Introduction To Australian Culture

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Presented by Group 1 Amelia Asmi 1010732043 Fauziah Fajrini 1010733006 Nadia Turrahmi 1010732014 M. Septian Haryando 1010732020 Tommi Handriawan 8107322146


Australia is located on the south side of world line and between Pacific and Indies oceans. The range of Australia is 7.682.300 km2, and the average width is 3200km from the east beach to the west about 3700km from York Peninsula to Tasmania. Australia is the smallest continent in the world and be the sixth biggest country in the world from the range. The people that live in this area come from many places around the world. In this paper, our group will discuss Why this continent named Australia, Who gave the name, The ethnic spread in Australia, Who are entitled as Australians, How to be a permanent residents of Australia, and also The rules of citizenship in Australia. This is important to discuss this material because we can understand and the concept become more clear about the citizens of Australia, their story, and how the system to become their member.


The name of Australia
The name Australia derives from the Latin word Australis, meaning of the south. For centuries, it was legend that there was an unknown great south land Terra Australis Incognita. This description was used in writings about exploration to the region. The name Australia gained popular acceptance following the publication in 1814 of Matthew Flinders account of his circumnavigation of the continent, A Voyage to Terra Australis. Flinders used the name Australia. Governor Lachlan Macquarie subsequently used it in his official reports and recommended it be adopted. In 1824, the British Admiralty agreed that the continent be officially named Australia. The founder of this continent is James Cook in 1770 when he explored and sent by the British Government on a travel of discovery to the South Pacific. The person who gave name Australia is Nicholas Bardin.

The ethnic group in Australia

The Australians come from more than 100 different countries, this condition create many races and cultures. People inhabit in Australia since long years ago, the native citizens called the Aborigines. In Greek, Aborigine means since the first. In general, people believe that this community stayed there during 60.000 years ago, but the new research claim that they stayed there more than 60.000 years ago. Possibility, this group come from South-east Asian while the ice period. The English decided to stay in Australia since 200 years ago, at the late 200 years the immigration index give the great effect to the number of population in Australia. Between 1788 and 1947 the immigrant comes from England and Ireland. After World War II, there population increase and the people come from many countries. Between 1950 and 1973 most of the migrants come from Europe, since that period the moving come from Asia. The dominant culture in Australia in 200 years ago come from England, because the colonization effect. At first, the immigrants from England live like their community before such as, eating, dressing, and also sporting. Since 1960s this culture was changed, because they like to maintain their own culture. The laws in Australia try to keep in peace with the multiculturalism. According to this law, the Australians free to live and stay in the area and can maintain their culture. The people with different culture, races, religions, languages, and others are same in the laws problem. Previously, the English people come to Australia to open the agriculture field. But when the others find the gold, many of them move here and also when they find the mineral, most of them become happy because of the wealth in Australia. The other motives that make them move to this continent is the countrys problems, for example: In 1950s, the people move because of the World War II effects. In 1960s, they move because want to stayed away from the communism in Europe. In 1970s, they move because of civil war in Lebanon and the riot in El-Salvador. And so on.

Some immigrants get the difficulties when they live in Australia, the main problem is using English in their communication. Using of English is the most important that they must have because it use to search for the job and everyday speech and also they must have skill to get the best job. But the tolerant and peace in Australia can help the problem, their children and family can live happily and growth better. The multiculturalism in Australia makes their continent more interesting. In this paper, my group will be explained some races from different country such as: Aborigine, England, Germany, Greek, Indonesia, India, and others. The Aborigine The aborigines are the native people which live in Australia since 60.000 years ago. The law about multiculturalism make they maintain their own culture, most of people like their culture and want to learn it. The English In 1770, one of the explorers named James Cook Captain arrived in East beach of Australia, he believes that this area suitable for live and in 1788 this community established their group at Sydney. At the first, they want to have some agriculture area and half of them stayed in different area. Most of people in Ireland and England stayed there since the 19th and 20th century, this group including England, Scotland, and Wales. Nowadays, this group is the most community in Australia. Most of the cultures come from England expansion, like language, the system of government, education. The staffs of government chosen by English system, and most of the sports from England like cricket, rugby football, tennis, and horse racing. The way of agriculture and animal husbandry at the first based on Englands way, the output become the main of food in English such as meal and wheat. The Germany The Germany people immigrate to Australia in 1890s, they come to this area because they want to feel free to praying according to the Christian (Luther), this religion is one of Protestant group. They stayed in Barossa valley, the valley located on 70 km from Adelaide. The

