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Carretera Federal 180 S/N San Antonio Crdenas, Carmen, Cam. C.P. 24381 Tels. (938) 381 6700 381 6701 381 6702 381 6703 381 6704
ISO 9001:2008 Cert. No. MQA 4000244


Job interview skills DOs and DONTs Hello there, my name is Ronnie, today Im going to teach you something that every person has to go through, you have to do this if you want to get a job! It is a job interview some people hate job interviews, you get nervous you dont know what to say, you dont know what to wear, you are afraid of the questions theyre going to ask you, hopefully I can help you with this one Ive been to many job interviews, I kind of like them I think theyre fun, Im excited to see what questions theyre going to ask me and how Im going to answer them, I would give you a lesson on what questions typically they would ask you in a job interview, but right now Im gonna focus on basic DOs and DONTs for any general job interview. Job interview skills, the very first one and probably the most important one is do, research the company if you are going for a job at a computer company or in a restaurant or at a bar know a little bit about the company, how did it start?, how long has it been there?, you all have access to the internet if youre watching this, use it, its a great tool we can use, we are able to have this information right in front of us, use it, look intelligent, please; Ask them questions about their company, they love that, they eat it up, so, theyre going to ask you many questions, they also like it if you ask them a couple of questions, most questions are good, dont ask them rude questions, like, how much do you weight?, or something like that, keep it very business, please, ok, dont ask more than a, no, dont do that, another thing is very important is be on time, my mother always told me be early, cause Im usually late for things not by my own doings, in our wonderful city of Toronto we have this wonderful system called the TTC, very unreliable, I could walk faster most time, so, if youre going for an all importance job interview, be at least an hour before the schedule time due to subway stops or if you cant find the building or if you have to go to the toiled right away, you have time to do all of this before the all importance job interview, dont pee your pants, the other thing, one more, is answer the questions positively, theyre going to ask you, what I like to call trick questions , they will ask you thinks like, have you ever gotten into a fight or had a confrontation with someone else at your job?, yeah I hate this one person, no, dont, no, do not say that, put on a face like youre thinking about the question, like, Umm let me think, no, not really I usually get along with everyone, Umm no you not lie because you usually get along with everyone is 100% sure and positive, if there are people at your work you did not like, pretend they did not exist , dont insult anything, don be a negative Nancy, dont say bad things about your last job your old boss or co-workers you hated, It looks like you are a bad person, and youre not, the other people are obviously the bad people and you are amazing, so, always remember, positive and dont say anything bad about other people it just look bad on you, ok?, dont look like a slob, people who are newly, theres a world of slang, a slob is a person who wears dirty clothes, so, oh, what if you before your job interview, you go and you need a coffee, so, you go to the coffee store and you suddenly sneeze, you spill it down your shirt, advice, go to a store if theres one around buy a new shirt or put a pin or something, huh, you put a pin over and you say its fashion, gentlemen, iron your shirts or buy a non iron shirts, that what I do, non iron here, umm brush your
Carretera Federal 180 S/N San Antonio Crdenas, Carmen, Cam. C.P. 24381 Tels. (938) 381 6700 381 6701 381 6702 381 6703 381 6704
ISO 9001:2008 Cert. No. MQA 4000244


teeth, dont have bad breath, chew some gum, if you smoke, smoke, fine, after the interview, make sure your breath is nice, you dont to have dragon breath out in an interview, the person is going to be like (yak), brush your teeth people, brush your teeth, and the other one, talk about your positive traits, do not talk about your negative traits, if you are a confrontational person do not tell the person that, they will trick you, they will ask you questions like, what are your negative traits?, say something cute like, umm, well, I always like to keep my work area clean, they love that, or I really like to be on time its quite annoying to my schedule but I really love being on time, if you do have a negative trait which we all do, shhh, keep it quiet, say something really minor its a little bit negative and it will help you , umm good luck in your job interviews, probably the most important thing that you have to do in your job interview is smile, that should help you 152% . Good bye.

Carretera Federal 180 S/N San Antonio Crdenas, Carmen, Cam. C.P. 24381 Tels. (938) 381 6700 381 6701 381 6702 381 6703 381 6704
ISO 9001:2008 Cert. No. MQA 4000244

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