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Memberi nama yang baik adalah satu wujud tanggung jawab orangtua terhadap keturunannya sebagai bentuk doa

dan harapan. Berikut adalah daftar nama-nama yang tertulis dalam Alkitab dan arti nama-nama bahasa Ibrani dan Yunani. Semoga Tuhan Yang Mahakasih senantiasa memberi berkat dan terang-Nya untuk keluarga Anda! 1 Aaron a teacher; lofty; mountain of strength 2 Abaddon the destroyer 3 Abagtha father of the wine-press 4 Abana made of stone; a building 5 Abarim passages; passengers 6 Abba father 7 Abda a servant; servitude 8 Abdeel a vapor; a cloud of God 9 Abdi my servant 10 Abdiel servant of God 11 Abdon servant; cloud of judgment 12 Abednego servant of light; shining 13 Abel vanity; breath; vapor 14 Abel-beth-maachah mourning to the house of Maachah 15 Abel-maim mourning of waters 16 Abel-meholah mourning of sickness 17 Abel-mizraim the mourning of Egyptians 18 Abel-shittim mourning of thorns 19 Abez an egg; muddy 20 Abi my father 21 Abiah the Lord is my father 22 Abi-albon most intelligent father 23 Abiasaph consuming father; gathering 24 Abiathar excellent father; father of the remnant 25 Abib green fruit; ears of corn 26 Abidah father of knowledge 27 Abidan father of judgment 28 Abiel God my father 29 Abiezer father of help 30 Abigail the fathers joy 31 Abihail the father of strength 32 Abihu he is my father 33 Abihud father of praise; confession 34 Abijah the Lord is my father 35 Abijam father of the sea 36 Abilene the father of mourning 37 Abimael a father sent from God 38 Abimelech father of the king 39 Abinadab father of a vow, or of willingness 40 Abinoam father of beauty 41 Abiram high father; father of deceit

42 Abishag ignorance of the father 43 Abishai the present of my father 44 Abishalom father of peace 45 Abishua father of salvation 46 Abishur father of the wall; father of uprightness 47 Abital the father of the dew; or of the shadow 48 Abitub father of goodness 49 Abiud father of praise 50 Abner father of light 51 Abram high father 52 Abraham father of a great multitude 53 Absalom father of peace 54 Accad a vessel; pitcher; spark 55 Accho close; pressed together 56 Aceldama field of blood 57 Achab brother of the father 58 Achaia grief; trouble 59 Achaicus a native of Achaia; sorrowing; sad 60 Achan or Achar, he that troubleth 61 Achaz one that takes, or possesses 62 Achbor a rat; bruising 63 Achim preparing; revenging; confirming 64 Achish thus it is; how is this 65 Achmetha brother of death 66 Achor trouble 67 Achsah adorned; bursting the veil 68 Achshaph poison; tricks 69 Achzib liar; lying; one that runs 70 Adadah testimony of the assembly 71 Adah an assembly 72 Adaiah the witness of the Lord 73 Adaliah one that draws water; poverty; cloud; death 74 Adam earthy; red 75 Adamah red earth; of blood 76 Adami my man; red; earthy; human 77 Adar high; eminent 78 Adbeel vapor, or cloud of God 79 Addi my witness; adorned; prey 80 Addin adorned; delicious; voluptuous 81 Addon basis; foundation; the Lord 82 Adiel the witness of the Lord 83 Adin Adina, adorned; voluptuous; dainty 84 Adithaim assemblies; testimonies 85 Adlai my witness; my ornament 86 Admah earthy; red; bloody 87 Admatha a cloud of death; a mortal vapor

88 Adna pleasure; delight 89 Adnah eternal rest 90 Adoni-bezek the lightning of the Lord; the Lord of lightning 91 Adonijah the Lord is my master 92 Adonikam the Lord is raised 93 Adoniram my Lord is most high; Lord of might and elevation 94 Adoni-zedek justice of the Lord; lord of justice 95 Adoraim strength of the sea 96 Adoram their beauty; their power 97 Adrammelech the cloak, glory, grandeur or power of the king 98 Adramyttium the court of death 99 Adriel the flock of God 100 Adullam their testimony; their prey; their ornament 101 Adummim earthy; red; bloody things 102 Aeneas praised; praiseworthy 103 Aenon a cloud; fountain; his eye 104 Agabus a locust; the fathers joy or feast 105 Agag roof; upper floor 106 Agar or Hagar, a stranger; one that fears 107 Agee a valley; deepness 108 Agrippa one who causes great pain at his birth 109 Agur stranger; gathered together 110 Ahab uncle, or fathers brother 111 Aharah a smiling brother; a meadow of a sweet savor 112 Aharhel another host; the last sorrow; a brothers sheep 113 Ahasbai trusting in me; a grown-up brother 114 Ahasuerus prince; head; chief 115 Ahava essence; being; generation 116 Ahaz one that takes or possesses 117 Ahaziah seizure; vision of the Lord 118 Ahi my brother; my brethren 119 Ahiah brother of the Lord 120 Ahiam mothers brother; brother of a nation 121 Ahian brother of wine 122 Ahiezer brother of assistance 123 Ahihud brother of vanity, or of darkness, or of joy, or o 124 Ahijah same with Ahiah 125 Ahikam a brother who raises up or avenges 126 Ahilud a brother born, or begotten 127 Ahimaaz a brother of the council 128 Ahiman brother of the right hand 129 Ahimelech my brother is a king; my kings brother 130 Ahimoth brother of death 131 Ahinadab a willing brother; brother of a vow 132 Ahinoam beauty of the brother; brother of motion 133 Ahio his brother; his brethren

134 Ahira brother of iniquity; brother of the shepherd 135 Ahiram brother of craft, or of protection 136 Ahisamach brother of strength 137 Ahishahur brother of the morning or dew; brother of blacknes 138 Ahishar brother of a prince; brother of a song 139 Ahithophel brother of ruin or folly 140 Ahitub brother of goodness 141 Ahlab made of milk, or of fat; brother of the heart 142 Ahlai beseeching; sorrowing; expecting 143 Ahoah a live brother; my thorn or thistle 144 Aholah his tabernacle; his tent 145 Aholiab the tent of the father 146 Aholibah my tent, or my tabernacle, in her 147 Aholibamah my tabernacle is exalted 148 Ahumai a meadow of waters; a brother of waters 149 Ahuzam their taking or possessing vision 150 Ahuzzah possession; seizing; collecting 151 Ai or Hai, mass; heap 152 Aiah vulture, raven; an isle; alas, where is it? 153 Aiath same as Ai; an hour; eye; fountain 154 Aijeleth-Shahar the land of the morning 155 Ain same as Aiath 156 Ajalon a chain; strength; a stag 157 Akkub foot-print; supplanting; crookedness; lewdness 158 Akrabbim scorpions 159 Alammelech God is king 160 Alemeth hiding; youth; worlds; upon the dead 161 Alexander one who assists men 162 Alian high 163 Alleluia praise the Lord 164 Allon an oak; strong 165 Allon-bachuth the oak of weeping 166 Almodad measure of God 167 Almon hidden 168 Almon-diblathaim hidden in a cluster of fig trees 169 Alpheus a thousand; learned; chief 170 Alush mingling together 171 Alvah his rising up; his highness 172 Amad people of witness; a prey 173 Amal labor; iniquity 174 Amalek a people that licks up 175 Aman mother; fear of them 176 Amana integrity; truth; a nurse 177 Amariah the Lord says; the integrity of the Lord 178 Amasa sparing the people 179 Amasai strong

180 Amashai the peoples gift 181 Amashi-ali same as Amaziah 182 Ami mother; fear; people 183 Amaziah the strength of the Lord 184 Aminadab same as Amminadab 185 Amittai true; fearing 186 Ammah my, or his, people 187 Ammi same as Ammah 188 Ammiel the people of God 189 Ammihud people of praise 190 Ammi-nadab my people is liberal 191 Ammishaddai the people of the Almighty; the Almighty is with m 192 Ammizabad dowry of the people 193 Ammon a people; the son of my people 194 Amnon faithful and true; tutor 195 Amok a valley; a depth 196 Amon faithful; true 197 Amorite bitter; a rebel; a babbler 198 Amos loading; weighty 199 Amoz strong; robust 200 Amplias large; extensive 201 Amram an exalted people; their sheaves; handfuls of corn 202 Amraphel one that speaks of secrets 203 Amzi strong, mighty 204 Anab a grape; a knot 205 Anah one who answers; afflicted 206 Anaharath dryness, burning, wrath 207 Anak a collar; ornament 208 Anamim a fountain; answer; affliction 209 Anammelech answer; poverty of the king 210 Anani a cloud; prophecy; divination 211 Ananias or Ananiah, the cloud of the Lord 212 Anathema separated; set apart 213 Anathoth or Anath, answer; song; poverty 214 Andrew a strong man 215 Andronicus a man excelling others 216 Anem or Anen, an answer; their affliction 217 Aner answer; song; affliction 218 Aniam a people; the strength or sorrow of people 219 Anim answerings; singings; afflicted 220 Anna gracious; one who gives 221 Annas one who answers; humble 222 Antichrist an adversary to Christ 223 Antioch speedy as a chariot 224 Antipas for all, or against all 225 Antipatris for, or against the father

226 Antothijah answers or songs of the Lord; afflictions 227 Anub same as Anab 228 Apelles exclusion; separation 229 Apharsathchites Apharsites (from a root meaning) dividing or rendi 230 Aphek Aphekah, Aphik, strength; a rapid torrent 231 Aphiah speaking, blowing 232 Apocalypse uncovering, revelation 233 Apocrypha hidden 234 Apollonia perdition, destruction 235 Apollonius destroying 236 Apollos one who destroys; destroyer 237 Apollyon a destroyer 238 Appaim face; nostrils 239 Apphia productive; fruitful 240 Aquila an eagle 241 Ar awakening; uncovering 242 Ara cursing; seeing 243 Arab multiplying; sowing sedition; a window; a locust 244 Arabia evening; desert; ravens 245 Arad a wild ass; a dragon 246 Arah the way; a traveler 247 Aram highness, magnificence, one that deceives; curse 248 Aran an ark; their curse 249 Ararat the curse of trembling 250 Araunah ark; song; joyful cry 251 Arba four 252 Archelaus the prince of the people 253 Archippus a master of horses 254 Arcturus a gathering together 255 Ard one that commands; he that descends 256 Ardon ruling; a judgment of malediction 257 Areli the light or vision of God 258 Areopagus the hill of Mars 259 Aretas agreeable, virtuous 260 Argob a turf, or fat land 261 Ariel altar; light or lion of God 262 Arimathea a lion dead to the Lord 263 Arioch long; great; tall 264 Aristarchus the best prince 265 Aristobulus a good counselor 266 Armageddon hill of fruits; mountain of Megiddo 267 Arnon rejoicing; sunlight 268 Aroer heath; tamarisk 269 Arpad the light of redemption 270 Arphaxad a healer; a releaser 271 Artaxerxes the silence of light; fervent to spoil

272 Artemas whole, sound 273 Arumah high; exalted 274 Asa physician; cure 275 Asahel creature of God 276 Asaiah the Lord hath wrought 277 Asaph who gathers together 278 Asareel the beatitude of God 279 Asenath peril; misfortune 280 Ashan smoke 281 Ashbel an old fire 282 Ashdod effusion; inclination; theft 283 Asher happiness 284 Ashima crime; offense 285 Ashkenaz a fire that spreads 286 Ashnah change 287 Ashriel same as Asareel 288 Ashtaroth Ashtoreth, flocks; sheep; riches 289 Ashur who is happy; or walks; or looks 290 Asia muddy; boggy 291 Asiel the work of God 292 Askelon weight; balance; fire of infamy 293 Asnapper unhappiness; increase of danger 294 Asriel help of God 295 Assir prisoner; fettered 296 Asshurim liers in want; beholders 297 Assos approaching; coming near 298 Assur same as Ashur 299 Assyria country of Assur or Ashur 300 Asuppim gatherings 301 Asyncritus incomparable 302 Atad a thorn 303 Atarah a crown 304 Ataroth crowns 305 Ataroth-addar crowns of power 306 Ater left hand; shut 307 Athach thy time 308 Athaiah the Lords time 309 Athaliah the time of the Lord 310 Athlai my hour or time 311 Attai same as Athlai 312 Attalia that increases or sends 313 Attalus increased, nourished 314 Augustus increased, augmented 315 Ava or Ivah, iniquity 316 Aven iniquity; force; riches; sorrow 317 Avim wicked or perverse men

