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Ingles I

Temas del Semestre Alfabeto Nmeros Pronombres (personales) Verbo To Be Nouns Articulos (a-an-the) Demostrativos Presente Simple Adverbios de frecuencia Have, Has Like and Dislike W.H. Preposiciones There is, There are Verbo Can Presente Continuo Comparativos y Superlativos

Ingles I

Pronombres Personales Caso Sujeto I Yo You Tu He El She Ella It eso We Nosotros You Tu They Ellos/Ellas He plays with her. She plays with him.

Caso Objeto me you him her it us you them

Verbos to-work to-play to-speak to-run to-sleep to-eat to-write to-be Be: am, is, are

1-T trabajas en la fbrica. -You work in the factory. 2-Ustedes trabajan en la fbrica. -You work in the factory.

1ra. Persona me-I us-we 2da. Persona you-you you-you 3ra. Persona: He, She, It They Him, Her, It Them

Verbo To Be=am, is, are Ser o estar I am - soy o yo estoy You are - tu eres o tu estas He is - el es o el esta She is - ella es o ella esta It is - eso es o eso esta We are - nosotros somos o nosotros estamos You are - ustedes son o estn They are- ellos/ellas son o estan Ejemplo I am Mexican. Yo soy mexicano. I am in Mexico. Yo estoy en Mexico. a) Write the subject pronoun instead the noun 1-The man is married. ____ is married. 2-My mother is beautiful. ____ is beautiful. 3-The dog is friendly. ____ is friendly. 4-Sam and I speak French. ____ speak French. 5-My parents are nice. ____ are nice. 6-Marrie and Jack are married. ____ are married, 7-The computers are powerful. ____ are powerful. 8-My friend and I are in the beach. ____ are in the beach.

Ingles I

9-Eva is short. ____ is short. 10-Jenny is at home. ____ is at home. Write sentences 1-Robert/Brazil He is Robert, he is from Brazil. 2-Maria/Greece She is Maria, she is from Greece. 3-Sue and Martin/U.A. They are Sue and Martin, they are from UA. 4-Daniel and Rose/Spain They are Daniel and Rose, they are from Spain. 5-Tom/Canada He is Tom, He is from Canada. Complete each sentence with the negative form of Be use the full form. 1- Paul is married. He ____ single. Paul esta casado. El no es soltero. 2- Dorothy is tall. She ____ short. Dorothy es alta. Ella no es chaparra 3- Susans hair is red. It ____ black. El cabello de Susan es rojo. No es negro. 4- We are twins. We ____ cousins. Nosotros somos gemelos. Nosotros no somos primos. 5- My girlfriend is Italian. She ____ Cuban. Mi novia es italiana. Ella no es cubana. 6- My hair is straight. It ____ curly. Mi cabello es largo. No es rizado. 7- You are early. You ____ late. Tu llegaste temprano. T no llegaste tarde. 8- I am at work. I ____ at home. Yo estoy en el trabajo. Yo no estoy en la casa. Plurals Singulars table tables horse horses door doors curtain curtains university universities notebook notebooks computer computers window windows Presente Continuo Affirmative: S + Be + V-ing + complement I am working hard. Negative: S + Be-not + V-ing + complement I am not working hard. Interrogative: Be + S + V-ing + complement Am I working hard. 1-Nosotros estamos caminando con ellos. -We are walking with them. -We arent walking with them. 2-Ellos estn jugando con nosotros. -They are playing with us. -They arent playing with us. 3-El esta durmiendo contigo.

Ingles I

-He is sleeping with you. -He isnt sleeping with you. 4-Ella esta escribiendo una carta para su mama. -She is writing a letter to her mother. -She isnt writing a letter to her mother. with con without sin for para to hacia Artculos Demostrativos This esto, esta These estos, estas That esa, eso Those aquellos, aquellas Ejemplos This is my book. That is my book. These are my books. Those are my books. Articulos: an, a, the I am from Seattle, Washington, Seattle is __ city in the United States. It is near of __ board of Canada in __ norwest corner of the USA. I live in __ little town called Olimpia which is on __ puget sound. I live in __ house in the Countryside __ street is called Bear street and __ house has more than 100 years old! I am __ English teacher at __ school in __ center of __ town. I like __ books and taking photographs. I usually have lunch at school. I usually go home by car. We have all kind of food in __ in Olimpia. I like the Italian food very much. Sometimes, I go to the Italian Restaurant in Seattle __ the restaurant is called Luigis__ Italian food is great! Presente Simple (Simple Present) Do plural Negacion Dont, Doesnt Does singular 1- I play soccer at the park. - I dont play soccer at the park. - Do I play soccer at the park? 2- You work in the office. - You dont work in the office. - Do you work in the office? 3- He eats in the restaurant. -He doesnt eat in the restaurant. -Does he eat in the restaurant? Adverbios de frecuencia

Ingles I

always- siempre almost always casi siempre normally- normalmente often- con frecuencia rarally- raramente sometimes- casi nunca never- nunca

W.H. adjetivos interrogativos What- Que? Who- Quien? Why- Por que? Where- Donde? When- Cuando? How- Como? How much- Que tanto? (incontable) How many- Que tanto? (contable) How long- Durante cuanto tiempo?

WH + S + Verb + complement ? 1-When are they sleeping? -They are sleeping in the morning. 2-Who is doing our homework? -She is doing our homework. 3-Why is she working with us? -Becouse she need money. 4-Where is Jose fixing the car? -He is fixing the car in the garage. 5-How many cups of sugar do you need to bake the cake? -I need 2 cups and a half. 6-Why is she running around the park? -Becouse she is doing exercise. Have/Has (tener) I have- yo tengo You have- tu tienes He has- el tiene She has- ella tiene It has- eso tiene We have- nosotros tenemos You have- ustedes tienen They have- ellos tienen 1- He has a lot of money in the bank.

Ingles I


I have a big bedroom in my apartament. You have many T-shirts. She has a lot of homework this evening. They have to eat oranges. We have to concentrate in the Chemistrys exam. He has a red car. She has to clean the windows. We have to practice bascketball.

Preposiciones de lugar Above- arriba de Behind- detras de In- dentro de In front of- enfrente de Next to- enseguida de Between- en medio de Near- cerca de Far- lejos de Across of- cruzando de On- sobre de Under- debajo de On the corner of- en la esquina de -Like and Dislike / Gustar y Disgustar -Can-Poder Can not- No poder.

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