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G.R. No. 85419 March 9, 1993 DEVELOPMENT BANK OF RIZAL, plaintiff-petitioner, vs.

SIMA WEI and/or LEE KIAN HUAT, MARY CHENG UY, SAMSON TUNG, ASIAN INDUSTRIAL PLASTIC CORPORATION and PRODUCERS BANK OF THE PHILIPPINES, defendantsrespondents. CAMPOS, JR., J.: On July 6, 1986, the Development Bank of Rizal (petitioner Bank for brevity) filed a complaint for a sum of money against respondents Sima Wei and/or Lee Kian Huat, Mary Cheng Uy, Samson Tung, Asian Industrial Plastic Corporation (Plastic Corporation for short) and the Producers Bank of the Philippines, on two causes of action: (1) To enforce payment of the balance of P1,032,450.02 on a promissory note executed by respondent Sima Wei on June 9, 1983; and (2) To enforce payment of two checks executed by Sima Wei, payable to petitioner, and drawn against the China Banking Corporation, to pay the balance due on the promissory note. Except for Lee Kian Huat, defendants filed their separate Motions to Dismiss alleging a common ground that the complaint states no cause of action. The trial court granted the defendants' Motions to Dismiss. The Court of Appeals affirmed this decision, * to which the petitioner Bank, represented by its Legal Liquidator, filed this Petition for Review by Certiorari, assigning the following as the alleged errors of the Court of Appeals: 1 (1) THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN HOLDING THAT THE PLAINTIFF-PETITIONER HAS NO CAUSE OF ACTION AGAINST DEFENDANTS-RESPONDENTS HEREIN. (2) THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN HOLDING THAT SECTION 13, RULE 3 OF THE REVISED RULES OF COURT ON ALTERNATIVE DEFENDANTS IS NOT APPLICABLE TO HEREIN DEFENDANTSRESPONDENTS.

The antecedent facts of this case are as follows: In consideration for a loan extended by petitioner Bank to respondent Sima Wei, the latter executed and delivered to the former a promissory note, engaging to pay the petitioner Bank or order the amount of P1,820,000.00 on or before June 24, 1983 with interest at 32% per annum. Sima Wei made partial payments on the note, leaving a balance of P1,032,450.02. On November 18, 1983, Sima Wei issued two crossed checks payable to petitioner Bank drawn against China Banking Corporation, bearing respectively the serial numbers 384934, for the amount of P550,000.00 and 384935, for the amount of P500,000.00. The said checks were allegedly issued in full settlement of the drawer's account evidenced by the promissory note. These two checks were not delivered to the petitioner-payee or to any of its authorized representatives. For reasons not shown, these checks came into the possession of respondent Lee Kian Huat, who deposited the checks without the petitioner-payee's indorsement (forged or otherwise) to the account of respondent Plastic Corporation, at the Balintawak branch, Caloocan City, of the Producers Bank. Cheng Uy, Branch Manager of the Balintawak branch of Producers Bank, relying on the assurance of respondent Samson Tung, President of Plastic Corporation, that the transaction was legal and regular, instructed the cashier of Producers Bank to accept the checks for deposit and to credit them to the account of said Plastic Corporation, inspite of the fact that the checks were crossed and payable to petitioner Bank and bore no indorsement of the latter. Hence, petitioner filed the complaint as aforestated. The main issue before Us is whether petitioner Bank has a cause of action against any or all of the defendants, in the alternative or otherwise. A cause of action is defined as an act or omission of one party in violation of the legal right or rights of another. The essential elements are: (1) legal right of the plaintiff; (2) correlative obligation of the defendant; and (3) an act or omission of the defendant in violation of said legal right. 2 The normal parties to a check are the drawer, the payee and the drawee bank. Courts have long recognized the business custom of

using printed checks where blanks are provided for the date of issuance, the name of the payee, the amount payable and the drawer's signature. All the drawer has to do when he wishes to issue a check is to properly fill up the blanks and sign it. However, the mere fact that he has done these does not give rise to any liability on his part, until and unless the check is delivered to the payee or his representative. A negotiable instrument, of which a check is, is not only a written evidence of a contract right but is also a species of property. Just as a deed to a piece of land must be delivered in order to convey title to the grantee, so must a negotiable instrument be delivered to the payee in order to evidence its existence as a binding contract. Section 16 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, which governs checks, provides in part: Every contract on a negotiable instrument is incomplete and revocable until delivery of the instrument for the purpose of giving effect thereto. . . . Thus, the payee of a negotiable instrument acquires no interest with respect thereto until its delivery to him. 3Delivery of an instrument means transfer of possession, actual or constructive, from one person to another. 4Without the initial delivery of the instrument from the drawer to the payee, there can be no liability on the instrument. Moreover, such delivery must be intended to give effect to the instrument. The allegations of the petitioner in the original complaint show that the two (2) China Bank checks, numbered 384934 and 384935, were not delivered to the payee, the petitioner herein. Without the delivery of said checks to petitioner-payee, the former did not acquire any right or interest therein and cannot therefore assert any cause of action, founded on said checks, whether against the drawer Sima Wei or against the Producers Bank or any of the other respondents. In the original complaint, petitioner Bank, as plaintiff, sued respondent Sima Wei on the promissory note, and the alternative defendants, including Sima Wei, on the two checks. On appeal from the orders of dismissal of the Regional Trial Court, petitioner Bank alleged that its cause of action was not based on collecting the sum of money evidenced by the negotiable instruments stated but

on quasi-delict a claim for damages on the ground of fraudulent acts and evident bad faith of the alternative respondents. This was clearly an attempt by the petitioner Bank to change not only the theory of its case but the basis of his cause of action. It is wellsettled that a party cannot change his theory on appeal, as this would in effect deprive the other party of his day in court. 5 Notwithstanding the above, it does not necessarily follow that the drawer Sima Wei is freed from liability to petitioner Bank under the loan evidenced by the promissory note agreed to by her. Her allegation that she has paid the balance of her loan with the two checks payable to petitioner Bank has no merit for, as We have earlier explained, these checks were never delivered to petitioner Bank. And even granting, without admitting, that there was delivery to petitioner Bank, the delivery of checks in payment of an obligation does not constitute payment unless they are cashed or their value is impaired through the fault of the creditor. 6 None of these exceptions were alleged by respondent Sima Wei. Therefore, unless respondent Sima Wei proves that she has been relieved from liability on the promissory note by some other cause, petitioner Bank has a right of action against her for the balance due thereon. However, insofar as the other respondents are concerned, petitioner Bank has no privity with them. Since petitioner Bank never received the checks on which it based its action against said respondents, it never owned them (the checks) nor did it acquire any interest therein. Thus, anything which the respondents may have done with respect to said checks could not have prejudiced petitioner Bank. It had no right or interest in the checks which could have been violated by said respondents. Petitioner Bank has therefore no cause of action against said respondents, in the alternative or otherwise. If at all, it is Sima Wei, the drawer, who would have a cause of action against her co-respondents, if the allegations in the complaint are found to be true. With respect to the second assignment of error raised by petitioner Bank regarding the applicability of Section 13, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court, We find it unnecessary to discuss the same in view of Our

finding that the petitioner Bank did not acquire any right or interest in the checks due to lack of delivery. It therefore has no cause of action against the respondents, in the alternative or otherwise. In the light of the foregoing, the judgment of the Court of Appeals dismissing the petitioner's complaint is AFFIRMED insofar as the second cause of action is concerned. On the first cause of action, the case is REMANDED to the trial court for a trial on the merits, consistent with this decision, in order to determine whether respondent Sima Wei is liable to the Development Bank of Rizal for any amount under the promissory note allegedly signed by her. SO ORDERED.

Upon motion of the defendant on July 25, 1960, 3 he was allowed by the Court of Appeals to file one consolidated record on appeal of CAG.R. NO. 27734-R and CA-G.R. NO. 27940-R. 4 In a resolution promulgated on March 1, 1966, the Court of Appeals, First Division, certified the consolidated appeal to the Supreme Court on the ground that only questions of law are involved. 5 On December 1, 1959, the Philippine Bank of Commerce instituted against Jose M. Aruego Civil Case No. 42066 for the recovery of the total sum of about P35,000.00 with daily interest thereon from November 17, 1959 until fully paid and commission equivalent to 3/8% for every thirty (30) days or fraction thereof plus attorney's fees equivalent to 10% of the total amount due and costs. 6 The complaint filed by the Philippine Bank of Commerce contains twentytwo (22) causes of action referring to twenty-two (22) transactions entered into by the said Bank and Aruego on different dates covering the period from August 28, 1950 to March 14, 1951. 7 The sum sought to be recovered represents the cost of the printing of "World Current Events," a periodical published by the defendant. To facilitate the payment of the printing the defendant obtained a credit accommodation from the plaintiff. Thus, for every printing of the "World Current Events," the printer, Encal Press and Photo Engraving, collected the cost of printing by drawing a draft against the plaintiff, said draft being sent later to the defendant for acceptance. As an added security for the payment of the amounts advanced to Encal Press and Photo-Engraving, the plaintiff bank also required defendant Aruego to execute a trust receipt in favor of said bank wherein said defendant undertook to hold in trust for plaintiff the periodicals and to sell the same with the promise to turn over to the plaintiff the proceeds of the sale of said publication to answer for the payment of all obligations arising from the draft. 8 Aruego received a copy of the complaint together with the summons on December 2, 1959. 9 On December 14, 1959 defendant filed an urgent motion for extension of time to plead, and set the hearing on December 16, 1959.10 At the hearing, the court denied defendant's motion for extension. Whereupon, the defendant filed a motion to dismiss the complaint on December 17, 1959 on the ground that the complaint states no cause of action because:

G.R. Nos. L-25836-37 January 31, 1981 THE PHILIPPINE BANK OF COMMERCE, plaintiff-appellee, vs. JOSE M. ARUEGO, defendant-appellant. FERNANDEZ, J.: The defendant, Jose M. Aruego, appealed to the Court of Appeals from the order of the Court of First Instance of Manila, Branch XIII, in Civil Case No. 42066 denying his motion to set aside the order declaring him in default, 1and from the order of said court in the same case denying his motion to set aside the judgment rendered after he was declared in default. 2 These two appeals of the defendant were docketed as CA-G.R. NO. 27734-R and CA-G.R. NO. 27940-R, respectively.

a) When the various bills of exchange were presented to the defendant as drawee for acceptance, the amounts thereof had already been paid by the plaintiff to the drawer (Encal Press and Photo Engraving), without knowledge or consent of the defendant drawee. b) In the case of a bill of exchange, like those involved in the case at bar, the defendant drawee is an accommodating party only for the drawer (Encal Press and Photo-Engraving) and win be liable in the event that the accommodating party (drawer) fails to pay its obligation to the plaintiff. 11 The complaint was dismissed in an order dated December 22, 1959, copy of which was received by the defendant on December 24, 1959. 12 On January 13, 1960, the plaintiff filed a motion for reconsideration. 13 On March 7, 1960, acting upon the motion for reconsideration filed by the plaintiff, the trial court set aside its order dismissing the complaint and set the case for hearing on March 15, 1960 at 8:00 in the morning. 14 A copy of the order setting aside the order of dismissal was received by the defendant on March 11, 1960 at 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon according to the affidavit of the deputy sheriff of Manila, Mamerto de la Cruz. On the following day, March 12, 1960, the defendant filed a motion to postpone the trial of the case on the ground that there having been no answer as yet, the issues had not yet been joined. 15 On the same date, the defendant filed his answer to the complaint interposing the following defenses: That he signed the document upon which the plaintiff sues in his capacity as President of the Philippine Education Foundation; that his liability is only secondary; and that he believed that he was signing only as an accommodation party. 16 On March 15, 1960, the plaintiff filed an ex parte motion to declare the defendant in default on the ground that the defendant should have filed his answer on March 11, 1960. He contends that by filing his answer on March 12, 1960, defendant was one day late. 17 On March 19, 1960 the trial court declared the defendant in default. 18 The defendant learned of the order declaring him in default on March 21, 1960. On March 22, 1960 the defendant filed a motion to set aside the order of default alleging that although the

order of the court dated March 7, 1960 was received on March 11, 1960 at 5:00 in the afternoon, it could not have been reasonably expected of the defendant to file his answer on the last day of the reglementary period, March 11, 1960, within office hours, especially because the order of the court dated March 7, 1960 was brought to the attention of counsel only in the early hours of March 12, 1960. The defendant also alleged that he has a good and substantial defense. Attached to the motion are the affidavits of deputy sheriff Mamerto de la Cruz that he served the order of the court dated March 7, 1960 on March 11, 1960, at 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon and the affidavit of the defendant Aruego that he has a good and substantial defense. 19 The trial court denied the defendant's motion on March 25, 1960. 20 On May 6, 1960, the trial court rendered judgment sentencing the defendant to pay to the plaintiff the sum of P35,444.35 representing the total amount of his obligation to the said plaintiff under the twenty-two (22) causes of action alleged in the complaint as of November 15, 1957 and the sum of P10,000.00 as attorney's fees. 21 On May 9, 1960 the defendant filed a notice of appeal from the order dated March 25, 1961 denying his motion to set aside the order declaring him in default, an appeal bond in the amount of P60.00, and his record on appeal. The plaintiff filed his opposition to the approval of defendant's record on appeal on May 13, 1960. The following day, May 14, 1960, the lower court dismissed defendant's appeal from the order dated March 25, 1960 denying his motion to set aside the order of default. 22 On May 19, 1960, the defendant filed a motion for reconsideration of the trial court's order dismissing his appeal. 23 The plaintiff, on May 20, 1960, opposed the defendant's motion for reconsideration of the order dismissing appeal. 24 On May 21, 1960, the trial court reconsidered its previous order dismissing the appeal and approved the defendant's record on appeal. 25 On May 30, 1960, the defendant received a copy of a notice from the Clerk of Court dated May 26, 1960, informing the defendant that the record on appeal filed ed by the defendant was forwarded to the Clerk of Court of Appeals. 26 On June 1, 1960 Aruego filed a motion to set aside the judgment rendered after he was declared in default reiterating the same ground previously advanced by him in his motion for relief from the order of default. 27 Upon opposition of the plaintiff filed on June 3,

1960, 28 the trial court denied the defendant's motion to set aside the judgment by default in an order of June 11, 1960. 29 On June 20, 1960, the defendant filed his notice of appeal from the order of the court denying his motion to set aside the judgment by default, his appeal bond, and his record on appeal. The defendant's record on appeal was approved by the trial court on June 25, 1960. 30 Thus, the defendant had two appeals with the Court of Appeals: (1) Appeal from the order of the lower court denying his motion to set aside the order of default docketed as CA-G.R. NO. 27734-R; (2) Appeal from the order denying his motion to set aside the judgment by default docketed as CA-G.R. NO. 27940-R. In his brief, the defendant-appellant assigned the following errors: I THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN HOLDING THAT THE DEFENDANT WAS IN DEFAULT. II THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN ENTERTAINING THE MOTION TO DECLARE DEFENDANT IN DEFAULT ALTHOUGH AT THE TIME THERE WAS ALREADY ON FILE AN ANSWER BY HIM WITHOUT FIRST DISPOSING OF SAID ANSWER IN AN APPROPRIATE ACTION. III THE LOWER COURT ERRED IN DENYING DEFENDANT'S PETITION FOR RELIEF OF ORDER OF DEFAULT AND FROM JUDGMENT BY DEFAULT AGAINST DEFENDANT. 31 It has been held that to entitle a party to relief from a judgment taken against him through his mistake, inadvertence, surprise or excusable neglect, he must show to the court that he has a meritorious defense. 32 In other words, in order to set aside the order of default, the defendant must not only show that his failure to answer was due to fraud, accident, mistake or excusable negligence but also that he has a meritorious defense. The record discloses that Aruego received a copy of the complaint together with the summons on December 2, 1960; that on December

17, 1960, the last day for filing his answer, Aruego filed a motion to dismiss; that on December 22, 1960 the lower court dismissed the complaint; that on January 23, 1960, the plaintiff filed a motion for reconsideration and on March 7, 1960, acting upon the motion for reconsideration, the trial court issued an order setting aside the order of dismissal; that a copy of the order was received by the defendant on March 11, 1960 at 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon as shown in the affidavit of the deputy sheriff; and that on the following day, March 12, 1960, the defendant filed his answer to the complaint. The failure then of the defendant to file his answer on the last day for pleading is excusable. The order setting aside the dismissal of the complaint was received at 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon. It was therefore impossible for him to have filed his answer on that same day because the courts then held office only up to 5:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Moreover, the defendant immediately filed his answer on the following day. However, while the defendant successfully proved that his failure to answer was due to excusable negligence, he has failed to show that he has a meritorious defense. The defendant does not have a good and substantial defense. Defendant Aruego's defenses consist of the following: a) The defendant signed the bills of exchange referred to in the plaintiff's complaint in a representative capacity, as the then President of the Philippine Education Foundation Company, publisher of "World Current Events and Decision Law Journal," printed by Encal Press and Photo-Engraving, drawer of the said bills of exchange in favor of the plaintiff bank; b) The defendant signed these bills of exchange not as principal obligor, but as accommodation or additional party obligor, to add to the security of said plaintiff bank. The reason for this statement is that unlike real bills of exchange, where payment of the face value is advanced to the drawer only upon acceptance of the same by the drawee, in the case in question, payment for the supposed bills of exchange were made before acceptance; so that in effect, although these documents are labelled bills of exchange, legally they are not

bills of exchange but mere instruments evidencing indebtedness of the drawee who received the face value thereof, with the defendant as only additional security of the same. 33 The first defense of the defendant is that he signed the supposed bills of exchange as an agent of the Philippine Education Foundation Company where he is president. Section 20 of the Negotiable Instruments Law provides that "Where the instrument contains or a person adds to his signature words indicating that he signs for or on behalf of a principal or in a representative capacity, he is not liable on the instrument if he was duly authorized; but the mere addition of words describing him as an agent or as filing a representative character, without disclosing his principal, does not exempt him from personal liability." An inspection of the drafts accepted by the defendant shows that nowhere has he disclosed that he was signing as a representative of the Philippine Education Foundation Company. 34 He merely signed as follows: "JOSE ARUEGO (Acceptor) (SGD) JOSE ARGUEGO For failure to disclose his principal, Aruego is personally liable for the drafts he accepted. The defendant also contends that he signed the drafts only as an accommodation party and as such, should be made liable only after a showing that the drawer is incapable of paying. This contention is also without merit. An accommodation party is one who has signed the instrument as maker, drawer, indorser, without receiving value therefor and for the purpose of lending his name to some other person. Such person is liable on the instrument to a holder for value, notwithstanding such holder, at the time of the taking of the instrument knew him to be only an accommodation party. 35 In lending his name to the accommodated party, the accommodation party is in effect a surety for the latter. He lends his name to enable the accommodated party to obtain credit or to raise money. He receives no part of the consideration for the instrument but assumes liability to the other parties thereto because he wants to accommodate another. In the instant case, the defendant signed as a drawee/acceptor. Under the Negotiable Instrument Law, a drawee is primarily liable. Thus, if the defendant who is a lawyer, he should not have signed as an

acceptor/drawee. In doing so, he became primarily and personally liable for the drafts. The defendant also contends that the drafts signed by him were not really bills of exchange but mere pieces of evidence of indebtedness because payments were made before acceptance. This is also without merit. Under the Negotiable Instruments Law, a bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writting addressed by one person to another, signed by the person giving it, requiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to order or to bearer. 36 As long as a commercial paper conforms with the definition of a bill of exchange, that paper is considered a bill of exchange. The nature of acceptance is important only in the determination of the kind of liabilities of the parties involved, but not in the determination of whether a commercial paper is a bill of exchange or not. It is evident then that the defendant's appeal can not prosper. To grant the defendant's prayer will result in a new trial which will serve no purpose and will just waste the time of the courts as well as of the parties because the defense is nil or ineffective. 37 WHEREFORE, the order appealed from in Civil Case No. 42066 of the Court of First Instance of Manila denying the petition for relief from the judgment rendered in said case is hereby affirmed, without pronouncement as to costs. SO ORDERED.

G.R. No. L-43596

October 31, 1936

PHILIPPINE NATIONAL BANK, plaintiff-appellee, vs. THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK, and MOTOR SERVICE COMPANY, INC., defendants. MOTOR SERVICE COMPANY, INC., appellant. RECTO, J.: This case was submitted for decision to the court below on the following stipulation of facts: 1. That plaintiff is a banking corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of a special act of the Philippine Legislature, with office as principal place of business at the Masonic Temple Bldg., Escolta, Manila, P. I.; that the defendant National City Bank of New York is a foreign banking corporation with a branch office duly authorized and licensed to carry and engage in banking business in the Philippine Islands, with branch office and place of business in the National City Bank Bldg., City of Manila, P. I., and that the defendant Motor Service Company, Inc., is a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the general corporation law of the Philippine Islands, with office and principal place of business at 408 Rizal

Avenue, City of Manila, P. I., engaged in the purchase and sale of automobile spare parts and accessories. 2. That on April 7 and 9, 1933, an unknown person or persons negotiated with defendant Motor Service Company, Inc., the checks marked as Exhibits A and A-1, respectively, which are made parts of the stipulation, in payment for automobile tires purchased from said defendant's stores, purporting to have been issued by the "Pangasinan Transportation Co., Inc. by J. L. Klar, Manager and Treasurer", against the Philippine National Bank and in favor of the International Auto Repair Shop, for P144.50 and P215.75; and said checks were indorsed by said unknown persons in the manner indicated at the back thereof, the Motor Service Co., Inc., believing at the time that the signature of J. L. Klar, Manager and Treasurer of the Pangasinan Transportation Co., Inc., on both checks were genuine. 3. The checks Exhibits A and A-1 were then indorsed for deposit by the defendant Motor Service Company, Inc, at the National City Bank of New York and the former was accordingly credited with the amounts thereof, or P144.50 and P215.75. 4. On April 8 and 10, 1933, the said checks were cleared at the clearing house and the Philippine National Bank credited the National City Bank of New York for the amounts thereof, believing at the time that the signatures of the drawer were genuine, that the payee is an existing entity and the endorsement at the back thereof regular and genuine. 5. The Philippine National Bank then found out that the purported signatures of J. L. Klar, as Manager and Treasurer of the Pangasinan Transportation Company, Inc., in said Exhibits A and A-1 were forged when so informed by the said Company, and it accordingly demanded from the defendants the reimbursement of the amounts for which it credited the National City Bank of New York at the clearing house and for which the latter credited the Motor Service Co., but the defendants refused, and continue to refuse, to make such reimbursements. 6. The Pangasinan Transportation Co., Inc., objected to have the proceeds of said check deducted from their deposit.