immigrants use their education and knowledge to create the wine company because the climate same with Germany. Nowadays, the population in Barossa is about 18.000 people. There are 36 church services in this area, and most of them are Luther ideology. This area full of Germanys cultures, from the style of buildings, restaurants, cafes, and others. This valley become the interesting thing for the tourist, because they can watch Germanys festival, they use traditional dress and serves the traditional foods and also hear Germanys music. The Greek Some of Greeks people arrive in Australia since 1945s, the people create some new jobs like build the restaurant and cafe, and some of them be a farmer or open the cinemas. Most of them live with their group and also interact with European people. At the first, they live was simple but then become rich and most of their children become doctor and enter the law subject. The Indonesian The migration from Indonesia occurs since 1970s, between 1976 and 1986 the amount of immigrants increase to 380. In 1995, in 12 months there are 1.013 people from Indonesia. Nowadays, more than 24.000 people Indonesia there. The relationship between the Australian and Indonesian, and also Bahasa become the famous language among the students. The Indian The Indian come to Australia at the 19th century, in 1890s among the people there are Sikh and Punjab lives in New South Wales, they plant banana garden here. The Indian group increasing at 1970s, most of them are educated people and 97% use English and used to English culture. Most of them become doctor, engineer, computer specialist, and others. The Chinese The Chinese immigrate to the Australia in large number of people during the 19th century. They come to the place where the gold mining found. Their number was approximately 100.000, but when the restriction of immigration release their number was reduced. There are approximately 29.900 in 1901 and 6400 in 1947. The arrival of Chinese makes the Australian

workers worried, because they think the Chinese will be taken the job and they want to get the low paid. This condition make the government create the law that restrict the Asian immigrant and then known as the White Australian Policy. The Lebanese Between 1947 and 1970 there were approximately 5500 Lebanese people stayed in Australia. Most of them are Christian. Many of them work in the factory as factory Ford's new cars. Some of them are sufficient income and establish their own businesses such as shops and taxis. In 1975 civil war occur in Lebanon. There was a lot of damage. This resulted in increasing numbers of migrant Lebanon migrant to Australia. In 1976-77, 10,715 people arrived in Australia Lebanon. Most of the immigrants are Moslems. When 1981 there were more than 50,000 people who were born in Lebanon who settled in Australia. Also there is an Australian-born country in the Middle East, such as Egypt, Iraq, and Syria. The Italian There is an old man who very interesting to stayed in Australia and also interested to the gold discovery in the 19th century. Most of them come to Australia after the end of World War II, and the Italians get the great impact which is suffered them. Most of the Italians still maintain their own culture and keep a sense of love regionalism. Many of them come from areas such as Sicily and Veneto and stay nearer in Australian area. Each area has different language that caused them to marry the person in the same community. To get the money and to prepare the life, they build some caf, dress and clothing shop, and also the Italian restaurants.

