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SULIT 4531/1 Fizik Kertas I 20t2 l%jam


Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri WlayahPercekutuan PEPERIKSAAN PERCUBAAN TAHUN SPM 2012 FIZIK Kertras 1 minit Satujam limabelas

JANGAN BUKAKERTAS INI SOALAN SEHINGGA D]BER]TAHU Keftassoalaninimengandungi soalan. 50 2.


Jawabsemua soalan yangdilukistidakmengikutskalakecualidinyatakan Rajah Penggunaankalkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh diprogramkanadalah dibena*an


ini Kertas soalan mengandungi halaman 27 bercetak

4531/l 6 2s12 cipr,.JpNu,p H"r.

ILihat mulla suratsebelah SULIT

Ihefoltainns tufornationnai"be:w{tt Ihe c4bots have t6r iszal neanlng.



t5 t6

nY *= I

contut| penalo sini


,?= r?+zas

s mr

3. 4. 5. 6.


n.= rcal depth apparcntdepth n* dalamwata dalan ketam ll

=n'y Moinetrfum F: ma Klnelric Enetg I ferrya Ktuvtik ='/tmf

t8 t9



Linear magn ification /

Pembesoran linear, m =! u

Grav itationalPotential Energy/ Tenaga kapaywt graviti= ngh ElasticPotential Energr/ 20


v= f L ^ tzx D

= Teruga keupaywkcryal 7Fx z

Pos,g.,P= ewgme tem4a nursa

2l 22 23 24 25 26

Q= lt E= VQ Y: IR PowerlKuas4P=lf 8 = l0 ms-2

Kuas4 P: m

t0 .
I t. l2:


Pr*sureI Teftanan. F=L A Pressurc liquid/ in Tekonn dalamc*air, P Hl'*rt llaba; Q= nc7 t hR


lL= /*
N,, Y, Eftlcienc! Keekryn |


t3 . 14.

Hern Haba,Q= v11 I



.\' x | 00yo


E = ttw2

453l/l OZor xar. z cipra.rpxrap

sebilah [Lihatmukasurat SULIT

quantitis? of,onlybase whicb of the followinglisB consists Antdra smarai berihtt,yangmanatnhmengot&mgiharynhtantiti asas? A B C D ' Length,weightandtimc panjang,bera,dan masa Displaconent, tempcratur electriccurrent and dan Sesaran, suhu aruseleldrik Mass, temperatur electriccunnt and Jisim,suhudanaruselehrik cunnt displacement clectsic and Temperaturg dan Sultusesaran aruselekrlk

as below. Threeliquidshavevolumes shown Tigacecairmemptmyai isipadu seperti Wg dirutiukkandi bowah

K= 50 cm3 L =5 0 0 0 mmr M=5 x1 0 {m3

corrcotly asdending in order? are Whichofthe following volumes arranged yangbetul? susunan secammenaik menaniukkan Anlaru isipadatersebuyangmanakah , A B C D L,K ,M L,M,K M.L,K lvt K, L


45 of Theinitialvelocity carwitha mass | fln k is 4 ms| . lf it travels m in 5 seconds, ofa whichofthe statements belowis lrue? yangbedisimI 000kg ialah 4nit.Jika ia bergerak45 n dalan 5 Halaju awalsebuah kereto saat,anlara penyataonberikutyangmonakahbelul? A B C D velocity' Thecar is movingwith a conslant halajuseragan. Keretaitu bergerak dengan retarddtion, Thecarexperiences nyahpecutan. Keretaitu mengalami is After5 s. its velocity 14ms'l . l4 Selews5 s, halajmyamencapai ms-' is Affer l0 s.thedistance traveled 90 m Selepas s,jarak perjalananialah 90m. I0

4531/l 6 2e12 5"16ip6jpxy'1p

sebelah [Lihatmu\a surat SULIT

Diagt'am shqws I thcdiiPlacertenttithcgrsh ofa paticte. saau zoah. nal'* t nenofimt gmf sesarn-masa

