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Every institution is affected by several factors; factors that make it operate either in a good way or a bad way.

Every institution needs specific standards that will help its people in the administration and operation of the said institution. Every institution patterns its management in a particular model or system in order to reach particular goals. That is the primary reason why organizational behaviour systems were made to help in the management of organizations and attain its goals. There are five types of organizational behaviour systems namely: autocratic, custodial, supportive, collegial, and system. First, the autocratic model which became the most prevailing model of the industrial revolution depends on power. People in the managerial position have the formal authority and the employees are expected to follow. In simple words, the management serves as the brain and the employees executes as the body. Without the management, the employees will not be able to do any of its functions. By following what the management wants, the employees are assured of having the job which later on results to moderate performance of the system as a whole. Next is the custodial model. In this type of model, employee securities are taken into consideration which is dependent on the economic resources. On the positive side, employees received economic rewards and benefits but on the negative side, there is a passive cooperation from them. Another is the supportive model which depends on the concept of leadership. The managerial orientation of this model is to support the employees job performance which results in the participation and task involvement of employees. The fourth model is the collegial. The concept where this model depends is the concept of partnership. By looking at the basis of the collegial model, there is no doubt that its managerial orientation is teamwork thus, making every employee, may they be in the management or ordinary level, responsible and accountable for their actions. They developed a sense of self-discipline and

results in moderate enthusiasm. Lastly, in the system model, trust is very essential in order to form a community in the institution. By the management thinking that they own or they belong in this community gives them the feeling of needing to protect and secure its growth and development. Employees, on the other hand, become self-motivated which results in the passion and commitment of every member of the community to organizational goals. If in the near future I am given the chance to have my own company, I will use the system model as I believe that it is the best type of organizational behaviour system. The main reason why I want to use this is because it is build on the basis of trust. Trust is the concept the behind partnership, the basis of the collegial model. But unlike the collegial model, I do not intend to have partnership as a basis but rather trust in order to build a community; simply because, a partnership may be dissolved but a community will always exist. Having my own company acting like a huge community will actually give every member the passion and commitment to do whatever needs to be done. Every member of my company will want to protect the organization and bring it to success by doing their very best in attaining the goals that we have. In doing so, we have a higher chance of attaining our mission and visions. Thus, for me, the system model is the best type of organizational behaviour system.

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