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Lovely Professional University

Research Methodology
ON Analysis On Given Samples in Questionnaires

Submitted to : Mr.Rohan Sir no: B40

Submitted By: Sujit kumar Singh Sec:E28B1 Roll

THE ANALYSIS OF CORRELATION(1) Q. Age: a. < 20 c.26 30 ( ) ( ) b. 20 25 ( ) )

d. Above 30 (

Q. Have you shopped through online through online websites? Yes



Correlations Please choose from the below the factor which what is your age? what is your age? Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N Please choose from the below Pearson Correlation the factor which attracted you Sig. (2-tailed) the most? N 30 -.058 .761 30 30 1 attracted you the most? -.058 .761 30 1

Analysis:H0: There is significant correlation between age and factor. H1: There is no significant correlation between age and factor. The correlation between the age and the factor output is shown above in this we can analyze that as we have taken a sample size of 30 the correlation between these two are negative i.e -.058 and sig is .761 which is below 90 so the Null hypothesis is rejected.



Q. Family Monthly Income: a. Less than 5,000 c. 20,000 40,000 ( ( ) ) b. 5,000 20,000 d. More than 40,000 ( ( ) )

Q . In which categories of products do you pre-decided the brands?

a. Cloths c. Electronic Items e. Gift Items

( ( (

) ) )

b. Leather Items d. Grocery

( (

) ) )

f. Any other items (

THE CORRELATION OUTPUT IS AS FOLLOW:Correlations In which categories of How much is the family monthly income? How much is the family monthly income? Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N In which categories of product do you pre-decided the brand? Pearson Correlation Sig. (2-tailed) N 30 .060 .752 30 30 1 product do you pre-decided the brand? .060 .752 30 1

Analysis:H0: There is a significant correlation between income and categories. H1:There is no significant correlation between income and categories. The correlation between income and categories output is shown above and from this output it can be analyze that there is a positive correlation between these two i.e .060 as we have taken a sample of 30 and the sig. is .752 which is below 90 so the Null hypothesis is rejected.


Q.Age: 18 20 24 26 ( ) ( ) 21 23 ( ) )

Above 26 (

Q.Which section you like most?

a. Kitchen Items c. Toys and Games e. Food Items

( ( (

) ) )

b. Bags and Luggage d. Electronic Goods f. Apparels

( ( (

) ) )

THE CHI-SQUARE OUTPUT IS SHOWN AS FOLLOW:Case Processing Summary Cases Valid N what is your age? * Which section you like most? 30 Percent 100.0% N 0 Missing Percent .0% N 30 Total Percent 100.0%

what is your age? * Which section you like most? Crosstabulation Which section you like most? Bags and luggage what is your age? 18-20 Count Expecte d Count 21-23 Count Expecte d Count Total Count Expecte d Count 1.0 1.0 4.0 8.0 16.0 30.0 0 .5 1 .5 1 Toys and games 1 .5 0 .5 1 Electronic goods 3 2.1 1 1.9 4 Food items 4 4.3 4 3.7 8 Apprels 8 8.5 8 7.5 16 Total 16 16.0 14 14.0 30

Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 2.879a 3.686 .067 30 df 4 4 1 sided) .578 .450 .796

Analysis: H0: There is a relationship between age and section. H1: There is no relationship between age and section. From the above output of chi-square test we can analyze that the fo for age

a. 8 cells (80.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is .47.

18-20 and bags & luggage is 0 and fe for that is .5 i.e. (1*16)/30 and so on. Therefore, df= (r1)(c-1) i.e (2-1)(5-1) so df=4.


Q. Educational Background: a. Graduation Level ( ) b. Post-Graduation Level ( )

Q.From which source do you come to know about Big Bazaar/Vishal Megamart (Consider Q2)? a. T.V. c. Friends e. Internet ( ( ( ) ) ) b. Newspaper d. Radio f. Any other ( ( ( ) ) )

Case Processing Summary Cases Valid N What is your educational background? * From which source do you come to know about the big bazaar/vishal mega mart? 30 100.0% 0 .0% 30 100.0% Percent N Missing Percent N Total Percent

What is your educational background? * From which source do you come to know about the big bazaar/vishal mega mart? Crosstabulation From which source do you come to know about the big bazaar/vishal mega mart? T.V What is your educational background? graduation level Count Expected Count post-graduation level Count Expected Count Total Count Expected Count 8 6.0 2 4.0 10 10.0 Newspaper 3 4.2 4 2.8 7 7.0 Friends 2 4.2 5 2.8 7 7.0 Any other 5 3.6 1 2.4 6 6.0 Total 18 18.0 12 12.0 30 30.0

Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Sig. (2Value Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear Association N of Valid Cases 6.766a 7.029 .080 30 Df 3 3 1 sided) .080 .071 .777

a. 7 cells (87.5%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 2.40.