It DisgramI Rajal,I


graphrcprtsensthe motionoflhe particle? Whichofthc following velocity-time gerakan parlilcl tcrsebat? Antorugro{haIafir,n8a bertfut, WttSri@rdlahmenunifthtm


453 | /l g 2012 chb 1pg'rp H"r,

sebclah [Lihatmula surat SULIT

Which ofthe following situations indicales zeroacceleration? Yangmanakahantara situasibeikut menunjuklanpeeutansifar? A A durianfalling downfrom the tree, Buah durian yangjatuh dari pokok A netballis thrownup to the sky at the beginning ofthe game. Bolajaring yang di baling ke atas di awal permainan. with frictionalforceof2 N. A forceof2 N, actingon a toy car which is on a roughsurface yang berada di permukoankasar Suatu daya 2N yang bertindak ke atas kerela mainan 2N. dengandala geseransebarryak An airsraftclimbing up to a certainheight Kapal terbangynng mendakipada ketinggian lertentu.

walkingon a wire at a heightabove ground, the Diagram2 showsan acrobat Rajah 2 menunjukkanseorangakrobat berjalan di atas wayat pada saatu ketinggian di otas tanah.

2 Diagram Raiah2
by The ability for the acrobat do so canbe explained to Kebolehanahli acrobat tersebutberbuat demikian boleh diterangkan oleh A the concepl ofinertia konsep inersia the concept ofequilibrium offorces konsepkeseimbangandaya principleofconservationofmomentum prinsip keabadianmomentum theconcept ofequilibrium ofenergy ga konsep keseimbangan teno

453 | /l 65 2612 11"16;o1" spx1r,,p

[Lihat muka suratsebelah SULIT

7 Whenthesystem is what ofthe ofweightsasshownin thediagram released, is theacceleratibn labelled mass Y? pecuanjasad Y? Apabilapemberat pada sistem sepe i dalammjah dilepaskanberapalah , 2kg Slring/ benang

F ictionle$ pulley/ TakaltanpagEseran



0 ms'2 /-) msl0 ms-2 20 ms-2

D 8

per lfthe efliciticy ofthe produces400kJ ofelectricity minutcs. 2 A smallportablegeneralor generator 80o/o, muchpoweris lost? is how elehtriksetiapminil.Jika penjana mudah yang lcecjl nenghasilkan 100hI tenaga 2 Sebuah alih berapa barryalchah kehilangan kuasanya? penjanatersebut kecekapan adalah80%o, A B 3.2kW 8.0kw

D 9

40k w


fotceon lhe in that Archimedes'principlestates whenan objectis immersed a fluidi the buoyant objea is equalin sizeto apabila sesualuobjek tenggelamdi dalam hendalir, daya tuiahan Prinsip Archimedesmenyatakan ohjek itu hersamaan dengansaiz A the massofthe object jBin objek itu the volumeofthe obiecl isi padu objek itu by the weightoffluid displaced the object yang disesorhanoleh objek itu berat bendalir by the volumeoffluid displaced the object isi padu bendaliryang disesarkanoleh objek itu

4531/l o zorz cior" x"r. rpprarp

[Lihat mu\a suratsebelah SULIT

l0 Diagram3 belowshowsfour spheres. O. R andS. floatingon water. P. Rajah 3 di bawah nenunjukkan empatsfera P, Q, Rdan S terapungdi permukaanair.

':, Diagram3 Rajah 3 Whichcomparison corredaboulthedensity is ofspheres Q, R andS? P. Perbandinganyang manakqhbetul tentangketumpatansfero P, Q, R dan S? A B c D tl P>Q>R>S S>Q>R>P P>R>Q>S Q>R>P>S

The density substance is 9.00x 10 2 kg,mi. ln whichliquidwill substance sinks? of X X KelumpatanbahanX ialah 9.00 x I tr kg m-'. Di dalam cecair manokahhahanX akan tenggelatn?

