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stamping lifestyle

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August 29, 2009

weekly online

Its Good to Be King!

If the Tiara fits...

Spotlight on Carolyn King

Whats Cammies guilty pleasure?

Stamps that raise money for Alzheimers

How you can help

Its Good to be King!

by Lynn Mercurio
Carolyn King that is. Cammie, as she is known to most, uses the nickname that was given her as a child and one we have all grown to associate with brilliant creativity, clean and classy lines and a talented illustrator. Cammie was born and raised just outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the 7th of 8 children. She lived in the same area for 30 years and worked as a public relations director on the east coast before getting married and moving to the southern part of the country. After two years of marriage, she and her husband moved to Louisiana where they stayed for only 18 months before relocating to where they currently call home in Georgetown

Texas. Cammie happily gave up her career in public relations to be a stay-at-home mom. She lives with her husband and three children; Cara- 13, Benjamin- 6 1/2 & Lauren- 4. Cammie happily reports that her husband has only two more years of service remaining in the army where he is a physician.

Cammies crafting journey began in 2004 when she started scrapbooking after moving away from family. Finding that she had some extra time on her hands, she was looking for a way to express her creative side. She claims to have always loved doing creative things and began scrapbooking, thinking it would be fun to spend time with other scrappers one night a month. Then, one fateful evening in 2006, she hosted a Stampin Up! party and says, It was love at first stamp. That evening she asked a lot of questions about being a demo and signed up the very next week. Cammie has really done an outstanding job learning her craft. Her first published card appeared in the March 2008 issue of Cardmaker Magazine and she has since been published more than 80 times in magazines and books.

Cammie recently finished up serving as one of the pretigious Dirty Dozen design team members for and she is currently a senior design team member and illustrator for Gina K Designs. Most of Cammies time is spent chauffeuring kids around, but she tries to squeeze in some play time with them as often as possible. With the kids, illustrating, and design team commitments, it would seem that Cammie doesnt have much free time, but it must be true when they say that busy people get the most done and make time to do what they feel is important. In addition to her long list of daily duties, Cammie said she is working to get back into shape. She runs 3-4 times a week, but is looking to increase her frequency to 5-6 weekly runs so she can begin training for 5K, 10K and a half marathon. Before Cammie started stamping, she and her husband competed in several road races and ran a marathon together. Children and a minor surgery put her on the sidelines for a while, but now that the kids are a little older, shes ready to start some serious training. When asked about her guilty pleasure, she replied, PEOPLE Magazine. She wont subscribe because that would cut into her crafting budget, but somehow an issue will mysteriously find its way into her shopping cart on occasion. She has great fun checking out celebrity outfits, reading the gossip and escaping the stresses of life for a while. Cammie confesses that life is good. She says that if her kids are healthy, happy and they can pay their bills, its a good day. But what makes a good day a great day is when their home is whining-free, dinner is made by someone else and Cammie gets time to spend with family. Squeezing in a little stamping time isnt bad either!

Be sure to stop by Carolyns blog at

for inspiration that just wont quit.

This is an excerpt from Carolyn Kings Blog, written last year on September 3, 2008 In Loving Memory Of Clare Lyons Mamo September 26, 1916 - July 1, 2008 For those of you who read my blog, you know that my grandmother passed away in July. I wrote about it here. What you may not know is that for the past 12 years of her life, she was suffering from Alzheimers disease. After she was first diagnosed, she moved into my parents house where I was living with my daughter. I saw first-hand how devastating this disease can be. I saw my grandmother go from a completely independent and meticulous women to a completely dependent person who lost all of the wonderful memories her life created. In many ways, my family has been saying goodbye to my grandmother for her energy diminished, her weight plummeted and the memories of her life were erased from her mind. I had just finished drawing the images for this set when I received a call from my mother telling me that my grandmother passed away. Although part of me was rejoicing because she suffered too longthe selfish part of me was wishing for just one more visit... After returning from Pennsylvania and getting back to workI had a resurgence of energy for this (new) set. I decided the best way for me to honor my Grandmothers memory was to give back. And so, 100% of my proceeds from the set (Whimsical Autumn) will be sent to the Pennsylvania Chapter of the Alzheimers Association. Always.

This stamp set is available at Click on Stamps, Stamps by Artist, Carolyn King and you will find this adorable set, just in time for fall. . . . . . . . . . Look for a new stamp set by Carolyn King coming in our September release!

Whimsical Autumn
by Carolyn King


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