318 Avith wicked, perverse 319 Azaliah near the Lord 320 Azaniah hearing the Lord; the Lords weapons 321 Azareel help of God 322 Azariah he that hears the Lord 323 Azaz strong one 324 Azazel the scape-goat 325 Azaziah strength of the Lord 326 Azekah strength of walls 327 Azgad a strong army; a gang of robbers 328 Azmaveth strong death; a he-goat 329 Azmon bone of a bone; our strength 330 Aznoth-tabor the ears of Tabor; the ears of purity or contritio 331 Azor a helper; a court 332 Azotus the same as Ashdod 333 Azriel same as Asriel 334 Azrikam help, revenging 335 Azubah forsaken 336 Azur he that assists or is assisted 337 Azzan their strength 338 Azzur same as Azur 339 Baal master; lord 340 Baalah her idol; she that is governed or subdued; a spous 341 Baalath a rejoicing; our proud lord 342 Baalath-beer subjected pit 343 Baal-berith idol of the covenant 344 Baale same as Baalath 345 Baal-gad idol of fortune or felicity 346 Baal-hamon who rules a crowd 347 Baal-hermon possessor of destruction or of a thing cursed 348 Baali my idol; lord over me 349 Baalim idols; masters; false gods 350 Baalis a rejoicing; a proud lord 351 Baal-meon idol or master of the house 352 Baal-peor master of the opening 353 Baal-perazim god of divisions 354 Baal-shalisha the god that presides over three; the third idol 355 Baal-tamar master of the palm-tree 356 Baal-zebub god of the fly 357 Baal-zephon the idol or possession of the north; hidden; secre 358 Baanah in the answer; in affliction 359 Baara a flame; purging 360 Baaseiah in making; in pressing together 361 Baasha he that seeks, or lays waste 362 Babel confusion; mixture 363 Babylon same as Babel

364 Baca a mulberry-tree 365 Bahurim choice; warlike; valiant 366 Bajith a house 367 Balaam the ancient of the people; the destruction of the 368 Baladan one without judgment 369 Balak who lays waste or destroys 370 Bamah an eminence or high place 371 Barabbas son of shame, confusion 372 Barachel that bows before God 373 Barachias same as Barachel 374 Barak thunder, or in vain 375 Barjesus son of Jesus or Joshua 376 Barjona son of a Jona; of a dove 377 Barnabas son of the prophet, or of consolation 378 Barsabas son of return; son of rest 379 Bartholomew a son that suspends the waters 380 Bartimeus son of the honorable 381 Baruch who is blessed 382 Barzillai son of contempt; made of iron 383 Bashan in the tooth, in ivory 384 Bashemath perfumed; confusion of death; in desolation 385 Bathsheba the seventh daughter; the daughter of satiety 386 Bathsuha same as Bathsheba 387 Bealiah the god of an idol; in an assembly 388 Bealoth cast under 389 Bebai void, empty 390 Becher first begotten; first fruits 391 Bechorath first fruits 392 Bedad alone; solitary 393 Bedaiah Bedeiah, the only Lord 394 Bedan according to judgment 395 Beeliada an open idol 396 Beelzebub same as Baalzebub 397 Beer a well 398 Beera a well; declaring 399 Beerelim the well of Elim, or of rains 400 Beeri my well 401 Beer-lahai-roi the well of him that liveth and seeth me 402 Beeroth wells; explaining 403 Beersheba the well of an oath; the seventh well 404 Behemoth beasts 405 Bekah half a shekel 406 Belah destroying 407 Belial wicked, worthless 408 Belshazzar master of the treasure 409 Belteshazzar who lays up treasures in secret

410 Ben a son 411 Benaiah son of the Lord 412 Ben-ammi son of my people 413 Beneberak sons of lightning 414 Bene-jaakan sons of sorrow 415 Benhadad son of Hadad, or noise 416 Benhail son of strength 417 Benhanan son of grace 418 Benjamin son of the right hand 419 Benimi our sons 420 Beno his son 421 Benoni son of my sorrow, or pain 422 Benzoheth son of separation 423 Beon in affliction 424 Beor burning; foolish; mad 425 Bera a well; declaring 426 Berachah blessing; bending the knee 427 Berachiah speaking well of the Lord 428 Beraiah the choosing of the Lord 429 Berea heavy; weighty 430 Bered hail 431 Beri my son; my corn 432 Beriah in fellowship; in envy 433 Berith covenant 434 Bernice one that brings victory 435 Berodach-baladan the son of death 436 Berothai wells; a cypress 437 Berothath of a well 438 Besai a despising; dirty 439 Besodeiah counsel of the Lord 440 Besor glad news; incarnation 441 Betah confidence 442 Beten belly 443 Bethabara the house of confidence 444 Bethanath house of affliction 445 Bethany the house of song; the house of affliction 446 Betharabah house of sweet smell 447 Beth-aram house of height 448 Beth-aven the house of vanity; of iniquity of trouble 449 Beth-azmaveth house of deaths strength 450 Beth-baalmeon an idol of the dwelling-place 451 Beth-barah the chosen house 452 Beth-birei the house of my Creator, the house of my health 453 Beth-car the house of the lamb 454 Beth-dagon the house of corn, or of fish 455 Beth-diblathaim house of dry figs

456 Beth-el the house of God 457 Bethemek house of deepness 458 Bether division, or in the trial 459 Bethesda house of pity or mercy 460 Beth-ezal a neighbors house 461 Beth-gader a house for a mouse 462 Beth-gamul house of recompense, or of the camel 463 Beth-haccerem house of the vineyard 464 Beth-haran house of grace 465 Beth-horon house of wrath 466 Beth-lebaoth house of lionesses 467 Beth-lehem house of bread 468 Beth-marcaboth house of bitterness wiped out 469 Beth-meon house of the dwelling-place 470 Beth-nimrah house of rebellion 471 Beth-palet house of expulsion 472 Beth-pazzez house of dividing asunder 473 Beth-peor house of gaping, or opening 474 Bethphage house of my month, or of early figs 475 Beth-phelet same as Beth-palet 476 Beth-rapha house of health 477 Bethsaida house of fruits, or of food, or of snares 478 Bethshan Beth-shean, house of the tooth, or of ivory, or of 479 Beth-shemesh house of the sun 480 Bethuel filiation of God 481 Beth-zur house of a rock 482 Betonim bellies 483 Beulah married 484 Bezai eggs 485 Bezaleel in the shadow of God 486 Bezek lightning; in the chains 487 Bezer vine branches 488 Bichri first-born; first fruits 489 Bidkar in compunction, or sharp pain 490 Bigthan in the press; giving meat 491 Bigvai in my body 492 Bildad old friendship 493 Bileam the ancient of the people; the devourer 494 Bilgah ancient countenance 495 Bilhah Bilhan, who is old or confused 496 Bilshan in the tongue 497 Binea son of the Lord 498 Binnui building 499 Birsha an evil; a son who beholds 500 Bishlam in peace 501 Bithiah daughter of the Lord

502 Bithron divisions 503 Bithynia violent precipitation 504 Bizjothjah despite 505 Blastus that buds or brings forth 506 Boanerges son of thunder 507 Boaz or Booz, in strength 508 Bocheru the first born 509 Bochim the place of weeping; or of mulberry-trees 510 Bohan in them 511 Boskath in poverty 512 Boson taking away 513 Bozez mud; bog 514 Bozrah in tribulation or distress 515 Bukki void 516 Bukkiah the dissipation of the Lord 517 Bul old age; perishing 518 Bunah building; understanding 519 Bunni building me 520 Buz despised; plundered 521 Buzi my contempt 522 Cabbon as though understanding 523 Cabul displeasing; dirty 524 Caiphas he that seeks with diligence; one that vomiteth 525 Cain possession, or possessed 526 Cainan possessor; purchaser 527 Calah favorable; opportunity 528 Calcol nourishing 529 Caleb a dog; a crow; a basket 530 Caleb-Ephratah see Ephratah 531 Calneh our consummation 532 Calno our consummation; altogether himself 533 Calvary the place of a skull 534 Camon his resurrection 535 Cana zeal; jealousy; possession 536 Canaan merchant; trader; or that humbles and subdues 537 Candace who possesses contrition 538 Capernaum the field of repentance; city of comfort 539 Caphtor a sphere, buckle, or hand 540 Cappadocia the same as Caphtor 541 Carcas the covering of a lamb 542 Charchemish a lamb; as taken away; withdrawn 543 Careah bald; ice 544 Carmel circumcised lamb; harvest; full of ears of corn 545 Carmi my vineyard; lamb of the waters 546 Carpus fruit; fruitful 547 Carshena a lamb; sleeping

548 Casiphia money; covetousness 549 Casluhim hopes of life 550 Cedron black; sad 551 Cenchrea millet; small pulse 552 Cephas a rock or stone 553 Cesar a name applied to those who are cut out of the wom 554 Chalcol who nourishes, consumes, and sustains the whole 555 Chaldea as demons, or as robbers 556 Charran a singing or calling out 557 Chebar force or strength 558 Chedorlaomer roundness of a sheaf 559 Chelal as night 560 Chelub a basket 561 Chelluh all 562 Chelubai he altogether against me 563 Chemarims black ones 564 Chemosh handling; stroking; taking away 565 Chenaanah broken in pieces 566 Chenani my pillar 567 Chenaniah preparation, or disposition, or strength, of the L 568 Chephirah a little lioness 569 Cheran anger 570 Cherethims Cherethites, who cut or tear away 571 Cherith cutting; piercing; slaying 572 Chesed as a devil, or a destroyer 573 Chesil foolishness 574 Chesulloth fearfulness 575 Chidon a dart 576 Chiliab totality; or the perfection of the father 577 Chilion finished; complete; perfect 578 Chilmad teaching or learning 579 Chimham as they; like to them 580 Chios open; opening 581 Chisleu Cisleu, Casleu, rashness; confidence 582 Chislon hope, trust 583 Chisloth-tabor fears; purity 584 Chittem those that bruise; gold 585 Chloe green herb 586 Chorazin the secret; here is a mystery 587 Chozeba men liers in wait 588 Christ anointed 589 Chun making ready 590 Chushan-rishathaim blackness of iniquities 591 Chuza the seer or prophet 592 Cilicia which rolls or overturns 593 Cis same as Kish

594 Clauda a lamentable voice 595 Claudia Claudius, lame 596 Clement mild; good; merciful 597 Cleophas the whole glory 598 Cnidus age 599 Colhozeh every prophet 600 Colosse punishment; correction 601 Coniah strength of the Lord 602 Coos top, summit 603 Corinth which is satisfied; ornament; beauty 604 Cornelius of a horn 605 Cosam divining 606 Coz a thorn 607 Cozbi a liar; sliding away 608 Crescens growing; increasing 609 Crete carnal; fleshly 610 Crispus curled 611 Cush Cushan, Cushi, Ethiopians; blackness 612 Cuth Cuthah, burning 613 Cyprus fair; fairness 614 Cyrene a wall; coldness; the floor 615 Cyrenius who governs 616 Cyrus as miserable; as heir 617 Dabareh the word; the thing; a bee; obedient 618 Dabbasheth flowing with honey 619 Daberath same as Dabareh 620 Dagon corn; a fish 621 Dalaiah the poor of the Lord 622 Dalmanutha a bucket; a branch 623 Dalmatia deceitful lamps; vain brightness 624 Dalphon the house of caves 625 Damaris a little woman 626 Damascus a sack full of blood; the similitude of burning 627 Dan judgment; he that judges 628 Daniel judgment of God; God my judge 629 Dannah judging 630 Darah generation; house of the shepherd or of the compan 631 Darda home of knowledge 632 Darius he that informs himself 633 Darkon of generation; of possession 634 Dathan laws or rites 635 David well-beloved, dear 636 Debir an orator; a word 637 Deborah word; thing; a bee 638 Decapolis containing ten cities 639 Dedan their breasts; friendship; a judge

640 Dedanim the descendants of Dedan 641 Dekar force 642 Delaiah the poor of the Lord 643 Delilah poor; small; head of hair 644 Demas popular 645 Demetrius belonging to corn, or to Ceres 646 Derbe a sting 647 Deuel the knowledge of God 648 Deuteronomy repetition of the law 649 Diana luminous, perfect 650 Diblaim cluster of figs 651 Diblath paste of dry figs 652 Dibon abundance of knowledge 653 Dibon-gad great understanding; abundance of sons 654 Dibri an orator 655 Dibzahab Dizahab, where much gold is 656 Didymus a twin; double 657 Diklah Dildah, his diminishing 658 Dilean that is poor 659 Dimon where it is red 660 Dimonah dunghill 661 Dinah judgment; who judges 662 Dinhabah he gives judgment 663 Dionysius divinely touched 664 Diotrephes nourished by Jupiter 665 Dishan a threshing 666 Dishon fatness; ashes 667 Dodai Dodanim, beloved 668 Dodavah love 669 Dodo his uncle 670 Doeg careful, who acts with uneasiness 671 Dophkah a knocking 672 Dor generation, habitation 673 Dorcas a female roe-deer 674 Dothan the law; custom 675 Drusilla watered by the dew 676 Dumali silence; resemblance 677 Dura same as Dor 678 Ebal ancient heaps 679 Ebed a servant; laborer 680 Ebed-melech the kings servant 681 Eben-ezer the stone of help 682 Eber one that passes; anger 683 Ebiasaph a father that gathers or adds 684 Ebronah passage over; being angry 685 Ecclesiastes a preacher