L'ecair )

Densityof liquid / ke m-l Ketumpatancecair/ kp m'l 7.90x 102 9.20x 102 x 1.03 l0r | .77 x lr01




Gases morecornpressible solidsbecause are than Oas lehih nudah dimampatkanberbandingpepejal kerana A > sizeofgas molecules sizeofsolid molecules > saiz molekulpepejal saiz molektl gas > density ofgas moiecules density ofsolid molecules > ketumpatanmolekulpepejal kelumpalanmolektl gas > distarice gas between molecules distance between solid molecules .jarak antara molekulgas > jarak antara molekulpepejal > gas lorcebetween molecules forcebelween solid molecules dalu antara molekulgas > daya anlara molekulpepejal

4531/l g 2s12 6p6 jpx,1p 6a

[Lihat mu[a suratsebelah SULIT

Diagram belowshows hydraulic 4 brake a system. R4iah4 di bawah meruniallcan saatusltstem hidratiikbrek
Pisron P OmbohP

Piston Q Onboh Q

4 Diagram F4jah 4

A driversteps the brakcpedal. on Whichrelationship corect? is pemandu Seorang pedalbrek Htbunganmanakah yangbetul? memijak A B C D Pressure P < Pressurc Q on on Tekanan padaP < Tekanan pada Q Pressure P = Pressure Q on on pada Q TebnanpadaP = Tekanan Forceon P > Force Q on ForcepadaP > ForcepadaQ Force P = Force Q on on ForcepadaP = ForcepadaQ


Whichofidhe for following instrumentssuitable measuring presiure is in the ofthe gas anair conditionEr unit? yangsesuai Manalahantaraalal-alalberikut gas untukmengukur tekunan dalamsataunil alat penghawa dingin? A B C Fortinbarometer Barometer Fortin gauge Bourdon TolokBourdon Aneroidbarometr Baromeler Aneroid Watermanometer
Manomeler air

453 | /l 6 2s12 6io61exgye s"L

ILihat mulla suratsbelah SULIT


Diagram belowshows waterpipingsystern house. 5 tle ofa Rajah5 di bimahmenuJulilansistenpatp air dt sebuah rwnah.




Diagram 5 RojahS Whatis the waterprssurc thetcp? ln = and [Densityof water- I 000kg m-3 atmixphoic pressure 1.0x t0' pa] Rerapakah tekanan di dalam iu? pili air atmosfera: 1.0x | 0t Pal [Kelwrpatanair = | 000kg mi dantekanan A B 8.0x ld Pa 5.8x l0' Pa 1.08 105 x Pa 1,58 105 x Pa

D l6

Diagrams 6(b)and6(c)show lengths 6(a), the ofthe mercury thread ofan uncalibrared thermometer whenitis immersed ice,boilingwaterandhot coffee. in Rajah6(a),6(b) dan6(c)menunjutc!<an panjangturusmerhtri sebaah termomerer b*senggal tak yangdirendam dlalarr, air nendidihdanair kopipanas. ais,



l -l


2-2 6



6l c

4531/l 6 2q12 s6, spNvvp s"r,

[Lihat muka suratsebelah SULIT

What is the temperaturofthe coffee? Berapakahsuhu air hopi in? A 55.5"C

B c D

60.0"c 50.0"c 66.7.C

1 .,

Thefour liquidsP,Q,R s havethesame and mass temperature. and Theircharacteristics as arc shown thetable. in Keempatamryt jisim cecairP, Q , R danS mempunyai danstha)nng sama. Ciriairtnya adalahseperti jadual berikut, dalam :Liquid .&colr. pointPC Frcezing Takatlebu / oc
5 4


r 50


lfthe four liquidsaresimultaneously placedin a refrigerator, which liquid will freezefirst? Jika keempat-emwtcecair itu diletakkan sermtak di dalampeti sejulc, cicair yang manakahalan membeku terlebih dahalu?