7. Exhibits B, C, D, E, F, and G, which were introduced at the trial in the municipal court of Manila and forming part of the record of the present case, are admitted by the parties as genuine and are made part of this stipulation as well as Exhibit H hereto attached and made a part hereof. Upon plaintiff's motion, the case was dismissed before trial as to the defendant National City Bank of New York. a decision was thereafter rendered giving plaintiff judgment for the total amount of P360.25, with interest and costs. From this decision the instant appeal was taken. Before us is the preliminary question of whether the original appeal taken by the plaintiff from the decision of the municipal court of Manila where this case originated, became perfected because of plaintiff's failure to attach to the record within 15 days from receipt of notice of said decision, the certificate of appeal bond required by section 76 of the Code of Civil Procedure. It is not disputed that both the appeal docket fee and the appeal cash bond were paid and deposited within the prescribed time. The issue is whether the mere failure to file the official receipt showing that such deposit was made within the said period is a sufficient ground to dismiss plaintiff's appeal. This question was settled by our decision in the case of Blanco vs. Bernabe and lawyers Cooperative Publishing Co. (page 124, ante), and no further consideration. No error was committed in allowing said appeal. We now pass on to consider and determine the main question presented by this appeal, namely, whether the appellee has the right to recover from the appellant, under the circumstances of this case, the value of the checks on which the signatures of the drawer were forged. The appellant maintains that the question should be answered in the negative and in support of its contention appellant advanced various reasons presently to be examined carefully. I. It is contended, first of all, that the payment of the checks in question made by the drawee bank constitutes an "acceptance", and, consequently, the case should be governed by the provisions of section 62 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, which says:

SEC. 62. Liability of acceptor. The acceptor by accepting the instrument engages that he will pay it according to the tenor of his acceptance; and admits: (a) The existence of the drawer, the genuineness of his signature, and his capacity and authority to draw the instrument; and (b) The existence of the payee and his then capacity to indorse. This contention is without merit. A check is a bill of exchange payable on demand and only the rules governing bills of exchange payable on demand are applicable to it, according to section 185 of the Negotiable Instruments Law. In view of the fact that acceptance is a step unnecessary, in so far as bills of exchange payable on demand are concerned (sec. 143), it follows that the provisions relative to "acceptance" are without application to checks. Acceptance implies, in effect, subsequent negotiation of the instrument, which is not true in case of the payment of a check because from the moment a check is paid it is withdrawn from circulation. The warranty established by section 62, is in favor of holders of the instrument after its acceptance. When the drawee bank cashes or pays a check, the cycle of negotiation is terminated, and it is illogical thereafter to speak of subsequent holders who can invoke the warranty provided in section 62 against the drawee. Moreover, according to section 191, "acceptance" means "an acceptance completed by delivery or notification" and this concept is entirely incompatible with payment, because when payment is made the check is retained by the bank, and there is no such thing as delivery or notification to the party receiving the payment. Checks are not to be accepted, but presented at once for payment. (1 Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 476.) There can be no such thing as "acceptance" in the ordinary sense of the term. A check being payable immediately and on demand, the bank can fulfill its duty to the depositor only by paying the amount demanded. The holder has no right to demand from the bank anything but payment of the check, and the bank has no right, as against the drawer, to do anything but pay it. (5 R. C. L., p. 516, par. 38.) A check is not an instrument which in the ordinary course of business calls for acceptance. The holder can never claim acceptance as his legal right. He can present for payment, and only for payment. (1 Morse on Banks and Banking, 6th ed., pp. 898, 899.)

There is, however, nothing in the law or in, business practice against the presentation of checks for acceptance, before they are paid, in which case we have a "certification" equivalent to "acceptance" according to section 187, which provides that "where a check is certified by the bank on which it is drawn, the certification is equivalent to an acceptance", and it is then that the warranty under section 62 exists. This certification or acceptance consists in the signification by the drawee of his assent to the order of the drawer, which must not express that the drawee will perform his promise by any other means than the payment of money. (Sec. 132.) When the holder of a check procures it to be accepted or certified, the drawer and all indorsers are discharged from liability thereon (sec. 188), and then the check operates as an assignment of a part of the funds to the credit of the drawer with the bank. (Sec. 189.) There is nothing in the nature of the check which intrinsically precludes its acceptance, in like manner and with like effect as a bill of exchange or draft may be accepted. The bank may accept if it chooses; and it is frequently induced by convenience, by the exigencies of business, or by the desire to oblige customers, voluntarily to incur the obligation. The act by which the bank places itself under obligation to pay to the holder the sum called for by a check must be the expressed promise or undertaking of the bank signifying its intent to assume the obligation, or some act from which the law will imperatively imply such valid promise or undertaking. The most ordinary form which such an act assumes is the acceptance by the bank of the check, or, as it is perhaps more often called, the certifying of the check. (1 Morse on Banks and Banking, pp. 898, 899; 5 R. C. L., p. 520.) No doubt a bank may by an unequivocal promise in writing make itself liable in any event to pay the check upon demand, but this is not an "acceptance" of the check in the true sense of that term. Although a check does not call for acceptance, and the holder can present it only for payment, the certification of checks is a means in constant and extensive use in the business of banking, and its effects and consequences are regulated by the law merchant. Checks drawn upon banks or bankers, thus marked and certified, enter largely into the commercial and financial transactions of the country; they pass from hand to hand, in the payment of debts, the purchase of property, and in the transfer of balances from one house and one bank to another. In the great commercial centers, they

make up no inconsiderable portion of the circulation, and thus perform a useful, valuable, and an almost indispensable office. The purpose of procuring a check to be certified is to impart strength and credit to the paper by obtaining an acknowledgment from the certifying bank that the drawer has funds therein sufficient to cover the check and securing the engagement of the bank that the check will be paid upon presentation. A certified check has a distinctive character as a species of commercial paper, and performs important functions in banking and commercial business. When a check is certified, it ceases to possess the character, or to perform the functions, of a check, and represents so much money on deposit, payable to the holder on demand. The check becomes a basis of credit an easy mode of passing money from hand to hand, and answers the purposes of money. (5 R. C. L., pp. 516, 517.)lwphi1.nt All the authorities, both English and American, hold that a check may be accepted, though acceptance is not usual. By the law merchant, the certificate of the bank that a check is good is equivalent to acceptance. It implies that the check is drawn upon sufficient funds in the hands of the drawee, that they have been set apart for its satisfaction, and that they shall be so applied whenever the check is presented for payment. It is an undertaking that the check is good then, and shall continue good, and this agreement is as binding on the bank as its notes of circulation, a certificate of deposit payable to the order of the depositor, or any other obligation it can assume. The object of certifying a check, as regards both parties is to enable the holder to use it as money. The transferee takes it with the same readiness and sense of security that he would take the notes of the bank. It is available also to him for all the purposes of money. Thus it continues to perform its important functions until in the course of business it goes back to the bank for redemption, and is extinguished by payment. It cannot be doubted that the certifying bank intended these consequences, and it is liable accordingly. To hold otherwise would render these important securities only a snare and a delusion. A bank incurs no greater risk in certifying a check than in giving a certificate of deposit. In wellregulated banks the practice is at once to charge the check to the account of the drawer, to credit it in a certified check account, and, when the check is paid, to debit that account with the amount.

Nothing can be simpler or safer than this process. (Merchants' Bank vs. States Bank, 10 Wall., 604, at p. 647; 19 Law. ed., 1008, 1019.) Ordinarily the acceptance or certification of a check is performed and evidenced by some word or mark, usually the words "good", "certified" or "accepted" written upon the check by the banker or bank officer. (1 Morse, Banks and Banking, 915; 1 Bouvier's Law Dictionary, 476.) The bank virtually says, that check is good; we have the money of the drawer here ready to pay it. We will pay it now if you will receive it. The holder says, No, I will not take the money; you may certify the check and retain the money for me until this check is presented. The law will not permit a check, when due, to be thus presented, and the money to be left with the bank for the accommodation of the holder without discharging the drawer. The money being due and the check presented, it is his own fault if the holder declines to receive the pay, and for his own convenience has the money appropriated to that check subject to its future presentment at any time within the statute of limitations. (1 Morse on Banks and Banking, p. 920.) The theory of the appellant and of the decisions on which it relies to support its view is vitiated by the fact that they take the word "acceptance" in its ordinary meaning and not in the technical sense in which it is used in the Negotiable Instruments Law. Appellant says that when payment is made, such payment amounts to an acceptance, because he who pays accepts. This is true in common parlance but "acceptance" in legal contemplation. The word "acceptance" has a peculiar meaning in the Negotiable Instruments Law, and, as has been above stated, in the instant case there was payment but no acceptatance, or what is equivalent to acceptance, certification. With few exceptions, the weight of authority is to the effect that "payment" neither includes nor implies "acceptance". In National Bank vs. First National Bank ([19101, 141 Mo. App., 719; 125 S. W., 513), the court asks, if a mere promise to pay a check is binding on a bank, why should not the absolute payment of the check have the same effect? In response, it is submitted that the two things, that is acceptance and payment, are entirely

different. If the drawee accepts the paper after seeing it, and then permits it to go into circulation as genuine, on all the principles of estoppel, he ought to be prevented from setting up forgery to defeat liability to one who has taken the paper on the faith of the acceptance, or certification. On the other hand, mere payment of the paper at the termination of its course does not act as an estoppel. The attempt to state a general rule covering both acceptance and payment is responsible for a large part of the conflicting arguments which have been advanced by the courts with respect to the rule. (Annotation at 12 A. L. R., 1090 1921].) In First National Bank vs. Brule National Bank ([1917], 12 A. L. R., 1079, 1085), the court said: We are of the opinion that "payment is not acceptance". Acceptance, as defined by section 131, cannot be confounded with payment. . . . Acceptance, certification, or payment of a check, by the express language of the statute, discharges the liability only of the persons named in the statute, to wit, the drawer and all indorsers, and the contract of indorsement by the negotiator if the check is discharged by acceptance, certification, or payment. But clearly the statute does not say that the contract of warranty of the negotiator, created by section 65, is discharged by these acts. The rule supported by the majority of the cases (14 A. L. R. 764), that payment of a check on a forged or unauthorized indorsement of the payee's name, and charging the same to the drawer's account, do not amount to an acceptance so as to make the bank liable to the payee, is supported by all of the recent cases in which the question is considered. (Cases cited, Annotation at 69 A. L. R., 1076, 1077 [1930].) Merely stamping a check "Paid" upon its payment on a forged or unauthorized indorsement is not an acceptance thereof so as to render the drawee bank liable to the true payee. (Anderson vs. Tacoma National Bank [1928], 146 Wash., 520; 264 Pac., 8; Annotation at 69 A. L. R., 1077, [1930].) In State Bank of Chicago vs. Mid-City Trust & Savings Bank (12 A. L. R., 989, 991, 992), the court said:

The defendant in error contends that the payment of the check shows acceptance by the bank, urging that there can be no more definite act by the bank upon which a check has been drawn, showing acceptance than the payment of the check. Section 184 of the Negotiable Instruments Act (sec. 202) provides that the provisions of the act applicable to bills of exchange apply to a check, and section 131 (sec. 149), that the acceptance of a bill must be in writing signed by the drawee. Payment is the final act which extinguishes a bill. Acceptance is a promise to pay in the future and continues the life of the bill. It was held in the First National Bank vs. Whitman (94 U. S., 343; 24 L. ed., 229), that payment of a check upon a forged indorsement did not operate as an acceptance in favor of the true owner. The contrary was held in Pickle vs. Muse (Fickle vs. People's Nat. Bank, 88 Tenn., 380; 7 L.R.A., 93; 17 Am. St. Rep., 900; 12 S. W., 919), and Seventh National Bank vs. Cook (73 Pa., 483; 13 Am. Rep., 751) at a time when the Negotiable Instruments Act was not in force in those states. The opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States seems more logical, and the provision of the Negotiable Instruments Act now require an acceptance to be in writing. Under this statute the payment of a check on a forged indorsement, stamping it "paid," and charging it to the account of the drawer, do not constitute an acceptance of the check or create a liability of the bank to the true holder or the payee. (Elyria Sav. & Bkg. Co. vs. Walker Bin Co., 92 Ohio St., 406; L. R. A., 1916D, 433; 111 N. E., 147; Ann. Cas. 1917D, 1055; Baltimore & O. R. Co. vs. First National Bank, 102 Va., 753; 47 S. E., 837; State Bank of Chicago vs. Mid-City Trust & Savings Bank 12 A. L. R., pp. 989, 991, 992.) Before drawee's acceptance of check there is no privity of contract between drawee and payee. Drawee's payment of check on unauthorized indorsement does not constitute "acceptance" of check. (Sinclair Refining Co.vs. Moultrie Banking Co., 165 S. E., 860 [1932].) The great weight of authority is to the effect that the payment of a check upon a forged or unauthorized indorsement and the stamping of it "paid" does not constitute an acceptance. (Dakota Radio Apparatus Co. vs.First Nat. Bank of Rapid City, 244 N. W., 351, 352 [1932].)

Payment of the check, cashing it on presentment is not acceptance. (South Boston Trust Co. vs. Levin, 249 Mass., 45, 48, 49; 143 N. E., 816; Blocker, Shepard Co. vs. Granite Trust Company, 187 Me., 53, 54 [1933].) In Rauch vs. Bankers National Bank of Chicago (143 Ill. App., 625, 636, 637 [1908]), the language of the decision was as follows: . . . The plaintiffs say that this acceptance was made by the very unauthorized payments of which they complain. This suggestion does not seem forceful to us. It is the contention which was made before the Supreme Court of the United States in First National Bank vs. Whitman (94 U. S., 343), and repudiated by that court. The language of the opinion in that case is so apt in the present case that we quote it: "It is further contended that such an acceptance of a check as creates a privity between the payee and the bank is established by the payment of the amount of this check in the manner described. This argument is based upon the erroneous assumption that the bank has paid this check. If this were true, it would have discharged all of its duty, and there would be an end to the claim against it. The bank supposed that it had paid the check, but this was an error. The money it paid was upon a pretended and not a real indorsement of the name of the payee. . . . We cannot recognize the argument that payment of the amount of the check or sight draft under such circumstances amounts to an acceptance creating a privity of contract with the real owner. "It is difficult to construe a payment as an acceptance under any circumstances. . . . A banker or individual may be ready to make actual payment of a check or draft when presented, while unwilling to make a promise to pay at a future time. Many, on the other hand, are more ready to promise to pay than to meet the promise when required. The difference between the transactions is essential and inherent." And in Wharf vs. Seattle National Bank (24 Pac. [2d]), 120, 123 [1933]): It is the rule that payment of a check on unauthorized or forged indorsement does not operate as an acceptance of the check

so as to authorize an action by the real owner to recover its amount from the drawee bank. (Michie on Banks and Banking, vol. 5, sec. 278, p. 521.) A full list of the authorities supporting the rule will be found in a footnote to the foregoing citation. (See also, Federal Land Bank vs. Collins, 156 Miss., 893; 127 So., 570; 69 A. L. R., 1068.) In a very recent case, Federal Land Bank vs. Collins (69 A. L. R., 1068, 1072-1074), this question was discussed at considerable length. The court said: In the light of the first of these statutes, counsel for appellant is forced to stand upon the narrow ledge that the payment of the check by the two banks will constitute an acceptance. The drawee bank simply marked it "paid" and did not write anything else except the date. The bank first paying the check, the Commercial National Bank and Trust Company, simply wrote its name as indorser and passed the check on to the drawee bank; does this constitute an acceptance? The precise question has not been presented to this court for decision. Without reference to authorities in other jurisdictions it would appear that the drawee bank had never written its name across the paper and therefore, under the strict terms of the statute, could not be bound as an acceptor; in the second place, it does not appear to us to be illogical and unsound to say that the payment of a check by the drawee, and the stamping of it "paid", is equivalent to the same thing as the acceptance of a check; however, there is a variety of opinions in the various jurisdictions on this question. Counsel correctly states that the theory upon which the numerous courts hold that the payment of a check creates privity between the holder of the check and the drawee bank is tantamount to a pro tanto assignment of that part of the funds. It is most easily understood how the payment of the check, when not authorized to be done by the drawee bank, might under such circumstances create liability on the part of the drawee to the drawer. Counsel cites the case of Pickle vs. Muse (88 Tenn, 380; 12 S. W., 919; 7 L. R. A., 93; 17 Am. St. Rep., 900), wherein Judge Lurton held that the acceptance of a check was necessary in order to give the holder thereof a right of action thereon against the bank, and further held in a case similar to this, so far as this question is concerned, that the acceptance of a check so as to give a right of action to the payee is inferred from the retention of the check by the bank and its subsequent charge of the amount to the drawer, although it was

presented by, and payment made, an unauthorized person. Judge Lurton cited the case of National Bank of the Republic vs. Millard (10 Wall., 152; 19 L. ed., 897), wherein the Supreme Court of the United States, not having such a case before it, threw out the suggestion that, if it was shown that a bank had charged the check on its books against the drawer and made settlement with the drawee that the holder could recover on account of money had and received, invoking the rule of justice and fairness, it might be said there was an implied promise to the holder to pay it on demand. (SeeNational Bank of the Republic vs. Millard, 10 Wall. [77 U. S.], 152; 19 L. ed., 899.) The Tennessee court then argued that it would be inequitable and unconscionable for the owner and payee of the check to be limited to an action against an insolvent drawer and might thereby lose the debt. They recognized the legal principle that there is no privity between the drawer bank and the holder, or payee, of the check, and proceeded to hold that no particular kind of writing was necessary to constitute an acceptance and that it became a question of fact, and the bank became liable when it stamped it "paid" and charged it to the account of the drawer, and cites, in support of its opinion, Seventh National Bank vs. Cook (73 Pa., 483; 13 Am. Rep., 751); Saylor vs. Bushong (100 Pa., 23; 45 Am. Rep., 353); and Dodge vs. Bank (20 Ohio St., 234; 5 Am. Rep., 648). This decision was in 1890, prior to the enactment of the Negotiable Instruments Law by the State of Tennessee. However, in this case Judge Snodgrass points out that the Millard case, supra, was dicta. The Dodge case, from the Ohio court, held exactly as the Tennessee court, but subsequently in the case of Elyria Bank vs. Walker Bin Co. (92 Ohio St., 406; 111 N. E., 147; L. R. A. 1916D, 433; Ann. Cas. 1917D, 1055), the court held to the contrary, called attention to the fact that the Dodge case was no longer the law, and proceeded to announce that, whatever might have been the law before the passage of the Negotiable Instrument Act in that state, it was no longer the law; that the rule announced in the Dodge case had been "discarded." The court, in the latter case, expressed its doubts that the courts of Tennessee and Pennsylvania would adhere to the rule announced in the Pickle case, quoted supra, in the face of the Negotiable Instrument Law. Subsequent to the Millard case, the Supreme Court of the United States, in the case of First National Bank of Washington vs. Whitman (94 U. S., 343, 347; 24 L.

ed., 229), where the bank, without any knowledge that the indorsement of the payee was unauthorized, paid the check, and it was contended that by the payment the privity of contract existing between the drawer and drawee was imparted to the payee, said: "It is further contended that such an acceptance of the check as creates a privity between the payee and the bank is established by the payment of the amount of this check in the manner described. This argument is based upon the erroneous assumption that the bank has paid this check. If this were true, it would have discharged all of its duty, and there would be an end of the claim against it. The bank supposed that it had paid the check; but this was an error. The money it paid was upon a pretended and not a real indorsement of the name of the payee. The real indorsement of the payee was as necessary to a valid payment as the real signature of the drawer; and in law the check remains unpaid. Its pretended payment did not diminish the funds of the drawer in the bank, or put money in the pocket of the person entitled to the payment. The state of the account was the same after the pretended payment as it was before. "We cannot recognize the argument that a payment of the amount of a check or sight draft under such circumstances amounts to an acceptance, creating a privity of contract with the real owner. It is difficult to construe a payment as an acceptance under any circumstances. The two things are essentially different. One is a promise to perform an act, the other an actual performance. A banker or an individual may be ready to make actual payment of a check or draft when presented, while unwilling to make a promise to pay at a future time. Many, on the other hand, are more ready to promise to pay than to meet the promise when required. The difference between the transactions is essential and inherent." Counsel for the appellant cite other cases holding that the stamping of the check "paid" and the charging of the amount thereof to the drawer constituted an acceptance, but we are of opinion that none of these cases cited hold that it is in compliance with the Negotiable Instruments Act; paying the check and stamping same is not the equivalent of accepting the check in writing signed by the drawee. The cases holding that payment as indicated above constituted acceptance were rendered prior to the adoption of the

Negotiable Instruments Act in the particular state, and these decisions are divided into two classes: the one holding that the check delivered by the drawer to the holder and presented to the bank or drawee constitutes an assignment pro tanto; the other holding that the payment of the check and the charging of same to the drawee although paid to an unauthorized person creates privity of contract between the holder and the drawee bank. We have already seen that our own court has repudiated the assignment pro tanto theory, and since the adoption of the Negotiable Instrument Act by this state we are compelled to say that payment of a check is not equivalent to accepting a check in writing and signing the name of the acceptor thereon. Payment of the check and the charging of same to the drawer does not constitute an acceptance. Payment of the check is the end of the voyage; acceptance of the check is to fuel the vessel and strengthen it for continued operation on the commercial sea. What we have said applies to the holder and not to the drawer of the check. On this question we conclude that the general rule is that an action cannot be maintained by a payee of the check against the bank on which is draw unless the check has been certified or accepted by the bank in compliance with the statute, even though at the time the check is that an action cannot be maintained by a payee of the drawer of the check out of which the check is legally payable; and that the payment of the check by the bank on which it is drawn, even though paid on the unauthorized indorsement of the name of the holder (without notice of the defect by the bank), does not constitute a certification thereof, neither is it an acceptance thereof; and without acceptance or certification, as provided by statute, there is no privity of contract between the drawee bank and the payee, or holder of the check. Neither is there an assignmentpro tanto of the funds where the check is not drawn on a particular fund, or does not show on its face that it is an assignment of a particular fund. The above rule as stated seems to have been the rule in the majority of the states even before the passage of the uniform Negotiable Instruments Act in the several states. The decision in the case of First National Bank vs. Bank of Cottage Grove (59 Or., 388), which appellant cites in its brief (pp. 12, 13 ) has been expressly overruled by the Supreme Court of