686 Ed witness 687 Eden pleasure; delight 688 Eder a flock 689 Edom red, earthy; of blood 690 Edrei a very great mass, or cloud 691 Eglah heifer; chariot; round 692 Eglaim drops of the sea 693 Eglon same as Eglah 694 Egypt that troubles or oppresses; anguish 695 Ehud he that praises 696 Eker barren, feeble 697 Ekron barrenness; torn away 698 Eladah the eternity of God 699 Elah an oak; a curse; perjury 700 Elam a young man; a virgin; a secret 701 Elasah the doings of God 702 Elath a hind; strength; an oak 703 El-beth-el the God of Bethel 704 Eldaah knowledge of God 705 Eldad favored of God; love of God 706 Elead witness of God 707 Elealeh burnt-offering of God 708 Eleazar help of God, court of God 709 El-elohe-Israel God, the God of Israel 710 Eleph learning 711 Elhanan grace, or gift, or mercy of God 712 Eli the offering or lifting up 713 Eli Eli, my God, my God 714 Eliab God is my father; God is the father 715 Eliada knowledge of God 716 Eliah God the Lord 717 Eliahba my God the Father 718 Eliakim resurrection of God 719 Eliam the people of God 720 Elias same as Elijah 721 Eliasaph the Lord increaseth 722 Eliashib the God of conversion 723 Eliathah thou art my God 724 Elidad beloved of God 725 Eliel God, my God 726 Elienai the God of my eyes 727 Eliezer help, or court, of my God 728 Elihoreph god of winter, or of youth 729 Elihu he is my God himself 730 Elijah God the Lord, the strong Lord 731 Elika pelican of God

732 Elim the rams; the strong; stags 733 Elimelech my God is king 734 Elioenai toward him are mine eyes; or to him are my fountai 735 Eliphal a miracle of God 736 Eliphalet the God of deliverance 737 Eliphaz the endeavor of God 738 Elisabeth Elizabeth, the oath, or fullness, of God 739 Elisha salvation of God 740 Elishah it is God; the lamb of God: God that gives help 741 Elishama God hearing 742 Elishaphat my God judgeth 743 Elisheba same as Elisabeth 744 Elishua God is my salvation 745 Eliud God is my praise 746 Elizur God is my strength; my rock; rock of God 747 Elkanah God the zealous; the zeal of God 748 Elkeshai hardiness or rigor of God 749 Ellasar revolting from God 750 Elkoshite a man of Elkeshai 751 Elmodam the God of measure, or of the garment 752 Elnaam Gods fairness 753 Elnathan God hath given; the gift of God 754 Elohi Elohim, God 755 Elon oak; grove; strong 756 Elon-beth-hanan the house of grace or mercy 757 Elpaal Gods work 758 Elpalet same as Eliphalet 759 Eltekeh of grace or mercy 760 Elteketh the case of God 761 Eltolad the generation of God 762 Elul cry or outcry 763 Eluzai God is my strength 764 Elymas a magician, a corrupter 765 Elzabad the dowry of God 766 Elzaphan God of the northeast wind 767 Emims fears; terrors; formidable; people 768 Emmanuel God with us 769 Emmaus people despised or obscure 770 Emmor an ass 771 Enam fountain, open place 772 Enan cloud 773 En-dor fountain, eye of generation, or of habitation 774 Eneas laudable 775 En-eglaim eye, or fountain, of calves 776 En-gannim eye, or fountain, of protection or of gardens 777 En-gedi eye, or fountain, of the goat, or of happiness

778 En-haddah quick sight; well of gladness 779 En-hakkore fountain of him that called or prayed 780 En-hazor the grass of the well 781 En-mishpat fountain of judgment 782 Enoch dedicated; disciplined 783 Enon cloud; mass of darkness; fountain; eye 784 Enos mortal man; sick; despaired of; forgetful 785 En-rimmon well of weight 786 En-rogel the fullers fountain; the well of searching 787 En-shemesh fountain, or eye, of the sun 788 En-tappuah fountain of an apple, or of inflation 789 Epaphras covered with foam 790 Epaphroditus agreeable; handsome 791 Epenetus laudable; worthy of praise 792 Ephah weary; tired 793 Epher dust; lead 794 Ephes-dammim effusion of blood 795 Ephesus desirable 796 Eph-lal judging; praying 797 Ephphatha be opened 798 Ephraim fruitful; increasing 799 Ephratah Ephrath, abundance; bearing fruit 800 Ephron dust 801 Epicurean follower of Epicurus, i.e., of one who gives assis 802 Er watchman 803 Eran follower 804 Erastus lovely, amiable 805 Erech length; health; physic 806 Eri my city 807 Esaias same as Isaiah 808 Esar-haddon that closes the point; joy; cheerfulness 809 Esau he that acts or finishes 810 Esek contention 811 Esh-baal the fire of the idol, or of the ruler 812 Esh-ban fire of the sun 813 Eshcol bunch of grapes 814 Eshean held up 815 Eshek violence, force 816 Eshkalon same as Askelon 817 Eshtaol a strong woman 818 Eshtemoa the bosom of a woman 819 Esli near me; he who separates 820 Esmachiah joined to the Lord 821 Esrom dart of joy; division of a song 822 Esther secret; hidden 823 Etam their bird, their covering

824 Etham their strength; their sign 825 Ethan strong; the gift of the island 826 Ethanim strong; valiant 827 Ethbaal toward the idol, or with Baal 828 Ether talk 829 Ethiopia blackness; heat 830 Ethnan gift 831 Ethni strong 832 Eubulus prudent; good counselor 833 Eunice good victory 834 Euodias sweet scent 835 Euphrates that makes fruitful 836 Eutychus happy; fortunate 837 Eve living; enlivening 838 Evi unjust 839 Evil-merodach the fool of Merodach; the fool grinds bitterly 840 Exodus going out, departure 841 Ezbon hastening to understand 842 Ezekiel the strength of God 843 Ezel going abroad; walk 844 Ezem a bone 845 Ezer a help 846 Ezion-geber the wood of the man 847 Ezra help; court 848 Ezri my help 849 Felix happy, prosperous 850 Festus festive, joyful 851 Fortunatus lucky, fortunate 852 Gaal contempt; abomination 853 Gaash tempest; commotion 854 Gabbai the back 855 Gabbatha high; elevated 856 Gabriel God is my strength 857 Gad a band; a troop 858 Gadarenes men of Gadara, i.e., a place surrounded or walled 859 Gaddi my troop; a kid 860 Gaddiel goat of God; the Lord my happiness 861 Gaius lord; an earthly man 862 Galal a roll, a wheel 863 Galatia white; the color of milk 864 Galeed the heap of witness 865 Galilee wheel; revolution 866 Gallim who heap up; who cover 867 Gallio who sucks, or lives on milk 868 Gamaliel recompense of God; camel of God 869 Gammadims dwarfs

870 Gamul a recompense 871 Gareb a scab 872 Garmites men of Garmi, ie., bones, or, my cause 873 Gatam their lowing; their touch 874 Gath a wine-press 875 Gath-rimmon the high wine-press 876 Gaza strong; a goat 877 Gazabar a treasurer 878 Gazer a dividing; a sentence 879 Gazez a passing over 880 Gazzam the fleece of them 881 Geba a hill; cup 882 Gebal bound; limit 883 Geber manly, strong 884 Gebim grasshoppers; height 885 Gedaliah God is my greatness 886 Geder Gederah, Gederoth, a wall 887 Gederothaim hedges 888 Gehazi valley of sight 889 Geliloth rolling, wheel, heap 890 Gemalli wares; a camel 891 Gemariah accomplishment or perfection of the Lord 892 Gennesaret garden of the prince 893 Genesis beginning 894 Genubath theft; robbery 895 Gera pilgrimage, combat; dispute 896 Gerar same as Gera 897 Gergesenes those who come from pilgrimage or fight 898 Gerizim cutters, hatchets 899 Gershom a stranger here 900 Gershon his banishment; the change of pilgrimage 901 Geshur Geshuri, sight of the valley; a walled valley 902 Gether the vale of trial or searching 903 Gethsemane a very fat or plentiful vale 904 Geuel Gods redemption 905 Gezer dividing, sentence 906 Giah to guide; draw out; produce; a groan or sigh 907 Gibbar strong, manly 908 Gibbethon a back; a high house 909 Gibeah a hill 910 Gibeon hill; cup; thing lifted up 911 Giddel great 912 Gideon he that bruises or breaks; a destroyer 913 Gideoni same as Gideon 914 Gihon valley of grace 915 Gilalai a wheel

916 Gilboa revolution of inquiry 917 Gilead the heap or mass of testimony 918 Gilgal wheel; rolling; heap 919 Giloh he that rejoices; he that overturns 920 Gimzo that bulrush 921 Ginath Ginnetho, a garden 922 Girgashite who arrives from pilgrimage 923 Gispa coming hither 924 Gittah-hepher digging; a wine-press 925 Gittaim a wine-press 926 Gittites men of Gath, ie., of a wine-press 927 Goath his touching; his roaring 928 Gob cistern; grasshopper 929 Gog roof; covering 930 Golan passage; revolution 931 Golgotha a heap of skulls; something skull-shaped 932 Goliath passage; revolution; heap 933 Gomer to finish; complete 934 Gomorrah rebellious people 935 Goshen approaching; drawing near 936 Gozan fleece; pasture; who nourisheth the body 937 Gudgodah happiness 938 Guni a garden; a covering 939 Gur the young of a beast; a whelp 940 Gur-baal the governors whelp 941 Haahashtari a runner 942 Habaiah the hiding of the Lord 943 Habakkuk he that embraces; a wrestler 944 Habazinaiah a hiding of the shield of the Lord 945 Habor a partaker; a companion 946 Hachaliah who waits for the Lord 947 Hachilah my hope is in her 948 Hachmoni a wise man 949 Hadad joy; noise; clamor 950 Hadadezer beauty of assistance 951 Hadadrimmon invocation to the god Rimmon 952 Hadar power; greatness 953 Hadarezer same as Hadadezer 954 Hadashah news; a month 955 Hadassah a myrtle; joy 956 Hadid rejoicing; sharp 957 Hadlai loitering; hindering 958 Hadoram their beauty; their power 959 Hadrach point; joy of tenderness 960 Hagab Hagabah, a grasshopper 961 Hagar a stranger; one that fears

962 Haggai feast; solemnity 963 Haggeri Haggi, a stranger 964 Haggiah the Lords feast 965 Haggith rejoicing 966 Hakkatan little 967 Hakkoz a thorn; summer; an end 968 Hakupha a commandment of the mouth 969 Halah a moist table 970 Halak part 971 Halhul grief; looking for grief 972 Hali sickness; a beginning; a precious stone 973 Hallelujah praise the Lord 974 Halloesh saying nothing; an enchanter 975 Ham hot; heat; brown 976 Haman noise; tumult 977 Hamath anger; heat; a wall 978 Hamath-zobah the heat, or the wall, of an army 979 Hammedatha he that troubles the law 980 Hammelech a king; a counselor 981 Hammon heat; the sun 982 Hamonah his multitude; his uproar 983 Hamon-gog the multitude of Gog 984 Hamor an ass; clay; dirt 985 Hamoth indignation 986 Hamul godly; merciful 987 Hamutal the shadow of his heat 988 Hanameel the grace that comes from God; gift of God 989 Hanan full of grace 990 Hananeel grace, or gift, of God 991 Hanani my grace; my mercy 992 Hananiah grace; mercy; gift of the Lord 993 Hanes banishment of grace 994 Haniel the gift of God 995 Hannah gracious; merciful; he that gives 996 Hannathon the gift of grace 997 Hanniel grace or mercy of God 998 Hanoch dedicated 999 Hanun gracious; merciful 1000 Hapharaim searching; digging 1001 Hara a hill; showing forth 1002 Haradah well of great fear 1003 Haran mountainous country 1004 Harran see Charran 1005 Harbonah his destruction; his sword 1006 Hareph winter; reproach 1007 Harhas anger; heat of confidence