AP BQ CR DS | 8. Diagram shows stationary ard a moving 7 a lorry lorry. Rajah7 mentmjukkan sebuah pegundansebuah yangsedang lori lort bergerak.

Canopy Kanopi

Canopy Kanopi

\rDiagmmT Which principle, ,iru*i#q"#*U tt'"

Prinsipyangmanakah menerangktn situasi atas? di A Archimedes B Bernoulli C Venturi D Pascal

.,' /

4531/l s 2612 6ip61p1114,e 6a

sebelah [Lihatmukasurat SULIT

19. Diagram shows manon a boat. 8 a sanpmn. lelakidalamsebuah Rajah8 mmunfiirlran seorang

Diagram 8 Rajah 8 is Which ofthe following statements correct? Antaru pernyaraanberikut, yang manakahbetul? Weight of the water displaced: Weight of the man + Weight of the boat A Berat air tersesar= Berat lelaki + Berat sampan B Weight of the water displaced+ Weight of the man = Weight of the boat Berat air tersesar+ Berat lelaki = Berat sampan Weight of water displaced + Weight of rhe boat = Weight of the man Berat air krsesar r Berat sampan= Berat lelaki : Weightof the waterdisplaced Weightof the boat- Weightof the man Berat air tercesar= Be/al sampan- Belat lelaki

Diagram9 showsa glasslubcontainsl0 cm lengthofair columnttappedat 2?oC. Rajah 9 menunjukkansat tiub kaca mengandungiI0 cmpanjang turas udara yang oC. terperangkqppada slhu 27 trbe Glass Tab haca ldcrcury Merhtri

lu cm

Air trypcd
Udara lerperanglrq

9 Diagram Rajah 9 whenthe lengthofair is | 0.5 cm? ofair trapped What is the temperature Berapakahsuhu udara yang terperangkaPilu bila panjang turus udara meniadi 10.5cm?

4531/l g 2612 6'Dr! 6a spNeyp

suratsebelah [Lihat mulga SULIT

A 28.40C ()C B 42.0

()C D 52.0 to a in Diagraml0 shows process whichwateris changed steam. proses monaair bertukar kepada stim. di Rajohl0 nenanjukkan

oc 48.0


f w;_l r.I n, I
Diagraml0 Rajah I0 The heat absorbed during the processis called


l s ru n l

proses ini dikenali sebagai Haba yang diserap semasa A B C D specific heatcapacity muatonhaba tentu latentheatoffusion habapendamltelakuran latentheatofvaporisation habapendampengewapan latentheatofcondensation habapendamkondensasi

by DiagramI I showsthe armofa penon beingsplashed boiling waterandthe arm of havethe same Both the hot waterandsteam to anotherperson beingexposed steam. mass. Rajah | | nenunjul*on tanganseorangdisimbah air panas and tangan seorangloin yang yunlar;amaterdedohkepadastim. Kedua-duaair Panasdan srimmempunyai.iisim Steam

Diagram I I Rajah I I caused 6y thanthe scalding The scalding the skin caused steamis moreserious on by boiling waterbecause Kelecumn kulit yang disebabkanoleh stim lebih seriusdaripada air mendidih se6ah

4531/l 612s12 s;a" ;pNwp H"1

sebelah [Lihatmu[a surat SULIT

P: Q: R:

steam a highertf''ryf,'a'.tJrestimmempqbi mhuyanglebihtingi has I gi has steam a higherM @$tefi | stimmengan&n lebihbantnhhaba yong I starrhasa higherspeoifio capac?lystimnempunyai lEat muaran habatenta Iebihtinggl PonlylPsahoja QonlylQsahaja Qard R only / Q danR ^rala7'a P ,QandR/P ,QdanR.


