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AutoInvoice Testing for Tax Calculations Integrated with Taxware (Instance: BMDEVC)

Sl. #

Scenario Item Line with Taxable flag = N. Result: AR Invoice imported as Complete with no Tax calculated.
INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all (interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2, amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate, conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id, description, gl_date, line_type, orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id, quantity, unit_selling_price, term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag, set_of_books_id, org_id) VALUES ('RKT2', 'RKT2 TAX INVOICE 3', 'INVOICE LINE', 1200.00, 'RK Test Batch Source', 1, 'User', 'USD', 1, 'RKT1 TAX INVOICE 2 - ITEM #1', '28-MAR-2012', 'LINE', 1127, 4082, 12, 100.00, 1004, 'N', 'N', 2027, 90);


AutoInvoice with Taxable Flag = Y. (no TCC nor tax line entered) Result: AR Invoice imported as Complete with Tax calculated from Taxware.
INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all (interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2, amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate, conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id, description, gl_date, line_type, orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id, quantity, unit_selling_price, term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag, set_of_books_id, org_id) VALUES ('RKT2', 'RKT2 TAX INVOICE 4', 'INVOICE LINE', 1300.00, 'RK Test Batch Source', 1, 'User', 'USD', 1, 'RKT1 TAX INVOICE 2 - ITEM #1', '28-MAR-2012', 'LINE', 1127, 4082, 13, 100.00, 1004, 'Y', 'N', 2027, 90);

AutoInvoice with TaxableFlag=Y & with manual Tax Line Transaction Type Default Tax Classfn=N. Result: AR Invoice imported as Complete with tax line created as per the one entered in the Interface line.
Query to insert ItemLine INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all (interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2, amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate, conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id, description, gl_date, line_type, orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id, quantity, unit_selling_price, term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag, set_of_books_id, org_id) VALUES ('RKT2', 'RKT2 TAX INVOICE 5', 'INVOICE LINE', 1300.00, 'RK Test Batch Source', 1, 'User', 'USD', 1,'RKT1 TAX INVOICE 2 - ITEM #1', '28-MAR-2012', 'LINE',1127, 4082, 13, 100.00,1004, 'Y', 'N',2027, 90); Query to insert Tax Line. INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all (interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1,

interface_line_attribute2,LINK_TO_LINE_CONTEXT, LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1, LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2,amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate, conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id,description, gl_date, line_type, orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id, quantity, unit_selling_price,term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag, set_of_books_id, org_id, tax_regime_code, tax, tax_status_code,tax_rate_code, tax_jurisdiction_code, tax_rate) VALUES ('RKT2', 'RKT2 TAX INVOICE 5', 'TAX LINE ST','RKT2', 'RKT2 TAX INVOICE 5', 'INVOICE LINE', 60.00, 'RK Test Batch Source', 1,'User', 'USD', 1,'State Tax', '28-MAR2012', 'TAX',1127, 4082, null, null,1004, null, null,2027, 90,'US SALES AND USE', 'STATE', 'STANDARD','STD', 'ST-MA', 5.0);

Autoinvoice with Trxn types Default Classification code set to Yes. Taxable Flag=Y.
--Query to insert 'Item' Line INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all (interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2, amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate, conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id, description, gl_date, line_type, orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id, quantity, unit_selling_price, term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag, set_of_books_id, org_id) VALUES ('RKT2', 'RKT2 TAX INVOICE 6', 'INVOICE LINE', 1300.00, 'RK Test Batch Source', 1, 'User', 'USD', 1, 'RKT1 TAX INVOICE 2 - ITEM #1', '28-MAR-2012', 'LINE', 1127, 4082, 13, 100.00, 1004, 'Y', 'N', 2027, 90);

Autoinvoice program Errors out .