1008 Harhaiah heat, or anger, of the Lord 1009 Harhur made warm 1010 Harim destroyed; dedicated to God 1011 Harnepher the anger of a bull; increasing heat 1012 Harod astonishment; fear 1013 Harosheth a forest; agriculture; workmanship; deafness; sile 1014 Harsha workmanship; a wood 1015 Harum high; throwing down 1016 Harumaph destruction 1017 Haruphite slender; sharp 1018 Haruz careful 1019 Hasadiah the mercy of the Lord 1020 Hashabiah the estimation of the Lord 1021 Hashabnah Hashabniah, the silence of the Lord 1022 Hashem named; a putting to 1023 Hashub esteemed; numbered 1024 Hashubah estimation; thought 1025 Hashum silence; their hasting 1026 Hashupha spent; made base 1027 Hasrah wanting 1028 Hatach he that strikes 1029 Hathath fear 1030 Hatita a bending of sin 1031 Hattil howling for sin 1032 Hattipha robbery 1033 Hattush forsaking sin 1034 Hauran a hole; liberty; whiteness 1035 Havilah that suffers pain; that brings forth 1036 Havoth-jair the villages that enlighten 1037 Hazael that sees God 1038 Hazaiah seeing the Lord 1039 Hazar-addar an imprisoned generation 1040 Hazarenan imprisoned cloud 1041 Hazargaddah imprisoned band 1042 Hazar-hatticon middle village; preparation 1043 Hazarmaveth dwelling of death 1044 Hazar-shual a wolfs house 1045 Hazar-susah or susim, the hay-paunch of a horse 1046 Hazelelponi sorrow of countenance 1047 Hazeroth villages; palaces 1048 Hazezon-tamar drawing near to bitterness 1049 Hazo seeing; prophesying 1050 Hazor court; hay 1051 Heber one that passes; anger 1052 Hebrews descendants of Heber 1053 Hebron society; friendship

1054 Hegai or Hege, meditation; word; groaning; separation 1055 Helam their army; their trouble 1056 Helbah Helbon, milk, fatness 1057 Heldai Heleb, Heled, the world; rustiness 1058 Helek part; portion 1059 Helem dreaming; healing 1060 Heleph changing; passing over 1061 Helez armed; set free 1062 Heli ascending; climbing up 1063 Helkai same as Helek 1064 Helkath-hazzurim the field of strong men, or of rocks 1065 Helon window; grief 1066 Heman their trouble; tumult; much; in great number 1067 Hen grace; quiet; rest 1068 Hena troubling 1069 Henadad grace of the beloved 1070 Henoch same as Enoch 1071 Hepher a digger 1072 Hephzibah my delight is in her 1073 Heres the son; an earthen pot 1074 Heresh a carpenter 1075 Hermas Hermes, Mercury; gain; refuge 1076 Hermogenes begotten of Mercury 1077 Hermon anathema; devoted to destruction 1078 Herod son of a hero 1079 Herodion the song of Juno 1080 Heshbon invention; industry 1081 Heshmon a hasty messenger 1082 Heth trembling; fear 1083 Hethlon a fearful dwelling 1084 Hezekiah strength of the Lord 1085 Hezer Hezir, a bog; converted 1086 Hezrai an entry or vestibule 1087 Hezron the dart of joy; the division of the song 1088 Hiddai a praise; a cry 1089 Hiddekel sharp voice; sound 1090 Hiel God lives; the life of God 1091 Hierapolis holy city 1092 Higgaion meditation; consideration 1093 Hilen a window; grief 1094 Hilkiah God is my portion 1095 Hillel he that praises 1096 Hinnom there they are; their riches 1097 Hirah liberty; anger 1098 Hiram exaltation of life; a destroyer 1099 Hittite one who is broken; who fears

1100 Hivites wicked; wickedness 1101 Hizkijah the strength of the Lord 1102 Hobab favored; beloved 1103 Hobah love; friendship; secrecy 1104 Hod praise; confession 1105 Hodaiah the praise of the Lord 1106 Hodaviah Hodiah, Hodijah, same as Hodaiah 1107 Hodesh a table; news 1108 Hoglah his festival or dance 1109 Hoham woe to them 1110 Holon a window; grief 1111 Homam making an uproar 1112 Hophin he that covers; my fist 1113 Hor who conceives, or shows; a hill 1114 Horam their hill 1115 Horeb desert; solitude; destruction 1116 Horem an offering dedicated to God 1117 Hor-hagidgad the hill of felicity 1118 Hori a prince; freeborn 1119 Horims princes; being angry 1120 Hormah devoted or consecrated to God; utter destruction 1121 Horonaim angers; ragings 1122 Horonites men of anger, or of fury, or of liberty 1123 Hosah trusting 1124 Hosanna save I pray thee; keep; preserve 1125 Hosea Hoshea, savior; safety 1126 Hoshaiah the salvation of the Lord 1127 Hoshama heard; he obeys 1128 Hotham a seal 1129 Hothir excelling; remaining 1130 Hukkok engraver; scribe; lawyer 1131 Hul pain; infirmity 1132 Huldah the world 1133 Hupham their chamber; their bank 1134 Huppim a chamber covered; the sea-shore 1135 Hur liberty; whiteness; hole 1136 Huram their liberty; their whiteness; their hole 1137 Huri being angry; or same as Huram 1138 Hushah hasting; holding peace 1139 Hushai their haste; their sensuality; their silence 1140 Hushathite Hushim, man of haste, or of silence 1141 Huz counsel; woods; fastened 1142 Huzoth streets; populous 1143 Huzzab molten 1144 Hymeneus nuptial; the god of marriage 1145 Ibhar election; he that is chosen

1146 Ibleam ancient people; people decreasing 1147 Ibneiah Ibniah, the building of the Lord; the understandin 1148 Ibri passing over; being angry; being with young 1149 Ibzan father of a target; father of coldness 1150 Ichabod where is the glory? or, no glory 1151 Iconium coming 1152 Idalah the hand of slander, or of cursing 1153 Idbash flowing with honey; the land of destruction 1154 Iddo his band; power; praise 1155 Idumea red; earthy; bloody 1156 Igal redeemed; defiled 1157 Igeal a redeemer; redeemed; defiled 1158 Igdaliah the greatness of the Lord 1159 Iim heaps of Hebrews, or of angry men 1160 Ije-abarim heaps of Hebrews, or of passers over 1161 Ijon look; eye; fountain 1162 Ikkesh forward; wicked 1163 Illyricum joy; rejoicing 1164 Imlah plentitude; circumcision 1165 Immanuel God with us 1166 Immer saying; speaking; a lamb 1167 Imnah same as Jimnah 1168 Imrah a rebel; waxing bitter; changing 1169 Imri speaking; exalting; bitter; a lamb 1170 India praise; law 1171 Iphedeiah redemption of the Lord 1172 Ir watchman; city; vision 1173 Ira watchman; making bare; pouring out 1174 Irad wild ass; heap of empire; dragon 1175 Iram the effusion of them; a high heap 1176 Iri fire; light 1177 Irijah the fear of the Lord 1178 Irpeel the health, medicine, or exulting of God 1179 Irshemesh a city of bondage 1180 Isaac laughter 1181 Isaiah the salvation of the Lord 1182 Iscah he that anoints 1183 Iscariot a man of murder; a hireling 1184 Ishbak who is empty or exhausted 1185 Ishbi-benob respiration; conversion; taking captive 1186 Ishbosheth a man of shame 1187 Ishi salvation 1188 Ishiah it is the Lord 1189 Ishma named; marveling; desolation 1190 Ishmael God that hears 1191 Ishmaiah hearing or obeying the Lord

1192 Ishmerai keeper, or keeping 1193 Ishod a comely man 1194 Ish-pan hid; broken in two 1195 Ish-tob good man 1196 Ishua plainness; equal 1197 Ishmachiah cleaving to the Lord 1198 Ispah a jasper stone 1199 Israel who prevails with God 1200 Issachar reward; recompense 1201 Isui same as Ishuah 1202 Ithai strong; my sign; a plowshare 1203 Italy abounding with calves or heifers 1204 Ithamar island of the palm-tree 1205 Ithiel sign, or coming of God 1206 Ithmah an orphan 1207 Ithran remaining; searching out diligently 1208 Ithream excellence of the people 1209 Ittah-kazin hour, or time, of a prince 1210 Iturea guarded; mountainous 1211 Ivah iniquity 1212 Izehar Izhar, clearness; oil 1213 Izrahiah the Lord ariseth; the clearness of the Lord 1214 Izri fasting; tribulation 1215 Jaakan tribulation; labor 1216 Jaakobah supplanter; deceiver; the heel 1217 Jaala ascending; a little doe or goat 1218 Jaalam hidden; young man; heir 1219 Jaanai answering; afflicting; making poor 1220 Jaasau doing; my doing 1221 Jaasiel Gods work 1222 Jaazaniah whom the Lord will hear 1223 Jaazah Jaazar, helper 1224 Jaaziah Jaaziel, the strength of the Lord 1225 Jabal which glides away 1226 Jabbok evacuation; dissipation; wrestling 1227 Jabesh dryness; confusion; shame 1228 Jabez sorrow; trouble 1229 Jabin Jabneh, he that understands; building 1230 Jabneel building of God 1231 Jachan wearing out; oppressing 1232 Jachin he that strengthens and makes steadfast 1233 Jacob that supplants, undermines; the heel 1234 Jada knowing 1235 Jadau his hand; his confession 1236 Jaddua known 1237 Jael he that ascends; a kid

1238 Jagur husbandman; stranger 1239 Jah the everlasting 1240 Jahaleel praising God; light of God 1241 Jahath broken in pieces; descending 1242 Jahaz Jahazah, quarrel; dispute 1243 Jahaziah the vision of the Lord 1244 Jahaziel seeing God 1245 Jahdiel the unity, or sharpness, or revenge, of God 1246 Jahdo I alone; his joy; his sharpness of wit; his newnes 1247 Jahleel waiting for, or beseeching, or hope in, God 1248 Jahmai warm; making warm 1249 Jahzeel God hasteth, or divideth 1250 Jair Jairus, my light; who diffuses light 1251 Jakan same as Achan 1252 Jakim rising; confirming; establishing 1253 Jalon tarrying; murmuring 1254 Jambres poverty; bitter; a rebel 1255 James same as Jacob 1256 Jamin right hand; south wind 1257 Jamlech reigning; asking counsel 1258 Janna Jannes, who speaks or answers; afflicted; poor 1259 Janoah Janohah, resting; tarrying; deriving 1260 Janum sleeping 1261 Japhet enlarged; fair; persuading 1262 Japhia enlightening; appearing 1263 Japhlet Japhleti, delivered; banished 1264 Japho fairness; comeliness 1265 Jarah a wood; honeycomb; watching closely 1266 Jareb a revenger 1267 Jared a ruling; commanding; coming down 1268 Jaresiah the bed of the Lord; the Lord hath taken away; pov 1269 Jarib fighting; chiding; multiplying; avenging 1270 Jarmuth fearing, or seeing, or throwing down, death 1271 Jarvah breathing, or making, a sweet smell 1272 Jashem Jashen, ancient; sleeping 1273 Jasher righteous; upright 1274 Jashobeam the people sitting; or captivity of the people 1275 Jashub a returning; a controversy; a dwelling place 1276 Jasiel the strength of God 1277 Jason he that cures 1278 Jathniel gift of God 1279 Jattir a remnant; excellent 1280 Javan deceiver; one who makes sad 1281 Jazeel strength of God 1282 Jazer assistance; helper 1283 Jaziz brightness; departing

1284 Jearim a leap; woods 1285 Jeaterai searching out 1286 Jeberechiah speaking well of, or kneeling to, the Lord 1287 Jebus treading under foot; manger 1288 Jebusi trodden under foot; mangers 1289 Jecamiah resurrection, or confirmation, or revenge, of the 1290 Jecoliah perfection, or power, of the Lord 1291 Jeconiah preparation, or stability, of the Lord 1292 Jedaiah the hand of the Lord; confessing the Lord 1293 Jedeiah one Lord; the joy of the Lord 1294 Jediael the science, or knowledge, of God 1295 Jedidah well beloved; amiable 1296 Jedidiah beloved of the Lord 1297 Jediel the knowledge, or renewing, of God 1298 Jeduthun his law; giving praise 1299 Jeezer island of help 1300 Jegar-sahadutha heap of witness 1301 Jehaleleel Jehalelel, praising God; clearness of God 1302 Jehaziel same as Jahaziel 1303 Jehdeiah joy together, one Lord 1304 Jeheiel God liveth 1305 Jehezekel strength of God 1306 Jehiah the Lord liveth 1307 Jehiskiah the strength, or taking, of the Lord 1308 Jehoadah passing over; testimony of the Lord 1309 Jehoaddan pleasure, or time, of the Lord 1310 Jehoahaz possession of the Lord 1311 Jehoash fire of the Lord 1312 Jehohanan grace, or mercy, or gift, of the Lord 1313 Jehoiachin preparation, or strength, of the Lord 1314 Jehoiada knowledge of the Lord 1315 Jehoiakim avenging, or establishing, or resurrection, of the 1316 Jehoiarib fighting, or multiplying, of the Lord 1317 Jehonadab Jonadab, free giver; liberality 1318 Jehonathan gift of the Lord; gift of a dove 1319 Jehoram exaltation of the Lord 1320 Jehoshaphat the Lord is judge 1321 Jehosheba fullness, or oath, of the Lord 1322 Jehoshua same as Joshua 1323 Jehovah self-subsisting 1324 Jehovah-jireh the Lord will provide 1325 Jehovah-nissi the Lord my banner 1326 Jehovah-shalom the Lord send peace 1327 Jehovah-shammah the Lord is there 1328 Jehovah-tsidkenu the Lord our righteousness 1329 Jehozabad the Lords dowry; having a dowry

