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It I:

SentencingDe_ed ForJoimD..
. emplo)'ecl on


McBride. a

01 tho defeadant were Or. in another location. A decision-

f .. problUon

Di&&rict. WI. with

Ro"-rt D. MacKenzie, ~~~~~ have .!.,o~ co~e from Kootenai National Foreat Y'tu:srungwn, u.\.. .. illS work
Supervisor Floyd Marita,

;diferred for tIlree _ I tby pre.'

.~~ bearl...which . motion by the
:. *

had been primanly . tim~r

ehanp Ida plea

IS COUllta of lewd ~t ud

... of what had happened and ; . i regretted it. He said he had ''0 had t.':c prohl~m for ee yeaiS ~ had not been able to make hunself think about It before. .. At ~e point Do~as asked .Daniel Kuska. 8 (no relilUon to the def .....'. .: McBnde to expl81n why he It from Colorado Robert and Shirley FOI': should receive a light sen. been treattna Mc- Arthur and Jean Nella and tence as opposed to a harsh C!8 he was cursed Floyd Van We.lden. penalty, and Judge Keller Tbe judge lave William intervened sa.ying that the _raes involved a Douclas, county attorney, defen~a.'ltneed not answer the Ofboys all" 12 to 13. opportunity to bring adverse question. The judge referred .Jy 11' counts were witn.,es to the atand. to the lengthy testimony of Dr . ..a motion was made Douglas aald there Were Kuska and toJd Douglas that .to drop two of them. parenta 01 two boys InvOlved th~ issue was an illness. not a ., of the sentence who felt incarcenttion was enme. . inducted that Mc- necessary. but they were Dr. Kuska delved into the _: continue treatment m!wlUing to come before the rea son sea u sin g homosexuality and transand follow procedures court. . i.~kUJ) by Dr. Kuska. It also Forest Service personnel sexual tendencies and related :Jne~ded stipulation that he had described his work record them directly to McBride. He :)VilJ\,iUbmltto polygraph tests favorably and Iflid that he bad called McBride's problem a ,.at Ole request of the physician received a promotion to thinkiPg disorder whieh could Region 10 in Alaska at about be treated. and he said the :or of the county attorney. Others testifying in behalf the same time that the' predominant problem was a charges were med. Since then personaiity disorder. In a hehasbeenonaJckJeavefrom letter filed with the court, Pro Ute Libby Di!trict. They in- Kush referred to lmdicated that. depending on the maturity, and he discussed action of the court, McBride possible effects of problems might be able to continue d\U'ing birth, stability of the employment with that aaency home environment and in another location. A decision relationships within the home; would have to come from and tragic deaths of persons WaShington. D.C. His work who were close to him. had been primarily timber He said McBride had , sale road consln1ction in- contiDually functioned at an specucn. He has worked for emotional age below the the Forest Service for more chronological and physical than 12 years. age which explained the McBride said he ti(\Ught aberrant sexual acta in the charges. He described how

S. Keller lIonday, ~ tki;" from 9:30 to mid the. follQwlfta ..... . with a break for . Yi6re In at~to,"2 1t included m~ than Charles end Sheila )to. "~. of testlmoay fnm'c Joh" And Carolyn Me.~

bearinl. which . ~court before Judie


uaI ccmduet.

in bebaltotuae he uld fUiotber teadil' '. .~

be.. ubn 11l\Pr. ve mecheal help after he was array of wituaaI .&I&tIfYJna charged. and he feels t~e
"" <


UbbJ. Dl$tri. ct Ra. Ira. or vie! sale .road construcbon InColcJouab and Libby DIstrict speeuon. He ha~ worked for Foteater JoIm _tw. At the the Forest Service for more



he S{\ught

'~." ; he understood the senousness

treatment has helped ..He said


stress affected the defend-

ant's thinking' ability, and the psychiatrist said Mc-

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