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An Angel's trip to Human World

An Angel of God heard about, His priceless inimitable artistic portrait, Which He fondly named Human being and sent to the Earth; Some five million years ago, to exemplify unshakably ameliorating brotherhood, unsurpassably undefeated goodness and symbiotic happiness since birth.

She desires to have a visit to Earth and thus begins her journey, She started blooming as a bud in the womb of a female human being. A few weeks after the embryos implantation in the uterus wall, Her earthly parents, for sex-determination, made to doctor a call.

Amniocentesis, ultrasonography- the scientific techniques were used, I will soon come in your world, answered to them, the angel quite amused. Its a girl child, declared the doctors and the parents decided, We will abort this unwanted child, the angels parents boasted.

We would have granted you life and allowed you to come, And live amongst us my child, but it has terrific outcome. I know you will be a wonderful daughter- polite and obedient, But are also a financial drain and my losses will be frequent.

I will spend wealth on your food, shelter, clothing and education, But always I will have to be worried for your respects security and protection. Then it will be a problem to find a suitable match for you, Then I will have to arrange a huge dowry too.

Because marriage, nowadays, is not just a sacred bond between souls, Rather it is a business alliance, wherein for profit-making the bridegroom enrolls. Girl is treated as a commodity, a plaything, a weaker vessel, a slave, Endless pain and agony will continue from birth till you reach to grave.

Moreover we need social security for us during old age, You cant come to provide this from your husbands cage. I also need an heir, to carry my name further, So, hope you understand why we crave for your brother.

These were the only words spoken to the angel by her venomous parents, With all these worthless excuses, the defence of the mothers womb was breached. She is cold-bloodedly and wretchedly sliced into pieces with sharp knives, And insanely, barbarously, demonically, her Right to Live was seized.

Then she was packed in polybags, to be thrown out in municipal bin, To become a food for hungry dogs, who tore away her flesh and skin. The soul of the angel returned to the heaven with heavy sighs, The world full of inhumanity, rewarded her with only painful cries. But can you answer, her one question at least, God had created humans, how they turned into cruel beasts?

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