1330 Jehozadak justice of the Lord 1331 Jehu himself who exists 1332 Jehubbah hiding, binding 1333 Jehucal mighty; perfect; wasted 1334 Jehud Jehudi, praising; conferring 1335 Jehudijah the praise of the Lord 1336 Jehush keeping counsel; fastened 1337 Jekabzeel the congregation of God 1338 Jekamean the people shall arise 1339 Jekamiah establishing, or revenging, of the Lord 1340 Jekuthiel hope, or congregation, of the Lord 1341 Jemima handsome as the day 1342 Jemuel Gods day; son of God 1343 Jephunneh he that beholds 1344 Jerah the moon; month; smelling sweet 1345 Jerahmeel the mercy, or the beloved, of God 1346 Jered ruling; coming down 1347 Jeremai my height; throwing forth waters 1348 Jeremiah exaltation of the Lord 1349 Jeremoth eminences; one that fears death 1350 Jeriah fear, or throwing down, of the Lord 1351 Jerebai fighting; chiding; multiplying 1352 Jericho his moon; his month; his sweet smell 1353 Jeriel fear, or vision of God 1354 Jerijah same as Jeriah 1355 Jerimoth he that fears or rejects death 1356 Jerioth kettles; breaking asunder 1357 Jeroboam he that opposes the people 1358 Jeroham high; merciful; beloved 1359 Jerubbaal he that defends Baal, let Baal defend his cause 1360 Jerubbesheth let the idol of confusion defend itself 1361 Jeruel fear, or vision of God 1362 Jerusalem vision of peace 1363 Jerusha banished; possession; inheritance 1364 Jesaiah health, or salvation, of the Lord 1365 Jeshebeab sitting, or captivity, of the father 1366 Jesher right; singing 1367 Jeshimon solitude; desolation 1368 Jeshishai ancient; rejoicing exceedingly 1369 Jeshohaia the Lord pressing; the meditation of God 1370 Jeshua same as Joshua 1371 Jesiah sprinkling of the Lord 1372 Jesimiel naming, or astonishment, of God 1373 Jesse gift; oblation; one who is 1374 Jesui even-tempered; flat country 1375 Jesus savior; deliverer

1376 Jether he that excels 1377 Jetheth giving 1378 Jethlah hanging up; heaping up 1379 Jethro his excellence; his posterity 1380 Jetur order; succession; mountainous 1381 Jeuel God hath taken away; God heaping up 1382 Jeush Jeuz, he that is devoured 1383 Jew same as Judah 1384 Jezaniah nourishment, or weapons, of the Lord 1385 Jezebel chaste 1386 Jezer island of help 1387 Jeziah Jeziel, sprinkling of the Lord 1388 Jezoar clear; white 1389 Jezrahiah the Lord arises; brightness of the Lord 1390 Jezneel seed of God 1391 Jibsam their drought, their confusion 1392 Jidlaph he that distills water 1393 Jimnah right hand; numbering; preparing 1394 Jiphtah opening 1395 Jiphthael God opening 1396 Joab paternity; voluntary 1397 Joah fraternity; brother of the Lord 1398 Joahaz apprehending; possessing; seeing 1399 Joakim rising or establishing of the Lord 1400 Joanna grace or gift of the Lord 1401 Joash who despairs or burns 1402 Joatham same as Jotham 1403 Job he that weeps or cries 1404 Jobab sorrowful, hated 1405 Jochebed glorious; honorable 1406 Joed witnessing; robbing; passing over 1407 Joel he that wills or commands 1408 Joelah lifting up; profiting; taking away slander 1409 Joezer he that aids 1410 Jogbehah an exalting; high 1411 Jogli passing over; turning back; rejoicing 1412 Joha who enlivens or gives life 1413 Johanan who is liberal or merciful 1414 John the grace or mercy of the Lord 1415 Joiarib chiding, or multiplying, of the Lord 1416 Jokdeam crookedness, or burning, of the people 1417 Jokim that made the sun stand still 1418 Jokmeam confirmation, or revenge, of the people 1419 Jokneam possessing, or building up, of the people 1420 Jokshan an offense; hardness; a knocking 1421 Joktan small dispute; contention; disgust

1422 Jonadab who gives liberally 1423 Jonah or Jonas, a dove; he that oppresses; destroyer 1424 Jonan a dove; multiplying of the people 1425 Jonathan given of God 1426 Joppa beauty; comeliness 1427 Jorah Jorai, showing; casting forth; a cauldron 1428 Joram to cast; elevated 1429 Jordan the river of judgment 1430 Jorim he that exalts the Lord 1431 Josabad having a dowry 1432 Josaphat same as Jehoshaphat 1433 Jose raised; who pardons 1434 Joseph increase; addition 1435 Joses same as Jose 1436 Joshah being; forgetting; owing 1437 Joshaviah the seat, alteration, or captivity of the Lord 1438 Joshbekesha it is requiring or beseeching 1439 Joshua a savior; a deliverer 1440 Josiah the Lord burns; the fire of the Lord 1441 Josibiah the seat, or captivity of the Lord 1442 Josiphiah increase of the Lord; the Lords finishing 1443 Jotham the perfection of the Lord 1444 Jothath Jothatha, his goodness 1445 Jozabad same as Josabad 1446 Jozachar remembering; of the male sex 1447 Jubal he that runs; a trumpet 1448 Jucal mighty; perfect 1449 Judah the praise of the Lord; confession 1450 Judas Jude, same as Judah 1451 Judaea Judea, same as Judah 1452 Judith same as Judah 1453 Julia downy; soft and tender hair 1454 Julius same as Julia 1455 Junia youth 1456 Jupiter the father that helpeth 1457 Jushabhesed dwelling-place; change of mercy 1458 Justus just or upright 1459 Juttah turning away 1460 Kabzeel the congregation of God 1461 Kadesh holiness 1462 Kadesh-barnea holiness of an inconstant son 1463 Kadmiel God of antiquity; God of rising 1464 Kadmonites ancients; chiefs 1465 Kallai light; resting by fire; my voice 1466 Kanah of reeds 1467 Kareah bald; ice

1468 Karkaa floor; dissolving coldness 1469 Karkor they rested 1470 Karnaim horns 1471 Kartah calling; meeting 1472 Kedar blackness; sorrow 1473 Kedemah oriental; ancient; first 1474 Kedemoth antiquity; old age 1475 Kehelahath a whole; a congregation 1476 Keiiah she that divides or cuts 1477 Kelaiah voice of the Lord; gathering together 1478 Kelitah same as Kelaiah 1479 Kemuel God hath raised up, or established him 1480 Kenah buying; possession 1481 Kenan buyer; owner 1482 Kenaz this purchase; this lamentation 1483 Kenites possession; purchase; lamentation 1484 Kenizzites possession; purchase 1485 Keren-happuch the horn or child of beauty 1486 Kerioth the cities; the callings 1487 Keros crooked; crookedness 1488 Keturah that makes the incense to fume 1489 Kezia superficies; the angle; cassia 1490 Keziz end; extremity 1491 Kibroth-hattaavah the graves of lust 1492 Kibzaim congregation 1493 Kidron obscure; making black or sad 1494 Kinah same as Kenah 1495 Kir a city; wall; meeting 1496 Kirharaseth Kirharesh, city of the sun; wall of burnt brick 1497 Kirioth same as Kerioth 1498 Kirjath city; vocation; meeting 1499 Kirjathaim the two cities; callings; or meetings 1500 Kirjath-arba city of four; fourth city 1501 Kirjath-arim city of those who watch 1502 Kirjath-baal city of Baal, or of a ruler 1503 Kirjath-huzoth city of streets; populous city 1504 Kirjath-jearim city of woods 1505 Kirjath-sannah city of enmity, or of a blackberry bush 1506 Kirjath-sepher city of letters, or of the book 1507 Kish hard; difficult; straw; for age 1508 Kishi hardness; his gravity; his offense 1509 Kishion hardness; soreness 1510 Kishon hard; sore 1511 Kithlish it is a wall; the company of a lioness 1512 Kitron making sweet; binding together 1513 Kittim breaking; bruising small; gold; coloring

1514 Koa hope; a congregation; a line; a rule 1515 Kohath congregation; wrinkle; bluntness 1516 Kolariah voice of the Lord 1517 Korah baldness; ice; frost 1518 Kushaiah same as Kishi 1519 Laadah to assemble together; to testify; passing over 1520 Laadan for pleasure; devouring; judgment 1521 Laban white; shining; gentle; brittle 1522 Labana the moon; whiteness; frankincense 1523 Lachish who walks, or exists, of himself 1524 Lael to God; to the mighty 1525 Lahad praising; to confess 1526 Lahairoi who liveth and seeth me 1527 Lahmam their bread; their war 1528 Lahmi my bread; my war 1529 Laish a lion 1530 Lamech poor; made low 1531 Laodicea just people 1532 Lapidoth enlightened; lamps 1533 Lasea thick; wise 1534 Lashah to call; to anoint 1535 Lazarus assistance of God 1536 Leah weary; tired 1537 Lebanon white, incense 1538 Lebaoth lividness 1539 Lebbeus a man of heart; praising; confessing 1540 Lebonah same as Labana 1541 Lehabim flames; inflamed; swords 1542 Lehi jawbone 1543 Lekah walking; going 1544 Lemuel God with them, or him 1545 Leshem a name; putting; a precious stone 1546 Letushim hammermen; filemen 1547 Leummim countries; without water 1548 Levi associated with him 1549 Libnah white; whiteness 1550 Libni same as Libnah 1551 Libya the heart of the sea; fat 1552 Linus net 1553 Lo-ammi not my people 1554 Lod nativity; generation 1555 Lois better 1556 Lo-ruhamah not having obtained mercy; not pitied 1557 Lot Lotan, wrapt up; hidden; covered; myrrh; rosin 1558 Lubin heart of a man; heart of the sea 1559 Lucas Lucius, luminous; white

1560 Lucifer bringing light 1561 Lud Ludim, same as Lod 1562 Luhith made of boards 1563 Luke luminous; white 1564 Luz separation; departure; an almond 1565 Lycaonia she-wolf 1566 Lydda Lydia, a standing pool 1567 Lysanias that drives away sorrow 1568 Lysias dissolving 1569 Lysimachus scattering the battle 1571 Maachah pressed down; worn; fastened 1572 Maachathi broken 1573 Maadai pleasant; testifying 1574 Maadiah pleasantness; the testimony of the Lord 1575 Maai belly; heaping up 1576 Maale-akrabbim ascent of scorpions 1577 Maarath den; making empty; watching 1578 Maaseiah the work of the Lord 1579 Maasiai the defense, or strength, or trust of the Lord 1580 Maath wiping away; breaking; fearing; smiting 1581 Maaz wood; wooden 1582 Macedonia burning; adoration 1583 Machbenah Machbanai, poverty; the smiting of his son 1584 Machi poor; a smiter 1585 Machir selling; knowing 1586 Machnadebai smiter 1587 Machpelah double 1588 Madai a measure; judging; a garment 1589 Madian judgment; striving; covering; chiding 1590 Madmannah measure of a gift; preparation of a garment 1591 Madon a chiding; a garment; his measure 1592 Magbish excelling; height 1593 Magdala tower; greatness 1594 Magdalene a person from Magdala 1595 Magdiel declaring God; chosen fruit of God 1596 Magog covering; roof; dissolving 1597 Magor-missabib fear on every side 1598 Magpiash a body thrust hard together 1599 Mahalah Mahalath, sickness; a company of dancers; a harp 1600 Mahaleleel praising God 1601 Mahali infirmity; a harp; pardon 1602 Mahanaim tents; two fields; two armies 1603 Mahanehdan tents of judgment 1604 Mahanem a comforter 1605 Maharai hasting; a hill; from a hill 1606 Mahath same as Maath

