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Dylan John Mazziotti

Final Paper | SS205: Introduction To Sociology

The Negative Effects Of Labeling

The Problem

The Labeling Theory is the significance of reputations and how they can assist us on journeys the may guide us to deviance or divert us away. (139) The majority of the population doesnt like to be labeled negatively, we resist what others try to pin on us. Unfortunately, not everyone can reject these labels.

The problem we are going to investigate is the long term effects of negative labels and how they shape individuals. Research would be conducted on individuals who have development deviant behavior linked to negative labeling.


Studies in the past have found that labeling is detrimental to the individual are labeled and have concluded to show diminish self concept, lowered expectations for achievement and poor adult adjustment. Through extensive research, we will explore how this forms of negative and positive labeling affects personal development, building relationships and other factors of the subjects lives. Literature Review

In 1975, The Hobbs report showed labeling emphasized a childs weaknesses rather than strengths. Previous to that in 1974, McMillan found the class placement, mislabeling and segregation compounded the effects of the labeling. In 1977, it was found by Kurtz, Harrison, Neiwirth and Jones that when labeling children mentally retarded that it showed more positive responses that if they were referred to as normal.


The objectives of our study are to explore the positive and negative effects to 5th grade students. Through this study ,we will gain valuable insights through our research of questionnaires, interviews and roleplaying and how negative behaviors can be avoided through positive and productive labels provided through private (home) and public (work and school) means.


Our research will be conducted on a selected number of 5th grade students and their parents in the Salt Lake City area. The selected group will first complete a prepared questionnaire of 50 questions of different statements and where they rate their level of agreement to the particular statement. Once the questionnaires are collected and analyzed, videotaped interviews will be conducted. Lastly, role playing

would be conducted to document further details of their experiences. Our study follows and complies to all the ethnic principles of the APA.


In conclusion, labeling can be a positive and negative influence on people and their lives. It can affect their behaviors and their responses to events in their lives. By knowing how labeling makes people feel and react, we can assist them lead more productive lives.

Fernald, C. D., & Gettys, L. (1980). Diagnostic Labels and Perceptions of Children's Behavior. Journal Of Clinical Child Psychology, 9(3), 229-230. Semrud-Clikeman, M., & Glass, K. (2008). Comprehension Of Humor In Children With Nonverbal Learning Disabilities, Reading Disabilities, Aand Without Learnign Disabilities. Annuals Of Dyslexia. Online: 26 August 2008 Hirschfield, P.J. (2008). The Declining Significance of Delinquent Labels in Disadvantaged Urban Communities. Sociological Forum, 23(3), 575-580 Norris, D. R. (2011). Interactions That Trigger Self-Labeling: The Case of Older Undergraduates. Symbolic Interaction, 34(2), 173-197. Adams, M.S., Robertson, C.T., Gray-Ray, P., & Ray, M.C. (2003) Labeling And Delinquency. Adolescense, 38(149), 171-174 Henslin, J.M. (2011). Essentials Of Sociology: A Down-To-Earth Approach. 139-142

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