Wont Be Implementing This Feature.: Pending

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Meeting with Pragema on 3 december 2009 Remarks/Comments regarding Pragema website (FrontEnd): The landing page should be initial

in Dutch language and first Dutch and than English for the icon/button to change language. Will do this- We wont be implementing this feature. If the Dutch language has been selected than the text will be shown first in English language and then after 5 seconds the Dutch language appears. known issueInsurance link/icon/button is not active yet, the link should be changed from the CMS. The Insurance Icon cannot be selected. - Need to discuss After selecting Hotel link/icon/button you will have a list of Hotels. After search you cannot select any of these Hotels. Mahinder did talk about this with Prajakta. This functionality is in progress The Travel Guide text can be replaced into Sitemap for English and Dutch. The icon can also have a logical icon for Sitemap. - Need to discuss- Extra efforts required The website should be protected when doing the payment with IDEAL. It is possible that IDEAL has this protection already. This is provided by IDEAL When doing registration as New User than the Address (Postaddres) should not be mandatory. - Will do this Pending The checkbox for receiving newsletter should be initially selected. This is already provided Registration for mobilenumber should be added. In contact number user can enter mobile no also When the input is invalid while doing the registration and you select Register-button than a messagebox should be shown what is wrong or invalid input. We are already showing what is wrong in alert box and also provided focus on that wrong input box Login should happen when before making the payment. This is suggestion of Mahinder and would like to discuss about this topic. This is already discussed with client that we are not going to implement this Example of invoice will be send by email. This is example of invoice is in Dutch language. This can be translated from the babbelfish translation-site. Will do this- Work in progress The Back (text) button is working but the back icon/button is not working an cannot be selected. Is it also possible to give the back icon/button the same functionality? - Will do this Done

Selection of a tour (after selected Tours option) you should select the the picture and/or the name of the tour. This is working fine Mr Mahinder would like to see/have an other Icon of Pragema. I will send an icon that I got from Mr Mahinder. Please check this and show this in the Pragema website. Lets see which Pragema Icon will be better.

Text/Translation Remarks:

Landing page: Can the photos/pictures shown on the landing page be changed? The text Pragema Tavel & Insurance B.V. icon should be darker/sharper.

Home page: After selecting the Dutch language the next text should be changed: Diensten Uw boekingen Contact Us Tour Zoeken -> -> -> Services -> Uw boeking

Contact Tours Zoeken Boek Uw vliegtickets of tours Retourvlucht Enkele reis Naar -> Vertrek van

Boek Uw Airtickets -> Rondreis Oneway Going To Vertrek vanaf Aankomst Zuigelingen Airlines -> -> -> -> ->

Terug op Babys (0-1 jaar) -> Maatschappij

Kinderen (2-11 jaar) please see www.vliegtickets.nl You can see a ? and when you select the ? you will have some text shown. Klasse should be listbox with: Economy, Business, First class

Tab Tour Zoeken has also some words that should be changed: Waarheen Vertrek maand Tour Types Advance Search -> -> -> Waarheen wilt u naar toe? -> Wanneer wilt u naar toe?

Soort reis? Uitgebreid zoeken

Tour Nummer


Zoeken op reisnummer

Beside the Hot Tours: the next and previous text-buttons are missing? We have provided arrows for next & previous and those will be enabled when there are more than 1 hot tours.

Reisgids should be translated as Sitemap in Dutch and English.

Pragema Box should be Pragema Login Will do this-Pending

When login and you give an invalid name than the layout changes. Please show a messagebox with the message.

When you select the Forgot your Password and change the language to Dutch than Wachtwoord vergeten vorm should be Wachtwoord vergeten formulier Indienen should be Verzenden

When you select the New User and change the language to Dutch than: Voer het woord in Boven should be Voer het woord van boven in Wilt u zich abonneren op nieuws-brieven uit Pragema? should be Wilt u zich aanmelden op nieuws-brieven van Pragema? Please use this sequence: Straat, Postcode, Plaats, Land (new user form)

Tours menu-option: Program number should be like this: Austalia Individual Special Offer [Aus41] (between Offer and [Aus41] there should be 5 spaces) Will do this Done The picture/photo shown should have the next size: width 5 cm and height 4 cm Need to discuss- Extra efforts needed