The Australian citizenship

The Parliament of Australia recognizes that Australian citizenship represents full and formal membership of the community of the Commonwealth of Australia, and Australian citizenship is a common bond, involving reciprocal rights and obligations, uniting all Australians, while respecting their diversity. The Parliament recognizes that persons conferred Australian citizenship enjoy these rights and undertake to accept these obligations:

(a) by pledging loyalty to Australia and its people; and (b) by sharing their democratic beliefs; and (c) by respecting their rights and liberties; and (d) by upholding and obeying the laws of Australia. The person can conclude as an Australian citizen by many rules and ways. There are some categories to be an Australian, the rules rewrite in Australian Citizenship Act 2007, as described below: Citizen by Birth

(1) A person born in Australia is an Australian citizen if and only if: (a) a parent of the person is an Australian citizen, or a permanent resident, at the time the person is born; or (b) the person is ordinarily resident in Australia throughout the period of 10 years beginning on the day the person is born. Enemy occupation (2) However, a person is not an Australian citizen under this section if, at the time the person is born: (a) a parent of the person is an enemy alien; and (b) the place of the birth is under occupation by the enemy; unless, at that time, the other parent of the person: (c) is an Australian citizen or a permanent resident; and (d) is not an enemy alien.

Citizenship by adoption

A person is an Australian citizen if the person is: (a) adopted under a law in force in a State or Territory; and (b) adopted by a person who is an Australian citizen at the time of the adoption or by 2 persons jointly at least one of whom is an Australian citizen at that time; and (c) present in Australia as a permanent resident at that time.

Citizenship for abandoned children

A person is an Australian citizen if the person is found abandoned in Australia as a child, unless and until the contrary is proved.

Citizenship by incorporation of Territory

(1) A person is an Australian citizen if: (a) any territory becomes a part of Australia; and (b) the person is included in a class of persons specified in a determination under this section. Determination (2) The Minister may, by legislative instrument, determine that specified classes of persons are Australian citizens from a specified day because of their connection with that territory. Day citizenship begins (3) The person becomes an Australian citizen on that day. When instrument takes effect (4) Despite subsection of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003, the instrument may be expressed to take effect before the date it is registered under that Act.

The requirement to become an Australian citizen

Based on the rules about citizenship, the requirements to be the citizen will explain below: (1) A person may make an application to the Minister to become an Australian citizen. (2) A person is eligible to become an Australian citizen if the Minister is satisfied that the person: (a) is aged 18 or over at the time the person made the application; and (b) is a permanent resident: (i) at the time the person made the application; and (ii) at the time of the Ministers decision on the application; and (c) satisfies the residence requirement or has completed relevant defence service at the time the person made the application; and

(d) understands the nature of an application under subsection (e) possesses a basic knowledge of the English language; and (f) has an adequate knowledge of Australia and of the responsibilities and privileges of Australian citizenship (g) is likely to reside, or to continue to reside, in Australia or to maintain a close and continuing association with Australia if the application were to be approved (h) is of good character at the time of the Ministers decision on the application. Paragraphs (2)(d), (e) and (f) are taken to be satisfied if and only if the Minister is satisfied that the person has, before making the application: (a) sat a test approved in a determination (b) successfully completed that test (worked out in accordance with that determination).


The continent founded by James Cook and the person who gave the name Australia is Nicholas Bardin. The name Australia gained popular acceptance following the publication in 1814 of Matthew Flinders account. The indigenous of this continent are the Aborigine and Torres. The population comes from many countries like Aborigine, England, Germany, Greek, Indonesia, India, and others. Simultaneously, through diversity the government is trying to foster unity through English and similarities in political system, law, and education. Children who grew up in Australia have many similarities in culture. There are some categories to be the citizen, as the rules that written by government, they can called citizen by the birth, adoption, abandoned children, incorporation of Territory, and we also can apply the requirement to become citizen to the minister. The difference between Australia and most countries in Asia and Europe are in the way the population spread. In countries Asia and Europe the general population more evenly spread the population lives in cities only slightly compared the country's total population. By contrast, in Australia, the majority of the populations live in the capitals of the major city, and only a small number living in the area countryside.


Australian Government: 2007. Become an Australian Citizen. Barton: Coomonwealth of Australia. Thornton, Carol and friends. 1997. Geografi Australia. Jakarta: Lembaga AustraliaIndonesia. The Office of Legislative Drafting and Publishing, 2007. Australian Citizenship Act 2007. Canberra: Attorney-Generals Department

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