approaches to social networking in order to facilitate communication in the workplace. For instance, the researchers present a warning about taking a misguided approach to networking. By considering such negative examples, individuals can obtain a relevant account of what makes an efficient social

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY network. Providing personal support is an essential characteristic of effective social networks. It is important to ensure a strong sense of purpose in order to

validate the specific organizational communication. The authors of the article also claim that employees who tend to maintain a work/life balance are more likely to demonstrate successful communication patterns over time. This source demonstrates thorough information on important ideas about the benefits of social interactions and their implications for internal communication. The article is especially valuable in offering four key steps for building better social networks, such as analyzing, de-layering, diversifying, and capitalizing. The use of various energizing contacts within social networks can facilitate a better organizational climate based on mutual respect, loyalty, trust, openness, and transparency. This source can significantly help the development process of the final project. Dortok, A. (2006). A managerial look at the interaction between internal communication and corporate reputation. Corporate Reputation Review, 8 (4), 322-338. The author of the article presents evidence of the connection between internal communication and corporate reputation. Measurement is considered an essential factor in organizational activities, as both managers and employees support the belief that commitment extensively contributes to particular business outcomes. The development of efficient internal communication plans takes place in order to enhance the dimensions of corporate reputation. The researcher states that it is urgent for organizations to express their own vision in clear and


precise terms. Essential elements of the continuous interaction between internal communication and corporate reputation include commitment, adequate satisfaction, trust, and awareness. Employees obviously want to acquire organization-related information in a direct way in order to feel more confident about their own actions and potential for problem-solving tasks. This can be achieved through flexible communication, which implies that the quality of this source is relevant to the purpose of the final project to reveal employees perceptions of using social networks in internal communication in their organization. It is essential to point out that employees play a key role in influencing business results. I will use the major argument that organizations with significant reputation place greater importance on enhancing internal communications channels. One of the most common tools of internal communication in this source relates to annual meetings that present a unique opportunity for sharing corporate strategies and relevant plans. De Bussy, N.M., Ewing, M.T., & Pitt, L.F. (2003). Stakeholder theory and internal marketing communications: A framework for analysing the influence of new media. Journal of Marketing Communications, 9, 147-161. The authors of the article argue that efficient two-way communication is widely perceived as an important precondition for successful internal marketing strategies. The researchers present thorough information on the rapidly changing context of social networks and developing technologies that have a persistent impact on internal organizational communication. They state that, since the

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1990s, Internet technologies have revolutionized aspects of internal communication in numerous organizations across the world. Based on stakeholder and communication theories, this article provides a relevant theoretical framework for understanding the dimensions of effective internal communication and its relation to social networks.

It is clear that the quality of this source is rather high, because it directly refers to the objective stated in the final project. The potential of new media and established social networks, specifically Internet-related technologies, is immense. and can definitely enhance internal communication with stakeholders. I will incorporate important arguments made in this paper into the context of the final project. For instance, an essential aspect is that the use of new media in the workplace is positively associated with the perception of an ethical work climate within the respective organization. Likewise, the perception of mutual trust acquires more clear dimensions due to the implementation of internal communications patterns in the workplace. Bartels, J., Pruyn, A., & De Jong, M. (2009). Employee identification before and after an internal merger: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82, 113-128. The researchers introduce the results of a longitudinal study in reference to employee identification, organizational identification, and communication climate before and after an internal merger. It appears that internal communication climate is extremely important for the proper identification of employees with their



division. Some of the essential characteristics of internal communication climate amount to openness, participative decision-making, extensive support, and trust. The quality of this source is high, as it offers a distinct perspective about active employee participation in the process of organizational identification, and thus I can use it to arrive at meaningful conclusions in the final project. An internal merger presents an important development within any organization, which means that a thorough consideration of this aspect can help individuals adjust their communicative patterns over time. Jue, A.L., Marr, J.A., & Kassotakis, M.E. (2009). Social media at work: How networking tools propel organizational performance. Malden, MA: Jossey-Bass. The authors of this book are unanimous that the use of social media in the workplace can contribute to the formation of quite effective and reliable organizations. Building professional relationships in a contemporary context is facilitated as a result of the introduction of various blogs and social networking sites. The book presents adequate recommendations for building teams, increasing learning, and fostering innovation. This source is valuable and relevant because it enables me to consider different innovative and creative methods of social networking that can boost employees perceptions of internal communication in their organization. The authors of the book introduce a qualitative study of social media and its numerous implications to the contemporary organizational context.

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY The presented references demonstrate relevant findings and inferences about


the relationship between internal communication and social networking. Therefore, the chosen sources are helping to shape the purpose of the research project proposal. Employees perceptions of using social networks in the internal communication in their organization is quite important in order to propose research with new findings and inferences. The interrelations between employees and the mechanisms of internal communication are crucial for maintaining a more positive and reinforcing organizational environment and culture. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to ensure a relevant description of resources on the identified subject. It is apparent that the described sources enhance ones understanding of the essential dimensions of internal communication. At the same time, it becomes clear that the creative use of social networks in the workplace is a reliable step toward ensuring substantial organizational success. The chosen sources demonstrate the main idea that social networks possess immense capacities to improve internal communication and organizational performance. An essential conclusion is that social networks continuously energize employees and shape their cultural and social perceptions of internal communications processes within their organization. Other advantages of including innovative social networks in the workplace include enhanced change awareness and readiness for action, as well as stronger relationships between managers, leaders, and employees. Social media can obviously help employees exchange wisdom and relevant experience, and this implies a sense of urgency toward exploring this subject in detail.

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY References Bartels, J., Pruyn, A., & De Jong, M. (2009). Employee identification before and after an internal merger: A longitudinal analysis. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 82, 113-128.


Cross, R., & Thomas, R. (2011). A smarter way to network. Harvard Business Review, 89 (7-8), 149-153. David, G. (2011). Internal communication: Essential component of crisis communication. Journal of Media Research, 2 (10), 72-81. De Bussy, N.M., Ewing, M.T., & Pitt, L.F. (2003). Stakeholder theory and internal marketing communications: A framework for analysing the influence of new media. Journal of Marketing Communications, 9, 147-161. Dolphin, R.R. (2005). Internal communications: Todays strategic imperative. Journal of Marketing Communications, 11 (3), 171-190. Dortok, A. (2006). A managerial look at the interaction between internal communication and corporate reputation. Corporate Reputation Review, 8 (4), 322-338. Jue, A.L., Marr, J.A., & Kassotakis, M.E. (2009). Social media at work: How networking tools propel organizational performance. Malden, MA: Jossey-Bass. Moynihan, D.P., & Pandey, S.K. (2007). The ties that bind: Social networks, person-

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY organization value fit, and turnover intention. JPART, 18, 205-227. White, C. (2010). Internal communication, information satisfaction, and sense of community: The effect of personal influence. Journal of Public Relations Research, 22 (1), 65-84.


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