--Query to insert Tax Line INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all (interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2, LINK_TO_LINE_CONTEXT, LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1, LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2, amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate, conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id, description, gl_date, line_type, orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id, quantity, unit_selling_price, term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag, set_of_books_id, org_id, tax_regime_code, tax, tax_status_code, tax_rate_code, tax_jurisdiction_code, tax_rate) VALUES ('RKT2', 'RKT2 TAX INVOICE 6', 'TAX LINE ST', 'RKT2', 'RKT2 TAX INVOICE 6', 'INVOICE LINE', 60.00, 'RK Test Batch Source', 1, 'User', 'USD', 1, 'State Tax', '28-MAR-2012', 'TAX', 1127, 4082, null, null, 1004, null, null, 2027, 90, 'US SALES AND USE', 'STATE', 'STANDARD', 'STD', 'ST-MA', 5.0); commit;

Logfile of the errored request

Autoinvoice with Trxn types Default Tax Classfication set to Yes. Taxable Flag=N. Result: AR Invoice imported as Complete with Tax calculated from Taxware.

Autoinvoice with Trxn types Default Tax classification set to No. Taxable Flag=Y. (same as scenario3) Invoice successfully created with the entered tax line
--Query to insert 'Item' Line INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all (interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2, amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate, conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id, description, gl_date, line_type, orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id, quantity, unit_selling_price, term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag, set_of_books_id, org_id) VALUES ('RKT2', 'RKT2 TAX INVOICE 6', 'INVOICE LINE', 1300.00, 'RK Test Batch Source', 1, 'User', 'USD', 1,


'RKT1 TAX INVOICE 2 - ITEM #1', '28-MAR-2012', 'LINE', 1127, 4082, 13, 100.00, 1004, 'Y', 'N', 2027, 90); --Query to insert Tax Line INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all (interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2, LINK_TO_LINE_CONTEXT, LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1, LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2, amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate, conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id, description, gl_date, line_type, orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id, quantity, unit_selling_price, term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag, set_of_books_id, org_id, tax_regime_code, tax, tax_status_code, tax_rate_code, tax_jurisdiction_code, tax_rate) VALUES ('RKT2', 'RKT2 TAX INVOICE 6', 'TAX LINE ST', 'RKT2', 'RKT2 TAX INVOICE 6', 'INVOICE LINE', 60.00, 'RK Test Batch Source', 1, 'User', 'USD', 1, 'State Tax', '28-MAR-2012', 'TAX', 1127, 4082, null, null, 1004, null, null, 2027, 90, 'US SALES AND USE', 'STATE', 'STANDARD', 'STD', 'ST-MA', 5.0);

Autoinvoice with Trxn types Default Tax Classfication set to No. Taxable Flag=No. Autoinvoice successfully imported the transactions.


AutoInvoice with TaxableFlag=Y with manual Tax Lines Transaction Type Default Tax Classfn=N. Result: AR Invoice imported as Complete with tax lines created as per the one entered in the Interface line.
--Query to insert 'Item' Line INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all (interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2, amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate, conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id, description, gl_date, line_type, orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id, quantity, unit_selling_price, term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag, set_of_books_id, org_id) VALUES ('RKT2', 'TAX INVOICE 6', 'INVOICE LINE 6, 1000.00, 'RK Test Batch Source', 1, 'User', 'USD', 1, 'RKT1 TAX INVOICE 2 - ITEM #1', '05-APR-2012', 'LINE', 1127, 4082, 10, 100.00, 1004, 'Y', 'N', 2027, 90); --Query to insert 'State Tax line INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all (interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2, LINK_TO_LINE_CONTEXT, LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1, LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2, amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate, conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id, description, gl_date, line_type, orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id, quantity, unit_selling_price, term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag, set_of_books_id, org_id, tax_regime_code, tax, tax_status_code, tax_rate_code, tax_jurisdiction_code, tax_rate) VALUES ('RKT2', 'TAX INVOICE 7', 'TAX LINE ST', 'RKT2', 'TAX INVOICE 6', 'INVOICE LINE 6', 40.00, 'RK Test Batch Source', 1, 'User', 'USD', 1, 'State Tax', '05-APR-2012', 'TAX', 1127, 4082,

