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Merari Rico Estrada Pedaggical grammar Task Grammar Learning

1.-Define the different approaches of teaching grammar that have existed and identify the main characteristics of each of them. Draw a graphic of your preference.

Structural Grammar

Approaches of teaching gr ammar

Parts of the speech are the same regardless the approach used to teachSometimes, teachers /students use translation when teaching.-It is founded on a prescriptive theory of grammar construction and grammar learning.

Communicative Approach

Humanistic approaches such as the Silent Way, Suggestopedia, Community Language Learning, and Total Physical Response emerged.-Humanistic approaches aim to provide learners plenty of meaningful language input.

Structural Grammar/ Descriptive Linguistics

Created to offer an option to analyze the sound system of language.-It offers another framework for the description of language through three systems, phonology, morphology, and syntax. Particular situations to fulfill the communicative needs of learners.-Grammatical sequences were graded from easy to difficult.Grammatical structures and functions are closely related.

They considered particular situations to fulfill the communicative needs of learners. Grammatical structures and functions are closely

Funtional Approaches

related because certain structures are used in specific functions. Grammatical sequences were graded from easy to difficult

Noam Chomsky objected the assumption that language is a habit. He presented language as a generative process

Universal Grammar

that is innate. This process exists in the human brain.

Grammar is too complex therefore it must be instructed. Achieving linguistic competence requires learners to go through a mental process. Cognitive approaches of L2 teaching use Transformational and Generative grammars Learners should construct new knowledge on

Cognitivve Approach

previous one. Language has an infinite number of structures that speakers can create and understand. They use the Traditional/Formal Approach to the teaching of grammar

The Communicative Approach was created as a response of the need of thousands of immigrants that had linguistic competence but were not able to communicate in order to satisfy their communication needs.

mixed common second language: a simplified language made up of parts of two or more languages, used as a communication tool between speakers whose native languages are different

Explain and give examples of how you can use achieve the benefits of knowing about the approaches of grammar learning and teaching in your language classroom.

The students needs in the classroom

In my experience, the grammar is the most difficult aspect of second language because there are many rules and regulations . So I want my future students are able to use the second language grammar in spoken and written language. So first identify the level of knowledge of the language, and then the materials used to make it known.

Ways to teaching

For example, I like the idea of inductive instruction because students make an active role in the process of learning grammar. Also, I like the idea lead instruction because students do not realize they are learning grammar until after the lesson.

Motivation to increase the grammar.

Motivate students to learn the rules of the second language of a not so boring, it can be through the use of technology, or that the teacher's class is accessible.

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