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The FOR Centerfold: Ms.

Family Office Review Staff
24th Sep 2012 to... What do you look forward to doing every day? A swim, clearing my head of all that is occupying. Be it at the start or end of my day it can really change my outlook and seemingly problem solving is at its best. What do you avoid doing wherever possible? Getting involved in avoidable conflict. There will always be a reason unknown to you for a persons behavior, reacting immediately can make the situation implode and the outcome disastrous. We walk into a room carrying the previous conversation, if it was good we glow and if it was bad there can be consequences. What period of history would you choose to live in if you could use a time machine? "The 1920's" - Roaring for some Depressing for others. Although very much a time of two societies, everything began to evolve. Industry made new discoveries resulting in a seismic shift in trade. Attitudes towards women and their position within society changed post First World War, women got The Vote! Music, literature, art and fashion had a renaissance, the decadent 'Bright Young Things shrugged off the 'outdated' Edwardian era with gusto and ultimately provided light relief for a war ravaged youth. To be a guest in that slice of time would be enviable. What do you like most about human beings? Humor, our capacity to break barriers through this powerful emotion still astonishes me. Situations can

Elizabeth Finch-Moore is the founder of Pemberton & Milner in the UK. Where do you live? Where were you raised? Where would you live if you could live anywhere? I was raised in Kent, a southern county known as 'The Garden Of England' and with good reason! It is one of the most beautiful in the UK and has an abundance of castles, history and a wonderful coastline. My husband and I live in Royal Tunbridge Wells, a spa town that is perfectly situated for all that London offers, while far enough away to make you quickly forget the pace and claustrophobia of the great City. I ache to live by the Sea, perhaps Rye? There really is nothing like a quintessential English summer on the kent coast - colorful beach huts, Oyster & Ale Festivals, fish & chips and of course the must have ice-cream! This balanced with raging winter seas and pregnant dark skies that promises a storm. Not forgetting those must-do trips to the local pub where a roaring fire and warming cognac await, I couldn't think of a better place to retire 2012 All Rights Reserved

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change insurmountably by the cracking of a smile, tensions are diffused, trust is formed and connections made. We should never underestimate the life giving potency of laughter. What human problem would you eliminate if you could? Greed. It is at the base of most human problems. It's dangerous and can be attributed to the downfall of political powers, leaders and more recently financial establishments. That said, some mistake drive for greed, wanting to achieve more wealth for example can be misinterpreted it's what you do with it that counts. Ebenezer none of us should be. What animal would you be if you could change shape? Owl. They exude calmness and have an insightful logical nature, astute observers with an assertiveness that is called, always well judged, into action. Strong, beautiful and graceful in flight. What do you think wealth is for? Development: Social, cultural, educational and personal. Wealth presents the ability to alter for the better. What is love? A Pearl Blue XL 1200 'Forty-Eight' Harley Davidson motorcycle, according to my husband of two months. Luckily, I to am rather enamored with it. Sincerely, love for me is encapsulated in the actions of respect, affection, kindness and above all tolerance. It is a universal acceptance of who one is by others. Now, being in love, well all of the above with the addition of passion, spontaneity and an awful lot of fun.

What is your philosophy of life (got a favorite quote)? "We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." - Sir Winston Churchill What's the most fun you ever had? Traveling in Malaysia and Thailand with friends and then onto Borneo on my own, some years ago. So many events, happenings and ridiculously funny episodes - even being caught up in the SARS crisis resulted in a humorous situation...eventually. Brilliant fun. What are you most proud of? Through the Military Monopoly Board, the work we have done with the three Forces charities in the UK, being able to highlight the growing need for support while raising much needed funds has been an education.

Handmade in England, Pemberton & Milner is a leading private commission leather goods company. Combining a passion for refined British craftsmanship and a contemporary understanding of traditional luxury leather goods, we excel in creating exceptional product, giving a unique twist to the traditional English essential. The company was launched by Elizabeth Finch-Moore at the beginning of 2010. Her passion for the traditional skills and excellent craftsmanship inherent in the British leather industry is matched by her love for design. Lizzie's experience includes her training at the Sir John Cass School of Art & Design (London Guildhall) and her career at fashion house Joseph. As a board member of fine leather goods brand Pickett gave her the commercial impetus and inspiration to launch the company. 2012 All Rights Reserved

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