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SQL Server Management Studio Tips

Blog Post #1 Incremental Search [CTRL]+[I]

Comments Press [Ctrl]+[I] and start typing to search as you type. [CTRL]+[I] = Incremental Search [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[I] (Back Search) [F3] Find Next [SHIFT]+[F3] Find Previous

#2 Block or Column Select, Cut, Copy, Paste

Using [ALT] + Mouse drag for column highlighting was something I would have never thought of. [SHIFT]+[Arrow Key] = Select one letter or line (for up|down) at a time [SHIFT]+[CTRL]+[Arrow Key] = Word Select [SHIFT]+[ALT] +[Arrow Key] = Block Select [ALT] + Mouse Drag = Column|Block Select from mouse X,Y to new X,Y coordinates.

#4 Window Splitting in Visual Studio

Being able to split a given editor window to see multiple parts of the same

file is always handy. This video post also covers over splitting tabs into groups. [MENU] Window|Split #5 Move Tool Windows Using the keyboard Using [ALT]+[F6] is another keyboard gem for moving between docked tool windows like Object Explorer and Registered servers. The ability to move a window with [ALT] + [-] is handy. [ALT]+[MINUS {-}] = Show Tool Window Move Menu [ALT]+[F6] = Toggle Forward through all open Tool Windows [CTRL]+[PgDn] = Move Right through tab groups in Tool Window [CTRL]+[PgUp] = Move Left through tab groups in Tool Window [SHIFT]+[F6] = Toggle Backwards through all open Tool Windows #6 Resize Tool Windows Using the keyboard This is a tricky one where you need to press [ALT] and release followed by [SPACE] I recently amazed a coworker with this one using [SHIFT]+[ALT]. This is handy in Object Explorers tool window.

#7 Keyboard Navigation to Tool Window Toolbars

#8 Undocking and Redocking in and out For me, this is handy when I of Floating Windows have Activity Monitor

docked at the bottom of my screen and I want to see it in a larger window. Just Double-Click on the title bar for the docked window. #9 Move Tool Windows to a Tabbed Document This feature works with Tool Windows like Object Explorer Details and Activity Monitor which by default look like tabbed documents. Holding down the [CTRL] key when moving dockable windows can avoid embarrassing cursing. [SHIFT]+[ALT]+[ENTER] to toggle full screen mode gives you maximum real estate for your T-SQL editor.

#10 Using and Avoiding Dock Targets

#11 Visual Studio Full Screen Options

Blog Post #14 Word Wrap, and Word Wrap Glyph

Comments Toggling word wrap is handy in certain scenarios. You can also add the Toggle Word Wrap mode command to your toolbar. SSMS is slightly different. You need to do [CTRL]+[K] followed by [CTRL]+[C] to comment or [CTRL]+[U] to uncomment. This is handy because you can add the line without worrying about the current position in the line you are on. [CTRL]+[ENTER] = Insert Line Above

#17 Keyboard Shortcut to Comment and Uncomment Code

#20 Create New Line; Above and Below your Current Line

(Same effect as [HOME],[ENTER], [UP])

[CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[ENTER] = Insert Line Below

(Same effect as [END], [ENTER])

#21 Transpose Characters, words, and This one doesnt work lines in the editor completely SSMS. Just these commands work: [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+T = Transpose a word [ALT]+[SHIFT]+T = Transpose a line #22 Delete the beginning white space Very handy way to remove for selected line(s) indented white space with [CTRL]+[K] followed by [CTRL]+[\] #24 Uppercase and Lowercase Keyboard Shortcuts SSMS is a little different on this post where: [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+U = Make Uppercase [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+L = Make Lowercase

Blog Post #33 Drag and Drop techniques inside the Visual Studio Editor

Comments This post shows how you can use the Ctrl key to make a copy of text you are dragging in the editor and how to drag text into a tabbed editor window. With SQL Server 2008 Intellisense, its important to know how hidden text is impacted by

#34 Cut and Paste Collapsed code in Visual Studio

cut/copy/paste. #39 Middle button support in the Visual Studio Editor #41 Forward and Backward navigation in Visual Studio Editor I keep forgetting you can click on the wheel of the mouse to scroll. Only [CTRL] + [-] works for moving back, but its still a handy time saver. If you want to add the tool bar button to your query editor toolbar, youll find Navigate Backwards in the View section.

#43 Select from Cursor to last Go Back This is real handy when marker in Visual Studio you are moving the cursor and realize you want to select the text. [CTRL]+[=] = Select from current cursor position to last Go Back marker. #44 Delete whole word (or whitespace) at This is real handy for a time forward and backwards deleting columns in the project list. [CTRL]+ [BACKSPACE] to delete the word to the left and [CTRL]+[DELETE] to delete words to the right. #45 Move cursor to top or bottom of screen (without scrolling) The use of [CTRL]+{UP ARROW] or [DOWN ARROW] keys to scroll without changing the cursor location is very handy. When not getting the initial selection right this is very handy. In SSMS, the keystroke is actually [CTRL]+[K], [A]

#47 Swapping Anchor points (THIS IS COOL!) in Visual Studio

#56 Show Shortcut Keys in Visual Studio Great aid to learn keyboard Toolbar Tooltips shortcuts for toolbar buttons.

Blog Post #57 [Ctrl]+[J] invokes statement completion #59 Resize the Statement Completion Window #61 Presenters Must Read .. Increase the Editor Tooltip Font Size

Comments This works best when using aliases. A handy way to see more items where vertical size is persisted. This is something that I already have in my demo environment. Its useful for people with old eyes as well. Using [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+ [SPACE] is very handy if you missed the parameter info the first time. In SSMS, the command is a little different. You need to use [CTRL]+[K], [CTRL]+ [I]

#62 Display parameter info for a function

#64 Keyboard Shortcut to Display Quick Info Tooltip

#65 Edit.WordComplete via Intellisense This is handy typing in column names without having to display the drop down list. [CTRL]+[Space] or [ALT]+ [RIGHT] #66 Using Quick find in the Current Document #67 Search in hidden text in the editor Calls out how you can also dock the Find tool window. Something to remember if you get in the habit of collapsing statements.

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