Whichgraphshows relationship hwen the volume abEolutc and temperEture a fixd of lhe plelsur? mass ofgas at conslant Grafyangmanakah menunjuklan hubungan anlaraisipadudan suhu matlakbagi satujisim
pada tekananmalar? telap gas AB Yl mJ

Y t m3


0 Y/m3


Tl mr


g V TIK in Diagram shows obcerver t2 looking a fishswimniing a pond. at an


melihat pemerhati kalan. RqjahI2 menunjakhan sedang seekor ikanberenang dalamsebuah seorang

Apparent depth

(Read depth)

4531/l 6 2912 cipra,Jpxrl,rp H"1

sebelah [Lihatmukasurat SULIT


Therefractive indexofthe wateris . What is lhe distancebetweenthe observerand the imageofthe fish? 4 jarak antara pemerhati Indeft biasanairialah 1 . Berapakah dengan imej ikan itu? A 25 cm B 34 cm C 37 cm D 4l cm lighttravelling fiom glass air. to Diagram shows l3 Rajah 13menunjuhlan dmi cahaya merambat kacake udara.

Diagram l3 Rajah13 Therefractive index ofglass is Indeksbiasankocaialah O sins sinp B sinr sins C sin, sins
sln ('



Diagram shows fibreoptic. l4 a Rajah14menunjukkan gentian satu oplih.

| Diagram 4 R4jahl4

453 | /l g 2s12 6ipr61pNr'!p Ha

[Lihat mu(a suratsebelah SULIT

Which ofthe following statements correct? is Antara pemtataan berikut, yang manakahbetul? A Refractive index of outer cladding = Refiaciive index of inner corc Indeks biasan lapisan luar = Indels biasan teras dalam B > indexof innercore Refractive indexofouter cladding ReFactive Indela biasan lapisan luar > Indeks biasan teras dalam C indexofinner core Refractive indexofouter cladding< Refractive Indehsbiasan lapisan luar 1 Indelcsbiasan teras dalam D indexofinner corB Refiactiveindexofouter cladding+ Refractiv Indelcs biasan lapisan luar * Indek biasan teras dalam


Which diagramshowsthe pathofthe raysafterslrikingth mirror? Rajah yang nanakah menunjukkanlintasan cahaln selepasterkenacermin itu?


index Diagram| 5 showsa light ray travellingin mediumP lowardsmedium The refractive Q. of P is higherthanthe refractiveindexofQ. Rajah 15nenunJukkansatu sinar cahayayang bergerakdalam medium P menuju ke mediumQ. Indeks biasan P lebih tinggi daripada indelcs biasan Q.

15 Diagram Rajoh15

4531/l 6 2912 p"l6;p16.ypp1,1,p

lah [Lihat mulla suratsebe SULIT

path Whichdiagram shows possible ofthe lightray? a yangmungkin Rajahmanakah menunjukkan lintasan sinarcahaya betul?


453 | /l 6 2612 gipr".JpNurp 11d,

[Lihat mu(a suratsebelah SULIT


Diagram | 6 showsa water wavein a ripple tank. Rajah 16nemmjul:kot suan gelomboryair dalan tangki riak

16 Diagram Rajah16
The wavehasa speed of24 cm s' at R. The wavecrosses boundaryPQ wherethe distancebetweenthe crestschanges a from3.0cm tol.5 cm. Gelombangitumenpwyi halaju 24 cn s tdi R. jaralc antarapuncak-puncak Gelombory in melepasi sempadan di mana PQ berubahdmi 3.0 cn ke 1.5cm What is the frequencyofthe waveat point S? Berapakah frehrensi gelonbang itu pada lilik S? A B C D 2.0H2 4.5H2 8.0Hz l2.0Hz

DiagramI 7 shows at radiowaves beingreceived a house thebottomof a hill. at gelombang Rajah 17mengnjukl(an diterima oleh sebuahrunah tli kaki radio sedang h bukil.

