Data/Cues Diagnosis Scientific Rationale Planning Implementation Rationale

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DATA/CUES Subjective: pakiramdam ko nanghihina ako as verbalized by the patient Objective: Weak in appearance Minimal body movement Stays

ays in bed most of the time

DIAGNOSIS Activity intolerance related to body weakness as manifested by minimal body movement

SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE A state in which the person has insufficient physical or physiological energy to endure or perform desired physical activities

PLANNING After 1 hour of Nursing Intervention, the patient will be able to: Gain knowledge about the importance of physical mobility Identify negative factors affecting activity tolerance and eliminate their effects when possible Demonstrate a decrease in physiologic signs of intolerance (e.g., pulse, respirations, and blood pressure remain within clients normal range

IMPLEMENTATION Assess patients ability to perform tasks/ noting reports of weakness fatigue and difficulty accomplishing task Recommended quiet atmosphere Recommended assistance with activities. Allowing patient to do as much as possible

RATIONALE Influence of choice of interventions assistance Although help may be necessary, self esteem is enhance d when patient does things for self



SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE Pattern of regulating and integrating into daily living a therapeutic regimen for treatment of illness and its sequelae that is unsatisfactory for meeting specific health goals

PLANNING After 1 hour of Nursing Intervention, the patient will be able to: Know the disadvantage s of smoking Identify cause and effect of smoking to the patients health Identify techniques to avoid smoking like eating or chewing candies instead of smoking

IMPLEMENTATION Assess knowledge of the patient about his condition Determine patients ability, readiness and barriers to learning Discuss with the patient beliefs about health and reasons for not following prescribed plan of care Health teaching rendered on: Disadvantages of smoking Cause and effect of smoking Techniques to avoid smoking

RATIONALE To meet clients changing needs and abilities, and environmental concerns

Subjective: Deficient Naninigarilyo yan knowledge araw-araw halos related to nakaka isang kaha ng sigarilyoyan. Ngayon lang napatigil nung naospital. As verbalized by the wife of the patient Objective: Frequent coughing Dark colored lips, gums Yellowish teeth

To assist in understanding own situation and enhance interest/involve ment in meeting own health needs

DATA/CUES Subjective: ilang araw na hindi yan nakaakaligo dahil nanghihina daw siya as verabalized by the wife of the patient. Objective: The patient has dirty and untrimmed nails Has malodorous smell Needs assistance going to the bathroom

DIAGNOSIS Self care deficit: hygiene, dressing, bathing and grooming related to body weakness

SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE Due to limitations on the individuals ability to ambulate. The patient is prevented from performing ADLs that allow him to manage his hygiene such as bathroom privileges, bathing oneself

PLANNING After 1 hour of Nursing Intervention, the patient will be able to: Gain knowledge about the importance of proper hygiene Know the cause and effect of having improper hygiene Identify factors in which the patient can improve his hygiene such as taking a bath regularly

IMPLEMENTATION Determine age and developmental issues affecting ability of individual to participate in own car Health teaching rendered on: Importance of proper hygiene Cause and effect of having improper hygiene Encouraged hygienic care like trimming of nails and taking a bath daily


To promote health care status of the patient

To prevent from infections


Submitted by: Zaira M. Pagkaliwangan BSN 3-2/Gr.1 Submitted to: Mrs. Jane Rona, RN Clinical Instructor

21 September 2012


Submitted by: Genny M. Magbanua BSN 3-2/Gr.1 Submitted to: Mrs. Jane Rona, RN Clinical Instructor

21 September 2012

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