Mikvah Sermon

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Rosh Hashanah day 1

1. R. Akiva: 1.1. One of greatest figures. Human hero. We can identify with struggles and achievements. Not angelic superhero we admire from afar, but whose challenges are our challenges. 1.2. Not descended from nobility prominence. Descendant of converts. Poor. Ignorant. This background allowed for 1) humility 2) compassion. 1.3. Born with handicap rose to prominence. Classic rags to riches. Symbol of everyman. 2. Spiritual Immersion: 2.1. Theme of period Teshuva. Share idea of R. Akiva. Teshuva = greatest gift, fundamental. 2.2. Rabbi Akiva said: How lucky are you o Israel. Before whom do you purify yourselves and who purifies you? Our father in heaven. As it is written I will sprinkle upon you purifying waters, and you will become purified. And it says G-D is the Mikvah of Israel. Just as the Mikvah purifies the impure so does G-D purify Israel 2.3. Now this is beautiful sentiment, but whats the chiddush? Axiom going back to Avraham. Adam. Whole idea of RH YK what is he revolutionizing? Discovered America! 2.4. Mishanh concise scare in writing, what new idea regarding Teshuvah is contained? 3. Purify the Impure: 3.1. Key lies in exact wording of R. Akiva: Just as mikva purifies the impure so does hashem.. Why need to say purify impure? superfluous, obviously why else go to Mikvah? Just write just as mikvah purifies why the need to emphasize the impure? 3.2. With these words gives fascinating insight into nature of repentance. 4. Mikvah: Whats it all about? 4.1. How a Mikvah works. Purpose of Mikvah: from impurity to purity. Transformational waters. 4.2. What sort of impurities? Various degrees each requiring a different method of purification. Rodent = 1 day impure, go to mikvah wait to sundown. Corpse = 7 days extensive process. 4.3. Hypothetical: If individual impure on two accounts: lesser and more severe.For example, if one comes in contact with a rodent and a corpse. Is it worth to address the lesser impurity despite remaining impure? Many would answer no. What use? He will still be impure. 4.4. Magic of Mikvah: ability to remove lesser impurity despite remaining with more severw one. Each issue is viewed separately. Deal with whatever you can now. If you can remove the lessor one do it! In effect what the Torah tells us is that Mikavh can purify the impure. Even those remaining impure can still attain a degree of purification from the lessor impurity. 5. R. Akivas Chiddush: 5.1. This is profound message of Rabbi Akiva: God purifies us like a mikvah. We all come in contact with "impurities", contaminate our souls in a spiritual moral and ethical way. Some are more severe than others. 5.2. Tendency to have All-or-nothing approach. Why even address little things if big picture messed up? Is it worth it? Who am I fooling? How can I do x if I dont so y? Hypocritical. I cant put on Tefillin, I dont keep Kosher! 5.3. Imagine: Someone owes you $50k but has been ignoring you. Doesnt want to pay. Joke: Moshe tossing turning. Whats bothering you? I owe Yankel 50k Sarah opens window: Yankel Moshe owes you 50k not paying! What are you doing? Why should he sleep and you

worry, let you sleep and he worry! One morning decides to repay $5k, are you going to refuse? 5.4. Judaism is about the journey, taking it one step at a time. Cant expect to change overnight. 6. Rabbi Akivas Message: 6.1. No coincidence that it is R. Akiva who relayed this important idea. 6.2. Sometimes underestimate magnitude of R.Akivas personal transformation. Wasnt only ignoramus despised Torah scholars Is I had the chance I would bite them like a wild donkey. 6.3. Moment of change, saw drops of water eroding rock, each drop contributing factor. 6.4. Rabbi Akiva teaches us: dont worry about what you will be, dont think of yourself as a hypocrite, the fact that you have not completely changed yourself does not diminish the value of your single act. 6.5. Just as Mikvah purifies the impure so does Hashem our father purify us.

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