Massachusetts in South Boston Trust Co. vs. Levin (143 N. E., 816, 817), in the following language: In First National Bank vs. Bank of Cottage Grove (59 Or., 388; 117 Pac., 293, 296, at page 396), it was said: "The payment of a bill or check by the drawee amounts to more than an acceptance. The rule, holding that such a payment has all the efficacy of an acceptance, is founded upon the principle that the greater includes the less." We are unable to agree with this statement as there is no similarity between acceptance and payment; payment discharges the instrument, and no one else is expected to advance anything on the faith of it; acceptance, contemplates further circulation, induced by the fact of acceptance. The rule that the acceptor made certain admissions which will inure to the benefit of subsequent holders, has no applicability to payment of the instrument where subsequent holders can never exist. II. The old doctrine that a bank was bound to know its correspondent's signature and that a drawee could not recover money paid upon a forgery of the drawer's name, because it was said, the drawee was negligent not to know the forgery and it must bear the consequence of its negligence, is fast fading into the misty past, where it belongs. It was founded in misconception of the fundamental principles of law and common sense. (2 Morse, Banks and Banking, p. 1031.) Some of the cases carried the rule to its furthest limit and held that under no circumstances (except, of course, where the purchaser of the bill has participated in the fraud upon the drawee) would the drawee be allowed to recover bank money paid under a mistake of fact upon a bill of exchange to which the name of the drawer had been forged. This doctrine has been freely criticized by the eminent authorities, as a rule too favorable to the holder, not the most fair, nor best calculated to effectuate justice between the drawee and the drawer. (5 R.C.L., p. 556.) The old rule which was originally announced by Lord Mansfield in the leading case of Price vs. Neal (3 Burr., 1354), elicited the following comment from Justice Holmes, then Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Massachusetts, in the case of Dedham National Bank vs. Everett National Bank (177 Mass., 392). "Probably the rule

was adopted from an impression of convenience rather than for any more academic reason; or perhaps we may say that Lord Mansfield took the case out of the doctrine as to payments under a mistake of fact by the assumption that a holder who simply presents negotiable paper for payment makes no representation as to the signature, and that the drawee pays at his peril." Such was the reaction that followed Lord Mansfield's rule which Justice Story of the United States Supreme adopted in the case of Bank of United States vs. Georgia (10 Wheat., 333), that in B. B. Ford & Co. vs. People's Bank of Orangeburg (74 S. C., 180), it was held that "an unrestricted indorsement of a draft and presentation to the drawee is a representation that the signature of the drawer is genuine", and in Lisbon First National Bank vs.Wyndmere Bank (15 N. D., 299), it was also held that "the drawee of a forged check who has paid the same without detecting the forgery, may upon discovery of the forgery, recover the money paid from the party who received the money, even though the latter was a good faith holder, provided the latter has not been misled or prejudiced by the drawee's failure to detect the forgery." Daniel, in his treatise on Negotiable Instruments, has the following to say: In all the cases which hold the drawee absolutely estoppel by acceptance or payment from denying genuineness of the drawer's name, the loss is thrown upon him on the ground of negligence on his part in accepting or paying, until he has ascertained the bill to be genuine. But the holder has preceded him in negligence, by himself not ascertaining the true character of the paper before he received it, or presented it for acceptance or payment. And although, as a general rule, the drawee is more likely to know the drawer's handwriting than a stranger is, if he is in fact deceived as to its genuineness, we do not perceive that he should suffer more deeply by mistake than a stranger, who, without knowing the handwriting, has taken the paper without previously ascertaining its genuineness. And the mistake of the drawee should always be allowed to be corrected, unless the holder, acting upon faith and confidence induced by his honoring the draft, would be placed in a worse position by according such privilege to him. This view has been applied in a well considered case, and is intimidated in another; and

is forcibly presented by Mr. Chitty, who says it is going a great way to charge the acceptor with knowledge of his correspondent's handwriting, "unless some bona fide holder has purchased the paper on the faith of such an act." Negligence in making payment under a mistake of fact is not now deemed a bar to recovery of it, and we do not see why any exception should be made to the principle, which would apply as well as to release an obligation not consummated by payment. ( Vol. 2, 6th edition, pp. 1537-1539.) III. But now the rule is perfectly well settled that in determining the relative rights of a drawee who, under a mistake of fact, has paid, and a holder who has received such payment, upon a check to which the name of the drawer has been forged, it is only fair to consider the question of diligence or negligence of the parties in respect thereto. (Woods and Malone vs. Colony Bank [1902], 56 L. R. A., 929, 932.) The responsibility of the drawee who pays a forged check, for the genuineness of the drawer's signature, is absolute only in favor of one who has not, by his own fault or negligence, contributed to the success of the fraud or to mislead the drawee. (National Bank of America vs. Bangs, 106 Mass., 441; 8 Am. Rep., 349; Woods and Malone vs. Colony Bank, supra; De Feriet vs.Bank of America, 23 La. Ann., 310; B. B. Ford & Co. vs. People's Bank of Orangeburg, 74 S. C., 180; 10 L. R. A. [N. S.], 63.) If it appears that the one to whom payment was made was not an innocent sufferer, but was guilty of negligence in not doing something, which plain duty demanded, and which, if it had been done, would have avoided entailing loss on any one, he is not entitled to retain the moneys paid through a mistake on the part of the drawee bank. (First Nat. Bank of Danvers vs. First Nat. Bank of Salem, 151 Mass., 280; 24 N. E., 44; 21 A. S. R., 450; First Nat. Bank of Orleans vs. State Bank of Alma, 22 Neb., 769; 36 N. W., 289; 3 A. S. R., 294; American Exp. Co. vs. State Nat. Bank, 27 Okla., 824; 113 Pac., 711; 33 L. R. A. [N. S.], 188; B. B. Ford & Co. vs. People's Bank of Orangeburg, 74 S. C., 180; 54 S. E., 204; 114 A. S. R., 986; 7 Ann. Cas., 744; 10 L. R. A. [N. S.], 63; People's Bank vs. Franklin Bank, 88 Tenn. 299; 12 S. W., 716; 17 A. S. R.) 884; 6 L. R. A., 724; Canadian Bank of Commerce vs. Bingham, 30 Wash., 484; 71 Pac., 43; 60 L. R. A., 955.) In other words, to entitle the holder of a forged check to retain the money obtained he must be able to show that the whole responsibility of determining the validity of the signature was upon

the drawee, and that the negligence of such drawee was not lessened by any failure of any precaution which, from his implied assertion in presenting the check as a sufficient voucher, the drawee had the right to believe he had taken. (Ellis vs. Ohio Life Insurance & Trust Co., 4 Ohio St., 628; Rouvantvs. Bank, 63 Tex., 610; Bank vs. Ricker, 71 Ill., 429; First National Bank of Danvers vs. First Nat. Bank of Salem, 24 N. E., 44, 45; B. B. Ford & Co. vs. People's Bank of Orangeburg, supra.) The recovery is permitted in such case, because, although the drawee was constructively negligent in failing to detect the forgery, yet if the purchaser had performed his duty, the forgery would in all probability have been detected and the fraud defeated. (First National Bank of Lisbon vs. Bank of Wyndmere, 15 N. D., 209; 10 L. R. A. [N. S.], 49.) In the absence of actual fault on the part of the drawee, his constructive fault in not knowing the signature of the drawer and detecting the forgery will not preclude his recovery from one who took the check under circumstances of suspicion without proper precaution, or whose conduct has been such as to mislead the drawee or induce him to pay the check without the usual scrutiny or other precautions against mistake or fraud. (National Bank of America vs. Bangs, supra; First National Bank vs. Indiana National Bank, 30 N. E., 808-810; Woods and Malone vs. Colony Bank, supra; First National Bank of Danvers vs. First Nat. Bank of Salem, 151 Mass., 280.) Where a loss, which must be borne by one of two parties alike innocent of forgery, can be traced to the neglect or fault of either, it is unreasonable that it would be borne by him, even if innocent of any intentional fraud, through whose means it has succeeded. (Gloucester Bank vs. Salem Bank, 17 Mass., 33; First Nat. Bank of Danvers vs. First National Bank of Salem,supra; B. B. Ford & Co. vs. People's Bank of Orangeburg, supra.) Again if the indorser is guilty of negligence in receiving and paying the check or draft, or has reason to believe that the instrument is not genuine, but fails to inform the drawee of his suspicions the indorser according to the reasoning of some courts will be held liable to the drawee upon his implied warranty that the instrument is genuine. (B. B. Ford & Co. vs. People's Bank of Orangeburg, supra; Newberry Sav. Bank vs. Bank of Columbia, 93 S. C., 294; 38 L. R. A. [N. S], 1200.) Most of the courts now agree that one who purchases a check or draft is bound to satisfy himself that the paper is genuine; and that by indorsing it or presenting it for payment or putting it into circulation before presentation he

impliedly asserts that he has performed his duty, the drawee, who has, without actual negligence on his part, paid the forged demand, may recover the money paid from such negligent purchaser. (Lisbon First National Bank vs.Wyndmere Bank, supra.) Of course, the drawee must, in order to recover back the holder, show that he himself was free from fault. (See also 5 R. C. L., pp. 556-558.) So, if a collecting bank is alone culpable, and, on account of its negligence only, the loss has occurred, the drawee may recover the amount it paid on the forged draft or check. (Security Commercial & Sav. Bank vs.Southern Trust & C. Bank [1925], 74 Cal. App., 734; 241 Pac., 945.) But we are aware of no case in which the principle that the drawee is bound to know the signature of the drawer of a bill or check which he undertakes to pay has been held to be decisive in favor of a payee of a forged bill or check to which he has himself given credit by his indorsement. (Secalso, Mckleroy vs. Bank, 14 La. Ann., 458; Canal Bank vs. Bank of Albany, 1 Hill, 287; Rouvant vs. Bank, supra, First Nat. Bank vs. Indiana National Bank; 30 N. E., 808-810.) In First Nat. Bank vs. United States National Bank ([1921], 100 Or., 264; 14 A. L. R., 479; 197 Pac., 547), the court declared: "A holder cannot profit by a mistake which his negligent disregard of duty has contributed to induce the drawee to commit. . . . The holder must refund, if by his negligence he has contributed to the consummation of the mistake on the part of the drawee by misleading him. . . . If the only fault attributable to the drawee is the constructive fault which the law raises from the bald fact that he has failed to detect the forgery, and if he is not chargeable with actual fault in addition to such constructive fault, then he is not precluded from recovery from a holder whose conduct has been such as to mislead the drawee or induce him to pay the check or bill of exchange without the usual security against fraud. The holder must refund to a drawee who is not guilty of actual fault if the holder was negligent in not making due inquiry concerning the validity of the check before he took it, and if the drawee can be said to have been excused from making inquiry before taking the check because of having had a right to, presume that the holder had made such inquiry."

The rule that one who first negotiates forged paper without taking some precaution to learn whether or not it is genuine should not be allowed to retain the proceeds of the draft or check from the drawee, whose sole fault was that he did not discover the forgery before he paid the draft or check, has been followed by the later cases. (Security Commercial & Savings Bank vs. Southern Trust & C. Bank [1925], 74 Cal. App., 734; 241 Pac., 945; Hutcheson Hardware Co. vs. Planters State Bank [1921], 26 Ga. App., 321; 105 S. E., 854; [Annotation at 71 A. L. R., 337].) Where a bank, without inquiry or identification of the person presenting a forged check, purchases it, indorses it, generally, and presents it to the drawee bank, which pays it, the latter may recover if its only negligence was its mistake in having failed to detect the forgery, since its mistake, did not mislead the purchaser or bring about a change in position. (Security Commercial & Savings Bank vs. Southern Trust & C. Bank [1925], 74 Cal. App., 734; 241 Pac., 945.) Also, a drawee could recover from another bank the portion of the proceeds of a forged check cashed by the latter and deposited by the forger in the second bank and never withdrawn, upon the discovery of the forgery three months later, after the drawee had paid the check and returned the voucher to the purported drawer, where the purchasing bank was negligent in taking the check, and was not injured by the drawee's negligence in discovering and reporting the forgery as to the amount left on deposit, since it was not a purchaser for value. (First State Bank & T. Co. vs. First Nat. Bank [1924], 314 Ill., 269; 145 N. E., 382.) Similarly, it has been held that the drawee of a check could recover the amount paid on the check, after discovery of the forgery, from another bank, which put the check into circulation by cashing it for the one who had forged the signature of both drawer and payee without making any inquiry as to who he was although he was a stranger, after which the check reached, and was paid by, the drawee, after going through the hands of several intermediate indorsees. (71 A. L. R., p. 340.) In First National Bank vs. Brule National Bank ([1917], 12 A. L. R., 1079, 1085), the following statement was made:

We are clearly of opinion, therefore that the warranty of genuineness, arising upon the act of the Brule National Bank in putting the check in circulation, was not discharged by payment of the check by the drawee (First National Bank), nor was the Brule National Bank deceived or misled to its prejudice by such payment. The Brule National Bank by its indorsement and delivery warranted its own identification of Kost and the genuineness of his signature. The indorsement of the check by the Brule National Bank was such as to assign the title to the check to its assignee, the Whitbeck National Bank, and the amount was credited to the indorser. The check bore no indication that it was deposited for collection, and was not in any manner restricted so as to constitute the indorsee the agent of the indorser, nor did it prohibit farther negotiation of the instrument, nor did it appear to be in trust for, or to the use of, any other person, nor was it conditional. Certainly the Pukwana Bank was justified in relying upon the warrant of genuineness, which implied the full identification of Kost, and his signature by the defendant bank. This view of the statute is in accord with the decisions of many courts. (First National Bank vs. State Bank, 22 Neb., 769; 3 Am. St. Rep., 294; 36 N. W., 289; First National Bank vs. First National Bank, 151 Mass., 280; 21 Am. St. Rep., 450; 24 N. E., 44; People's Bank vs. Franklin Bank, 88 Tenn., 299; 6 L. R. A., 727; 17 Am. St. Rep., 884; 12 S. W., 716.)" The appellant leans heavily on the case of Fidelity & Co. vs. Planenscheck (71 A. L. R., 331), decided in 1929. We have carefully examined this decision and we do not feel justified in accepting its conclusions. It is but a restatement of the long abandoned rule of Neal vs. Price, and it predicated on the wrong premise that the payment includes acceptance, and that a bank drawee paying a check drawn on it becomes ipso facto an acceptor within the meaning of section 62 of the Negotiable Instruments Act. Moreover in a more recent decision, that of Louisa National Bank vs. Kentucky National Bank (39 S. W. [2nd] 497, 501) decided in 1931, the Court of Appeals of Kentucky held the following: The appellee, on presentation for payment of $600 check, failed to discover it was a forgery. It was bound to know the signature of its customer, Armstrong, and it was derelict in failing to give his signature to the check sufficient attention and examination to enable it to discover instantly the forgery. The appellant, when

the check was presented to it by Banfield, failed to make an inquiry of or about him and did not cause or have him to be identified. Its act in so paying to him the check is a degree of negligence on its part equivalent to positive negligence. It indorsed the check, and, while such indorsement may not be regarded within the meaning of the Negotiable Instrument Law as amounting to a warranty to appellant of that which it indorsed, it at least substantially served as a representation to it that it had exercised ordinary care and had complied with the rules and customs of prudent banking. Its indorsement was calculated, if it did not in fact do so, to lull the drawee bank into indifference as to the drawer's signature to it when paying the check and charging it to its customer's account and remitting its proceeds to appellant's correspondent. If in such a transaction between the drawee and the holder of a check both are without fault, no recovery may be had of the money so paid. (Deposit Bank of Georgetown vs. Fayette National Bank, supra, and cases cited.) Or the rule may be more accurately stated that, where the drawee pays the money, he cannot recover it back from a holder in good faith, for value and without fault. If, on the other hand, the holder acts in bad faith, or is guilty of culpable negligence, a recovery may be had by the drawee of such holder. The negligence of the Bank of Louisa in failing to inquire of and about Banfield, and to cause or to have him identified before it parted with its money on the forged check, may be regarded as the primary and proximate cause of the loss. Its negligence in this respect reached in its effect the appellee, and induced incaution on its part. In comparison of the degrees of the negligence of the two, it is apparent that of the appellant excels in culpability. Both appellant and appellee inadvertently made a mistake, doubtless due to a hurry incident to business. The first and most grievous one was made by the appellant , amounting to its disregard of the duty, it owed itself as well as the duty it owed to the appellee, and it cannot on account thereof retain as against the appellee the money which it so received. It cannot shift the loss to the appellee, for such disregard of its duty inevitably contributed to induce the appellee to omit its duty critically to examine the signature of Armstrong, even if it did not know it instantly at the time it paid the check. (Farmers' Bank of Augusta vs. Farmer's Bank of Maysville, supra, and cases cited.)

IV. The question now is to determine whether the appellant's negligence in purchasing the checks in question is such as to give the appellee the right to recover upon said checks, and on the other hand, whether the drawee bank was not itself negligent, except for its constructive fault in not knowing the signature of the drawer and detecting the forgery. We quote with approval the following conclusions of the court a quo: Check Exhibit A bears number 637023-D and is dated April 6, 1933, whereas check Exhibit A-1 bears number 637020-D and is dated April 7, 1933. Therefore, the latter check, which is prior in number to the former check, is however, issued on a later date. This circumstance must have aroused at least the curiosity of the Motor Service Co., Inc. The Motor Service Co., Inc., accepted the two checks from unknown persons. And not only this; check Exhibit A is indorsed by a subagent of the agent of the payee, International Auto Repair Shop. The Motor Service Co., Inc., made no inquiry whatsoever as to the extent of the authority of these unknown persons. Our Supreme Court said once that "any person taking checks made payable to a corporation, which can act only by agents, does so at his peril, and must abide by the consequences if the agent who indorses the same is without authority" (Insular Drug Co. vs. National Bank, 58, Phil., 684). xxx xxx xxx

Check Exhibit A-1, aside from having been indorsed by a supposed agent of the international Auto Repair Shop is crossed generally. The existence of two parallel lines transversally drawn on the face of this check was a warning that the check could only be collected through a banking institution (Jacobs, Law of Bills of Exchange, etc., pp., 179, 180; Bills of Exchange Act of England, secs. 76 and 79). Yet the Motor Service Co., Inc., accepted the check in payment for merchandise. . . . In Exhibit H attached to the stipulation of facts as an integral part thereof, the Motor Service Co., Inc., stated the following:

"The Pangasinan Transportation Co. is a good customer of this firm and we received checks from them every month in payment of their account. The two checks in question seem to be exactly similar to the checks which we received from the Pangasinan Transportation Co. every month." If the failure of the Motor Service Co., Inc., to detect the forgery of the drawer's signature in the two checks, may be considered as an omission in good faith because of the similarity stated in the letter, then the same consideration applies to the Philippine National Bank, for the drawer is a customer of both the Motor Service Co., Inc., and the Philippine National Bank. (B. of E., pp. 25, 28, 35.) We are of opinion that the facts of the present case do not make it one between two equally innocent persons, the drawee bank and the holder, and that they are governed by the authorities already cited and also the following: The point in issue has sometimes been said to be that of negligence. The drawee who has paid upon the forged signature is held to bear the loss, because he has been negligent in failing to recognize that the handwriting is not that of his customer. But it follows obviously that if the payee, holder, or presenter of the forged paper has himself been in default, if he has himself been guilty of a negligence prior to that of the banker, or if by any act of his own he has at all contributed to induce the banker's negligence, then he may lose his right to cast the loss upon the banker. The courts have shown a steadily increasing disposition to extend the application of this rule over the new conditions of fact which from time to time arise, until it can now rarely happen that the holder, payee, or presenter can escape the imputation of having been in some degree contributory towards the mistake. Without any actual change in the abstract doctrines of the law, which are clear, just, and simple enough, the gradual but sure tendency and effect of the decisions have been to put as heavy a burden of responsibility upon the payee as upon the drawee, contrary to the original custom. . . . (2 Morse on Banks and Banking, 5th ed., secs. 464 and 466, pp. 82-85 and 86, 87.)

In First National Bank vs. Brule National Bank (12 A. L. R., 1079, 1088, 1089), the following statement appears in the concurring opinion: What, then, should be the rule? The drawee asks to recover for money had and received. If his claim did not rest upon a transaction relating to a negotiable instrument plaintiff could recover as for money paid under mistake, unless defendant could show some equitable reason, such as changed condition since, and relying upon, payment by plaintiff. In the Wyndmere Case, the North Dakota court holds that this rule giving right to recover money paid under mistake should extend to negotiable paper, and it rejects in its entirety the theory of estoppel and puts a case of this kind on exactly the same basis as the ordinary case of payment under mistake. But the great weight of authority, and that based on the better reasoning, holds that the exigencies of business demand a different rule in relation to negotiable paper. What is that rule? Is it an absolute estoppel against the drawee in favor of a holder, no matter how negligent such holder has been? It surely is not. The correct rule recognizes the fact that, in case of payment without a prior acceptance or certification, the holder takes the paper upon the of the prior indorsers and the credit of the drawer, and not upon the credit of the drawee, in making payment, has a right to rely upon the assumption that the payee used due diligence, especially where such payee negotiated the bill or check to a holder, thus representing that it had so fully satisfied itself as to the identity and signature of the maker that it was willing to warrant as relates thereto to all subsequent holders. (Uniform Act, secs. 65 and 66.) Such correct rule denies the drawee the right to recover when the holder was without fault or when there has been some change of position calling for equitable relief. When a holder of a bill of exchange uses all due care in the taking of bill or check and the drawee thereafter pays same, the transaction is absolutely closed modern business could not be done on any other basis. While the correct rule promotes the fluidity of two recognized mediums of exchange, those mediums by which the great bulk of business is carried on, checks and drafts, upon the other hand it encourages and demands prudent business methods upon the part of those receiving such mediums of exchange. (Pennington County Bank vs. First State Bank, 110 Minn., 263; 26 L. R. A. [N. S.], 849; 136 Am. St. Rep., 496; 125 N. W., 119; First

National Bank vs. State Bank, 22 Neb., 769; 3 Am. St. Rep., 294; 36 N. W., 289; Bank of Williamson, vs. McDowell County Bank, 66 W. Va., 545; 36 L. R. A. [N. S.], 605; 66 S. E., 761; Germania Bank vs. Boutell, 60 Minn., 189; 27 L. R. A., 635; 51 Am. St. Rep., 519; 62 N. W., 327; American Express Co. vs. State National Bank, 27 Okla., 824; 33 L. R. A. [N. S.], 188; 113 Pac., 711; Farmers' National Bank vs. Farmers' & Traders Bank, L. R. A., 1915A, 77, and note (159 Ky., 141; 166 S. W., 986].) That the defendant bank did not use reasonable business prudence is clear. It took this check from a stranger without other identification than that given by another stranger; its cashier witnessed the mark of such stranger thus vouching for the identity and signature of the maker; and it indorsed the check as "Paid," thus further throwing plaintiff off guard. Defendant could not but have known, when negotiating such check and putting it into the channel through which it would finally be presented to plaintiff for payment, that plaintiff, if it paid such check, as defendant was asking it to do, would have to rely solely upon the apparent faith and credit that defendant had placed in the drawer. From the very circumstances of this case plaintiff had to act on the facts as presented to it by defendant, upon such facts only. But appellant argues that it so changed its position, after payment by plaintiff, that in "equity and good conscience" plaintiff should not recover it says it did not pay over any money to the forger until after plaintiff had paid the check. There would be merit in such contention if defendant had indorsed the check for "collection," thus advising plaintiff that it was relying on plaintiff and not on the drawer. It stands in court where it would have been if it had done as it represented. In Woods and Malone vs. Colony Bank (56 L. R. A., 929, 932), the court said: . . . If the holder has been negligent in paying the forged paper, or has by his conduct, however innocent, misled or deceived the drawee to his damage, it would be unjust for him to be allowed to shield himself from the results of his own carelessness by asserting that the drawee was bound in law to know his drawer's signature.

V. Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Act provides that "when a signature is forged or made without the authority of the person whose signature it purports to be, is wholly inoperative, and no right to retain the instrument, or to give a discharge therefor, or to enforce payment thereof against any party thereto, can be acquired through or under such signature, unless the party against whom it is sought to enforce such right is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of authority. It not appearing that the appellee bank did not warrant to the appellant the genuineness of the checks in question, by its acceptance thereof, nor did it perform any act which would have induced the appellant to believe in the genuineness of said instruments before appellant purchased them for value, it can not be said that the appellee is precluded from setting up the forgery and, therefore, the appellant is not entitled to retain the amount of the forged check paid to it by the appellee. VI. It has been held by many courts that a drawee of a check, who is deceived by a forgery of the drawer's signature may recover the payment back, unless his mistake has placed an innocent holder of the paper in a worse position than he would have been in if the discovery of the forgery had been made on presentation. (5 R. C. L., p. 559; 2 Daniel on Negotiable Instruments, 1538.) Forgeries often deceived the eye of the most cautious experts; and when a bank has been deceived, it is a harsh rule which compels it to suffer although no one has suffered by its being deceived. (17 A. L. R. 891; 5 R. C. L., 559.) In the instant case should the drawee bank be allowed recovery, the appellant's position would not become worse than if the drawee had refused the payment of these checks upon their presentation. The appellant has lost nothing by anything which the drawee has done. It had in its hands some forged worthless papers. It did not purchase or acquire these papers because of any representation made to it by the drawee. It purchased them from unknown persons and under suspicious circumstances. It had no valid title to them, because the persons from whom it received them did not have such title. The appellant could not have compelled the drawee to pay them, and the drawee could have refused payment had it been able to detect the forgery. By making a refund, the

appellant would only returning what it had received without any title or right. And when appellant pays back the money it had received it will be entitled to have restored to it the forged papers it parted with. There is no good reason why the accidental payment made by the appellant should inure to the benefit of the appellant. If there were injury to the appellant said injury was caused not by the failure of the appellee to detect the forgery but by the very negligence of the appellant in purchasing commercial papers from unknown persons without making inquiry as to their genuineness. In the light of the foregoing discussion, we conclude: 1. That where a check is accepted or certified by the bank on which it is drawn, the bank is estopped to deny the genuineness of the drawer's signature and his capacity to issue the instrument; 2. That if a drawee bank pays a forged check which was previously accepted or certified by the said bank it cannot recover from a holder who did not participate in the forgery and did not have actual notice thereof; 3. That the payment of a check does not include or imply its acceptance in the sense that this word is used in section 62 of the Negotiable Instruments Law; 4. That in the case of the payment of a forged check, even without former acceptance, the drawee can not recover from a holder in due course not chargeable with any act of negligence or disregard of duty; 5. That to entitle the holder of a forged check to retain the money obtained thereon, there must be a showing that the duty to ascertain the genuineness of the signature rested entirely upon the drawee, and that the constructive negligence of such drawee in failing to detect the forgery was not affected by any disregard of duty on the part of the holder, or by failure of any precaution which, from his implied assertion in presenting the check as a sufficient voucher, the drawee had the right to believe he had taken; 6. That in the absence of actual fault on the part of the drawee, his constructive fault in not knowing the signature of the drawer and detecting the forgery will nor preclude his recovery from one who

took the check under circumstances of suspicion and without proper precaution, or whose conduct has been such as to mislead the drawee or induce him to pay the check without the usual scrutiny or other precautions against mistake or fraud; 7. That on who purchases a check or draft is bound to satisfy himself that the paper is genuine, and that by indorsing it or presenting it for payment or putting it into circulation before presentation he impliedly asserts that he performed his duty; 8. That while the foregoing rule, chosen from a welter of decisions on the issue as the correct one, will not hinder the circulation of two recognized mediums of exchange by which the great bulk of business is carried on, namely, drafts and checks, on the other hand, it will encourage and demand prudent business methods on the part of those receiving such mediums of exchange; 9. That it being a matter of record in the present case, that the appellee bank in no more chargeable with the knowledge of the drawer's signature than the appellant is, as the drawer was as much the customer of the appellant as of the appellee, the presumption that a drawee bank is bound to know more than any indorser the signature of its depositor does not hold; 10. That according to the undisputed facts of the case the appellant in purchasing the papers in question from unknown persons without making any inquiry as to the identity and authority of the said persons negotiating and indorsing them, acted negligently and contributed to the appellee's constructive negligence in failing to detect the forgery; 11. That under the circumstances of the case, if the appellee bank is allowed to recover, there will be no change of position as to the injury or prejudice of the appellant. Wherefore, the assignments of error are overruled, and the judgment appealed from must be, as it is hereby, affirmed, with costs against the appellant. So ordered.

G.R. No. 139130. November 27, 2002 RAMON K. ILUSORIO, petitioner, vs. HON. APPEALS, and THE BANKING CORPORATION, respondents. DECISION QUISUMBING, J.: This petition for review seeks to reverse the decision[1] promulgated on January 28, 1999 by the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No. 47942, affirming the decision of the then Court of First Instance of Rizal, Branch XV (now the Regional Trial Court of Makati, Branch 138) dismissing Civil Case No. 43907, for damages. The facts as summarized by the Court of Appeals are as follows: Petitioner is a prominent businessman who, at the time material to this case, was the Managing Director of Multinational Investment Bancorporation and the Chairman and/or President of several other corporations. He was a depositor in good standing of respondent bank, the Manila Banking Corporation, under current Checking Account No. 06-09037-0. As he was then running about 20 corporations, and was going out of the country a number of times, petitioner entrusted to his secretary, Katherine[2] E. Eugenio, his credit cards and his checkbook with blank checks. It was also Eugenio who verified and reconciled the statements of said checking account.[3] Between the dates September 5, 1980 and January 23, 1981, Eugenio was able to encash and deposit to her personal account about seventeen (17) checks drawn against the account of the petitioner at the respondent bank, with an aggregate amount of P119,634.34. Petitioner did not bother to check his statement of account until a business partner apprised him that he saw Eugenio use his credit cards. Petitioner fired Eugenio immediately, and instituted a criminal action against her for estafa thru falsification before the Office of the Provincial Fiscal of Rizal. Private respondent, through an affidavit executed by its employee, Mr. Dante Razon, also lodged a complaint for estafa thru falsification of commercial documents against Eugenio on the basis of petitioners statement COURT OF MANILA

that his signatures in the checks were forged.[4] Mr. Razons affidavit states: That I have examined and scrutinized the following checks in accordance with prescribed verification procedures with utmost care and diligence by comparing the signatures affixed thereat against the specimen signatures of Mr. Ramon K. Ilusorio which we have on file at our said office on such dates, xxx That the aforementioned checks were among those issued by Manilabank in favor of its client MR. RAMON K. ILUSORIO, That the same were personally encashed by KATHERINE E. ESTEBAN, an executive secretary of MR. RAMON K. ILUSORIO in said Investment Corporation; That I have met and known her as KATHERINE E. ESTEBAN the attending verifier when she personally encashed the abovementioned checks at our said office; That MR. RAMON K. ILUSORIO executed an affidavit expressly disowning his signature appearing on the checks further alleged to have not authorized the issuance and encashment of the same.[5] Petitioner then requested the respondent bank to credit back and restore to its account the value of the checks which were wrongfully encashed but respondent bank refused. Hence, petitioner filed the instant case.[6] At the trial, petitioner testified on his own behalf, attesting to the truth of the circumstances as narrated above, and how he discovered the alleged forgeries. Several employees of Manila Bank were also called to the witness stand as hostile witnesses. They testified that it is the banks standard operating procedure that whenever a check is presented for encashment or clearing, the signature on the check is first verified against the specimen signature cards on file with the bank. Manila Bank also sought the expertise of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) in determining the genuineness of the signatures

appearing on the checks. However, in a letter dated March 25, 1987, the NBI informed the trial court that they could not conduct the desired examination for the reason that the standard specimens submitted were not sufficient for purposes of rendering a definitive opinion. The NBI then suggested that petitioner be asked to submit seven (7) or more additional standard signatures executed before or about, and immediately after the dates of the questioned checks. Petitioner, however, failed to comply with this request. After evaluating the evidence on both sides, the court a quo rendered judgment on May 12, 1994 with the following dispositive portion: WHEREFORE, finding no sufficient basis for plaintiff's cause herein against defendant bank, in the light of the foregoing considerations and established facts, this case would have to be, as it is hereby DISMISSED. Defendants counterclaim is likewise DISMISSED for lack of sufficient basis. SO ORDERED.[7] Aggrieved, petitioner elevated the case to the Court of Appeals by way of a petition for review but without success. The appellate court held that petitioners own negligence was the proximate cause of his loss. The appellate court disposed as follows: WHEREFORE, the judgment appealed from is AFFIRMED. Costs against the appellant. SO ORDERED.[8] Before us, petitioner ascribes the following errors to the Court of Appeals: A. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT HOLDING THAT THE RESPONDENT BANK IS ESTOPPED FROM RAISING THE DEFENSE THAT THERE WAS NO FORGERY OF THE SIGNATURES OF THE PETITIONER IN THE CHECK BECAUSE THE RESPONDENT FILED A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT FOR ESTAFA THRU FALSIFICATION OF COMMERCIAL DOCUMENTS AGAINST KATHERINE EUGENIO USING THE AFFIDAVIT

OF PETITIONER STATING THAT HIS SIGNATURES WERE FORGED AS PART OF THE AFFIDAVIT-COMPLAINT.[9] B. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT APPLYING SEC. 23, NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS LAW.[10] C. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT HOLDING THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS WITH THE RESPONDENT BANK TO PROVE THE DUE DILIGENCE TO PREVENT DAMAGE, TO THE PETITIONER, AND THAT IT WAS NOT NEGLIGENT IN THE SELECTION AND SUPERVISION OF ITS EMPLOYEES.[11] D. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT HOLDING THAT RESPONDENT BANK SHOULD BEAR THE LOSS, AND SHOULD BE MADE TO PAY PETITIONER, WITH RECOURSE AGAINST KATHERINE EUGENIO ESTEBAN.[12] Essentially the issues in this case are: (1) whether or not petitioner has a cause of action against private respondent; and (2) whether or not private respondent, in filing an estafa case against petitioners secretary, is barred from raising the defense that the fact of forgery was not established. Petitioner contends that Manila Bank is liable for damages for its negligence in failing to detect the discrepant checks. He adds that as a general rule a bank which has obtained possession of a check upon an unauthorized or forged endorsement of the payees signature and which collects the amount of the check from the drawee is liable for the proceeds thereof to the payee. Petitioner invokes the doctrine of estoppel, saying that having itself instituted a forgery case against Eugenio, Manila Bank is now estopped from asserting that the fact of forgery was never proven. For its part, Manila Bank contends that respondent appellate court did not depart from the accepted and usual course of judicial proceedings, hence there is no reason for the reversal of its ruling. Manila Bank additionally points out that Section 23[13] of the Negotiable Instruments Law is inapplicable, considering that the fact of forgery was never proven. Lastly, the bank negates petitioners claim of estoppel.[14]

On the first issue, we find that petitioner has no cause of action against Manila Bank. To be entitled to damages, petitioner has the burden of proving negligence on the part of the bank for failure to detect the discrepancy in the signatures on the checks. It is incumbent upon petitioner to establish the fact of forgery, i.e., by submitting his specimen signatures and comparing them with those on the questioned checks. Curiously though, petitioner failed to submit additional specimen signatures as requested by the National Bureau of Investigation from which to draw a conclusive finding regarding forgery. The Court of Appeals found that petitioner, by his own inaction, was precluded from setting up forgery. Said the appellate court: We cannot fault the court a quo for such declaration, considering that the plaintiffs evidence on the alleged forgery is not convincing enough. The burden to prove forgery was upon the plaintiff, which burden he failed to discharge. Aside from his own testimony, the appellant presented no other evidence to prove the fact of forgery. He did not even submit his own specimen signatures, taken on or about the date of the questioned checks, for examination and comparison with those of the subject checks. On the other hand, the appellee presented specimen signature cards of the appellant, taken at various years, namely, in 1976, 1979 and 1981 (Exhibits 1, 2, 3 and 7), showing variances in the appellants unquestioned signatures. The evidence further shows that the appellee, as soon as it was informed by the appellant about his questioned signatures, sought to borrow the questioned checks from the appellant for purposes of analysis and examination (Exhibit 9), but the same was denied by the appellant. It was also the former which sought the assistance of the NBI for an expert analysis of the signatures on the questioned checks, but the same was unsuccessful for lack of sufficient specimen signatures.[15] Moreover, petitioners contention that Manila Bank was remiss in the exercise of its duty as drawee lacks factual basis. Consistently, the CA and the RTC found that Manila Bank employees exercised due diligence in cashing the checks. The banks employees in the present case did not have a hint as to Eugenios modus operandi because she was a regular customer of the bank, having been designated by petitioner himself to transact in his behalf. According to the appellate court, the employees of the bank

exercised due diligence in the performance of their duties. Thus, it found that: The evidence on both sides indicates that TMBCs employees exercised due diligence before encashing the checks. Its verifiers first verified the drawers signatures thereon as against his specimen signature cards, and when in doubt, the verifier went further, such as by referring to a more experienced verifier for further verification. In some instances the verifier made a confirmation by calling the depositor by phone. It is only after taking such precautionary measures that the subject checks were given to the teller for payment. Of course it is possible that the verifiers of TMBC might have made a mistake in failing to detect any forgery -- if indeed there was. However, a mistake is not equivalent to negligence if they were honest mistakes. In the instant case, we believe and so hold that if there were mistakes, the same were not deliberate, since the bank took all the precautions.[16] As borne by the records, it was petitioner, not the bank, who was negligent. Negligence is the omission to do something which a reasonable man, guided by those considerations which ordinarily regulate the conduct of human affairs, would do, or the doing of something which a prudent and reasonable man would do.[17] In the present case, it appears that petitioner accorded his secretary unusual degree of trust and unrestricted access to his credit cards, passbooks, check books, bank statements, including custody and possession of cancelled checks and reconciliation of accounts. Said the Court of Appeals on this matter: Moreover, the appellant had introduced his secretary to the bank for purposes of reconciliation of his account, through a letter dated July 14, 1980 (Exhibit 8). Thus, the said secretary became a familiar figure in the bank. What is worse, whenever the bank verifiers call the office of the appellant, it is the same secretary who answers and confirms the checks. The trouble is, the appellant had put so much trust and confidence in the said secretary, by entrusting not only his credit cards with her but also his checkbook with blank checks. He also entrusted to her

the verification and reconciliation of his account. Further adding to his injury was the fact that while the bank was sending him the monthly Statements of Accounts, he was not personally checking the same. His testimony did not indicate that he was out of the country during the period covered by the checks. Thus, he had all the opportunities to verify his account as well as the cancelled checks issued thereunder -- month after month. But he did not, until his partner asked him whether he had entrusted his credit card to his secretary because the said partner had seen her use the same. It was only then that he was minded to verify the records of his account. [18] The abovecited findings are binding upon the reviewing court. We stress the rule that the factual findings of a trial court, especially when affirmed by the appellate court, are binding upon us[19]and entitled to utmost respect[20] and even finality. We find no palpable error that would warrant a reversal of the appellate courts assessment of facts anchored upon the evidence on record. Petitioners failure to examine his bank statements appears as the proximate cause of his own damage. Proximate cause is that cause, which, in natural and continuous sequence, unbroken by any efficient intervening cause, produces the injury, and without which the result would not have occurred.[21] In the instant case, the bank was not shown to be remiss in its duty of sending monthly bank statements to petitioner so that any error or discrepancy in the entries therein could be brought to the banks attention at the earliest opportunity. But, petitioner failed to examine these bank statements not because he was prevented by some cause in not doing so, but because he did not pay sufficient attention to the matter. Had he done so, he could have been alerted to any anomaly committed against him. In other words, petitioner had sufficient opportunity to prevent or detect any misappropriation by his secretary had he only reviewed the status of his accounts based on the bank statements sent to him regularly. In view of Article 2179 of the New Civil Code,[22] when the plaintiffs own negligence was the immediate and proximate cause of his injury, no recovery could be had for damages. Petitioner further contends that under Section 23 of the Negotiable Instruments Law a forged check is inoperative, and that Manila Bank

had no authority to pay the forged checks. True, it is a rule that when a signature is forged or made without the authority of the person whose signature it purports to be, the check is wholly inoperative. No right to retain the instrument, or to give a discharge therefor, or to enforce payment thereof against any party, can be acquired through or under such signature. However, the rule does provide for an exception, namely: unless the party against whom it is sought to enforce such right is precluded from setting up the forgery or want of authority. In the instant case, it is the exception that applies. In our view, petitioner is precluded from setting up the forgery, assuming there is forgery, due to his own negligence in entrusting to his secretary his credit cards and checkbook including the verification of his statements of account. Petitioners reliance on Associated Bank vs. Court of Appeals[23] and Philippine Bank of Commerce vs. CA[24] to buttress his contention that respondent Manila Bank as the collecting or last endorser generally suffers the loss because it has the duty to ascertain the genuineness of all prior endorsements is misplaced. In the cited cases, the fact of forgery was not in issue. In the present case, the fact of forgery was not established with certainty. In those cited cases, the collecting banks were held to be negligent for failing to observe precautionary measures to detect the forgery. In the case before us, both courts below uniformly found that Manila Banks personnel diligently performed their duties, having compared the signature in the checks from the specimen signatures on record and satisfied themselves that it was petitioners. On the second issue, the fact that Manila Bank had filed a case for estafa against Eugenio would not estop it from asserting the fact that forgery has not been clearly established. Petitioner cannot hold private respondent in estoppel for the latter is not the actual party to the criminal action. In a criminal action, the State is the plaintiff, for the commission of a felony is an offense against the State.[25] Thus, under Section 2, Rule 110 of the Rules of Court the complaint or information filed in court is required to be brought in the name of the People of the Philippines. [26] Further, as petitioner himself stated in his petition, respondent bank filed the estafa case against Eugenio on the basis of petitioners own

affidavit,[27] but without admitting that he had any personal knowledge of the alleged forgery. It is, therefore, easy to understand that the filing of the estafa case by respondent bank was a last ditch effort to salvage its ties with the petitioner as a valuable client, by bolstering the estafa case which he filed against his secretary. All told, we find no reversible error that can be ascribed to the Court of Appeals. WHEREFORE, the instant petition is DENIED for lack of merit. The assailed decision of the Court of Appeals dated January 28, 1999 in CA-G.R. CV No. 47942, is AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner. SO ORDERED.

G.R. No. 70145 November 13, 1986

MARCELO A. MESINA, petitioner, vs. THE HONORABLE INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT, HON. ARSENIO M. GONONG, in his capacity as Judge of Regional Trial Court Manila (Branch VIII), JOSE GO, and ALBERT UY, respondents. PARAS, J.: This is an appeal by certiorari from the decision of the then Intermediate Appellate Court (IAC for short), now the Court of Appeals (CA) in AC-G.R. S.P. 04710, dated Jan. 22, 1985, which dismissed the petition for certiorari and prohibition filed by Marcelo A. Mesina against the trial court in Civil Case No. 84-22515. Said case (an Interpleader) was filed by Associated Bank against Jose Go and Marcelo A. Mesina regarding their conflicting claims over Associated Bank Cashier's Check No. 011302 for P800,000.00, dated December 29, 1983. Briefly, the facts and statement of the case are as follows: Respondent Jose Go, on December 29, 1983, purchased from Associated Bank Cashier's Check No. 011302 for P800,000.00. Unfortunately, Jose Go left said check on the top of the desk of the bank manager when he left the bank. The bank manager entrusted the check for safekeeping to a bank official, a certain Albert Uy, who had then a visitor in the person of Alexander Lim. Uy had to answer a phone call on a nearby telephone after which he proceeded to the men's room. When he returned to his desk, his visitor Lim was already gone. When Jose Go inquired for his cashier's check from Albert Uy, the check was not in his folder and nowhere to be found. The latter advised Jose Go to go to the bank to accomplish a "STOP PAYMENT" order, which suggestion Jose Go immediately followed. He also executed an affidavit of loss. Albert Uy went to the police to report the loss of the check, pointing to the person of Alexander Lim as the one who could shed light on it. The records of the police show that Associated Bank received the lost check for clearing on December 31, 1983, coming from Prudential Bank, Escolta Branch. The check was immediately dishonored by Associated Bank by sending it back to Prudential

Bank, with the words "Payment Stopped" stamped on it. However, the same was again returned to Associated Bank on January 4, 1984 and for the second time it was dishonored. Several days later, respondent Associated Bank received a letter, dated January 9, 1984, from a certain Atty. Lorenzo Navarro demanding payment on the cashier's check in question, which was being held by his client. He however refused to reveal the name of his client and threatened to sue, if payment is not made. Respondent bank, in its letter, dated January 20, 1984, replied saying the check belonged to Jose Go who lost it in the bank and is laying claim to it. On February 1, 1984, police sent a letter to the Manager of the Prudential Bank, Escolta Branch, requesting assistance in Identifying the person who tried to encash the check but said bank refused saying that it had to protect its client's interest and the Identity could only be revealed with the client's conformity. Unsure of what to do on the matter, respondent Associated Bank on February 2, 1984 filed an action for Interpleader naming as respondent, Jose Go and one John Doe, Atty. Navarro's then unnamed client. On even date, respondent bank received summons and copy of the complaint for damages of a certain Marcelo A. Mesina from the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Caloocan City filed on January 23, 1984 bearing the number C-11139. Respondent bank moved to amend its complaint, having been notified for the first time of the name of Atty. Navarro's client and substituted Marcelo A. Mesina for John Doe. Simultaneously, respondent bank, thru representative Albert Uy, informed Cpl. Gimao of the Western Police District that the lost check of Jose Go is in the possession of Marcelo Mesina, herein petitioner. When Cpl. Gimao went to Marcelo Mesina to ask how he came to possess the check, he said it was paid to him by Alexander Lim in a "certain transaction" but refused to elucidate further. An information for theft (Annex J) was instituted against Alexander Lim and the corresponding warrant for his arrest was issued (Annex 6-A) which up to the date of the filing of this instant petition remains unserved because of Alexander Lim's successful evation thereof. Meanwhile, Jose Go filed his answer on February 24, 1984 in the Interpleader Case and moved to participate as intervenor in the complain for damages. Albert Uy filed a motion of intervention and answer in the complaint for Interpleader. On the Scheduled date of pretrial conference inthe interpleader case, it was disclosed that the

"John Doe" impleaded as one of the defendants is actually petitioner Marcelo A. Mesina. Petitioner instead of filing his answer to the complaint in the interpleader filed on May 17, 1984 an Omnibus Motion to Dismiss Ex Abudante Cautela alleging lack of jurisdiction in view of the absence of an order to litigate, failure to state a cause of action and lack of personality to sue. Respondent bank in the other civil case (CC-11139) for damages moved to dismiss suit in view of the existence already of the Interpleader case. The trial court in the interpleader case issued an order dated July 13, 1984, denying the motion to dismiss of petitioner Mesina and ruling that respondent bank's complaint sufficiently pleaded a cause of action for itnerpleader. Petitioner filed his motion for reconsideration which was denied by the trial court on September 26, 1984. Upon motion for respondent Jose Go dated October 31, 1984, respondent judge issued an order on November 6, 1984, declaring petitioner in default since his period to answer has already expirecd and set the ex-parte presentation of respondent bank's evidence on November 7, 1984. Petitioner Mesina filed a petition for certioari with preliminary injunction with IAC to set aside 1) order of respondent court denying his omnibus Motion to Dismiss 2) order of 3) the order of default against him. On January 22, 1985, IAC rendered its decision dimissing the petition for certiorari. Petitioner Mesina filed his Motion for Reconsideration which was also denied by the same court in its resolution dated February 18, 1985. Meanwhile, on same date (February 18, 1985), the trial court in Civil Case #84-22515 (Interpleader) rendered a decisio, the dispositive portion reading as follows: WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, judgment is hereby rendered ordering plaintiff Associate Bank to replace Cashier's Check No. 011302 in favor of Jose Go or its cas equivalent with legal rate of itnerest from date of complaint, and with costs of suit against the latter. SO ORDERED. On March 29, 1985, the trial court in Civil Case No. C-11139, for damages, issued an order, the pertinent portion of which states:

The records of this case show that on August 20, 1984 proceedings in this case was (were) ordered suspended because the main issue in Civil Case No. 84-22515 and in this instant case are the same which is: who between Marcelo Mesina and Jose Go is entitled to payment of Associated Bank's Cashier's Check No. CC-011302? Said issue having been resolved already in Civil casde No. 84-22515, really this instant case has become moot and academic. WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the motion sholud be as it is hereby granted and this case is ordered dismissed. In view of the foregoing ruling no more action should be taken on the "Motion For Reconsideration (of the order admitting the Intervention)" dated June 21, 1984 as well as the Motion For Reconsideration dated September 10, 1984. SO ORDERED. Petitioner now comes to Us, alleging that: 1. IAC erred in ruling that a cashier's check can be countermanded even in the hands of a holder in due course. 2. IAC erred in countenancing the filing and maintenance of an interpleader suit by a party who had earlier been sued on the same claim. 3. IAC erred in upholding the trial court's order declaring petitioner as in default when there was no proper order for him to plead in the interpleader complaint. 4. IAC went beyond the scope of its certiorari jurisdiction by making findings of facts in advance of trial. Petitioner now interposes the following prayer: 1. Reverse the decision of the IAC, dated January 22, 1985 and set aside the February 18, 1985 resolution denying the Motion for Reconsideration. 2. Annul the orders of respondent Judge of RTC Manila giving due course to the interpleader suit and declaring petitioner in default. Petitioner's allegations hold no water. Theories and examples advanced by petitioner on causes and effects of a cashier's check

such as 1) it cannot be countermanded in the hands of a holder in due course and 2) a cashier's check is a bill of exchange drawn by the bank against itself-are general principles which cannot be aptly applied to the case at bar, without considering other things. Petitioner failed to substantiate his claim that he is a holder in due course and for consideration or value as shown by the established facts of the case. Admittedly, petitioner became the holder of the cashier's check as endorsed by Alexander Lim who stole the check. He refused to say how and why it was passed to him. He had therefore notice of the defect of his title over the check from the start. The holder of a cashier's check who is not a holder in due course cannot enforce such check against the issuing bank which dishonors the same. If a payee of a cashier's check obtained it from the issuing bank by fraud, or if there is some other reason why the payee is not entitled to collect the check, the respondent bank would, of course, have the right to refuse payment of the check when presented by the payee, since respondent bank was aware of the facts surrounding the loss of the check in question. Moreover, there is no similarity in the cases cited by petitioner since respondent bank did not issue the cashier's check in payment of its obligation. Jose Go bought it from respondent bank for purposes of transferring his funds from respondent bank to another bank near his establishment realizing that carrying money in this form is safer than if it were in cash. The check was Jose Go's property when it was misplaced or stolen, hence he stopped its payment. At the outset, respondent bank knew it was Jose Go's check and no one else since Go had not paid or indorsed it to anyone. The bank was therefore liable to nobody on the check but Jose Go. The bank had no intention to issue it to petitioner but only to buyer Jose Go. When payment on it was therefore stopped, respondent bank was not the one who did it but Jose Go, the owner of the check. Respondent bank could not be drawer and drawee for clearly, Jose Go owns the money it represents and he is therefore the drawer and the drawee in the same manner as if he has a current account and he issued a check against it; and from the moment said cashier's check was lost and/or stolen no one outside of Jose Go can be termed a holder in due course because Jose Go had not indorsed it in due course. The check in question suffers from the infirmity of not having been properly negotiated and for value by respondent Jose Go who as already been said is the real owner of said instrument.

