Assignment Cover Sheet For Students: School of Business & Management Institut Teknologi Bandung

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School of Business & Management Institut Teknologi Bandung

Assignment Cover Sheet for Students

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Della Achmad Fawaz Mobile phone 08562215088

Student 29112193 ID Course code and title Business Ethics and Law Course time and place Lecture Surna Tjahja Djajadiningrat r Assignment number Assignment title/topic/case The 11th Hours

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07 September 2012

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School of Business & Management Institut Teknologi Bandung

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: Business Ethics and Law

Name: Della Achmad Fawaz I.N : 29112193

The 11th Hour

Humanity actually is a balance between society and nature. People think that they must save the planet and many slogan said Save the earth, in fact environment or earth will survive instead people. For this time being, they as human being a critical point for impact of the future condition and being a leader for biological community dont be a destroyer that same with suicide in this planet. What they do now will come back to us in a certain ways. The root cause of the ecosystem damage actually is the human mind. Human mind that has extraordinary ability to make a tools, to communicate, to have detail discussion are actually will impact to the condition of the earth. The exploration that conducted by the human invented many technology that impact the future. From the exploration it is the basic things that must be realized by the human that is our role related to the relationship with the earth. All this time, there is an illusion that they are part of nature, in fact they are the nature. Universe creation is all about relationship. Our body is consisted of 100 trillion cells and 90% of the cell is not human cell. So, actually they live because the relationship between the cells itself. Unfortunately, they as human that have incredible brain think they are superior in the earth. So, they are dominated by two characters which are opportunism and greed. The effect of the invention by human brain that creates the future are accelerating the disconnection of relationship in the universe and causing extensive damage to our nature system. Today, human attitude are based on selfishness, economics situation, and political situation. They think they are smart and dont need the environment. After industrial revolution, nature was converted to a resources that impact to idea and

School of Business & Management Institut Teknologi Bandung

concept of limitless growth & expansion. Therefore, the important thing is all about the economic because people can make food, clothes, and tools by their own. The maximum amount energy that could be used is sunlight. Sun fell on the fields, the fields grew plants. The plants made cellulose, plant matter. Animals ate the cellulose, people ate the plants. They ate the animals, they wore clothing made out of them. They were living off of current sunlight. Over time, human starts find other resources such as coal, oil, etc. Now, too many of us are using too many resources to fast that affect the accelerating of imbalance on universe. From the used of new energy, there are waste that impact to global warming condition. People dump massive CO2 to the air. If this not stopped, scientist said that they could be Venus in the future with a temperature of 250 centigrade and raining sulfuric acid. Seventy countries in the world no longer have any intact or original forests. 30% present soil on the planet has been put into the category of serious degradation. Nature actually has right property but is hard to drive to the law because people have a constitution that empower the corporate few not for environment few in terms of their relationship. Industrial system is waste making system. They only dig the earth and converted into waste. People must exchange the idea of limitless expansion from well having to well-being. If they dont change what they are doing, they are facing losing a half off the variety of life on earth. Its not about just saving planet, its about saving a caring capacity of the planet. The way human thinking must be driven to the need of harmony between human and nature. With the human brain, they can create technology to make that harmony come true. With human brain, they can create and design something that involving the nature as a basis. Scientist can invent many products that adopt the nature system, for example Kevlar that adopting system from tortoise shell. Nature system is an incredible system that can be replicated to reduce the waste making and to create the cycle of sustainability. So, the design itself changes from mass production of things that are essentially destructive to mass utilization of things that are inherently assets instead of liabilities. As known that they running out the forest instead of increasing of number of building, so they must design building to be able to act like a tree and city like a forest. Human can do all of those changing if they want. Is all about focusing and concerning. For example, the power of concern is when Roosevelt mobilizing the economy from making a cars to making military trucks, tanks, fighters aircraft to support the war. The result they can win the war and economy has change. The changing itself is not from the top leader or the government but also from the individual to change the habits that being a nature not only part of nature. People as citizens,

School of Business & Management Institut Teknologi Bandung

leaders, consumers and voters have the opportunity to help integrate ecology into governmental policy and everyday living standards to save our blue planet.

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