1607 Mahavites declaring a message; marrow 1608 Mahaz an end; ending; growing hope 1609 Mahazioth seeing a sign; seeing a letter 1610 Maher-shalal-hash-baz making speed to the spoil; he hastens to the prey 1611 Mahlah Mahli, Mahlon, same as Mahali 1612 Makas same as Mahaz 1613 Makheloth assemblies; congregations 1614 Makkedah worshiping; burning; raised; crookedness 1615 Malachi my messenger; my angel 1616 Malcham Malchom, their king; their counselor 1617 Malchiah Malchijah, the Lord my king, or my counselor 1618 Malchiel God is my king, or counselor 1619 Malchus my king, kingdom, or counselor 1620 Maleleel same as Mahaleleel 1621 Mallothi fullness; circumcision 1622 Malluch reigning; counseling 1623 Mammon riches 1624 Mamre rebellious; bitter; set with trees 1625 Manaen a comforter; a leader 1626 Manahethites my lady; my prince of rest 1627 Manasseh forgetfulness; he that is forgotten 1628 Manoah rest; a present 1629 Maon house; place of sin 1630 Mara Marah, bitter; bitterness 1631 Maralah sleep; a sacrifice of myrrh; ascension 1632 Maranatha the Lord is coming 1633 Marcus polite; shining 1634 Mareshah from the beginning; an inheritance 1635 Mark same as Marcus 1636 Maroth bitterness 1637 Marsena bitterness of a bramble 1638 Martha who becomes bitter; provoking 1639 Mary same as Miriam 1640 Mash same as Meshech 1641 Mashal a parable; governing 1642 Masrekah whistling; hissing 1643 Massa a burden; prophecy 1644 Massah temptation 1645 Matred wand of government 1646 Matri rain; prison 1647 Mattan Mattana, Mattenai, gifts; rains 1648 Mattaniah gift, or hope, of the Lord 1649 Mattatha his gift 1650 Mattathias the gift of the Lord 1651 Matthan same as Mattan 1652 Matthanias same as Mattaniah

1653 Matthal gift; he that gives 1654 Matthew given; a reward 1655 Matthias Mattithiah, same as Mattathias 1656 Mazzaroth the twelve signs of the zodiac 1657 Meah a hundred cubits 1658 Mearah den; cave; making empty 1659 Mebunnai son; building; understanding 1660 Mecherath selling; knowledge 1661 Medad he that measures; water of love 1662 Medan judgment; process 1663 Medeba waters of grief; waters springing up 1664 Media measure; habit; covering 1665 Megiddo his precious fruit; declaring a message 1666 Megiddon same as Megiddo 1667 Mehetabel how good is God 1668 Mehida a riddle; sharpness of wit 1669 Mehir a reward 1670 Mehujael who proclaims God 1671 Mehuman making an uproar; a multitude 1672 Mejarkon the waters of Jordan 1673 Mekonah a foot of a pillar; provision 1674 Melatiah deliverance of the Lord 1675 Melchi my king; my counsel 1676 Melchiah God is my king 1677 Melchi-shua king of health; magnificent king 1678 Melchizedek king of justice 1679 Melea supplying; supplied 1680 Melech king; counselor 1681 Melita affording honey 1682 Mellicu his kingdom; his counselor 1683 Melzar circumcision of a narrow place, or of a bond 1684 Memphis abode of the good 1685 Memucan impoverished; to prepare; certain; true 1686 Menahem comforter; who conducts them; preparation of heat 1687 Menan numbered; rewarded; prepared 1688 Mene who reckons or is counted 1689 Meonenim charmers, regarders of times 1690 Mephaath appearance, or force, of waters 1691 Mephibosheth out of my mouth proceeds reproach 1692 Merab he that fights or disputes 1693 Meraioth bitterness; rebellious; changing 1694 Merari bitter; to provoke 1695 Mercurius an orator; an interpreter 1696 Mered rebellious, ruling 1697 Meremoth bitterness; myrrh of death 1698 Meres defluxion; imposthume

1699 Meribah dispute; quarrel 1700 Meribbaal he that resists Baal; rebellion 1701 Merodach bitter contrition 1702 Merodach-baladan bitter contrition, without judgment 1703 Merom eminences; elevations 1704 Meronothite my singing; rejoicing; bearing rule 1705 Meroz secret, leanness 1706 Mesha burden; salvation 1707 Meshach that draws with force 1708 Meshech who is drawn by force 1709 Meshelemiah peace, or perfection, of the Lord 1710 Meshezaheel God taking away; the salvation of God 1711 Meshillamith peaceable; perfect; giving again 1712 Meshullam peaceable; perfect; their parables 1713 Mesobaite the Lords standing-place; a little doe 1714 Mesopotamia between two rivers 1715 Messiah anointed 1716 Metheg-ammah bridle of bondage 1717 Methusael who demands his death 1718 Methusaleh he has sent his death 1719 Meunim dwelling-places; afflicted 1720 Mezahab gilded 1721 Miamin the right hand 1722 Mibhar chosen; youth 1723 Mibsam smelling sweet 1724 Mibzar defending; forbidding; taking away 1725 Micah poor; humble 1726 Micaiah who is like to God? 1727 Micha same as Micaiah 1728 Michaiah Michael, same as Micah 1729 Michal who is perfect? 1730 Michmach he that strikes 1731 Michmethah the gift or death of a striker 1732 Michri selling 1733 Michtam golden psalm 1734 Middin judgment; striving 1735 Midian judgment; covering; habit 1736 Migdalel tower of God 1737 Migdalgad tower compassed about 1738 Migdol a tower 1739 Migron fear; farm; throat 1740 Mijamin right hand 1741 Mikloth little wants; little voices; looking downward 1742 Minneiah possession of the Lord 1743 Milalai circumcision; my talk 1744 Milcah queen

1745 Milcom their king 1746 Miletum red; scarlet 1747 Millo fullness 1748 Miniamin right hand 1749 Minni reckoned; prepared 1750 Minnith same as Minni 1751 Miriam rebellion 1752 Mishael who is asked for or lent 1753 Mishal parables; governing 1754 Misham their savior; taking away 1755 Misheal requiring; lent; pit 1756 Mishma hearing; obeying 1757 Mishmannah fatness; taking away provision 1758 Mishraites spread abroad 1759 Mispar Mispereth, numbering; showing; increase of tribute 1760 Misrephoth-maim hot waters 1761 Mithcah sweetness; pleasantness 1762 Mithnite loin; gift; hope 1763 Mithredath breaking the law 1764 Mitylene purity; cleansing; press 1765 Mizar little 1766 Mizpah Mizpeh, a watch-tower; speculation 1767 Mizraim tribulations 1768 Mizzah defluxion from the head 1769 Mnason a diligent seeker; an exhorter 1770 Moab of his father 1771 Moladah birth; generation 1772 Molech Moloch, king 1773 Molid nativity; generation 1774 Mordecai contrition; bitter; bruising 1775 Moreh stretching 1776 Moriah bitterness of the Lord 1777 Moserah Moseroth, erudition; discipline 1778 Moses taken out; drawn forth 1779 Mozah unleavened 1780 Muppim out of the mouth; covering 1781 Mushi he that touches, that withdraws or takes away 1782 Myra I flow; pour out; weep 1783 Mysia criminal; abominable 1784 Naam fair; pleasant 1785 Naamah Naaman, beautiful; agreeable 1786 Naarah Naarai, young person 1787 Naashon that foretells; that conjectures 1788 Nabal fool; senseless 1789 Naboth words; prophecies 1790 Nachon ready; sure

1791 Nachor same as Nahor 1792 Nadab free and voluntary gift; prince 1793 Nagge clearness; brightness; light 1794 Nahaliel inheritance; valley of God 1795 Nahallal praised; bright 1796 Naham Nahamani, comforter; leader 1797 Naharai my nostrils; hot; anger 1798 Nahash snake; serpent 1799 Nahath rest; a leader 1800 Nahbi very secret 1801 Nahor hoarse; dry; hot 1802 Nahshon same as Naashon 1803 Nahum comforter; penitent 1804 Nain beauty; pleasantness 1805 Naioth beauties; habitations 1806 Naomi beautiful; agreeable 1807 Naphish the soul; he that rests, refreshes himself, or res 1808 Naphtali that struggles or fights 1809 Narcissus astonishment; stupidity 1810 Nason helper; entry-way 1811 Nathan given; giving; rewarded 1812 Nathanael the gift of God 1813 Nathan-melech the gift of the king, or of counsel 1814 Naum same as Nahum 1815 Nazareth separated; crowned; sanctified 1816 Nazarite one chosen or set apart 1817 Neah moved; moving 1818 Neapolis the new city 1819 Neariah child of the Lord 1820 Nebai budding; speaking; prophesying 1821 Nebaioth words; prophecies; buds 1822 Neballat prophecy; budding 1823 Nebat that beholds 1824 Nebo that speaks or prophesies 1825 Nebuchadnezzar Nebuchadrezzar, tears and groans of judgment 1826 Nebushasi_hahban speech; prophecy; springing; flowing 1827 Nebuzar-adan fruits or prophecies of judgment 1828 Necho lame; beaten 1829 Nedabiah prince or vow of the Lord 1830 Neginoth stringed instruments 1831 Nehelamite dreamer; vale; brook 1832 Nehemiah consolation; repentance of the Lord 1833 Nehum comforter; penitent 1834 Nehushta made of brass 1835 Nehushtan a trifling thing of brass 1836 Neiel commotion, or moving, of God

1837 Nekoda painted; inconstant 1838 Nemuel the sleeping of God 1839 Nepheg weak; slacked 1840 Nephish same as Naphish 1841 Nephishesim diminished; torn in pieces 1842 Nephthalim same as Naphtali 1843 Nephthoah opening; open 1844 Nephusim same as Nephishesim 1845 Ner a lamp; new-tilled land 1846 Nereus same as Ner 1847 Nergal the great man; the hero 1848 Nergal-sharezer treasurer of Nergal 1849 Neri my light 1850 Neriah light; lamp of the Lord 1851 Nethaneel same as Nathanael 1852 Nethaniah the gift of the Lord 1853 Nethinims given or offered 1854 Neziah conqueror; strong 1855 Nezib standing-place 1856 Nibhaz budding; prophesying 1857 Nibshan prophecy; growing of a tooth 1858 Nicanor a conqueror; victorious 1859 Nicodemus victory of the people 1860 Nicolas same as Nicodemus 1861 Nicolaitanes followers of Nicolas 1862 Nicopolis the city of victory 1863 Niger black 1864 Nimrah Nimrim, leopard; bitterness; rebellion 1865 Nimrod rebellion (but probably an unknown Assyrian word) 1866 Nimshi rescued from danger 1867 Nineveh handsome; agreeable 1868 Nisan standard; miracle 1869 Nisroch flight; proof; temptation; delicate 1870 No stirring up; forbidding 1871 Noadiah witness, or ornament, of the Lord 1872 Noah repose; consolation 1873 Noah that quavers or totters (Zelophehads daughter) 1874 Nob discourse; prophecy 1875 Nobah that barks or yelps 1876 Nod vagabond; fugitive 1877 Nodab vowing of his own accord 1878 Noe same as Noah 1879 Nogah brightness; clearness 1880 Noha rest; a guide 1881 Non posterity; a fish; eternal 1882 Noph honeycomb; anything that distills or drops

1883 Nophah fearful; binding 1884 Nun same as Non 1885 Nymphas spouse; bridegroom 1886 Obadiah servant of the Lord 1887 Obal inconvenience of old age 1888 Obed a servant; workman 1889 Obed-edom servant of Edom 1890 Obil that weeps; who deserves to be bewailed 1891 Oboth dragons; fathers; desires 1892 Ocran a disturber; that disorders 1893 Oded to sustain, hold or lift up 1894 Og a cake; bread baked in ashes 1895 Ohad praising; confessing 1896 Ohel tent; tabernacle; brightness 1897 Olympas heavenly 1898 Omar he that speaks; bitter 1899 Omega the last letter of the Greek alphabet; long O 1900 Omri sheaf of corn 1901 On pain; force; iniquity 1902 Onam Onan, same as On 1903 Onesimus profitable; useful 1904 Onesiphorus who brings profit 1905 Ono grief or strength or iniquity of him 1906 Ophel a tower; darkness; small white cloud 1907 Ophir fruitful region 1908 Ophni wearisomeness; folding together 1909 Ophrah dust; lead; a fawn 1910 Oreb a raven 1911 Ornan that rejoices 1912 Orpah the neck or skull 1913 Oshea same as Joshua 1914 Othni my time; my hour 1915 Othniel the hour of God 1916 Ozem that fasts; their eagerness 1917 Ozias strength from the Lord 1918 Ozni an ear; my hearkening 1919 Paarai opening 1920 Padan-aram cultivated field or table-land 1921 Padon his redemption; ox-yoke 1922 Pagiel prevention, or prayer, of God 1923 Pahath-Moab ruler of Moab 1924 Pai Pau, howling; sighing 1925 Palal thinking 1926 Palestina which is covered; watered; or brings and causes ru 1927 Pallu marvelous; hidden 1928 Palti deliverance; flight