In his second assignment of error, petitioner stubbornly insists that there is no showing of conflicting claims and interpleader is out of the question. There is enough evidence to establish the contrary. Considering the aforementioned facts and circumstances, respondent bank merely took the necessary precaution not to make a mistake as to whom to pay and therefore interpleader was its proper remedy. It has been shown that the interpleader suit was filed by respondent bank because petitioner and Jose Go were both laying their claims on the check, petitioner asking payment thereon and Jose Go as the purchaser or owner. The allegation of petitioner that respondent bank had effectively relieved itself of its primary liability under the check by simply filing a complaint for interpleader is belied by the willingness of respondent bank to issue a certificate of time deposit in the amount of P800,000 representing the cashier's check in question in the name of the Clerk of Court of Manila to be awarded to whoever wig be found by the court as validly entitled to it. Said validity will depend on the strength of the parties' respective rights and titles thereto. Bank filed the interpleader suit not because petitioner sued it but because petitioner is laying claim to the same check that Go is claiming. On the very day that the bank instituted the case in interpleader, it was not aware of any suit for damages filed by petitioner against it as supported by the fact that the interpleader case was first entitled Associated Bank vs. Jose Go and John Doe, but later on changed to Marcelo A. Mesina for John Doe when his name became known to respondent bank. In his third assignment of error, petitioner assails the then respondent IAC in upholding the trial court's order declaring petitioner in default when there was no proper order for him to plead in the interpleader case. Again, such contention is untenable. The trial court issued an order, compelling petitioner and respondent Jose Go to file their Answers setting forth their respective claims. Subsequently, a Pre-Trial Conference was set with notice to parties to submit position papers. Petitioner argues in his memorandum that this order requiring petitioner to file his answer was issued without jurisdiction alleging that since he is presumably a holder in due course and for value, how can he be compelled to litigate against Jose Go who is not even a party to the check? Such argument is trite and ridiculous if we have to consider that neither his name or Jose Go's name appears on the check. Following such line of argument,

petitioner is not a party to the check either and therefore has no valid claim to the Check. Furthermore, the Order of the trial court requiring the parties to file their answers is to all intents and purposes an order to interplead, substantially and essentially and therefore in compliance with the provisions of Rule 63 of the Rules of Court. What else is the purpose of a law suit but to litigate? The records of the case show that respondent bank had to resort to details in support of its action for Interpleader. Before it resorted to Interpleader, respondent bank took an precautionary and necessary measures to bring out the truth. On the other hand, petitioner concealed the circumstances known to him and now that private respondent bank brought these circumstances out in court (which eventually rendered its decision in the light of these facts), petitioner charges it with "gratuitous excursions into these non-issues." Respondent IAC cannot rule on whether respondent RTC committed an abuse of discretion or not, without being apprised of the facts and reasons why respondent Associated Bank instituted the Interpleader case. Both parties were given an opportunity to present their sides. Petitioner chose to withhold substantial facts. Respondents were not forbidden to present their side-this is the purpose of the Comment of respondent to the petition. IAC decided the question by considering both the facts submitted by petitioner and those given by respondents. IAC did not act therefore beyond the scope of the remedy sought in the petition. WHEREFORE, finding that the instant petition is merely dilatory, the same is hereby denied and the assailed orders of the respondent court are hereby AFFIRMED in toto. SO ORDERED.

The former Court of Appeals, by its resolution dated October 16, 1974 certified this case to this Court the issue issued therein being one purely of law. On April 15, 1969 Dr. Javier Villaruel executed a promissory note in favor of Ng Sambok Sons Motors Co., Ltd., in the amount of P15,939.00 payable in twelve (12) equal monthly installments, beginning May 18, 1969, with interest at the rate of one percent per month. It is further provided that in case on non-payment of any of the installments, the total principal sum then remaining unpaid shall become due and payable with an additional interest equal to twentyfive percent of the total amount due. On the same date, Sambok Motors Company (hereinafter referred to as Sambok), a sister company of Ng Sambok Sons Motors Co., Ltd., and under the same management as the former, negotiated and indorsed the note in favor of plaintiff Metropol Financing & Investment Corporation with the following indorsement: Pay to the order of Metropol Bacolod Financing & Investment Corporation with recourse. Notice of Demand; Dishonor; Protest; and Presentment are hereby waived. SAMBOK MOTORS CO. (BACOLOD) By: RODOLFO G. NONILLO Asst. General Manager The maker, Dr. Villaruel defaulted in the payment of his installments when they became due, so on October 30, 1969 plaintiff formally presented the promissory note for payment to the maker. Dr. Villaruel failed to pay the promissory note as demanded, hence plaintiff notified Sambok as indorsee of said note of the fact that the same has been dishonored and demanded payment. Sambok failed to pay, so on November 26, 1969 plaintiff filed a complaint for collection of a sum of money before the Court of First Instance of Iloilo, Branch I. Sambok did not deny its liability but contended that it could not be obliged to pay until after its codefendant Dr. Villaruel has been declared insolvent.

G.R. No. L-39641 February 28, 1983 METROPOL (BACOLOD) FINANCING & INVESTMENT CORPORATION, plaintiff-appellee, vs. SAMBOK MOTORS COMPANY and NG SAMBOK SONS MOTORS CO., LTD., defendants-appellants. DE CASTRO, J.:

During the pendency of the case in the trial court, defendant Dr. Villaruel died, hence, on October 24, 1972 the lower court, on motion, dismissed the case against Dr. Villaruel pursuant to Section 21, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court. 1 On plaintiff's motion for summary judgment, the trial court rendered its decision dated September 12, 1973, the dispositive portion of which reads as follows: WHEREFORE, judgment is rendered: (a) Ordering Sambok Motors Company to pay to the plaintiff the sum of P15,939.00 plus the legal rate of interest from October 30, 1969; (b) Ordering same defendant to pay to plaintiff the sum equivalent to 25% of P15,939.00 plus interest thereon until fully paid; and (c) To pay the cost of suit. Not satisfied with the decision, the present appeal was instituted, appellant Sambok raising a lone assignment of error as follows: The trial court erred in not dismissing the complaint by finding defendant appellant Sambok Motors Company as assignor and a qualified indorsee of the subject promissory note and in not holding it as only secondarily liable thereof. Appellant Sambok argues that by adding the words "with recourse" in the indorsement of the note, it becomes a qualified indorser that being a qualified indorser, it does not warrant that if said note is dishonored by the maker on presentment, it will pay the amount to the holder; that it only warrants the following pursuant to Section 65 of the Negotiable Instruments Law: (a) that the instrument is genuine and in all respects what it purports to be; (b) that he has a good title to it; (c) that all prior parties had capacity to contract; (d) that he has no knowledge of any fact which would impair the validity of the instrument or render it valueless. The appeal is without merit. A qualified indorsement constitutes the indorser a mere assignor of the title to the instrument. It may be made by adding to the indorser's signature the words "without recourse" or any words of

similar import. 2 Such an indorsement relieves the indorser of the general obligation to pay if the instrument is dishonored but not of the liability arising from warranties on the instrument as provided in Section 65 of the Negotiable Instruments Law already mentioned herein. However, appellant Sambok indorsed the note "with recourse" and even waived the notice of demand, dishonor, protest and presentment. "Recourse" means resort to a person who is secondarily liable after the default of the person who is primarily liable. 3 Appellant, by indorsing the note "with recourse" does not make itself a qualified indorser but a general indorser who is secondarily liable, because by such indorsement, it agreed that if Dr. Villaruel fails to pay the note, plaintiff-appellee can go after said appellant. The effect of such indorsement is that the note was indorsed without qualification. A person who indorses without qualification engages that on due presentment, the note shall be accepted or paid, or both as the case may be, and that if it be dishonored, he will pay the amount thereof to the holder. 4 Appellant Sambok's intention of indorsing the note without qualification is made even more apparent by the fact that the notice of demand, dishonor, protest and presentment were an waived. The words added by said appellant do not limit his liability, but rather confirm his obligation as a general indorser. Lastly, the lower court did not err in not declaring appellant as only secondarily liable because after an instrument is dishonored by nonpayment, the person secondarily liable thereon ceases to be such and becomes a principal debtor. 5 His liabiliy becomes the same as that of the original obligor. 6 Consequently, the holder need not even proceed against the maker before suing the indorser. WHEREFORE, the decision of the lower court is hereby affirmed. No costs. SO ORDERED.

G.R. No. 74886 December 8, 1992 PRUDENTIAL BANK, petitioner, vs. INTERMEDIATE APPELLATE COURT, PHILIPPINE RAYON MILLS, INC. and ANACLETO R. CHI, respondents. DAVIDE, JR., J.: Petitioner seeks to review and set aside the decision 1 of public respondent; Intermediate Appellate Court (now Court of Appeals), dated 10 March 1986, in AC-G.R. No. 66733 which affirmed in toto the 15 June 1978 decision of Branch 9 (Quezon City) of the then Court of First Instance (now Regional Trial Court) of Rizal in Civil Case No. Q-19312. The latter involved an action instituted by the petitioner for the recovery of a sum of money representing the amount paid by it to the Nissho Company Ltd. of Japan for textile machinery imported by the defendant, now private respondent, Philippine Rayon Mills, Inc. (hereinafter Philippine Rayon), represented by co-defendant Anacleto R. Chi. The facts which gave rise to the instant controversy are summarized by the public respondent as follows: On August 8, 1962, defendant-appellant Philippine Rayon Mills, Inc. entered into a contract with Nissho Co., Ltd. of Japan for the importation of textile machineries under a five-year deferred payment plan (Exhibit B, Plaintiff's Folder of Exhibits, p 2). To effect payment for said machineries, the defendant-appellant applied for a commercial letter of credit with the Prudential Bank and Trust Company in favor of Nissho. By virtue of said application, the Prudential Bank opened Letter of Credit No. DPP-63762 for $128,548.78 (Exhibit A, Ibid., p. 1). Against this letter of credit, drafts were drawn and issued by Nissho (Exhibits X, X-1 to X-11, Ibid., pp. 65, 66 to 76), which were all paid by the Prudential Bank through its correspondent in Japan, the Bank of Tokyo, Ltd. As indicated on their faces, two of these drafts (Exhibit X and X-1, Ibid., pp. 65-66) were accepted by the defendant-appellant through its president, Anacleto R. Chi, while the others were not (Exhibits X-2 to X-11, Ibid., pp. 66 to 76).

Upon the arrival of the machineries, the Prudential Bank indorsed the shipping documents to the defendant-appellant which accepted delivery of the same. To enable the defendant-appellant to take delivery of the machineries, it executed, by prior arrangement with the Prudential Bank, a trust receipt which was signed by Anacleto R. Chi in his capacity as President (sic) of defendant-appellant company (Exhibit C, Ibid., p. 13). At the back of the trust receipt is a printed form to be accomplished by two sureties who, by the very terms and conditions thereof, were to be jointly and severally liable to the Prudential Bank should the defendant-appellant fail to pay the total amount or any portion of the drafts issued by Nissho and paid for by Prudential Bank. The defendant-appellant was able to take delivery of the textile machineries and installed the same at its factory site at 69 Obudan Street, Quezon City. Sometime in 1967, the defendant-appellant ceased business operation (sic). On December 29, 1969, defendant-appellant's factory was leased by Yupangco Cotton Mills for an annual rental of P200,000.00 (Exhibit I, Ibid., p. 22). The lease was renewed on January 3, 1973 (Exhibit J, Ibid., p. 26). On January 5, 1974, all the textile machineries in the defendant-appellant's factory were sold to AIC Development Corporation for P300,000.00 (Exhibit K, Ibid., p. 29). The obligation of the defendant-appellant arising from the letter of credit and the trust receipt remained unpaid and unliquidated. Repeated formal demands (Exhibits U, V, and W, Ibid., pp. 62, 63, 64) for the payment of the said trust receipt yielded no result Hence, the present action for the collection of the principal amount of P956,384.95 was filed on October 3, 1974 against the defendantappellant and Anacleto R. Chi. In their respective answers, the defendants interposed identical special defenses, viz., the complaint states no cause of action; if there is, the same has prescribed; and the plaintiff is guilty of laches. 2 On 15 June 1978, the trial court rendered its decision the dispositive portion of which reads:

WHEREFORE, judgment is hereby rendered sentencing the defendant Philippine Rayon Mills, Inc. to pay plaintiff the sum of P153,645.22, the amounts due under Exhibits "X" & "X-1", with interest at 6% per annum beginning September 15, 1974 until fully paid. Insofar as the amounts involved in drafts Exhs. "X" (sic) to "X-11", inclusive, the same not having been accepted by defendant Philippine Rayon Mills, Inc., plaintiff's cause of action thereon has not accrued, hence, the instant case is premature. Insofar as defendant Anacleto R. Chi is concerned, the case is dismissed. Plaintiff is ordered to pay defendant Anacleto R. Chi the sum of P20,000.00 as attorney's fees. With costs against defendant Philippine Rayon Mills, Inc. SO ORDERED. 3 Petitioner appealed the decision to the then Intermediate Appellate Court. In urging the said court to reverse or modify the decision, petitioner alleged in its Brief that the trial court erred in (a) disregarding its right to reimbursement from the private respondents for the entire unpaid balance of the imported machines, the total amount of which was paid to the Nissho Company Ltd., thereby violating the principle of the third party payor's right to reimbursement provided for in the second paragraph of Article 1236 of the Civil Code and under the rule against unjust enrichment; (b) refusing to hold Anacleto R. Chi, as the responsible officer of defendant corporation, liable under Section 13 of P.D No 115 for the entire unpaid balance of the imported machines covered by the bank's trust receipt (Exhibit "C"); (c) finding that the solidary guaranty clause signed by Anacleto R. Chi is not a guaranty at all; (d) controverting the judicial admissions of Anacleto R. Chi that he is at least a simple guarantor of the said trust receipt obligation; (e) contravening, based on the assumption that Chi is a simple guarantor, Articles 2059, 2060 and 2062 of the Civil Code and the related evidence and jurisprudence which provide that such liability had already attached; (f) contravening the judicial admissions of Philippine Rayon with respect to its liability to pay the petitioner the amounts involved in the drafts (Exhibits "X", "X-l" to "X-11''); and (g)

interpreting "sight" drafts as requiring acceptance by Philippine Rayon before the latter could be held liable thereon. 4 In its decision, public respondent sustained the trial court in all respects. As to the first and last assigned errors, it ruled that the provision on unjust enrichment, Article 2142 of the Civil Code, applies only if there is no express contract between the parties and there is a clear showing that the payment is justified. In the instant case, the relationship existing between the petitioner and Philippine Rayon is governed by specific contracts, namely the application for letters of credit, the promissory note, the drafts and the trust receipt. With respect to the last ten (10) drafts (Exhibits "X-2" to "X11") which had not been presented to and were not accepted by Philippine Rayon, petitioner was not justified in unilaterally paying the amounts stated therein. The public respondent did not agree with the petitioner's claim that the drafts were sight drafts which did not require presentment for acceptance to Philippine Rayon because paragraph 8 of the trust receipt presupposes prior acceptance of the drafts. Since the ten (10) drafts were not presented and accepted, no valid demand for payment can be made. Public respondent also disagreed with the petitioner's contention that private respondent Chi is solidarily liable with Philippine Rayon pursuant to Section 13 of P.D. No. 115 and based on his signature on the solidary guaranty clause at the dorsal side of the trust receipt. As to the first contention, the public respondent ruled that the civil liability provided for in said Section 13 attaches only after conviction. As to the second, it expressed misgivings as to whether Chi's signature on the trust receipt made the latter automatically liable thereon because the so-called solidary guaranty clause at the dorsal portion of the trust receipt is to be signed not by one (1) person alone, but by two (2) persons; the last sentence of the same is incomplete and unsigned by witnesses; and it is not acknowledged before a notary public. Besides, even granting that it was executed and acknowledged before a notary public, Chi cannot be held liable therefor because the records fail to show that petitioner had either exhausted the properties of Philippine Rayon or had resorted to all legal remedies as required in Article 2058 of the Civil Code. As provided for under Articles 2052 and 2054 of the Civil Code, the obligation of a guarantor is merely accessory and subsidiary,


In the Resolution of 12 March 1990, 8 this Court gave due course to the petition after the filing of the Comment thereto by private respondent Anacleto Chi and of the Reply to the latter by the petitioner; both parties were also required to submit their respective memoranda which they subsequently complied with. As We see it, the issues may be reduced as follows: 1. Whether presentment for acceptance of the indispensable to make Philippine Rayon liable thereon; drafts was

obligated to pay plaintiff bank the amounts of the drafts drawn by Nisso (sic) Company, Ltd. against said plaintiff bank together with any accruing commercial charges, interest, etc. pursuant to the terms and conditions stipulated in the Application and Agreement of Commercial Letter of Credit Annex "A". A letter of credit is defined as an engagement by a bank or other person made at the request of a customer that the issuer will honor drafts or other demands for payment upon compliance with the conditions specified in the credit. 11 Through a letter of credit, the bank merely substitutes its own promise to pay for one of its customers who in return promises to pay the bank the amount of funds mentioned in the letter of credit plus credit or commitment fees mutually agreed upon. 12 In the instant case then, the drawee was necessarily the herein petitioner. It was to the latter that the drafts were presented for payment. In fact, there was no need for acceptance as the issued drafts are sight drafts. Presentment for acceptance is necessary only in the cases expressly provided for in Section 143 of the Negotiable Instruments Law (NIL). 13 The said section reads: Sec. 143. When presentment for acceptance must be made. Presentment for acceptance must be made: (a) Where the bill is payable after sight, or in any other case, where presentment for acceptance is necessary in order to fix the maturity of the instrument; or (b) Where the bill expressly stipulates that it shall be presented for acceptance; or (c) Where the bill is drawn payable elsewhere than at the residence or place of business of the drawee. In no other case is presentment for acceptance necessary in order to render any party to the bill liable. Obviously then, sight acceptance. drafts do not require presentment for

2. Whether Philippine Rayon is liable on the basis of the trust receipt; 3. Whether private respondent Chi is jointly and severally liable with Philippine Rayon for the obligation sought to be enforced and if not, whether he may be considered a guarantor; in the latter situation, whether the case should have been dismissed on the ground of lack of cause of action as there was no prior exhaustion of Philippine Rayon's properties. Both the trial court and the public respondent ruled that Philippine Rayon could be held liable for the two (2) drafts, Exhibits "X" and "X1", because only these appear to have been accepted by the latter after due presentment. The liability for the remaining ten (10) drafts (Exhibits "X-2" to "X-11" inclusive) did not arise because the same were not presented for acceptance. In short, both courts concluded that acceptance of the drafts by Philippine Rayon was indispensable to make the latter liable thereon. We are unable to agree with this proposition. The transaction in the case at bar stemmed from Philippine Rayon's application for a commercial letter of credit with the petitioner in the amount of $128,548.78 to cover the former's contract to purchase and import loom and textile machinery from Nissho Company, Ltd. of Japan under a five-year deferred payment plan. Petitioner approved the application. As correctly ruled by the trial court in its Order of 6 March 1975: 9 . . . By virtue of said Application and Agreement for Commercial Letter of Credit, plaintiff bank 10 was under obligation to pay through its correspondent bank in Japan the drafts that Nisso (sic) Company, Ltd., periodically drew against said letter of credit from 1963 to 1968, pursuant to plaintiff's contract with the defendant Philippine Rayon Mills, Inc. In turn, defendant Philippine Rayon Mills, Inc., was

