Transfer Tax Bill

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**FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE** Contact: Brian Hegt 914-630-7480 (office) 914-715-4395 (cell) bdhegt@gmail.


September 25, 2012

Bill to raise tax threshold on real property transactions would save Westchester Homeowners, Blocked By Current Senate Leadership (Westchester, NY)State Assemblyman, George Latimer is the sponsor of bill A307, which would alleviate a tax burden on Westchester homeowners, buyers and sellers. Today, George Latimer pledged to reintroduce this legislation to help Westchester taxpayers and homeowners, should he be elected to the State Senate. Clearly the elimination of burdensome taxes on homeowners is helpful, stated George Latimer. With the average price of property in parts of New York State raising rapidly, this fee has become a massive burden the average home owner in our area. This important change will make sure that the surcharge is no longer another tax on hard working taxpayers of New York. The runaway real estate values throughout downstate New York has caused this tax to be applied to homes that certainly cannot be classified as mansions, stated local real estate businesswoman Marcia Rogull. From a sellers standpoint, I know that any tax relief that can be given to prospective purchasers is certainly welcome. Georges solution will make it easier for people like me to sell Westchester. I thank him for always looking out for Westchester taxpayers like me. The purpose of this bill is to increase the sale price threshold that triggers this unnecessary tax. The New York State tax law currently imposes a 1% tax from buyers who purchase a one, two or three family home or an individual condominium or cooperative unit over a certain price. Latimer is currently the Assembly sponsor of Assembly bill A307, a bill that does not have a sponsor in the State Senate at the moment. This is another example of a short-sighted tax policy passed by the Senate Republican leadership. In the Assembly, we currently have a bipartisan list of co-sponsors but have not been able to get the State Senates current leadership to take up the issue. As a State Senator, this is another measure to reduce taxes in New York that I will sponsor to continue the fight for lower taxes in any way that I can, Latimer concluded. George Latimer has served as a State Assemblyman since 2004. Prior that he was a member of the Westchester County Board of Legislators including two terms as Chairman of the Board. During that time, Latimer led the board during three straight budgets yielding tax cuts of nearly 8%. Taxes in Westchester County were lower the day George left as Chairman than when he began that job.

Latimer Fights for Homeowner Tax Relief Legislation


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