Before the price and euro-sign please provide the text vanaf for Dutch and from for English. This is needed according to Mahinder. Will do this Done The local time show is not correct/corresponding. Done Book Now should be Boek Nu for Dutch The tabs at the Book Now is not showed properly, see the last tab you see spaces and not blue. Known issue At the Date & Price tab: Selecteer Duur should be Selecteer periode At the Date & Price tab a lot of things are missing, please check www.fox.nl (missing Gegarandeerd vertrek, Groepsinformatie, these things I discussed with Kishore)\ Need to ask for more clarrification Refresh of the website is not working properly. The whole website is reloaded each time you select a option. Only that part should be reloaded according to me and Mr Mahinder. This would take extra effort. Tab Uitgesloten should be Exclusief in Dutch. Tab Hotel should show only information and not dropdown for selecting period/date. This is done as per the requirement as the user will be confused since the hotels may differ for 2 different duration. Selecting period/date should only possible at the Date and Price tab. Tab Route does not show the route, will that happen or is that possible. This is working fine When making a booking at step 6 the date of birth cannot be changed only by calendarbox. This is more userfriendly, let us keep this way It should be changed. Privileges should be Maaltijd in Dutch. Lid 1 should be Persoon 1 in Dutch. Voornaam should be Eerste voornaam (zoals in paspoort) in Dutch. Naam should be Achternaam (zoals in paspoort) in Dutch. Provide also the text Alle namen exact zoals op de paspoort staat vermeld. for Dutch language under the text Velden gemarkeerd met een * zijn verplicht. Message in Step 8 Hoe kwam u in contact komen met ons should be Hoe kwam u in contact met ons? in Dutch. The button Indienen should be everywhere Verzenden in Dutch. Handleiding should be Handmatig in Dutch. Online (step 8) is not working yet with IDEAL? This is implemented as per the requirements asked by the client Before to a payment by online or manual the user should be ask that he/she did read the Algemene Voorwaarde van Pragema. A checkbox should be

selected with the question Ik ga accord met Algemene Voorwaarde van Pragema... This text should also be changed from the CMS. And the Algemene Voorwaarde van Pragema is a link which can be selected and will show information in a new browser-Window. See www.vliegtickets.nl or www.fox.nl Need to discuss- Extra efforts required Payment can be done completely or a part. For Group Tour minimum of 250 euro should be paid and 350 euro for Indiviual or Package tour. This amount should be changed from the CMS. This is already discussed with Mahinder and we will not be implementing this partial payment functionality After search from the Pragema Site Search (In Dutch language): Geen woorden should be bevat woord and Exact Phrase should be Exacte woord

Information menu-option: Country Information should be Landen Informatie in Dutch language. After selecting Brochures there is a request for forwarding the brochure by email to family/friends. If possible please place beside the View Brochure a link for Forward to friends/family and Doorsturen naar vrienden/families (in Dutch). Need to discuss- Extra efforts required Tour reports (Reisverslagen: in Dutch) is missing here. See www.fox.nl -> Bestemmingsinfo -> Reisverslagen Need to discuss- Extra efforts required Weather (Weer: in Dutch) is also missing here. See www.fox.nl -> Bestemmingsinfo -> Het weer Needs to be implemented, locally done (50%) Map (Landkaart: in Dutch) is also missing here. See www.fox.nl -> Bestemmingsinfo -> Landkaart Need to discuss- Extra efforts required

Service menu-option: Diensten should be Services in Dutch. Is it possible to add new sub-menu options??? Need to discuss- Extra efforts required

Tours menu-option: See previous remarks/comments in this document.

Your booking menu-option: Please check the new example of invoice detail (send by email)

About Us menu-option: Add the next functionality as in www.fox.nl -> Over Fox -> Reisvoorwaarden (a new window appears with 3 tabs: Veel gestelde vragen, Reisvoorwaarden, Belangrijke informative) Need to discuss- Extra efforts required Vacatures option the Apply Now button should be Reageer in Dutch After selecting Apply Now/Reageer the text Aanvrager Informatie should be Aanvraag formulier The next information is needed for Vacatures in this sequence (Dutch): Voornaam, Achternaam, Geboortedatum, Geboorteplaats, Emailadres, Telefoonnummer, Mobielnummer, Adres, Postcode, Woonplaats, Land. ) Need to discuss- Extra efforts required The next information is needed for Vacatures in this sequence (English): First name, Last name, Date of birth, Place of birth, Emailaddress, Phonenumber, Mobilenumber, Address, Zipcode, Place, Country. Aanvragen van de post should be Aanvraag voor Vacature in Dutch Indienen button should be Verzenden in Dutch If any input is invalid please show the invalid row/entry in pink color. This will be much better to correct the wrong input. Need to discuss- Extra efforts required

About Us menu-option: Request for Information/Aanvraag voor informatie: Mannelijk should be Man and Vrouwelijk should be Vrouw in Dutch. mobilenumber can be added also as extra information. Not understood Sturen button should be Verzenden

# Maintain contract/helpdesk information needed for Website Pragema. # Request of Mr Mahinder for example of invoice # Mr Mahinder will send us information regarding Worldspan # 1 January complete of the Pragema Website? #

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