The acceptance of a bill is the signification by the drawee of his assent to the order of the drawer; 14 this may be done in writing by the drawee in the bill itself, or in a separate instrument. 15 The parties herein agree, and the trial court explicitly ruled, that the subject, drafts are sight drafts. Said the latter: . . . In the instant case the drafts being at sight, they are supposed to be payable upon acceptance unless plaintiff bank has given the Philippine Rayon Mills Inc. time within which to pay the same. The first two drafts (Annexes C & D, Exh. X & X-1) were duly accepted as indicated on their face (sic), and upon such acceptance should have been paid forthwith. These two drafts were not paid and although Philippine Rayon Mills ought to have paid the same, the fact remains that until now they are still unpaid. 16 Corollarily, they are, pursuant to Section 7 of the NIL, payable on demand. Section 7 provides: Sec. 7. When payable on demand. An instrument is payable on demand (a) When so it is expressed to be payable on demand, or at sight, or on presentation; or (b) In which no time for payment in expressed. Where an instrument is issued, accepted, or indorsed when overdue, it is, as regards the person so issuing, accepting, or indorsing it, payable on demand. (emphasis supplied) Paragraph 8 of the Trust Receipt which reads: "My/our liability for payment at maturity of any accepted draft, bill of exchange or indebtedness shall not be extinguished or modified" 17 does not, contrary to the holding of the public respondent, contemplate prior acceptance by Philippine Rayon, but by the petitioner. Acceptance, however, was not even necessary in the first place because the drafts which were eventually issued were sight drafts And even if these were not sight drafts, thereby necessitating acceptance, it would be the petitioner and not Philippine Rayon which had to accept the same for the latter was not the drawee. Presentment for acceptance is defined an the production of a bill of exchange to a

drawee for acceptance. 18 The trial court and the public respondent, therefore, erred in ruling that presentment for acceptance was an indispensable requisite for Philippine Rayon's liability on the drafts to attach. Contrary to both courts' pronouncements, Philippine Rayon immediately became liable thereon upon petitioner's payment thereof. Such is the essence of the letter of credit issued by the petitioner. A different conclusion would violate the principle upon which commercial letters of credit are founded because in such a case, both the beneficiary and the issuer, Nissho Company Ltd. and the petitioner, respectively, would be placed at the mercy of Philippine Rayon even if the latter had already received the imported machinery and the petitioner had fully paid for it. The typical setting and purpose of a letter of credit are described in Hibernia Bank and Trust Co. vs. J. Aron & Co., Inc., 19 thus: Commercial letters of credit have come into general use in international sales transactions where much time necessarily elapses between the sale and the receipt by a purchaser of the merchandise, during which interval great price changes may occur. Buyers and sellers struggle for the advantage of position. The seller is desirous of being paid as surely and as soon as possible, realizing that the vendee at a distant point has it in his power to reject on trivial grounds merchandise on arrival, and cause considerable hardship to the shipper. Letters of credit meet this condition by affording celerity and certainty of payment. Their purpose is to insure to a seller payment of a definite amount upon presentation of documents. The bank deals only with documents. It has nothing to do with the quality of the merchandise. Disputes as to the merchandise shipped may arise and be litigated later between vendor and vendee, but they may not impede acceptance of drafts and payment by the issuing bank when the proper documents are presented. The trial court and the public respondent likewise erred in disregarding the trust receipt and in not holding that Philippine Rayon was liable thereon. In People vs. Yu Chai Ho, 20 this Court explains the nature of a trust receipt by quoting In re Dunlap Carpet Co., 21 thus: By this arrangement a banker advances money to an intending importer, and thereby lends the aid of capital, of credit, or of

business facilities and agencies abroad, to the enterprise of foreign commerce. Much of this trade could hardly be carried on by any other means, and therefore it is of the first importance that the fundamental factor in the transaction, the banker's advance of money and credit, should receive the amplest protection. Accordingly, in order to secure that the banker shall be repaid at the critical point that is, when the imported goods finally reach the hands of the intended vendee the banker takes the full title to the goods at the very beginning; he takes it as soon as the goods are bought and settled for by his payments or acceptances in the foreign country, and he continues to hold that title as his indispensable security until the goods are sold in the United States and the vendee is called upon to pay for them. This security is not an ordinary pledge by the importer to the banker, for the importer has never owned the goods, and moreover he is not able to deliver the possession; but the security is the complete title vested originally in the bankers, and this characteristic of the transaction has again and again been recognized and protected by the courts. Of course, the title is at bottom a security title, as it has sometimes been called, and the banker is always under the obligation to reconvey; but only after his advances have been fully repaid and after the importer has fulfilled the other terms of the contract. As further stated in National Bank vs. Viuda e Hijos de Angel Jose, 22 trust receipts: . . . [I]n a certain manner, . . . partake of the nature of a conditional sale as provided by the Chattel Mortgage Law, that is, the importer becomes absolute owner of the imported merchandise as soon an he has paid its price. The ownership of the merchandise continues to be vested in the owner thereof or in the person who has advanced payment, until he has been paid in full, or if the merchandise has already been sold, the proceeds of the sale should be turned over to him by the importer or by his representative or successor in interest. Under P.D. No. 115, otherwise known an the Trust Receipts Law, which took effect on 29 January 1973, a trust receipt transaction is defined as "any transaction by and between a person referred to in this Decree as the entruster, and another person referred to in this Decree as the entrustee, whereby the entruster, who owns or holds absolute title or security interests' over certain specified goods,

documents or instruments, releases the same to the possession of the entrustee upon the latter's execution and delivery to the entruster of a signed document called the "trust receipt" wherein the entrustee binds himself to hold the designated goods, documents or instruments in trust for the entruster and to sell or otherwise dispose of the goods, documents or instruments with the obligation to turn over to the entruster the proceeds thereof to the extent of the amount owing to the entruster or as appears in the trust receipt or the goods, instruments themselves if they are unsold or not otherwise disposed of, in accordance with the terms and conditions specified in the trusts receipt, or for other purposes substantially equivalent to any one of the following: . . ." It is alleged in the complaint that private respondents "not only have presumably put said machinery to good use and have profited by its operation and/or disposition but very recent information that (sic) reached plaintiff bank that defendants already sold the machinery covered by the trust receipt to Yupangco Cotton Mills," and that "as trustees of the property covered by the trust receipt, . . . and therefore acting in fiduciary (sic) capacity, defendants have willfully violated their duty to account for the whereabouts of the machinery covered by the trust receipt or for the proceeds of any lease, sale or other disposition of the same that they may have made, notwithstanding demands therefor; defendants have fraudulently misapplied or converted to their own use any money realized from the lease, sale, and other disposition of said machinery." 23 While there is no specific prayer for the delivery to the petitioner by Philippine Rayon of the proceeds of the sale of the machinery covered by the trust receipt, such relief is covered by the general prayer for "such further and other relief as may be just and equitable on the premises." 24 And although it is true that the petitioner commenced a criminal action for the violation of the Trust Receipts Law, no legal obstacle prevented it from enforcing the civil liability arising out of the trust, receipt in a separate civil action. Under Section 13 of the Trust Receipts Law, the failure of an entrustee to turn over the proceeds of the sale of goods, documents or instruments covered by a trust receipt to the extent of the amount owing to the entruster or as appear in the trust receipt or to return said goods, documents or instruments if they were not sold or disposed of in accordance with the terms of the trust receipt shall

constitute the crime of estafa, punishable under the provisions of Article 315, paragraph 1(b) of the Revised Penal Code. 25Under Article 33 of the Civil Code, a civil action for damages, entirely separate and distinct from the criminal action, may be brought by the injured party in cases of defamation, fraud and physical injuries. Estafa falls under fraud. We also conclude, for the reason hereinafter discussed, and not for that adduced by the public respondent, that private respondent Chi's signature in the dorsal portion of the trust receipt did not bind him solidarily with Philippine Rayon. The statement at the dorsal portion of the said trust receipt, which petitioner describes as a "solidary guaranty clause", reads: In consideration of the PRUDENTIAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY complying with the foregoing, we jointly and severally agree and undertake to pay on demand to the PRUDENTIAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY all sums of money which the said PRUDENTIAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY may call upon us to pay arising out of or pertaining to, and/or in any event connected with the default of and/or nonfulfillment in any respect of the undertaking of the aforesaid: PHILIPPINE RAYON MILLS, INC. We further agree that the PRUDENTIAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY does not have to take any steps or exhaust its remedy against aforesaid: before making demand on me/us. (Sgd.) Anacleto R. Chi ANACLETO R. CHI 26 Petitioner insists that by virtue of the clear wording of the statement, specifically the clause ". . . we jointly and severally agree and undertake . . .," and the concluding sentence on exhaustion, Chi's liability therein is solidary. In holding otherwise, the public respondent ratiocinates as follows: With respect to the second argument, we have our misgivings as to whether the mere signature of defendant-appellee Chi of (sic) the

guaranty agreement, Exhibit "C-1", will make it an actionable document. It should be noted that Exhibit "C-1" was prepared and printed by the plaintiff-appellant. A perusal of Exhibit "C-1" shows that it was to be signed and executed by two persons. It was signed only by defendant-appellee Chi. Exhibit "C-1" was to be witnessed by two persons, but no one signed in that capacity. The last sentence of the guaranty clause is incomplete. Furthermore, the plaintiffappellant also failed to have the purported guarantee clause acknowledged before a notary public. All these show that the alleged guaranty provision was disregarded and, therefore, not consummated. But granting arguendo that the guaranty provision in Exhibit "C-1" was fully executed and acknowledged still defendant-appellee Chi cannot be held liable thereunder because the records show that the plaintiff-appellant had neither exhausted the property of the defendant-appellant nor had it resorted to all legal remedies against the said defendant-appellant as provided in Article 2058 of the Civil Code. The obligation of a guarantor is merely accessory under Article 2052 of the Civil Code and subsidiary under Article 2054 of the Civil Code. Therefore, the liability of the defendant-appellee arises only when the principal debtor fails to comply with his obligation. 27 Our own reading of the questioned solidary guaranty clause yields no other conclusion than that the obligation of Chi is only that of a guarantor. This is further bolstered by the last sentence which speaks of waiver of exhaustion, which, nevertheless, is ineffective in this case because the space therein for the party whose property may not be exhausted was not filled up. Under Article 2058 of the Civil Code, the defense of exhaustion (excussion) may be raised by a guarantor before he may be held liable for the obligation. Petitioner likewise admits that the questioned provision is a solidary guaranty clause, thereby clearly distinguishing it from a contract of surety. It, however, described the guaranty as solidary between the guarantors; this would have been correct if two (2) guarantors had signed it. The clause "we jointly and severally agree and undertake" refers to the undertaking of the two (2) parties who are to sign it or to the liability existing between themselves. It does not refer to the undertaking between either one or both of them on the one hand and the petitioner on the other with respect to the liability described under the trust receipt. Elsewise stated, their liability is not divisible

as between them, i.e., it can be enforced to its full extent against any one of them. Furthermore, any doubt as to the import, or true intent of the solidary guaranty clause should be resolved against the petitioner. The trust receipt, together with the questioned solidary guaranty clause, is on a form drafted and prepared solely by the petitioner; Chi's participation therein is limited to the affixing of his signature thereon. It is, therefore, a contract of adhesion; 28 as such, it must be strictly construed against the party responsible for its preparation. 29 Neither can We agree with the reasoning of the public respondent that this solidary guaranty clause was effectively disregarded simply because it was not signed and witnessed by two (2) persons and acknowledged before a notary public. While indeed, the clause ought to have been signed by two (2) guarantors, the fact that it was only Chi who signed the same did not make his act an idle ceremony or render the clause totally meaningless. By his signing, Chi became the sole guarantor. The attestation by witnesses and the acknowledgement before a notary public are not required by law to make a party liable on the instrument. The rule is that contracts shall be obligatory in whatever form they may have been entered into, provided all the essential requisites for their validity are present; however, when the law requires that a contract be in some form in order that it may be valid or enforceable, or that it be proved in a certain way, that requirement is absolute and indispensable. 30 With respect to a guaranty, 31 which is a promise to answer for the debt or default of another, the law merely requires that it, or some note or memorandum thereof, be in writing. Otherwise, it would be unenforceable unless ratified. 32 While the acknowledgement of a surety before a notary public is required to make the same a public document, under Article 1358 of the Civil Code, a contract of guaranty does not have to appear in a public document. And now to the other ground relied upon by the petitioner as basis for the solidary liability of Chi, namely the criminal proceedings against the latter for the violation of P.D. No. 115. Petitioner claims that because of the said criminal proceedings, Chi would be answerable for the civil liability arising therefrom pursuant to Section 13 of P.D. No. 115. Public respondent rejected this claim because such civil liability presupposes prior conviction as can be gleaned

from the phrase "without prejudice to the civil liability arising from the criminal offense." Both are wrong. The said section reads: Sec. 13. Penalty Clause. The failure of an entrustee to turn over the proceeds of the sale of the goods, documents or instruments covered by a trust receipt to the extent of the amount owing to the entruster or as appears in the trust receipt or to return said goods, documents or instruments if they were not sold or disposed of in accordance with the terms of the trust receipt shall constitute the crime of estafa, punishable under the provisions of Article Three hundred and fifteen, paragraph one (b) of Act Numbered Three thousand eight hundred and fifteen, as amended, otherwise known as the Revised Penal Code. If the violation or offense is committed by a corporation, partnership, association or other juridical entities, the penalty provided for in this Decree shall be imposed upon the directors, officers, employees or other officials or persons therein responsible for the offense, without prejudice to the civil liabilities arising from the criminal offense. A close examination of the quoted provision reveals that it is the last sentence which provides for the correct solution. It is clear that if the violation or offense is committed by a corporation, partnership, association or other juridical entities, the penalty shall be imposed upon the directors, officers, employees or other officials or persons therein responsible for the offense. The penalty referred to is imprisonment, the duration of which would depend on the amount of the fraud as provided for in Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code. The reason for this is obvious: corporations, partnerships, associations and other juridical entities cannot be put in jail. However, it is these entities which are made liable for the civil liability arising from the criminal offense. This is the import of the clause "without prejudice to the civil liabilities arising from the criminal offense." And, as We stated earlier, since that violation of a trust receipt constitutes fraud under Article 33 of the Civil Code, petitioner was acting well within its rights in filing an independent civil action to enforce the civil liability arising therefrom against Philippine Rayon. The remaining issue to be resolved concerns the propriety of the dismissal of the case against private respondent Chi. The trial court based the dismissal, and the respondent Court its affirmance

thereof, on the theory that Chi is not liable on the trust receipt in any capacity either as surety or as guarantor because his signature at the dorsal portion thereof was useless; and even if he could be bound by such signature as a simple guarantor, he cannot, pursuant to Article 2058 of the Civil Code, be compelled to pay until after petitioner has exhausted and resorted to all legal remedies against the principal debtor, Philippine Rayon. The records fail to show that petitioner had done so 33 Reliance is thus placed on Article 2058 of the Civil Code which provides: Art. 2056. The guarantor cannot be compelled to pay the creditor unless the latter has exhausted all the property of the debtor, and has resorted to all the legal remedies against the debtor. Simply stated, there is as yet no cause of action against Chi. We are not persuaded. Excussion is not a condition sine qua non for the institution of an action against a guarantor. In Southern Motors, Inc. vs. Barbosa, 34 this Court stated: 4. Although an ordinary personal guarantor not a mortgagor or pledgor may demand the aforementioned exhaustion, the creditor may, prior thereto, secure a judgment against said guarantor, who shall be entitled, however, to a deferment of the execution of said judgment against him until after the properties of the principal debtor shall have been exhausted to satisfy the obligation involved in the case. There was then nothing procedurally objectionable in impleading private respondent Chi as a co-defendant in Civil Case No. Q-19312 before the trial court. As a matter of fact, Section 6, Rule 3 of the Rules of Court on permissive joinder of parties explicitly allows it. It reads: Sec. 6. Permissive joinder of parties. All persons in whom or against whom any right to relief in respect to or arising out of the same transaction or series of transactions is alleged to exist, whether jointly, severally, or in the alternative, may, except as otherwise provided in these rules, join as plaintiffs or be joined as defendants in one complaint, where any question of law or fact common to all such plaintiffs or to all such defendants may arise in the action; but the court may make such orders as may be just to

prevent any plaintiff or defendant from being embarrassed or put to expense in connection with any proceedings in which he may have no interest. This is the equity rule relating to multifariousness. It is based on trial convenience and is designed to permit the joinder of plaintiffs or defendants whenever there is a common question of law or fact. It will save the parties unnecessary work, trouble and expense. 35 However, Chi's liability is limited to the principal obligation in the trust receipt plus all the accessories thereof including judicial costs; with respect to the latter, he shall only be liable for those costs incurred after being judicially required to pay. 36 Interest and damages, being accessories of the principal obligation, should also be paid; these, however, shall run only from the date of the filing of the complaint. Attorney's fees may even be allowed in appropriate cases. 37 In the instant case, the attorney's fees to be paid by Chi cannot be the same as that to be paid by Philippine Rayon since it is only the trust receipt that is covered by the guaranty and not the full extent of the latter's liability. All things considered, he can be held liable for the sum of P10,000.00 as attorney's fees in favor of the petitioner. Thus, the trial court committed grave abuse of discretion in dismissing the complaint as against private respondent Chi and condemning petitioner to pay him P20,000.00 as attorney's fees. In the light of the foregoing, it would no longer necessary to discuss the other issues raised by the petitioner WHEREFORE, the instant Petition is hereby GRANTED. The appealed Decision of 10 March 1986 of the public respondent in AC-G.R. CV No. 66733 and, necessarily, that of Branch 9 (Quezon City) of the then Court of First Instance of Rizal in Civil Case No. Q19312 are hereby REVERSED and SET ASIDE and another is hereby entered: 1. Declaring private respondent Philippine Rayon Mills, Inc. liable on the twelve drafts in question (Exhibits "X", "X-1" to "X-11", inclusive) and on the trust receipt (Exhibit "C"), and ordering it to pay

petitioner: (a) the amounts due thereon in the total sum of P956,384.95 as of 15 September 1974, with interest thereon at six percent (6%) per annum from 16 September 1974 until it is fully paid, less whatever may have been applied thereto by virtue of foreclosure of mortgages, if any; (b) a sum equal to ten percent (10%) of the aforesaid amount as attorney's fees; and (c) the costs. 2. Declaring private respondent Anacleto R. Chi secondarily liable on the trust receipt and ordering him to pay the face value thereof, with interest at the legal rate, commencing from the date of the filing of the complaint in Civil Case No. Q-19312 until the same is fully paid as well as the costs and attorney's fees in the sum of P10,000.00 if the writ of execution for the enforcement of the above awards against Philippine Rayon Mills, Inc. is returned unsatisfied. Costs against private respondents. SO ORDERED.

G.R. No. 117857

February 2, 2001

LUIS S. WONG, petitioner, vs. COURT OF APPEALS and PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, respondents. QUISUMBING, J.: For review on certiorari is the decision dated October 28, 1994 of the Court of Appeals in C.A. G.R. CR 118561which affirmed the decision of the Regional Trial Court of Cebu City, Branch 17, convicting petitioner on three (3) counts of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22 (the Bouncing Checks Law) violations, and sentencing him to imprisonment of four (4) months for each count, and to pay private respondent the amounts of P5,500.00, P6,410.00 and P3,375.00, respectively, corresponding to the value of the checks involved, with the legal rate of interest from the time of filing of the criminal charges, as well as to pay the costs.1wphi1.nt The factual antecedents of the case are as follows: Petitioner Wong was an agent of Limtong Press. Inc. (LPI), a manufacturer of calendars. LPI would print sample calendars, then give them to agents to present to customers. The agents would get the purchase orders of customers and forward them to LPI. After printing the calendars, LPI would ship the calendars directly to the customers. Thereafter, the agents would come around to collect the payments. Petitioner, however, had a history of unremitted collections, which he duly acknowledged in a confirmation receipt he co-signed with his wife.2 Hence, petitioners customers were required to issue postdated checks before LPI would accept their purchase orders. In early December 1985, Wong issued six (6) postdated checks totaling P18,025.00, all dated December 30, 1985 and drawn payable to the order of LPI, as follows: (1) Allied Banking Corporation (ABC) Check No. 660143464-C for P6,410.00 (Exh. "B"); (2) ABC Check No. 660143460-C for P540.00 (Exh. "C");

(3) ABC Check No. PA660143451-C for P5,500.00 (Exh. "D"); (4) ABC Check No. PA660143465-C for P1,100.00 (Exh. "E"); (5) ABC Check No. PA660143463-C for P3,375.00 (Exh. "F"); (6) ABC Check No. PA660143452-C for P1,100.00 (Exh. "G"). These checks were initially intended to guarantee the calendar orders of customers who failed to issue post-dated checks. However, following company policy, LPI refused to accept the checks as guarantees. Instead, the parties agreed to apply the checks to the payment of petitioners unremitted collections for 1984 amounting to P18,077.07.3 LPI waived the P52.07 difference. Before the maturity of the checks, petitioner prevailed upon LPI not to deposit the checks and promised to replace them within 30 days. However, petitioner reneged on his promise. Hence, on June 5, 1986, LPI deposited the checks with Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC). The checks were returned for the reason "account closed." The dishonor of the checks was evidenced by the RCBC return slip. On June 20, 1986, complainant through counsel notified the petitioner of the dishonor. Petitioner failed to make arrangements for payment within five (5) banking days. On November 6, 1987, petitioner was charged with three (3) counts of violation of B.P. Blg. 224 under three separate Informations for the three checks amounting to P5,500.00, P3,375.00, and P6,410.00.5 The Information in Criminal Case No. CBU-12055 reads as follows:

said check was presented with said bank, the same was dishonored for reason ACCOUNT CLOSED and despite notice and demands made to redeem or make good said check, said accused failed and refused, and up to the present time still fails and refuses to do so, to the damage and prejudice of said Manuel T. Limtong in the amount of P5,500.00 Philippine Currency. Contrary to law. Petitioner was similarly charged in Criminal Case No. 12057 for ABC Check No. 660143463 in the amount of P3,375.00, and in Criminal Case No. 12058 for ABC Check No. 660143464 for P6,410.00. Both cases were raffled to the same trial court. Upon arraignment, Wong pleaded not guilty. Trial ensued. Manuel T. Limtong, general manager of LPI, testified on behalf of the company, Limtong averred that he refused to accept the personal checks of petitioner since it was against company policy to accept personal checks from agents. Hence, he and petitioner simply agreed to use the checks to pay petitioners unremitted collections to LPI. According to Limtong, a few days before maturity of the checks, Wong requested him to defer the deposit of said checks for lack of funds. Wong promised to replace them within thirty days, but failed to do so. Hence, upon advice of counsel, he deposited the checks which were subsequently returned on the ground of "account closed." The version of the defense is that petitioner issued the six (6) checks to guarantee the 1985 calendar bookings of his customers. According to petitioner, he issued the checks not as payment for any obligation, but to guarantee the orders of his customers. In fact, the face value of the six (6) postdated checks tallied with the total amount of the calendar orders of the six (6) customers of the accused, namely, Golden Friendship Supermarket, Inc. (P6,410.00), New Society Rice and Corn Mill (P5,500.00), Cuesta Enterprises (P540.00), Pelrico Marketing (P1,100.00), New Asia Restaurant P3,375.00), and New China Restaurant (P1,100.00). Although these customers had already paid their respective orders, petitioner claimed LPI did not return the said checks to him.