Analysis: H0: There is a relationship between educational background and source. H1: There is no relationship between educational background and source. From the above output of chi-square test we can analyze that the fo for graduation level and TV is 8 and fe for that is 6 i.e. (10*18)/30 and so on. Therefore, df= (r-1)(c-1) i.e (2-1)(4-1) so df=3.

THE ANALYSIS OF FACTOR ANALYSIS:Q. Rate your satisfaction level from 1 to 5 (consider Q2): Highly Satisfied Quality Price Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly Dissatisfied

Availability of Products Billing Facilities Display of Products Customer Service Advertisements Punch Line Offers Discounts Arrangement of Products

Communalities Initial What is your satisfaction level about the quality of the products? What is your satisfaction level about the price of the products? What is your satisfaction level about the availability of the products? What is your satisfaction level about the billing facilities? What is your satisfaction level about the display of the products? What is your sartisfaction level about the customer services which are available? What is your satisfaction level about the advertisement? What is your satisfaction level about the punchline? What is your satisfaction level about the offers? What is your satisfaction level about the discounts which are available? What is your satisfaction level about the arrangement of the product? Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. 1.000 .774 1.000 .872 1.000 .602 1.000 .731 1.000 .706 1.000 .627 1.000 .635 1.000 .680 1.000 .830 1.000 .819 Extraction



Total Variance Explained Initial Eigenvalues Comp onent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total 2.566 1.657 1.414 1.277 1.154 .967 .706 .479 .451 .211 .119 % of Variance 23.328 15.059 12.857 11.611 10.488 8.792 6.415 4.350 4.097 1.919 1.084 Cumulative % 23.328 38.387 51.244 62.855 73.343 82.135 88.550 92.900 96.997 98.916 100.000 Total 2.566 1.657 1.414 1.277 1.154 Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings % of Variance 23.328 15.059 12.857 11.611 10.488 Cumulative % 23.328 38.387 51.244 62.855 73.343 Total 1.933 1.728 1.560 1.547 1.300 % of Variance 17.574 15.712 14.178 14.064 11.816 Cumulative % 17.574 33.286 47.464 61.528 73.343

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Component Matrixa Component 1 What is your satisfaction level about the quality of the products? What is your satisfaction level about the price of the products? What is your satisfaction level about the availability of the products? What is your satisfaction level about the billing facilities? What is your satisfaction level about the display of the products? What is your sartisfaction level about the customer services which are available? What is your satisfaction level about the advertisement? What is your satisfaction level about the punchline? What is your satisfaction level about the offers? What is your satisfaction level about the discounts which are available? What is your satisfaction level about the arrangement of the product? Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. .657 -.259 -.112 -.474 -.197 .262 .783 .421 .042 .102 .596 -.304 -.078 .129 .363 .268 -.173 .673 .241 .343 .713 -.004 -.164 -.172 .377 .411 -.424 .492 .159 -.104 .231 -.145 .180 .590 -.424 .341 .213 -.302 .487 -.436 .275 -.055 -.609 .493 .373 .732 .019 -.037 -.306 -.433 2 3 4 5






Component Matrixa Component 1 What is your satisfaction level about the quality of the products? What is your satisfaction level about the price of the products? What is your satisfaction level about the availability of the products? What is your satisfaction level about the billing facilities? What is your satisfaction level about the display of the products? What is your sartisfaction level about the customer services which are available? What is your satisfaction level about the advertisement? What is your satisfaction level about the punchline? What is your satisfaction level about the offers? What is your satisfaction level about the discounts which are available? What is your satisfaction level about the arrangement of the product? a. 5 components extracted. .657 -.259 -.112 -.474 -.197 .262 .783 .421 .042 .102 .596 -.304 -.078 .129 .363 .268 -.173 .673 .241 .343 .713 -.004 -.164 -.172 .377 .411 -.424 .492 .159 -.104 .231 -.145 .180 .590 -.424 .341 .213 -.302 .487 -.436 .275 -.055 -.609 .493 .373 .732 .019 -.037 -.306 -.433 2 3 4 5