1929 Paltiel deliverance; or banishment, of God 1930 Pamphylia a nation made up of every tribe 1931 Paphos which boils, or is very hot 1932 Parah a cow; increasing 1933 Paran beauty; glory; ornament 1934 Parbar a suburb 1935 Parmashta a yearling bull 1936 Parmenas that abides, or is permanent 1937 Parnach a bull striking, or struck 1938 Parosh a flea; the fruit of a moth 1939 Parshandatha given by prayer 1940 Paruah flourishing; that flies away 1941 Pasach thy broken piece 1942 Pasdammin portion or diminishing of blood 1943 Paseah passing over; halting 1944 Pashur that extends or multiplies the hole; whiteness 1945 Patara trodden under foot 1946 Pathros Pathrusim, mouthful of dough; persuasion of ruin 1947 Patmos mortal 1948 Patrobas paternal; that pursues the steps of his father 1949 Pau same as Pai 1950 Paul small; little 1951 Paulus same as Paul 1952 Pedahzur strong or powerful savior; stone of redemption 1953 Pedaiah redemption of the Lord 1954 Pekah he that opens; that is at liberty 1955 Pekahiah it is the Lord that opens 1956 Pekod noble; rulers 1957 Pelaiah the Lords secret or miracle 1958 Pelaliah entreating the Lord 1959 Pelatiah let the Lord deliver; deliverance of the Lord 1960 Peleg division 1961 Pelethites judges; destroyers 1962 Pelonite falling; secret 1963 Peniel face or vision of God; that sees God 1964 Peninnah pearl; precious stone; the face 1965 Pentapolis five cities 1966 Pentateuch the five books of Moses 1967 Pentecost fiftieth 1968 Penuel same as Peniel 1969 Peor hole; opening 1970 Perazim divisions 1971 Peresh horseman 1972 Perez divided 1973 Perez-Uzza division of Uzza, or of strength 1974 Perga very earthy

1975 Pergamos height; elevation 1976 Perida separation; division 1977 Perizzites dwelling in villages 1978 Persia that cuts or divides; a nail; a gryphon; a horsema 1979 Persis same as Persia 1980 Peruda same as Perida 1981 Peter a rock or stone 1982 Pethahiah the Lord opening; gate of the Lord 1983 Pethuel mouth of God; persuasion of God 1984 Peulthai my works 1985 Phalec same as Peleg 1986 Phallu Pallu, admirable; hidden 1987 Phalti Palti deliverance, flight 1988 Phanuel face or vision of God 1989 Pharaoh that disperses; that spoils 1990 Pharez division; rupture 1991 Pharisees set apart 1992 Pharpar that produces fruit 1993 Phebe shining; pure 1994 Phenice Phoenicia, red; purple 1995 Phichol the mouth of all, or every tongue 1996 Philadelphia love of a brother 1997 Philemon who kisses 1998 Philetus amiable; beloved 1999 Philip warlike; a lover of horses 2000 Philippi same as Philip, in the plural 2001 Philistines those who dwell in villages 2002 Philologus a lover of letters, or of the word 2003 Phinehas bold aspect; face of trust or protection 2004 Phlegon zealous; burning 2005 Phrygia dry; barren 2006 Phurah that bears fruit, or grows 2007 Phygellus fugitive 2008 Phylacteries things to be especially observed 2009 Pi-beseth abode of the goddess Bahest or Bast 2010 Pi-hahiroth the mouth; the pass of Hiroth 2011 Pilate armed with a dart 2012 Pinon pearl; gem; that beholds 2013 Piram a wild ass of them 2014 Pirathon his dissipation or deprivation; his rupture 2015 Pisgah hill; eminence; fortress 2016 Pisidia pitch; pitchy 2017 Pison changing; extension of the mouth 2018 Pithom their mouthful; a dilatation of the mouth 2019 Pithon mouthful; persuasion 2020 Pochereth cutting of the mouth of warfare

2021 Pontius marine; belonging to the sea 2022 Pontus the sea 2023 Poratha fruitful 2024 Potiphar bull of Africa; a fat bull 2025 Potipherah that scatters abroad, or demolishes, the fat 2026 Prisca ancient 2027 Priscilla same as Prisca 2028 Prochorus he that presides over the choirs 2029 Puah mouth; corner; bush of hair 2030 Publius common 2031 Pudens shamefaced 2032 Pul bean; destruction 2033 Punites beholding; my face 2034 Punon precious stone; that beholds 2035 Pur Purim, lot 2036 Putiel God is my fatness 2037 Puteoli sulphureous wells 2038 Quartus fourth 2039 Raamah greatness; thunder; some sort of evil 2040 Raamiah thunder, or evil, from the Lord 2041 Rabbah great; powerful; contentious 2042 Rabbi Rabboni, my master 2043 Rabmag who overthrows or destroys a multitude 2044 Rab-saris chief of the eunuchs 2045 Rab-shakeh cup-bearer of the prince 2046 Raca worthless; good-for-nothing 2047 Rachab same as Rahab 2048 Rachal to whisper; an embalmer 2049 Rachel sheep 2050 Raddai ruling; coming down 2051 Ragau friend; shepherd 2052 Raguel shepherd, or friend of God 2053 Rahab proud; quarrelsome (applied to Egypt) 2054 Rahab large; extended (name of a woman) 2055 Raham compassion; a friend 2056 Rakkath empty; temple of the head 2057 Rakkon vain; void; mountain of enjoyment 2058 Ram elevated; sublime 2059 Ramah same as Ram 2060 Ramath Ramatha, raised; lofty 2061 Ramathaim-zophim the two watch-towers 2062 Ramath-lehi elevation of the jaw-bone 2063 Ramath-mizpeh elevation of the watch-tower 2064 Ramiah exaltation of the Lord 2065 Ramoth eminences; high places 2066 Raphah Raphu, relaxation; physic; comfort

2067 Reaiah vision of the Lord 2068 Reba the fourth; a square; that lies or stoops down 2069 Rebekah fat; fattened; a quarrel appeased 2070 Rechab square; chariot with team of four horses 2071 Reelaiah shepherd or companion to the Lord 2072 Regem that stones or is stoned; purple 2073 Regemmelech he that stones the king; purple of the king 2074 Rehabiah breadth, or extent, of the Lord 2075 Rehob breadth; space; extent 2076 Rehoboam who sets the people at liberty 2077 Rehoboth spaces; places 2078 Rehum merciful; compassionate 2079 Rei my shepherd; my companion; my friend 2080 Rekem vain pictures; divers picture 2081 Remaliah the exaltation of the Lord 2082 Remmon greatness; elevation; a pomegranate-tree 2083 Remphan prepared; arrayed 2084 Rephael the physic or medicine of God 2085 Rephaiah medicine or refreshment of the Lord 2086 Rehpaim giants; physicians; relaxed 2087 Rephidim beds; places of rest 2088 Resen a bridle or bit 2089 Reu his friend; his shepherd 2090 Reuben who sees the son; the vision of the son 2091 Reuel the shepherd or friend of God 2092 Reumah lofty; sublime 2093 Rezeph pavement; burning coal 2094 Rezin good-will; messenger 2095 Rezon lean; small; secret; prince 2096 Rhegium rupture; fracture 2097 Rhesa will; course 2098 Rhoda a rose 2099 Rhodes same as Rhoda 2100 Ribai strife 2101 Riblah quarrel; greatness to him 2102 Rimmon exalted; pomegranate 2103 Rinnah song; rejoicing 2104 Riphath remedy; medicine; release; pardon 2105 Rissah watering; distillation; dew 2106 Rithmah juniper; noise 2107 Rizpah bed; extension; a coal 2108 Rogelim a foot or footman 2109 Rohgah filled or drunk with talk 2110 Romamti-ezer exaltation of help 2111 Roman strong; powerful 2112 Rome strength; power

2113 Rosh the head; top, or beginning 2114 Rufus red 2115 Ruhamah having obtained mercy 2116 Rumah exalted; sublime; rejected 2117 Ruth drunk; satisfied 2118 Sabaoth Lord of hosts 2119 Sabeans captivity; conversion; old age 2120 Sabtah a going about or circuiting; old age 2121 Sabtechah that surrounds; that causes wounding 2122 Sacar wares; a price 2123 Sadducees followers of Sadoc, or Zadok 2124 Sadoc or Zadok, just; righteous 2125 Salah mission; sending 2126 Salamis shaken; test; beaten 2127 Salathiel asked or lent of God 2128 Salcah thy basket; thy lifting up 2129 Salem complete or perfect peace 2130 Salim foxes; fists; path 2131 Sallai Sallu, an exaltation; a basket 2132 Salma peace; perfection 2133 Salmon peaceable; perfect; he that rewards 2134 Salome same as Salmon 2135 Samaria watch-mountain 2136 Samlah his raiment; his left hand; his astonishment 2137 Samos full of gravel 2138 Samothracia an island possessed by the Samians and Thracians 2139 Samson his sun; his service; there the second time 2140 Samuel heard of God; asked of God 2141 Sanballat bramble-bush; enemy in secret 2142 Sanhedrin sitting together 2143 Sansannah bough or bramble of the enemy 2144 Saph rushes; sea-moss 2145 Saphir delightful 2146 Sapphira that relates or tells 2147 Sarah lady; princess; princess of the multitude 2148 Sarai my lady; my princess 2149 Sardis prince of joy 2150 Sardites removing a dissension 2151 Sarepta a goldsmiths shop 2152 Sargon who takes away protection 2153 Sarid remaining; hand of a prince 2154 Saron same as Sharon 2155 Sarsechim master of the wardrobe 2156 Saruch branch; layer; lining 2157 Satan contrary; adversary; enemy; accuser 2158 Saul demanded; lent; ditch; death

2159 Sceva disposed; prepared 2160 Seba a drunkard; that turns 2161 Sebat twig; scepter; tribe 2162 Secacah shadow; covering; defense 2163 Sechu defense; bough 2164 Secundus second 2165 Segub fortified; raised 2166 Seir Seirath, hairy; goat; demon; tempest 2167 Sela a rock 2168 Sela-hammah-lekoth rock of divisions 2169 Selah the end; a pause 2170 Seled affliction; warning 2171 Seleucia shaken or beaten by the waves 2172 Sem same as Shem 2173 Semachiah joined to the Lord 2174 Semaiah obeying the Lord 2175 Semei hearing; obeying 2176 Senaah bramble; enemy 2177 Seneh same as Senaah 2178 Senir bed-candle; changing 2179 Sennacherib bramble of destruction 2180 Seorim gates; hairs; tempests 2181 Sephar book; scribe; number 2182 Sepharad a book descending 2183 Sepharvaim the two books; the two scribes 2184 Serah lady of scent; song; the morning star 2185 Seraiah prince of the Lord 2186 Seraphim burning; fiery 2187 Sered dyers vat 2188 Sergius net 2189 Serug branch; layer; twining 2190 Seth put; who puts; fixed 2191 Sethur hid; destroying 2192 Shaalabbim understanding, or son of a fox 2193 Shaalbim that beholds the heart 2194 Shaalbonite a foxs building 2195 Schaaph fleeing; thinking 2196 Shaaraim gates; valuation; hairs 2197 Shaashgaz he that presses the fleece; that shears the sheep 2198 Shabbethai my rest 2199 Shachia protection of the Lord 2200 Shadrach tender, nipple 2201 Shage touching softly; multiplying much 2202 Shalem same as Salem 2203 Shalim same as Salim 2204 Shalisha three; the third; prince; captain