House Rumah

Diagram17 Rajah t7 This phenomenon dueto is Fmomma ini disebabkan oleh A reflection pantuian B rbfraction pembiasan C diffraction penbelauon D interference inlerferen
4531/l 6 2s12 cipr,jpNiivp l1"k

[Lihat mu\a suratsebelah SULIT

Diagram l8 showsthe interference patternofwater wavesfrom two coherent sources and52 in a rippletank. 51 Rajah 18 mmmjuklran coralcinterferm gelombang dmi dua sumberkoheren air 31dan 52dalamsebuahtmrgli riak Whichof the followingpointshasminimumamplitude? An ara titikl,ilik befihft, Wg manaftah mempunyai amplitud minimum?

Diagram| 8 RajahI 8

Diagram 9 shows toy boatbehind banier in a rippletank. | a a _ Rajah 19 nenanju*konsebuahbot mainondi belakangsuatu halangandi dalom sebuahtangki riak. Concretebarrier Halangan ktnkrit

Boat Bot Diagram 19 Rajah 19 The boatmoves anddownafterthewaves pass bdrrier. up the This is dueto ofthe waterwaves. Bot itu bergerakke atasdan ke bawahselepas gelombangitu melalui halangan.Ini disebabkan gelombang oleh air. A B C D reflection pantulan refraction Pembiasan difraction pembelauan interference inlei'erens

4531/l o zorz ciro".lnrwp x"r

ILihatmukasurat sebelah SULIT


Diagrarn20 showsa climtrr startinga stopwatch he shouts.An echo is heard as after |.5 g Velocityof sound 340m s'. is Rojah 20 nenunjaltan teorwg pendoki menuldkotJnt randik sambil menjerit. Gemalerdengarselepas s. Halaju bnyi ialah 310 n it. L5

sotnd / buryi climber/

valley/gaung Diagram 20 Rajah20

What thewidthof thevalley? is Berapakah lebargaungitu? A 170 m

B 255m C 34Om D 5l0m 34 Which thefollowing of diagrams theelectric correctly? show field Antamrajahberikut, yangmanakah mentnjukkan dmgot betulnedanelelttrikitu?

4531/l 65 2e12 cipt"jpNr/p H"1

[Lihat mukasuratsebelah SULIT


Diagram2 I shows the phenomenon interference waterwaves. of of Rajah 2l nmu{u}clmn fmomena intefoens gelombang air.

Diagram 2l Rajah 21 Key:

Sl : WavesourceI 52 : Wavesource 2 <16 cm__-_-->

What is the wavelength the waterwaves? of ponjang gelonbang bagi gelombang tersebut? air Berapakah A B C D 0.8cm 1.2 cm 3.2cm 5.0cm

wavesignals determine Diagnm 22 shows airportradar transmitting to an the positionofan aeroplane. iryurol Rajah 22 menunjul*anradar lapangant*bang memancarkan gelombangunluk menentukan kapal terbang. kedudukan

Digram22 Raiah 22 Whaltypeofwave is used the radar? by yang digunafrsnoleh rodar? Apakahjenis gelombang A B C D
.llj l/l

X-ray SinarX lnfrared Infra merah M icrowaves mikro Gelombang Radiowave Gelombanpi rodio
o2ot2 H.t(cipieJpNrM'

surat sebelah [Lihatmuf;a SULIT

37. fietds. coil Diagram showscurrsnt 23 carrying in a magretic mus gegehorg membawa dalarn medan magnet Rajah23 menunjuk*o,

Diagnm23 Paiah23 ? Which thefollowing correct of is Antmaberihttyangmanakah benar?



threeidentical bulbsP, Q and circuitthatcontains Diagnm 24 shows electric an " R whicharelabelled 6V. 8W " tiga mentolseruPuP, Rajah 24 menunjukhan satu litar eleVrik yang memptmyai dan R yang berlabel " 6Y, 8lt ". Q

shortcut = no need to pay toll

4531/l o uorz clpt.rprwve H*

[Lihat mulla suralsebelah SULIT

Whatwill happen the reading to ofthe ammeter the brightness and ofthe bulb when the switch is on? Q Apakahyang tajadi pada bacaanammeter dan fteterangon mentoie bila suis dituup? Reading ofthe ammeter Brighrness ofthe bulb O Bacaanammeter Keteranganmenlol O A. increase bertanbah increaqe bertambah Remain unchanged tidak berubah Remain unchanged tidak berubah remainunchanged ridak berubah increase berlambah increase bertambah remainunchanged tidak bentbah





