Checklist For Guarantee Aprroval

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LGU Profile 1. List of socio-economic enterprise projects undertaken for the past 5 years indicating: a. Name of project b. Total project cost c. Source of funding d. Current status e. Operating income and expenses (broken down per fund) 2. List of major accomplishments and future projects (not socio-economic projects) for the past 5 years 3. Local Development Plan approved by the Sanggunian 4. Annual Investment Programs approved by the Sanggunian 5. Comprehensive Land Use Plan 6. List of Real Estate and other properties owned by the LGU indicating: a. Land area (in sq.m.) b. Market value c. Assessed value d. Classification according to usage 7. Taxable Assessed Value for the past 3 years and Certification from the Local Assessor of the Taxable Assessed Value 8. List of awards received by the LGU for the past 5 years (e.g. Gawad Pamana ng Lahi, Clean and Green, Galing Pook, etc.) 9. Socio-economic profile which must include the following: a. Historical development of the LGU b. LGU Organizational Structure c. Infrastructure - roads, seaports, airports, telecommunication facilities in the LGU and neighboring areas d. National and Local Public Works Expenditures e. Latest count of registered voters (indicate year) f. Latest population count (indicate year) g. Latest per capita income h. Number of business establishments i. Location of regional growth corridor j. Location of special economic zones k. Indigenous resources in the LGU l. Number and types of NGOs and other people organization 10. Top 20 taxpayers for the preceding year (for real property tax and business tax) indicating the amount of tax paid and the total amount of tax collected 11. Collection efficiency rate for the past 5 years (for both RPT and BT)

List of Data Requirements For Credit Rating and Guarantee Approval

LGU Officials 1. List of elected officials (including Sanggunian Members) for the last 3 elections that occurred in the LGU. 2. Bio-data of the current LGU officials and their political party

List of Data Requirements For Credit Rating and Guarantee Approval

Financial and Other Related Information 1. COA-audited Report and Financial Statements for the past 5 years (consolidated and broken down per fund) 2. Budget Operations Statement and/or Statement of Actual Income and Expenditures for the past 5 years duly signed by the Local Treasurer and/or Local Accountant together with the General Fund Trial Balance and its supporting schedules, indicating the IRA actually received for the past 5 years. 3. Certification from the Local Treasurer of the Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA) for the past 5 years 4. Approved budget for the current year with the 20% Development Fund Program 5. Sworn statement of the Local Treasurer and Accountant as to the following: a. Unremitted collecitons and/or pending obligations of the LGU b. Outstanding loans as of date indicating: Amount of loan Purpose of loan Lending agency/institution Date of Approval and Maturity Amortization schedule (please specify Principal and Interest) Outstanding balance Terms and conditions Collateral / assignment 6. Average day's maturity/aging of non-cash assets and current liabilities 7. Bank references and dealings Project Profile 1. Project Feasibility Study 2. Certification that the project is a priority project in the Local Development Plan and Annual Investment Plan 3. Copy of TCTs of the proposed project site 4. Tax Declaration of the proposed project site 5. Lot plans of the proposed project 6. Vicinity map of the proposed site Others 1. Memorandum of Agreement between the LGU and the Financial Advisor 2. DOF-BLGF Certification of Borrowing and Debt Service Capacity 3. SEC confirmation of the exemption of the bond flotation from registration requirements 4. BSP Opinion on the probable effect of the bond flotation on the monetary aggregates, the price level, and the balance of payments.

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