Ang Guryon

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"Ang Guryon" ni Ildefonso Santos Tanggapin mo, anak, itong munting guryon na yari sa patpat at papel de Hapon; magandang

laruang pula, puti, asul, na may pangalan mong sa gitna naroon. Ang hiling ko lamang, bago paliparin ang guryon mong ito ay pakatimbangin; ang solo't paulo'y sukating magaling nang hindi mag-ikit o kaya'y magkiling. Saka pag sumimoy ang hangin , ilabas at sa papawiri'y bayaang lumipad; datapwa't ang pisi'y tibayan mo, anak,

at baka lagutin ng hanging malakas. Ibigin mo't hindi, balang araw ikaw ay mapapabuyong makipagdagitan; makipaglaban ka, subali't tandaan na ang nagwawagi'y ang pusong marangal. At kung ang guryon mo'y sakaling madaig, matangay ng iba o kaya'y mapatid; kung saka-sakaling di na mapabalik, maawaing kamay nawa ang magkamit! Ang buhay ay guryon: marupok, malikot, dagiti't dumagit, saanman sumuot... O, paliparin mo't ihalik sa Diyos, bago pa tuluyang sa lupa'y sumubsob!

1.Skimming is reading by the sign posts or clues in the selection. It is fast reading in which the reader reads headings and topic sentences and spot-reads parts of paragraphs. It gives the reader an overview of the material. 2.Scanning is glancing through a page to locate a particular kind of information. It requires the reader first to identify key words or phrases related to the information sought and then focus attention on just those words as he glances over a page. 3.Idea reading is rapid reading of the main idea. The eyes catch large phrases at each glance and register in the brain only the most significant words in those phrases. Idea reading means making quick decisions, as to the importance of the different clues and rapidly associating them with ideas assimilated in previous experiences. 4.Explorative reading is done when one aims to get a fairly accurate picture of a whole presentation of ideas. It requires more concentration. 5. Study reading is characterize as the learner gets maximum understanding of the main idea and their relationships.

6.Critical reading is the reader stops to consider the facts carefully. It is not necessary to read fast because rapid reading of the main idea might lead to false conclusions. 7.Analytical reading is the type that demands careful attention to each word and its relative importance in relation to other words in the sentence or paragraph. In chemistry, a solution is a homogeneous mixture composed of only one phase. In such a mixture, a solute is a substance dissolved in another substance, known as a solvent. The solvent does the dissolving. The solution more or less takes on the characteristics of the solvent including its phase, and the solvent is commonly the major fraction of the mixture. The concentration of a solute in a solution is a measure of how much of that solute is dissolved in the solvent. the 2 parts of a solution are the solute and the solvent. The solute is what is being dissolved and the solvent is what is dissolving the solute. for example when you mix sugar and water the water is the solvent because the sugar gets dissolved by the water and the sugar is the solute because it is being dissolved. 1. gaseous solution- includes gases or vapors dissolved in one another.two or more gases can form a solution. Air is an example of a gaseous solution. When dry is made up of oxygen gas dissolved in nitrogen gas. 2. liquid solution-contain a liquid solvent in which gas, liquid, or solid is dissolved. Water is the most common liquid solution. Many things can be dissolved in it. Table salt is an example of a solid dissolved in a liquid. A liquid and a gas can also be dissolved in a liquid solution. 3. A solid solution-is a mixture of solids spread equally throughout one another. Metal is an example of a solid solution at room temperature.

1. Effect of Temperature For some substances to dissolve in a given solvent, heat is absorbed. The reaction is endothermic. In this case, an increase in temperature increases solubility. For some substances, heat is released when they dissolve in a given solvent. The reaction is called exothermic. In this case, an increase in temperature decreases solubility. Generally, an increase in temperature in the solubility of solids in liquids increases solubility. But for solubility of gas in liquids, an increase in temperature decreases solubility because gas evaporates as temperature increases. . 2. Effect of Pressure Pressure unlike temperature has little effect on solutions unless the solute is a gas. An increase in pressure causes greater interaction between particles of the gas and the liquid, thus, increasing solubility.

3. Nature of solute and solvent Nature of both the solute and the solvent affect the solubility. Substances with similar intermolecular attractive forces tend to be soluble in one another. This generalization is stated as "like dissolves like." Nonpolar solutes are soluble in non-polar solvents; polar or ionic solutes are soluble in polar solvents Liquids that are attracted by charged objects are composed of polar molecules; those that are not attracted by a charged body are non-polar

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