Rotated Component Matrixa Component 1 What is your satisfaction level about the quality of the products? What is your satisfaction level about the price of the products? What is your satisfaction level about the availability of the products? What is your satisfaction level about the billing facilities? What is your satisfaction level about the display of the products? What is your sartisfaction level about the customer services which are available? What is your satisfaction level about the advertisement? What is your satisfaction level about the punchline? What is your satisfaction level about the offers? What is your satisfaction level about the discounts which are available? What is your satisfaction level about the arrangement of the product? Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization. .863 -.081 .126 .059 -.055 -.043 .910 -.124 .160 .007 .281 -.043 .630 .353 -.005 -.103 .152 .093 .827 -.075 .488 .242 .600 .137 -.179 .267 -.138 -.017 .705 .199 -.007 -.064 -.037 .328 .722 .119 .172 .175 -.187 .755 -.151 -.048 .843 -.179 .249 .854 .179 -.007 .029 .237 2 3 4 5






Rotated Component Matrixa Component 1 What is your satisfaction level about the quality of the products? What is your satisfaction level about the price of the products? What is your satisfaction level about the availability of the products? What is your satisfaction level about the billing facilities? What is your satisfaction level about the display of the products? What is your sartisfaction level about the customer services which are available? What is your satisfaction level about the advertisement? What is your satisfaction level about the punchline? What is your satisfaction level about the offers? What is your satisfaction level about the discounts which are available? What is your satisfaction level about the arrangement of the product? a. Rotation converged in 8 iterations. .863 -.081 .126 .059 -.055 -.043 .910 -.124 .160 .007 .281 -.043 .630 .353 -.005 -.103 .152 .093 .827 -.075 .488 .242 .600 .137 -.179 .267 -.138 -.017 .705 .199 -.007 -.064 -.037 .328 .722 .119 .172 .175 -.187 .755 -.151 -.048 .843 -.179 .249 .854 .179 -.007 .029 .237 2 3 4 5






Component Transformation Matrix Compo nent 1 2 3 4 5 1 .716 -.167 -.093 -.566 -.361 2 .327 .900 .247 .014 .147 3 .471 -.136 -.518 .324 .621 4 .321 -.376 .805 .247 .215 5 .235 .042 -.122 .716 -.644

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.

From the above output of factor analysis we can anlyze that there are 5 components which are extracted from the above 11 components or factor. These are as under: Component 1- It is shown here that component 1 is formed by 2 components i.e. 1&11, (satisfaction level about the quality of the product &satisfaction level about the arrangement of the product). Component 2- The component 2 is made by 2 component i.e. satisfaction level about the discount and the satisfaction level about the arrangement. Component 3- The component 3 is formed by factor 2 i.e. satisfaction level about the price of the product. Component 4- In this component it is shown here that it is formed by the factor 7, (the satisfaction level about the billing facilities). Component 5- It is shown here that component 5 is made by joining 2 factor/component 3&4 i.e. satisfaction level about the availability of the product and the satisfaction level about the billing of the product.

THE ANALYSIS OF ANOVA ARE AS FOLLOW:Q. Age: a. 18 20 c. 24 26 ( ) ( ) b.21 23 ( ) )

d. Above 26 (

Q. Which section you like most? a. Kitchen Items c. Toys and Games e. Food Items ( ( ( ) ) ) b. Bags and Luggage d. Electronic Goods f. Apparels ( ( ( ) ) )

Hypothesis:HO: There is relation between age and section. H1: There is no relation between age and section.

ANOVA Which section you like most? Sum of Squares Between Groups Within Groups Total .072 31.295 31.367 Df 1 28 29 Mean Square .072 1.118 F .064 Sig. .801

From the above output of ANOVA analysis it can be analyze that here the degree of freedom is 1 i.e. (2-1) and the total degree of freedom is 29 i.e. (N-1, 30-1).therefore, the degree of freedom within group is 28 i.e. (N-k, 30-2). The sig is .801 which is below 90 so the null hypothesis is rejected. Therefore there is no relation between age and section.

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