Whichofthe followingfactor doesnot in'fluence resistance wire? the oia AntarafaHor berikut,yang nanakah tidak mempengaruhi rintangan bagi suatudawai? A B C D Length ofthe wire Panjangdawai Materialof thewire Bahandawai Cross-sectional ofthe wir area Luas keratanrentasdawai Hardness thewire of Keherosan dawai


Diagram shows parallel 25 a circuit:Rr is not equalto R2. Rajah 25 nenunjukkansatulitar selari. R1tidak samadenganR2.

Diagram 25 Rajah 25

Whichphysical quantitymustbethesame bothRr andRz? for Kuantitifzik yang manakahmestisamauntukkeduo-dua dqn Rz? h A B C D Po wer Kuasa Curent Arus Voltage Vokan Ener$/ Tenaga

4531/l g 2e12 6ipr..JpNyrp Ha

sebelah flihat mukasurat SULIT

is and 4l . Diagram shows circuitbefore aftertheswirch closed. 26 a sais dor Rajah26nemnjaklran sebehm lilo selepas di nnp. liw

26 Diagram kijah 26 becausc reading A dropin thevoltmeter occurs oleh dalah disebabtan Bacaan wltneter 1,otgmenwun
in energr is needed mbvecharges thc circuit to di tenagadiperlulronnfuk nengerak*an cas-cqs dalamlilar chargesin the circuit to voltageis noedod aocclerate cas-cas dalamlitm di voltan diperlt*an ,mtr* memecutfrot in charges the circuit to energr is needed accumulate cas-cos dalamlitur di tenagadiperlulan untu* mengmpr*an of voltage is lost abross intemal resi$ance the cell the oleh rintotgot dalam sel Yoltanhilang disebabfron

453 I /l 6 2612 qp6spplp sa

[Lihat mu\a suratsebelah SULIT

in an A coil of wire woundaround imn rod is connecied a circuit asshownin Dirynn 27. dtsanbutglran dalatt lttar seperti di gegelng dmtalyngmengelilingi sau rod ber,i Satu dalamRojah27.

Imo rod

if to Thenumber ofnails sttracled the iron rodwill incrcase jarun-jarun yangditarik olehrod besiakanbertambah Bilangan iika A B C D is a smaller cunent used yanglebihkecildigunakan arus thenumbet oftumsofthecoil is increased dttanboh bilangangegelung bctween coils is incrased the thedistanoe jarah ontaragegelunggegelung ditanbah is an iron rodwith a largerdiameter uscd di lebihbesmdiameternya gunakan saturod besl lnng

Diagram $ows a transformer. 27 transformer. Rajah27 meiunjt*kansebaah

30tumg 12V a,c. a.c. vol8netor

Diagram 28 RaJah 28 Whatis thevoltmeter rcading? bacaan tmeter? vol Berapakah A t-2V B 12 V

c l20v D t200v

4531/l o zorz ciar.rnnrr,p nar,

[Lihat mu(a suratsebelah SULIT

44' when electricity is transmittedover long distancs, fiergy is wasted.How can the wastedeneryy be kept assmallaspossible? Bila elektrik dihantarkan melaluijarakWgjarh, tenagadapat diminimumkansebolehnungkin? A tenagadibazirkan. Bagaimanakah pembu.iran

Keepthe currentin thetransmission linesas largeaspossible. Memastikanarus dalam kabelpenghantaransebesar yang mungkin Keepthe powersupplied the transmission to linesas largeas possible. Memastikankuasdyang dibekalkanke kabelpenghantaransebesar yang mungkin. Keepthe resistance ofthe transmission linesas largeas possible. Memastikanrintangan dalan kabelpengharan sebesar yang mungkin. Keepthe voltagesupplied the transmission to linesas laryeas possible. Memastikanvohanyang dibekalkankepadakabelpenghantaransebesar yang mungkin.