2205 Shallum perfect; agreeable 2206 Shalmai my garment 2207 Shalman peaceable; perfect; that rewards 2208 Shalmaneser peace; tied; chained; perfection; retribution 2209 Shamariah throne or keeping of the Lord 2210 Shamed destroying; wearing out 2211 Shamer keeper; thorn; dregs 2212 Shamgar named a stranger; he is here a stranger 2213 Shamhuth desolation; destruction 2214 Shamir Shamer, prison; bush; lees; thorn 2215 Shammah loss; desolation; astonishment 2216 Shammai my name; my desolations 2217 Shammoth names; desolations 2218 Shammuah he that is heard; he that is obeyed 2219 Shamsherai there a singer or conqueror 2220 Shapham Shaphan, rabbit; wild rat; their lip; their brink 2221 Shaphat judge 2222 Sharai my lord; my prince; my song 2223 Sharar navel; thought; singing 2224 Sharezer overseer of the treasury, or of the storehouse 2225 Sharon his plain; his song 2226 Shashai rejoicing; mercy; linen 2227 Shashak a bag of linen; the sixth bag 2228 Shaul Saul, asked; lent; a grave 2229 Shaveh the plain; that makes equality 2230 Shealtiel same as Salathiel 2231 Sheariah gate of the Lord; tempest of the Lord 2232 Shear-jashub the remnant shall return 2233 Sheba captivity; old man; repose; oath 2234 Shebam compassing about; old men 2235 Shebaniah the Lord that converts, or recalls from captivity 2236 Shebarim breakings; hopes 2237 Sheber breaking; hope 2238 Shebna who rests himself; who is now captive 2239 Shebuel turning, or captivity, or seat, of God 2240 Shecaniah habitation of the Lord 2241 Shechem part; portion; back early in the morning 2242 Shedeur field of light; light of the Almighty 2243 Shehariah mourning or blackness of the Lord 2244 Shelah that breaks; that unties; that undresses 2245 Shelemiah God is my perfection; my happiness; my peace 2246 Sheleph who draws out 2247 Shelesh captain; prince 2248 Shelomi Shelomith, my peace; my happiness; my recompense 2249 Shelumiel same as Shelemiah 2250 Shem name; renown

2251 Shema hearing; obeying 2252 Shemaiah that hears or obeys the Lord 2253 Shemariah God is my guard 2254 Shemeber name of force; name of the strong 2255 Shemer guardian; thorn 2256 Shemida name of knowledge; that puts knowledge 2257 Sheminith eighth (an eight-stringed instrument) 2258 Shemiramoth the height of the heavens 2259 Shemuel appointed by God 2260 Shen tooth; ivory; change 2261 Shenazar treasurer of a tooth 2262 Shenir lantern; light that sleeps 2263 Shephatiah the Lord that judges 2264 Shephi beholder; honeycomb; garment 2265 Shepho desert 2266 Shephuphan serpent 2267 Sherah flesh; relationship 2268 Sherebiah singing with the Lord 2269 Sheshach bag of flax or linen 2270 Sheshai six; mercy; flax 2271 Sheshan lily; rose; joy; flax 2272 Sheshbazzar joy in tribulation; joy of the vintage 2273 Shethar putrefied; searching 2274 Shethar-boznai that makes to rot; that seeks those who despise me 2275 Sheva vanity; elevation; fame; tumult 2276 Shibboleth Sibboleth, ear of corn; stream or flood 2277 Shibmah overmuch captivity, or sitting 2278 Shicron drunkenness; his gift; his wages 2279 Shiggaion a song of trouble or comfort 2280 Shihon sound; wall of strength 2281 Shihor-libnah blackness of Libnah 2282 Shilhi Shilhim, bough; weapon; armor 2283 Shillem peace; perfection; retribution 2284 Shiloah same as Siloah 2285 Shiloh sent 2286 Shiloh (name of a city) peace; abundance 2287 Shilom tarrying; peace-maker 2288 Shilshah three; chief; captain 2289 Shimeah Shimeath, that hears, or obeys; perdition 2290 Shimei Shimi, that hears or obeys; my reputation; my fame 2291 Shimeon same as Simeon 2292 Shimma same as Shimeah 2293 Shimon providing well; fatness; oil 2294 Shimrath hearing; obedient 2295 Shimshai my son 2296 Shimri thorn; dregs

2297 Shimrith Shimron, same as Shimri 2298 Shinab father of changing 2299 Shinar watch of him that sleeps 2300 Shiphi multitude 2301 Shiphrah handsome; trumpet; that does good 2302 Shisha of marble; pleasant 2303 Shishak present of the bag; of the pot; of the thigh 2304 Shitrai gatherer of money 2305 Shittim thorns 2306 Shiza this gift 2307 Shoa kings; tyrants 2308 Shobab returned; turned back; a spark 2309 Shobach your bonds; your chains 2310 Shobai turning captivity 2311 Shobal path; ear of corn 2312 Shobek made void; forsaken 2313 Shochoh defense; a bough 2314 Shoham keeping back 2315 Shomer keeper; dregs 2316 Shophach pouring out 2317 Shophan rabbit; hid 2318 Shoshannim those that shall be changed 2319 Shua crying; saving 2320 Shuah ditch; swimming; humiliation 2321 Shual fox; path; first 2322 Shubael returning captivity; seat of God 2323 Shuham talking; thinking; humiliation; budding 2324 Shulamite peaceable; perfect; that recompenses 2325 Shunem their change; their sleep 2326 Shuni changed; sleeping 2327 Shuphim Shuppim, wearing them out; their shore 2328 Shur wall; ox; that beholds 2329 Shushan lily; rose; joy 2330 Shuthelah plant; verdure; moist; pot 2331 Sia moving; help 2332 Sibbechai bough; cottage; of springs 2333 Sibmah conversion; captivity 2334 Sichem portion; shoulder 2335 Siddim the tilled field 2336 Sidon hunting; fishing; venison 2337 Sigionoth according to variable songs or tunes, 2338 Sihon rooting out; conclusion 2339 Sihor black; trouble (the river Nile) 2340 Silas three, or the third 2341 Silla exalting 2342 Siloa Siloam, Siloe, same as Shilhi

2343 Silvanus who loves the forest 2344 Simeon that hears or obeys; that is heard 2345 Simon that hears; that obeys 2346 Sin bush 2347 Sinai a bush; enmity 2348 Sinim south country, 2349 Sion noise; tumult 2350 Sippai threshold; silver cup 2351 Sinon a breast-plate; deliverance 2352 Sisamai house; blindness 2353 Sisera that sees a horse or a swallow 2354 Sitnah hatred 2355 Sivan a bush or thorn 2356 Smyrna myrrh 2357 So a measure for grain; vail 2358 Socoh tents; tabernacles 2359 Sodi my secret 2360 Sodom their secret; their cement 2361 Solomon peaceable; perfect; one who recompenses 2362 Sopater Sosipater, who defends the father 2363 Sophereth scribe, numbering 2364 Sorek vine; hissing; a color inclining to yellow 2365 Sosthenes savior; strong; powerful 2366 Sotai conclusion in pleading; binding 2367 Spain rare; precious 2368 Stachys spike or ear of corn 2369 Stephanas crown; crowned 2370 Stephen same as Stephanas 2371 Suah speaking; entreating; ditch 2372 Succoth tents; tabernacles 2373 Succoth-benoth the tents of daughters, or young women; or prostit 2374 Sud my secret 2375 Sur that withdraws or departs; rebellion 2376 Susanna lily; rose; joy 2377 Susi horse; swallow; moth 2378 Sychar end 2379 Syene a bush; enmity 2380 Syntyche that speaks or discourses 2381 Syracuse that draws violently 2382 Taanach who humbles thee; who answers thee 2383 Taanach-shilo breaking down a fig-tree 2384 Tabbath good; goodness 2385 Tabeal Tabeel, good God 2386 Taberah burning 2387 Tabitha clear-sighted; a roe-deer 2388 Tabor choice; purity; bruising

2389 Tabrimon good pomegranate; the navel; the middle 2390 Tadmor the palm-tree; bitterness 2391 Tahan beseeching; merciful 2392 Tahapenes secret temptation 2393 Tahath fear; going down 2394 Tahpenes standard; flight; temptation 2395 Tahrea anger; wicked contention 2396 Talitha-cumi young woman, arise 2397 Talmai my furrow; that suspends the waters; heap of water 2398 Tamah blotting or wiping out; smiting 2399 Tamar palm; palm-tree 2400 Tammuz abstruse; concealed; consumed 2401 Tanach same as Taanach 2402 Tanhumeth consolation; repentance 2403 Taphath distillation; drop 2404 Tappuah apple; swelling 2405 Tarah a hair; a wretch; one banished 2406 Taralah searching out slander, or strength 2407 Tarea howling; doing evil 2408 Tarpelites ravishers; succession of miracles 2409 Tarshish contemplation; examination 2410 Tarsus winged; feathered 2411 Tartak chained; bound; shut up 2412 Tartan a general (official title) 2413 Tatnai that gives; the overseer of the gifts and tributes 2414 Tebah murder; butchery; guarding of the body; a cook 2415 Tebaliah baptism, or goodness, of the Lord 2416 Tebeth good, goodness (the tenth month of the Hebrews) 2417 Tehinnah entreaty; a favor 2418 Tekel weight 2419 Tekoa trumpet; that is confirmed 2420 Telabib a heap of new grain 2421 Telah moistening; greenness 2422 Telassar taking away; heaping up 2423 Telem their dew; their shadow 2424 Telharsa suspension of the plow 2425 Tel-melah heap of salt 2426 Tema admiration; perfection; consummation 2427 Teman Temani, the south; Africa; perfect 2428 Terah to breathe; scent; blow 2429 Teraphim images; idols 2430 Tertius third 2431 Tertullus third 2432 Tetrarch governor of a fourth part 2433 Thaddeus that praises or confesses 2434 Thahash that makes haste; that keeps silence

2435 Thamah that blots out; that suppresses 2436 Tharah same as Terah 2437 Thebez muddy; eggs; fine linen or silk 2438 Thelasar same as Telassar 2439 Theophilus friend of God 2440 Thessalonica victory against the Thessalians 2441 Theudas flowing with water 2442 Thomas a twin 2443 Thummim perfection; truth 2444 Thyatira a perfume; sacrifice of labor 2445 Tibbath killing; a cook 2446 Tiberias good vision; the navel 2447 Tiberius the son of Tiber 2448 Tibni straw; hay 2449 Tidal that breaks the yoke; knowledge of elevation 2450 Tiglath-pileser that binds or takes away captivity 2451 Tikvah hope; a little line; congregation 2452 Tilon murmuring 2453 Timeus perfect; admirable; honorable 2454 Timnah forbidding 2455 Timnath image; figure; enumeration 2456 Timnath-heres or Timnath-serah, image of the sun; numbering of t 2457 Timon honorable; worthy 2458 Timotheus honor of God; valued of God 2459 Tiphsah passage; leap; step; the passover 2460 Tirhakah inquirer; examiner; dull observer 2461 Tiria searching out 2462 Tirshatha a governor 2463 Tirzah benevolent; complaisant; pleasing 2464 Tishbite that makes captive 2465 Titus pleasing 2466 Toah weapon; dart 2467 Tob good; goodness 2468 Tob-adonijah my good God; the goodness of the foundation of the 2469 Tobiah Tobijah, the Lord is good 2470 Tochen middle 2471 Togarmah which is all bone 2472 Tohu that lives; that declares 2473 Toi who wanders 2474 Tola worm; grub; scarlet 2475 Tolad a generation 2476 Tophel ruin; folly; without understanding 2477 Tophet a drum; betraying 2478 Trachonitis stony 2479 Troas penetrated 2480 Trophimus well educated; well brought up

2481 Tryphena delicious; delicate 2482 Tryphon masculine of Tryphena 2483 Tryphosa thrice shining 2484 Tubal the earth; the world; confusion 2485 Tubal-cain worldly possession; possessed of confusion 2486 Tychicus casual; by chance 2487 Tyrannus a prince; one that reigns 2488 Tyre Tyrus, strength; rock; sharp 2489 Ucal power, prevalency 2490 Uel desiring God 2491 Ulai strength; fool; senseless 2492 Ulam the porch; the court; their strength; their folly 2493 Ulla elevation; leaf; young child 2494 Ummah darkened; covered; his people 2495 Unni poor; afflicted; that answers 2496 Uphaz pure gold; gold of Phasis or Pison 2497 Upharsin divided 2498 Ur fire, light, a valley 2499 Urbane courteous 2500 Uri my light, my fire 2501 Uriah or Urijah, the Lord is my light or fire 2502 Uriel same as Uriah 2503 Urim lights; fires 2504 Uthai my iniquity 2505 Uz counsel; words 2506 Uzai he 2507 Uzal wandering 2508 Uzzah strength; goat 2509 Uzzen-sherah ear of the flesh 2510 Uzzi my strength; my kid 2511 Uzziah Uzziel, the strength, or kid, of the Lord 2512 Vajezatha sprinkling the chamber 2513 Vaniah nourishment, or weapons, of the Lord 2514 Vashni the second; changed; a tooth 2515 Vashti that drinks; thread 2516 Vophsi fragrant; diminution

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