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Parent Functions Whos Yo Momma?

Part I: In Pencil Standard Cubic Function 1. As a group, fill in the chart for . 2. Individually, plot the points you found on one of your four graphs and connect the dots in a smooth fashion. 3. Check the graph you found by graphing it your calculator: a. Go to b. Clear everything c. To type in , type X, then ^, then 3 d. Hit GRAPH. Make sure you are in standard zoom (go to ZOOM and hit 6). 4. If your graph matches the calculator, write Standard Cubic Function above your graph and below your graph. If your graph doesnt match the calculator, find your errors and fix them. 5. Let me know when everyone in your group is done. Standard Square Root Function Repeat Steps 1-5 for the graph of then the button. Standard Absolute Value Function Repeat Steps 1-5 for the graph of . This time, youll need to decide what x values you want to use. Choose 3 negative values and 3 positive values. The absolute value symbol can be found by going to MATH scrolling over to NUM (number) and selecting 1. Standard Quadratic Function Repeat Steps 1-5 for the graph of .
ND . The square root symbol can be found by pushing 2 and

Part II: In Marker 1. As a group, choose your favorite graph. 2. On the standard graph paper, make an x- and a y-axis and label your units (let every 2 squares be 1 unit). 3. Plot the points you found and connect them. 4. Copy the xy-chart you found onto Quadrant III.

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