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Kindergarten 2

Jesus Time
God Has a Plan for Joseph Matthew 28:20 I am with you always Sad things happen to us, but God is always with us. Challenges will come to bring us closer to Him. Take whatever sadness, frustration, hurt, loneliness you have and tell God every facet of it. Then, thank God for what He will do. He will only do what is best. This week in Reading and Writing we will: This week we will: Write numeral 2 Sort by color Graphing Acting out story problems Talk about circles and rectangles Look for shapes in buildings


September 24, 2012 Week 6

Focus on the /i/ and Fiction, non-fiction Draw Gordo gorilla and Honey horse Review Captain Capital A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H ABC order through h Write a-j in dry jello We will listen for syllables in words. We will clap or stomp our feet to distinguish them.

/j/ sound

Special points of interest:

Decorate for fall at home Let your children help with decorating Talk about family traditions at this time Gather things from the outside or store that remind you of fall Plan your costume for Harvest Fest (evening), Oct.12

Inside this issue:

Parent Homework Childs Homework 2 2 2

What a great opportunity we have to sing and praise God. This Sunday we sing. We practice at 10:55 in the K room. Parents will wait outside of the room. Some of the children may be a little shy about going up front, see what your child is ready to do. But no worries. Kindergarten is a great time to explore, to try, and to see what you can do.

Social Studies/Science
M, W: Travel to another con-


tinent, South America T, Th: Fall-what do we see, hear, taste, smell, touch Thursday, bring something that is awake at night (book, picture, or stuffed animal) F: a.m. Scholastic News
Calendar 4

Concepts: review the musical alphabet, rhythm, Rossini and the William Tell Overture, Signal the Alphabet Use Rhythm Sticks

Parent Homework Other

Review your childs homework Go hunting for the sounds in books. Look for the /g/ as in gorilla and /h/ as in horse. Be careful not to add /u/ to the /g/&/ h/ sounds. Look for Captain Capitals G & H. These letters are

used only a small percentage of the time in reading and writing. Salute when you see the Captain Capitals. Complete the Field Trip form. Make the checks payable to Apostles Lutheran School. Return the form by Wednesday, Setp. 26 Check out online learning options on the K2 blog.

Look for our blog at http//: Review your childs midterm. If you have questions about their N- new skills or N+ progressing skills or S+ mastered skills, please email me or speak to me after school. Scheduling appointments help as well. Sign and return the Mid-term envelope only.

Homework to Do With Your Child

Read books to your child the letter says that sound. Read stories and talk about everyday.
Write 2 in dry jello. Play a game with your child. Look for I, i, J, j in stories. Say /i/ as in inchworm or /j/ as in jellyfish if if it is fiction or nonfiction. Look for circles and rectangles in buildings, works of art, and in your home. Bring Thursday: something that is awake at night (picture, book, stuffed animal)

For the School:
Place these items in the little wooden basket by the door. Box Tops for Educational Supplies Coke Rewards Covers for School Supplies For the Classroom: Cardboard tubes Pictures cut from magazines: People Words Animals

September 24, 2012

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