Which statement abouta transistoris correct? Pernyataanmanakahyang hetul mengenaisuatu transistor? A Hastwo electrodes Mempunyai dua elektrod Acts as a full wave rectifier Berfungsisebagairektifer gelombangpenuh Hasits own internalenergysupply Mempunyai bekalan tenaga dalam sendiri Functions an amplifier as Berfungsi sebagai an pl ifi er


Diagram29(i) showsthe oscilloscope traceproduced an input al frequency by 50H2. Rajah 29(i) menunjukkansurihan osiloskopyang dihasilkan oleh suatu input pada frequensi 50 Hz.


Diagram (i) 29 Rajah29 ( i)

Diagram (ii) 29 Rajah29 (ii)

Diagram29(ii) showsthe tracefrom a differentinput on the sameoscilloscope. Raiah 29(ii) menunjukkan surihan dari suatu input berlainanpada osiloskop yang sama.

4531/l 6 2e12 g;pr. 9"1 .Jpxr /p

[Lihat muka suratseblah SULIT

Whatis the frquency ofthe newinput? Berapakafr ehtens tnpulbaru? h i A.2 5Hz B. 50 Hz. C. 100Hz D. 200Hz 47. Thermionic emission involves Pancaron termi onik melibatkan A. B. C. D, theiohization ofthe surrounding by heat. air pengionan persedtaran udara olehhaba. therclease ofelectronfromthesurface ofthe heated metal, pembebasan elekrondari pemnkaanlogam lmngdipanaskan. thedeflectionofan elcctron beam theY-plate. by pesongan sinar elektron plat-Y. oleh theforming brightspot ofa when electrons thb strike fluorcsce scren. the pembmtukan bintikcerahapabilaelehronmelanggar sktin hzrpendaflour,


Diagmm shows 30 butbX, bulbY andtwo diodes connected ana.c.voltage. to Rajah30 nenunjukkan mentol mentolYdanduadiod disanbungkan X, padi sualu voltana.u.

Diagram 30 Rajah30 What theconditions are ofthe bulbs? Apakah keadaan pada mentol-mentol tersebut? A. BulbX is lighted, bulbY is notlighted. MentolX menyala, mentolI tidakmenyala, B. BulbY is lighted, X is norlighted. bul MentolY mmyala,nentolX tidakmerynla. C. Bothbulbs lighred. are Kedua4uamentolmenyala. D, Bothbulbs not lighted. are Kedaaduamentoltidakmenyala.

453 | /l 6 2s12 6br6lpNyrip H"k

[Lihat mu(a suratsebelah SULIT

49. Diagram shows transistor 3l a circuit Rajah3I menunjakkan litdr transhtol. satu

Diagram3 I Rajah 31

What WX components at YZ should connected terminals andterminals to make bulbL lights be the upwhen surrounding dark? the is Komponen perlu disambung apakah tcpadaterminalWX danyZ supaya mentolL akanmenyala persekitaran gelap? apabilakeadaan menjadi Terminals WX Lightdependenl resistor pekacahaln Perintang Resistor

Terminals YZ Thrm islor Termistor Lightdependent rsistor Peintangpekacahaya Resistor Peintang Resistor

Thermistor Termislor Capacitor Kapasitor

Diagram3 | showsthe emission alpha,betaandgammaray in a strongmagnetic of field. Rajah.3l nenynjukkan pembebasan sinar alpha, beta dan gammadalam suatu medanmagnet yanSkuat. y

Diagram 32 Rajah32

Whatare the radiations X. Y andZ? of Apakah nama sinar-sinar X, Y dan Z





Alpha Alpha

Aloha Camma




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