null, null, 1004, null, null, 2027, 90, 'US SALES AND USE', 'STATE', 'STANDARD', 'STD', 'ST-AL', 4.0); --Query to insert 'County Tax line INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all (interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2, LINK_TO_LINE_CONTEXT, LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1, LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2, amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate, conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id, description, gl_date, line_type, orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id, quantity, unit_selling_price, term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag, set_of_books_id, org_id, tax_regime_code, tax, tax_status_code, tax_rate_code, tax_jurisdiction_code, tax_rate) VALUES ('RKT2', 'TAX INVOICE 7', 'TAX LINE COTY', 'RKT2', 'TAX INVOICE 6', 'INVOICE LINE 6', 10.00, 'RK Test Batch Source', 1, 'User', 'USD', 1, 'County Tax', '05-APR-2012', 'TAX', 1127, 4082, null, null, 1004, null, null, 2027, 90, 'US SALES AND USE', 'COUNTY', 'STANDARD', 'STD', 'CO-AL-MACON', 1.0); --Query to insert 'City Tax line INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all (interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2, LINK_TO_LINE_CONTEXT, LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1, LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2, amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate, conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id, description, gl_date, line_type, orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id, quantity, unit_selling_price, term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag, set_of_books_id, org_id, tax_regime_code, tax, tax_status_code, tax_rate_code, tax_jurisdiction_code, tax_rate) VALUES ('RKT2', 'TAX INVOICE 7', 'TAX LINE CITY',

'RKT2', 'TAX INVOICE 6', 'INVOICE LINE 6', 10.00, 'RK Test Batch Source', 1, 'User', 'USD', 1, 'CITY Tax', '05-APR-2012', 'TAX', 1127, 4082, null, null, 1004, null, null, 2027, 90, 'US SALES AND USE', 'CITY', 'STANDARD', 'STD', 'CI-AL-CLAYTON-36016.00', 6.0);

AutoInvoice with TaxableFlag=N, Transaction Type Default Tax Classfn=N Manual Tax Line with only Tax Rate Code information Result: AR Invoice imported as Complete with tax lines created as per the one entered in the Interface line.
--Query to insert 'Item' Line INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all (interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2, amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate, conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id, description, gl_date, line_type, orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id, quantity, unit_selling_price, term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag, set_of_books_id, org_id) VALUES ('RKT2', 'RKT2 TAX INVOICE4', 'INVOICE LINE4, 1000.00, 'RK Test Batch Source', 1, 'User', 'GBP', 1, 'RKT1 TAX INVOICE 2 - ITEM #1', '11-APR-2012', 'LINE', 1207, 7082, 10, 100.00, 1000, 'N', 'N', 2021, 83); --Query to insert 'Item' Line INSERT INTO ra_interface_lines_all (interface_line_context, interface_line_attribute1, interface_line_attribute2, LINK_TO_LINE_CONTEXT, LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE1, LINK_TO_LINE_ATTRIBUTE2, amount, batch_source_name, conversion_rate, conversion_type, currency_code, cust_trx_type_id, description, gl_date, line_type,

orig_system_bill_address_id, orig_system_bill_customer_id, quantity, unit_selling_price, term_id, taxable_flag, amount_includes_tax_flag, set_of_books_id, org_id, tax_rate_code) VALUES ('RKT2', 'RKT2 TAX INVOICE5', 'TAX LINE UK5', 'RKT2', 'RKT2 TAX INVOICE4', 'INVOICE LINE4, 200.00, 'RK Test Batch Source', 1, 'User', 'GBP', 1, 'UK Tax', '11-APR-2012', 'TAX', 1207, 7082, null, null, 1000, null, null, 2021, 83, 'British Output VAT RATE);

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