That on or about the 30th day of December, 1985 and for sometime subsequent thereto, in the City of Cebu, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this Honorable Court, the said accused, knowing at the time of issue of the check she/he does not have sufficient funds in or credit with the drawee bank for the payment of such check in full upon its presentment, with deliberate intent, with intent of gain and of causing damage, did then and there issue, make or draw Allied Banking Corporation Check No. 660143451 dated 12-30-85 in the amount of P5,500.00 payable to Manuel T. Limtong which check was issued in payment of an obligation of said accused, but when the

On August 30, 1990, the trial court issued its decision, disposing as follows:7 "Wherefore, premises considered, this Court finds the accused Luis S. Wong GUILTY beyond reasonable doubt of the offense of Violations of Section 1 of Batas Pambansa Bilang 22 in THREE (3) Counts and is hereby sentenced to serve an imprisonment of FOUR (4) MONTHS for each count; to pay Private Complainant Manuel T. Limtong the sums of Five Thousand Five Hundred (P5,500.00) Pesos, Six Thousand Four Hundred Ten (P6,410.00) Pesos and Three Thousand Three Hundred Seventy-Five (P3,375.00) Pesos corresponding to the amounts indicated in Allied Banking Checks Nos. 660143451, 66[0]143464 and 660143463 all issued on December 30, 1985 together with the legal rate of interest from the time of the filing of the criminal charges in Court and pay the costs."8 Petitioner appealed his conviction to the Court of Appeals. On October 28, 1994, it affirmed the trial courts decision in toto.9 Hence, the present questions of law -11 petition.10 Petitioner raises the following

will it be then necessary for the prosecution to show actual proof of "lack of funds" during the 90-day term? Petitioner insists that the checks were issued as guarantees for the 1985 purchase orders (POs) of his customers. He contends that private respondent is not a "holder for value" considering that the checks were deposited by private respondent after the customers already paid their orders. Instead of depositing the checks, private respondent should have returned the checks to him. Petitioner further assails the credibility of complainant considering that his answers to cross-examination questions included: "I cannot recall, anymore" and "We have no more record." In his Comment,12 the Solicitor General concedes that the checks might have been initially intended by petitioner to guarantee payments due from customers, but upon the refusal of LPI to accept said personal checks per company policy, the parties had agreed that the checks would be used to pay off petitioners unremitted collections. Petitioners contention that he did not demand the return of the checks because he trusted LPIs good faith is contrary to human nature and sound business practice, according to the Solicitor General. The issue as to whether the checks were issued merely as guarantee or for payment of petitioners unremitted collections is a factual issue involving as it does the credibility of witnesses. Said factual issue has been settled by the trial court and Court of Appeals. Although initially intended to be used as guarantee for the purchase orders of customers, they found the checks were eventually used to settle the remaining obligations of petitioner with LPI. Although Manuel Limtong was the sole witness for the prosecution, his testimony was found sufficient to prove all the elements of the offense charged.13 We find no cogent reason to depart from findings of both the trial and appellate courts. In cases elevated from the Court of Appeals, our review is confined to allege errors of law. Its findings of fact are generally conclusive. Absent any showing that the findings by the respondent court are entirely devoid of any substantiation on record, the same must stand.14 The lack of accounting between the parties is not the issue in this case. As repeatedly held, this Court is not a trier of facts.15 Moreover, in Llamado v. Court of Appeals,16 we held that "[t]o determine the

May a complainant successfully prosecute a case under BP 22 --- if there is no more consideration or price or value ever the binding tie that it is in contracts in general and in negotiable instruments in particular behind the checks? if even before he deposits the checks, he has ceased to be a holder for value because the purchase orders (POs) guaranteed by the checks were already paid? Given the fact that the checks lost their reason for being, as above stated, is it not then the duty of complainant knowing he is no longer a holder for value to return the checks and not to deposit them ever? Upon what legal basis then may such a holder deposit them and get paid twice? Is petitioner, as the drawer of the guarantee checks which lost their reason for being, still bound under BP 22 to maintain his account long after 90 days from maturity of the checks? May the prosecution apply the prima facie presumption of "knowledge of lack of funds" against the drawer if the checks were belatedly deposited by the complainant 157 days after maturity, or

reason for which checks are issued, or the terms and conditions for their issuance, will greatly erode the faith the public reposes in the stability and commercial value of checks as currency substitutes, and bring about havoc in trade and in banking communities. So what the law punishes is the issuance of a bouncing check and not the purpose for which it was issued nor the terms and conditions relating to its issuance. The mere act of issuing a worthless check is malum prohibitum." Nothing herein persuades us to hold otherwise. The only issue for our resolution now is whether or not the prosecution was able to establish beyond reasonable doubt all the elements of the offense penalized under B.P. Blg. 22. There are two (2) ways of violating B.P. Blg. 22: (1) by making or drawing and issuing a check to apply on account or for value knowing at the time of issue that the check is not sufficiently funded; and (2) by having sufficient funds in or credit with the drawee bank at the time of issue but failing to keep sufficient funds therein or credit with said bank to cover the full amount of the check when presented to the drawee bank within a period of ninety (90) days.17 The elements of B.P. Blg. 22 under the first situation, pertinent to the present case, are:18 "(1) The making, drawing and issuance of any check to apply for account or for value; (2) The knowledge of the maker, drawer, or issuer that at the time of issue he does not have sufficient funds in or credit with the drawee bank for the payment of such check in full upon its presentment; and (3) The subsequent dishonor of the check by the drawee bank for insufficiency of funds or credit or dishonor for the same reason had not the drawer, without any valid cause, ordered the bank to stop payment." Petitioner contends that the first element does not exist because the checks were not issued to apply for account or for value. He attempts to distinguish his situation from the usual "cut-and-dried" B.P. 22 case by claiming that the checks were issued as guarantee and the obligations they were supposed to guarantee were already paid. This flawed argument has no factual basis, the RTC and CA

having both ruled that the checks were in payment for unremitted collections, and not as guarantee. Likewise, the argument has no legal basis, for what B.P. Blg. 22 punishes is the issuance of a bouncing check and not the purpose for which it was issued nor the terms and conditions relating to its issuance.19 As to the second element, B.P. Blg. 22 creates a presumption juris tantum that the second element prima facieexists when the first and third elements of the offense are present.20 Thus, the makers knowledge is presumed from the dishonor of the check for insufficiency of funds.21 Petitioner avers that since the complainant deposited the checks on June 5, 1986, or 157 days after the December 30, 1985 maturity date, the presumption of knowledge of lack of funds under Section 2 of B.P. Blg. 22 should not apply to him. He further claims that he should not be expected to keep his bank account active and funded beyond the ninety-day period. Section 2 of B.P. Blg. 22 provides: Evidence of knowledge of insufficient funds. The making, drawing and issuance of a check payment of which is refused by the drawee because of insufficient funds in or credit with such bank, when presented within ninety (90) days from the date of the check, shall be prima facie evidence of knowledge of such insufficiency of funds or credit unless such maker or drawer pays the holder thereof the amount due thereon, or makes arrangements for payment in full by the drawee of such check within five (5) banking days after receiving notice that such check has not been paid by the drawee. An essential element of the offense is "knowledge" on the part of the maker or drawer of the check of the insufficiency of his funds in or credit with the bank to cover the check upon its presentment. Since this involves a state of mind difficult to establish, the statute itself creates a prima facie presumption of such knowledge where payment of the check "is refused by the drawee because of insufficient funds in or credit with such bank when presented within ninety (90) days from the date of the check." To mitigate the harshness of the law in its application, the statute provides that such presumption shall not arise if within five (5) banking days from

receipt of the notice of dishonor, the maker or drawer makes arrangements for payment of the check by the bank or pays the holder the amount of the check.22 Contrary to petitioners assertions, nowhere in said provision does the law require a maker to maintain funds in his bank account for only 90 days. Rather, the clear import of the law is to establish a prima facie presumption of knowledge of such insufficiency of funds under the following conditions (1) presentment within 90 days from date of the check, and (2) the dishonor of the check and failure of the maker to make arrangements for payment in full within 5 banking days after notice thereof. That the check must be deposited within ninety (90) days is simply one of the conditions for the prima facie presumption of knowledge of lack of funds to arise. It is not an element of the offense. Neither does it discharge petitioner from his duty to maintain sufficient funds in the account within a reasonable time thereof. Under Section 186 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, "a check must be presented for payment within a reasonable time after its issue or the drawer will be discharged from liability thereon to the extent of the loss caused by the delay." By current banking practice, a check becomes stale after more than six (6) months,23 or 180 days. Private respondent herein deposited the checks 157 days after the date of the check. Hence said checks cannot be considered stale. Only the presumption of knowledge of insufficiency of funds was lost, but such knowledge could still be proven by direct or circumstantial evidence. As found by the trial court, private respondent did not deposit the checks because of the reassurance of petitioner that he would issue new checks. Upon his failure to do so, LPI was constrained to deposit the said checks. After the checks were dishonored, petitioner was duly notified of such fact but failed to make arrangements for full payment within five (5) banking days thereof. There is, on record, sufficient evidence that petitioner had knowledge of the insufficiency of his funds in or credit with the drawee bank at the time of issuance of the checks. And despite petitioners insistent plea of innocence, we find no error in the respondent courts affirmance of his conviction by the trial court for violations of the Bouncing Checks Law. However, pursuant to the policy guidelines in Administrative Circular No. 12-2000, which took effect on November 21, 2000, the penalty imposed on petitioner should now be modified to a fine of not less

than but not more than double the amount of the checks that were dishonored. WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED. Petitioner Luis S. Wong is found liable for violation of Batas Pambansa Blg. 22 but the penalty imposed on him is hereby MODIFIED so that the sentence of imprisonment is deleted. Petitioner is ORDERED to pay a FINE of (1) P6,750.00, equivalent to double the amount of the check involved in Criminal Case No. CBU-12057, (2) P12,820.00, equivalent to double the amount of the check involved in Criminal Case No. CBU-12058, and (3) P11,000.00, equivalent to double the amount of the check involved in Criminal Case No. CBU-12055, with subsidiary imprisonment24 in case of insolvency to pay the aforesaid fines. Finally, as civil indemnity, petitioner is also ordered to pay to LPI the face value of said checks totaling P18,025.00 with legal interest thereon from the time of filing the criminal charges in court, as well as to pay the costs.1wphi1.nt SO ORDERED.

G.R. No. 89802 May 7, 1992 ASSOCIATED BANK and CONRADO CRUZ, petitioners, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS, and MERLE V. REYES, doing

business under the name and style "Melissa's RTW," respondents. CRUZ, J.: The sole issue raised in this case is whether or not the private respondent has a cause of action against the petitioners for their encashment and payment to another person of certain crossed checks issued in her favor. The private respondent is engaged in the business of ready-to-wear garments under the firm name "Melissa's RTW." She deals with, among other customers, Robinson's Department Store, Payless Department Store, Rempson Department Store, and the Corona Bazaar. These companies issued in payment of their respective accounts crossed checks payable to Melissa's RTW in the amounts and on the dates indicated below: PAYOR BANK AMOUNT DATE Payless Solid Bank P3,960.00 January Robinson's FEBTC 4,140.00 December Robinson's FEBTC 1,650.00 December Robinson's FEBTC 1,980.00 January Rempson TRB 1,575.00 January Corona RCBC 2,500.00 December 22, 1981 19, 18, 24, 12, 9, 1982 1981 1981 1982 1982

the amount of P15,805.00 plus 12% interest, P50,000.00 actual damages, P25,000.00 exemplary damages, P5,000.00 attorney's fees, and the costs of the suit. 1 The petitioners appealed to the respondent court, reiterating their argument that the private respondent had no cause of action against them and should have proceeded instead against the companies that issued the checks. In disposing of this contention, the Court of Appeals 2 said: The cause of action of the appellee in the case at bar arose from the illegal, anomalous and irregular acts of the appellants in violating common banking practices to the damage and prejudice of the appellees, in allowing to be deposited and encashed as well as paying to improper parties without the knowledge, consent, authority or endorsement of the appellee which totalled P15,805.00, the six (6) checks in dispute which were "crossed checks" or "for payee's account only," the appellee being the payee. The three (3) elements of a cause of action are present in the case at bar, namely: (1) a right in favor of the plaintiff by whatever means and under whatever law it arises or is created; (2) an obligation on the part of the named defendant to respect or not to violate such right; and (3) an act or omission on the part of such defendant violative of the right of the plaintiff or constituting a breach thereof. (Republic Planters Bank vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, 131 SCRA 631). And such cause of action has been proved by evidence of great weight. The contents of the said checks issued by the customers of the appellee had not been questioned. There is no dispute that the same are crossed checks or for payee's account only, which is Melissa's RTW. The appellee had clearly shown that she had never authorized anyone to deposit the said checks nor to encash the same; that the appellants had allowed all said checks to be deposited, cleared and paid to one Rafael Sayson in violation of the instructions in the said crossed checks that the same were for payee's account only; and that the appellee maintained a savings account with the Prudential Bank, Cubao Branch, Quezon City which never cleared the said checks and the appellee had been damaged by such encashment of the same.

When she went to these companies to collect on what she thought were still unpaid accounts, she was informed of the issuance of the above-listed crossed checks. Further inquiry revealed that the said checks had been deposited with the Associated Bank (hereinafter, "the Bank") and subsequently paid by it to one Rafael Sayson, one of its "trusted depositors," in the words of its branch manager and copetitioner, Conrado Cruz, Sayson had not been authorized by the private respondent to deposit and encash the said checks. The private respondent sued the petitioners in the Regional Trial Court of Quezon City for recovery of the total value of the checks plus damages. After trial, judgment was rendered requiring them to pay the private respondent the total value of the subject checks in

We affirm. Under accepted banking practice, crossing a check is done by writing two parallel lines diagonally on the left top portion of the checks. The crossing is special where the name of a bank or a business institution is written between the two parallel lines, which means that the drawee should pay only with the intervention of that company.3 The crossing is general where the words written between the two parallel lines are "and Co." or "for payee's account only," as in the case at bar. This means that the drawee bank should not encash the check but merely accept it for deposit. 4 In State Investment House vs. IAC, 5 this Court declared that "the effects of crossing a check are: (1) that the check may not be encashed but only deposited in the bank; (2) that the check may be negotiated only once to one who has an account with a bank; and (3) that the act of crossing the check serves as a warning to the holder that the check has been issued for a definite purpose so that he must inquire if he has received the check pursuant to that purpose." The effects therefore of crossing a check relate to the mode of its presentment for payment. Under Sec. 72 of the Negotiable Instruments Law, presentment for payment, to be sufficient, must be made by the holder or by some person authorized to receive payment on his behalf. Who the holder or authorized person is depends on the instruction stated on the face of the check. The six checks in the case at bar had been crossed and issued "for payee's account only." This could only signify that the drawers had intended the same for deposit only by the person indicated, to wit, Melissa's RTW. The petitioners argue that the cause of action for violation of the common instruction found on the face of the checks exclusively belongs to the issuers thereof and not to the payee. Moreover, having acted in good faith as they merely facilitated the encashment of the checks, they cannot be made liable to the private respondent. The subject checks were accepted for deposit by the Bank for the account of Rafael Sayson although they were crossed checks and the payee was not Sayson but Melissa's RTW. The Bank stamped thereon

its guarantee that "all prior endorsements and/or lack of endorsements (were) guaranteed." By such deliberate and positive act, the Bank had for all legal intents and purposes treated the said checks as negotiable instruments and, accordingly, assumed the warranty of the endorser. The weight of authority is to the effect that "the possession of check on a forged or unauthorized indorsement is wrongful, and when the money is collected on the check, the bank can be held 'for moneys had and received." 6The proceeds are held for the rightful owner of the payment and may be recovered by him. The position of the bank taking the check on the forged or unauthorized indorsement is the same as if it had taken the check and collected without indorsement at all. The act of the bank amounts to conversion of the check. 7 It is not disputed that the proceeds of the subject checks belonged to the private respondent. As she had not at any time authorized Rafael Sayson to endorse or encash them, there was conversion of the funds by the Bank. When the Bank paid the checks so endorsed notwithstanding that title had not passed to the endorser, it did so at its peril and became liable to the payee for the value of the checks. This liability attached whether or not the Bank was aware of the unauthorized endorsement. 8 The petitioners were negligent when they permitted the encashment of the checks by Sayson. The Bank should have first verified his right to endorse the crossed checks, of which he was not the payee, and to deposit the proceeds of the checks to his own account. The Bank was by reason of the nature of the checks put upon notice that they were issued for deposit only to the private respondent's account. Its failure to inquire into Sayson's authority was a breach of a duty it owed to the private respondent. As the Court stressed in Banco de Oro Savings and Mortgage Bank vs. Equitable Banking Corp., 9 "the law imposes a duty of diligence on the collecting bank to scrutinize checks deposited with it, for the purpose of determining their genuineness and regularity. The collecting bank, being primarily engaged in banking, holds itself out

to the public as the expert on this field, and the law thus holds it to a high standard of conduct." The petitioners insist that the private respondent has no cause of action against them because they have no privity of contract with her. They also argue that it was Eddie Reyes, the private respondent's own husband, who endorsed the checks. Assuming that Eddie Reyes did endorse the crossed checks, we hold that the Bank would still be liable to the private respondent because he was not authorized to make the endorsements. And even if the endorsements were forged, as alleged, the Bank would still be liable to the private respondent for not verifying the endorser's authority. There is no substantial difference between an actual forging of a name to a check as an endorsement by a person not authorized to make the signature and the affixing of a name to a check as an endorsement by a person not authorized to endorse it. 10 The Bank does not deny collecting the money on the endorsement. It was its responsibility to inquire as to the authority of Rafael Sayson to deposit crossed checks payable to Melissa's RTW upon a prior endorsement by Eddie Reyes. The failure of the Bank to make this inquiry was a breach of duty that made it liable to the private respondent for the amount of the checks. There being no evidence that the crossed checks were actually received by the private respondent, she would have a right of action against the drawer companies, which in turn could go against their respective drawee banks, which in turn could sue the herein petitioner as collecting bank. In a similar situation, it was held that, to simplify proceedings, the payee of the illegally encashed checks should be allowed to recover directly from the bank responsible for such encashment regardless of whether or not the checks were actually delivered to the payee. 11We approve such direct action in the case at bar. It is worth repeating that before presenting the checks for clearing and for payment, the Bank had stamped on the back thereof the words: "All prior endorsements and/or lack of endorsements guaranteed," and thus made the assurance that it had ascertained the genuineness of all prior endorsements.

We find that the respondent court committed no reversible error in holding that the private respondent had a valid cause of action against the petitioners and that the latter are indeed liable to her for their unauthorized encashment of the subject checks. We also agree with the reduction of the award of the exemplary damages for lack of sufficient evidence to support them. WHEREFORE, the petition is DENIED, with costs against the petitioner. It is so ordered.

alleged in its motion that "the indictable acts under the three informations form part of and is related to the transaction complained" of in criminal cases 91-101732, 91-101734 and 91101735 pending before Branch 26-Manila 5 and that these two groups of cases (the Pasig and Manila cases) "relate to a series of transactions" devised by then President Ferdinand Marcos and private respondent to hide their ill-gotten wealth. 6 The RTC of Pasig granted the motion for consolidation provided there is no objection from the presiding judge of Branch 26-Manila. 7 Before the Manila RTC, the three (3) informations were re-raffled and re-assigned instead to Branch 52-Manila presided by public respondent Judge Nitafan wherein the three informations (CriminalCases Nos. 9038492, 90385-92 and 90386-92) were re-numbered as Criminal Case Nos. 92-107942; 92-107943 and 92-107944. G.R. No. 107964 February 1, 1999 THE PEOPLE of the PHILIPPINES Represented by the PANEL OF PROSECUTORS, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, petitioner, vs. HON. DAVID G. NIFATAN, Presiding Judge, Branch 52, Regional Trial Court of Manila, and IMELDA R. MARCOS, respondents. MARTINEZ, J.: On January 9, 1992, three criminal informations for violation of Section 4 of Central Bank Circular No. 960, as amended, 1 in relation to Section 34 of Republic Act No. 265 2 were filed against private respondent Imelda R. Marcos before Branch 158 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Pasig (herein Branch 158-Pasig). Said Informations docketed as Criminal Case Nos. 90384-92, 90385-92 and 90386-92 were amended prior to arraignment. 3 After arraignment, where private respondent pleaded not guilty, the People thru herein petitioner, Panel of Prosecutors from the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Solicitor General filed separate motions for consolidation of the three (3) Informations pending before Branch 158-Pasig with the 21 other cases pending before RTC Branch 26-Manila (herein Branch 26-Manila). 4 The Solicitor General Then, without private respondent yet taking any action of filing any motion to quash the informations, respondent judge issued an order dated July 20, 1992 requiring petitioners to show cause why criminal case number 92-107942 should not be dismissed on the ground that it violates private respondent's right against ex post facto law,8 In that order, respondent judge said that a "check with official publications reveals that CB Circular 960 is dated 21 October 1983 (. . .) and that said regulatory issuance was imperfectly published in the January 30, 1984 issue of the Official Gazette." 9 Respondent judge concluded that "since the date of violation alleged in the information was prior to the date and complete publication of the Circular charged to have been violated, the information in this case appears peremptorily dismissible, for to apply the Circular to acts performed prior to its date and publication would make it an ex post facto law, which is a violation of the Constitution." 10 On the same day, respondent judge issued another order requiring the prosecution to show cause why the two other criminal informations (92-107943 and 92-107944) should not be dismissed on the ground that private respondent's right to double jeopardy was violated. 11 It is respondent judge's posture that based on the Solicitor-General's allegations in its Motion for Consolidation filed on Branch 58-Pasig that the three cases form part of a series of transactions which are subject of the cases pending before Branch 26-Manila, all these cases constitute one continuous crime. Respondent judge further stated that to separately prosecute private

respondent for a series of transaction would endow it with the "functional ability of a worm multiplication or amoeba reproduction". 12 Thus, accused wiould be unduly vexed with multiple jeopardy. In the two orders, respondent judge likewise said that the dismissal of the three "seemingly unmeritorious" and "duplicitous" cases would help unclogged his docket in favor of more serious suits. 13 The prosecution complied with the twin show cause orders accompanied by a motion to inhibit respondent judge. On August 6, 1992, respondent judge issued an order denying the motion for consolidation (embodied in the prosecution's compliance with the show cause orders) of the three informations with those pending before Branch 26-Manila on the ground that consolidation of cases under Rule 31 of civil procedure has no counterpart in criminal procedure, and blamed the panel of prosecutors as "apparently not conversant with the procedure in the assignment of cases." As additional justification, respondent judge stated that since he is "more studious and discreet, if not more systematic and methodical," than the prosecution "in the handling of cases," it would be unfair to just pull out the case when he had already studied it. 14 The next day, August 7, 1992, respondent judge issued an 8-page order dismissing criminal case no. 92-107942 on the ground that the subject CB Circular is an ex post facto law. 15 In a separate17-page order dated August 10, 1992, respondent judge also dismissed the two remaining criminal cases (92-107943 & 92-107944) ruling that the prosecution of private respondent was "part of a sustained political vendetta" by some people in the government aside from what he considered as a violation of private respondent's right against double jeopardy. l6 From his disquisition regarding continuing, continuous and continued offenses and his discussion of mala prohibita, respondent judge further ratiocinated his dismissal order in that the pendency of the other cases before Branch 26Manila had placed private respondent in double jeopardy because of the three cases before his sala. The prosecution filed two separate motions for reconsideration which respondent judge denied in a single order dated September 7, 1992 containing 19 pages wherein he made a preliminary observation that:

(T)he very civil manner in which the motions were framed, which is consistent with the high ideals and standards of pleadings envisioned in the rules, and for which the panel should be commended. This only shows that the Members of the panel had not yielded to the derisive, panicky and intimidating reaction manifested by their Department Head when, after learning the promulgation of the orders dismissing some of Imelda Romualdez-Marcos cases. Secretary Drilon went to the media and repeatedly aired diatribes and even veiled threats against the trial judges concerned. By the constitutional mandate that 'A member of the judiciary must be a person of proven competence, integrity, probity, and independence (Sec 7[3]. Art. VIII, judges are precluded from being dragged into running debates with parties-litigants or their counsel and representatives in media, yet by reason of the same provision judges are mandated to decide cases in accordance with their own independent appreciation of the facts and interpretation of the law. Any judge who yields to extraneous influences, such as denigrating criticisms or threats, and allows his independence to be undermined thereby, leading to violation of his oath of office, has no right to continue in his office any minute longer. The published reaction of the Hon. Secretary is to be deplored, but it is hoped that he had merely lapsed into impudence instead of having intended to set a pattern of mocking and denigrating the courts. He must have forgotten that as Secretary of Justice, his actuations reflect the 'rule of law' orientation of the administration of thePresident whom he represents as the latter's alter ego. 17 (emphasis supplied). The dispositive portion of the order denying the motions for reconsideration provides: FOR ALL THE FOREGOING CONSIDERATIONS, the Court finds no valid reason to reconsider the dismissals heretofore decreed, and the motions for reconsideration are consequently denied for manifest lack of merit. 18 Obviously dissatisfied, petitioners elevated the case via petition for certiorari, where the primary issue raised is whether a judge can motu proprio initiate the dismissal and subsequently dismissed a

criminal information or complaint without any motion to that effect being filed by the accused based on the alleged violation of the latter's right against ex post facto law and double jeopardy. Section 1, Rule 117 of the Rules on Criminal Procedure provides: Time to move to quash. At any time before entering his plea, the accused may move to quash the complaint or information. (emphasis supplied). It is clear from the above rule that the accused may file a motion to quash an information at an information time before entering a plea or before arraignment. Thereafter, no motion to quash can be entertained by the court except under the circumstances mentioned in Section 8 of Rule 117 which adopts the omnibus motion to rule. In the case at at bench, private respondent pleaded to the charges without filing any motion to quash. As such, she is deemed to have waived and abandoned her right to avail of any legal ground which she may have properly and timely invoke to challenge the complaint or information pursuant to Section 8 of Rule 1 17 which provides: Failure to move to quash or to allege any ground therefor The failure of the accused to assert any ground of a motion to quash before he pleads to the complaint or informatin, either because he did not file a motion to quash or failed to allege the same in his motion, shall be deemed a waiver of the grounds of a motion to quash, except, the grounds of no offense charged, lack of jurisdiction over the offense charged, extinction of the offense or penalty and jeopardy, as provided for in paragraphs (a), (b), (f) and (h) of section 3 of this Rule. (emphasis supplied) It is also clear from Section 1 that the right to file a motion to quash belongs only to the accused. There is nothing in the rules which authorizes the court or judge to motu proprio initiate a motion to quash if no such motion was filed by the accused. A motion contemplates an initial action originating from the accused. It is the latter who is in the best position to know on what ground/s he will based his objection to the information. Otherwise, if the judge initiates the motion to quash, then he is not only pre-judging the case of the prosecution but also takes side with the accused. This would violate the right to a hearing before an independent and

impartial tribunal. Such independence and impartiality cannot be expected from a magistrate, such as herein respondent judge, who in his show cause orders, orders dismissing the charges and order denying the motions for reconsideration stated and even expounded in a lengthy disquisition with citation of authorities, the grounds and justifications to support his action. Certainly, in compliance with the orders, the prosecution has no choice but to present arguments contradicting that of respondent judge. Obviously, however, it cannot be expected from respondent judge to overturn the reasons he relied upon in his different orders without contradicting himself. To allow a judge to initiate such motion even under the guise of a show cause order would result in a situation where a magistrate who is supposed to be neutral, in effect, acts as counsel for the accused and judges as well. A combination of these two personalities in one person is violative of due process which is a fundamental right not only of the accused but also of the prosecution. That the initial act to quash an information is lodged with the accused is further supported by Sections 2, 3 and 8 of Rule 117 which states that: Sec. 2. The motion to quash shall be in writing signed by the accused or his counsel. It shall specify distinctly the factual and legal grounds therefor and the Court shall consider no grounds other than those stated therein, except lack of jurisdiction over the offense charged. Sec. 3. Grounds. The accused may move to quash the complaint or information on any of the following grounds: a). That the facts charged do not constitute an offense; b). That the court trying the case has no jurisdiction over the offense charged or the person of the accused; c). That the officer who filed the information had no authority to do so; d). That it does not conform substantially to the prescribed form; e). That more than one offense is charged except in those cases in which existing laws prescribe a single punishment for various offenses;

f). That the criminal action or liability has been extinguished; g). That it contains averments which, if true, would constitute a legal excuse or justification; and h). That the accused has been previously convicted or in jeopardy of being convicted, or acquitted of the offense charged. Sec. 8. The failure of the accused to assert any ground of a motion to quash before he pleads (Emphasis supplied). Sec. 2 requires that the motion must be signed by "accused" or "his counsel"; Section 3 states that "the accused" may file a motion, and; Section 8 refers to the consequence if "the accused" do not file such motion. Neither the court nor the judge was mentioned. Section 2 further ordains that the court is proscribed from considering any ground other than those stated in the motion which should be "specify(ied) distinctly" therein. Thus, the filing of a motion to quash is a right that belong to the accused who may waived it by inaction and not an authority for the court to assume. It is therefore clear that the only grounds which the court may consider in resolving a motion to quash an information or complaint are (1) those grounds stated in the motion and (2) the ground of lack of jurisdiction over the offense charged, whether or not mentioned in the motion. Other than that, grounds which have not been sharply pleaded in the motion cannot be taken cognizance of by the court, even if at the time of the filing thereof, it may be properly invoked by the defendant. Such proscription on considerations of other grounds than those specially pleaded in the motion to quash is premised on the rationale that the right to these defenses are waivable on the part of the accused, and that by claiming to wave said right, he is deemed to have desired these matters to be litigated upon in a full-blown trial. Pursuant to the Rules, the sole exception is lack of jurisdiction over the offense charged which goes into the competence of the court to hear and pass judgment on the cause. With these, the rule clearly implies the requirement of filing a motion by the accused even if the ground asserted is premised on lack of jurisdiction over the offense charged. Besides, lack of jurisdiction should be evident from the face of the information or complaint to

warrant a dismissal thereof. Happily, no jurisdictional challenge is involved in this case. Assuming arguendo that a judge has the power to motu proprio dismiss a criminal charge, yet contrary to the findings of respondent judge, the grounds of ex post facto law and double jeopardy herein invoked by him are not applicable. On ex post facto law, suffice it to say that every laws carries with it the presumption of constitutionality until otherwise declared by this court. 19 To rule that the CB Circular is an ex post facto law is to say that it is unconstitutional. However, neither private respondent nor the Solicitor-General challenges it. This Court, much more the lower courts, will not pass upon the constitutionality of a statute or rule nor declare it void unless directly assailed in an appropriate action. With respect to the ground of double jeopardy invoked by respondent judge, the same is improper and has neither legal nor factual basis in this case. Double jeopardy connotes the concurrence of three requisites, which are: (a) the first jeopardy must have attached prior to the second, (b) the first jeopardy must have been validly terminated, and (c) the second jeopardy must be for the same offense as that in the first 20 or the second offense includes or is necessarily included in the offense charged in the first information, or is an attempt to commit the same or is a frustration thereof. 21 In this case, it is manifestly clear that no first jeopardy has yet attached nor any such jeopardy terminated. Sec. 7, Rule 117 provides: When an accused has been convicted or acquitted, or the case against him dismissed or otherwise terminated without his express consent by a court of competent jurisdiction, upon a valid complaint or information or other formal charge sufficient in form and substance to sustain a conviction and after the accused had pleaded to the charge, the conviction or acquittal of the accused or the dismissal of the case shall be a bar to another prosecution for the offense charged, or for any attempt to commit the same or frustration thereof, or for any offense which necessarily includes or is necessarily included in the offense charged in the former complaint or information.

xxx xxx xxx 22 Under said Section, the first jeopardy attaches only (1) upon a valid indictment, (2) before a competent court, (3) after arraignment, (4) when a valid plea has been entered, and (5) when the defendant was convicted or acquitted, or the case was dismissed or otherwise terminated without the express consent of the accused. 23 Other than the Solicitor-General's allegation of pending suits in Branch 26-Manila, respondent judge has no other basis on whether private respondent. had already been arraigned, much less entered a plea in those cases pending before the said Branch. Even assuming that there was already arraignment and plea with respect to those cases in Branch 26-Manila which respondent judge used as basis to quash the three informations pending in his sala, still the first jeopardy has not yet attached. Precisely, those Branch 26-Manila cases are still pending and there was as yet no judgment on the merits at the time respondent judge quashed the three informations in his sala. Private respondent was not convicted, acquitted nor the cases against her in Branch 26-Manila dismissed or otherwise terminated which definitely shows the absence of the fifth requisite for the first jeopardy to attached. Accordingly, it was wrong to say that the further prosecution of private respondent under the three informations pending Branch 56-Manila would violate the former's right against double jeopardy. WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition is GRANTED and the two orders dated Januay 20, 1990, as well as the orders dated August 7, 1992 August 10, 1992 and September 7, 1992 all issued by respondent judge are hereby REVERSED AND SET ASIDE. Let this case be REMANDED to the trial court for further proceedings. SO ORDERED.

G.R. No. 105188 January 23, 1998 MYRON C. PAPA, Administrator of the Testate Estate of Angela M. Butte, petitioner, vs. A.U. VALENCIA and CO. INC., FELIX PEARROYO, SPS. ARSENIO B. REYES & AMANDA SANTOS, and DELFIN JAO, respondents. KAPUNAN, J.: In this petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court, petitioner Myron C. Papa seeks to reverse and set aside 1) the Decision dated 27 January 1992 of the Court of Appeals which affirmed with modification the decision of the trial court; and 2) the Resolution dated 22 April 1992 of the same court, which denied petitioner's motion for reconsideration of the above decision. The antecedent facts of this case are as follows: Sometime in June 1982, herein private respondents A.U. Valencia and Co., Inc. (hereinafter referred to as respondent Valencia, for brevity) and Felix Pearroyo (hereinafter called respondent Pearroyo), filed with the Regional Trial Court of Pasig, Branch 151, a complaint for specific performance against herein petitioner Myron C. Papa, in his capacity as administrator of the Testate Estate of one Angela M. Butte. The complaint alleged that on 15 June 1973, petitioner Myron C. Papa, acting as attorney-in-fact of Angela M. Butte, sold to respondent Pearroyo, through respondent Valencia, a parcel of land, consisting of 286.60 square meters, located at corner Retiro and Cadiz Streets, La Loma, Quezon City, and covered by Transfer

Certificate of Title No. 28993 of the Register of Deeds of Quezon City; that prior to the alleged sale, the said property, together with several other parcels of land likewise owned by Angela M. Butte, had been mortgaged by her to the Associated Banking Corporation (now Associated Citizens Bank); that after the alleged sale, but before the title to the subject property had been released, Angela M. Butte passed away; that despite representations made by herein respondents to the bank to release the title to the property sold to respondent Pearroyo, the bank refused to release it unless and until all the mortgaged properties of the late Angela M. Butte were also redeemed; that in order to protect his rights and interests over the property, respondent Pearroyo caused the annotation on the title of an adverse claim as evidenced by Entry No. P.E.-6118/T-28993, inscribed on 18 January 1997. The complaint further alleged that it was only upon the release of the title to the property, sometime in April 1977, that respondents Valencia and Pearroyo discovered that the mortgage rights of the bank had been assigned to one Tomas L. Parpana (now deceased), as special administrator of the Estate of Ramon Papa, Jr., on 12 April 1977; that since then, herein petitioner had been collecting monthly rentals in the amount of P800.00 from the tenants of the property, knowing that said property had already been sold to private respondents on 15 June 1973; that despite repeated demands from said respondents, petitioner refused and failed to deliver the title to the property. Thereupon, respondents Valencia and Pearroyo filed a complaint for specific performance, praying that petitioner be ordered to deliver to respondent Pearroyo the title to the subject property (TCT 28993); to turn over to the latter the sum of P72,000.00 as accrued rentals as of April 1982, and the monthly rental of P800.00 until the property is delivered to respondent Pearroyo; to pay respondents the sum of P20,000.00 as attorney's fees; and to pay the costs of the suit. In his Answer, petitioner admitted that the lot had been mortgaged to the Associated Banking Corporation (now Associated Citizens Bank). He contended, however, that the complaint did not state a cause of action; that the real property in interest was the Testate Estate of Angela M. Butte, which should have been joined as a party defendant; that the case amounted to a claim against the Estate of Angela M. Butte and should have been filed in Special Proceedings

No. A-17910 before the Probate Court in Quezon City; and that, if as alleged in the complaint, the property had been assigned to Tomas L. Parpana, as special administrator of the Estate of Ramon Papa, Jr., said estate should be impleaded. Petitioner, likewise, claimed that he could not recall in detail the transaction which allegedly occurred in 1973; that he did not have TCT No. 28993 in his possession; that he could not be held personally liable as he signed the deed merely as attorney-in-fact of said Angela M. Butte. Finally, petitioner asseverated that as a result of the filing of the case, he was compelled to hire the services of counsel for a fee of P20,000.00 for which respondents should be held liable. Upon his motion, herein private respondent Delfin Jao was allowed to intervene in the case. Making common cause with respondents Valencia and Pearroyo, respondent Jao alleged that the subject lot which had been sold to respondent Pearroyo through respondent Valencia was in turn sold to him on 20 August 1973 for the sum of P71,500.00, upon his paying earnest money in the amount of P5,000.00. He, therefore, prayed that judgment be rendered in favor of respondents, the latter in turn be ordered to execute in his favor the appropriate deed of conveyance covering the property in question and to turn over to him the rentals which aforesaid respondents sought to collect from petitioner Myron V. Papa. Respondent Jao, likewise, averred that as a result of petitioner's refusal to deliver the title to the property to respondents Valencia and Pearroyo, who in turn failed to deliver the said title to him, he suffered mental anguish and serious anxiety for which he sought payment of moral damages; and, additionally, the payment of attorney's fees and costs. For his part, petitioner, as administrator of the Testate Estate of Angela M. Butte, filed a third-party complaint against herein private respondents, spouses Arsenio B. Reyes and Amanda Santos (respondent Reyes spouses, for short). He averred, among other's that the late Angela M. Butte was the owner of the subject property; that due to non-payment of real estate tax said property was sold at public auction the City Treasurer of Quezon City to the respondent Reyes spouses on 21 January 1980 for the sum of P14,000.00; that the one-year period of redemption had expired; that respondents Valencia and Pearroyo had sued petitioner Papa as administrator of

the estate of Angela M. Butte, for the delivery of the title to the property; that the same aforenamed respondents had acknowledged that the price paid by them was insufficient, and that they were willing to add a reasonable amount or a minimum of P55,000.00 to the price upon delivery of the property, considering that the same was estimated to be worth P143,000.00; that petitioner was willing to reimburse respondents Reyes spouses whatever amount they might have paid for taxes and other charges, since the subject property was still registered in the name of the late Angela M. Butte; that it was inequitable to allow respondent Reyes spouses to acquire property estimated to be worth P143,000.00, for a measly sum of P14,000.00. Petitioner prayed that judgment be rendered canceling the tax sale to respondent Reyes spouses; restoring the subject property to him upon payment by him to said respondent Reyes spouses of the amount of P14,000.00, plus legal interest; and, ordering respondents Valencia and Pearroyo to pay him at least P55,000.00 plus everything they might have to pay the Reyes spouses in recovering the property. Respondent Reyes spouses in their Answer raised the defense of prescription of petitioner's right to redeem the property. At the trial, only respondent Pearroyo testified. All the other parties only submitted documentary proof. On 29 June 1987, the trial court rendered a decision, the dispositive portion of which reads: WHEREUPON, judgment is hereby rendered as follows: 1) Allowing defendant to redeem from third-party defendants and ordering the latter to allow the former to redeem the property in question, by paying the sum of P14,000.00 plus legal interest of 12% thereon from January 21, 1980; 2) Ordering defendant to execute a Deed of Absolute Sale in favor of plaintiff Felix Pearroyo covering the property in question and to deliver peaceful possession and enjoyment of the said property to the said plaintiff, free from any liens and encumbrances; Should this not be possible, for any reason not attributable to defendant, said defendant is ordered to pay to plaintiff Felix

Pearroyo the sum of P45,000.00 plus legal interest of 12% from June 15, 1973; 3) Ordering plaintiff Felix Pearroyo to execute and deliver to intervenor a deed of absolute sale over the same property, upon the latter's payment to the former of the balance of the purchase price of P71,500.00; Should this not be possible, plaintiff Felix Pearroyo is ordered to pay intervenor the sum of P5,000.00 plus legal interest of 12% from August 23, 1973; and 4) Ordering defendant to pay plaintiffs the amount of P5,000.00 for and as attorney's fees and litigation expenses. SO ORDERED. 1 Petitioner appealed the aforesaid decision of the trial court to the Court of Appeals, alleging among others that the sale was never "consummated" as he did not encash the check (in the amount of P40,000.00) given by respondents Valencia and Pearroyo in payment of the full purchase price of the subject lot. He maintained that what said respondent had actually paid was only the amount of P5,000.00 (in cash) as earnest money. Respondent Reyes spouses, likewise, appealed the above decision. However, their appeal was dismissed because of failure to file their appellant's brief. On 27 January 1992, the Court of Appeals rendered a decision, affirming with modification the trial court's decision, thus: WHEREFORE, the second paragraph of the dispositive portion of the appealed decision is MODIFIED, by ordering the defendant-appellant to deliver to plaintiff-appellees the owner's duplicate of TCT No. 28993 of Angela M. Butte and the peaceful possession and enjoyment of the lot in question or, if the owner's duplicate certificate cannot be produced, to authorize the Register of Deeds to cancel it and issue a certificate of title in the name of Felix Pearroyo. In all other respects, the decision appealed from is AFFIRMED. Costs against defendant-appellant Myron C. Papa.

SO ORDERED. 2 In affirming the trial court's decision, respondent court held that contrary to petitioner's claim that he did not encash the aforesaid check, and therefore, the sale was not consummated, there was no evidence at all that petitioner did not, in fact, encash said check. On the other hand, respondent Pearroyo testified in court that petitioner Papa had received the amount of P45,000.00 and issued receipts therefor. According to respondent court, the presumption is that the check was encashed, especially since the payment by check was not denied by defendant-appellant (herein petitioner) who, in his Answer, merely alleged that he "can no longer recall the transaction which is supposed to have happened 10 years ago." 3 On petitioner's claim that he cannot be held personally liable as he had acted merely as attorney-in-fact of the owner, Angela M. Butte, respondent court held that such contention is without merit. This action was not brought against him in his personal capacity, but in his capacity as the administrator of the Testate Estate of Angela M. Butte. 4 On petitioner's contention that the estate of Angela M. Butte should have been joined in the action as the real party in interest, respondent court held that pursuant to Rule 3, Section 3 of the Rules of Court, the estate of Angela M. Butte does not have to be joined in the action. Likewise, the estate of Ramon Papa, Jr., is not an indispensable party under Rule 3, Section 7 of the same Rules. For the fact is that Ramon Papa, Jr., or his estate, was not a party to the Deed of Absolute Sale, and it is basic law that contracts bind only those who are parties thereto. 5 Respondent court observed that the conditions under which the mortgage rights of the bank were assigned are not clear. In any case, any obligation which the estate of Angela M. Butte might have to the estate of Ramon Papa, Jr. is strictly between them. Respondents Valencia and Pearroyo are not bound by any such obligation. Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration of the above decision, which motion was denied by respondent Court of Appeals. Hence, this petition wherein petitioner raises the following issues:

I. THE CONCLUSION OR FINDING OF THE COURT OF APPEALS THAT THE SALE IN QUESTION WAS CONSUMMATED IS GROUNDED ON SPECULATION OR CONJECTURE, AND IS CONTRARY TO THE APPLICABLE LEGAL PRINCIPLE. II. THE COURT OF APPEALS, IN MODIFYING THE DECISION OF THE TRIAL COURT, ERRED BECAUSE IT, IN EFFECT, CANCELLED OR NULLIFIED AN ASSIGNMENT OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IN FAVOR OF THE ESTATE OF RAMON PAPA, JR. WHICH IS NOT A PARTY IN THIS CASE. III. THE COURT OF APPEALS ERRED IN NOT HOLDING THAT THE ESTATE OF ANGELA M. BUTTE AND THE ESTATE OF RAMON PAPA, JR. ARE INDISPENSABLE PARTIES IN THIS CASE. 6 Petitioner argues that respondent Court of Appeals erred in concluding that alleged sale of the subject property had been consummated. He contends that such a conclusion is based on the erroneous presumption that the check (in the amount of P40,000.00) had been cashed, citing Art. 1249 of the Civil Code, which provides, in part, that payment by checks shall produce the effect of payment only when they have been cashed or when through the fault of the creditor they have been impaired. 7 Petitioner insists that he never cashed said check; and, such being the case, its delivery never produced the effect of payment. Petitioner, while admitting that he had issued receipts for the payments, asserts that said receipts, particularly the receipt of PCIB Check No. 761025 in the amount of P40,000.00, do not prove payment. He avers that there must be a showing that said check had been encashed. If, according to petitioner, the check had been encashed, respondent Pearroyo should have presented PCIB Check No. 761025 duly stamped received by the payee, or at least its microfilm copy. Petitioner finally avers that, in fact, the consideration for the sale was still in the hands of respondents Valencia and Pearroyo, as evidenced by a letter addressed to him in which said respondents wrote, in part: . . . Please be informed that I had been authorized by Dr. Ramon Papa, Jr., heir of Mrs. Angela M. Butte to pay you the aforementioned

amount of P75,000.00 for the release and cancellation of subject property's mortgage. The money is with me and if it is alright with you, I would like to tender the payment as soon as possible. . . . 8 We find no merit in petitioner's arguments. It is an undisputed fact that respondents Valencia and Pearroyo had given petitioner Myron C. Papa the amounts of Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000.00) in cash on 24 May 1973, and Forty Thousand Pesos (P40,000.00) in check on 15 June 1973, in payment of the purchase price of the subject lot. Petitioner himself admits having received said amounts, 9 and having issued receipts therefor. 10 Petitioner's assertion that he never encashed the aforesaid check is not substantiated and is at odds with his statement in his answer that "he can no longer recall the transaction which is supposed to have happened 10 years ago." After more than ten (10) years from the payment in party by cash and in part by check, the presumption is that the check had been encashed. As already stated, he even waived the presentation of oral evidence. Granting that petitioner had never encashed the check, his failure to do so for more than ten (10) years undoubtedly resulted in the impairment of the check through his unreasonable and unexplained delay. While it is true that the delivery of a check produces the effect of payment only when it is cashed, pursuant to Art. 1249 of the Civil Code, the rule is otherwise if the debtor is prejudiced by the creditor's unreasonable delay in presentment. The acceptance of a check implies an undertaking of due diligence in presenting it for payment, and if he from whom it is received sustains loss by want of such diligence, it will be held to operate as actual payment of the debt or obligation for which it was given. 11 It has, likewise, been held that if no presentment is made at all, the drawer cannot be held liable irrespective of loss or injury 12 unless presentment is otherwise excused. This is in harmony with Article 1249 of the Civil Code under which payment by way of check or other negotiable instrument is conditioned on its being cashed, except when through the fault of the creditor, the instrument is impaired. The payee of a check would be a creditor under this provision and if its no-payment is caused by his negligence, payment will be deemed effected and the obligation

for which the check was given as conditional payment will be discharged. 13 Considering that respondents Valencia and Pearroyo had fulfilled their part of the contract of sale by delivering the payment of the purchase price, said respondents, therefore, had the right to compel petitioner to deliver to them the owner's duplicate of TCT No. 28993 of Angela M. Butte and the peaceful possession and enjoyment of the lot in question. With regard to the alleged assignment of mortgage rights, respondent Court of Appeals has found that the conditions under which said mortgage rights of the bank were assigned are not clear. Indeed, a perusal of the original records of the case would show that there is nothing there that could shed light on the transactions leading to the said assignment of rights; nor is there any evidence on record of the conditions under which said mortgage rights were assigned. What is certain is that despite the said assignment of mortgage rights, the title to the subject property has remained in the name of the late Angela M. Butte. 14 This much is admitted by petitioner himself in his answer to respondent's complaint as well as in the third-party complaint that petitioner filed against respondentspouses Arsenio B. Reyes and Amanda Santos. 15 Assuming arquendo that the mortgage rights of the Associated Citizens Bank had been assigned to the estate of Ramon Papa, Jr., and granting that the assigned mortgage rights validly exists and constitute a lien on the property, the estate may file the appropriate action to enforce such lien. The cause of action for specific performance which respondents Valencia and Pearroyo have against petitioner is different from the cause of action which the estate of Ramon Papa, Jr. may have to enforce whatever rights or liens it has on the property by reason of its being an alleged assignee of the bank's rights of mortgage. Finally, the estate of Angela M. Butte is not an indispensable party. Under Section 3 of Rule 3 of the Rules of Court, an executor or administrator may sue or be sued without joining the party for whose benefit the action is presented or defended, thus: Sec. 3. Representative parties. A trustee of an express trust, a guardian, executor or administrator, or a party authorized by statute,

may sue or be sued without joining the party for whose benefit the action is presented or defended; but the court may, at any stage of the proceedings, order such beneficiary to be made a party. An agent acting in his own name and for the benefit of an undisclosed principal may sue or be sued without joining the principal except when the contract involves things belonging to the principal. 16 Neither is the estate of Ramon Papa, Jr. an indispensable party without whom, no final determination of the action can be had. Whatever prior and subsisting mortgage rights the estate of Ramon Papa, Jr. has over the property may still be enforced regardless of the change in ownership thereof. WHEREFORE, the petition for review is hereby DENIED and the Decision of the Court of Appeals, dated 27 January 1992 is AFFIRMED. SO ORDERED.

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